A Tribute to Mr. Tubcuddle

This is, almost certainly, the greatest song ever written about a dedicated bathtub enthusiast. Booster Patrol was inspired by the intrepid saga of the man known as Mister Tubcuddle even before the peculiar revelations of the BathBookNeil blog. The full lyrics are at Sigma Game, for those who are interested. But click on the image below to hear the unforgettable audio experience that is Mr. Tubcuddle.

In other, and obviously completely unrelated news, a professional comics illustrator sent me this last night, which appears may have been loosely based upon an incident at a certain writers’ workshop.

UPDATE: Fandom Pulse has a piece that discusses the song and reveals a new observation that may render the whole situation even more absurd.


More Bubbles in the Tub

Fandom Pulse has uncovered more dirt on the unusually clean bathtub enthusiast:

To add more bubbles to the bath, a publishing industry insider has spoken out about Neil Gaiman on X. Michael Matheson posted, “The pattern talked about in recent allegations is decades-long. Power imbalance frequently at the heart of what Neil does. At Clarion, there’s the Gaiman Rule for instructors, named after Neil: ‘Don’t sleep with the students.'”

He continued noting something potentially worse for the author about his being kept away from young writing students at another course, “Neil is (I think unofficially?) barred from teaching at a particular workshop for young writers that caps out attendant age at 19. Not naming that one because I was told it in confidence nearly a decade ago when I was reprinting a story of Neil’s in an anthology.”

Matheson also points out how the industry protects Neil Gaiman, saying, “It’s not a question of ‘if,’ the silence surrounding Gaiman for years is about who wants to lose their career by tilting a lance at one of genre publishing’s sacred (cash) cows. That Gaiman cloaked himself in feminist/ally rhetoric for ages also made it harder to air things.”

Having an unspoken rule about not sleeping with students named after Neil Gaiman at Clarion is a huge red flag. Clarion is where writers go to live for six weeks to workshop and learn from teachers like Neil Gaiman. The workshop produces a lot of writers in traditional publishing and is seen as a rite of passage for a fast track to get into places like Clarke’s World or Tor Books. With a second writer’s workshop allegedly banning Neil Gaiman because it’s geared toward young students, it appears the industry knows the 62-year-old author’s proclivities are much worse than they seem on the surface.

And that’s not all… tomorrow’s Arkhaven Nights is going to be lit! It turns out that in 2012, a nameless, unidentified individual who absolutely and totally was not Neil Gaiman himself set up a Tumblr site where people could send pictures of themselves reading his books in the bathtub. Even better, if they were too shy to post a public picture, they could email the picture directly to an email address belonging to a Gmail account that was definitely not set up by Neil Gaiman, and was certainly not accessible by him, called bathbookneil@gmail.com.

joleneparton: Reading @neilhimself in the bathtub (the illustrated edition of Stardust with Charles Vess). Just barely SFW, if you have a fairly permissive office.

neil-gaiman: This is the internet. Is there actually a dedicated place for happy photos of people reading my books in the bath?

joleneparton: There is now! Send me your photos, people, and I’ll put ‘em up. I’m student enough (and therefore bored enough in class) to take on this task. Address them to bathbookneil@gmail.com if you don’t want to do a Tumblr submission.

neil-gaiman: Why, thank you. I love it when things move at the speed of internet. (And as far as I am concerned, people can be reading their books in the bath naked, fully dressed, they can be of any gender or all, masked, alone, or in groups of as many of them as can fit into a bath.) (I’ve never successfully read in the shower, although I HAVE tried.)
(via neil-gaiman)

That Neil! He’s so naughty and charming and ever so attentive to his fans. My favorite part is where the person who definitely is not Neil Gaiman explains why he is going to the trouble of doing this.

I’m student enough (and therefore bored enough in class) to take on this task.

Gaiman never was particularly good at writing credible dialogue. Case in point, there is someone named PrudishChild suddenly active in the Gaiman-related threads who more than a few Redditors suspect of being one of Gaiman’s sock puppets.

Any reason to think he set up the gmail, or had access to it? I thought someone else set it up and he just commented on it.

And the suspicions appear to be well-founded, since PrudishChild, who “made this alt account to comment on the allegations against Neil Gaiman” exhibits at least one of Gaiman’s writing quirks.

Weird spaces and poor punctuation? I don’t agree. Maybe some autocorrect issues..? Honestly, I’m not sure what you mean.

What evidence would you accept as me not being Neil Gaiman? I find the accusation that I am him to be bizarre, a bit self-important, and utterly ridiculous. There are 57 members here on this sub, and to think that I’m a famous author is just so, I dunno, self-centered. I am sure he’s being kept away from social media, and I am sure he’s working on prepping for Good Omens 3, which stars filming in January. Engaging with 57 people on r/neilgaimanuncovered won’t do a damn thing for his reputation, his pocketbook, or his work.

I am not defending him. As Ive said many times, I am staying neutral on the matter, until more is known. It may seem like I am “supporting rape culture” or “attacking the victims” or “dedicated to Neil,” because I am one of few (though not alone) who are calling for neutrality instead of immediately condemning him. You can probably find a few statements where what I say can come across as support for Neil, but I think if you look at all my comments fairly, you’ll see that I am merely against turning allegations into proof. That does not serve anyone – victim, accused, society, the internet, Reddit, etc.

I have been posting information about Neil’s works on r/NeilGaiman , as I am allowed to do, and also because the mod asked that be what the subreddit remain. I am providing content for comments. You may see that as attacking the accusers, but I do not.

Gammas always think they’re being so clever. They never understand how transparent their actions are.

UPDATE: Of course, there’s more. There is always more. Apparently, like Harvey Weinstein, naughty Neil likes to run the Teddy Kennedy on the unsuspecting.

The massage was supposed to be for Amanda, but she decided to split it in two with Neil. When it was Neil’s turn, this person recounts that they told him to get naked and covered with a towel so that when they returned he was decent. Neil called the masseur back into the room (usually it’s the massage therapist who knocks), and when they got back into the room Neil was standing naked in front of them.

Gamma Game!


He Never Had a Shot

Given the mainstream media’s determination to maintain its wall of silence even as Neil Gaiman cancels his planned public events, it seems appropriate to ensure that Mr. Tubcuddle is not allowed to simply avoid being forced to answer for his alleged actions.

One of Neil Gaiman’s public speaking appearances has been cancelled, according to the following information provided by a writer for Tortoise Media, which first reported about the sexual assault allegations he’s now facing, with a police report to back them up. So it looks like the reports have indeed had some negative effect on Gaiman’s career and reputation, though as some may have noticed, any coverage by the comics specialty press has been very muted, and last time I looked, comic-centric sources like Bleeding Cool, Newsarama, Comics Beat, and even Popverse haven’t said anything at all. Only Bleeding Fool, CBR, and Comic Book Movie seem to have reported anything. Most peculiar that the “believe all women” liberal establishment in comicdom has apparently chosen to ignore this potentially serious issue.

On Sigma Game, there are a pair of posts on the subject of Neil Gaiman that I believe help put the situation in context, one an analysis of his “close friendship” with Tori Amos and the other in response to an upset “leave Neil alone!” defender. And one thing you won’t want to miss on Thursday is Arkhaven Nights. You definitely will not want to miss that!


Do NOT Talk About Neil Gaiman

Especially not anywhere that is devoted to talking about him. The Reddit community devoted to discussing Neil Gaiman has banned all discussion of his personal life. Only discussion of his work will be permitted.

The first rule of Neil Gaiman club: don’t talk about Neil Gaiman.

I wanted to take this opportunity to provide some updates regarding the direction of our community. After carefully considering all the feedback received, I have decided to shift the focus of the sub from Neil and his personal life to solely his work. This decision was not made lightly, and I spent considerable time pondering this matter.

Consequently, you may have noticed some changes such as the removal of Neil’s face as the sub’s avatar, the retirement of the “Good Gaiman” flair, and some adjustments to the rules. I have also archived older posts and updated the automod. This also means the response thread will now be closed. It’s important to note that this change is not intended to discourage discussions about Neil’s life or the significance of biographical context in his work. Instead, it aims to foster meaningful analysis and critique of his work within those contexts along with other forms of literary criticism.

In arriving at this decision, I sought guidance from Reddit’s crisis management team and consulted with moderators from other subs focused on notable individuals. I also reviewed information from sexual assault support sites, as well as reports and papers from educational institutions and law firms. Additionally, I reflected on my own experiences with grooming and considered this matter from the perspectives of being a partner, a parent, a child, and a sibling. It is essential to approach this situation with integrity and empathy for all parties involved.

Our community is committed to upholding the principles of believing victims and recognizing the presumption of innocence until proven guilty. These are not conflicting ideas but fundamental principles that ensure fairness for all involved: we believe when someone says something happened to support a fair investigation while also believing the accused is innocent to ensure fair representation. We are not vigilantes.

Moving forward, the sub will enforce a zero-tolerance policy for defamation, including victim blaming and baseless accusations.

Translation: Even Mr. Tubcuddle’s biggest fans believe he’s probably guilty as charged, and that more is eventually going to come out, but they don’t want him to be cancelled, so they’re just going to pretend that his personal life has no connection to the dark fantasies that he expresses throughout his violent and sexually-deviant work.

It would appear that they’ve done this in order to justify eliminating the very detailed summaries of the accusations as well as the exposures of Gaiman’s inadequate and dishonest responses to those accusations that were being posted in the forum about him. That being said, the moderator hasn’t deleted any of the previous discussions yet, so it’s possible that they just want to prevent any further damage to their hero’s reputation.

The media is really doing a full-court press to try to protect Gaiman. This is the sum total of what presently appears on his Wikipedia page about the matter.

Accusation of sexual assault
In July 2024, Tortoise Media reported that Gaiman was accused by two women of sexual assault, and that Gaiman had denied both of the accusations.

It’s rather amusing that there is far more critical content about me on Wikipedia than there is about Gaiman, despite his alleged sex crimes.

In any event, it’s pretty sure his ex-wife knows what’s happening. These are what would appear to be highly-prescient lyrics from her song Whakanewha, recorded in 2024.

Another clear-cut load of crap
A few more corpses in the sack
You’ll get away with it, it’s just the same old script
This world is shaped to have your back
You said, “I’m sorry,” then you ran
And went and did it all again
I’m such a fool, I know
Street smart but gullible
I see the good in everything
A pound of flax, a pound of steel
I may be dumb, but I can feel
I wonder when you’ll realize what you had

A frightened bird, a crystal ball
So sad, you could’ve had it all
But you hate yourself too much to want all that
I had so much hope for your broken heart
But you’ve made your choice, and you chose the dark


Guess Who’s Back on the Not-Meth?

Jordan Peterstein: Hey New Nazi troll rats

Anonymously trumpeting your anti-semitism doesn’t rescue you from your mother’s basement Or from the demon of resentment

Or make you more attractive to the women who take one look at you and shudder

And rightly bloody so
You are despicable bottom-rung cowards
Using GazaGazaGazaHamasHamas As camouflage for your detestable Cluster B psychopathy, narcissism, Machiavellianism and of course Sadism
I’ve got your number you pathetic tantrum-toddlers
You don’t even have the courage of genuine bullies
You Cheeto-dust covered sweat stained white T-shirted hide-behind-your-mommy’s skirts scum

Andrew Torba: They call us every name in the book, but they never call us liars.

Jordan Peterstein: There are no bigger liars

Than those who believe their own lies
I don’t think you do believe your own lies @BasedTorba

Even though you are obviously a liar

And a despicable liar

I think instead that you are voluntarily irredeemable

Apparently Mr. Definitely Not Meth is back on the Not-Meth and projecting hard. He’s observably off his gourd again. I very much doubt he’s going to recover from his next meltdown. Once he realizes that he’s condemned himself forever by his full-throated endorsement of the Gazacaust, and that the greater part of the world views him as nothing more than a shameless apologist for Clown World, he’s not going to be able to live with himself.


Those Who Wallow in Evil

Neil Gaiman isn’t the only wicked writer whose reputation and commercial viability are being frantically defended by the see-no-evil media this summer. The recently-deceased and much-lauded Canadian writer Alice Munro has now been publicly exposed as a pedophile-enabler by her own daughter. Notice how a similar pattern prevails:

Alice Munro’s work was often dark, even violent — but that’s what made her great
— 29 May 2024
My stepfather sexually abused me when I was a child. My mother, Alice Munro, chose to stay with him
— 7 July 2024
Academics grapple with how to teach Alice Munro’s work in wake of daughter’s sexual assault revelations
— 10 July 2024

First, they praise the darkness and violence of the “great” and famous writer. Then, the accusations are revealed and the damning evidence is exposed, which is reliably just a prelude of the more awful revelations to come. After the storm passes, they attempt to finesse the matter and justify not cancelling the awful person for behavior that far exceeds that of virtually everyone who has ever been cancelled by them, even as they praise themselves for “grappling” with the issue.

Lorraine York, distinguished university professor at McMaster University and an expert in Canadian literature said in the coming days academics and others will be asking “how to account for the way in which both Munro and Canadian literature as a field allowed for this silencing. People in the industry knew and decisions were made that prolonged the silence and the harm that was done. That is what we need to reckon with,” Prof. York said.

Doug Gibson, the former president and publisher of McClelland & Stewart, said “As Alice’s Canadian editor and publisher I was aware that Alice and Andrea were estranged for a number of years. In 2005 it became clear what the issue was, with Gerry Fremlin’s full shameful role revealed, but I have nothing to add to this tragic family story, and wish the family a continued recovery.”

In Munro’s case, as with Marion Zimmer Bradley’s, there isn’t even the possibility of giving them the benefit of any doubt. Munro’s husband, Gerald Fremlin, was charged with indecently assaulting her daughter and pled guilty in 2005. As with MZB, Munro was protected by the media and the relevant literary establishment until her death. But the clues about their evil predilections were always there, lurking in their work.

In “Floating Bridge,” Jinny, feeling a surprising loss of “low-grade freedom” at the news that her cancer is receding, slips away from her husband one evening and allows herself to be kissed by a mutual friend’s teenage son.

Neil Gaiman’s editors, publishers, collaborators, and producers are already actively engaged in the same sort of conspiracy of silence that York describes in Canada. Which means we may be forced to witness the media, the publishing establishment, and Hollywood all quietly pretending not to know anything untoward until after Mr. Tubcuddle’s death.

Speaking with our contacts in the comic industry, Fandom Pulse was told by an insider that there is a concerted media effort to squash this story. There are allegedly marching orders not to report on this, which makes the situation even more bizarre. Online comic forums and Facebook groups controlled by mainstream media forces shut down discussions to keep this story from getting out. If these orders are confirmed, the entertainment media corruption is on full display beyond anything we’ve ever seen. 

Ms Skinner’s parting words are bitter and haunting, with regards to both her own case and Moira Greyland’s case, as well as the cases of Scarlett and K:

My mother’s fame meant that the secrecy spread far beyond the family. Many influential people came to know something of my story yet continued to support, and add to, a narrative they knew was false.
It seemed as if no one believed the truth should ever be told, that it never would be told, certainly not on a scale that matched the lie. Until now.

UPDATE: If you ever seriously believed Neil Gaiman was a good writer, I suggest taking this 1985 book review into account.

“For value for money I have to recommend L. Ron Hubbard’s massive Battlefield Earth – over 1000 pages of thrills, spills, vicious aliens, noble humans. Is mankind an endangered species? Will handsome and heroic Jonny Goodboy Tyler win Earth back from the nine-foot-high Psychlos? A tribute to the days of pulp, I found it unputdownable. And all for 2.95.”

Mr. Tubcuddle found it “unputdownable”. I found it totally fucking unreadable.


Freakshow Cubed

The Guardian is desperately, and rather quixotically, attempting to maintain Mr. Tubcuddle’s public viability by putting him front and center of its praise for the very worst book I have ever read in its entirety. Because while I’m confident that Samuel L. Delaney’s Hogg and the Marquis de Sade’s 120 Days of Sodom are even worse, I’ve declined the opportunity to wallow in the wicked filth of those literary abominations. I was not so fortunate with regards to The Wasp Factory, which was published 40 years ago, although the world would be a better, brighter, more beautiful place if it had not been.

It was 1984, and the publisher Macmillan was holding a small event for booksellers, and had invited a tiny handful of journalists along as well. They would be announcing upcoming titles, trying to get the booksellers excited about them. I was one of the journalists, but I only remember one author and one book from that afternoon. The author’s editor, James Hale, was thrilled about a first novel, which Macmillan would soon be publishing, and which James had discovered on the “slush pile” of unsolicited manuscripts. The author had been asked to say a few words to the assembled booksellers about himself and his book.

The author had dark, curly auburn hair and a ginger beard that was barely more than ambitious stubble. He was tall, and his accent was Scottish. He told us that he had really wanted to be a science fiction writer, that he had written several science fiction books and sent them out to publishers without attracting any interest. Then he had decided to “write what he knew”. He had taken his own obsessions as a young man, his delight in blowing things up and his fascination with homemade implements of destruction, and he had given them to Frank, a young man who also liked blowing things up but went much further than the author ever had. The author was Iain Banks, of course, and the book was The Wasp Factory.

The story, he told us, began when Frank’s brother, Eric, escaped from a high-security psychiatric hospital, and let Frank know he was coming home. But, Iain warned us, that wasn’t what the story was about. 

What The Wasp Factory is about concerns an idiotic plot that wallows in nearly every form of depravity with a protagonist so retarded that he doesn’t realize he’s not a girl, he’s a boy who had his genitalia gnawed off by a dog. And this isn’t even the most disgusting aspect of the novel; the titular metaphor is even worse.

Because Iain Banks is not a terrible writer, the sheer awfulness of the book is even worse than it might otherwise have been. And it serves very well as a litmus test for the fundamental wrongness of those who admire it; besides Mr. Tubcuddle, the gentleman with whom I debated the merits and demerits of the book has now gone the way of the book’s protagonist, and, incidentally, deleted the transcript of our debate, which fortunately can still be heard via MP3.

An excerpt from the debate:

Day: And this also touches on my third point, which is: this is an idiot plot. I mean, this is what Roger Ebert described as – you know, he said that “the idiot plot is any plot that would be resolved in five minutes if everyone in the story were not an idiot.” So, you’ve got somebody who literally has never looked in her pants to discover that she’s got a vagina, you’ve got the father who is beyond idiocy with the whole story about the dog and the creation of the fake genitals just in case she ever asks, and then of course you’ve got Eric, who apparently never figured out that his sister was actually his sister either. I mean, this is an idiot plot. There’s no way around that.

Sandifer: This is grotesque, it’s a grotesquery. I think that the ludicrousness of it is a joke in the same spirit as “killing three people was just a phase I was going through.” I don’t think it’s an idiot plot so much as it is a parody of rural grotesquery that is deliberately at the absolute limits of what is even remotely plausible.

Day: I personally think it’s well beyond those limits, and, you know, I’m not saying that there’s no humor to it, but, you know, I didn’t find it funny, for the most part. The occasional one-offs, like you mention, you know, those were mildly amusing, but just to wallow in that depth of depravity and violence and murder, you know, it’s literally disgusting, and I didn’t find it funny, I didn’t find it edifying. Like I said, the plot is a literal idiot plot. Whether you want to say it’s because it was parody or not, it’s still an idiot plot. I’m not one of those people who finds… What’s that show, the guy from The Office…

Sandifer: U.S. or U.K.?

Day: Ricky Gervais.

Sandifer: Yes.

Day: He has that television show where he pretends to be retarded or something, and every ad he’s gurning, you know what I mean? It’s a relatively new show. I don’t find that funny either. And so, maybe the fact that it’s got an idiot plot but it’s a parody, therefore it’s supposed to make it intelligent, but to me, the plot is still what the plot is, and so I found it very, very disappointing, because the whole plot is totally dependent on the three major characters being and behaving like complete idiots.

And the problem I have when you talk about the whole psychosocial aspect of Frank is Banks, in my opinion, gets the characters completely wrong. Frank is not convincing in any way, shape, or form as a girl who believes she’s a boy, and that sort of thing. I’m pretty sure that Iain Banks never had any daughters, because if you’re a parent, and you’ve got both boys and girls, there is not a chance in hell that a little girl, even if you raise her as a boy, is going to behave like a boy.  This is where I think it goes beyond parody and is a level of absurd that is not credible. I would have found it much more credible if Frank had some female attributes and characteristics in his thinking that he couldn’t explain. But instead, like you said, he’s more of a parody of a hyper-male, and that to me makes no sense whatsoever.

UPDATE: Its not your imagination. There is literally a media conspiracy of silence regarding Neal Gaiman’s behavior toward women.

Speaking with our contacts in the comic industry, Fandom Pulse was told by an insider that there is a concerted media effort to squash this story. There are allegedly marching orders not to report on this, which makes the situation even more bizarre. Online comic forums and Facebook groups controlled by mainstream media forces shut down discussions to keep this story from getting out. If these orders are confirmed, the entertainment media corruption is on full display beyond anything we’ve ever seen. 


Four Episodes of Mr. Tubcuddle, Scientologist

Even Neil Gaiman’s biggest fans think his self-defense is inadequate and troublesome after listening to all four episodes of the Tortoise revelations about him.

After Listening to all four episodes: the facts themselves are bad

Let’s take a step back and assume, for the sake of argument, that literally everything that the women are saying is false, and that Gaiman’s version of events is closer to the truth. It is as exonerating as it can possibly be.

Gaiman still has a history of exploiting younger, inexperienced women who are either starstruck by him, or dependent on him, causing an absolutely massive power imbalance. He does this despite being married in an open relationship, and seems unwilling to be clear that he cannot commit to them.

This is if he is being entirely honest. At one point in the podcast to exonerate himself, he sends an email of K saying that she can’t wait to visit, her “loins are desperate” (not exactly it, but close) that’s from 2017, way after their relationship ended. When the journalists dug deeper they found that it was part of an email chain where he told her he was working with David Tennant, who she had a crush on, and her jokey “horniness” is clearly in reaction to Tennant. This shows that he is absolutely willing to mislead or to misrepresent evidence when it comes to this.

While there is no direct evidence of assault in Scarlett’s story, there’s a lot of smoke. Gaiman being accused of assault by Scarlett’s friends is indisputably something that happened. As is her saying that what happened “pushed boundaries” at the time.

If you insist that the benchmark needs to be: overt rape or bust, then sure, the evidence is probably insufficient. Even the podcast seems to walk it back to “sexual abuse” the vast majority of the time. But…sexual abuse is pretty bad. There is a very wide spectrum of treating women in a shitty way before you get to outright sexual assault.

I say this as a Gaiman fanatic. As someone who is irrevocably influenced by his work. I listened to all four of these episodes because I care deeply, and what we know for certain really sucks.

Here’s the main thing that the hapless defenders of the Scientologist Neil Gaiman are forgetting to take into account: where there’s an amount of smoke, there is usually fire.

There are two distinct accusers now. The a) combination of those accusations with b) Mr. Tubcuddle’s own body of work incorporating various forms of sexual abuse, sexual violence, and sexual assault, and c) Mr. Tubcuddle’s obviously suspect judgment, and d) the general degeneracy in the world of science fiction fandom, means that there will almost certainly be more accusers, more evidence, and more conclusively damning evidence forthcoming.

Here is one fan’s summary:

According to his recounting of events, in the early 2000s he met an 18 year old girl and was overly friendly to her. Then 2 years later he started dating her while married & kept her existance secret, made her so upset she followed him onto an aeroplane and he had her forcibly removed. Then in response he tried to make it seem like she was thirsting after him years later when she was thirsting after David Tennant. (Aren’t we all.)

Then, in 2022, he met his son’s 21 year old Nanny who came to stay with them during a pandemic. The first time he ever met her, he got fully naked and asked to have a bath with her, then “kissed and cuddled.”

Then continued to have an ongoing BDSM & sexual relationship with someone 1/3 of his age while he was her employer.

She spoke to her friends at the time and called it abuse, her friend confronted Neil’s wife Amanda Palmer, and then she responded by saying it’s a “very bad situation” (not defending him) and breaking up with him.

Then when Scarlett spoke out about what happened he said he was suicidal and manipulated her into comforting him, and in doing so got her to say it was “eventually” consensual. IN RESPONSE TO HIM SAYING HE WAS SUICIDAL.

And then he said she has a false memory disorder when she doesn’t.

It’s readily observable from his version of events that Gaiman has been deeply and profoundly dishonest about both situations. He not only misrepresented the evidence of the context of the first woman’s emails after the fact, but sent the second woman “an NDA backdated to the day they met (when some very questionable behavior on his part occurred) as a condition for giving her six months rent money after the relationship had ended.” And he extorted a statement about consensuality from the latter with threats of suicide.

Furthermore, since Gaiman is a Scientologist, we know the Church of Scientology has a comprehensive record of his past misdeeds, at least up to the point that he claims to have left the organization, which may or may not be true. If it’s true that he was a level 8 auditor, then he wasn’t just another ignorant Hollywood celebrity recruit. Given the way Scientology operates, they quite likely have maintained an updated file on him that continues to the present. Which means the damning information is likely out there and available; don’t be too shocked if he unexpectedly rejoins Scientology in the aftermath of his public unmasking as, at the very least, a predatory, manipulative, and sexually-inappropriate creep.

It’s worth noting that he’s already threatened to kill himself over this. Which tends to indicate that there is considerably more that will come out over time, and explains why the science fiction community is being so quiet about this instead of engaging in their usual full-throated man-the-barricades approach.

UPDATE: As usual, one can always trust the logic. His ex-wife, Amanda Palmer has reportedly been quoted as saying the second woman “was the 14th who had come to her about what Neil did.” I think we can officially put a fork in Neil Gaiman. Whether he goes to jail or not, he’s done.

UPDATE: Gaiman’s father was the head of public relations for Scientology in the UK and Gaiman was actually kicked out of an Anglican school due to being a Scientologist. No wonder his work is so avowedly, and so nonsensically, anti-Christian.


A Note About Neil

John Scalzi finally addresses the accusations of sexual assault against Scientologist Neil Gaiman. Sort of.

I learned about the sexual assault allegations involving Neil Gaiman at the same time as everybody else. I don’t know any more about it than anyone else. Everything I have read about it to this point makes me angry and unhappy and sad.

I understand there are people who want a different public statement from me about this than Gaaaah what the actual fuck. Maybe those people are better at processing bad news involving a friend.

Deep. Meaningful. Insightful. And, as we expected, totally devoid of any criticism or disavowal of Mr. Tubcuddle’s admitted actions.

And still not a peep out of File770 or Tor.com aka Reactor.