The Zoomers can see what the previous generations were unable to see at a similar age: the professed ideals of society are completely fraudulent. Democracy doesn’t express the will of the people, free trade doesn’t make the society any wealthier, and the free movement of people is just another name for invasion and occupation.
To our parents and grandparents, steeped in the baggage of the Second World War, ‘freedom’ is the ultimate democratic right.
But many in Generation Z can see that our ‘free’ society has degenerated into instability and uncertainty.
If ‘freedom’ means being unable to afford a home, to live in overcrowded and overpriced rented accommodation, to work soulless jobs in order to pay sky-high taxes, and to have no sense of belonging or identity, perhaps freedom is not what we need.
So it’s no shock to read that a recent survey commissioned by Channel 4 found that 52 per cent of Britons aged 13 to 27 have lost faith in democracy and would welcome a dictator – a strong leader ‘who does not have to bother with parliament and elections’.
A third of my generation believe ‘the UK would be a better place if the Army was in charge’.
Other polls have found that many of us are likely to back the death penalty, while a Mail on Sunday survey this week found that two-thirds of us favour castrating sex offenders.
These reports have caused much alarm among liberal commentators – for whom democracy and the social contract are sacrosanct.
They don’t want to face the brutal truth that the social contract has been ripped up by a political class that has long refused to put the interests of ordinary British people first, or to deliver on our repeatedly expressed wishes at the ballot box – on immigration, crime, tax and much else.
Drug use, shoplifting and defrauding the state go unpunished. Millions of economically burdensome migrants from places and cultures vastly different from our own are invited in, housed and fed at our expense – and we are attacked and slurred as bigots if we complain.
The so-called “social contract” never existed. I never signed any social contract and neither did you. Moreover, the morals and mores of society have been subverted, and in many cases, even inverted. Modern society, in the UK, in Europe, and in the USA alike, has conclusively falsified the ideals of the Enlightenment, which were always aimed at the destruction of Christianity, one of the three pillars of Western civilization.
And now that Christendom has been weakened, the other two pillars, the European nations and the Greco-Roman legal and philosophical construct, are crumbling as well. What we have now is rule by deceptive foreign oligarchy, it is neither democracy nor freedom. Every and all appeals to those outdated, falsified ideals are false on their face, and the young men and women who see this are entirely correct to reject them as lies.
Even Francis Fukuyama admits that he was wrong. History never ended and so-called “liberal democracy” is not the only legitimate form of government.