Letter to an Archbishop

Mel Gibson posted an open letter to Archbishop Viganò, who was recently “excommunicated” from the illegitimate, heretical, and satanic Vatican 2 Church by Mr. Jorge Bergolio, aka Fake Pope Francis:

Dear Archbishop,

I’m sure you expected nothing else from Jorge Bergoglio.

I know that you know he has no authority whatsoever – so I’m not sure how this will effect you going forward- I hope you will continue to say mass & receive the sacraments yourself – it really is a badge of honor to be shunned by the false, post-conciliar church.

You have my sympathies that you suffer publicly this grave injustice. To me & many others you are a most courageous Hero.

As always, you have hit the nail on the head regarding the illegitimacy of Francis. You express the core problems with the institution that has eclipsed the true church & I applaud your courage in expressing that, but more than that in maintaining fidelity to the true church!

You are a modern day Athanasius! I have all respect for the way you defend Christ & his church. I agree with you 100% that the post conciliar church of Vatican II is a counterfeit church. This is why I built a Catholic Church that only worships traditionally. You are welcome to come & say mass there anytime.

Of course being called a schismatic & being excommunicated by Jorge Bergoglio is like a badge of honor when you consider he is a total apostate & expels you from a false institution.

Remember that true schism requires innovation, something you have not done but something that Bergoglio does with every breath.

He, therefore, is the schismatic! However he already ipso facto excommunicated himself by his many public heresies (canon 188 in the 1917 code).

As you already know he has no power to excommunicate you because he is not even a Catholic.

So rejoice! I am with you & I hope Bergoglio excommunicates me from his false church also.

Bergoglio & his cohorts have the clothes & the buildings, but you have the faith.

God bless & keep you. If you need anything just ask I will try my best to help.

With admiration & undying respect.

Mel Gibson


Mailvox: The War on Knowledge

An email from a reader illustrates how even the profession of the Librarian has been inverted in order to destroy the knowledge they are charged with preserving.

My wife and I are volunteers for the Friends of the Library at the branch library in the college town where we first met, where every year we help out at the book sales. A month ago we received a peculiar donation. It turns out the new director of the library at our alma mater made the decision to liquidate the library’s special collections. Among those liquidations was a special collection library that had been initiated in the nineteenth century by a member of college founder’s immediate family.

In my years at college, I treasured this special library – it was housed in an elegant top-level room in the college’s oldest building, and required special access to visit. Nearly all the books were old, and all of them were on special subjects of great interest to me – literature, poetry, theology, the sciences. Many titles had bookplates with the names of the alumni who donated them over the years.

After some investigation I discovered that this new head of the college library pulled all of the books out of that special library, and put them in an enormous rented bin in the main lobby, with a sign suggesting that students could use them for art projects and scrapbooking, you know, to cut and paste their contents to express themselves and be “creative.” The majority of books sat there for weeks, and then she called our group to donate them to our book sale.

The last day of the book sale is bag day, where a brown grocery bag of books is only a dollar. What the library doesn’t sell at the end of sale is brought to a pulper. I pulled all of these books and placed them in private storage—if I hadn’t, they would have literally been shredded a week ago.

The process is ongoing. I’m told that the librarian is closing all of the special collections in all departments of the college, so I don’t want to share any names just yet, but before this is over, I hope I’ll have saved at least a thousand out-of-print books.

This is not new. Well over a decade ago, another university library in my state was destroyed. This library, in a literal ivory tower built exclusively for holding and preserving hundreds of thousands of books, was at one time among the top ten libraries in the nation. A new library director had not only decided to gut the
interior of the building and destroy all of the original architectural detail and period decor, but he also pulled out and destroyed a great majority of the books to make room for “computer stations.” They did not sell the books, they did not offer to donate them, and the director specifically instructed staff to discard the books in locked university dumpsters so that they couldn’t be taken by anyone.

The bad, the ugly, and the false. That is the makeup of the world these people are actively contriving and constructing. It really is time to build a consortium of knowledge, physical and digital, containing archives of the world’s books and works that are under attack and being taken away.

The Serpent promises knowledge and provides nothing but ignorance. What we have collectively taken on as a responsibility with Castalia Library and Infogalactic may eventually prove to be one of the most important things any of us have ever done. We are the only true Librarians and we stand between Man and the state of Zero History that Clown World seeks to impose on him.

The Zero Historians need to destroy all human knowledge because only in its absence can they present their lies as truth. And indeed, the better we understand their motives and methods, the more it appears this is not the first time they have attempted such a grand endeavor.

Inversion is always the key. Now it should be perfectly clear what a fundamental lie the asserted conflict between Christianity and Science, and between Faith and Knowledge, has always been.


Judgment, Not Blessing

The Christian Zionists who are on AIPAC’s payroll are even worse theologians than Calvinists and comedians. This is what a complete rhetorical blowout looks like.

The fact that the Jewish organizations in the USA are actually suing to remove the Ten Commandments from public schools should be sufficient to convince even the most rabid Christian Zionist that modern Jewry has an inverted connection to the historical Hebrew people, religion, and culture. It won’t be, but it should be.

God’s promises of blessings to Man have always been contingent on Man’s subsequent behavior. And one need only look at the current state of Israel, or, for that matter, the current state of the USA, to know that it is not God they serve, and that it is God’s judgment, not God’s blessings, that should be anticipated.

It is not as though God’s word had failed. For not all who are descended from Israel are Israel. Nor because they are his descendants are they all Abraham’s children. On the contrary, “It is through Isaac that your offspring will be reckoned.” In other words, it is not the children by physical descent who are God’s children, but it is the children of the promise who are regarded as Abraham’s offspring.

–Romans 9:6-8


The Excommunication of a Bishop

It appears Fake Pope Francis has ordered the excommunication of Msgr. Carlo Maria Viganò, one of the few Catholic prelates to openly stand against the Fake Pope’s satanic rule of the converged Roman Catholic Church:

The Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith has informed me, with a simple email, of the initiation of an extrajudicial penal trial against me, with the accusation of having committed the crime of schism and charging me of having denied the legitimacy of “Pope Francis” of having broken communion “with Him” and of having rejected the Second Vatican Council. I have been summoned to the Palace of the Holy Office on June 20, in person or represented by a canon lawyer. I assume that the sentence has already been prepared, given that it is an extrajudicial process.

I regard the accusations against me as an honor. I believe that the very wording of the charges confirms the theses that I have repeatedly defended in my various addresses. It is no coincidence that the accusation against me concerns the questioning of the legitimacy of Jorge Mario Bergoglio and the rejection of Vatican II: the Council represents the ideological, theological, moral, and liturgical cancer of which the Bergoglian “synodal church” is the necessary metastasis.

It is necessary for the Episcopate, the Clergy and the People of God to seriously ask themselves whether it is consistent with the profession of the Catholic Faith to passively witness the systematic destruction of the Church by its leaders, just as other subversives are destroying civil society… In the face of the Dicastery’s accusations, I claim, as Successor of the Apostles, to be in full communion with the Roman Catholic Apostolic Church, with the Magisterium of the Roman Pontiffs, and with the uninterrupted doctrinal, moral, and liturgical Tradition which they have faithfully preserved.

I repudiate the neomodernist errors inherent in the Second Vatican Council and in the so-called “post-conciliar magisterium,” in particular in matters of collegiality, ecumenism, religious freedom, the secularity of the State, and the liturgy.

I repudiate, reject, and condemn the scandals, errors, and heresies of Jorge Mario Bergoglio, who manifests an absolutely tyrannical management of power, exercised against the purpose that legitimizes Authority in the Church: an authority that is vicarious of that of Christ, and as such must obey Him alone. This separation of the Papacy from its legitimizing principle, which is Christ the High Priest, transforms the ministerium into a self-referential tyranny.

No Catholic worthy of the name can be in communion with this “Bergoglian church,” because it acts in clear discontinuity and rupture with all the Popes of history and with the Church of Christ.

This makes me wish I was a Roman Catholic so I could be officially excommunicated from the synagogue of Satan that presently occupies the Vatican. I absolutely deny the legitimacy of “Pope Francis” and I definitely deny the Second Vatican Council.


Do Not Fear the Good

For the last 24 hours, we have polled the subscribers of the Castalia Library substack to determine which work we would serialize in the aftermath of the very successful serialization of Oman’s STUDIES IN THE NAPOLEONIC WARS. The results were as follows, with Medieval History eking out a narrow victory over Meditations, which was a surprise to me, as I expected Discourses would be the favorite after having narrowly finished second last time, although I voted for the Marcus Aurelius work myself.

  • 13% POLITICS

Now, although we have not yet presented the logo for Castalia Library proper, as opposed to the logo for Castalia History, we already have the Latin motto for it: NOLITE TIMERE BONI. This admonition to not be afraid of the Good can be interpreted in several ways, one of which is “don’t be afraid to do it right”. This mindset applies to everything we do at the Library, from taking risks on ancient machines that may or may not work to abandoning a perfectly good space for a better one that provides us with room to grow in the future.

In this context, however, it applies to which version of the Cambridge Medieval History we serialize. Although I was originally thinking of the serialization in the context of the abbreviated edition by Charles Previté-Orton that we published in two volumes, both of which are already sold out, it occurred to us that the lack of material limitations that applied to the leather books does not apply to the digital domain of the substack. So, we’ve decided that instead of the 1952 Previté-Orton edition, we will serialize the first volume of the original 1911 edition edited by J.B. Bury, entitled The Christian Roman Empire and the Foundation of the Teutonic Kingdoms.

At 614 pages, not including the bibliography which we will not serialize, it’s of a similar length to the edition we published, but it goes much deeper into the details of historical events such as the original Nicene Council and Diocletian’s persecution of the Christians than the shorter Previté-Orton edition. Given the chance to provide our readers with the deeper and more substantive material, our philosophy dictates that we do so.

The serialization has already begun. Therefore, please enjoy the preface to volume I as presented by the editors.

The present volume covers a space of about two hundred years beginning with Constantine and stopping a little short of Justinian. At its opening the Roman Empire is standing in its ancient majesty, drawing new strength from the reforms of Diocletian and the statesmanship of Constantine: at its close the Empire has vanished from the West, while the East is slowly recovering from the pressure of the barbarians in the fifth century, and gathering strength for Justinian’s wars of conquest. At its opening heathenism is still a mighty power, society is built up on heathen pride of class, and Rome still seems the centre of the world: at its ending we see Christianity supreme, Constantinople the seat of power, and the old heathen order of society in the West dissolving in the confusion of barbarian devastations. At its opening Caesar’s will is law from the Atlantic to Armenia: at its ending a great system of Teutonic and Arian kingdoms in the West has just been grievously shaken by the conversion of the Franks from heathenism direct to orthodoxy.


Convergence is Anti-Christian

10 percent of the United Methodist Church just left the organization this week:

United Methodism’s largest overseas jurisdiction has voted to quit the denomination in response to the church’s divorcing sex from marriage at its governing General Conference earlier this month.

American “progressive Christians” are pushing their Western sexual values on African churches and have alienated an entire continent of Christians.

1.2 million in a single day, gone. 10% of the church, gone. Just like that.

Methodism in Africa, which outnumbers Methodists in the US for the time being, is thriving. But now it will have to thrive away from the United Methodist Church and take the form of either independent Methodism or join the conservative Global Methodist denomination.

In their efforts to be inclusive, the UMC has driven away now more than 20% of its members in the last few years.

To be clear, this destruction of the organized churches, Orthodox, Catholic, and Protestant alike, is entirely intentional. The various priests and pastors who have led the progressive charge to converge their own churches are not and never were Christians at all, they are the subversive wolves in sheep’s clothing of whom the Apostle Paul warned.

The good news is that the true Christian church, the ad hoc unorganized body of genuine believers, has always been strongest when under pressure. And while we can mourn the loss of Christian culture, which led humanity to its greatest heights, we should never forget that the faith is far more important than the culture.


A Free Pass on Beating Children

Minnesota public schools have completely embraced Somalialand:

In Savage, Minnesota, a distressing incident unfolded at Hidden Valley Elementary School, where a nine-year-old girl was reportedly attacked by classmates for not being Muslim. Shawna Larson, the girl’s mother, shared that her daughter was assaulted during a school playground event, prompting an urgent discussion with the school’s principal and teacher. Despite the severity of her injuries, which included a black eye and multiple bruises, Larson was dissatisfied with the school’s handling of the situation, feeling that the response lacked the necessary rigor and consequences for the attackers.

The alleged assault led Larson to file a report with the Savage Police Department, highlighting a disturbing trend where she feels that racial and religious motives are overlooked in school settings. This incident has raised significant concerns about safety and the enforcement of disciplinary actions in educational environments. Larson was particularly troubled by the lack of immediate action against the students involved, noting that no suspensions or expulsions were issued.

History strongly suggests that the beatings will not end until Christians re-establish crusades and inquisitions in their societies. But I could certainly be wrong, and if being nice and civil to strangers are, as the good Scandinavian Lutherans of Minnesota always insist, the only correct solution, no doubt we can expect to see things rapidly begin moving in the right direction soon.


We are the Literal Resistance

Most of us are considerably further toward whatever one wants to call the anti-Clown World position than in years and decades past. Call it Christian Nationalism, call it America First, call it what you will, we are more staunchly and strongly what we are than we were before. We have been intellectually, philosophically, and spiritually inoculated against the spirit of global satanry that cloaks itself in neo-liberal secularist ideology. But the same is not true of the greater part of the developing and undeveloped world:

What’s happening globally is quite simple—peoples whose culture and folkways have never had so much as a whiff of materialism, individualism, and liberty are coming in contact with 100% proof, high-test, late-stage liberalism, and they are getting piledriven by it like a welterweight Funko Pop collector by Dan Severn in his prime. Not only is it not a fair fight, it’s grotesque and cruel, like kicking a puppy. These people are defenseless. Liberalism seems to have especially buck-broken societies with universalist religions, even tribal societies like Afghanistan, which 20 years ago averaged 7.5 children per woman but which would hit zero births within about two centuries at the current rate of decline. Some religions like Hinduism, particularly those denominations which are more traditionalist and clannish, have fared better, despite that Indian TFR has been suppressed by government campaigns since the 1970s, and despite that 37% of Indian women of childbearing age are sterilized.

Whites, specifically northwestern Europeans, have also fared better. America, despite the cratering fertility of its minorities, would achieve zero births in about 300 years given current trends, mostly on the strength of its white population’s relatively stable TFR, centuries after many third world countries would reach zero births. However, whites have fared better for very different reasons than Hindus.

Like Mithridates himself, we have been exposed to the poison of liberalism for a long time, and have built up a tolerance to it. We, particularly Germanic and Celtic descended Europeans, have undergone a ruthless selection process. For decades, even centuries now, we have been under extreme Darwinian conditions that have excluded from the breeding pool those individuals who engage in race-mixing, homosexuality, careerism, materialism, and sense-gratification. Whites today have passed through a crucible that is still going, in fact, reaching a fever pitch—this is part of why you have seen the rise of a genuine illiberal movement in the alt right. And our descendants will be fitter and less liberal still than us. Our ethnic competitors are going up in a puff of smoke.

We are strong. Our children are stronger still. Our grandchildren will be crusaders and inquisitors, whose ruthlessness in service to God and Jesus Christ will be the stuff of myths and legends for centuries to come.

Be the rock on which Clown World breaks. Because one day, the avalanche of justice will bury it beneath a mountain.


The Unholy Trinity of Evils

The Tree of Woe contemplates the three observable types of evils at work in the world today, and how the transformation from one form to another has distinct consequences for the situations in which we find ourselves today.

According to the Traditionalists, the culture war between tradition and modernity is actually an occult war between the forces of cosmos and the forces of chaos. This occult war has been ongoing since ancient or Biblical times and throughout that time, the forces of chaos have been the cause of every ideology and influence that disintegrates, subverts, and degrades traditional society. Those forces have worked indirectly, to subtly influence human hearts and minds in ways that lead them to degeneration. The forces of chaos had, until the early 20th century, worked primarily to negate tradition, but that project of anti-tradition was effectively completed by the mid-20th century. Thereafter, the forces of chaos began to focus on the creation of a counter-tradition, openly predicated on a debased, infrahuman, and inverted spirituality. The ultimate goal of this counter-tradition, the Traditionalists believed, would be to establish a global totalitarian empire and church that parodies and inverts the true empire and true church of Tradition.

But what establishing a global totalitarian empire isn’t the final objective of the spiritual enemy? What if the objective is actually far more diabolical?

Professor Bruce Charlton, on his blog Charlton Teaching, has written extensively about the nature of evil. According to Charlton, there are three types of evil. Luciferic, Ahrimanic, and Sorathic…

Luciferic evil is named for, and symbolized by, Lucifer’s rejection of God’s sovereignty: “I will not serve.” It represents the first stage of evil, in its anti-authoritarian, individualist, and rebellious aspect which seeks to overthrow cosmos (natural order) to maximize freedom of action. Luciferian evil is often attractive, in the lustful blood-and-song manner of ancient pagan heroes, pirates, and rebels. Charlton argues that Luciferic evil dominated the Sexual Revolution of the 1960s as well as certain aspects of the Libertarian movement…

Per Charlton: The Ahrimanic evil is more modern; it is the despair-inducing, soul-destroying, utterly-demotivating Iron Cage of totalitarian bureaucracy – where all is a single system and all Men are merely cogs to serve it. This is the evil of late Soviet communism, of The Borg, of the overpromoted-middle-manager, Head Girl Type (e.g. the-3-Ms – Merkel, May, Macron) that increasingly runs large organizations, corporations and Western nations.

If Lucifer seeks pleasure, Ahriman seeks control. Note that this is not necessarily the same thing as seeking power. Those who serve Ahriman may seek to be in control themselves, but more often their goal may simply be that everything be under control. Hierarchy is of Ahriman, because even those who are far from the top have no objection to it. Even an Ahrimanist who has the ability to control things personally will generally defer these personal decisions to a system or algorithm, personal responsibility being unpleasantly risky. A near-perfect example of Ahrimanic man is the 2020s birdemicist, happy to submit to house arrest, universal surveillance and censorship, and forced medical procedures — rather than take a chance of catching the flu. “Non serviam” is Lucifer’s motto, not Ahriman’s; if Ahrimanism were condensed into a two-word motto, it would be, “Safety first” — or, if more than two words are needed, “None are safe until all are safe.

If Luciferic evil is motivated by short-termist pleasure; while Ahrimanic evil is motivated by God-denial, spiritual blindness and reductionism towards a meaningless world of mechanical procedures; then the Sorathic impulse is driven by negative impulses – primarily fear, resentment and hatred.

Sorathic evil will therefore tend to destroy both the lustful pleasures of Luciferic evil, and the complex functional bureaucracies of Ahrimanic evil. Sorath’s ultimate goal is that nothing at all exist, including Sorath himself.

Read the whole thing there. It’s extremely perceptive, and it’s a model I use in my own attempt to understand the way in which the world operates, because there is an observable distinction between the various factions of the wicked that are not only at war with God and His Creation, but with one another as well.

The model may also account for what we have observed as the “Black Rider model”, since neither an Ahrimanic nor a Sorathic evil has any regard whatsoever for a Luciferic figure, no matter how useful or wicked it may be, and would not hesitate to dispose of it once it ceased to be useful.


No, God is Not Going to Bless You

The last fifty years have definitely proven the Boomer theologians were conclusively wrong:

And while religious Judaism has a decidedly negative view towards all non-Jews, Christianity in particular is regarded as a total abomination, which must be wiped from the face of the earth.

Whereas pious Muslims consider Jesus as the holy prophet of God and Muhammed’s immediate predecessor, according to the Jewish Talmud, Jesus is perhaps the vilest being who ever lived, condemned to spend eternity in the bottommost pit of Hell, immersed in a boiling vat of excrement. Religious Jews regard the Muslim Quran as just another book, though a totally mistaken one, but the Christian Bible represents purest evil, and if circumstances permit, burning Bibles is a very praiseworthy act. Pious Jews are also enjoined to always spit three times at any cross or church they encounter, and direct a curse at all Christian cemeteries. Indeed, many deeply religious Jews utter a prayer each and every day for the immediate extermination of all Christians.

Over the years prominent Israeli rabbis have sometimes publicly debated whether Jewish power has now become sufficiently great that all the Christian churches of Jerusalem, Bethlehem, and other nearby areas can finally be destroyed, and the entire Holy Land completely cleansed of all traces of its Christian contamination. Some have taken this position, but most have urged prudence, arguing that Jews needed to gain some additional strength before they should take such a risky step. These days, many tens of millions of zealous Christians and especially Christian Zionists are enthusiastic advocates for Jews, Judaism, and Israel, and I strongly suspect that at least some of that enthusiasm is based upon ignorance.

It’s really remarkable how the misapplication of a single verse can be twisted, contorted, and ultimately inverted to successfully deceive Christians. I can remember, back in the early 80s, one Boomer woman telling her fellow Boomers that she didn’t know exactly when the world was going to end, but she knew it was going to be in her lifetime.

As it turns out, she was wrong, just like every previous generation of Christians who couldn’t imagine the world continuing without them.

It’s always fascinating to see how these verses are inverted to produce conclusions that are obviously and observably wicked. From the Galatians verse that can be more readily used to justify transgenderism than anti-racism and immigration to the various promises of blessings that have literally zero application to any modern political entity in the Middle East, Christians have been deceived by inversions and thereby found themselves endorsing pure and unmitigated evil.

The invasion and occupation of Gaza was not a response to the October 7th attacks. The destruction of the Christian churches and hospitals taking place there is not collateral damage. To the contrary, the green flag was planned and permitted by the Netanyahu administration – which funded Hamas to the tune of billions for over a decade – in order to provide an excuse to destroy the last remnants of Christianity in the Holy Lands.

The pagan religion practiced by those who would be more accurately named Canaanites is not at all what most modern Christians think it is. It never was, and it appears to be an aspect of the very Great Deceit that is described in the Bible as being capable of deceiving believers. And it is even darker and more destructive than most of its own adherents imagine; they endorse its Luciferian and Ahrimanic elements without understand that the Sorathic aspect of the Unholy Trinity is the dominant one that guides its ultimate end game.

For some reason, the servants of the Black Rider never believe he will reject them and throw them from his high horse… even though he always does. I have never been able to understand that phenomenon.

In any event, while I am no theologian, nor is Tucker Carlson, but I think he is correct. If you think God is going to bless you for standing with those who are murdering women and children, and for blessing the destruction of beautiful places of worship that have been dedicated to His Son for centuries, either you worship a very different god or you are flat-out wrong. For where there is inversion, there is deceit, falsehood, and wickedness.

The last twenty years have seen the veil pulled back from many Enlightenment lies. Now we are beginning to see the true face of the false theology of American Churchianity. And it is a very ugly one indeed.

Given the growing divide between secular Israelis and the pagan Canaanites, and the way that the political compromise between the two represented by Netanyahu appears to be turning the entire world against the state of Israel, it would not be surprising if the heightened tensions that are currently threatening to break up the polities of the EU and the USA in the next decade also play out in a similar fashion in Israel.