Moderna Deadlier Than Pfizer

Data from the Czech Republic shows that the Moderna not-vaxx was significantly more dangerous than the Pfizer not-vaxx, up to TWICE as deadly for those who were in their 20s at the time.

Official government record-level data obtained through a FOIA request from the Czech Republic shows that the Moderna COVID vaccine increased all-cause-mortality (ACM) as measured over a 12-month period from the time of vaccination for every age as compared to the Pfizer vaccine.

If the COVID vaccines were safe, the overall ACM across different vaccine brands would be very similar.

This is not the case. They are radically different and the difference is highly statistically significant.

For example, for ages 46-69 who got two shots of Moderna vs. two shots of Pfizer in 2021 in the Czech Republic, there is over a 50% higher risk of death measured over a 1 year time window since the time of the shot as shown in the chart above.

The younger you were, the greater the percentage increase in risk. For 20 to 29 year old’s for example, the MRR (mortality rate ratio between Moderna to Pfizer) approached 2:1 which means you more than doubled your all-cause mortality if you took a Moderna shot.

So even if the Pfizer vaccine was 100% safe, the Moderna vaccine should be immediately stopped as being far too deadly to use for any age group.

The 50% number is an absolute ACM increase compared to the Pfizer ACM value, not a comparison of excess mortality risk.

That’s a train wreck. Vaccines are always supposed to reduce absolute ACM. Vaccines are never supposed to increase ACM, even by a little bit.

But, of course, they weren’t vaccines, as Karl Denninger and I were pointing out to everyone before they were even introduced. Gene therapy is not a vaccine. However, the fact that Moderna was the worst doesn’t mean the others were safe; the Pfizer not-vaxx increased a recipient’s chances of dying too. We don’t have any data for this in the USA yet, because, as with childhood vaccines, the scientists are very carefully not looking at the safety evidence.

There isn’t a single mortality comparison by brand posted by a public health agency anywhere in the world ever. Not even in internal documents. That’s appalling. Yet nobody in the mainstream medical community ever voiced a concern about the lack of this sort of obvious safety monitoring and the total lack of data transparency. If they looked, they would have found exactly what I found: a major problem. It took me less than 15 hours from the time I got the data to spot the huge anomaly in the data.

Which means, of course, that there is still no evidence that the not-vaxxes are “safe and effective”. It’s really remarkable that so many people fell for the “trust the science” rhetoric when it was completely obvious that absolutely no actual science was being performed.


There Are No Studies

As I have been pointing out for literal decades, there are very few, if any, actual scientific studies that have been performed on vaccine safety. Not for any vaccine, not for any age group of recipients. The pro-vaxxers have always begged the question and assumed the conclusion by claiming that it would be unethical to actually perform a proper double-blind study by leaving one study group of children unvaccinated, and tried to substitute ex post facto statistical analyses for genuine scientody that can be replicated with reproducible results.

But, in the aftermath of the Covid 19 vaxxastrophe, courts, lawyers, and politicians are finally looking a lot more closely at the actual facts in evidence with regards to the science of vaccine safety, and they are discovering that despite decades of assurances, there simply isn’t anything there. The scientific community has been lying and gaslighting everyone with false assurances longer than I’ve been alive.

  • For decades, the medical community insisted vaccines are the most thoroughly studied product ever; for example, Dr. Paul Offit said, “I think we should be proud of vaccines as arguably the safest, best tested things we put in our body.”
  • For decades, parents of vaccine injured children, vaccine injured adults, and other stakeholders contested these claims only to be shunned and attacked by the medical community and health agencies.
  • In 2018, I had the unprecedented opportunity to depose the architect of our vaccination program and the Godfather of Vaccinology, Dr. Plotkin, and lay bare the evidence that showed what these authors are now finally admitting about the utter lack of vaccine safety trials and studies. See
  • After this deposition is made public, Dr. Plotkin goes on a tirade, making demands that FDA add “missing information on safety and efficacy” in vaccine package inserts and that CDC exclude harms from its Vaccine Information Sheets, “lobbying the Gates Foundation to support pro-vaccine organizations,” working to have WHO list vaccine hesitancy as a global threat, lobbying AAP, IDSA and PIDS to “support training of witnesses” to support vaccine safety, etc. See
  • The problem is, it doesn’t work. It doesn’t work because, at bottom, there are no proper safety studies. So, there is no safety data to add to the FDA package inserts, and hiding harms by removing them from CDC inserts doesn’t make them go away. Parents and other adults don’t simply stop believing what they have seen with their own eyes because CDC, WHO, the Gates Foundations, etc., won’t acknowledge them, or worse, they attack them.
  • That brings us to the present in which Plotkin and his disciples realize they can’t cast voodoo on the public. They can’t hide the truth. So, their only option is to try and co-op the truth they have lied about for decades by now admitting that the studies to show vaccines are safe do not exist. But in making that admission, they conveniently fail to admit that for decades they lied, gaslit, defrauded (and I don’t use that word lightly) the public by claiming that vaccines are probably the most thoroughly safety tested products on the planet and that people should rest assured, no stone on vaccine safety was left unturned.
  • Thus, in their article just published, they pretend they never lied about vaccine safety. They pretend they are now just pointing out vaccine safety has never really been conducted, as if that was not known to them before.

The key admission: there are no proper safety studies.

This is precisely what Spacebunny and I have been telling everyone for decades. Unlike most people, we don’t pay any attention to the mainstream media’s science coverage, such as it is, and we don’t read the science media either. We dig up the professional papers published in the relevant science journals, and what became evident fairly quickly in this field was that the oft-cited studies on the safety of ANY vaccine simply did not exist.

Never trust the science and never, ever trust the scientists. Because most of the science is fake, if it even exists at all, and most of the scientists are corrupt liars whose work cannot be replicated.


An Unwise Choice

A famous Japanese oncologist explains why he didn’t get vaccinated, and why the creation of genetic vaccines are “totally unacceptable” and “a foolish decision from the beginning”.

Genetic vaccines are totally unacceptable. The introduction of transgenes into the human body is gene therapy.   How can this be considered acceptable for creating vaccines?

If you encapsulate mRNA in nanoparticles and administer it you only get off-target effects starting from the ovaries, to the brain, liver, spleen and bone marrow. The biggest problem is going to the bone marrow, the reproductive organs like the ovaries and then every possible organ.

The fact that spike proteins are still detected in the rash after more than a year makes it obvious that mRNA is producing spike proteins. There is no way for a year-old spike protein to remain in the rash and be detected.

I didn’t choose to get vaccinated because I think it was a foolish decision from the beginning.  I haven’t even opted for the flu shot because I consider it an unwise choice.

– Prof. Masanori Fukushima, Professor Emeritus of Kyoto University, Director of the Translational Research Centre for Medical Innovation and the Foundation for Biomedical Research and Innovation, President of the Foundation of Learning Health Society Institute and former Director of the Outpatient Oncology Unit of Kyoto University Hospital.


A Mystery for the Ages

  • 23 September 2021: Portugal has the highest Covid-19 vaccination rate in the world.
  • 19 January 2024: Portugal registers highest level of excess deaths in Europe.

Alas, that there is no Jules Maigret, no Sherlock Holmes, who can find an answer to this baffling conundrum.


The Limits of JACOBSON

Karl Denninger points out the significance of the recent 9th Circuit Court decision overturning the constitutionality of Covid-19 mandates is that it goes far beyond the not-vaccine of the Vaxx to disqualify the vast majority of current vaccines:

So why is this decision much larger than just Covid?

Because since the DTP vaccine fiasco that led to the NCVIA multiple (and indeed nearly all) alleged “vaccines”, along with the original injected polio formulation still used (IPV) are in fact personal prophylaxis and do not prevent either contracting or transmitting the disease in question. Specifically all of the following fall into this category and thus all of them, per this decision, cannot be mandated by any government-connected agency including a school or a medical system citing government contracts (e.g. Medicare):

IPV – injected polio. Of note OPV, the oral version, colonizes the gut and is sterilizing. We used to give IPV first to prevent the rare reversion that can occur with OPV and cause polio but since polio has disappeared from the United States we no longer do.

The aP portion of DTaP, the reformulated DTP shot that led to the injuries in the 1970s, and since it is not separable from the other two none of the three can be mandated so long as they are combined. Further Tetanus, which might well be a very good idea to take anyway for what should be obvious reasons, can’t be mandated at all because it is not transmissible at all between persons. Therefore it is entirely legitimate to legally force the separation of all three shots.

Flu shots — they do not sterilize. Period.

Hep-B — Commonly given to infants this is a non-sterilizing shot and is utterly worthless in infants generally since Hep-B is passed only through blood and serum exchange, meaning injected drugs and (especially anal) sex. Obviously an infant subjected to either of those is being wildly abused but this also means no mandate can be enforced in this regard when it comes to adults even in health care as there is no sterilization effect and thus it cannot protect potential patients from exposure.

Vit-K — Commonly given to infants at birth this has no immunization effect at all and thus is mere personal prophylaxis which the parents, as agents for the child, have an unquestioned right to direct in the acceptance or refusal without interference.

RSV – A new one the CDC is now pushing but it is non-sterilizing. The safety profile over long periods of time is unknown as the shot is too new but it uses mRNA technology which makes it instantly suspect as the dose of the actual antigen producing thing cannot be controlled.

Rotavirus – Again, non-sterilizing.

Varicella (chicken pox) – Again, non-sterilizing however, since Chicken Pox is wildly more dangerous in adults than children if you haven’t gotten it the old-fashioned way by the time you go into school you probably want to consider it for that reason.

Meningococcal – That too is non-sterilizing and yet colleges, in particular, try to mandate it. Under this decision that is also illegal as the benefit is entirely personal.

The reason is that the basis for which Jacobson permitted the smallpox vaccine mandate is because the vaccine was sterilizing. As Denninger explains: “the case turned on the fact that the smallpox vaccine in question was sterilizing; that is, it prevented spread of the disease because once inoculated you could neither acquire or transmit the infection. On this basis the Supreme Court held that despite a person’s objections and potential harms from taking it they could be fined if they refused.”

This means there is virtually no grounds for submitting to any vaccine mandate in the future. Unless and until a vaccine is legally declared to be sterilizing by a court, any attempt to mandate it is unconstitutional and illegal on its face.


Mailvox: Sinovac vs mRNA

A twice-vaxxed Sinovac reader shares some thoughts on the last three years:

I got two shots of the Sinovac, the Chinese attenuated vaccine, because I needed to travel during the pandemic for work and to be with family. This was not a matter of choice though they’ll argue it was when the lawsuits start flying. Weirdly I’ve never once had Covid, and boy was I exposed. Airports, soccer matches, concerts, all sorts of licit and illicit gatherings. My logic was if I was going to get any vax, it would be best to get one that a) wasn’t experimental and b) was made by the same people who made the virus.

Talking to medics in Britain and around Europe, I’ve become aware that even though the Russian and Chinese vaccines were never formally made available to the people, who got no choice but MRNA despite literally hundreds of thousands of requests to the NHS alone, plenty of medics who have their own international supply chains did the same thing. They got the Sinovac when they didn’t just fill in the form and jack up the saline.

I would love to know if there is any research into the long-term effects, not solely out of selfish reasons, but primarily because this poses a really interesting analysis. We already are seeing that MRNA-vaxxed people are dying of suddenly at alarming rates, which simply isn’t happening in the unvaxxed cohort. But what about the data from China, Russia or other places that only got the attenuated non-MRNA vaccines?

If those people aren’t also dying of suddenly, then it seems to me that it’s the MRNA technology, what it contained, and how it functions in the body, that is the causative effect of Suddenly. But if it turned out that there’s a lot of Suddenly going on among the Russians and Chinese too, then something more interesting is occurring, more likely related to the interaction between the manufactured virus and any attempt to vaxx.

My money’s on the former incidentally. And that would be sufficient information to ban MRNA tech, in my opinion.

We know the Johnson & Johnson non-mRNA vaccine is causing elevated mortality risks, but the reader is correct in pointing out that there is no observable evidence that either the Sinovac or Sputnik vaccines are doing the same. Regardless of whether they are or not, it’s quite clear that mRNA technology should be immediately banned and any attempts to utilize it should be criminalized, given the way in which relatively young mRNA-vaxxed celebrities, media figures, and athletes are now collapsing and dying literally every single day now.

I will offer one correction, however. The Covid-19 bioweapon was released in China, apparently on Oct. 18, 2019 at the CISM Military World Games in Wuhan, but it was developed by Clown World scientists working in the USA.

In related news, those who resisted are having their resistance retroactively justified by the legal system. Never submit to unlawful threats from the authorities.

The co-owner of Atilis Gym in Bellmawr, New Jersey, who fiercely defied tyrannical lockdowns in 2020, has won a monumental victory after a court dismissed all 80 charges against him. Ian Smith famously reopened his gym in the middle of lockdown, defying Democrat Governor Phil Murphy’s draconian COVID-19 lockdown orders. The confrontation escalated in July 2020 when police officers forcefully arrested Smith after he continually violated the State’s shutdown orders.

It seems like an appropriate moment to drop this flashback from the recent past.


Forget the Autism

There is substantial statistical evidence suggesting – suggesting, mind you, not proving – that sufficient vaccines can make you trans and gay:

Here are the odds ratio between the fully vaccinated/fully unvaccinated. Odds ratios >2 are traditionally associated with causality:

Sexual orientation: 4.78

Gender identity: 4.81

Gender dysphoria: 5.54

These effects are huge and consistent.

Also, the odds ratios for partially vaccinated are in line with the fully vaccinated: in general, the greater the number of vaccines someone has, the more likely they are to have a trait that differs from traditional norms. So the vaccines themselves are the elephant in the room here and the driver of the response, not environment, upbringing, social pressure, etc.

Now, I already lean pretty heavily anti-vax, which is why refusing the Covid not-vaxx didn’t even rise to the level of having to think about it for one second. But these results should make even the most mindless pro-vax parent think twice about signing up little Bobby or Jenny for the endless series of foreign substances presently being pushed on the parents of young children. Especially in the aftermath of the global vaxx debacle.

At the very least, more genuine scientific research is required, and no amount of fake ethical special pleading about how it is immoral to have an unvaccinated control group will suffice to avoid it.

UPDATE: Additional information on the subject from a doctor who is very concerned about the adverse effects of standard childhood vaccines.

A curious embargo exists on testing vaccines for safety. As a result, the basic trials we would expect to have been done to assess whether the CDC’s vaccine schedule is safe have never been publicly conducted. Moreover, no independent researcher has ever been given access to the large databases that could easily demonstrate if vaccines were indeed “safe” or “effective.”


Remember This

From SG: I lost a friend yesterday. Presumed heart attack. 46 years old. Two children ages 5 and 3.

It’s vital to remember these excess deaths in the aftermath of the Vaxx 1.0 – 1.6. Each and every one. They must be remembered because the next health crisis will push the vaccines even more harshly, and the consequences for not getting Vaxx 2.0 will be even more severe.

But they will not be as costly as submitting to it will be.


“You Are the Winners”

Scott Adams finally and unambiguously concludes that even the fanciest analytics are trumped by a heuristic based on instinctive distrust.

“The anti-vaxxers are clearly the winners at this point, and I think it will stay that way. And I don’t want to put any shade on that whatsoever. They came out the best. They have the winning position. The unvaccinated have an advantage. Because they feel better. The thing they’re not worrying about is what I have to worry about. I wonder if that vaccination five years from now.

“Because really, I think the antivaxxers were just really distrustful of big companies and big government. That’s never wrong! It’s never wrong to distrust government. It’s never wrong to distrust big companies. So if you just took the position let’s just distrust everything the government did, well, you won!

“You won, you won completely – I did not end up in the right place. Agreed? You would all agree with that, right? I did not end up in the right place. The right place would be natural immunity, no vaccination. You should take that as a victory, and I should take defeat. We could agree on that, right? That my position is now the weakest, and your position has gone from the weakest to the strongest, and we can just say that’s true. The people who didn’t get vaxxed are absolutely in the winning position.

“You win. You win! You are the winners. You are the winners. Let me say that part with no ambiguity. You won. You won. All of my fancy analytics got me to a bad place. All of your heuristics – don’t trust these guys, it’s obvious – totally worked.”
– Scott Adams

It doesn’t really feel like winning, to be honest. But give Scott credit, as unlike most vaccinated individuals, he is willing to come out publicly and declare that he made the wrong decision, explain that the various bases for that decision were unreliable, and admit that he will have to live the rest of his life under the shadow of the possible adverse effects of that decision.

This is very important, not for the satisfaction of his critics, but for Scott himself, because now he knows he has to embark upon an early-detection regime for cancer and be careful to avoid activities that will elevate his heart rate to now-dangerous levels. And it’s also important for his fellow vaccinated, because perhaps failing this test will give them the wherewithal to pass the next one.

Because the next one is definitely coming, sooner or later.

The fundamental failure in Scott’s syllogism was the assumption that lay beneath his logic. He assumed, incorrectly, that scientistry and scientage could be trusted. This is quite common in those who fail to distinguish between the three aspects of science and don’t understand that scientistry is not only not scientody, but these days, does not necessarily have any connection to scientody at all. And given the massive twin crises of reproducibility and corruption in scientistry, the fact is that the anti-vaxx position was always the strongest position all along, even from a secular materialist perspective.

The heuristic was even more clear, and even more obvious, for the Christian. Never, ever, trust the wicked. Not offering tickets, not riding a black horse, not wearing a white coat.


The Black Rider Has No Favorites

To him, you can never be more than a tool of momentary utility. Serve him if you are foolish enough to do so. Perhaps you think the earthly rewards are worth riding with the Black Rider. But sooner or later, when you are no longer necessary, you will be thrown from his high horse.

The wicked always think they will be immune to their own wickedness. They are seldom correct.

Marco Troper, who was in his second semester at the university, died Tuesday, his grandmother Esther Wojcicki posted on social media. Troper, a math major, was the son of former YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki, who stepped down from her role last year after 25 years with Google, which owns the video streaming service.

“Tragedy hit my family yesterday,” Esther Wojcicki wrote online. “My beloved grandson Marco Troper, age 19 passed away yesterday. Our family is devastated beyond comprehension. Marco was the most kind, loving, smart, fun and beautiful human being.” The grandmother told the Palo Alto Daily Post and SFGate that Troper’s death may have been as a result of a drug overdose. The family is waiting on a toxicology report that could take a month.

When reached via email Friday, UC Berkeley spokesperson Janet Gilmore confirmed the university had a “student death earlier this week.” Gilmore said a student residing at the Clark Kerr Campus was found unresponsive on Tuesday around 4:23 p.m. Berkeley firefighters attempted lifesaving measures but the student was pronounced dead.

UC Berkeley freshman, son of former YouTube CEO, found dead in dorm, 18 February 2024

I have zero sympathy for these wicked people. They participated and helped make possible the very tragedy that is now affecting them as well as all their victims. They knowingly pushed lethal poisons on hundreds of millions of people and actively censored everyone who attempted to warn people not to take it or provided a safer and more effective alternative. I suspect the young man died the same way my youngest brother did, by taking a stimulant that increased his heart rate to a level that was too high for his vaxx-damaged heart to bear.

Cocaine use is associated with a large abrupt and transient increase in the risk of acute myocardial infarction in patients who are otherwise at relatively low risk.

It’s no secret that cocaine significantly increases the heart rate. The reason we’re seeing more overdoses that are blamed on fentanyl now isn’t because the drug is so much stronger, or because drug dealers have somehow lost the ability to correctly cut cocaine in order to avoid reducing their customer base, but because so many young people’s hearts have been damaged by the vaxx. It’s the same reason so many super-fit soccer players are dying of suddenly; certain drugs and certain sports both significantly increase the heart rate to a point that a heart damaged by myocarditis cannot continue to function.

The mean heart rate for a semi-professional soccer player is 172 while professional soccer players regularly record peak heart rates north of 190. Cocaine use causes the heart rate to momentarily spike in excess of 180, which is why both soccer players and cocaine users have been disproportionately represented among the victims of the mRNA covid vaccines.