Miles Mathis Responds

Nothing, in the entire history of the concepts of fate and destiny, has ever been more inevitable than the absolute certainty that Miles Mathis would respond to Ron Unz’s article about him. I have literally never, ever, had more faith in an future event taking place in my entire life. And the inevitable does not disappoint.

I suspect his aggregate content is far greater than the combined total for every other conspiracy-website on the Internet.

Yeah, Ron, I suspect you are right, and I suspect that is why you are so bent out of shape by my very existence. It’s why all you guys are so jealous. Also because I can pump out a reply like this in just a couple of hours, fully polished and proofed, giving you a further drubbing. Do you know why I can do that, Ron? Obviously you don’t, so I will just tell you. It isn’t because I am some Mossad committee, set up to make you look like a bumbler. It is because I proof while I write. Meaning, I make very few mistakes, so I need very few corrections and almost no rewrites. I am an excellent speller on top of everything else…

Yes, I am laughing out loud. This is so much fun. We have seen before that these people can’t decide how to libel me. Am I too small to notice or too big to be true? One moment I am a big nothing, the next moment I am a $20-million government project of geniuses, sent out to smoke-bomb the entire world. They really need to make up their mind.

Nothing about the huge piles of evidence I provide in all papers on both sites, just the lie that it doesn’t exist or is wrong, based on zero counter-evidence or argument. The “argument” against me hasn’t progressed one iota in two decades, it is still at this baby stage of yelling and throwing food, as Unz and his minions are proving. As we have seen again, they utterly ignore 99.99% of my data, cherry-picking a ten-list of shallow talking points provided from a central tape, then sound-biting that down to a few sentences and peppering it with invective. And then selling that as a scholarly debunking.

Unfortunately, that is going to reverse on Unz, as he is about to find out. Many of his best readers are going to be so turned off by this whole charade they are going to drop him like an old Covid wipe. It won’t much matter, I guess, since his site was propped up by the usual suspects to start with, but it is going to sting his ego, at least.

The matter of whether Miles fronts a committee or not may be unsettled – and as I have said, I tend to incline toward the committee side interpretation myself – but the one thing that has definitely been confirmed is my conclusion that the gentleman concerned is a Gamma male. Of course, this makes sense, as Loremaster is one of the roles for which Gammas are best suited.

The thing is, whether Miles is the lead writer of a committee or just a singularly-obsessed, maniacally-prolific lone penman is irrelevant. Reading him tends to lead toward asking the right questions and developing a correctly skeptical perspective toward the mainstream and historical Narratives. Did every dead Hollywood actor or actress fake their death and move to a hidden Jewish colony in Argentina with Hitler and the Nazis? I have no idea.

But I am certain it’s a lot more possible than the IDF being surprised by the October 7th attacks or the Twin Towers being brought down by airplanes hijacked by Saudis. Frankly, I think the world is a lot weirder than either Ron Unz or Miles Mathis believe, and that their disbelief in the spiritual world prevents them from making the connections that would help tie their observations, however conspiratorial, much more accurately and credibly.

Anyhow, I, for one, am neither jealous nor angry. In fact, I’m quite willing to publish Miles’s papers in a book or ten, should he ever be so inclined.


Exposing the MMC

I’m not surprised that Ron Unz reached much the same conclusion that I did about the Miles Mathis Committee:

The first of my surprises was the sheer volume of his material. I try to be methodical and comprehensive, so I’d originally planned to read his entire corpus of work, but I immediately saw that this was totally impossible unless I was willing to invest many, many months in the project.

His main eponymous website includes an “Update Page” containing links to well over 1,500 of his articles and their updates, of which nearly 1,000 were his new pieces on conspiratorial topics, stretching back to around 2011 or so, with only a small fraction of these being by guest contributors. Spot-checking the word-count on a few of them suggested that they are rarely shorter than 5,000 words and perhaps might average closer to 8,000 words or more. So the total of his conspiratorial writings certainly runs many, many millions of words, with most of those pieces also containing numerous images. He had probably published enough content to fill at least 60 or 70 non-fiction books, certainly an astonishing level of productivity for a single writer.

Indeed, the volume of conspiratorial material on this Mathis website was so enormous that I suspect his aggregate content is far greater than the combined total for every other conspiracy-website on the Internet. Given that huge quantity of writing he even provided a separate archive page listing the 160 conspiratorial articles that he considers his best.

Writing a 5,000 or 10,000 word essay of entirely original text often including copious images and doing that every couple of days or so seems a rather formidable undertaking for a single individual, especially since nearly all of these were apparently based upon extensive Internet research. These essays seem reasonably well written, though usually in his trademark meandering, obfuscating style, and I spotted very few typos, spelling errors, or grammatical mistakes, indicating that they had also been carefully proofed, certainly far more so than the output of a typical website writer.

Furthermore, I soon discovered that he also maintained an entirely separate website called, devoted to his mathematical and scientific writing, which includes nearly another 500 articles, supposedly totaling some 7,800 pages of text and perhaps 1.5 million words or more. A little spot-checking suggested that there was only slight overlap with those listed on his main website.

One very odd aspect of his work was that apparently all of the 1,500 or so individual articles on his main website were in the form of PDF files rather than as ordinary HTML pages, and I could think of no other writer nor blogger who followed that approach.

For me, it wasn’t the volume, but rather, the observably different writing styles appearing in the same papers. I personally know and edit two extremely prolific writers, John C. Wright and Chuck Dixon. And there is a fundamental sameness to their writing styles, even across a much wider range of thematic topics, than one sees in the Miles Mathis, JK Rowling, or James Patterson committees. Even books written by a pair of co-writers instead of a single author is usually quite identifiable; for example, if you compare Good Omens to a typical book by either Terry Pratchett or Neil Gaiman, it’s very easy to not only see that two authors were involved, but to a certain extent, which parts were written by whom.

In the case of the MMC, the painter guy, who has a very good eye for photo fakes, is clearly different than the genealogy guy. The difference is downright jarring when they’re both contributing to the same article. And they’re both different than the history guy, who has a much better grasp on basic history than most writers.

Don’t get me wrong, I genuinely like reading the MMC, regardless of who is running it. The fact is that if you read Miles Mathis, you’ll get far closer to the truth of objective reality than you ever will by reading The New York Times and other news organizations responsible for maintaining the current Narrative. When the mainstream media talks about “misinformation” they are just projecting their own behavior onto others. As the meme has it, “conspiracy theory” is just another word for “sneak preview”.

I don’t know about you, but I’m certainly looking forward to reading the now-inevitable expose about how I am a Swiss intelligence operative descended from a long line of aristocratic British crypto-rabbis who is motivated by pure jealousy of Miles’s luxurious golden ringlets. My connections to Owen Benjamin alone should be sufficient to fill at least two pages of the PDF. Beale/Bâle/Baal. Phoenician Navy confirmed!


Tampon Timmy in Trouble

The historical details, at least, are correct. I can even help confirm the one part that did not make initially sense to the investigative journalist who is digging into the VP candidate’s sordid past.

When I received a tip back in August claiming Tim Walz had an inappropriate relationship with a minor, I was very skeptical. I get dozens of tips/dm’s per day. In fact, I did not act on the tip for a few days because I thought it would be impossible to prove the allegations. I also knew that Harris and Walz would deny the allegations… However, one part of the tipster story did not make sense to me, the date of the Indigo Girls Concert. Tipster claimed it was in 1995, but I could not find anything corresponding to that date, well, the tipster told the truth, there was a concert in 1995, and the tipster claimed that Walz got a DUI months after the concert…

Tim Walz has lied about almost every single detail of his life. Him and his wife have been getting a pass from the MSM. Yesterday, I received numerous threats, in fact, some of the threats were scary as some of the accounts were brand new accounts and had my personal information. In my investigation, I also emailed all the major news outlets WHILE my investigation was in progress. I have every single receipt…

I have also found out that there were other journalists who had parts of this story but did not print it or withheld the information. It is my plan to release the story tomorrow. I have gone out of my way to give Harris and Walz the opportunity to flat out deny the allegations, but they have really done the opposite, in fact, in statements to various articles they have confirmed much of the story. The only allegation about the tipster’s story I cannot prove is if Walz did indeed have a sexual relationship with a minor. That is Walz vs. The Tipster. But every aspect of the tipster’s story turned out to be true, including Walz being fired from his football job in Nebraska and the fact that Walz brought a student to an Indigo Girls concert.

There was, in fact, an Indigo Girls concert in Minneapolis in 1995. I remember it, not because I have ever attended an Indigo Girls concert or listened to their music, but because a few years before that, during a Psykosonik interview with Mad Mike at KJ104, the deejay had told an amusing story about how scary the lesbians who would show up at the station asking for free tickets when the Indigo Girls were coming to town were. His anecdote was the inspiration for various comments in my social circle whenever the pair would subsequently come to town. And, although the concert is missing from Concert Archives, the Indigo Girls did play at Northrop Auditorium in Minneapolis on May 9th, 1995.

This doesn’t prove that Tampon Timmy is a pedophile, but the amount of evidence now being aggregated and confirmed strongly suggests that he will soon be proven to be one. One would assume that would be sufficient to cause the Harris campaign to drop him from the ticket, but these days, who knows? After all, he’s now serving his second term as Governor of Minnesota despite what would appear to be some undersized, and underaged, skeletons in his closet.


Diddy and Biggie

I have succeeded in living my adult life with very limited exposure to any knowledge of Sean Combs. I think I’ve heard parts of four songs in which he was directly involved in some way, which includes the abomination in which he rapes a famous Police song. His complete lack of talent combined with his inexplicable stardom and his ubiquity always made me assume that he was a complete satanic sellout, but the revelation that he was the Black Epstein of hip hop makes me wonder, in retrospect, if Biggie Smalls was the sacrifice he made to ensure his ascent.


One Arrest, Two Deaths

Richard Medhurst was arrested at Heathrow just two days before one man he was supposed to interview was killed in a car accident and five days before the other man was killed in a boating accident.

On Thursday, as I landed in London’s Heathrow airport, I was immediately escorted off the plane by six police officers who were waiting for me at the entrance of the aircraft. They arrested me – not detained – they arrested me under Section 12 of the Terrorism Act of 2000 and accused me of allegedly ‘expressing an opinion or belief that is supportive of a proscribed organization’ but wouldn’t explain what this meant,” Medhurst says in the video.

Section 12 of the Terrorism Act 2000 has a clause that was added in 2019 that made it illegal to “expresses an opinion or belief that is supportive of a proscribed organization” if “in doing so is reckless as to whether a person to whom the expression is directed will be encouraged to support a proscribed organization.”

I have very little doubt that neither of those two deaths were genuinely accidents. As for the idea that a waterspout could be a man-made weapon, I remind you of my introversion of the famous Holmsian aphorism: due to the finite bounds of human knowledge, the impossible is always far more likely than the improbable.


The Migration Conspiracy

Simplicius notes the way in which mass migration into the UK was orchestrated by Clown World:

It was from the bowels of some shadowy think-tank called the Performance and Innovation Unit that the policy paper which birthed the new era of mass migration into the UK came about. The paper was released under Home Office head, Bilderberger, Jack Straw—who was Blair’s neocon-equivalent, and one of the key instigators of the Iraq War in the British government. It’s no surprise then that such deeply-rooted globalist comprador elite henchmen were instrumental in unleashing mass migration as a social weapon.

There are always multiple layers to the conspiracy in each country: the first veil was the lie about boosting the economy; the second was the lie about mass-migration being merely a way to rib Conservatives. But the true reason lays buried even beneath this hidden layer: mass-migration is the final weapon to destroy any ideological resistance to the globalist plan of centralizing power, to create, effectively, one world governance. By overrunning society with migrants and relegating native Brits to second class citizens, you disenfranchise and disinherit them to the point of torpor and impotence, clearing the way for total ideological subjugation allowing such madness as currently unfolding in the UK to reign.

There is nothing moral, civilized, or decent about mass migration. It is, as Martin van Creveld demonstrated, the flip-side of war. And in recent decades, it has been an effective form of asymmetric war on the British and American peoples.


Why the Media Hates Aaron Rodgers

The man doesn’t merely throw bombs, he drops them in public:

How many Jeffrey Epstein type people are out there? And who is pulling the strings on that? Ghislaine Maxwell has a lot of ties to the Mossad. That would make sense. I mean Jeffrey didn’t seem to get some of the appointments based on merit, someone was putting him in the right spots. I don’t think he’s the only one. I think there is a weird bizarre problem that has a sex component with the elites. There’s a pedophile component to it as well which is really sick…

I would like that to be exposed. Jeffrey Epstein had the goods on everybody. There’s a lot of people that didn’t want him to be alive. The wild story around multiple people being asleep, him not being watched at the time. I just don’t believe in that many coincidences.

The Ghislaine Maxwell trial had next to no coverage. Trafficked to nobody. She is indicted for trafficking kids and nobody who she was trafficking kids to got indicted or named. And all the files still haven’t been released. Super prominent names on the flight log. I’ve seen some interesting things. Been around some interesting parties and gatherings that are strange. Not anything like Diddy party. Even at an Oscar party seeing how some of these people act, a little strange. Parties within the party that always kind of weirded me out a little bit. Getting into conspiracy stuff.

Then you know about secret society stuff the Bohemian Grove. The secrecy around that. That’s not the only secret society. The Skull and Bones at Yale which has produced all those Presidents. And the Freemasonry at its highest level. There is a sexual component to a lot of that. Obviously with Epstein, it was blackmail to get them to do what they want.

How many people are compromised by that that are in positions of power today? You are naive to think it’s none.

It’s a lot. No wonder even the sportswriters are always looking for ways to bring him down and to play up how he takes crazy drugs in the desert, while ignoring everything he says, even when doing so leads directly to their own demise.

It’s easy to see who belongs to Clown World and who doesn’t. Because athletes become successful almost entirely through their own talent and efforts, they aren’t as easily controlled by Clown World as the actors and writers, who can be manufactured and then controlled. And, if necessary, protected when their wrongdoings come to light, as we’re currently witnessing in the case of Neil Gaiman.


100% Pure Hopium

Supposedly there are active federal investigations into Clown World’s cabal in the USA:

The bottom line is there has apparently been an anti-American globalist scheme operating, in the background, for decades. The plan was apparently set in motion to control the judges, legislators, and governors around the United States under one central system operating outside The United States of America. This seems to explain why there are so many bad judges and prosecutors in place, all over the country at this time, and why nobody in any position of power seems willing to fix things by removing the corrupt individuals from power.

How could this happen?

My outside sources tell me that the nation-wide, ongoing investigations have focused on the funding of the scheme, and it involves some corporate entities and other well-known names that you will recognize, including: the Open Society Foundations, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, other corporate entities such as Google, Apple, Walmart, and The World Bank, and a number of other domestic and foreign malign actors, as defined by the FBI.

The investigators around the country have it all, and soon the public will know. This is because the investigators who are outside of Massachusetts are furious about what has been happening, and they are not nearly as tolerant of corruption as the public officials in Massachusetts appear to be and allegedly are.

We will soon get control of our country once the corrupt public officials among us, and beyond, are publicly exposed and punished under the law.

I know, I know. I’m thinking exactly the same thing. “Trust the plan…” But let’s keep in mind that hope is a virtue, and it’s a damned sight better than despair. And there certainly is an increase in the amount of weirdness in high places of late.

Pentagon Runs Fake Social Accounts

It’s much more realistic, and accurate, to simply assume that every conspiracy theory is true, and then some, than to assume that they are all false:

The US military has admitted that it ran a clandestine campaign aimed at discrediting China’s Sinovac vaccine in the Philippines and across Asia and the Middle East, Reuters has reported.

“It is true that the [Department of Defense] did message Philippines audiences questioning the safety and efficacy of Sinovac,” Pentagon officials wrote to their Filipino counterparts in a letter dated June 25 and reported by Reuters on Friday.

According to the document, the Pentagon admitted that it “made some missteps in our COVID related messaging” but assured Manilla that it halted the operation in late 2021 and has since “vastly improved oversight and accountability of information operations.”

The operation in question began in 2020, after China announced it would distribute Sinovac shots in the Philippines free of charge. In an effort to counter this public relations boon for Beijing, the Pentagon ordered its psychological operations center in Florida to create at least 300 fake social media profiles to disparage the Chinese vaccine, a Reuters investigation revealed last month.

They always admit the operations they’ve stopped. But what I’d really prefer to know is all the details of the current and ongoing operations. Because you know they’re running them right now.


The Fall Girl

The Director of the U.S. Secret Service finally resigned under pressure:

Kimberly Cheatle has resigned as director of the US Secret Service, after refusing to do so in the wake of the attempted assassination of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump.

A shooter nicked Trump’s ear during a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania on July 13, killing one person in the audience and injuring two others before Secret Service snipers managed to neutralize him. Thomas Crooks was able to position himself on a roof that had a clear shot to where Trump was speaking, which the protective detail had inexplicably left unguarded.

Cheatle tendered her resignation on Tuesday morning, one day after an acrimonious congressional hearing during which both Republicans and Democrats accused her of withholding information and refusing to take responsibility for security failures at the rally.

No one ever thinks that they’re going to be the patsy. But you can hardly claim “the buck stops with me” and then be surprised when people expect you to accept the consequences of your responsibility. That being said, while she almost certainly permitted the green flag, I very much doubt that she was the architect of what seems to have been a more complicated assassination attempt than it first appeared to be.