The Numbers Gap Grows

According to the Commander-in-Chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, by the end of the year, the Russian invasion force will have grown nearly 7x from the initial 100,000 in February 2022:

Syrskyi is Ukraine’s new commander-in-chief. His unenviable task is to defeat a bigger Russian army. Two and half years into Vladimir Putin’s full-scale onslaught, he acknowledges the Russians are much better resourced. They have more of everything: tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, soldiers. Their original 100,000-strong invasion force has grown to 520,000, he said, with a goal by the end of 2024 of 690,000 men. The figures for Ukraine have not been made public.

“When it comes to equipment, there is a ratio of 1:2 or 1:3 in their favour,” he said. Since 2022 the number of Russian tanks has “doubled” – from 1,700 to 3,500. Artillery systems have tripled, and armoured personnel carriers gone up from 4,500 to 8,900. “The enemy has a significant advantage in force and resources,” Syrskyi said. “Therefore, for us, the issue of supply, the issue of quality, is really at the forefront.”

It is this man and machine superiority that explains recent events on the battlefield. Since last autumn Ukraine’s armed forces have been going steadily backwards. One of his first acts when he got the job in February 2024 – replacing Valerii Zaluzhnyi, now Ukraine’s ambassador to the UK – was to order the withdrawal of his troops from the eastern city of Avdiivka. The retreat coincided with a six-month gap in the US supply of weapons.

As Simplicius points out, this means that Russia invaded with only 40 percent of the troops that the Western media reported. And far from running out of ammunition and tanks in two weeks, the Russians have doubled the number of tanks and tripled the number of artillery systems. Also, since about two-thirds of the initial invasion force was provided by the rebel Donbass militias, that means that as few as 30,000 Russian troops were utilized against an initial Ukranian army of 250,000 that has now been completely destroyed.

Just to make matters worse, the British, French, and US militaries have already lost dozens, if not hundreds, of soldiers in a war they supposedly are not fighting.

Colonel of the Spanish Army Reserve Pedro Baños:

So, the Russians carried out an attack on Odessa, which killed 18 members of the British Special Air Service and injured 25 more. And they tell me that French soldiers died. These are not mercenaries who are French, no, these are soldiers of the French army. They were killed in large numbers, I was told that the number was greater than in Algeria. These are scary numbers because we are talking about NATO countries.

The sooner this foolish, unwinnable war ends, the better. Vladimir Putin clearly doesn’t want to take all of Ukraine, but he will do that and more if NATO – or to be more precise, Clown World – doesn’t permit its Ukrainian puppet state to stop the bleeding and surrender.


Serfdom in the 21st Century

If CDAN is correct – and he often is on these sorts of things that are outside his usual purview – it’s time to talk to your children about what to do if/when the draft is reinstated in the United States:

Despite which A++ lister prevails, they have both committed to making all youth register for the draft and it is to stop kids from moving out of the country. Except for vacations, they want to make sure a work force is available in the US, so you will not be allowed to be gone for longer than six months until you reach an age that has yet to be determined.

A++ lister refers to a US President or credible candidate. Clown World is fighting for its life, so don’t imagine that the US federal government won’t impose a military draft on both sexes. The one lesson the Clown Worlders have learned from their defeat in Ukraine is that they’re going to need more soldiers. A LOT more soldiers, given the way in which the US + EU population is significantly outnumbered by the Russian + Chinese + North Korea + Iran population and the kill/capture ratio tends to favor the latter.

And since they know that there is absolutely no way a volunteer army will suffice to fight a global attrition war, a draft is inevitable unless Clown World gives up and surrenders. And there is no indication that they are anywhere close to doing that yet.

Still any illusions about living in the “land of the free”?


Sayonara, Kurils

Japan has made the mistake of further submitting to Clown World, thereby ensuring they will never get the Northern Territories back from Russia.

Tokyo will shoulder 520 billion yen ($3.3 billion) in loans to Kiev funded by proceeds from Russian assets blocked as part of Western sanctions, the Kyodo news agency reported on Wednesday citing diplomatic sources. The figure represents some 6% of the massive loan agreed by the Group of Seven natons during their summit in Italy in June. G7 leaders reached an agreement on using interest from frozen Russian funds to finance a $50 billion loan to help Kiev buy weapons and rebuild damaged infrastructure.

Japan never signed a peace treaty with the Soviet Union after WWII. And Russia has already told Japan there will be no peace treaty so long as the Japanese continue to side with NATO. This move puts Japan firmly into enemy nation status and makes it very unlikely that Russia will agree to give up the Kuril Islands. And given the alliance between China and Russia, this also means kissing the Senkaku Islands goodbye as well.

I can only assume that once Clown World begins to collapse and Japan belatedly breaks with it, the Japanese will plead that they were still being occupied by the US military and therefore unable to resist Clown World’s demands. I also doubt that will cut much ice with either China or Russia.


Insanity is On the Table

Just because it is evil, insane, and impossible doesn’t mean they won’t try to do it. Col Douglas Macgregor points out that RFK Jr is absolutely correct about the clowns and neocons still trying to force Americans to go to war with Russia, Iran, and apparently China too:

RFK Jr: This week the world beholds the sorry spectacle of a western imperium careening towards catastrophe as NATO descends on Washington. The DC press corps is rightfully concerned about the direction of travel: “Storm clouds gather as NATO leaders converge on Washington…” And well they should be, because NATO’s top priority right now is waging war, not maintaining peace. NATO has agreed with Zelensky to set up a command, under a three star general, with 700 soldiers in Germany and Eastern Europe. The headlines of press releases reveal a consistent pattern of dangerous escalation, as top NATO enforcers pressure individual countries to pay up and fight, exulting that: “for the first time, we have a NATO document agreed at the heads-of-state government level.” The pattern is exactly the same as in Vietnam, which started with the CIA running paramilitary operations in the conflict area. As the NY Times revealed months ago, the CIA has been operating twelve bases in Ukraine for ten years. According to Ukrainian General Serhii Dvoretskiy, they are financed “One hundred and ten percent,” by the CIA. Next in Vietnam came the “military advisers”. In Ukraine, these have taken the form of mercenaries and “retired” US military personnel. They are there on the ground, supervising the training of Ukrainian draftees. While the presence of official US and NATO military personnel in Ukraine is limited, the next step looms before us: 500,000 troops have been placed on “high readiness.”

RFK JR is spot on regarding Washington’s poorly disguised attempt to drag us into war with Russia, but the situation in Ukraine is very different and we have no ground troops to send. The European peoples don’t want a war and neither do Americans. In 1965 the mood in America was very supportive of intervention in SE Asia to fight communism. I know. I was there. It would take four years for American support to collapse.

In addition, for reasons of geography, Ukraine cannot become another Vietnam. In 1965 no one could or would interdict us on the way to Vietnam. Today, Russian subs would immediately shut down the Atlantic and all of our staging areas in Eastern Europe would utterly demolished in a hail of missiles. Worse, US-NATO air and missile defenses are only capable of defending 5% of NATO’s European territory. In the space of 5-7 daisy our missile supply would be exhausted. I could go on, but you get the point. It’s a dead end. Any attempt to mimic the approach to Vietnam will end abruptly and badly for the US and Europe. That was the point that Orban tried to make.

Just because it will end abruptly and badly doesn’t mean they won’t do it. It’s not an accident that tens of millions of foreigners have been imported into the USA and Europe, even though that was obviously a terrible idea from the start. It’s not an accident that the entire US manufacturing base has been gutted, even though “free trade” is an obviously destructive lie. Clown World actively seeks the destruction of Christendom, which means eliminating both Christians and the European peoples of the world.

So, if they can force a war, even an incredibly pointless and unwinnable war that will involve massive fatalities and accomplish nothing, they will do it. Don’t imagine they won’t.


Mailvox: Poland Makes a Move

From a Polish reader:

Today 08.07.2024 Prime Minister Donald Tusk signed an agreement (upon the acceptance of President Duda) with President Zelenski for military support. This agreement, as Mr. Tomasz Piekielnik says on his youtube channel, engages us in the war with Russia. Legions of Ukrainian soldiers are to be formed in Poland. Secondly, Poland will launch Russian missiles that will be hitting Ukraine. This agreement also contains records of the possibility of stationing Polish troops in Ukraine.

The agreement is kept secret from the public opinion. It could not be found on government websites or through the legal information system.

It’s possible that Poland is attempting to enmesh NATO formally into the war against Russia. Alternatively, it’s also possible that Poland is playing the Kiev regime to carve out some Ukrainian territory for itself, as a number of observers have been predicting.

In either case, it’s clear that the vulnerability being shown by the now-illegitimate Kiev regime is leading to a new phase of the conflict.

UPDATE: Confirmed, more or less.

Poland and Ukraine sign ‘unprecedented’ military agreement. Kyiv has committed to exploring new ways of shooting down all Russian missiles and drones in Ukrainian airspace that are headed in the direction of Poland together with Warsaw, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy announced on Monday. Zelenskyy shared the news of the security agreement in a post on X, saying the “unprecedented document” also includes forming and training a new volunteer Ukrainian military unit, the Ukrainian Legion, on Polish territory.

More word games and rhetorical legalisms aren’t going to fool anyone.


China Puts Troops on the Ground

China appears to be warning NATO not to attack Belarus. Global Times reports Chinese troops have arrived in Belarus, on the border of Ukraine:

According to a press release from the Belarusian Defense Ministry on Saturday, military personnel from the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) have arrived in Belarus to participate in the joint anti-terrorism exercise scheduled from July 8 to 19.

The joint exercise will allow for the exchange of experience, the coordination of Belarusian and Chinese units, and the establishment of a foundation for further development of Belarusian-Chinese relations in the field of joint military training, said the Belarusian press release.

Photos released by the Belarusian Defense Ministry show the PLA troops arriving in Belarus on a Y-20 strategic transport aircraft of the PLA Air Force.

The joint drill was announced after Belarus officially jointed the SCO on Thursday, becoming its 10th member state, the Xinhua News Agency reported on the day.

This move is obviously being made in response to the buildup of NATO forces near the borders of Belarus. It’s apparent that Clown World is finding it difficult to accept the reality of its defeat in Ukraine, and is threatening to double down on its losing bet by openly sending in NATO forces.

By clarifying its pro-Russian position, China is calling what any sane observer would assume to be a bluff, although it is entirely possible that the Clown Worlders are desperate enough, and insane enough, to launch an attack on Belarus while claiming that it is not an attack on Russia.


This is No Black Pill

Kim Dot Com says the worst is yet to come. But the worst for whom?

The worst is yet to come.

The Democrats conspired with the deep state to rule America forever. They implemented a totalitarian system of mass surveillance, censorship and propaganda for that reason.

They made deals with the owners of big tech to safeguard their monopolies in exchange for integration into the surveillance and censorship state. They control the media and most online channels. They want to disarm the citizens, ban independent crypto and install a state controlled blockchain with a social score system to keep the public under control. You won’t have means to pay for anything if you disobey.

They imported millions of new voters through open borders and propped up the LGBTQ movement to stay in power. 86% of LBGTQ vote Dems and close to 100% of legalized immigrants will vote for the party that pays and protects them and not for the party that wants to deport them.

The Democrats want absolute power. They will execute this plan by all means. If they fail they will face serious consequences. They fear Trump and his revenge. But most of all they fear the American people when the inevitable economic collapse arrives. The elites, their puppet politicians and the media propagandists will be pay with their blood for ruining the United States.

Living the rest of their days in a 5-star nuclear bunker and blaming Putin for the end of the world may be the best of their options.

The worst is yet to come.

First, it’s not “the Democrats”. It’s Clown World, which is to say the global satanists who are served by everyone from Jewish billionaires to fake Catholics, German Eurocrats, degenerate Anglo-Saxon Protestants, and a myriad of other diversities. We don’t know precisely whom is calling the shots, except that it’s probably Moloch or some other demon that was worshipped in Tyrus, Carthage, Technochtitlan, and other past centers of The Empire That Never Ended.

Second, those millions of young, male imports were not imported to outvote the natives. They were brought in to fight the natives when the civil wars start. If the mass deportations do not begin under the next administration, this will likely become obvious and undeniable sooner than anyone expects. World War III has already begun, it just hasn’t come to the USA yet.

The spiritual element is why those who blame everything on “the Democrats” or “the globalists” or “the Jews” or even “the Phoenician Navy” inevitably fail to grasp the comprehensive whole across time or to recognize the repetitive pattern of the fall of previous empires.

Every time they succeed, God raises up hard men to stand against them and overthrow them. Before Putin and Xi, there was Hernán Cortés and Fabius Maximus and Scipio Africanus. Whether they are Christians or whether they are not, they wage war against the greatest evil that the world has ever known, the same evil that Jesus Christ himself defeated with his death on the Cross. Perhaps Trump is one of those men. Perhaps not. One way or the other, we should know soon enough.

We’re still part of that old story, the oldest story, light against dark.

But to paraphrase the words of Rust in True Detective, despite all the wicked darkness in the skies above us, it looks as if the light is winning.


The Fourth Front

It appears the fourth front of WWIII will not be Africa, but the Korean Peninsula:

South Korea said Thursday that it would consider sending arms to Ukraine, a major policy change that was suggested after Russia and North Korea rattled the region and beyond by signing a pact to come to each other’s defense in the event of war.

The comments from a senior presidential official came hours after North Korea’s state media released the details of the agreement, which observers said could mark the strongest connection between Moscow and Pyongyang since the end of the Cold War. It comes at a time when Russia faces growing isolation over the war in Ukraine and both countries face escalating standoffs with the West.

According to the text of the deal published by North Korea’s official Korean Central News Agency, or KCNA, if either country gets invaded and is pushed into a state of war, the other must deploy “all means at its disposal without delay” to provide “military and other assistance.”

I had my suspicions about things heating up on the Korean Peninsula once it became obvious that the USA was going to try to substitute South Korean and Japanese ship-building for its own lack of ship-building capacity. The amount of Clown World interest and investment in both countries has noticeably appreciated (see the previous post on investments into the comics industry) and therefore a counter-move by the BRICSIA alliance was inevitable.

I was a little surprised that it was Russia that made the overtures to the North Koreans and not the Chinese, except that it’s now clear that Russia is playing bad cop while China whistles innocently and pretends to not be directly involved. What will truly shake things up, however, is if an invitation to join BRICSIA is offered to North Korea, as that would truly be a formidable gauntlet to cast before the G7.

It shouldn’t be too long before Clown World realizes that it is no position to sanction anyone, and to the contrary, the rest of the world is effectively sanctioning it.


The USA Already Lost WWIII

As I’ve been banging repeatedly on since 2004, warfare since 1940 has primarily concerned industrial capacity. Of course, the Clown World establishment doesn’t listen to me, so they’re genuinely confused and afraid now that it’s clear that both China and North Korea are formally allied with Russia, giving the sovereign nations a 100x advantage over the post-industrial financialized economies of Clown World.

Remember when the narrative was that it was Russia totally reliant on Western-supplied parts in its weaponry? Here an American general literally admits the entire U.S. military structure would collapse in a day if China issued an embargo against them:

‘If we were in a war with China and it stopped providing parts, we wouldn’t be able to build the planes and weapons we needed,’ he said.

A startling report released earlier this year revealed Chinese firms have a stranglehold across 12 critical technologies that are vital to US national security, including nuclear modernization, hypersonic and space technologies.

The study, which was carried out by defense software firm Govini, delivered a damning indictment on the American armaments industry.

‘U.S. domestic production capacity is a shriveled shadow of its former self,’ the report said. ‘Crucial categories of industry for U.S. national defense are no longer built in any of the 50 states.’

Remember when it was Russia using Western chips in all of its missiles?

Perhaps most worryingly, Govini found that more than 40 per cent of the semiconductors that sustain Department of Defense (DoD) weapons systems are now sourced from China.

How the tides have turned.

It seems the West is slowly coming to its awakening moment: it stands no chance in a long term conflict against the manufacturing powerhouse of the Russia-China-North Korea-Iran bloc.

The central problem is that the strategic geniuses of Clown World are neocons like the Kagan clan, who understand nothing of military history. Their expertise is in subjective rhetoric and subversion, not objective logic and reality. They’re like the bad guys in a Hollywood horror flick, where all that is necessary to defeat them is to refuse to believe in them and proceed as if they don’t even exist.

The astonishing thing is that the corpocracy is still exporting manufacturing capacity abroad. Just yesterday, John Deere announced that it was moving its factories to Mexico. So US manufacturing capacity is actually shrinking, just as European energy production is shrinking, while Russia, China, and North Korea are all ramping up their production of everything from ammunition to tanks.

Clown World should surrender now. But they won’t, because they don’t deal in objective reality. They never have.


The Russian Historiography of WII

This looks like a book worth reading once I’m finished with Jack Vance’s Treasury.

The Postil (TP): You have written a trilogy on the Great Patriotic War, that is the Second World War as experienced by Soviet Union. The first part of this magisterial study will be published soon. What is your overall aim?

Michael Jabara Carley (MJC): My trilogy, as I call it, deals with the origins and early conduct of the Second World War and the Great Patriotic War (Velikaia Otechestvennaia voina). The VOV is the name given to the war in Soviet and Russian history arising from the German invasion of the USSR on 22 June 1941. My work runs from January 1930 to December 1941. My project was first entitled “A Near-run Thing: The Improbable Grand Alliance of World War II,” supported by an “Insight” research grant from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. My initial objective was to write a narrative history of how the USSR, Britain, and the United States, powers hostile to each other during the interwar years, became allies against Nazi Germany and the Axis. The work evolved from an envisioned single volume into three dealing with Soviet relations with the great and lesser European powers and the United States.

TP: Is there a difference between a Western historiography of WWII and a Russian one?

MJC: Oh yes, the difference is enormous. During the war, it was clear to all who had eyes to see that the Red Army played the key role in smashing the Nazi Wehrmacht and winning the war in Europe. The United States and Britain played supporting roles. After 1945 the war became an important object of propaganda in the Cold War. The new narrative was that the United States or Churchill single-handedly won the war in which the USSR was practically invisible. In the western media, histories, iconography, Hollywood films, comic books, more recently video games, the Red Army is invisible. The key moment in the war was operation Overlord, the Normandy landings, when in fact, they were an anticlimax, grand to be sure, in a war whose outcome had already been determined by the Red Army. In the context of the Cold War, it was normal that the United States would seek in various ways to rub out the memories of the Soviet role in the war, for otherwise how could you portray the USSR as a menacing communist enemy.

I’ll report back on it once I’ve finished it. It should be interesting to see if he supports or contradicts the Icebreaker theory of Operation Barbarossa.