We are the Ghost Dancers

The realization that Americans are the Indians now is gradually dawning on more and more people now that the influence of the Boomers and their memories of the 1950s and 1960s are fading away:

At best, at best, we might hope to plant seeds, that our children, and more likely our grandchildren or great-grandchildren, may once again live in a thriving and functional society that does not hate them. We ourselves, we who are live now, are the lost children of history, abandoned and betrayed by our feckless elders, stripped of our patrimony, cursed to have lived to see the last dying embers of the golden age that has now passed, fated from now to know only a darkness that will just become deeper and colder as we live out the rest of our lives. We are Spengler’s Roman soldier, guarding his outpost in Pompeii’s threatening shadow.

I do not say that is what the future holds, only that this is the prevailing sense: things suck, and the suck will only suck harder from here on out. We train and read and pray, not because we think we can roll back the suck, but only to have the strength to endure it, and maybe to carry some small fragments through that will be worth passing on to whoever comes next. We gather to the old symbols because they remind us of who we are, provide some anchor to our identities as the whirling maelstrom seeks to dissolve us into posthuman madness. We practice clean living – insofar as we do practice it, which I think is not very far, let’s be honest – because we know we are under attack, and the drugs and the poisoned food are one of the enemy’s primary weapons.

Irrational hope is a dangerous thing, but to abandon all hope is more dangerous still. The zombie junkies dying in our streets are where the abandonment of all hope leads. Things are unlikely to improve for we Westmen in the near future, or even perhaps in our own lifetimes. Too much is arrayed against us, most especially including our worst enemy: ourselves. Yet the examples of the Ghost Dancers, the Boxers, and the Zealots need not lead to despair. The Amerindian has not regained his lands, but he is far from extinct, and in Canada at least is growing rapidly in numbers, wealth, and political influence. The Han most certainly did regain their country, and while they endured a century and a half of massacre and madness, they have once again taken their place as one of the world’s great peoples. And as for the Jews, say what you will of them, but the destruction of the Temple was certainly not the end of their story, either.

So be it. If we dance, then at least we’ve got some killer beats and grooves to fuel us. But there is no reason to give up hope, however irrational it might seem. The Chinese persisted and got their country back after centuries of foreign rule. The Spanish endured five centuries of foreign rule before expelling all the Muslims and Jews from their country.

We have nothing to complain about except the foolishness of our recent forebears and the innocent stupidity of our youth. Others have faced far more difficult challenges. So start laying the foundation for the next round of Reconquistas. Greatness awaits!


Russia Rejects Ceasefire

It always seemed unlikely that they’d try to kick the football a third time:

The Russian Government has completely rejected proposals for a one-month halt in fighting in Ukraine. This rejection also includes a proposed pause in aerial and naval attacks. The fighting will continue. Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova made it clear: Russia won’t accept a “respite” without firm agreements on a final settlement.

For Russia, none of these proposals make sense for multiple reasons. First, Russia is winning. If they agree to a “halt” or a “pause” or even the entry of “peacekeepers” both Ukraine and teh collective West, operating as NATO, have proven they simply cannot be trusted. The Russians believe any halt to the combat would be immediately used to re-supply, re-arm present Ukrainian troops, and add more troops, for a continued fight, later.

Russia has good reasons to NOT trust both Ukraine and the West.

Back in 2014, the France, Germany, Ukraine, and Russia, bargained at the Minsk Peace Conference for 19 hours, hammering-out a deal that would have stopped the fighting between Ukraine and two of its oblasts (states) Luhansk and Donetsk.

All the parties to the negotiations signed what became known as the “Minsk Agreement.” Ukraine did not honor even ONE of the terms in that agreement, and on February 21, 2022, just days before Russia decided to enter Ukraine, the Ukrainian Foreign Minister, Kuleba said publicly “Ukraine will never honor the Minsk Agreement.”

Later, about a year or so into the combat, former French President Francois Hollande and former German Chancellor Angela Merkel, both of whom signed the Minsk Agreement, admitted in two separate TV interviews, they attended the Minsk Conference “only to buy time for Ukraine to arm for war against Russia.”

This kabuki theater in which everyone pretends that the USA is capable of fighting Russia in Eastern Europe, or better yet, that Europe is capable of doing so without the US military, is truly insulting to the world’s intelligence. Does Macron really want to see Russian troops at the gates of Paris again? Because this is how they get Russian troops at the gates of Paris again.

Vladimir Putin has mocked Emmanuel Macron, warning him that ‘some people forget how Napoleon’s Russian campaign ended,’ after the French President indicated he would be willing to use his country’s nuclear deterrent to protect Europe. France’s Napoleon Bonaparte invaded the Russian Empire in 1812 in a disastrous six-month military campaign that ended in Russian victory and resulted in some half a million casualties on the French side. Putin’s warning, which did not refer to Macron by name, came a day after the French leader called Moscow ‘a threat to Europe’ and raised the idea of putting other countries under France’s nuclear umbrella.

Russia has never been a threat to Europe. To the contrary, European nations have repeatedly proven themselves to be threats to Russia for literal centuries.



My first complete solo music project, The Only Skull, was released this morning on YouTube, iTunes, and Spotify, as well as a number of other music platforms of varying degrees of obscurity. It’s not entirely solo, as I collaborated with one celebrity corpse and an AI system in composing and recording everything, and all ten songs were mastered by an excellent audio engineer whose primary clients are heading one of the world’s most iconic music festivals this summer.

A link containing the appropriate download will be sent out to the backers later today, and for those who are interested, we’ll hold a listening party on the Friday Darkstream. I have not selected the two bonus tracks yet from the five that have been recorded, and the engineer and I are still working out how we want to approach the promised organic track, which is likely to be a really good new song that does not appear on the album but will be provided later to the relevant backers. It may be that this song will be provided only to the backers, because there is a reasonable chance that it will be released by another artist who is interested in recording and releasing it himself.

    1. Ride and Die
    2. The Only Skull
    3. Angel in Flight
    4. Seasons
    5. Neptune Grieves
    6. My Secret Sin
    7. The Shining Wire
    8. The Word Descended
    9. Once There Was Sorrow
    10. The Ride Never Ends

    Anyhow, I am well aware that this is not an area that most of the readers here are much interested in, but I would encourage you to check it out if you are curious about the current state of the art of music technology at the moment.


    The End of the Department of Education

    The latest rumor about the God-Emperor 2.0’s next executive order bodes well. This bodes very, very well for the state of education in the USA.

    US President Donald Trump is expected to sign an executive order aimed at dismantling the Department of Education, the Wall Street Journal reported on Wednesday, citing sources familiar with the matter. The move, which is part of the Trump administration’s effort to overhaul US government agencies in a bid to eliminate wasteful state spending, has been expected since early February, when the White House revealed its intentions.

    A draft of the order, reviewed by the outlet, instructs Education Secretary Linda McMahon to “take all necessary steps to facilitate the closure of the Education Department” to the fullest extent allowed by law. The order could reportedly be issued on Thursday.

    “The experiment of controlling American education through Federal programs and dollars – and the unaccountable bureaucrats those programs and dollars support – has failed our children, our teachers, and our families,” the WSJ cited the draft order as reading. The order justifies the department’s closure by stating that “since its founding in 1979, the Department of Education has spent more than $1 trillion without producing virtually any improvement in student reading and mathematics scores.”

    The Department of Education, established in 1979 under President Carter, has been a complete and abject failure by every single possible metric. We can be optimistic that the elimination of Federal control will be a net positive, particularly if it is followed by Federal support for the elimination of all state and local restrictions on homeschooling.

    Once the states and local schools discover that interference in the way of homeschooling parents will cost them their Federal funding, they’ll rapidly change their tune.

    One proposal for a new law: all government programs with a budget over X must be established on the basis of a solid, unalterable metric which cannot be redefined, and, if it is not met, will trigger the immediate elimination of the program. Yes, of course the relevant bureaucrats and their allies in the media will fight tooth and nail to redefine and otherwise marginalize the metric, but their very efforts to do so will be an obvious signal that the program is unsuccessful and should be shut down.

    Call it the Accountability in Government Act.


    Import the Third World, Become the Third World

    Birmingham, England has become a rat-infested hellhole just like all the places from which the majority of its current population hails:

    A swelling army of enormous rats fattening themselves on a growing pile of leftover refuse sounds like the story of horror movie nightmares – but it’s all too real for the people of Birmingham who say their cash-strapped Labour-run council is to blame. 

    Residents of the Midlands city have said ongoing bin strikes, an increase in fly-tipping and HS2 building work has sparked an invasion of pesky rats and mice, as they continue to find rodents tucked behind wheelie bins and nestling under car bonnets.

    As part of more painful budget plans, the cash-strapped council which was declared effectively bankrupt in 2023, want to increase the ‘rat tax’, charging for pest control in the rodent-ridden city – a service which was previously free.

    The £24 per call out charge has already outraged locals, as the council plan to up prices once again to £26.40. 

    Rebel councillor Sam Forsyth has since slammed the Labour-run council, telling BirminghamLive she had ‘no choice’ but to vote against their budget proposals as increased ‘rat tax’ would hit the city’s poorest the hardest.

    And as if the situation wasn’t dire enough, more bin strikes are on the horizon with bin workers in a bitter clash with the bankrupt council over pay and working conditions from March 11. 

    It comes shortly after weeks of bin chaos in the city, as mountains of rubbish began to overflow on the streets and outside of homes as binmen took to the picket lines for several days in January and February. 

    And as the dirty vermin continue to make Birmingham their playground, locals have given insight to the skin-crawling scenes in their daily lives as they continue to frequently come face-to-face with the pests. 

    Birmingham is no longer “English” in any meaningful sense beyond geography. A city that was 99.6 percent British in 1951 is now less than 40 percent British. And its current situation reflects that; as the British population continues to drop, the third world aspects of the city will continue to increase.

    This is why ethnic cleansings, racism, and ethnic violence are absolutely inevitable everywhere around the planet, but especially in the large British and European cities. Because, at the end of the day, some people are simply unwilling to live in hellholes and others actively prefer it.

    And sooner or later, people are going to become less concerned about being called derogatory names than they are about being able to live in attractive, peaceful, prosperous, and crime-free surroundings. Because the dirt isn’t magic, and the problem isn’t ideas, the problem is people.


    The Books Must Flow

    First thing: the new Castalia Library book for March-April 2025 has been announced.

    Second thing: DRACULA is being bound. SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON and ASOS 1 and ASOS 2 are being printed. We’ll keep you posted on when they’ve a) been approved and b) are ready to ship.

    Third thing: We’ve finally completed the move from the second bindery space to the third one. This was absolutely necessary because the 50-ton foil stamper did not fit in the building. We are now testing our third and fourth glues, and we are optimistic that one of them will be the right one.

    Fourth thing: We know we’ve built up a backlog, but we’re not quite as behind schedule as it seems because most of the interiors and the designs are done. We’ve delayed getting them made because we want to know what the full range of our bindery options are, as there were benefits and problems to each of them, even before the new tariffs became a potential issue. The point is, don’t worry, we will catch up fast once all of the necessary details are nailed down.

    Fifth thing: The fancy-dancy HYPERGAMOUSE cover proof will arrive on Friday. Once it’s approved, the paperback, hardcover, variants, and book blocks will be printed.

    Sixth thing: We’re close enough that we’ve started putting together the interior of THE ILIAD. It’s going to be an original layout with illustrations leading every chapter. It promises to be spectacular. More about it later this week on the Library substack.


    Recap, Not Revolution

    Reading the reviews of the God-Emperor 2.0’s speech to Congress proved to be a bit deflating. While it was a good summary of what has been accomplished so far, it didn’t really provide us with any new information. Still no arrests. Still members of NATO. There is still a Department of Education, an Internal Revenue Service, and a Federal Reserve.

    No one cares about a mineral deal with Ukraine. Everyone wants the US military out of Ukraine, out of Europe, and out of Japan.

    There’s nothing wrong with a victories lap. There are certainly more victories to celebrate than anyone was expecting so soon. But everyone was expecting something more, something big, last night. And that speech was nothing big. Frankly, reading his executive orders is more exciting and encouraging.

    On the subject of the Trump administration, those who are following the politics might find an addition to my SSH analysis of Vice-President Vance to be of interest, as the British media already appears to be taking advantage of his apparent vulnerability to attack rhetoric.

    UPDATE: Apparently it was even more disappointing live, as Hal Turner summarizes it.

    I am live broadcasting President Trump’s State of the Union Speech to a Joint Session of Congress and, to me, it is the most disappointing speech I’ve ever heard. Whoever wrote it should never write a speech again. President Trump seems to be re-litigating the election, reiterating the election issues that are already decided. I can’t stand it anymore. I’m not even going to listen anymore. The worst speech in history. Worst delivery ever. An absolute total failure. He’s even mentioning Joe Biden. Biden is GONE for Christ’s sake; leave him BE gone. I don’t know who wrote this, but they have done the President a horrifying disservice.

    UPDATE: The God-Emperor 2.0 obviously knows what he’s doing. We were not the audience. This was about winning over the mainstream, not informing anyone about what is coming next.


    Another Review of SAPIENS

    While Chris Crawford didn’t absolutely demolish the book like Christopher Hallpike did, the legendary game designer certainly didn’t think much of Yuval Harari or his work.

    I was much impressed by the ambition of the topic of the book. The author set out to present a history of the entire species at a level of abstraction so high as to ignore specific people, events, nations, or cultures. It addressed the history of the species as a whole. What a great idea!

    Unfortunately, while the author knows a great deal about the subject, he doesn’t know enough to pull it off. For example, the first of four parts, he addresses the Cognitive Revolution that took place roughly 50,000 years ago (other authors use other terms for the phenomenon, such as Cognitive Leap). The Cognitive Revolution was a complicated sequence of events that culminated in the sudden explosion of technological progress and artistic expression around 35,000 years ago. Mr. Harari attributes it all to language, but he seems to think that the only manifestation of language that mattered was storytelling. In truth, there was much more going on. My own analysis of what happened is presented in seven essays elsewhere on this site, with the conclusions presented at the end.

    From there he moves on to the Agricultural Revolution, and once again, he falls flat. He claims that the Agricultural Revolution made matters worse, because farmers had to work harder than hunter-gatherers, they didn’t eat as well, and they suffered more from disease. (These facts are determined by analysis of bones from gravesites.) However, the author has missed the most fundamental principle of evolution: the Prime Directive for every living creature is the perpetuation of its genes. In other words, procreation is the most important goal of any creature. And the undeniable fact is that the human population boomed during the Agricultural Revolution. Most humans enjoyed more successful procreation. That’s a huge win, and if a shorter life span was the price paid to achieve it, it’s still a great bargain…

    The worst aspect of the book is his frequent digression into political commentary. This is a book about history, but he does not have the intellectual integrity to confine his writing to history. He holds forth on all manner of political issues. He seems particuarly concerned with animal rights. He’s welcome to his opinions, but to tuck them into a book about history is dishonest. I can’t understand why the editors didn’t clean up that mess.

    I recommend AGAINST reading this book. It is misleading and will give you a false sense of understanding history.

    Read the whole thing there. I don’t know anyone with an intellect worth speaking of who thought well of this book. And yet, Clown World has continued to push it, and the author on us.


    Leaving NATO

    I don’t usually post rumors, but as we know, /pol/ is always right.

    ALERT: Unconfirmed reports that President Trump will announce that the US is leaving NATO in his joint address to US Congress tomorrow.

    This would be absolutely fantastic news. I hope he’ll announce the planned withdrawal of all US troops and nuclear missiles as well.

    We’ll find out tonight. He’s already the greatest US President of my lifetime. And it looks like he’s going to give Andrew Jackson a very serious run for his money over the rest of his 3,500-year term.

    UPDATE: Or maybe not. Could just be more Clown World nonsense.

    President Donald Trump’s administration and Ukraine plan to sign the much-debated minerals deal following his disastrous Oval Office meeting with Volodymyr Zelensky. It comes after Trump turned the screws on the U.S. ally by pausing U.S. military aid to Ukraine. Trump has told his advisers that he wants to announce the agreement in his address to Congress Tuesday evening, according to three sources.


    Clown World Abandons Taiwan

    “The Taiwan Fixation” is a long and meandering article in Foreign Affairs that serves to obscure the primary point being made there. But the inescapable conclusion eventually reached by the intrepid reader who manages to slash-and-burn his way through the jungle-like maze of text is that Clown World’s strategerists now accept that the US military is no longer capable of winning a war with China. Which is good, because it isn’t.

    The fate of Taiwan keeps American policymakers up at night, and it should. A Chinese invasion of the island would confront the United States with one of its gravest foreign policy choices ever. Letting Taiwan fall to Beijing would dent Washington’s credibility and create new challenges for U.S. military forces in Asia. But the benefits of keeping Taiwan free would have to be weighed against the costs of waging the first armed conflict between great powers since 1945. Even if the United States prevailed—and it might well lose—an outright war with China would likely kill more Americans and destroy more wealth than any conflict since the Vietnam War and perhaps since World War II. Nuclear and cyber weapons could make it worse, bringing destruction on the U.S. homeland. These would be catastrophic consequences for the United States.

    As terrible as a U.S.-Chinese war would be, an American president would face immense pressure to fight for Taipei. Many U.S. policymakers are convinced that Taiwan, a prosperous democracy in a vital region, is worth protecting despite the daunting price of doing so. Political calculations may also push a U.S. president into war. By staying out, the president could expect to be blamed not only for permitting the economic meltdown that China’s invasion would trigger but also for losing Taiwan after a decades-long battle of wills between Washington and Beijing over the island’s future. That would doom a president’s legacy. Against such a certainty, any chance of salvaging the situation could look like a better bet—and by opting to fight China to protect Taiwan, the president would preserve the possibility of going down in history as a great wartime victor. In the 1960s, President Lyndon Johnson faced a choice between ramping up a U.S. military campaign in Vietnam and allowing the Communists to take over the country. He doubted that a war was necessary or winnable. But he sent American soldiers all the same.

    U.S. leaders need a way to escape the ghastly decision to either wage World War III or watch Taiwan go down. They need a third option. Washington must make a plan that enables Taiwan to mount a viable self-defense, allows the United States to assist from a distance, and keeps the U.S. position in Asia intact regardless of how a cross-strait conflict concludes. This way, the United States could abstain from sending its military forces to defend Taiwan if China invades the island and does not attack U.S. bases or warships..

    Before the moment of crisis arrives, political leaders should initiate a frank national dialogue about U.S. interests in the western Pacific. Americans must know the true costs of conflict with China: the deaths of tens and perhaps hundreds of thousands of U.S. soldiers, the possibility that nuclear weapons would be fired in desperation, an economic downturn dwarfing that of the Great Recession of 2008, and severe disruption to everyday life. It will take great effort for policymakers to communicate the scale of the potential devastation because a war with China would look nothing like the relatively small and contained wars that the United States has waged in recent decades.

    In addition to making clear the costs of war with China, U.S. officials should stress the need to coexist with China as prominently as they discuss the need to compete with it. In the coming years, especially if Beijing’s behavior improves, American policymakers should adopt “competitive coexistence” as an approach for U.S. relations with China. In doing so, they would convey Washington’s willingness to establish stable patterns of interaction, limit security competition, and address global problems collaboratively. At a minimum, political leaders should avoid undue alarmism about Taiwan. The Biden administration was right to tamp down public speculation about the year by which China might intend to launch an invasion. The Trump administration should go further to discourage catastrophic thinking, including by communicating to the public that China would not pose an immeasurably greater challenge to the United States if Taiwan came under its control.

    I don’t know why the neocons are preemptively aligning themselves with reality in the case of China when they aggressively refused to do so in the case of Russia. Perhaps they simply don’t hate the Chinese with the same irrational hatred they harbor for the Russians, perhaps the extent of the Chinese industrial advantage is simply too great for even the most magickal-thinkers to believe they can simply wish away, or, more likely, they want to reserve the limited US military resources that will be available for any foreign adventures for the Middle East.

    The trade war with China should provide sufficient excitement to keep even the most inveterate drama-seekers occupied. There is simply no benefit to the United States of engaging in an actual war in the South Pacific.