The End of the Department of Education

The latest rumor about the God-Emperor 2.0’s next executive order bodes well. This bodes very, very well for the state of education in the USA.

US President Donald Trump is expected to sign an executive order aimed at dismantling the Department of Education, the Wall Street Journal reported on Wednesday, citing sources familiar with the matter. The move, which is part of the Trump administration’s effort to overhaul US government agencies in a bid to eliminate wasteful state spending, has been expected since early February, when the White House revealed its intentions.

A draft of the order, reviewed by the outlet, instructs Education Secretary Linda McMahon to “take all necessary steps to facilitate the closure of the Education Department” to the fullest extent allowed by law. The order could reportedly be issued on Thursday.

“The experiment of controlling American education through Federal programs and dollars – and the unaccountable bureaucrats those programs and dollars support – has failed our children, our teachers, and our families,” the WSJ cited the draft order as reading. The order justifies the department’s closure by stating that “since its founding in 1979, the Department of Education has spent more than $1 trillion without producing virtually any improvement in student reading and mathematics scores.”

The Department of Education, established in 1979 under President Carter, has been a complete and abject failure by every single possible metric. We can be optimistic that the elimination of Federal control will be a net positive, particularly if it is followed by Federal support for the elimination of all state and local restrictions on homeschooling.

Once the states and local schools discover that interference in the way of homeschooling parents will cost them their Federal funding, they’ll rapidly change their tune.

One proposal for a new law: all government programs with a budget over X must be established on the basis of a solid, unalterable metric which cannot be redefined, and, if it is not met, will trigger the immediate elimination of the program. Yes, of course the relevant bureaucrats and their allies in the media will fight tooth and nail to redefine and otherwise marginalize the metric, but their very efforts to do so will be an obvious signal that the program is unsuccessful and should be shut down.

Call it the Accountability in Government Act.


Recap, Not Revolution

Reading the reviews of the God-Emperor 2.0’s speech to Congress proved to be a bit deflating. While it was a good summary of what has been accomplished so far, it didn’t really provide us with any new information. Still no arrests. Still members of NATO. There is still a Department of Education, an Internal Revenue Service, and a Federal Reserve.

No one cares about a mineral deal with Ukraine. Everyone wants the US military out of Ukraine, out of Europe, and out of Japan.

There’s nothing wrong with a victories lap. There are certainly more victories to celebrate than anyone was expecting so soon. But everyone was expecting something more, something big, last night. And that speech was nothing big. Frankly, reading his executive orders is more exciting and encouraging.

On the subject of the Trump administration, those who are following the politics might find an addition to my SSH analysis of Vice-President Vance to be of interest, as the British media already appears to be taking advantage of his apparent vulnerability to attack rhetoric.

UPDATE: Apparently it was even more disappointing live, as Hal Turner summarizes it.

I am live broadcasting President Trump’s State of the Union Speech to a Joint Session of Congress and, to me, it is the most disappointing speech I’ve ever heard. Whoever wrote it should never write a speech again. President Trump seems to be re-litigating the election, reiterating the election issues that are already decided. I can’t stand it anymore. I’m not even going to listen anymore. The worst speech in history. Worst delivery ever. An absolute total failure. He’s even mentioning Joe Biden. Biden is GONE for Christ’s sake; leave him BE gone. I don’t know who wrote this, but they have done the President a horrifying disservice.

UPDATE: The God-Emperor 2.0 obviously knows what he’s doing. We were not the audience. This was about winning over the mainstream, not informing anyone about what is coming next.


Sigma Game and Diplomacy

Even those of you who have no interest in the Socio-Sexual Hierarchy might be interested in reading this extremely illuminating breakdown of yesterday’s diplomatic debacle when Ukraine Head of State Vladimir Zelensky visited the White House and the God-Emperor 2.0, may he reign 3,500 more years.

Reviewing the transcript, what struck me most was the way that the Gamma went directly at the Situational Bravo rather than at the Alpha. Zelensky did so because he correctly read Vance as being psychologically weaker than his situational status tends to suggest. Not only did Zelensky reportedly refer to Vance in a vulgar and dismissive manner, albeit in classic passive-aggressive Gamma style under his breath and in a foreign language, but he attacked Vance as part of his attempt to evade the topic that was under discussion, which was the observable fact that Russia has already won its war with Ukraine and therefore diplomacy is necessary to end the war before Ukraine is forced to accept an unconditional surrender.

Read the whole thing there. The lesson, as always, is this: no amount of intellectual comprehension and self-control can reliably replace one’s behavioral patterns established during one’s formative years.


Appearances vs Reality

Far too many people, and pretty much everyone in the media, are far too obsessed with the idea of political leaders “appearing strong” as opposed to actually being strong. Which tendency Simplicius notes, particularly in reference to Vladimir Putin:

Too many people view the world in black and white, and believe the slightest weakness condemns a leader to total incompetence or treachery. No, Putin has weaknesses like everyone else, but also big strengths—it’s just at times one over-shines the other in glaring ways. The Russian armed forces have now likely lost somewhere approaching 100,000 dead if not more, the least they deserve in their colossal sacrifice is to know they didn’t die in vain; a stronger message from the commander-in-chief ensuring that objectives will be met would go a long way here.

The other most important thing to mention vis-a-vis ceasefire talks that no one else is talking about is the following. Russia and the US appear to be at a kind of epistemic loggerheads when it comes to the order with which the conflict must come to an end. You see, Trump, Marco Rubio, and others from their camp hold the position that the conflict must be brought to a ceasefire first, and only then would the higher order normalizations and negotiations between the US and Russia take place. In short, the Trump administration is putting the cart before the horse in its impatience to put some big win on the scoreboard, particularly given that many other Trump campaign promises have already flopped, or similarly log-jammed.

But Russia insists on the opposite order of events: first the US must recognize all the causes of the conflict and fulfill Russia’s demands for long-term security guarantees, and only then will Russia entertain bringing the conflict to an end. How to reconcile these antipodal positions? Easy: Russia must simply continue plowing ahead until the US ‘comes around’ to realizing that it’s not the one in the driver’s seat.

Being strong does not consist of making vacuous statements completely at odds with reality, as the Ukrainian, European, and US leaders are extremely prone to doing. That’s a magickal belief in rhetoric, attempting to alter the material universe with nothing more than their words and willpower. By their definition of “strong leadership” there has been no stronger leadership than Hitler in the Berlin bunker, making bizarre proclamations about inevitable victory and issuing orders to nonexistent battalions.

Keir Starmer, Emmanual Macron, and whatever nonentity is heading up the German government can posture as they like, but their opinions count even less than yours or mine. As Simplicius points out, Russia will simply keep doing what it is doing until the entire retarderati finally realizes that Russia is not going to run out of ammunition in two weeks, the Kursk incursion no longer exists, and the Kiev regime flees to Paris, or, as is more likely the case in the end, Jerusalem.

Both Putin and Xi practice the sort of strong leadership articulated by Teddy Roosevelt. They speak softly, in the case of Xi, very, very softly, and they carry big sticks which they do not hesitate to utilize. Trump can certainly negotiate with them, and make deals with them, but no amount of wild rhetoric and posturing is going to impress them.

The Clown World Order is failing. Their fake and gay “democracies” have been exposed, as well as their inversive “freedom” and now the nationalist “autocracies” are, as I have long predicted, rising to replace Clown World’s globalist charade.

Today, not only are autocracies increasingly confident. The US is moving to their side. That is the lesson of the last two weeks. Freedom is not in as much danger as it was in 1942. Yet the dangers are very real.


The Definition of Wishful Thinking

James Carville doesn’t exactly have his finger on the pulse of the American people:

Political guru James Carville forecasted Donald Trump’s Administration will collapse within the next 30 days. The veteran Democratic strategist told Mediaite’s Dan Abrams that Trump’s popularity is sinking, and he believes the administration will implode from a lack of public support.

‘I believe that this administration, in less than 30 days, is in the midst of a massive collapse and particularly a collapse in public opinion,’ Carville said. ‘What I have said very publicly is that Democrats need to play possum. This whole thing is collapsing.

Nonsense. It’s far more likely that in 30 days virtually everyone Carville knows will be either a) unemployed, b) arrested, or c) dead.

3,500 More Years!


Kash Patel Confirmed

Kash Patel is the new Director of the FBI. We should find out soon if he’s actually the killer he was advertised as being or not. If I were him, I’d fire everyone, shut the place down, then start the investigations into all the bureau’s ex-employees from the new Federal Investigations Agency created by the God-Emperor 2.0.


Lonely Liberal Women

I wonder if they’ve ever considered how not behaving like horrifically unpleasant control freaks ready to take offense or administer a retarded lecture at the drop of a hat might make people more willing to spend time with them? Almost certainly not. They probably haven’t considered how actively uglifying themselves with ridiculous haircuts, piercings, and venomous hair colors makes them unattractive to others either.

It’s interesting to see how the conservative women are not only more soundly based, but more socially successful.


Exceeding Expectations

I’m not going to lie, I’m starting to like the cut of this vice-president’s jib. He’s been much better than I expected, or even imagined he would be.

In an address at the Munich Security Conference in Germany, Mr Vance warned Europe’s greatest threat came not from China or Russia but from within.

He said free speech and democratic institutions were being eroded and accused European politicians of forcing people to shut down social media accounts.

The Vice-President also urged the continent’s leaders to do more to stem illegal immigration.

In a specific attack on the UK, he raised the case of an ex-serviceman who prayed outside an abortion clinic and was convicted of breaching a safe zone around the centre.

‘Europe faces many challenges, but the crisis this continent faces right now, the crisis I believe we all face together, is one of our own making,’ Mr Vance told the conference. ‘If you’re running in fear of your own voters, there is nothing America can do for you, nor, for that matter, is there anything that you can do for the American people who elected me and elected President Trump.’

He accused EU officials of cancelling elections and asked whether ‘we’re holding ourselves to an appropriately higher standard’.

I like how he’s walking right into the serpents’ lair and calling them out for being liars and cowards right to their faces. As corrupt and retarded as US politicians have been for the last 50 years, it would be hard to find politicians anywhere in the world who have been as totally abysmal as the fake democrats of the European Union.


Pause, Hammer Time

A federal judge announces that President Trump can “pause” executive branch agencies from spending money, even though he supposedly doesn’t have the right to “stop” them from spending it. Of course, as usual there is no legal definition of a “pause” versus a “stop”. Perhaps some emanations and penumbras can be found to further clarify the matter.

A federal judge on Wednesday reaffirmed his temporary restraining order against the Trump administration’s efforts to freeze billions of dollars in federal grants and loans, but clarified that President Donald Trump does have the authority to pause federal spending if it complies with existing regulations.

Judge John J. McConnell Jr. previously ruled that the White House defied his recent court order to unfreeze the billions of dollars in aid, which stems from funds that were expected to be paused by the Office of Management and Budget.

The Trump administration appealed McConnell’s earlier decision on Monday, but a federal appeals court declined to hear the case and urged McConnell to clarify his order quickly to avoid any further confusion.

McConnell on Wednesday stated that the federal government, including the president, does still have the right to pause federal spending, but has to do so in accordance with preexisting laws, the Washington Examiner reported.

“The [court’s previous order] does not bar both the President and much of the Federal Government from exercising their own lawful authorities to withhold funding,” McConnell wrote.

The judge also emphasized that the federal government does not need the court’s permission to halt spending if it’s clearly within existing guidelines.

“The [restraining order] nor the Court’s subsequent Order require the Defendants to seek ‘preclearance’ from the Court before acting to terminate funding when that decision is based on actual authority in the applicable statutory, regulatory, or grant terms,” McConnell added.

This is just the usual double-talking talmudism of the courts. The more I’ve learned about the courts and the law, the more I’m convinced that courts and lawyers should be banned from any civilized society. Their actions over time are reliably subversive and inevitably inversive. The end results are no different than having a king and his nobles simply making up the rules as they go along, only without accountability and with more corruption.

UPDATE: There appear to be more, and much bigger, changes in the works.

It was very bad news for the permanent bureaucracy that DOGE and Congress are on the same team. It would have been so much better for them had Congress taken umbrage over the Executive refusing to make payment they’d authorized. But it got so much better.

Then Johnson delivered the coup de grâce, the single sentence revealing a ghastly Sword of Damocles dangling on a gossamer thread right above the Deep State’s masked head, and a critical puzzle piece dropped into what we perceive in the strategic brilliance of Trump’s de-Swamping order of operations. Johnson said:

We have a $36 trillion dollar federal debt. We have got to get ahold of these things. You’re going to see it reflected in the reconciliation package that comes forward, you’re going to see it reflected in the appropriations as we go forward, and you’re going to see it in these efforts to cut waste, fraud, and abuse. And we think the final number on that is going to be substantial and a game changer in Washington.

The clear threat was in Johnson’s final sentence. A game-changer in Washington. DOGE isn’t the weapon, it’s just the canary in the limestone mine. Now that Congress knows where the waste is —like USAID, the National Endowment for Democracy, the Department of Education, DEI spending, the Treasury, Social Security, and the rest— legislators are working up a budget bill to nuke the Deep State from orbit.

It’s wonky, but this is very important. The fact Johnson announced a budget bill is critical. Bills related to reconciling the budget can be passed using a process called ‘budget reconciliation,’ which avoids the Senate filibuster and can be approved with a simple majority. In other words, it’s the Deep State’s worst nightmare: first, DOGE identified the bureaucratic bloat, and so now Republicans in Congress have a viable legislative path to cut the guts out of the bloated, mutant Swamp whale…

The same activist judges siding against him using Congress as an excuse, must now twist into legal pretzels somehow arguing that neither Congress nor the Executive hold the power of the purse, which is even less constitutionally plausible. In other words, Trump tricked the judges into committing to a Congressional-powers argument, which becomes moot when Congress does it.

I’d also like to see him remove the possibility of judicial review from all his executive orders; the courts need to be not only circumnavigated, but crushed, for their illegal and extraconstitutional interference into the operations of the Executive and Legislative branches. But the God-Emperor 2.0 is good, and quite possibly he’ll give us both.


Freedom Isn’t Real

The Zoomers can see what the previous generations were unable to see at a similar age: the professed ideals of society are completely fraudulent. Democracy doesn’t express the will of the people, free trade doesn’t make the society any wealthier, and the free movement of people is just another name for invasion and occupation.

To our parents and grandparents, steeped in the baggage of the Second World War, ‘freedom’ is the ultimate democratic right. 

But many in Generation Z can see that our ‘free’ society has degenerated into instability and uncertainty. 

If ‘freedom’ means being unable to afford a home, to live in overcrowded and overpriced rented accommodation, to work soulless jobs in order to pay sky-high taxes, and to have no sense of belonging or identity, perhaps freedom is not what we need.

So it’s no shock to read that a recent survey commissioned by Channel 4 found that 52 per cent of Britons aged 13 to 27 have lost faith in democracy and would welcome a dictator – a strong leader ‘who does not have to bother with parliament and elections’. 

A third of my generation believe ‘the UK would be a better place if the Army was in charge’. 

Other polls have found that many of us are likely to back the death penalty, while a Mail on Sunday survey this week found that two-thirds of us favour castrating sex offenders.

These reports have caused much alarm among liberal commentators – for whom democracy and the social contract are sacrosanct. 

They don’t want to face the brutal truth that the social contract has been ripped up by a political class that has long refused to put the interests of ordinary British people first, or to deliver on our repeatedly expressed wishes at the ballot box – on immigration, crime, tax and much else.

Drug use, shoplifting and defrauding the state go unpunished. Millions of economically burdensome migrants from places and cultures vastly different from our own are invited in, housed and fed at our expense – and we are attacked and slurred as bigots if we complain.

The so-called “social contract” never existed. I never signed any social contract and neither did you. Moreover, the morals and mores of society have been subverted, and in many cases, even inverted. Modern society, in the UK, in Europe, and in the USA alike, has conclusively falsified the ideals of the Enlightenment, which were always aimed at the destruction of Christianity, one of the three pillars of Western civilization.

And now that Christendom has been weakened, the other two pillars, the European nations and the Greco-Roman legal and philosophical construct, are crumbling as well. What we have now is rule by deceptive foreign oligarchy, it is neither democracy nor freedom. Every and all appeals to those outdated, falsified ideals are false on their face, and the young men and women who see this are entirely correct to reject them as lies.

Even Francis Fukuyama admits that he was wrong. History never ended and so-called “liberal democracy” is not the only legitimate form of government.