They Were Always Bluffing

As I predicted, Austria is relaxing its Covid restrictions rather than enforcing its much-ballyhooed vaccine mandates:

Austria will lift most of its remaining COVID-19 restrictions by March 5, including scrapping an earlier closing time of midnight for bars and restaurants and allowing nightclubs to reopen, Chancellor Karl Nehammer said on Wednesday.

The government said the steps were being taken cautiously with daily new infections hovering below their record peak and a manageable situation in hospitals due to the smaller incidence of severe cases in the latest wave of the coronavirus, dominated by the highly contagious Omicron variant.

Most, though obviously not all, vaccine mandates were nothing more than a bluff. Remember, evil always prefers your consent through submission. Threatening consequences, but not following through on the threat, has proven to be a moderately effective way to obtain compliance among the weak-willed and weak-minded.

Learn to recognize the patterns. Pattern recognition is prediction.


Expected Mortality 2022

They’re not saying it’s the jab, but it’s the jab.

Summation of Major Insurance company corporate group policy Loss Ratios (Death Claims) Q4 rate vs 2019 rate:

Unum $UNM +36%
Lincoln $LNC +57%
Pru $PRU +41%$RGA +21%
Hartford $HIG +32%
MetLife $MET +24%

In a meeting between the various leaders of the insurance industry, they discussed what they’re all seeing on the ground and how to proceed.

“Additionally, they did something interesting,” Dowd continued. “They did a reinsurance deal for a high face amount individual policies, at what looked like very bad economics for them. On the conference call a Southside analyst was very confused. He said, ‘Why would you do this deal?’

“I can speculate why they did this deal. This deal looks bad now, but a year or two from now it may look like a genius move. And they actually think there’s going to be 300,000 excess deaths due to — they call it ‘Covid and indirect Covid,’ whatever that means — in the U.S. in 2022. So they actually raised their expectations for mortality in the U.S. during the conference call.

“So they’re not saying it’s the jab, but it’s the jab.”

Clearly, it is the jab. The insurance companies may not be willing to say it out loud, but they’re preparing for it behind the scenes. That bodes ill for those who have been jabbed and are starting to realize things aren’t like they’re being told.

To be honest, if it’s only 300k excess deaths due to the vaxxes in the USA, that will be a little better than I was anticipating.


We’ve Seen This Before

A doctor conversant with the history of vaccination observes that the Covid pandemic and vaccination regime has almost perfectly followed the previous example of the smallpox epidemic and vaccination regime, including its eventual demise.

Vaccination was made compulsory in England in 1853, with stricter laws passed in 1867. In the United States, Massachusetts created a set of comprehensive vaccination laws in 1855 (which created the Supreme Court case Jacobson v. Massachusetts a case that is frequently cited about state enforced vaccination). Lemuel Shattuck emphasized the need for vaccination and pushed for house-to-house vaccination to be enforced by the authority of the City of Boston in an 1856 report, also noting ““The City has already provided that no unvaccinated child shall be admitted into the public schools.”

A situation emerged I term the vaccine positive feedback cycle. Keep in mind that most systems in nature are instead negative feedback systems. In these, when something occurs, it self-corrects the system and turns it off rather than accelerating it, as occurs in a positive feedback system.

The cycle is as follows:

A concerning disease exists

Immunization is cited as a potential solution to the problem

A preliminary immunization campaign is conducted and makes the problem worse

As the problem is now worse, the need for immunizations to address it increases and another campaign is conducted

This makes the problem worse

This increases the need for more aggressive measures to increase immunization

This makes the problem worse and further perpetuates the cycle, before long leading to very questionable governmental policies designed to force unwilling parties to vaccinate.

The underlying drivers of this process seem to be an unquestionable faith in vaccination, a conviction dating back to the days of smallpox, that vaccinating an ever increasing proportion of the population through vaccination can end epidemics (now termed herd immunity), and the government having limited options to address the issue besides immunizations and governmental force.

As widespread skepticism of the vaccination increased, enforcement increased, with no legal recourse available to opt out of the immunization regardless of the situation or physician recommendation. Reports are abound across the world of vaccination resistors being fined and jailed or forcefully vaccinated, with parents often opting to receive these punishment in order to spare their children from vaccination.

Assaults on officers enforcing vaccination occurred, and riots periodically broke out. This quote 1874 quote from Emeritus Professor F. W. Newman encapsulates the mood of the time: “Decorous and admissible language fails me, in alluding to that which might have seemed incredible thirty years ago—the commanding of vaccination on a second child of a family, when vaccination has killed the first; and then sending the father to prison for refusal.” Many reports of the horrific enforcement of these mandates and the resistance against them within the United States can be found in Chapters 8 and 9 of Dissolving Illusions. However, the most notable story occurred within England.

The manufacturing town of Leicester was subject to the England’s 1840 law requiring immunization, and the 1859 law requiring every child to be vaccinated within 3 months of birth. As refusal to vaccinate was punishable by fines or imprisonment or both, many vaccine refusers agreed to vaccinate. In spite of their high vaccination rates, a 1871-1872 smallpox epidemic occurred, with 3000 cases happening, of which 358 died, leading to growing skepticism of vaccination, and increasing enforcement of the vaccination mandates. In 1869, 2 criminal prosecutions occurred against vaccine refusers, while 1100 occurred in 1881 (a total of 6000 occurred during this period of prosecutions, with 64 imprisonments and 193 seizures of property being enacted against those too poor to pay the fines).

In 1884, 5000 court summons had been issued against the unvaccinated, a case load that completely overloaded the court system. Letters in local newspaper at this time revealed widespread disdain for the irrationality of the procedure and the medical profession’s steadfast defense of a dangerous practice that had clearly failed over the last 80 years.

Tensions reached a boiling point and on March 23, 1885, a large protest estimated at 80,000 to 100,000 people erupted. It was composed of citizens of all professions from across England and receive support from citizens across Europe who could not attend it. The procession was two miles long, with displays showing the popular sentiments against vaccination present throughout the crowd. The demonstration was successful, and the local government acceded to and acknowledged their demands for liberty.

The Smallpox Pandemic Response Was Eerily Similar To COVID

It is literally impossible for anyone who has even a basic grasp of history to believe that any government genuinely has the best interests of its people in mind at any time. The current governments had zero interest in protecting anyone from Covid, just as the governments of the late 1800s had no interest in actually protecting their people from smallpox.

Vaccinations are, for the most part, worthless. They simply haven’t done what they are supposed to have done. In every single historical case, from smallpox to measles, a review of the historical statistics will clearly demonstrate that the vast majority of the reduction in cases and deaths occurred years BEFORE any vaccinations were being administered.

It’s worth noting that the author recommends a book titled VACCINE SCIENCE REVISITED: Are Childhood Immunizations As Safe As Claimed? as being particularly informative about vaccines.


Killshot is Cancer Shot

Further to last night’s Darkstream, more and more evidence is coming in that indicates the mRNA vaccines are triggering existing cancers in the bodies of the vaccinated.

Item 1: Anecdotal evidence and the DMED database show “cancer coming back with a vengeance”.

The DMED database shows the rate of cancer is up by 3X after the COVID vaccines rolled out. See ACT OF WAR: Thanks to COVID “vaccines,” the military’s cancer rate has more than TRIPLED

In talking with Ryan Cole about this, he believes this is primarily due to accelerating existing cancers (ones people already know they have or recent cancers that people never realized were there) rather than creating new cases of cancer.

The bottom line is that don’t be surprised when after the jab, you suddenly have a relapse or a new cancer.

Item 2: No one who was infected with Covid should have ever gotten vaccinated against it. Natural immunity remains as strong as it was at the start even 20 months later, while the vaxxes only offered limited protection for 3-6 months.

The screamfest has been that “oh, if you had Covid, you’ll get it again so you need the jab.”

There was never any evidence for this claim. Now, we have duration data out 20 months, basically the entire pandemic, and… I’ll just quote it:

Among 295 reported COVID-confirmed participants, 293 (99%) tested positive for anti-RBD antibodies (≥250 U/mL, 44%; ≥500 U/mL, 27%; ≥1000 U/mL, 15%). A median of 8.7 (IQR, 1.9-12.9; range, 0-20) months passed since reported COVID-19 diagnosis. The median anti-RBD level among those who tested positive was 205 (IQR, 61-535) U/mL. There was no evidence of association between time after infection and antibody titer (0.8% increase [95% CI, –2.4% to 4.2%] per month, P = .62)

There was no evidence of deterioration of protection, such as it is. Yet we know, factually, that when you get jabbed the titers disintegrate over the space of just a few months. There was never evidence this would happen in people who got the virus and recovered.

Item 3: The mRNA and the spike proteins migrate to and persist in the lymph nodes. This may explain the connection between the vaxxes and cancer.

This study asserts that the mRNA and the spike protein produced persists for weeks in lymph node germinal centers in human patients. Having worked with mRNA for decades, I can attest that this is highly unusual.

Remember that mRNA is not new technology. Moderna has been trying to commercialize it for about a decade now for various indications, including cancer. Cancer, of course, is a disease where very high risks are tolerated because the alternative is basically always death, and any sort of bad thing is better than death.

But they’ve never made it work. The reason is that every time they had enough dose to get the results they also got toxicity; the injected stuff got broken down too fast otherwise, and if you raised the dose the toxicity went up enough that you couldn’t get an effect without screwing the patient.

This is the history of mRNA — until now. It’s why it has never been deployed in human disease before; it’s not for lack of trying.

Malone hypothesizes that what changed was the substitution of pseudouridine (a synthetic that does not exist in nature) for uridine is the reason the mRNA jabs are able to produce the spike without being destroyed first. Well, that solves one problem but produces another; the body is incapable of clearing it because it doesn’t recognize it as foreign.

So now what is injected migrates through the body and is taken up instead of staying at the injection site, doing its thing and being rapidly degraded and cleared. That the latter happens is known because we have the Japanese data, which they demanded Pfizer produce, that show wildly-elevated presence in the ovaries, among other tissues. This should not have happened, but it does.

We knew this early last year and yet did nothing with that information. Now we know why, and its much, much worse than my base working hypothesis — that it was simply a function of the very high vascularization found in muscle tissue. Nope.

It was only a matter of time before the long-term adverse effects of the vaxxes began to show themselves. The fact that the Fake Biden Administration has declared a new war on cancer is a pretty solid indication of what those long-term adverse effects are anticipated to be.


Still Pushing the Killshot

As countries around the world abandon all their Covid restrictions, Austria is mandating the vaxxes:

This week, Austria made Covid-19 vaccines mandatory for all citizens aged 18 and over, which has sparked protests across the country.

Austrian citizens could be fined from €600 (£503) to €3,600 (£3,023) for failing to comply with the mandate, punishments which are set to come into effect from mid-March, according to reports from Austrian paper Kleine Zeitung.

From March 15th, police will start verifying the vaccination status of people they stop in their regular patrols. Following this, more thorough checks will begin at a later stage in the third phase once the vaccination register is up and running.

“I hope that we will not need Phase 3 at all. If (health) experts say that in their assessment it is not necessary, if constitutional lawyers say it is not proportionate, Phase 3 will not happen,” Health Minister Wolfgang Mueckstein told ORF radio hours before the upper house passed the bill by 47 votes to 12.

Now why would the Austrian population be singled out for this unsafe and ineffective poisoning?

It is believed that Germany is set to follow in the footsteps of Austria as the country has begun debating a potential vaccine mandate. Germany revealed that it had missed its target to have 80% of the population vaccinated with at least one dose of the covid jab by the end of January.

So, Germany too, despite it being completely unnecessary. Now, is there a powerful group of people that particularly hates the Austrian and German people? And do they have any connection to these “vaccines”?

I suspect they’ll back down before mid-March. This just strikes me as one last push before they give it up. Regardless, not one single Austrian or German should submit to these evil mandates.


Natural Immunity is the Only Immunity

The Covid vaccines are unsafe, ineffective, and literally worse than useless:

A new report in the Journal of the American Medical Association finds more good news for unvaccinated people who have already had and recovered from Covid.

Anti-spike protein antibodies following Covid infection and recovery seem to persist indefinitely in unvaccinated people, researchers found. People tested 20 months after coronavirus infection had slightly higher levels of antibodies on average than those just after infection.

The authors also found that 99 percent of the 295 unvaccinated people they tested who had a confirmed Covid infection had measurable anti-spike proteins. Nearly all of them also had antibodies to another part of the Sars-Cov-2 virus, the nucleocapsid. People who are vaccinated do not have those nucleocapsid antibodies.

One of the worst things about the vaxxes, besides the adverse effects, is the way in which they destroy natural immunity in those who already had Covid, but were foolish enough to get subsequently, and completely unnecessarily, vaccinated.


ADE Anomalies

Karl Denninger sees some troubling anomalies in the historic test-result data:

What these tables appear to show is that the jabs make you test negative but you get the disease anyway because you show up in the urgent care or emergency room with symptoms, they’re serious enough to drive you to the ER or urgent care clinic and, they claim, you actually have either Delta or Omicron but three quarters of the time the PCR test is negative.

Perhaps someone can explain to me why taking a jab that makes you test negative even though you’re ill with the disease and the MMWR claims you in fact have it in some way defines an “effective” jab?

What’s a plausible explanation for this? I can think of several — and none are good.

One of them I wrote about some time ago right here. If this turns out to be what’s going on not only does the “told ya so” flag go up the entire jab-fest industry and government knew damn well this could happen because that research paper dated from last May and they coerced and conned you into it anyway.

The lies are now being piled on top of lies used to cover previous lies, making it difficult to ascertain even what appears to be happening. That being said, one previous scenario does fit the confusing data being presented.

Let’s contemplate a possibility: The manufacturers know this and in fact knew it during Phase I and II testing; they characterized the antibodies produced and that is why they set the dose where they did; they knew that they had to wildly over-produce to get a high enough titer of the neutralizing antibodies or the shots would not work.

Now think about the game that might have been run:

1. You take the shot.

2. You get both protective (good) and non-protective (neutral) or possibly enhancing (very bad), antibodies.

3. The protective antibodies are enough to prevent you from getting seriously sick or dying. We all cheer, and all appears to be well in the world. The results look good — for a while.

4. Over time the antibody titer wanes. Now you don’t have enough neutralizing antibodies but still have some of the bad ones which, if you get infected, make it materially more-likely the infection will kill you.

It’s too soon to be certain that this is what is happening. But given the other signs of a mild ADE scenario being in play, it increasingly looks as if it is only the innocuousness of Omicron that has prevented ADE from harming the vaccinated population. But keep in mind that even with that positive development, the more dangerous scenario that is still on the table is if other non-Covid viruses are able to take advantage of the ADE channel provided by the vaxxes.


Ivermectin vs the Vaxx

The conclusive verdict is in courtesy of a very large and peer-reviewed Brazilian study: Ivermectin is, and always was, a much safer and effective approach to combating Covid-19 than the various vaxxines.

Researchers in Brazil found that regular use of ivermectin as a prophylactic agent was associated with significantly reduced COVID-19 infection, hospitalization and mortality rates.

The study was conducted in Itajaí, a port city in the state of Santa Catarina, between July and December 2020. Study authors include FLCCC physicians Dr. Flavio Cadegiani and Dr. Pierre Kory. Lead author Dr. Lucy Kerr was approached by the mayor of Itajaí, after the city began to experience a severe outbreak of COVID.

The entire population of Itajaí was invited to participate in the program, which involved a medical visit to compile baseline, personal, demographic, and medical information. In the absence of contraindications, ivermectin was offered as a preventative treatment, to be taken for two consecutive days every 15 days at a dose of 0.2 mg/kg/day.

Of the 223,128 citizens of Itajaí considered for the study, a total of 159,561 subjects elected to participate: over 70% opted to take ivermectin, and 23% chose not to.

The study found a 44% reduction in COVID-19 infection rate in favor of the group that took ivermectin (3.5% versus 8.2%).

In cases where a participating citizen of Itajaí became ill with COVID-19, they were recommended not to use ivermectin or any other medication in early outpatient treatment. Of those who did become infected, two equal-sized, highly matched groups (one that used ivermectin as a prophylaxis and one that did not) were compared. The regular use of preventative ivermectin led to a 68% reduction in COVID-19 mortality (0.8% versus 2.6%), and a 56% reduction in hospitalization rate (1.6% versus 3.3%).

Meanwhile, a small, non-peer reviewed, but nevertheless informative survey of two high school coaches reveals some remarkable negative consequences for young athletes who are vaccinated:

The two coaches, who spoke to us on condition of anonymity for all involved, retrospectively observed the following of the COVID-vaccinated student athletes, and we report their findings in this retrospective study.

1) None of the vaccinated student athletes are competing up to their own previous level; all are performing worse than in 2020, in the assessments of the two coaches.

2) None of the vaccinated student athletes can endure the same exercise drills for the same amount of time that they used to tolerate prior to vaccination.

3) Recovery from exertion took longer in the vaccinated student athletes than before vaccination and took longer than in the unvaccinated.

4) After the injections, most or all of the vaccinated student athletes talked about one or more of the following reactions after vaccination:

a) chest pain;

b) dizziness;

c) seeing stars;

d) feeling as if they would faint;

e) shortness of breath.

The student athletes talked freely and spontaneously about the above symptoms without anyone taking notes at the time. There was no prompting from coaches about reporting of symptoms.

5) The unvaccinated girls are now beating vaccinated boys in competition, whom they could not do well against last year. This change was unexpected and was considered unusual by the coaches.

So, whatever happened to “trusting the science”?


No Coverage for Vaccine Damage

One of Germany’s largest insurance companies will not pay for vaccine-related injuries. There is some reason to believe that this will be true of U.S. insurance companies as well.

Was gilt als versicherter Unfall bei der Unfallversicherung ? Was nicht?

Accident insurance does not cover the following accidents :

  • If you suffer an accident due to impaired consciousness as a result of drug use.
  • If you suffer an accident while driving a motor vehicle due to impaired consciousness as a result of alcohol consumption (with an alcohol content in the blood of 1.1 per mille or more ).
  • The damage to health is caused by you intentionally.
  • Vaccination injuries due to ordered mass vaccinations.
  • Accidents during active participation in motor sport competitions or training.
  • Accidents due to war or civil war events.


Stay Out of the Skies

Thanks to the vaccine mandates, the friendly skies are now full of emergencies.


This was real easy to fact check, it is legit. I have fact checked this, it is legit.

In-flight emergency sqwaks, (sqwak 7700) have indeed increased by about 124X (12,400 percent) since the vax. Gosh, that matches the previous percentage increase of pilot deaths too. Pretty soon we are going to start having planes with both pilot and co-pilot disabled.

A while ago I posted a list of all the commercial pilot deaths post vax. Pilots are quite healthy so usually the list only has a few per year. However, after the vax there were hundreds on the list for 2021, and now we have THIS from a pilot:

“Something HUGE and really scary is going on with aviation. You can see for yourself. I am a former airline captain, I am out of the industry but I still keep tabs of what is going on. I have an app on my phone, it’s a free app that you can download yourself, it is called flightradar24. One of the really cool features of this app is you can have alerts set up so if an aircraft somewhere in the world declares an emergency, in the industry we call it squawking 7700, you can get a notification. I’ve had this app for years and usually you would see one to four emergencies pop up every month. That’s how it’s always been, aviation is pretty safe, there’s not a whole lot of emergencies worldwide on the monthly basis. But over the last couple of months I have been getting notifications sometimes up to 10 times a day. I’ve already had four this morning! Something huge and scary is going on out there and nobody is talking about it. I am seeing so many aircraft declaring emergencies on a daily basis, and I don’t know what is going on. You don’t have to believe me, you can download the app for yourself and set up the notifications. A lot of emergencies happening these days, I don’t know if I want to fly commercially anymore.”

I’m not inclined to pay any more attention at all to any of those people still attempting to defend the vaccines. A vaccinated friend of ours is now in an induced coma following emergency surgery for an arterial thrombosis. Vaxx defenders and global depopulationists can dance around the completely obvious all they like concerning the cause, but you, and I, and everyone else with half-a-brain knows perfectly well that it was the vaccine that was responsible.

We knew from the start that they were wicked, evil, ineffective, and dangerous. There was no reason to believe, even for a fraction of a second, that they were going to save any lives or improve human health. And we were right.

UPDATE: Someone wrote me to complain about what he believed was the insufficiency of linking to the site where I got the information.

For fuck sake, you rip that article off of Jim Stone and don’t even give him attribution credit?? Pieces of shit like you guys are everything that’s wrong with alt media. If you’re going to steal someone’s work at least have the balls to give them credit for it.

First, who is Jim Stone? Second, why should I give attribution to anyone when it is seldom given to me? Third, I linked directly to it; a link is much better than attribution. Fourth, how is quoting a selection from and linking to an article “ripping it off”? Fifth, you’re not the Internet Police. Knock it off.