Better Discredited than Dead

Remember this guy and his untimely demise the next time you feel inclined to mock someone for their non-mainstream opinions. He obviously would have been much better off if, instead of mocking Aaron Rodgers for his skepticism, he had listened to the quarterback’s well-informed advice.

Matt Driscoll, a 43-year-old columnist and opinion editor for The News Tribune (TNT), died unexpectedly at his Tacoma home this Sunday. Driscoll reportedly suffered an apparent medical emergency from which he could not be revived. The official cause of death is yet to be determined, according to TNT.

It was reported that he had received a COVID-19 vaccination.

In recent times, Driscoll had been vocal about NFL star Aaron Rodgers’ controversial views on COVID-19 vaccines. He accused Rodgers of engaging in “performance art” after the latter warned people about potential side effects of mRNA vaccines.

Rogers “repeated popular conspiracy theories about Covid vaccines, cited a number of discredited sources and claimed he was being ‘cancelled’ and ‘censored’ for ‘doing his own research.’” I swear to god: It’s like performance art at this point. — Matt Driscoll (@mattsdriscoll) January 11, 2024

It’s as dangerous to believe your own rhetoric as it is to smoke your own supply. In fact, it’s considerably more dangerous. No doubt Driscoll felt very smug about rejecting all those “discredited sources” right up to the moment that the vaxx took him out.


Free Press in the “Democracies”

The Germans are already going totalitarian. No wonder German corporations are heading for the exits. Keep these precedents in mind when the pendulum keeps swinging and they start crying about free speech and freedom of the press.

A decision by the German government to ban a “right-wing extremist” magazine may be linked to an interview it conducted with Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova, she has suggested.

She made the claim on Tuesday, hours after the crackdown on Compact magazine was announced by Berlin. The move also affected associated companies and individuals. The 80-minute interview with Zakharova was published last Saturday.

“Apparently, people in the German Interior Ministry watched the interview on Monday. And on Tuesday the newsroom was raided, and the publication was banned,” the spokeswoman said.

She included a selection of her quotes that she believes Berlin may have found objectionable, including: “Germany does not get Russian natural gas for the sole reason that the US has prohibited that.” Later in the day, she uploaded the full video of the interview on social media, saying this was a precaution in case the original becomes censored.

The German government targeted the monthly magazine with the ban, along with its associated online TV channel, as well as other entities and individuals. Search warrants were executed on Tuesday in Brandenburg, Hesse, Saxony, and Saxony-Anhalt, targeting the properties of leading contributors, managers, and main shareholders, it said in a statement.

It’s certainly going to be amusing to hear the screams when media institutions start being banned and the properties of leading contributors, managers, and main shareholders are targeted by governments around the world because someone interviewed an Israeli government employee or a US corporate executive.

The terms of future engagements are being established. When new rules are introduced, don’t hesitate to play by them. But the collapse of the European Union can’t come soon enough for the good of the European peoples.


The Trump Rally Story

Simplicius notes that the Clown World media complex is desperately attempting to avoid the term “assassination attempt” despite using it to describe the January 6 honeytrap.

I have never witnessed such an openly diabolical psyop and mass gaslighting operation. We literally just watched the attempted assassination of an American president, and the media is treating it like a superfluous nonevent.

Later, Barrack Obama joined the coordinated coverup, playing dumb as per his handlers’ orders. And the final proof of the operation came as Biden gave an unplanned national address, half an hour past his newly-announced 8pm bedtime and looking all the worse for it. Watch the coordinated coverup, as Biden openly refuses to call it an assassination even when directly asked…

Now, the big thing to watch is how the regime media goes forward—particularly the middle tastemaker and gatekeeper rungs like your Rachel Maddows and ‘The View’ harridans. They will be desperate to keep Trump as far away from martyrdom as possible—that means obfuscation, obfuscation, obfuscation. They will likely continue via the old CIA playbook of tangling things up, pointlessly hyperfocusing on the procedural minutiae of the investigation into what kind of attack it was. They’ll likely drag it out for weeks, months, or however long it takes without definitively ascribing it to the verboten “A” word, falling back on the false high horse of their “journalistic due diligence” and nonexistent “thoroughness and integrity”.

Yet we know full well if this had happened to a Democrat candidate, all the regime media would be rising up in one voice calling for the total lockdown of the country and physical purge of all rightwing and ‘ideological opponents’.

Alarmingly, the chief of communications for the Secret Service, Anthony Guglielmi, has already posted their official stance on the event which likewise eschews any strongly deterministic language. Given Trump’s rebuffed attempts to beef up security, and given the eyewitness who spotted the shooter and claims to have been ignored by Secret Service agents, the above release looks highly troubling.

It’s not just the Left who suspect that the assassination attempt was fake. And certainly, skepticism is valid considering how there have been no shortage of orchestrated events that were clearly staged over the last few decades.

That being said, we know Clown World is increasingly desperate. We know a number of world leaders have either been assassinated or been the target of attempted assassinations. And we also know that the Democrats have been very publicly utilizing the sort of heated rhetoric that they genuinely believe will cause people to commit political violence. Throw in the Secret Service phoning in their security, slow-rolling their response, and downplaying the assassination attempt after the fact, and I think the odds favor the attempt to kill Donald Trump – or, perhaps, his body double – being a real one.

But we can’t say anything with certainty now. If we’re fortunate, we’ll be able to figure it out one way or another soon enough. The one thing we do know is that Trump didn’t need any additional help to beat the decaying, dementia-addled Biden in November.

Razorfist has an unmissable rant on what he describes as “the expected unaliving attempt”. And Clown World color revolutionary Victoria Nuland quite vehemently predicted that Donald Trump would not be elected President in a recent interview.

UPDATE: If you want a conspiracy theory, here’s one for you. The dead guy in the crowd behind Trump who was shot in the head wasn’t an innocent victim. He was the Deep State’s second shooter who was supposed to deliver the kill shot while everyone was distracted by the windup toy with the rifle on the roof. And I don’t think it’s an accident that this happened less than two weeks after the intentional public exposure of the 5 Bidens as dementia-addled walking corpses.

UPDATE: The Chinese don’t think it was staged. From Global Times:

“The gunman’s background has three possibilities,” Li Haidong, a professor from the China Foreign Affairs University, told the Global Times on Sunday. “First, it could be someone from the deep state, an elusive force within the government that does not want to see Trump win. Second, it could be from the far-left extremist forces, who do not want to see Trump, representing the far-right, win the election and thus have taken radical actions. Lastly, it could be an individual extremist without any organizational background, simply a person who is tired of Trump,” Li said.

Assuming the Chinese are correct, I think the obvious stand-down by the Secret Service and the police, the Z-team makeup of the security detail, and the headshot victim in the crowd, tend to suggest the first possibility.


Do NOT Talk About Neil Gaiman

Especially not anywhere that is devoted to talking about him. The Reddit community devoted to discussing Neil Gaiman has banned all discussion of his personal life. Only discussion of his work will be permitted.

The first rule of Neil Gaiman club: don’t talk about Neil Gaiman.

I wanted to take this opportunity to provide some updates regarding the direction of our community. After carefully considering all the feedback received, I have decided to shift the focus of the sub from Neil and his personal life to solely his work. This decision was not made lightly, and I spent considerable time pondering this matter.

Consequently, you may have noticed some changes such as the removal of Neil’s face as the sub’s avatar, the retirement of the “Good Gaiman” flair, and some adjustments to the rules. I have also archived older posts and updated the automod. This also means the response thread will now be closed. It’s important to note that this change is not intended to discourage discussions about Neil’s life or the significance of biographical context in his work. Instead, it aims to foster meaningful analysis and critique of his work within those contexts along with other forms of literary criticism.

In arriving at this decision, I sought guidance from Reddit’s crisis management team and consulted with moderators from other subs focused on notable individuals. I also reviewed information from sexual assault support sites, as well as reports and papers from educational institutions and law firms. Additionally, I reflected on my own experiences with grooming and considered this matter from the perspectives of being a partner, a parent, a child, and a sibling. It is essential to approach this situation with integrity and empathy for all parties involved.

Our community is committed to upholding the principles of believing victims and recognizing the presumption of innocence until proven guilty. These are not conflicting ideas but fundamental principles that ensure fairness for all involved: we believe when someone says something happened to support a fair investigation while also believing the accused is innocent to ensure fair representation. We are not vigilantes.

Moving forward, the sub will enforce a zero-tolerance policy for defamation, including victim blaming and baseless accusations.

Translation: Even Mr. Tubcuddle’s biggest fans believe he’s probably guilty as charged, and that more is eventually going to come out, but they don’t want him to be cancelled, so they’re just going to pretend that his personal life has no connection to the dark fantasies that he expresses throughout his violent and sexually-deviant work.

It would appear that they’ve done this in order to justify eliminating the very detailed summaries of the accusations as well as the exposures of Gaiman’s inadequate and dishonest responses to those accusations that were being posted in the forum about him. That being said, the moderator hasn’t deleted any of the previous discussions yet, so it’s possible that they just want to prevent any further damage to their hero’s reputation.

The media is really doing a full-court press to try to protect Gaiman. This is the sum total of what presently appears on his Wikipedia page about the matter.

Accusation of sexual assault
In July 2024, Tortoise Media reported that Gaiman was accused by two women of sexual assault, and that Gaiman had denied both of the accusations.

It’s rather amusing that there is far more critical content about me on Wikipedia than there is about Gaiman, despite his alleged sex crimes.

In any event, it’s pretty sure his ex-wife knows what’s happening. These are what would appear to be highly-prescient lyrics from her song Whakanewha, recorded in 2024.

Another clear-cut load of crap
A few more corpses in the sack
You’ll get away with it, it’s just the same old script
This world is shaped to have your back
You said, “I’m sorry,” then you ran
And went and did it all again
I’m such a fool, I know
Street smart but gullible
I see the good in everything
A pound of flax, a pound of steel
I may be dumb, but I can feel
I wonder when you’ll realize what you had

A frightened bird, a crystal ball
So sad, you could’ve had it all
But you hate yourself too much to want all that
I had so much hope for your broken heart
But you’ve made your choice, and you chose the dark


Those Who Wallow in Evil

Neil Gaiman isn’t the only wicked writer whose reputation and commercial viability are being frantically defended by the see-no-evil media this summer. The recently-deceased and much-lauded Canadian writer Alice Munro has now been publicly exposed as a pedophile-enabler by her own daughter. Notice how a similar pattern prevails:

Alice Munro’s work was often dark, even violent — but that’s what made her great
— 29 May 2024
My stepfather sexually abused me when I was a child. My mother, Alice Munro, chose to stay with him
— 7 July 2024
Academics grapple with how to teach Alice Munro’s work in wake of daughter’s sexual assault revelations
— 10 July 2024

First, they praise the darkness and violence of the “great” and famous writer. Then, the accusations are revealed and the damning evidence is exposed, which is reliably just a prelude of the more awful revelations to come. After the storm passes, they attempt to finesse the matter and justify not cancelling the awful person for behavior that far exceeds that of virtually everyone who has ever been cancelled by them, even as they praise themselves for “grappling” with the issue.

Lorraine York, distinguished university professor at McMaster University and an expert in Canadian literature said in the coming days academics and others will be asking “how to account for the way in which both Munro and Canadian literature as a field allowed for this silencing. People in the industry knew and decisions were made that prolonged the silence and the harm that was done. That is what we need to reckon with,” Prof. York said.

Doug Gibson, the former president and publisher of McClelland & Stewart, said “As Alice’s Canadian editor and publisher I was aware that Alice and Andrea were estranged for a number of years. In 2005 it became clear what the issue was, with Gerry Fremlin’s full shameful role revealed, but I have nothing to add to this tragic family story, and wish the family a continued recovery.”

In Munro’s case, as with Marion Zimmer Bradley’s, there isn’t even the possibility of giving them the benefit of any doubt. Munro’s husband, Gerald Fremlin, was charged with indecently assaulting her daughter and pled guilty in 2005. As with MZB, Munro was protected by the media and the relevant literary establishment until her death. But the clues about their evil predilections were always there, lurking in their work.

In “Floating Bridge,” Jinny, feeling a surprising loss of “low-grade freedom” at the news that her cancer is receding, slips away from her husband one evening and allows herself to be kissed by a mutual friend’s teenage son.

Neil Gaiman’s editors, publishers, collaborators, and producers are already actively engaged in the same sort of conspiracy of silence that York describes in Canada. Which means we may be forced to witness the media, the publishing establishment, and Hollywood all quietly pretending not to know anything untoward until after Mr. Tubcuddle’s death.

Speaking with our contacts in the comic industry, Fandom Pulse was told by an insider that there is a concerted media effort to squash this story. There are allegedly marching orders not to report on this, which makes the situation even more bizarre. Online comic forums and Facebook groups controlled by mainstream media forces shut down discussions to keep this story from getting out. If these orders are confirmed, the entertainment media corruption is on full display beyond anything we’ve ever seen. 

Ms Skinner’s parting words are bitter and haunting, with regards to both her own case and Moira Greyland’s case, as well as the cases of Scarlett and K:

My mother’s fame meant that the secrecy spread far beyond the family. Many influential people came to know something of my story yet continued to support, and add to, a narrative they knew was false.
It seemed as if no one believed the truth should ever be told, that it never would be told, certainly not on a scale that matched the lie. Until now.

UPDATE: If you ever seriously believed Neil Gaiman was a good writer, I suggest taking this 1985 book review into account.

“For value for money I have to recommend L. Ron Hubbard’s massive Battlefield Earth – over 1000 pages of thrills, spills, vicious aliens, noble humans. Is mankind an endangered species? Will handsome and heroic Jonny Goodboy Tyler win Earth back from the nine-foot-high Psychlos? A tribute to the days of pulp, I found it unputdownable. And all for 2.95.”

Mr. Tubcuddle found it “unputdownable”. I found it totally fucking unreadable.


The Clowntardery of Color Revolutions

If your grand strategy for winning wars relies entirely upon political regime change unseating a singular individual, you are almost certainly guaranteed to lose. Contra the historical propaganda about WWI and WWII, nations do not engage in all-out industrial warfare because one individual seeks war. China will not become more or less militarily capable whether Xi is in charge or not; it invaded Cambodia to drive out the North Vietnamese under Deng, the much-lauded “Westernizer”.

And China’s insistence on the One-China policy not only long predates Xi, it will long survive him regardless of whether he succeeds in the reunification of Taiwan island with the mainland or not.

Thus is the mechanism behind the simplistic information attack: Destabilize Russia under the scheme of exaggerated panic in order to sow social unrest and dissatisfaction with the leadership’s responses. Make it seem like Putin is “losing grip” on the situation, and that the brewing ‘instability’ is a result of society rising up, a narrative that will naturally be chained along and amplified by the Western corporate press. It’s a very run-of-the-mill psyop technology package.

The great irony here is that it is not the nationalist leaders who are losing their grip on the situation, nor is it the nationalist leaders who are increasingly unpopular in their own nations, but rather, the servants of Clown World and its fake “democracies”.

The psyops that worked on unstable, militarily-negligible countries with fragile regimes when the US President was the unquestioned “Leader of the Free World” don’t work anymore. Not only does everyone now know how they work and by whom they are funded, but the decreasing influence of the global media means that fewer and fewer people around the world even take them seriously, much less accept them at face value. There is no longer anyone anywhere on the planet who believes the demented walking corpse of “Joe Biden” is a more credible head of state than any of Clown World’s current targets for regime change.

And if a lack of popularity hasn’t caused the governments of Trudeau, Macron, Sunak, Netanyahu, or the Five Bidens to collapse, then why would it cause the governments of Putin and Xi to collapse, even if they were unpopular, which they aren’t.


Joe Must Go

The New York Times reads from the script to shut down the Fake Biden administration:

Mr. Biden has said that he is the candidate with the best chance of taking on this threat of tyranny and defeating it. His argument rests largely on the fact that he beat Mr. Trump in 2020. That is no longer a sufficient rationale for why Mr. Biden should be the Democratic nominee this year.

At Thursday’s debate, the president needed to convince the American public that he was equal to the formidable demands of the office he is seeking to hold for another term. Voters, however, cannot be expected to ignore what was instead plain to see: Mr. Biden is not the man he was four years ago.

The president appeared on Thursday night as the shadow of a great public servant. He struggled to explain what he would accomplish in a second term. He struggled to respond to Mr. Trump’s provocations. He struggled to hold Mr. Trump accountable for his lies, his failures and his chilling plans. More than once, he struggled to make it to the end of a sentence.

Mr. Biden has been an admirable president. Under his leadership, the nation has prospered and begun to address a range of long-term challenges, and the wounds ripped open by Mr. Trump have begun to heal. But the greatest public service Mr. Biden can now perform is to announce that he will not continue to run for re-election.

Isn’t it fascinating how Clown World will often come right out and tell you the truth, but do so in a way in which you naturally assume a less-insidious interpretation?

Mr. Biden is not the man he was four years ago.

They expect you to take it as a metaphor. But it isn’t. That’s the literal truth. That dotard on the stage was Biden #4. I doubt Biden #1 is even alive now.

Anyhow, the signals are being sent out. And all the various schools of SJWs, liberals, and progressives will dutifully change their course in perfect formation now that the elite media are broadcasting the new Narrative.

UPDATE: The Uniparty is in one accord on the matter.

Joe Biden should be replaced as US president, having shown he is “not up to the task” during his debate with Donald Trump, House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) has said.


The Knives are Out

Joe Biden #4 gave a historic performance in the presidential debate that even The Economist describes as “an unmitigated disaster”:

The mission for Joe Biden in the presidential debate held in Atlanta on June 27th was clear: to prove his critics wrong, by showing that he was mentally fit and thereby reverse the polling deficit that makes Donald Trump the favourite to win the American election in 2024. Unfortunately, his performance was an unmitigated disaster—perhaps the worst of any presidential candidate in modern history. The president, who is 81 (and would be 86 by the end of a second term in office), stammered indecipherably, struggled to complete his lines of attack and proved his doubters completely correct. Although Mr Trump was in his typical form—meandering, mendacious, vindictive—he somehow appeared the more coherent and lucid of the pair. Mr Biden’s decision to seek re-election rather than standing aside for a younger standard-bearer now looks like a reckless endangerment of the democracy he claims to want to protect.

Merely quoting Mr Biden’s rhetorical bumblings do not do them justice, but they do give a sense of the shambles. Consider one of his lines at the very start of the debate, the first indicator that the president was in poor form: “Making sure that we continue to strengthen our health-care system, making sure that we’re able to make every single, solitary person eligible for what I’ve been able to do with the…uh, covid…excuse me, dealing with everyone we had to do with… look, if we finally beat Medicare…” The moderator interrupted before further damage could be done, one of several coups de grâce graciously administered.

I don’t see how the Democrats can seriously expect to field any of their five Joe Bidens as a candidate, although at least it would purport to demonstrate how many people will vote for a Democrat under any circumstance. That, of course, assumes that the elections are real, which we know they are not.

So, the point of showing that Biden is incapacitated, and permitting the media to trumpet his incapacity now that the primaries are over is to put someone else in the office. Whether that is Trump or not remains to be seen.

Of the various replacement candidates on offer, I think RFK is the most credible suggestion, Michelle Obama the least. I also think that Newsome was the original plan, but that is less viable since California has been imploding faster than anticipated.

The lesson is this: once you take the ticket, no matter how high you rise, you will eventually be thrown from the high horse.


Veniunt, Infamaverunt, Mortui Sunt

Another platform for hit pieces aimed at the Big Bear and me is headed for the dustbin of history:

The Daily Beast is gutting its senior editorial team after implementing voluntary buyouts last month, with nearly 70% of unionized staffers leaving the outlet, TheWrap has learned.

The senior staffers taking buyouts include media reporter Justin Baragona, political investigations reporter Jose Pagliery, senior national reporter Pilar Melendez, senior reporter Emily Shugerman, and more, according to an individual with knowledge of the situation. Twenty-five unionized staffers took the buyouts, equivalent to nearly 70% of the guild, including almost all of the outlet’s senior staffers.

Additionally, non-union editorial staffers are expecting another round of layoffs at the end of the month. “We’re currently watching the collapse of The Beast,” the individual told TheWrap. “There is no doubt the site won’t be able to recover from this.”

They come, they slander, and then they die.

It’s rather amusing to see how they always assume they are powerful and influential enough to discredit, deplatform, and destroy us, and yet they’re not even capable of surviving without being constantly propped up with someone else’s money.

Our organic and unauthorized community of Dread Ilk and Bears, along with our allies in the Razorforce and the rest of the Unauthorized, is observably stronger, more resilient, and longer-lived than these organizations that are founded by billionaires, lavishly funded, and massively supported by their fellow media organs. Which is why their inevitable demises are worth celebrating when they occur.

At this point, I won’t be surprised if we outlast The Guardian, founded in 1821, despite it being the beneficiary of a massive trust fund. The Guardian stopped reporting its daily circulation in 2021 after falling from 161,152 in March 2016 to 105,134 in July 2021, and is now estimated to have a circulation of only 60,000.

Who’s Next?

UPDATE: Owen comments: “Yeah, bludgeoning is the go-to for a bear.”


A Narrative Fail

What we observe in the aftermath of The Guardian’s most recent hit piece on yours truly is the declining ability of the mainstream media to drive a narrative. Consider the search results on several different search engines:

1. The Guardian
2. Sigma Game comments

1. Sigma Game
2. The Guardian
3. Press Reader Australia
4. Vox Popoli

1. Sigma Game
2. The Guardian
3. Sigma Game comments
4. Press Reader Australia
5. Vox Popoli

1. Sigma Game
2. The Guardian
3. Vox Popoli

Ironically, giving the small subset of Guardian readers that actually read any one story that isn’t a front-page headliner, it is very probable that more people either read about the hit piece on Sigma Game or here on VP than they read the piece itself in the newspaper or on the paper’s site. And the fact that Google is the only search engine where the Guardian appeared first is quite likely due to Sundar Pikachu’s shadowbanning of any site related to me.