The Fatal Stress of Freshman Year

Ah, yes, I remember well the terrible stress of 9th grade. That dreadful combination of teenage hormones and all the new challenges of high school were just too much for some young hearts to bear. We must have lost nine or ten of our freshman class to fatal heart attacks that year, most of them healthy and fit young girls.

Oh, wait, no, we didn’t…

A 14-year-old died last week after she collapsed on the court during a high school basketball game. Amari Crite, a freshman at Momence High School in Illinois, was playing a junior varsity basketball game Jan. 25 against Tri-Point when she fell and later died.

The Kankakee County Coroner’s Office said the cause of death is under investigation, according to The Daily Journal. Reports say Crite was running back to the defensive side of the floor when she collapsed.

“We are deeply saddened to confirm the heartbreaking news of the passing of one of our 9th-grade students on January 25, 2024,” Momence Superintendent Shannon Anderson said in a statement.

High school basketball player, 14, dies after collapsing on court during game, 3 February 2024

Back in the day, a “broken heart” in high school meant that a girl had been dumped by her boyfriend of the previous three weeks. These days, thanks to the mRNA vaxx, it means myocarditis, if not a fatal heart attack.

I wonder what that “investigation” will reveal? Presumably nothing that is even remotely related to the truth. But I understand Black Warrant may have something to say about this sort of thing…


A Mystery in Portugal

Portugal has the highest COVID-19 vaccination rate in the world.
September 2021

Portugal registers highest level of excess deaths in Europe
January 2024

We don’t know it’s the vaxx…

UPDATE: The English are similarly confused.

Why ARE strokes rising in young people?

Why indeed? Such a vexing mystery! But not to worry. The strokes are safe and effective.


Made in a Lab

The global pandemic was a fraud and Covid-19 was made in a lab. This is precisely why Clown World wants to be able to thought police Substack. Dr. Robert Malone publishes the smoking gun that conclusively proves Covid 19 was a synthetic virus, which is to say, a bioweapon produced in a laboratory:

Many moons ago I was on a podcast with Alex Washburn regarding his paper

“Endonuclease Fingerprint indicates a synthetic origin of SARS-CoV-2”

This was the first data that really cemented the synthetic origins of SARs-CoV-2. The ZooCrew went into high gear with the typical smoke grenades and even published other fraudulent associations with the wet market to distract from this (Pekar, Worobey and Andersen to name just a few). Worobey has a history of covering up state leaks with HIV. Everyone is likely aware of Kristian Andersen’s sudden about-face with Fauci regarding his opinion on the synthetic origin of SARs-CoV-2 with the Proximal Origins paper. He went on to be awarded a healthy multi-million dollar grant for reconsidering his position and manifesting it in the Nature paper. These folks are conflicted and aggressive online. They behave very similar to Peter Hotez with his demands for military intervention against anti-vaxxers.

These antagonists were just delivered a final blow.

The argument that Bruttel et al. put forward was that SARs-CoV-2 was unique in its even distribution of certain enzyme cut sites that are commonly used with Golden Gate genome assembly strategies. I previously put together a substack on the nature of these interesting TypeIIs restriction enzymes that helps explain why they are such handy tools for generating scar-less or ‘no see-um’ synthetic genome assemblies.

The ZooCrew screamed “Coincidence“.

But now, Emily Kopp from The US Right to Know (USRTK) has obtained additional detail about the DEFUSE proposal that is far more than a smoking gun but ,in fact, is more analogous to finding the gun, fingerprint and confession note in one place.

Emily found evidence that this proposal also listed the very restriction enzyme (BsmBI) that Bruttel et al. claimed could build the virus. Not only did Bruttel et al. notice that BsmBI sites were conveniently evenly spaced throughout the viral genome and this spacing was not only NOT observed in other CVs but that this approach made complete sense as a logical path to manually assembling the genome.

Lo and behold the DEFUSE proposal actually contains NEB R0580S part numbers to order these very enzymes to construct the virus in the manner Bruttel et al. predicted.

This is a case closed event!

There is no more debate. C19 was made in a lab. Which lab and when is still a hot topic but it didn’t come from a pangolin courting a bat.

The Smoking Gun, ROBERT MALONE MD, 19 January 2024

I never, ever, even imagined for one single second that “Covid 19” was anything other than a manmade bioweapon. The “eating bats from a Chinese wet market” was always far too absurd to take seriously. The only reason I didn’t come right out and articulate that forcefully at the time, rather than repeatedly imply it, was because I had absolutely no evidence supporting my position other than logic and history, which I have learned over the years is never sufficient to convince anyone of anything.

But I did leave certain clues concerning my true opinion about Coronachan…

The only thing that really surprised me about Covid-19 was the bioweapon’s relative lack of lethality; without the ventilators and deadly treatment protocols that killed so many elderly people, the so-called pandemic would have been too obviously harmless to inspire hundreds of millions of innocent and excessively gullible people to submit to having their genes altered and their lifespans and fertility reduced with the mRNA “vaccine”.

Again, I think it’s important to give full credit to Karl Denninger and everyone else who repeatedly, and indefatigably, warned people against getting vaxxed and thereby saved tens of thousands, perhaps even hundreds of thousands, of lives. In a just world, St. Karl would be recognized as one of the great heroes of human history and Hollywood would make movies about him.


A Strange Hill to Die

At some point, even these reality-challenged sportswriters have got to find themselves thinking, “you know, maybe Novak Djokovic knew what he was doing when he gave up his chance at two Majors in order to avoid taking the vaxx.” The irony, of course, is that Djokovic didn’t even metaphorically die, as he is now widely recognized as the greatest tennis player of all time, whereas the journalist Dixon is now, quite literally, dead.

I’ve followed sports my entire life, and I don’t ever recall seeing coaches, journalists, and players collapsing and dying the way they have been since the vaxx was pushed them.


Dude, It Was YOUR Vaccine!

The irony of Donald Trump lamenting the death of Lynette Hardaway, aka Diamond, by Suddenly at the age of 51.

Really bad news for Republicans and frankly, ALL Americans. Our beautiful Diamond, of Diamond and Silk, has just passed away at her home in the State she loved so much, North Carolina. Silk was with her ail the way, and at her passing. There was no better TEAM anywhere, or at any time! Diamond’s death was totally unexpected, probably her big and precious HEART just plain gave out. Rest In Peace our Magnificent Diamond, you will be greatly missed!


Shot to the Heart

And Pfizer’s to blame.

New evidence has emerged that the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines are routinely injuring the heart of all vaccine recipients, raising further questions about their safety and their role in the recent elevated levels of heart-related deaths.

The latest evidence comes in a study from Switzerland, which found elevated troponin levels – indicating heart injury – across all vaccinated people, with 2.8% showing levels associated with subclinical myocarditis…

A study in Thailand found cardiovascular adverse effects in around a third of teenagers (29.2%) following Pfizer vaccination and subclinical heart inflammation in one in 43 (2.3%). The Swiss study mentioned above was recently highlighted by Dr. Vinay Prasad and comes from the European Society of Cardiology. It confirms the Thai result, finding at least 2.8% with subclinical myocarditis (possibly more as the researchers excluded half the cases as possibly from another cause). Dr. Prasad observes that this means subclinical myocarditis is hundreds of times (“two orders of magnitude”) more common than clinical myocarditis. The rates were highest in women at 3.7%, which is one in 27 vaccinated.

It appears the vaxx was more subtly insidious than deadly, in keeping with the depopulationists’ goal of reducing the human population by gradually lowering human life expectancy and fertility in the place of a rapid die-off. Which tends to indicate that the program was more successful than not with regards to its objectives.