Systemic Failure

The ramifications of the vaxx are now beginning to put the hospitals under even worse strain than they were during Covid.

  • An increasingly noticeable number of doctors and nurses and staff have “died suddenly,” “died unexpectedly,” or have become disabled and ill from injuries and/or cancer. The youth and health of these employees have been increasingly remarked on amongst staff (not to mention the deluge of previously healthy and/or young patients they are now presenting with severe and/or atypical (for that age) illnesses. Remember, cancer used to largely be a disease of aging.
  • Consequently, the suspected role of the vaccines in most of the deaths is more of an open secret and of growing concern among staff there. To wit, Ohio State University Medical Center (OSUMC) also recently stopped emailing out obituaries of prominent or veteran employees when they die. Why you ask? Because of both the number of them as well as the comments posted by employees that began openly calling out the likelihood that the vaccines were a cause (i.e. they would point out the dates of the decedents vaccination and their death). Unsurprisingly, she also told me OSUMC would quickly censor any posts of that nature (despite containing no foul language, personal attacks, or threats). From a phone conversation we had: “Yes, this is huge. Lots of internal cases of death and disabilities. They quit posting internal obits for staff. The comments underneath them were showing that people knew why everyone was dropping dead for baffling reasons. So those went away.”
  • A number of physicians (the most noticeable of them being superspecialists who cannot be replaced easily), besides dying, are also leaving due to disability or retiring due to health reasons.
  • She is hearing of a growing number of lawsuits by family members of these physicians against OSUMC for the mandates which led to the deaths or disabilities.
  • One lawsuit was filed by a widow of a physician who dropped dead suddenly. Interestingly, she demanded an autopsy with staining for spike protein and the heart was found “loaded with spike.”
  • Outcomes of organ transplant patients have been plummeting since the mRNA campaign. It got so bad that, in a complete reversal from two years ago where the programs had insisted on both donors and recipients getting jabbed, at OHSUMC they apparently no longer require or recommend mRNA vaccines to recipients and may be prioritizing organs from unvaccinated donors. Whoa. Apparently one of the reasons is that recipients were developing new “systemic” conditions that were not typical or expected in transplant patients previously.
  • Minutes of administrative and policy committee meetings are no longer openly available on the internal OSUMC website and are instead only available if you “sign in” (presumably so they know who is looking up these minutes).
  • Cancers are exploding, causing massive strain on oncology services. Particularly glioblastomas to the brain as well as to the spine. Also, case managers for the large number of cancer patients were stating they were not retiring due to the patient volume in need.

I saw a video in which a nurse stated that she was one of only three unvaccinated heath care workers at employed at the hospital, and talked about the similarly horrific state of affairs she was observing there. Neither the media nor the government is coming clean yet, but it appears we’re rapidly approaching the time when they won’t have any choice but to do so.


Vaxx-Cancer Link Confirmed

We’d already figured this out due to observing the huge increase in turbo cancers, but now it’s been proven beyond any possible shadow of a doubt.

Cambridge, Massachusetts-based vaccine maker Moderna has confirmed that its mRNA Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) injections could cause cancer. The company made this admission in patent filings disclosed by Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of mRNA vaccine technology, during a hearing led by U.S. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA). According to Malone, Moderna’s patent shows that its vaccine contains billions of DNA fragments and other contaminants linked to birth defects and cancer.

So now we know that both Modern and Pfizer knew their products could do what they have been observed to do. If you’ve been vaxxed with either a Moderna or Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine, be sure to stay up-to-date on your various health checks, and if you’re in remission from any sort of cancer, get checked early and often. While the two vaxxes don’t appear to cause new cancers, at least not yet, they do appear to be causing any existing cancer cells to wake up and aggressively multiply.

The several oncologists who have written to me about this uniformly report that they’ve never before witnessed their patients in remission succumbing so rapidly to cancers that had, prior to the vaxx, not been showing any signs of returning.


A Not-Cure Worse Than the Disease

Fortunately, the Vaxx doesn’t appear to be killing or otherwise harming very many children. But those deaths and injuries are absolutely unnecessary, as an Oxford University study demonstrates:

A new large-scale study from renowned scientists at the prestigious University of Oxford has just confirmed that myocarditis and pericarditis only appear in children and adolescents after Covid vaccination and not after infection from the virus.

The new study looked at the official government data of more than 1 million English children and adolescents aged between five and 11 and 12 and 15. The study compared vaccinated and unvaccinated subjects.

Vaxxed: 12 cases of myocarditis or pericarditis, 3 deaths
Unvaxxed: 0 cases; 0 deaths

Considering there were no COVID deaths in either cohort, health authorities such as the CDC should be IMMEDIATELY telling parents not to vaccinate their kids.

The myo and pericarditis cases difference is highly statistically significant (p=0.00024). The death differences (3 vs. 0) were just short of statistical significance (p=.13).

Everyone here already knows this. But it might prove useful as reference ammo for any parents who are still sufficiently ignorant to believe the establishment propaganda. And keep this in mind when the next scare-pandemic is unleased in order to push an even more lethal “cure”.


Clown World Never Rests

British doctors are ordered to ask men if they are pregnant:

British health authorities have instructed doctors performing X-ray, CT and MRI scans to ask men whether they are pregnant.

The “inclusive pregnancy status guidelines for ionizing radiation” were developed by the Society of Radiographers (SoR). According to The Telegraph, the guidance came in response to an incident in which a transgender man had a CT scan while pregnant. The decision was justified by the fact that the radiation from X-ray, CT and MRI scans can be harmful to unborn babies.

Doctors have therefore been told not to assume the gender identity of patients when performing all such procedures and inquiring of all people between the ages of 12 and 55 about pregnancy, including men, transgender, non-binary, and intersex patients.

I don’t want any medical services whatsoever from any doctor who doesn’t know the difference between men and women. Or from satanic globalists. It’s only a matter of time before they declare mandatory euthanasia is good for you.


Covid Round 2

The importance of remembering predictions about the future, however outlandish or insane they might appear, is that the more accurate the predictive model, the more easily one will recognize the developing scenario playing out according to the model. Which is why this published study concerning repeated vaccination creating immune tolerance by the Covid spike protein, is superficially concerning in light of a conspiracy post that has been making the rounds.

Less than a year after the global emergence of the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, a novel vaccine platform based on mRNA technology was introduced to the market. Globally, around 13.38 billion COVID-19 vaccine doses of diverse platforms have been administered. To date, 72.3% of the total population has been injected at least once with a COVID-19 vaccine. As the immunity provided by these vaccines rapidly wanes, their ability to prevent hospitalization and severe disease in individuals with comorbidities has recently been questioned, and increasing evidence has shown that, as with many other vaccines, they do not produce sterilizing immunity, allowing people to suffer frequent re-infections. Additionally, recent investigations have found abnormally high levels of IgG4 in people who were administered two or more injections of the mRNA vaccines. HIV, Malaria, and Pertussis vaccines have also been reported to induce higher-than-normal IgG4 synthesis. Overall, there are three critical factors determining the class switch to IgG4 antibodies: excessive antigen concentration, repeated vaccination, and the type of vaccine used. It has been suggested that an increase in IgG4 levels could have a protecting role by preventing immune over-activation, similar to that occurring during successful allergen-specific immunotherapy by inhibiting IgE-induced effects. However, emerging evidence suggests that the reported increase in IgG4 levels detected after repeated vaccination with the mRNA vaccines may not be a protective mechanism; rather, it constitutes an immune tolerance mechanism to the spike protein that could promote unopposed SARS-CoV2 infection and replication by suppressing natural antiviral responses. Increased IgG4 synthesis due to repeated mRNA vaccination with high antigen concentrations may also cause autoimmune diseases, and promote cancer growth and autoimmune myocarditis in susceptible individuals.

IgG4 Antibodies Induced by Repeated Vaccination May Generate Immune Tolerance to the SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein, 17 May 2023

This evidence tends to support the hypothesis of an earlier article published in Forbes that suggested increased IgG4 synthesis might not be effective in telling the immune system to kill cells infected with the virus, and also observed that the percentage of ineffective antibodies was rising over time in vaccinated individuals.

IgG1, IgG2, and IgG3 provide protection not only by blocking the virus from entering cells but also by their Fc regions activating effector functions and signaling the immune system to kill infected cells. IgG4, however, does not activate the effector functions, meaning their presence may impact how the body responds to Covid-19.

To measure the relative frequency of IgG subclasses in the sera of vaccine recipients, Irrgang et al. followed a cohort of 29 healthcare workers, analyzing their sera ten days after a first, second, and third dose, as well as 210 days after the second, and 180 days after the third.

In line with initial efficacy reports for the vaccine, antibody levels were robust throughout the cohort post-first and second doses. The researchers also found that 210 days after the second dose, antibody levels had fallen significantly, reaffirming the loss of antibody protection over time. Again, following the third dose, antibodies rose significantly, only to fall 180 days after the booster.

The most interesting data regards the growing concentration of IgG4 in the cohort’s sera. On average, only 0.04% of the antibody response post-second vaccination was IgG4. 210 days after the second dose, that percentage rose to 4.82%. Following the third dose, IgG4 comprised 13.91%, rising to 19.27% 180 days after.

Emergence Of IgG4 In Long-Term Vaccines: Winning Or Losing The Race?, FORBES, 13 January 2023

Now, I will caution the reader that the following scenario is almost certainly fake, because a) it was posted on Reddit by someone in June 2023, well AFTER the two articles about IgG4 antibodies were published and b) it was posted on Reddit, therefore it only looks dangerously predictive because most people don’t know when it first appeared. While /pol/ may always be right, the converse is true for Reddit. The fact that it has been promulgated without the header showing the date on it strongly suggests that it is nothing more than science horror fiction extrapolated from the two previous articles, so you can consider this a skeptical pre-debunking of sorts.

  • The vax is a de-population tool.
  • The mrna vax has always been about programmable humans. Getting needles in arms to re-write human biology.
  • After booster 4 something called igg4 is permanently active. I am no scientist but can remember igg4 cause my dogs name is iggy. He says it’s like allergy shots but for the covid spike. It tells your body there is nothing wrong with the covid spike and to leave it alone. He says if you look into it, you will see this is already known.
  • The stage is now set, he says over 3 billion people now have adequate levels of igg4 and the final phase is close. He said those in the know call it “the process”. It is to reduce the human population by 5 billion (3 billion from igg4 programming and 2 billion from the fall out of 3 billion deaths).
  • He said late 2023 the new and final covid strain will be released. This strain will have over 90% fatality but only to those who have igg4 in their bodies. They will mount NO immune response to this deadly strain. Unvaxed like him will basically have a mild cold.
  • He said ‘the process’ will do a full psychological warfare media blitz, claiming the vax has caused igg4 and anyone vaxed has a 90% chance of dying from this strain. They will claim all governments knew and misled their people. It will be designed to cause mass panic and turn all citizens against their governments. This will ensure cities burn during the viral outbreak and emergency services are nonexistent. Billions will die.

Nota Rhetorica: that preemptive defense of why the poster remembered the name of the antibody in the third point is also an indicator of a fake, as well as the mindset and IQ of those targeted by the fake.

Only if evidence surfaces proving that the same sort of information preceding the January and May articles should it be taken at face value. Until then, or until the 4x vaxxed begin succumbing like periodical cicadas this autumn, what we actually know is that a new round of flu season is coming, which means a new round of “Covid” is on the way, and it will be followed by the tried-and-tested scare tactics pushing lockdowns and vaccinations, which should be much easier for both purebloods and the vaxxed to resist this second time around.


Beat the Heat

And take at least two cold showers per day. This is yet another reason you should never take general advice from a doctor. Remember, they’re not particularly intelligent and they’re not scientists, much less engineers, so their reasoning skills are rudimentary at best and their experimental knowledge is nil.

Doctor Explains Why You Shouldn’t Take A Cold Shower To Keep Cool During The Heatwave

In what feels like day 200 of this month’s heatwave, we’re ready to try just about anything in a bid to cool down. And taking a cold shower seems like a good option, doesn’t it? Well, according to a doctor, it’s something you want to avoid.

It’s believed taking a cold shower in hot weather is actually counter productive. This is because when our body is subjected to extreme cold, it tries to regulate our core temperature. One of the ways it does this is by controlling blood flow to the skin. When it is reduced, heat is retained within the body, meaning although initially a cold shower might make you feel cooler for a short period, you’ll actually feel hotter than you did before after a few minutes.

Think about it. Do they also tell you not to go swimming in pools and lakes because you’ll just feel hotter afterwards? How is cold water magically transformed by its journey through the shower tubes in such a manner that it actually has an anti-cooling effect?

I took a cold shower one hour ago. Not only do I still feel much cooler than I did prior to taking it, but I’m not even sweating now.

First of all, if you’re feeling hotter than you did before after a few minutes, then you didn’t take a cold shower, but a lukewarm one at most. A cold shower is a shock to your system that leaves you shivering when you get out. Don’t dry yourself off either, as letting the water evaporate will prolong the cool period.

Second, while you’re still wet, get settled where a fan is blowing on you. This will make the evaporation process even cooler, as will drinking ice water while you are still cool. The colder you get, the longer it lasts.

Third, the longer you can avoid physical activity after you’ve brought your body temperature down, the longer it will take before you being heating up enough to start sweating again.

I take two cold showers a day during heat waves, once in the afternoon and once in the late evening, and I’m quite comfortable even when it’s over 100 degrees. And I strongly suspect that if I were to measure my core temperature over the course of a day, I could easily falsify the doctor’s hypothesis that blood flow to the skin renders cold showers counterproductive.



How Doctors Create Customers

If you ever wondered why the learning of history is discouraged, or why Castalia History is so important, this anecdote from Chroniques de Genève by François Bonivard, finished in 1570 but not published until 1831, should suffice to explain it.

When the bubonic plague struck Geneva in 1530, everything was ready. They even opened a whole hospital for the plague victims. With doctors, paramedics and nurses. The traders contributed, the magistrate gave grants every month. The patients always gave money, and if one of them died alone, all the goods went to the hospital.

But then a disaster happened: the plague was dying out, while the subsidies depended on the number of patients. There was no question of right and wrong for the Geneva hospital staff in 1530. If the plague produces money, then the plague is good. And then the doctors got organized.

At first, they just poisoned patients to raise the mortality statistics, but they quickly realized that the statistics didn’t have to be just about mortality, but about mortality from plague. So they began to cut the boils from the bodies of the dead, dry them, grind them in a mortar and give them to other patients as medicine. Then they started dusting clothes, handkerchiefs and garters. But somehow the plague continued to abate. Apparently, the dried buboes didn’t work well. Doctors went into town and spread bubonic powder on door handles at night, selecting those homes where they could then profit. As an eyewitness wrote on these events, “this remained hidden for some time, but the devil is more concerned with increasing the number of sins than with hiding them.”

In short, one of the doctors became so impudent and lazy that he decided not to wander the city at night, but simply threw a bundle of dust into the crowd during the day. The stench rose to the sky and one of the girls, who by a lucky chance had recently come out of that hospital, recognized| what that smell was.

The doctor was tied up and placed in the good hands of competent “craftsmen.” They tried to get as much information from him as possible. However, the execution lasted several days. The ingenious hypocrites were tied to poles on wagons and carried around the city. At each intersection the executioners used red-hot tongs to tear off pieces of meat. They were then taken to the public square, beheaded and quartered, and the pieces were taken to all the districts of Geneva.

The only exception was the hospital director’s son, who did not take part in the trial but blurted out that he knew how to make potions and how to prepare the powder without fear of contamination. He was simply beheaded “to prevent the spread of evil”.

Apparently the Geneva doctors didn’t initially understand that excess mortality statistics would give them away either.

It is said that Bonivard’s work is not well-regarded by historians. I have no doubt that is the case. But that does not mean that it does not provide a faithful and true account of the events it relates. What historians believe to be credible is often a very false and unreliable metric. The abhorrent behavior of the sixteenth-century Geneva doctors is much easier to believe in the immediate aftermath of the Covid pandemic and the mass vaxxassinations of their twenty-first-century counterparts.

And it’s interesting to see how the hospital bureaucrats were in on the murderous Geneva scheme too.


No, They Haven’t Always Died

Young people have died of heart attacks before, but never anywhere close to this extent. Excess cardiac deaths are higher than they have ever been before.

Sudden Cardiac Death in 0 – 54 yr-olds.

  • 30.4% excess (28.2% 5 wks ago)
  • Magenta line shows RXX erosion (none)
  • 20 sigma excess

In other words, too many young persons are dying suddenly, & without Covid CDC can’t find a place to hide these deaths in the ICD catalog.


Stop Playing Stupid

It’s getting a little tiresome to repeatedly listen to these grieving parents and family members pretending that they have absolutely no idea why a perfectly healthy individual died of “suddenly”:

Helen Smart’s heartbroken parents say they ‘cannot comprehend’ how Olympic swimmer died suddenly aged 43 as they pay tribute to their ‘pride and joy’: ‘How could she simply go to sleep and never wake up?’

No further details have been released yet regarding her death. 

There is at least one easy answer: she got vaxxed. And the mRNA technology in the vaccine created blood clots that led to a stroke or a heart attack. That’s the most likely reason for her death, and for the tens of thousands of similar excess deaths around the world.

And the people who are responsible are not only going to get away with it, they’re going to do it again, if those they have victimized don’t stop playing dumb and pretending that they have no idea what could possibly have killed their loved ones.


The Unaccountable

The FDA not only overstepped its legal authority and lied about the inefficacy and dangers of Ivermectin, but is attempting to claim that no one has any standing to hold it legally accountable for its illegal actions:

The plaintiffs are Drs. Paul Marik, Mary Bowden, and Robert Apter. They say they were professionally harmed by the FDA’s statements, including being terminated over efforts to prescribe ivermectin to patients.

Dr. Marik has noted that a number of studies support using ivermectin against COVID-19, as the FDA itself has acknowledged. Some other studies show little to no effect.

Federal law enables the FDA to provide information, such as reports of adverse reactions to drugs, but not medical advice, Mr. Kelson said. “This is something the FDA has never been able to do. And it’s a bright line,” he told the court, adding later: “The clearest examples of where they have gone over the line are when they say things like, ‘You are not a horse, you are not a cow. Seriously, y’all. Stop it.’

Judges indicated they agree that the FDA lacks the power to give medical advice; Judge Clement said, “You’re not authorized to give medical advice.”

But Ms. Honold said the government “isn’t conceding that in this case.” She also argued that Congress has empowered the FDA to protect public health and make sure regulated products are safe and effective, giving it the “inherent authority to further its mission by communicating information to the public about safe uses of drugs.” A ruling in favor of the doctors would prevent the FDA from reporting on consumers suffering after cooking chicken with NyQuil or that opioid addiction is a problem, she claimed.

Mr. Kelson said that wasn’t accurate. “It’s when they step beyond that [and] start telling people how they should or should not be using approved drugs,” he said.

Ms. Honold also said that the courts can’t hold agencies accountable when they provide false or misleading information: “The FDA is politically accountable, just like all other executive agencies.”

The idea that an unelected agency is “politically accountable” is risible on its face. One might as reasonably argue that executive branch agents are permitted to steal and kill without facing any legal consequences, because the President to whom they ultimately report is elected. It’s a breathtakingly ridiculous argument, and the only way it could possibly be accepted by the courts is if they are not only entirely corrupt, but entirely willing to be seen as such by the public.

It’s also interesting that when the media was pushing “trust the science” and “it’s FDA-approved”, it never saw fit to mention that the FDA is not authorized to give medical advice such as telling people to get vaccinated or to not take Ivermectin.