Murdering the Refugees

A US government agency has publicly announced an evil plan to murder nearly 500,000 refugees:

U.S. wildlife officials plan to kill nearly half a million “invasive” American owls over three decades, new documents confirm. Experts say the cull is needed to help protect two native owl species, which have been put under threat from the invaders. However, animal rights activists have condemned the plan as cruel and unnecessary.

Barred owls (Strix varia) are large owls native to eastern North America. In the early 20th century, these owls started moving west of the Mississippi River following “human-induced changes” to the Great Plains and northern boreal forest, according to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS). As a result, the owls have gained a stronghold in Washington, Oregon and California, where they are considered an invasive species.

The arrival of barred owls in the Northwest has adversely affected two native owl species — northern spotted owls (Strix occidentalis caurina) and California spotted owls (Strix occidentalis occidentalis) — which are both much smaller than the invaders and are being outcompeted for food and territory. Both native species have also been impacted by extreme logging activity over the last few decades, which has majorly reduced their range, according to California’s Santa Clara University.

Barred owls have also started mating with the spotted owls, creating hybrids that have the potential to reduce the gene pool of the spotted owl species.

The northern spotted owl population has declined severely over the past few decades, and the species is now outnumbered by barred owls across most of its range.

This, of course, is truly reprehensible. The barred owls aren’t even foreigners! They’re just as American as the northern spotted owl or the California spotted owl, and all they’re doing is chasing the American dream to make a better life for their children!

This Great Owl Replacement theory is just racism and spotted owl supremacism. Any decent owl would reject it; no owl-refugee is “illegal” or “invasive”. And if the spotted owls are mating with the barred owls, obviously they are welcoming the refugees.

Who cares about the gene pool of the spotted owl species? That’s just eugenics and Nazi pseudoscience, right? All owls are the same under their feathers, and obviously there is no place for “pure gene pools” or Spotted Owl supremacy in Owl Democracy!

A Spotted Owl supremacist seen protesting “the Great Owl Replacement.”


How Cancel Culture Should Work

If you’re a government official seeking to police the political opinions of others, you should lose your job, just as this Argentine minister lost his after attempting to speech police the Argentine national soccer team:

Julio Garro — Argentina’s former undersecretary of sport — lost his job on Thursday after he publicly called for Messi to apologize after the Argentinian national team sang a racially insensitive song after winning the Copa America.

Following a 1-0 win over Colombia in the final, midfielder Enzo Fernandez livestreamed himself and teammates singing the song, which makes fun of Black players on the French national team.

Listen, spread the word / They play in France, but they’re all from Angola / How lovely, they will run / They are trans lovers like that f*ck Mbappe / Your mom is Nigerian, your dad is Cameroonian / But on your ID, it says French nationality.

Garro said that by chanting the derogatory lyrics, the team put Argentina in a bad light. Fernandez has already apologized publicly for sharing the footage via social media, but Messi hasn’t addressed it.

“I think the captain of the national team and the AFA president should come out and apologize for this case,” Garro told Argentinian radio Urbano Play. “It is fitting. It leaves us in a bad light with so much glory.”

Argentina president Javier Milei has since issued a statement via social media and confirmed that Garro is no longer in the position. “The president’s office reports that no government can tell what to comment, what to think or what to do to the Argentina national team, world champion and two-time American champion, or to any other citizen,” it read. “For this reason, Julio Garro ceases to be undersecretary of sports of the nation.”

I’m not a fan of free speech. But I’m even less a fan of subjective and ex post facto public thought policing on the basis of Clown World values. Milei did well to immediately can the guy.

Also, the Argentine players are entirely correct. Far too many players on the European “national” teams are foreign nationals. They are called “national” teams, not “paper citizenship” or even “legal resident” teams, after all.


Those Violent Swedes

One little-known benefit of mass immigration is that it cuts down on all those nasty tourists:

Two British citizens have been found shot dead in a burned-out car in Sweden in a horror case police are now investigating as a double murder. The bodies were recovered after firefighters were called to the scene of a blaze on a dirt road in the Fosie industrial estate in the coastal city of Malmö on Sunday.

It is believed that the victims rented a car at Copenhagen Kastrup airport before they were found in the nearby Swedish city across the border.

They are understood to have been shot before the car was set alight, local media reports.

At this rate, it won’t be too long before travelling to Sweden will become as unthinkable as travelling to Afghanistan.

UPDATE: For varying degrees of “British”.


Barbarians at the Gates

I mean, they’re quite literally at the borders and killing border guards with spears:

A Polish border guard was killed last month by a group of spear-throwing migrants as they attempted to cross the border into Europe, as officials say a surge in arrivals through Belarus is Putin’s latest war tactic against the West.

21-year-old Sgt Mateusz Sitek from the Polish village of Nowy Lubiel was killed after a group of migrants reportedly from Africa and the Middle East attempting to cross the Polish border hurled a volley of makeshift weapons at officers. Several more were injured during the clash.

The improvised weapons appear to have been made out of tree branches and steel blades taped to the top.

If migrants are a war tactic against the West, shouldn’t Angela Merkel be arrested for war crimes? Whatever happened to “welcome refugees”?


The Doability of Mass Deportation

The Dominican Republic’s mass deportations of Haitians prove that it is very easy, very humane, and very practical to deport even large numbers of immigrants if the Clown World government doesn’t stand in the way:

Following the success of the Haitian revolution, Jean-Jacques Dessalines decreed in 1804 that all white people on the island were to be killed on sight. Following the success of this gruesome act of genocide, Haitian forces sought to export their revolution by invading the Spanish side of the island, which had a much smaller, sparse population, though they encountered resistance in this crusade due to the high percentage of mixed race and white people living there. Dominicans racially classified as white, which included some light-skinned African-mixed people, were stripped of their citizenship and land by the Haitian constitution and forced out of their cattle ranching trade to work for blacks in slavery conditions in the cash crop industry.

A group of multiracial and white Dominican nationalists called the Trinitarios, led by Spanish descendant Juan Pablo Duarte, led a rebellion against Haitian dictator Charles Rivière-Hérard and expelled his forces from the eastern portion of the island in 1844, establishing the divide that exists today. Though the occupying army was numerically superior to the Dominicans, Rivière-Hérard was himself undermined from within by an uprising of Haitian blacks enraged by the fact that their leader himself had some European ancestry.

Today, the trauma of Haitian rule continues to inform Dominican identity. This national sentiment helped Abinader, of Spanish and Lebanese ancestry, successfully win the 2020 election on a platform of ending Haitian migration and cutting through red tape to deport those already in the country. It was estimated at the time of Abinader’s victory that Haitians, most of them in the country illegally, numbered somewhere between 750,000 and 1 million out of the Dominican Republic’s 11 million population.

Soon after taking office, Abinader began preparations to keep his promise. His Modern Revolutionary Party, with consensus support including from opposition groups, passed a law in 2022 to form a new immigration enforcement police unit that would specialize in targeting job sites known to hire Haitian illegals for unannounced mass round ups. In 2013, a constitutional reassessment removed birthright citizenship from all those born to foreign parents since 1929, which granted the Dominican government the powers needed to detain and remove 170,000 Haitians from the country by the end of 2022.

The next year, what the US State Department has condemned as “mass deportations” reached unprecedented levels. That year, 250,000 Haitians living within Dominican territory were identified by immigration authorities and expelled, while an additional 200,000 voluntarily repatriated. A substantial portion of these Haitians had their citizenship retroactively revoked under the 2013 constitutional amendment, which means they are not recognized as either Dominican or Haitian citizens, but this did not stop Abinader from sending them back at a rate of 50,000 immigrants per month. In one instance during this crackdown, 20,000 Haitians were deported in a time span of nine days. The small and relatively poor Dominican Republic now has one of the most active and prolific immigration enforcement systems on the planet.

From January to April in 2024, the rate of deportations fell to a total of 30,000 in four months, but this reduced level of enforcement is more of a testament to the government’s effectiveness in removing Haitian migrants in previous years rather than any dampening of their burning enthusiasm. Last May, the Abinader government completed a 250-mile concrete wall, modeled after Israel’s barrier to Syria in the Golan Heights (which, in the Israeli case, the United States supports), permanently preventing Haitians from illegally crossing into the country. The Dominican government has adamantly refused to host any Haitian refugees in its territory and has rejected demands from the UN that it grant citizenship or residency permits to multi-generational migrants regardless of how long they have resided in the country.

Within the Dominican landscape, Abinader’s policies are uncontroversial. He was recently re-elected in a landslide and all of the major parties support his anti-migrant efforts. The opposition to these policies is restricted largely to outsiders: Washington, the United Nations, and various foreign funded non-governmental organizations who have sought to undermine the effort.

The Haitian migration amounted to about ten percent of the Dominican population. That’s equivalent to about 35 million people in US terms. In the UK, the entire post-Windrush invasion could be sent back to their homelands, while in Europe the post-2015 migrant crisis could be entirely undone before 2030. And it’s no more “racist” for the European nations to ensure their futures than it is for the Dominican nation or the Jewish state to do so.

The only thing standing between the continuation of Western Civilization and its demise is Clown World. And Clown World is not only intellectual bankrupt and debunked by reality, it is actively being defeated by the sovereign nations every day now.

If you’re a one-issue voter, this would be the one vital issue upon which everything else rests.


DOA in Wales

The Conservative Party no longer exists in Wales:

The UK Labour Party has won all but five of Wales’ 32 seats in the House of Commons after the Conservatives suffered a crushing defeat in Thursday’s general election. Labour secured 27 of the Welsh seats, while the pro-independence Plaid Cymru party won four and the Lib Dems took one. The Conservative Party faced a total wipeout, losing all 14 of the seats they had won in the 2019 election.

It appears that the English people will also require a different party to represent them, as apparently getting wiped out with a Hindu at its head wasn’t enough for the Conservatives, who are now apparently debating which African they should get behind as a leader.

It’s remarkable that the Tories still think they’re playing a game of ideology and inclusivity. That game is over, because Britain is no longer racially homogenous.

Atheists Discover Consequences

It’s always mildly amusing to recall that they used to call themselves “brights” because they genuinely believed that they were smarter than Christians. Never mind that the island nation that developed a world-spanning empire under Christendom now can’t even offer token resistance to the imperial dar al-Islam:

I am getting scared of the rise of Islam in the UK and Europe. I study philosophy at university in England…. Oh boy my homeland is being overrun by Islam.

One guy legit told me the other day on a Friday that “I should be at the mosque” and shouted at me for not being so. I know plenty of Christians, and whilst I myself am atheist, none have ever tried to convert me or call me a heretic- whilst the only homophobes I know have been Muslim. Someone also said my degree, philosophy was “devil worship because asking questions about the universe and truth is evil-this is especially true because I focus in logic and game theory. They said it was not “real” and satanic…

What scares me most is that the left (of which I am a part of) seems to protect Islam by way of calling all who support it islamaphobic….when I said I supported Israel as it’s the only safe space for LGBT guys in the entire Middle East, and a democracy, someone spat at me and called me a “devil”.

It is psychotic. Do you think the west will fall to Islam? Sorry for the vent: I’ve come to the conclusion that I am very inclusive, but I cannot be inclusive to those who hate inclusion because fictional sky dad said no.

The fascinating thing is that even when they are in terror for their lives and their lifestyles, they still do not have the intellectual flexibility to admit that they were wrong, that inclusivity is evil and destructive, and that a nation that ceases to be a Christian nation will soon cease to be a nation at all.

If you accept diversity, equality, and inclusivity as ideals, then you have already lost the war. It’s just a matter of time before those who correctly reject those concepts as being intrinsically false overrun you.


Elegy for European Civilization

An Australian laments the end of what used to be his country:

Each day I wake up to a country I don’t recognise.

Everyone’s a foreigner and I get called a bigot if I notice that.

I used to be friends with all my neighbours.

But they moved out and the new ones don’t speak English.

We don’t make eye contact when we walk past each other and that makes me feel strange.

On weekends I used to leave my car unlocked when I went down to the beach.

Yesterday there was a knife attack there. I don’t think I’ll go to the beach again.

There are no Christmas decorations in the stores anymore.

But sometimes I notice there’s decorations for Diwali. I don’t know what that is.

Most days I just sit inside and watch TV.

The TV tells me I need to respect other cultures.

For some reason that means no more Easter eggs or Australia Day or Christmas.

Sometimes I wonder what would happen if I migrated to Pakistan and told them to change their whole country just to make me feel comfortable.

I don’t think they’d like that but I don’t want to assume.

And sometimes it feels like my culture’s being squeezed out existence.

Suffocated by all these new people being poured on top of it.

I don’t really know why they moved here.

The streets don’t look the same anymore.

There’s no sense of community.

We’re all just strangers who live close to each other by some strange chance.

No doubt the American Indians similarly came to lament the foolish decision of their forebears to welcome the refugees from Europe, just as their successors are now learning to regret the decision of their ancestors to welcome “the poor and huddled masses” that have now demolished what was the most powerful nation in human history, and Europeans are beginning to grasp the terrible price of their magnanimous embrace of “the right of free movement”.

Some civilizations are conquered. Others are destroyed by their own internal contradictions. But in this case, it was the subversion and intellectual subjugation by a satanic foreign elite, combined with the widespread abandonment of the Christian culture that made Europe uniquely great, that has led to the decline and coming fall of the nations of what was once Christendom.

The truth always matters. And the sons of the fallen West are paying a very steep price for swallowing the inversion that satanists are “our elder brothers in the faith”. Those who are not willing to literally fight to preserve their culture will inevitably lose their culture in the end.


The Price of the Wrong Target

The policeman whose attempt to subdue the unarmed German, and not the knife-wielding Diversity, has spawned many a meme, is an obvious metaphor for the West.

A 29-year-old police officer who was repeatedly stabbed during a frenzied attack at an anti-Islam rally in Germany has died. Five others – including a well-known German Islam critic – were wounded when a knifeman launched the rampage in the city of Mannheim on Friday. The policeman was ‘stabbed several times in the area of the head’ while trying to intervene, local police said in a statement. He underwent emergency surgery following the attack and was put in an artifical coma but died of his injuries on Sunday.

Live by the Diversity, die by the Diversity.


The Lethality of Low-IQ Demographics

Karl Denninger is not at all sanguine about the future of a United States that has lost an average 10 IQ points or more since 1965:

You need about a 115 IQ to build and maintain modern civilization.

Examples? Too many to count. How about Flint’s water system? It poisoned a bunch of kids, remember?

Why didn’t it poison kids for the previous 80 years? It had been there that long, with the same lead service lines, but didn’t poison anyone.

Is lead a great material for water feed pipes? Depends on when. Today, no. HDPE is better in all respects; it can tolerate freezing, modest movement and it is nearly impermeable to both the water and outside contaminants, including the chlorine used for disinfection. You probably know this stuff today as “PEX” in a house but in larger diameters — usually black in color and heat-welded at junctions — it is commonly used for water mains as well.

But 80 years ago it didn’t exist.

Lead did. And it too can tolerate a modest amount of movement and is nearly impermeable to contaminates inside and out. Oh, and it self-protects almost-immediately if the water balance is held at the correct level and thus the oxide and mineral layer that immediately forms on it, while the lines are being flushed during installation and the tests on the house, render it safe.

Now put an acidic water supply down it and that layer is destroyed with the lead leaching into the water.

The 115+ IQ people who built and ran the water plant at Flint all those years knew this, and knew how to keep it safe. They drank out of the same lines and so not only did they know how they had plenty of incentive to not screw up — and as professionals who were smart, they didn’t screw up.

Then Shaqueena, or her analog with a <115 IQ took over. And changed the water source. And, at the same time, didn’t check and make sure the chemical and pH balance remained correct because the intellectual firepower to do so was simply no longer there. The result was a bunch of poisoned kids.

Would you use a lead service line today for a new installation? Of course not. But is it unsafe? Not as long as the people running the plant are of sufficient intelligence to operate modern industrial and environmental machinery and not fuck it up.

John Red Eagle and I warned about this back in 2015 in CUCKSERVATIVE. The same problem that is presently afflicting the USA is about to hit the UK and Europe as well. It’s not noticeable at first, because it doesn’t matter if your kebab sellers, taxi drivers, and other common immigrant occupations are filled by newcomers with lower IQs than the natives.

But once the second and third generations start competing with the natives, and outcompeting them thanks to DEI initiatives and shameless ethnic nepotism, the lower-IQ effect hits with a vengeance, particularly as they begin claiming policy-making positions for which they are absolutely and unequivocally unsuited.

Translation: US infrastructure is going to rapidly decline to the Mexican level. Northern European infrastructure is going to rapidly decline to the US level. Southern European infrastructure won’t change. And the relative power of China and Russia vis-a-vis the West will continue to increase.