We are the Ghost Dancers

The realization that Americans are the Indians now is gradually dawning on more and more people now that the influence of the Boomers and their memories of the 1950s and 1960s are fading away:

At best, at best, we might hope to plant seeds, that our children, and more likely our grandchildren or great-grandchildren, may once again live in a thriving and functional society that does not hate them. We ourselves, we who are live now, are the lost children of history, abandoned and betrayed by our feckless elders, stripped of our patrimony, cursed to have lived to see the last dying embers of the golden age that has now passed, fated from now to know only a darkness that will just become deeper and colder as we live out the rest of our lives. We are Spengler’s Roman soldier, guarding his outpost in Pompeii’s threatening shadow.

I do not say that is what the future holds, only that this is the prevailing sense: things suck, and the suck will only suck harder from here on out. We train and read and pray, not because we think we can roll back the suck, but only to have the strength to endure it, and maybe to carry some small fragments through that will be worth passing on to whoever comes next. We gather to the old symbols because they remind us of who we are, provide some anchor to our identities as the whirling maelstrom seeks to dissolve us into posthuman madness. We practice clean living – insofar as we do practice it, which I think is not very far, let’s be honest – because we know we are under attack, and the drugs and the poisoned food are one of the enemy’s primary weapons.

Irrational hope is a dangerous thing, but to abandon all hope is more dangerous still. The zombie junkies dying in our streets are where the abandonment of all hope leads. Things are unlikely to improve for we Westmen in the near future, or even perhaps in our own lifetimes. Too much is arrayed against us, most especially including our worst enemy: ourselves. Yet the examples of the Ghost Dancers, the Boxers, and the Zealots need not lead to despair. The Amerindian has not regained his lands, but he is far from extinct, and in Canada at least is growing rapidly in numbers, wealth, and political influence. The Han most certainly did regain their country, and while they endured a century and a half of massacre and madness, they have once again taken their place as one of the world’s great peoples. And as for the Jews, say what you will of them, but the destruction of the Temple was certainly not the end of their story, either.

So be it. If we dance, then at least we’ve got some killer beats and grooves to fuel us. But there is no reason to give up hope, however irrational it might seem. The Chinese persisted and got their country back after centuries of foreign rule. The Spanish endured five centuries of foreign rule before expelling all the Muslims and Jews from their country.

We have nothing to complain about except the foolishness of our recent forebears and the innocent stupidity of our youth. Others have faced far more difficult challenges. So start laying the foundation for the next round of Reconquistas. Greatness awaits!


Russia Rejects Ceasefire

It always seemed unlikely that they’d try to kick the football a third time:

The Russian Government has completely rejected proposals for a one-month halt in fighting in Ukraine. This rejection also includes a proposed pause in aerial and naval attacks. The fighting will continue. Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova made it clear: Russia won’t accept a “respite” without firm agreements on a final settlement.

For Russia, none of these proposals make sense for multiple reasons. First, Russia is winning. If they agree to a “halt” or a “pause” or even the entry of “peacekeepers” both Ukraine and teh collective West, operating as NATO, have proven they simply cannot be trusted. The Russians believe any halt to the combat would be immediately used to re-supply, re-arm present Ukrainian troops, and add more troops, for a continued fight, later.

Russia has good reasons to NOT trust both Ukraine and the West.

Back in 2014, the France, Germany, Ukraine, and Russia, bargained at the Minsk Peace Conference for 19 hours, hammering-out a deal that would have stopped the fighting between Ukraine and two of its oblasts (states) Luhansk and Donetsk.

All the parties to the negotiations signed what became known as the “Minsk Agreement.” Ukraine did not honor even ONE of the terms in that agreement, and on February 21, 2022, just days before Russia decided to enter Ukraine, the Ukrainian Foreign Minister, Kuleba said publicly “Ukraine will never honor the Minsk Agreement.”

Later, about a year or so into the combat, former French President Francois Hollande and former German Chancellor Angela Merkel, both of whom signed the Minsk Agreement, admitted in two separate TV interviews, they attended the Minsk Conference “only to buy time for Ukraine to arm for war against Russia.”

This kabuki theater in which everyone pretends that the USA is capable of fighting Russia in Eastern Europe, or better yet, that Europe is capable of doing so without the US military, is truly insulting to the world’s intelligence. Does Macron really want to see Russian troops at the gates of Paris again? Because this is how they get Russian troops at the gates of Paris again.

Vladimir Putin has mocked Emmanuel Macron, warning him that ‘some people forget how Napoleon’s Russian campaign ended,’ after the French President indicated he would be willing to use his country’s nuclear deterrent to protect Europe. France’s Napoleon Bonaparte invaded the Russian Empire in 1812 in a disastrous six-month military campaign that ended in Russian victory and resulted in some half a million casualties on the French side. Putin’s warning, which did not refer to Macron by name, came a day after the French leader called Moscow ‘a threat to Europe’ and raised the idea of putting other countries under France’s nuclear umbrella.

Russia has never been a threat to Europe. To the contrary, European nations have repeatedly proven themselves to be threats to Russia for literal centuries.


Clown World Abandons Taiwan

“The Taiwan Fixation” is a long and meandering article in Foreign Affairs that serves to obscure the primary point being made there. But the inescapable conclusion eventually reached by the intrepid reader who manages to slash-and-burn his way through the jungle-like maze of text is that Clown World’s strategerists now accept that the US military is no longer capable of winning a war with China. Which is good, because it isn’t.

The fate of Taiwan keeps American policymakers up at night, and it should. A Chinese invasion of the island would confront the United States with one of its gravest foreign policy choices ever. Letting Taiwan fall to Beijing would dent Washington’s credibility and create new challenges for U.S. military forces in Asia. But the benefits of keeping Taiwan free would have to be weighed against the costs of waging the first armed conflict between great powers since 1945. Even if the United States prevailed—and it might well lose—an outright war with China would likely kill more Americans and destroy more wealth than any conflict since the Vietnam War and perhaps since World War II. Nuclear and cyber weapons could make it worse, bringing destruction on the U.S. homeland. These would be catastrophic consequences for the United States.

As terrible as a U.S.-Chinese war would be, an American president would face immense pressure to fight for Taipei. Many U.S. policymakers are convinced that Taiwan, a prosperous democracy in a vital region, is worth protecting despite the daunting price of doing so. Political calculations may also push a U.S. president into war. By staying out, the president could expect to be blamed not only for permitting the economic meltdown that China’s invasion would trigger but also for losing Taiwan after a decades-long battle of wills between Washington and Beijing over the island’s future. That would doom a president’s legacy. Against such a certainty, any chance of salvaging the situation could look like a better bet—and by opting to fight China to protect Taiwan, the president would preserve the possibility of going down in history as a great wartime victor. In the 1960s, President Lyndon Johnson faced a choice between ramping up a U.S. military campaign in Vietnam and allowing the Communists to take over the country. He doubted that a war was necessary or winnable. But he sent American soldiers all the same.

U.S. leaders need a way to escape the ghastly decision to either wage World War III or watch Taiwan go down. They need a third option. Washington must make a plan that enables Taiwan to mount a viable self-defense, allows the United States to assist from a distance, and keeps the U.S. position in Asia intact regardless of how a cross-strait conflict concludes. This way, the United States could abstain from sending its military forces to defend Taiwan if China invades the island and does not attack U.S. bases or warships..

Before the moment of crisis arrives, political leaders should initiate a frank national dialogue about U.S. interests in the western Pacific. Americans must know the true costs of conflict with China: the deaths of tens and perhaps hundreds of thousands of U.S. soldiers, the possibility that nuclear weapons would be fired in desperation, an economic downturn dwarfing that of the Great Recession of 2008, and severe disruption to everyday life. It will take great effort for policymakers to communicate the scale of the potential devastation because a war with China would look nothing like the relatively small and contained wars that the United States has waged in recent decades.

In addition to making clear the costs of war with China, U.S. officials should stress the need to coexist with China as prominently as they discuss the need to compete with it. In the coming years, especially if Beijing’s behavior improves, American policymakers should adopt “competitive coexistence” as an approach for U.S. relations with China. In doing so, they would convey Washington’s willingness to establish stable patterns of interaction, limit security competition, and address global problems collaboratively. At a minimum, political leaders should avoid undue alarmism about Taiwan. The Biden administration was right to tamp down public speculation about the year by which China might intend to launch an invasion. The Trump administration should go further to discourage catastrophic thinking, including by communicating to the public that China would not pose an immeasurably greater challenge to the United States if Taiwan came under its control.

I don’t know why the neocons are preemptively aligning themselves with reality in the case of China when they aggressively refused to do so in the case of Russia. Perhaps they simply don’t hate the Chinese with the same irrational hatred they harbor for the Russians, perhaps the extent of the Chinese industrial advantage is simply too great for even the most magickal-thinkers to believe they can simply wish away, or, more likely, they want to reserve the limited US military resources that will be available for any foreign adventures for the Middle East.

The trade war with China should provide sufficient excitement to keep even the most inveterate drama-seekers occupied. There is simply no benefit to the United States of engaging in an actual war in the South Pacific.


Leave NATO, Leave the UN

Not only is there absolutely no benefit to Americans to the USA being a member of NATO and the UN, but both globalist institutions represent a financial drain as well as a clear and present existential danger to the United States, as the God-Emperor 2.0 has obviously noted.

President Trump has launched his latest attack against Europe after he claimed that the United States should worry more about ‘migrant rape gangs and drug lords’ than Vladimir Putin or ‘end up like Europe’.

The President made the comment on his Truth Social media platform where he wrote: ‘We should spend less time worrying about Putin, and more time worrying about migrant rape gangs, drug lords, murderers, and people from mental institutions entering our Country – So that we don’t end up like Europe!’

Trump’s comment comes as Europe faces a brutal reality check where the continent may not be able to rely on America for its security anymore.

NATO, in particular, is an existential danger to the USA and should be defunded and disavowed at the earliest opportunity. The USA’s so-called “allies” are actively and openly conspiring to throw themselves at the Russian war machine in the full knowledge of their inability to even make a dent in it, then wave Article 5 to demand their rescue with the lives of American soldiers.

President Trump wisely withdrew the military and financial support for the Kiev regime that had emboldened it to take foolish actions it never would have otherwise dared. Now it is time for him to do exactly the same thing for the Clown World puppets currently presiding – mostly undemocratically – over the various European nations.

Ironically, the only way Russia can possibly be a threat to Americans is if the US leaders are dumb enough to agree to the European cowardly demands of “let’s see you and him fight!” It would make far more sense for the God-Emperor to declare war on the European Union than on Russia.


The Crimean War 2.0

Britain has signed a hundred year agreement to support Ukraine militarily and financially. This includes providing Ukraine £3 billion a year until 2031 and to support Ukraine “for as long as needed,” and establishing military bases along the Sea of Azov, which Russia controls.

I can only assume the plan here is to take on the Russians, then shriek for help in the hope that the Americans are dumb enough to white knight for the British when they wouldn’t do so any longer for the Ukrainians.

Whatever. It’s a truly futile strategy, as a moment’s thought should make clear. If Americans cared about the British enough to fight for them, we would have already sent the SEALs and other special forces into Rotherham and other English cities to take out the Asian rape gangs.

The Polish Prime Minister may be a Clown World puppet, but his summary of the situation is an apt one.

500 million Europeans are asking 300 million Americans to defend them against 140 million Russians.

And about 100 million of those “Americans” are invaders anyhow. The sooner the USA shuts down NATO and brings all of its troops home, the better.


What Three Years Hath Wrought

Three years ago, three reporters in the Swiss media publicly defamed me and one of their accusations concerned the fact that I pointed out Clown World was the aggressor and the cause of the Ukraine war, that it was absolutely retarded for the European nations to intervene on behalf of a country with a foreign regime put into power by a US neocon coup, and that it was grandiose stupidity for the Swiss government to throw away the centuries of neutrality that protected the Swiss people from the wars that harrowed Europe in order to join the side that was absolutely guaranteed to lose the war.

On the war in Ukraine, his opinion is just as clear-cut: the aggression is the work of “the imperial USA”, which has put Russia in a situation of compulsion. He calls the West “Clown World”, while Russia would represent “Sovereign World”. At the end of February, he titled his blog, “Grandiose stupidity in Switzerland” and criticized the fact that the President of the Confederation Ignazio Cassis has sided with the European Union sanctions.

Three years later, all of my observations been born out in spades. The US and European sanctions have proven worse than useless. The United Nations Security Council has refused to condemn the so-called “Russian aggression” that was the inevitable response to the military expansion of NATO to its borders as well as the brutal assaults on the Russian people of the New Russian republics who had been seeking self-determination. And European leaders, such as former Austrian Foreign Minister Karin Kneissl are already beginning to admit that Russia has won the war.

It had been said that Russia could allegedly be smashed on the battlefield, that it would fall to the Middle Ages level, that the Russian society would be ruined. However, that never happened. No mass riots that Europe expected or would like to see, ever happened either. We often heard that the country was going to fall into 40 new states, but it never happened as well. Taking the mentioned factors into consideration, I think that yes, Russia has won.”

And most importantly, the fact that the Ukrainian war was only one battle in the ongoing war between Clown World and the Sovereign World represented by Russia, China, and now America, has been underlined by the European Union’s High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Kaja Kallas.

We stand by Ukraine. We will step up our support to Ukraine so that they can continue to fight back the agressor [sic]. Today, it became clear that the free world needs a new leader. It’s up to us, Europeans, to take this challenge.

The irony of the unelected Eurocrats who hate democracy, hate their own people, hate Christianity, criminalize free speech, and rule over their subjected people as the puppets of Clown World calling themselves “the free world” is satanic inversion at its most obvious. And the significant point of her statement is that thanks to President Trump, aka the God-Emperor 2.0 (may he reign 3,500 more years), America has finally, like Russia and China, begun to free itself from the wicked rule of Clown World.

And the Eurocrats will fail in their quest to raise up a new leader of Clown World because the European peoples are finally beginning to see through all their lies. They promised peace, unity, and wealth, and delivered war, diversity, and economic devastation. It will not be long before their masters throw them from their high horses. But until then, they will continue to invert and subvert the truth, because their retardery knows no limit. Their irrationality is rapidly approaching levels last seen when an Austrian was hiding from Russian tanks in a Berlin bunker.

French President Emmanuel Macron told reporters in Portugal that “I think we were all right to help Ukraine and sanction Russia three years ago, and to continue to do so.”

UPDATE: The people have asked for it, and they shall receive.


Sigma Game and Diplomacy

Even those of you who have no interest in the Socio-Sexual Hierarchy might be interested in reading this extremely illuminating breakdown of yesterday’s diplomatic debacle when Ukraine Head of State Vladimir Zelensky visited the White House and the God-Emperor 2.0, may he reign 3,500 more years.

Reviewing the transcript, what struck me most was the way that the Gamma went directly at the Situational Bravo rather than at the Alpha. Zelensky did so because he correctly read Vance as being psychologically weaker than his situational status tends to suggest. Not only did Zelensky reportedly refer to Vance in a vulgar and dismissive manner, albeit in classic passive-aggressive Gamma style under his breath and in a foreign language, but he attacked Vance as part of his attempt to evade the topic that was under discussion, which was the observable fact that Russia has already won its war with Ukraine and therefore diplomacy is necessary to end the war before Ukraine is forced to accept an unconditional surrender.

Read the whole thing there. The lesson, as always, is this: no amount of intellectual comprehension and self-control can reliably replace one’s behavioral patterns established during one’s formative years.


You Don’t Have the Cards

The God-Emperor 2.0 and his Vice-President chew out Vladimir Zelensky right in front of the cameras. Incredible.

Yes it’s going to be a very hard thing to do business like this. Just say thanks. You said a lot of things except that, there are disagreements, and let’s go litigate those disagreements rather than trying to fight it out in the American Media when you’re wrong. We know that you’re wrong, but you see, I think it’s
good for the American people to see what’s going on. Understand? I think it’s very important, that’s why I kept this going so long. You have to be thankful. You don’t have the cards. You’re buried there. Your people are dying, you’re running low on soldiers, listen, you’re running low on soldiers. It would be a damn good thing, and then you tell us ‘I don’t want to ceasefire, I don’t want a ceasefire.’

I don’t know if you can make a deal. The problem is I’ve empowered you to be a tough guy and I don’t think you’d be a tough guy without the United States. Your people are very brave, but you’re either going to make a deal or we’re out. And if we’re out, you’ll fight it out. I don’t think it’s going to be pretty, but you’ll fight it out and you don’t have the cards.


Appearances vs Reality

Far too many people, and pretty much everyone in the media, are far too obsessed with the idea of political leaders “appearing strong” as opposed to actually being strong. Which tendency Simplicius notes, particularly in reference to Vladimir Putin:

Too many people view the world in black and white, and believe the slightest weakness condemns a leader to total incompetence or treachery. No, Putin has weaknesses like everyone else, but also big strengths—it’s just at times one over-shines the other in glaring ways. The Russian armed forces have now likely lost somewhere approaching 100,000 dead if not more, the least they deserve in their colossal sacrifice is to know they didn’t die in vain; a stronger message from the commander-in-chief ensuring that objectives will be met would go a long way here.

The other most important thing to mention vis-a-vis ceasefire talks that no one else is talking about is the following. Russia and the US appear to be at a kind of epistemic loggerheads when it comes to the order with which the conflict must come to an end. You see, Trump, Marco Rubio, and others from their camp hold the position that the conflict must be brought to a ceasefire first, and only then would the higher order normalizations and negotiations between the US and Russia take place. In short, the Trump administration is putting the cart before the horse in its impatience to put some big win on the scoreboard, particularly given that many other Trump campaign promises have already flopped, or similarly log-jammed.

But Russia insists on the opposite order of events: first the US must recognize all the causes of the conflict and fulfill Russia’s demands for long-term security guarantees, and only then will Russia entertain bringing the conflict to an end. How to reconcile these antipodal positions? Easy: Russia must simply continue plowing ahead until the US ‘comes around’ to realizing that it’s not the one in the driver’s seat.

Being strong does not consist of making vacuous statements completely at odds with reality, as the Ukrainian, European, and US leaders are extremely prone to doing. That’s a magickal belief in rhetoric, attempting to alter the material universe with nothing more than their words and willpower. By their definition of “strong leadership” there has been no stronger leadership than Hitler in the Berlin bunker, making bizarre proclamations about inevitable victory and issuing orders to nonexistent battalions.

Keir Starmer, Emmanual Macron, and whatever nonentity is heading up the German government can posture as they like, but their opinions count even less than yours or mine. As Simplicius points out, Russia will simply keep doing what it is doing until the entire retarderati finally realizes that Russia is not going to run out of ammunition in two weeks, the Kursk incursion no longer exists, and the Kiev regime flees to Paris, or, as is more likely the case in the end, Jerusalem.

Both Putin and Xi practice the sort of strong leadership articulated by Teddy Roosevelt. They speak softly, in the case of Xi, very, very softly, and they carry big sticks which they do not hesitate to utilize. Trump can certainly negotiate with them, and make deals with them, but no amount of wild rhetoric and posturing is going to impress them.

The Clown World Order is failing. Their fake and gay “democracies” have been exposed, as well as their inversive “freedom” and now the nationalist “autocracies” are, as I have long predicted, rising to replace Clown World’s globalist charade.

Today, not only are autocracies increasingly confident. The US is moving to their side. That is the lesson of the last two weeks. Freedom is not in as much danger as it was in 1942. Yet the dangers are very real.


No One Will Fight for Clown World

The Macron-Starmer proposal of 30,000 British and French troops to serve as a “Reassurance Force” in Ukraine was obviously DUA, dead upon articulation.

The British public and Parliament were caught off guard by what many see as a reckless proposal from their PM. He announced the possibility of “British boots on the ground” just hours after the Munich meeting ended. This decision, or threat, appears to be a unilateral move by Starmer. It is unlikely to gain widespread support across the country and is already sparking outrage, particularly in the “Red Wall” – Britain’s former industrial heartlands. A poll in The Times just last week showed that only 11% of young people in the UK would consider fighting for their country, showing what we all know: that the UK is deeply divided over class, race, and region.

This is a problem for Starmer and the British liberals who have yet again found their war drums that were put away following the disastrous follies in Iraq and Afghanistan. What was once the Labour heartlands, the de-industrialized parts of the country, have also been the typical recruiting fields for the British Soldier – the white working class. These communities have been badly let down by all politicians have become deeply resentful and detached from what is happening within the politics, media and chattering classes of London.

It is no coincidence that those beating the war drums in London are the same individuals who supported the Iraq invasion and opposed the outcome of the EU referendum that led to Brexit. There has been a distinct division throughout the country since Brexit and I suspect Starmer’s reckless offering up of our military to “peacekeep” for the EU is a signal that he wants a closer relationship with the bloc. Unfortunately for Starmer, his brand of Labour – middle-class metropolitan liberals – will never offer up their own children for military service and will look north towards the very people they have spent the nine years since the Brexit referendum accusing of being racists, bigots, and xenophobes.

Starmer and Macron are deeply unpopular in their own countries. Perhaps they think they can paint over the damage done in their countries by successive neo-liberal governments by pulling the patriotic chord through the threat of war. But Starmer must realise that this will never be his Falklands War moment – when an unpopular Margaret Thatcher and her Tory government turned around their unpopularity by going to war with Argentina in 1982. Working-class populations outside the big metropolitan cities, in places like Blyth, Sunderland, Mansfield and Stoke-on-Trent, have traditionally been patriotic and supported the British military, but they will not follow Starmer and the failed EU leaders into a battle they see as ‘not theirs’.

The lesson here for the Western European political leaders is that ignoring sections of the population, allowing deep divisions and inequalities to fester, and then banging the war drums and expecting the working class to go and fight a war for you is not going to work. They can see right through this, and Vance’s words spoke to them more directly than a despised European elite class ever could.

Only the professionalization of the US military in the post-Vietnam era permitted its misuse and abuse as the enforcement arm of Clown World. But that was a much more innocent era, when the young were indoctrinated into patriotism and love of their nation. We’re now two generations into the redefinition of patriotism as racism and love of one’s nation as hate, which means that the only young men capable of fighting are either a) foreigners who hate the nation they’ve invaded and b) nationalists who hate the Clown Worlders who despise and hate them.

The vast majority of young British men are far more inclined to take up arms against the Starmer government than fight for it, much less to do so in defense of the illegitimate, anti-democratic Kiev regime.

I am descended from a long line of men who served the US military with great distinction dating back to Valley Forge. From there to Guadacanal and Korea, they fought and they bled for the Stars and Stripes, because they believed in serving their nation. Not an ideology, not some lines drawn on a map, not an idea, and not a state bureaucracy. They served their nation.

But neither I nor any of my descendants will ever lift a single finger in defense of Clown World, not in Ukraine, and not anywhere on the planet.