Better Discredited than Dead

Remember this guy and his untimely demise the next time you feel inclined to mock someone for their non-mainstream opinions. He obviously would have been much better off if, instead of mocking Aaron Rodgers for his skepticism, he had listened to the quarterback’s well-informed advice.

Matt Driscoll, a 43-year-old columnist and opinion editor for The News Tribune (TNT), died unexpectedly at his Tacoma home this Sunday. Driscoll reportedly suffered an apparent medical emergency from which he could not be revived. The official cause of death is yet to be determined, according to TNT.

It was reported that he had received a COVID-19 vaccination.

In recent times, Driscoll had been vocal about NFL star Aaron Rodgers’ controversial views on COVID-19 vaccines. He accused Rodgers of engaging in “performance art” after the latter warned people about potential side effects of mRNA vaccines.

Rogers “repeated popular conspiracy theories about Covid vaccines, cited a number of discredited sources and claimed he was being ‘cancelled’ and ‘censored’ for ‘doing his own research.’” I swear to god: It’s like performance art at this point. — Matt Driscoll (@mattsdriscoll) January 11, 2024

It’s as dangerous to believe your own rhetoric as it is to smoke your own supply. In fact, it’s considerably more dangerous. No doubt Driscoll felt very smug about rejecting all those “discredited sources” right up to the moment that the vaxx took him out.


Not-Vaxx Never Mandatory

The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that California’s attempt to mandate the Covid-19 shots was illegal and that Jacobson v. Massachusetts did not apply because the not-vaxx is not a vaccine and the state could not claim a legitimate state interest in forcing medical treatments that do not provide immunity.

Health Freedom Defense Fund et. al have won a significant victory in the Ninth Circuit, which reversed dismissal of their lawsuit challenging the Los Angeles Unified School District’s (“LAUSD”) mandatory vaccination policy for all employees.

Reversing the decision of the Central District of California in Los Angeles, the Ninth Circuit majority held that, first, the case was not mooted by LAUSD’s rescission of the mandate after oral argument last September, 2023. The majority called out LAUSD’s gamesmanship for what it was – a bald-faced attempt at avoiding an adverse ruling by trying to create an issue of mootness. On the merits, the majority ruled that the district court had misapplied the Supreme Court’s 1905 decision in Jacobson v. Massachusetts when it dismissed LAUSD’s lawsuit on grounds that the mandate was rationally related to a legitimate state interest. In Jacobson, the Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of a smallpox vaccination mandate because it related to “preventing the spread” of smallpox.

The majority, however, noted that HFDF had alleged in the lawsuit that the COVID jabs are not “traditional” vaccines because they do not prevent the spread of COVID-19 but only purport to mitigate COVID symptoms in the recipient. This, HFDF had alleged in its complaint, makes the COVID jab a medical treatment, not a vaccine.

The court recognized that mitigating symptoms rather than preventing the spread of disease “distinguishes Jacobson, thus presenting a different government interest.” Based on this reasoning, the majority disapproved the trial court’s contention that, even if the jabs do not prevent the spread, “Jacobson still dictates that the vaccine mandate is subject to, and survives, the rational basis test.”

The court held that “[t]his misapplies Jacobson,” which “did not involve a claim in which the compelled vaccine was ‘designed to reduce symptoms in the infected vaccine recipient rather than to prevent transmission and infection.”’ Jacobson does not, the majority concluded, extend to “forced medical treatment” for the benefit of the recipient.

The court declined to give any deference to pronouncements by the CDC that the “COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective.” As the court asked rhetorically, “safe and effective” for what? The majority pointed to HFDF’s allegation that CDC had changed the definition of “vaccine” in September 2021, striking the word “immunity” from that definition. The court also noted HFDF’s citations to CDC statements that the vaccines do not prevent transmission, and that natural immunity is superior to the vaccines.

In a separate concurrence, Judge Collins wrote that the district court “further erred by failing to realize that [HFDF’s] allegations directly implicate a distinct and more recent line of Supreme Court authority” for the proposition that “a competent person has a constitutionally protected liberty interest in refusing unwanted medical treatment[.]” Citing the Supreme Court’s decision in Washington v. Glucksberg, Judge Collins noted that the right to refuse unwanted medical treatment is “entirely consistent with this Nation’s history and constitutional traditions,” and that HFDF’s allegations in this case “are sufficient to invoke that fundamental right.”

It’s important to note, since this will not be the last attempt to at global depopulation, that most of the pragmatic appeals to getting vaxxed have turned out to have been based on false assumptions and illegal actions by corporations and various levels of government.


Mailvox: Sinovac vs mRNA

A twice-vaxxed Sinovac reader shares some thoughts on the last three years:

I got two shots of the Sinovac, the Chinese attenuated vaccine, because I needed to travel during the pandemic for work and to be with family. This was not a matter of choice though they’ll argue it was when the lawsuits start flying. Weirdly I’ve never once had Covid, and boy was I exposed. Airports, soccer matches, concerts, all sorts of licit and illicit gatherings. My logic was if I was going to get any vax, it would be best to get one that a) wasn’t experimental and b) was made by the same people who made the virus.

Talking to medics in Britain and around Europe, I’ve become aware that even though the Russian and Chinese vaccines were never formally made available to the people, who got no choice but MRNA despite literally hundreds of thousands of requests to the NHS alone, plenty of medics who have their own international supply chains did the same thing. They got the Sinovac when they didn’t just fill in the form and jack up the saline.

I would love to know if there is any research into the long-term effects, not solely out of selfish reasons, but primarily because this poses a really interesting analysis. We already are seeing that MRNA-vaxxed people are dying of suddenly at alarming rates, which simply isn’t happening in the unvaxxed cohort. But what about the data from China, Russia or other places that only got the attenuated non-MRNA vaccines?

If those people aren’t also dying of suddenly, then it seems to me that it’s the MRNA technology, what it contained, and how it functions in the body, that is the causative effect of Suddenly. But if it turned out that there’s a lot of Suddenly going on among the Russians and Chinese too, then something more interesting is occurring, more likely related to the interaction between the manufactured virus and any attempt to vaxx.

My money’s on the former incidentally. And that would be sufficient information to ban MRNA tech, in my opinion.

We know the Johnson & Johnson non-mRNA vaccine is causing elevated mortality risks, but the reader is correct in pointing out that there is no observable evidence that either the Sinovac or Sputnik vaccines are doing the same. Regardless of whether they are or not, it’s quite clear that mRNA technology should be immediately banned and any attempts to utilize it should be criminalized, given the way in which relatively young mRNA-vaxxed celebrities, media figures, and athletes are now collapsing and dying literally every single day now.

I will offer one correction, however. The Covid-19 bioweapon was released in China, apparently on Oct. 18, 2019 at the CISM Military World Games in Wuhan, but it was developed by Clown World scientists working in the USA.

In related news, those who resisted are having their resistance retroactively justified by the legal system. Never submit to unlawful threats from the authorities.

The co-owner of Atilis Gym in Bellmawr, New Jersey, who fiercely defied tyrannical lockdowns in 2020, has won a monumental victory after a court dismissed all 80 charges against him. Ian Smith famously reopened his gym in the middle of lockdown, defying Democrat Governor Phil Murphy’s draconian COVID-19 lockdown orders. The confrontation escalated in July 2020 when police officers forcefully arrested Smith after he continually violated the State’s shutdown orders.

It seems like an appropriate moment to drop this flashback from the recent past.


The Great Unvaxxing

I’m interested to know what percentage of the readers here were vaxxed, regardless of what their reasons might have been. It’s totally anonymous and the poll isn’t even connected to a registered account, so there is no need to fear being criticized for your decision, whatever it might have been. I’ll post the results here tomorrow.

UPDATE: Apparently nearly 9 in 10 readers here refused to take the vaxx. I expect the percentage is even higher among St. Karl Denninger’s readership. This tends to demonstrate the ability of a counter-narrative to provide contrarians with the ability to conclusively reject the Narrative.


Accountability is Unavoidable

The professional vaxxers are getting worried that their victims are going to hold them personally responsible for what they did:

I was chatting with a friend of mine the other day, from small town Saskatchewan, and he said their local public health nurse has resigned due to death threats. Her father warned her not give the COVID shots, because, he said, “You don’t know what’s in them.” But she was super pro vaccines, so she administered them left, right, and center, and contacted the seniors in her community to come in and “get vaccinated”. She was also somewhat infamous for administering immunizations at the school without parental consent. Well… since 2021, seniors in that small community have been dropping like flies and now, three years later, people are putting two and two together. And they are UPSET.

Then I heard later, of pastors getting death threats for pushing the shot on their congregations for the same reason, so many deaths and side effects. As a side note: if your church is registered under the Canada Corporations Act, it is possible that your pastor or deacon was offered money, by the government to get as many parishioners jabbed up as possible. (If your church issues receipts for charitable donations, it’s registered under the Canada Corporations Act, in case you’re a church going individual and are wondering if this applies to your particular church.)

And now the rats are jumping ship, as well. Health Canada is now saying they were “not aware” that there was DNA in the COVID vaccines. I have a grade nine education and I “was aware’ in 2020, already, that there was sketchy DNA in those shots. If I knew, they knew. And every day I hear of a fresh politician coming out and saying the whole COVID thing was handled wrong, and the vax pass was a bad idea, and they hadn’t supported it from the get-go, and blah, blah, blah. To be clear, they knew EXACTLY what they were doing. Nobody who was pushing this agenda, masks, vaccines, lockdowns, etc. was in the dark. I believe there were unsuspecting individuals who got the shots who didn’t know. But any health care professional, pastor, or politician who was pushing them, or any cop who was enforcing this crap, had been warned by somebody.

Us “anti-vaxxers” have said enough; it’s not our job to hold anybody accountable. But those of you who got it because of pressure from your doctor, your family member who is a nurse, your pastor, your boss, whoever. Hold those people accountable. This is a terrible, terrible thing that has been perpetrated on the world, and the spin off effects will go on for years. Never forget. I’m not saying don’t forgive, but we cannot forget, or it WILL happen again. It will take on a different face, but it will happen again.

I think it will be very difficult for the law to find much fault with the actual victims hounding those who victimized them and materially harmed them, whether their actions were based in fear, misplaced virtue-signaling, or greed. As time goes on, and it becomes ever more clear that the vaxxed have been seriously damaged by the various substances injected into them, I won’t blame any victim who seeks retribution beyond mere ostracism and disemployment.

We can’t be certain that all of the parties responsible for every step of the process were mass-murderers, although some of them at the top almost certainly knew exactly what they were doing and intended the lethal outcomes. But those who administrated the vaxx should confess that they committed mass-manslaughter, as they provably did lethal harm without malice aforethought.

The fundamental problem is that the governments are unlikely to be able to control any future vigilante justice because they have negative incentive to permit the victims to seek legal justice, being themselves among the guilty parties.


Good News and Bad News

The good news: Princess Kate isn’t dead.

The bad news: She didn’t get the saline.

The Princess of Wales has announced tonight that she has been diagnosed with cancer aged 42 and is undergoing ‘preventative’ chemotherapy. In a deeply emotional video message, filmed at Windsor on Wednesday, Catherine revealed the news had come as a ‘huge shock’ and that she and William ‘have been doing everything we can to process and manage this privately for the sake of our young family’.

Catherine’s cancer was discovered only after she underwent major abdominal surgery at The London Clinic in January. Kensington Palace has said it will not be sharing details of what kind of cancer the princess has, or what stage of cancer it is and has asked people not to speculate.

It is understood that the King – who is also currently undergoing cancer treatment himself – and the Queen have both been informed of the news.

It’s really astonishing that even at this point, most people are still in denial over the obvious adverse effects of the vaxx. Then again, most Americans still genuinely believe that 81 million people voted for Joe Biden too.

MPAI has consequences.

The weaponized autists at /pol/ are not at all convinced that the video is legitimate.

  • Kate’s vid doesn’t look right. If you look at the two areas circled in red you can see strange movement in isolated areas in the background next to Kate.
  • Something about it looks totally AI. The bench doesn’t look right. In the background, from the start to the finish, apart from the anomalies, there is not movement. They look to be daffodils in the background, and yet they are fixed immobile. Perhaps there was not wind at all. Sometimes flies flit across the frame which looks real, and the light changes of the couple of minutes.
  • About 1.20 in, it’s especially noticeable to the right of Kate’s head. The background blurs around as she moves. It’s a lot like the effect in Zoom or whatever when you put up a fake background so you don’t have to show your untidy basement.
  • And the bird sounds in the back, loop over and over. Green screen, fake sound effects.
  • AI Voice at 1:40
  • Background doesn’t move. Turn up the volume and listen closely to the sounds in the background as well. Sounds like a fake countryside kind of soundtrack. Her left eyebrow is off.
  • It is a fake country soundtrack, it’s a green screen production. Even the flies are fake, notice that not one of them lands on her or the bench?
  • There’s weird aliasing going around all over her head, most visible on the edges of her chin and cheeks.
  • I think there is a high chance it’s a deep fake with her voice and face being faked onto another person sitting still on a bench in front of a greenscreen to get the optimal results, hence why her body movement is so stiff and you only have these minimal hand gestures while her entire upper body stays still. This will be confirmed if she doesnt make a public appearence soon or they announce her sudden demise to this so-called cancer. At 1:40 you can hear an audio distortion with what sounds like the original voice of the stand in coming through a bit while being distorted by the voice change “AI” program.
  • It was this 19 year old Kate lookalike.
  • Why does the shadow on the bench have stripes?
  • The shadow on the bench around 1:20 looks like the stripes are extended onto the the bench. This is really fucked up.
  • Two seconds of watching and I can see it’s at minimum greenscreen but more likely generated.

My immediate reaction was that it isn’t real. I haven’t analyzed it in any detail myself, since I don’t really care in the slightest about a German monarchy that hasn’t lifted a finger to defend England from invasion since 1948, but I do have a moderately-trained eye from my experience as a game developer overseeing a team of artists, and it looked like a well-done deep fake to me. The face, in particular, looks off. And the computer image analysis tends to confirm this conclusion:

UPDATE: The Daily Mail wants to know: Will Kate conspiracy theorists now eat their words?

In the immortal words of Bugs Bunny, nyoooooo.


The Case of the Missing Princess

People around the world are increasingly convinced that the disappearance of Princess Kate from all media, social and otherwise, is due to her unexpected demise.

Kate Middleton, the 42-year-old wife of Prince William and mother of their three children, made her last official public appearance on last year’s Christmas as she walked into church with members of the royal family… British talk show host John Oliver even joked that Kate “could have died 18 months ago.” A new theory is that Kate’s disappearance is related to unsubstantiated rumors that Prince William had an affair.

The “Gone girl” drama in the British royal family has also become a trendy topic on China’s social media platform. On Sina Weibo, an ongoing poll on “what do you think happened to Princess Kate” found 4,900 out of 8,000 (61 percent) on Saturday respondents thought she “probably had died,” while 20 percent thought she suffered physical illness and 9 percent believed it was a mental situation.

Another popular speculative theory was that Kate is determined to divorce due to William’s affairs and no longer cooperates in royal duties.

Now, I have no idea why the princess has gone radio dark after more than a decade of serving as the British monarchy’s brightest and most important star. But if there is a medical reason behind her sudden disappearance, I think we all know what it is, and also why it is not just the British press, but the whole Clown World media establishment, that is not being permitted to openly discuss either her disappearance or the fake images that have been released to create the illusion of her well-being.

We don’t KNOW it’s the vaxx…

The Kurgan went rather dark with his theory, which I have to confess is not something I’d ever considered. I tend to imagine the Royals engaged in icy conversations about how they’d prefer their tea than in domestic violence, but I suppose it’s possible… although weirdly precise about the details.

My personal OPINION is that she got stabbed by William in an argument. I been saying that for a week.

UPDATE: There is a detailed rumor on /pol/ that one would hope is merely a LARP in response to the incompetent palace PR shenanigans. But there have been separate, unrelated, and possibly faked images of UK flags at half-mast as well. If it’s true, we’ll probably know tomorrow.

it’s official. She’s gone.
Top government officials have already been briefed.
My mum is a clerk at Steinmeiers office (President of Germany)
She saw it on his desk.
BBC will release a major statement shortly

Reported reason: complications from a myoma (intrauterine tumor). During the surgery a severe bleeding occurred which could not be controlled in time. Apparently she suffered from a hereditary coagulopathy which was unknown to her surgeons.

UPDATE: On the other hand, The Sun reported a few hours ago that the princess is fine and was out and about today.

‘Happy and healthy’ Princess Kate spotted out and about for first time since surgery as she visits farm shop with Wills. Kate and William spent the morning watching children George, Charlotte, and Louis take part in sports. 22:00 17 Mar 2024

I’d bet on the /pol/ report being a English LARP, mostly because a German whose mother is a German bureaucrat is unlikely to use the word “mum”. And no one who knows what they’re talking about tends to use the words “top” anything.

UPDATE: The more out-there conspiracy theorists appear to think the significance goes well beyond the tabloid monarchy. We’ll find out soon enough.


The Mystery Continues

Clown World’s media just can’t seem to solve the incredible conundrum as to why so many young people are having heart attacks after receiving the safe and effective Covid vaxx:

Why ARE so many young people having heart attacks? They had seemingly healthy lifestyles… but all these people suffered heart problems.

‘Between 10 to 20 per cent of my heart attack patients are now under the age of 40,’ says Dr Martin Lowe, a consultant cardiologist at St Bartholomew’s Hospital and The Portland Hospital, both in London. ‘In the US, data shows around one in five heart attack patients is under 40 and we’re catching up in the UK. When I was a junior doctor it was extremely rare to see young people — most patients were smokers in their 50s and 60s.’

Dr Joe Mills, a consultant cardiologist at Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital, adds: ‘We have really noticed the trend for younger people from mid-20s upwards having heart attacks in the past five years in particular. Now as a cardiologist, you wouldn’t even raise your eyebrows when seeing someone in their late 30s — it’s becoming fairly typical, which is frightening.’

So what’s causing the rise in heart attacks in younger people?

It’s really a true puzzler, a very sticky wicket indeed. I don’t think Sherlock Holmes, Hercule Poirot, Manabu Yukawa, and Jules Maigret combined could figure this one out. In related news, doctors from the World Health Organization are also mystified as to the reason behind the sudden deaths of thousands of children in Gaza over the last three months, but they believe climate change combined with poor dietary habits may be to blame.

“Whatever it is, we can assure you, it’s not the vaxx.”


“You Are the Winners”

Scott Adams finally and unambiguously concludes that even the fanciest analytics are trumped by a heuristic based on instinctive distrust.

“The anti-vaxxers are clearly the winners at this point, and I think it will stay that way. And I don’t want to put any shade on that whatsoever. They came out the best. They have the winning position. The unvaccinated have an advantage. Because they feel better. The thing they’re not worrying about is what I have to worry about. I wonder if that vaccination five years from now.

“Because really, I think the antivaxxers were just really distrustful of big companies and big government. That’s never wrong! It’s never wrong to distrust government. It’s never wrong to distrust big companies. So if you just took the position let’s just distrust everything the government did, well, you won!

“You won, you won completely – I did not end up in the right place. Agreed? You would all agree with that, right? I did not end up in the right place. The right place would be natural immunity, no vaccination. You should take that as a victory, and I should take defeat. We could agree on that, right? That my position is now the weakest, and your position has gone from the weakest to the strongest, and we can just say that’s true. The people who didn’t get vaxxed are absolutely in the winning position.

“You win. You win! You are the winners. You are the winners. Let me say that part with no ambiguity. You won. You won. All of my fancy analytics got me to a bad place. All of your heuristics – don’t trust these guys, it’s obvious – totally worked.”
– Scott Adams

It doesn’t really feel like winning, to be honest. But give Scott credit, as unlike most vaccinated individuals, he is willing to come out publicly and declare that he made the wrong decision, explain that the various bases for that decision were unreliable, and admit that he will have to live the rest of his life under the shadow of the possible adverse effects of that decision.

This is very important, not for the satisfaction of his critics, but for Scott himself, because now he knows he has to embark upon an early-detection regime for cancer and be careful to avoid activities that will elevate his heart rate to now-dangerous levels. And it’s also important for his fellow vaccinated, because perhaps failing this test will give them the wherewithal to pass the next one.

Because the next one is definitely coming, sooner or later.

The fundamental failure in Scott’s syllogism was the assumption that lay beneath his logic. He assumed, incorrectly, that scientistry and scientage could be trusted. This is quite common in those who fail to distinguish between the three aspects of science and don’t understand that scientistry is not only not scientody, but these days, does not necessarily have any connection to scientody at all. And given the massive twin crises of reproducibility and corruption in scientistry, the fact is that the anti-vaxx position was always the strongest position all along, even from a secular materialist perspective.

The heuristic was even more clear, and even more obvious, for the Christian. Never, ever, trust the wicked. Not offering tickets, not riding a black horse, not wearing a white coat.


The Black Rider Has No Favorites

To him, you can never be more than a tool of momentary utility. Serve him if you are foolish enough to do so. Perhaps you think the earthly rewards are worth riding with the Black Rider. But sooner or later, when you are no longer necessary, you will be thrown from his high horse.

The wicked always think they will be immune to their own wickedness. They are seldom correct.

Marco Troper, who was in his second semester at the university, died Tuesday, his grandmother Esther Wojcicki posted on social media. Troper, a math major, was the son of former YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki, who stepped down from her role last year after 25 years with Google, which owns the video streaming service.

“Tragedy hit my family yesterday,” Esther Wojcicki wrote online. “My beloved grandson Marco Troper, age 19 passed away yesterday. Our family is devastated beyond comprehension. Marco was the most kind, loving, smart, fun and beautiful human being.” The grandmother told the Palo Alto Daily Post and SFGate that Troper’s death may have been as a result of a drug overdose. The family is waiting on a toxicology report that could take a month.

When reached via email Friday, UC Berkeley spokesperson Janet Gilmore confirmed the university had a “student death earlier this week.” Gilmore said a student residing at the Clark Kerr Campus was found unresponsive on Tuesday around 4:23 p.m. Berkeley firefighters attempted lifesaving measures but the student was pronounced dead.

UC Berkeley freshman, son of former YouTube CEO, found dead in dorm, 18 February 2024

I have zero sympathy for these wicked people. They participated and helped make possible the very tragedy that is now affecting them as well as all their victims. They knowingly pushed lethal poisons on hundreds of millions of people and actively censored everyone who attempted to warn people not to take it or provided a safer and more effective alternative. I suspect the young man died the same way my youngest brother did, by taking a stimulant that increased his heart rate to a level that was too high for his vaxx-damaged heart to bear.

Cocaine use is associated with a large abrupt and transient increase in the risk of acute myocardial infarction in patients who are otherwise at relatively low risk.

It’s no secret that cocaine significantly increases the heart rate. The reason we’re seeing more overdoses that are blamed on fentanyl now isn’t because the drug is so much stronger, or because drug dealers have somehow lost the ability to correctly cut cocaine in order to avoid reducing their customer base, but because so many young people’s hearts have been damaged by the vaxx. It’s the same reason so many super-fit soccer players are dying of suddenly; certain drugs and certain sports both significantly increase the heart rate to a point that a heart damaged by myocarditis cannot continue to function.

The mean heart rate for a semi-professional soccer player is 172 while professional soccer players regularly record peak heart rates north of 190. Cocaine use causes the heart rate to momentarily spike in excess of 180, which is why both soccer players and cocaine users have been disproportionately represented among the victims of the mRNA covid vaccines.