RIP Bob Newhart

The Dark Herald provides the eulogy:

It was easily the greatest ending to a television comedy in history. I never even heard the lines I was laughing so hard. It was without question a “you had to be there” to understand moment. There had been all kinds of rumors going around about how Newhart would end. Mostly they’d promised something really intolerable. That Bob, who had been a fixture in our lives throughout the 1980s was going to be killed by a golfball in the series finale.

That final scene transporting Bob Newhart back to his bedroom and wife from his previous TV series left the country howling.

It was the perfect way to end a TV show that had been in the background of our lives for eight years. It kind of understated but it was always reliable for a good laugh. You could say the exact same thing about the Bob Newhart show (1972-1978), for that matter you could say the same thing about Bob Newhart himself.

RIP Willie Mays

Willie Mays was a genus of one. He was a bolt of lightning, a game-changing force of athleticism and beauty on the diamond that snapped you to attention. There is no second strike of his kind of lightning. The likes of Willie Mays were seen never before and will never be seen again. Mays passed away at age 93 Tuesday, just two days before he and his fellow Negro Leaguers are to be honored at a game between the San Francisco Giants and St. Louis Cardinals at Rickwood Field. Opened Aug. 18, 1910, Rickwood is the oldest ballpark in America. It is the Mother Church of baseball. It is the cradle of the career of the greatest all-around player who ever lived. And now it is where we say goodbye.

Willie Mays haunted my teen years. Not because I watched baseball, but because my younger brother loved a song called “Say Hey Willie” that was sung by some little kid. No sooner did we get into our Oldsmobile station wagon – the white one with the fake wood panels – than he would start calling “Willie, Willie!” And so we’d have to listen to it three or four times every time we got in the car to go anywhere.

Total nightmare. But I did read up on Willie Mays as a result of wondering why there was this song about a baseball player, so it wasn’t a total loss. Requiescat in pace Willie.


RIP The Logo

Jerry West, one of the most important figures in the history of the NBA, has passed away at the age of 86. West, the inspiration for the silhouette of the league’s logo, was a 14-time All-Star during his playing career with the Los Angeles Lakers.

🔸1972 NBA champion
🔸1969 NBA Finals MVP
🔸14x All-Star
🔸12x All-NBA Team
🔸5x All-Defensive Team
🔸8x NBA champion as executive

Jerry West was so well-respected by his opponents that his longtime rival Bill Russell of the Celtics paid his own way to attend West’s memorial game in LA before his retirement.


The Feast of St. Harambe

Sadly, Dope John Paul’s unforgettable memorial to the greatest ape of all has vanished from the Internet, so we’ll be firing it up on tonight’s Darkstream. It’s been eight years already, but it seems like just yesterday…

I was really shallow, now I’m deep for Harambe.

Let’s just be humble. I believe the customary way to commemorate St. Harambe is to eat a cup of banana yogurt, although I’m told Orthodox Harambeans insist on also eating an entire banana.


RIP Bill Walton

Bill Walton, a two-time NBA champ and Hall of Famer who later became a legendary announcer, died Monday after a battle with cancer, the NBA announced. He was 71 years old. Walton won two national championships under John Wooden at UCLA and was the No. 1 overall pick by the Potland Trail Blazers in the 1974 NBA draft. He led Portland to a NBA title in 1977 and was later the sixth man for the 1986 Boston Celtics team that won the championship.

If you weren’t an 80’s basketball fan, you’d have to read the chapter of Bill Simmons’s book on basketball devoted to his pilgrimage to Bill Walton’s house and subsequent interview of the man to understand what a unique athlete, and unique individual, he was.


And Then There Were Four

Unfortunately, it was time. He’s walked his last evening patrol of the grounds. He’s selected and relocated his last special rock. But it’s good to think of him being reunited with his friends, and perhaps even meeting his predecessor for the first time. He lived a wonderful life out in the country, he was very well-loved by everyone, and even in his old age, he epitomized what it we have come to appreciate as Chateau Viszla style.

As Nick Cole once told me, every dog is a love story that eventually ends in tears.

Grief is the price we pay for joy. And what are a few days, or even a few months, of grief in comparison with the years of joy they bring us?


At Least They Didn’t Panic

An English doctor writes about what he calls “the covid booster cancer time bomb”.

I have previously reported on my concern about the rise in stable cancer relapses that I have witnessed in my melanoma clinic.

None of these patients of mine presented with the classic prodrome of relapse that I had always noticed previously, such as severe depression due to bereavement, divorce or bankruptcy. Indeed the only thing I found they had in common was to have had a recent booster mRNA covid vaccine. I phoned around my colleagues not only in the UK but also in Australia to check their experience. In no case did they deny such a link. Indeed, they were equally alarmed at the association between booster vaccines and relapse that they too were witnessing, as well an increase in new cancers, particularly in those below 50 years old. In addition to melanoma these colleagues were also very concerned about a sudden big increase in young patients with colorectal cancer.

Rather than instigating a proper inquiry to investigate this when we raised these concerns, the medical authorities told us all that what we were witnessing was a coincidence, that we had to prove it and above all, not to upset our patients.

Recently the American Cancer Society (ACS) has warned of a surge in new cancer cases in the US this last year of over 2 million, with many of these cases occurring in younger patients. Indeed, the chief scientific officer of the ACS, William Dahat, announced in addition that cancers were presenting with more aggressive disease and larger tumours at the time of diagnosis, especially in younger patients. Of further interest it noted a difference in the microbiome (the community of micro-organisms such as fungi, bacteria and viruses that exist in a different environment) between patients under 50 compared with those over 50.

This surge mirrors a report from Phinance Technologies of late last year which analysed in detail data from the UK Office for National Statistics (ONS) which showed that disability and deaths in 2021 and 2022 had increased dramatically in all age groups, but especially in the 15-44 age group.

The Lancet also published an article before Christmas reporting excess deaths post covid pandemic to be up by 11-15 per cent over than expected for under-25s and for between 25-49 year olds. This is in fact the pattern found in many countries that have looked at the data. Germany for example has reported excess deaths rising from 7 per cent in 2020 to 24 per cent in 2023.

What makes this all the more surprising is that negative deaths should be the norm after a pandemic as you cannot die twice!

The link between covid vaccines and myocarditis and early death particularly in the young, highlighted by Peter McCullough and colleagues as well as by Aseem Malhotra here in the UK, is incontestable. Now we have a confirmatory report from the CDC in the US, data that the authorities here have refused to act on so as not to alarm vaccinated patients!

The Covid Booster Cancer Time Bomb, 3 February 2024

The CDC has admitted that it didn’t tell the vaxxed about the obvious link between the vaxx and myocarditis because it didn’t want “to cause panic”. Which could, I suppose, be justified in theory if there is nothing that can be done about it, except to punish the parties responsible for injuring tens of millions of Americans. But the vaxx-inspired turbo cancers that are causing a significant percentage of the excess post-Covid deaths can be mitigated by early awareness, diagnosis, and treatment, which is why it is a moral imperative for the CDC and other medical organizations to come clean on the cancer risks that the vaxxed-and-boosted are now facing.

The situation is worse than it superficially looks, because while the excess deaths aren’t as high as had been feared, as the doctor points out, they should be negative. So, we can expect them to continue to rise over the next 2-3 years. And if you are boosted, or even if you’re only vaxxed, be sure to schedule regular checkups, particularly if you have ever been treated for any form of cancer.

UPDATE: In what is almost certainly related news, country music singer Toby Keith has died of cancer at the age of 62. And yes, he was vaxxed.

Country singer Toby Keith died Monday at the age of 62, his family wrote in a statement posted to his website and social media accounts early Tuesday. Keith revealed in June 2022 that he had been diagnosed with stomach cancer.

UPDATE: The Harrowing of the Elderly is real.

My wife works in a nursing home facility. Prior to the vaxx the facility averaged a death per week and the facility was at max capacity. Today it’s 7 deaths per week… sometimes as high as 10. And the facility is at half-capacity. She left during the vaxx mandate as she refused. They begged her to come back six months ago but she’s quitting again as the environment has become so sad and depressing.


Gonzalo Lira RIP

Gonzalo Lira, Sr. says his son has died at 55 in a Ukrainian prison, where he was being held for the crime of criticizing the Zelensky and Biden governments. Gonzalo Lira was an American citizen, but the Biden administration clearly supported his imprisonment and torture. Several weeks ago we spoke to his father, who predicted his son would be killed. – Tucker Carlson, 12 January 2024

UPDATE: It’s confirmed.

Chilean-American blogger Gonzalo Lira has died in a Ukrainian prison, Russian news agency TASS said on Saturday, citing a response it received from the US Department of State.