The speed with which white people adopting a black child inform others of this fact is only surpassed by how quickly a Harvard graduate informs everyone what school he attended, and makes it clear, at the very least, that they expect this will ensure that no one will call them racist. But Colin Kaepernick has corrected their misapprehensions.
Colin Kaepernick has accused his white adoptive parents of ‘perpetuating racism’ by telling him as a teen that corn rows looked unprofessional, and says he had to experience ‘very problematic things’ while growing up in their house.
Kaepernick was adopted as an infant by Rick and Teresa Kaepernick, a white couple from Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. They moved to Turlock, California when he was four.
They had two biological children but lost two sons to congenital heart defects.
Speaking to CBS to promote his new graphic comic memoir, Kaepernick gave the example of his mother telling him corn rows were not professional.
He claims she told him he ‘looked like a little thug’ when he showed her the hairstyle.
‘I know my parents loved me. But there were still very problematic things that I went through,’ he said.
Amazon has announced it will be closing several grocery stores in high crime cities like NYC, Seattle and San Francisco, but claims the measure is related to “cost-cutting”. The retail giant said it would be permanently shutting down eight of its 29 Amazon Go stores, which are designed for maximum convenience as the shopper can just scan the items as they leave, with no staff required.
Walmart is also closing its final two stores in Portland, but cited the same ‘profitability’ excuse as Amazon, prompting widespread skepticism. Jeremy Girard of the Oregon Retail Crime Association says shoplifting in the city has a “crisis level” and stores are losing $5 million per year to theft.
So, the good news is that diversity can freely steal whatever it can get its hands on with no legal consequences. The bad news is that there is no longer anything to steal.
This is why retreat is not a viable long-term strategy. The parasites always go where the hosts are.
I’ve always used the phrase “convergence kills” in a metaphorical sense. And while I knew Intel’s much-ballyhooed $300 million workplace diversity program launched in 2015 was going to prove disastrous, and even addressed it specifically in Corporate Cancer, I had no idea how lethal it would prove to be.
The bright future of well-funded diversity departments and their growing cost to corporate budgets can be anticipated by looking at what some of the most converged corporations in the United States are doing. In 2015, Intel announced a $300 million commitment to diversity, pledging to spend $60 million per year by 2020 in order to establish a $300 million fund to be used by 2020 to improve the diversity of the company’s work force.
This expensive program was supplemented by Intel Capital’s Diversity Initiative, which at $125 million, is “the largest venture capital resource ever created to focus on underrepresented entrepreneurs.”
Although these costs are relatively small, the primary problem with diversity departments is that they represent a one-hundred percent pure waste of corporate resources. They simply do not deliver even the most basic results that one might expect from them.
Corporate Cancer, Vox Day
The results delivered by diversity departments don’t necessarily deliver the results promised by those who encouraged the mass entry of vibrants into the corpocracy.
On Feb. 18, an Arizona man allegedly beat his coworker to death with a baseball bat in the cafeteria of an Intel building. According to the New York Post, 50-year-old Derrick Simmons was arrested after he attacked a coworker with a bat, knife, and hatchet at the Intel Ocotillo Campus cafeteria.
Witnesses told police in the court paperwork that after the night shift employees left, Simmons approached a man at the table and allegedly hit him multiple times with a baseball bat.
Chandler police found one person dead with fatal brutal force trauma injuries and another person injured. The second victim was injured after confronting Simmons.
Strangely enough, an increase in the number of employees being beaten to death by baseball-wielding vibrants was never listed among the benefits of increased diversity by corporate diversity advocates.
Now, I realize how this sounds to Western ears. And if a similar statement were released by the foreign minister of Sweden or Croatia or even Argentina, taking the words at face value would almost certainly be the correct interpretation. As we’ve witnessed time after time in the USA, when a corporation or a private organization makes a public statement about committing to diversity, it has already drunk the Kool-Aid and entered the death spiral.
But the Japanese are absolute masters about saying no in a non-confrontational manner. “It’s difficult” means “no”. “It’s complicated” means “absolutely not”. And “explaining a commitment to work to realize” means “never going to happen, roundeye”.
If Japan was truly interested in committing national suicide, it doesn’t need to sign up for diversity. It can achieve extinction a lot faster by simply declaring war against the Sino-Russian alliance, as neither nation has forgotten its defeat and humiliation at the hands of Imperial Japan in the 20th century.
Online shopping was a blow, but it was something the malls of America might have been able to survive if it were not for the dissemination of vibrancy throughout suburban America:
A shooting inside the Nordstrom department store at the Mall of America on Friday night left a 19-year-old man dead, according to Bloomington Police Chief Booker Hodges.
Hodges said during a late-night news conference that the shooting involved an altercation between two groups of young men and that the individuals involved fled the scene immediately after the shooting, which occurred about 7:50 p.m. on the eve of Christmas weekend.
A Bloomington officer who was nearby heard the shots and arrived to find the victim on the ground, Hodges said. “We had 16 officers working today in the mall. Sixteen cops,” Hodges said. “And they still decide to do this. I’m at a loss.”
I used to love going to Rosedale, Southdale, and occasionally, the Galleria, at Christmastime. From the time I was a little boy, they were vast and magical Winter Wonderlands, where children could roam freely and window-shop. I used to wander alone from one end of the mall to the other, with particular attention paid to B. Daltons and Games by James. I still remember being 11 years old and walking back through the parking lot at Rosedale to our Oldmobile station wagon with my father, who was carrying what seemed at the time to be a very large package.
When I asked him what it was, he said “the best Christmas present you’ll ever get”. I can’t say he was wrong, because it was a Mattel Intellivision, and with the possible exception of an Apple //e with two disk drives, it was the device that I loved most throughout the course of my life. From that year on, I’d happily be abandoned in Sears when my mother was shopping, playing Utopia or Sea Battle in the little electronics section.
When I started working at Dayton’s at the age of 15, I began seeing Christmas from the other side, from the retailer’s perspective, and it was every bit as magical. Dayton’s was one of the anchor department stores at all the Dales, and it was always exciting when the Christmas decorations would start going up the day after Thanksgiving. The sights, the lights, and the smells, taken in sum, were nothing but pure and unadulterated joy.
Christmastime in Minneapolis, 1963
This sense of communal magic and wonder is one of the many things that vibrancy has cost America. Perhaps it wasn’t important, perhaps it wasn’t a significant part of the Christmas season, but I loved it as a child and it grieves me to know that it is part of the world that we have lost.
Argentina have won the World Cup. Congratulations to the Albiceleste and their fans. It’s good to see a national team that actually represents its nation win, instead of the team that represents the state that successfully imports the best Africans. And while it was a fun and exciting tournament, one is left with one conclusion.
Too many penalties. So many penalties.
The game really should not be designed to encourage teams to build their offense around playing for fouls in the box.
Needless to say, I did NOT see that coming! I still think Spain is the obvious favorite; that was Spain’s B team that lost 2-1 to a very spirited Japan team that absolutely merited both the game and the group. Japan has been the most entertaining team of the tournament so far. And it’s both unexpected and extremely satisfying to see that the Gerfrican team, which looked like a joint German-Ghanaian effort, is going home without even reaching the knockout stage.
Ethan Williams, a 20-year-old White kid from Indiana, was shot dead by William Freeman, a Black 26-year-old, while Ethan was sitting on the stoop of the Bushwick (Brooklyn, NY) Airbnb he had rented to fulfill his “lifelong dream” of visiting New York City.
Listen, I try as hard as I can not to “victim blame” in events like this. I try to keep the blame appropriately focused on those at the top who have inflicted the conditions of our degraded society upon us. And while there’s no doubt that the institutional blackout on crime statistics – and all other observable reality – contributes to errors in judgment like the ones that led to Ethan Williams’ murder, the question must be asked:
What the fuck was a White kid from Indiana doing sitting on a stoop in Bushwick???
This isn’t a lack of situational awareness – this is a lack of civilizational awareness.
Hey, at least the late Mr. Williams achieved his “lifelong dream”. The fact of the matter is that since the advent of humanity, some young men and women have proven themselves to be literally too stupid to live. Perhaps their deficiency is entirely genetic, or perhaps it’s partially the result of an upbringing that fails to teach them that Man is fallen and the body is mortal.
This is why it’s very important to provide your children with a clear and accurate picture of what other cultures, civilizations, societies, and peoples are like, so if they aren’t terminally stupid, they will avoid putting themselves into completely unnecessary danger.
Anyhow, to answer the original question: he was probably gay. Normal young men don’t dream of visiting New York City. What was next on his list, Sydney? This may have played a causal role in the shooting, as it an unwanted attempt to make Mr. Freeman his friend could have easily provoked it.
Syabira Yusoff was crowned the winner of the 2022 series Great British Bake Off on Tuesday night. The baker, 32, beat off stiff competition from Abdul Rehman Sharif, 29, and Sandro Farmhouse, 30, in what proved to be a very tricky final for the trio – particularly the technical challenge.