Satanist Confirmed

HEADLINE: Kamala Harris tells Rally-Goers Yelling ‘Jesus is Lord’ They’re ‘At Wrong Rally’.

Indeed. The god they serve is the god of this world. There is a reason they’re described as “global satanists” because that’s precisely what they are. Pizzagate, Epstein, and P-Diddy are only the very tip of the iceberg; once even a significant fraction of the truth is revealed there will be no mercy for them.

Which, of course, is why they are so desperate to cling to power across the West. But I don’t see how anything is going to save Clown World now.

UPDATE: More Satanists confirmed.

Christians must understand that for Jews the cross is a symbol of oppression.
– Giles Fraser

Oh, we know. That’s why we display it, as a reminder to those who worship the god of this world that we don’t belong to them or their master.


A Futile Warning

As this lengthy article in Foreign Affairs suggests, some of the smarter clowns realize that BRICS isn’t going away, and that as long as Clown World continues to rule in such a shamelessly hypocritical and unbalanced manner, most of the unaligned nations of the global East and South will choose BRICS over subjugation to Clown World.

The technology competition between China and the United States may lead to the erection of a digital iron curtain and the emergence of two separate and incompatible technological spheres, which would make fence-sitting more challenging. Finding a common denominator in the grouping will become more difficult, particularly on sensitive geopolitical issues such as the war in Ukraine. Those differences might make the bloc less influential on the international stage, even as its efforts to advance alternative currencies to the U.S. dollar gather strength.

For the United States and other Western powers, the dynamics inside BRICS underline the necessity of taking the grouping—and the underlying dissatisfaction with the current order—seriously. It is entirely reasonable for rising powers such as Brazil to search for hedging options and to feel dissatisfied with how the United States has steered the existing system. Western powers should focus on not making things worse by, for example, trying to scare middle powers away from joining BRICS, which smacks of paternalism and quasi-colonial interference. In the same way, Western attempts to warn middle powers in the global South about being too dependent on China have proved ineffective.

Western countries can do more to not alienate those middle powers seeking greater space for maneuver and to ensure that BRICS does not become an anti-Western bloc. They should spell out more clearly how certain sanctions relate to violations of international law, and try to be consistent in applying those sanctions against all violators—not just against geopolitical adversaries. Countries in the global South want to escape the hegemony of the dollar when they see Western countries, for instance, freezing Russian central bank reserves in 2022 as a response to the invasion of Ukraine but receiving no punishment for similarly unlawful military interventions in the Middle East and Africa. Wealthy countries can also be better problem solvers for poorer countries, including by sharing technology and assisting with the green transition. And the West should make more genuine efforts to democratize the global order, such as by doing away with the anachronistic tradition that only Europeans head the IMF and only U.S. citizens lead the World Bank.

Such actions would build trust and undermine Chinese and Russian attempts to enlist the global South to an anti-Western cause. Rather than bemoaning the emergence of the BRICS, the West should court those member states that have a stake in making sure that the grouping does not become an overtly anti-Western outfit intent on undermining the global order.

It’s somewhat amusing that after admitting how all of the previous predictions of the inevitable failure of BRICS for the last 18 years have been wrong, the Foreign Affairs analysts point to the material signs of its success – more than 40 countries asking for permission to join BRICS – as evidence the expansion of the group’s membership and influence will somehow damage the international bloc by reducing the cohesiveness between the neutral faction (Brazil and India) and the anti-Clown faction (China, Iran, and Russia). This, of course, completely misses the point, which is that neither faction has any intention of submitting to, or obeying, the hypocritical and self-serving dictates of the so-called “neoliberal rules-based global order” that we call Clown World.

And the solution recommended is impossible at the present. By any and every standard of so-called “international law”, Israel should be as heavily sanctioned by the “rules-based world order” as Russia is. Israel is observably bombing civilians in Lebanon and engaging in ethnic cleansing in Palestine, while Russia is fighting a war to defend Russians living in historically Russian territory who were under attack for more than a decade by the foreign, Clown World-installed, Kiev regime. Every sanction that has been applied to Russia should, under any sane, rational, or fair standard, have also been applied to Israel. Even more egregiously, many of those anti-Russian sanctions have also been applied to Belarus, which hasn’t done anything at all to any of its neighbors.

Simplicius notes: Israel continues to pummel Lebanon, proving itself to be the only country in the world that can literally bomb and invade all of its neighbors at will without serious international consequences. Note I said consequences, not ‘condemnation’. There’s plenty of the latter to go around, but it doesn’t lead to anything tangible because all global institutions are co-opted, captured, and compromised by the Hydra, and as such only pay lip service to tragedies perpetrated by their clients and masters alike. Isn’t it interesting how—just to take one small example of many—the Chess world’s FIDE organization has banned not only Russia but even Belarus merely as offhand accomplice, yet Israel, for an actual holocaust it’s committing on its neighbors, has not been banned. The same goes for the Olympics, EuroVision, and other contests; it’s quite incredible when you think about it.

It’s not as if anyone doesn’t notice this. Regardless of how far you think Israel’s right to defend itself should extend, everyone around the world has seen that the rules of the “rules-based world order” are unjust and are applied unevenly, which is why they quite naturally no longer want any part of it. Because, obviously, if major powers like China and Russia can be sanctioned, how much more easily can smaller nations be subjected to the same treatment if they don’t submit slavishly to Clown World’s unending demands?

The rulers of Clown World have simply never understood that the king is not above the law, he is more strictly bound by the law than any of his subjects. And when he refuses to be bound by the law, he ceases to be legitimate and thereby loses the Mandate of Heaven.

Unless Clown World ceases to be what it is, the rest of the world will prefer the alternative, any alternative, that promises not to punish them for doing no more than pursuing their reasonable national interests. Which is why, I suspect, more than a few nations that are presently under the domination of Clown World will seek to free themselves from it, beginning with Turkiye, and followed soon after, one would expect, by Hungary and Switzerland.


The Pragmatic Phase

The smarter clowns are now fully aware that history did not, in fact, end, and that the pendulum is rapidly swinging back in their faces. So they’re attempting to recapture all the centrists and conservatives that their globalist overreach cost them and stave off a complete collapse of their “neoliberal rules-based world order” by switching to their phase they describe as “pragmatic realism”.

The American public deserves a sober and realistic debate about the nature and salience of the U.S. interests at stake in Ukraine. The American electorate also deserves to be told the truth: that Ukraine is highly unlikely to succeed in expelling Russian forces from its territory, even with the continuation of strong support from the West. Trump’s readiness to seek a negotiated settlement is not capitulation: it is pragmatism.

Trump’s skepticism toward nation building and the promotion of democracy abroad also resonates with the isolationist posture of early America. To be sure, Americans from the founding era onward believed that they were embarking on a unique experiment in building republican government, an experiment that they were ultimately destined to share with the rest of the world. Yet the founders and their successors were appropriately doubtful of the United States’ ability to engineer political change abroad and therefore understood that they needed to spread democracy primarily by example. As then Secretary of State John Quincy Adams famously stated in 1821, the United States “goes not abroad in search of monsters to destroy.”

So, too, did successive U.S. presidents appreciate the need to operate in the world as it is, working with democracies and nondemocracies alike in the pursuit of U.S. interests. Even as President James Monroe warned Europe’s great powers in 1823 against any “future colonization” in the Western Hemisphere, he acknowledged and accepted Europe’s political preferences. It was the policy of the United States, he asserted, “not to interfere in the internal concerns of any of its powers; to consider the government de facto as the legitimate government for us; to cultivate friendly relations with it.”

Trump took this ideological variant of isolationism too far during his presidency, exhibiting a fondness for autocrats such as Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korean leader Kim Jung Un while giving a cold shoulder to the leaders of allied democracies. But Trump’s approach to grand strategy does exhibit due caution to the promotion of democracy abroad. He correctly traced the United States’ overreach in the Middle East to the “dangerous idea that we could make Western democracies out of countries that had no experience or interests in becoming a Western democracy.”

Trump’s brand of U.S. statecraft has deep roots in the American experience and, like the original version of isolationism, has something for almost everyone, giving it broad appeal across the American electorate. Democrats dismiss his “America first” agenda as strategic delusion at their own peril. Instead, they should preempt it by embracing its best elements.

Democrats need to find the middle ground between an expansive liberal internationalism that is no longer sustainable at home or abroad and the dangerous isolationist excesses that would likely accompany Trump’s return to the presidency. That middle ground entails standing by Biden’s multilateralism and his investment in old alliances and new partnerships, moves that have resuscitated U.S.-led collective action and restored the nation’s image as a team player. At the same time, the United States must avoid the bouts of strategic overreach, such as in Afghanistan and Iraq, that encourage the electorate to gravitate toward isolationist alternatives.

In Ukraine, that middle ground requires working to broker a cease-fire and focusing on ensuring that the 80 percent of the country still under Kyiv’s control is secure, prosperous, and stable. With Ukraine up against relentless aggression from a much larger neighbor, that outcome would qualify as a success by any reasonable measure. In the Middle East, Washington should seek to end the violence in Gaza and then lay out a pathway to Palestinian self-determination and normalization of Israel’s relationships with its neighbors. The United States should stand up to Chinese ambition, but also avoid unnecessary provocations that could lead to an irreversible geopolitical rupture. Washington should work intently to cooperate with Beijing to tame rivalry and advance joint efforts to tackle global challenges.

The United States cannot afford to run away from the world, as it did during the long era of isolationism. But it can no longer seek to run the world, which it has neither the power nor the domestic consensus to do. Instead, Americans need to learn to live in a world of ideological diversity and multiple conceptions of order, working alongside other centers of power, democracies and nondemocracies alike. Pragmatic realism should guide U.S. statecraft.

Clown World always seeks to control the entire debate. So, now that events have escaped their control, they’re resetting the boundaries of the public discourse in an attempt to permit the less dangerous ideas entry while continuing to prevent any comprehensive discussion of the real causes, problems, and potential solutions.

Notice, in particular, the assumption that Americans “need to learn” whatever it is that Clown World is preaching at the moment. Thirty years ago, Americans “needed to learn” that they had a responsibility for pushing democracy, free movement, and independent central banks everywhere around the world. Now, they are being told that they “need to learn” the limits of what they can do.

But what Americans really need to learn is that they are not free and that they do not need any foreign rulers telling them what to do.


30 and Counting

The Anti-Clown World Alliance is growing rapidly:

BRICS—originally made up of just Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa—is going to need a new name. After not adding any new members for 13 years, the non-Western international group welcomed Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates last August. The floodgates have since been opened: In February, South African Foreign Minister Naledi Pandor claimed that over 30 nations now want to join the international group.

Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim has been vocal about wanting to join the bloc, lobbying Russian, Chinese, and just this week, Indian officials about Malaysia’s application. Thailand also submitted a formal application to join the bloc last June, and officials hope that the Southeast Asian country will be able to join the BRICS summit in Russia this October.

BRICS, which traces its name to a Goldman Sachs report in 2001, has long struggled to find an economic or geopolitical purpose, as its member countries have little in common besides being large and non-Western. But in recent years, the bloc is increasingly trying to position itself as the voice of the so-called Global South, a term used to describe postcolonial developing economies. It’s an argument that’s picked up steam since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in 2022, which brought geopolitics back to the fore and highlighted the power of the U.S. in the global economic system.

“For some countries, BRICS can be a counterweight against U.S. economic hegemony,” Rahman Yaacob, a research fellow in the Southeast Asia program at the Lowy Institute, says. Joining the bloc could also be a way to hedge politically, as the intensifying rivalry between Washington and Beijing risks splitting the world into two opposing groups.

Think about how awful the neo-liberal world order has obviously become, that dozens of nations around the globe are finding mutual purpose in helping each other resist its influence and control. The promises of “freedom” and “democracy” and “open societies” have turned out to be shamelessly satanic lies.


Why the Empire Always Falls

Philip K. Dick called it The Empire That Never Ended. Miles Mathis called them the Phoenecian Navy. I call them the Prometheans. Most people today call them globalists, but Jesus Christ called them the Synagogue of Satan. We don’t know what they call themselves, but they a) often appear to identify publicly as Jews and b) always criminalize expressions of Christianity and antisemitism.

And the latter points toward why they always fail, and why they have never, in more than 1,500 years, been able to successfully establish or maintain their own society or civilization despite occasionally possessing all the necessary instruments of power and influence in societies as powerful as pre-Imperial Spain, Tsarist Russia, post-Imperial Britain, or the post-Cold War USA. This cartoon sums up the essential cause of the failure.

For some inexplicable reason known only to themselves, the Prometheans always insist on a completely subjective law. And while that’s very useful for acquiring power, it is absolutely fatal to preserving it, because subjective law necessarily imposes the very sort of inequality that renders a society unstable. This is why every society that has successfully developed into a civilization has an elite that not only practices some form of noblesse oblige, but holds the members of the elite fully accountable to objective laws that are not substantially different than the laws the plebs must obey.

In short, to rule, one will be held responsible. To rule successfully, one must be capable of responsibly looking after the interests of the ruled.

Any elite that does not do so is viewed, correctly, as parasitical and illegitimate, and in Chinese terms, does not hold the Mandate of Heaven. And if there is one thing that is clear about the current Clown World super-regime, it is that it is illegitimate by its own self-proclaimed standard of democracy and its laws are entirely subjective. Which is why Clown World, like Babylon, is going to fall.


No Honor in the US Military

One can’t complain they haven’t made it very clear that the US Army officer corps is no long concerned with duty, honor, or least of all, country.

The U.S. Military Academy at West Point has made the decision to remove the “Duty, Honor, Country” motto from its mission statement.

As we have done nine times in the past century, we have updated our mission statement to now include the Army values [of] loyalty, duty, respect, selfless service, integrity and personal courage,” Army Col. Terence Kelley, a West Point spokesman, told Fox News. Secretary of the Army Christine Wormuth and Army Chief of Staff Randy George both approved the change, according to Gilland.

“Our updated mission statement focuses on the mission essential tasks of Build, Educate, Train, and Inspire the Corps of Cadets to be commissioned leaders of character, with the explicit purpose of being committed to the Army Values and Ready for a lifetime of service,” Gilland explained.

Evil always tells you what it’s going to do, then tries to convince you that it doesn’t really mean what it just told you. Believe them when they tell you what they are, and what they stand for.

And it’s the third word that is the real target…


Cartoon Villains

Now the globalists at the World Evil Forum are coming for your coffee:

Swiss banker and World Economic Forum “agenda contributor”, Hubert Keller: “The coffee that we all drink emits between 15 and 20 tonnes of CO2 per tonne of coffee… Every time we drink coffee, we are basically putting CO2 into the atmosphere.”

This is an example of how we know anthropogenic global warming is faker than fake. There is literally nothing they claim doesn’t somehow cause it. And every single possible solution, or even amelioration, involves obeying their retarded dictates.


Improving Democracy with Technology

Klaus Schwab and Sergey Brin of Google discuss the possibility of replacing voting with AI at the World Economic Forum:

World Economic Forum (WEF) founder and chairman Klaus Schwab has called for members of the general public to be excluded from election processes, arguing that voters could be replaced by artificial intelligence (AI). Schwab made the chilling calls during a WEF interview with Google co-founder Sergey Brin. During the discussion Schwab and Brin were discussing “digital technologies,” such as AI, and how they could be used to advance the WEF’s agenda.

“So technology now, and digital technology, mainly have an analytical power,” Schwab said as Brin nodded along obediently. “Now, we go into predictive power and we have seen the first examples. Your company is very much involved in it,” Schwab said of Google.

Schwab then continued by laying out his globalist vision for “the next step” for digital technology.

“But then the next step could be to go into prescriptive mode, which means you do not even have to have elections anymore because you can already predict. And afterward, you can say, why do we need elections? Because we know what the result will be.”

If the US military was actually concerned with “defending democracy”, which has been its excuse for dozens of military actions around the world since WWI, one would quite reasonably expect them to label the unelected Schwab “the new Hitler” and declare war on Davos. Because it has become abundantly clear that the whatever the globalist clowns actually mean by “our democracy”, it doesn’t have anything to do with the will of a nation’s people, no matter how it is expressed.

Instead, it’s gearing up for war with the duly-elected, and very popular, President of Russia.

Clown World isn’t just evil, it is inverted. False and inverted. Never forget that.

Actual picture from behind the scenes at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, January 2024


The Satanic Essence of Globalism

The Archbishop explains the nature of modern Babelism and why it seeks to erase every aspect of Christianity from society:

The essence of globalism is satanic, and the essence of Satanism is globalist. Because Satan’s plan is to establish the reign of the Antichrist, allowing him to parody Christ’s earthly life, to imitate His miracles with grotesque wonders, to lead crowds not with the simplicity of Truth but with deception and lies. Globalism is, so to speak, the staging, the script and the scenario that must prepare humanity for the political ascent of the Antichrist, to whom the leaders of the world – his servants – will cede national sovereignty so that he becomes a kind of global tyrant.

But the kingdom of the Antichrist is not created out of nothing: it is first necessary to erase what remains of the kingdom of Christ in the institutions, in the culture and in the daily life of the citizens. Moral dissolution is one of the simplest means of subjugating the masses, encouraging them to vice, ridiculing virtue; and, of course, by destroying the natural family, the fundamental cell of society. Once the family is demolished, the children become commodities, products that those with money can order over the Internet, fuelling the vast and growing criminal network, not to mention the surrogacy industry. Divorce, abortion, euthanasia, homosexuality and pan- sexualism, mutilation for gender transition have proven to be effective tools for eliminating not only the revealed Faith, but also the most sacred principles of Natural Law.

And it is indeed a religion, the one that is being established with the Woke ideology; a religion which, like the true Religion but with diametrically opposed goals, intends to impose itself in society, to imbue its dogmas into the institutions, the laws, the education, the culture, the arts and human activities. The globalists apply the Catholic principles of “social kingship,” but proclaim Satan king of society: Te nationum præsides honore tollant publico: colant magistri, judices; leges et artes exprimant. May the rulers of the world publicly honour and extol Thee; May teachers and judges reverence Thee; May the laws and the arts bear Thy mark. These are the words of the hymn of Christ the King, but we see them applied blasphemously by the priests of the New World Order to their king, the prince of this world, and to the Antichrist in his time.

Beware though: globalism, as an emanation of Masonic and revolutionary thought, apparently proclaims democracy and condemns absolute regimes; but in fact, it knows very well that the Monarchy of Divine Right is the best possible form of government, because it subjugates everyone – including the king himself, who is the Vicar of Christ in temporal things – to a transcendent law to which everyone owes obedience.

It’s a hard thing for many Americans to accept that the revolutionary concepts of freedom and liberty and equality around which the original Republic was founded were evil philosophical seeds planted during the Enlightenment. But the wicked nature of their fruits, and the bitter harvest they have entailed, can hardly be denied.


The History of the US Color Revolution

Ron Unz writes a brief, but comprehensive history of the rise of the neocons from a minor anti-Soviet faction of the Democratic Party to the foreign policy establishment. And in doing so, he implicitly explains why 9/11 happened and who was responsible for it.

The complete ideological triumph of the Neocons after the 9/11 attacks was all the more shocking given the crushing recent political defeat they had suffered. During the 2000 presidential campaign, nearly all of the Neocons had aligned themselves with Sen. John McCain, whose battle with Bush for the Republican nomination had eventually turned quite bitter, and as a consequence, they had been almost entirely frozen out of any high-level appointments. Both Vice President Dick Cheney and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld were then widely regarded as Bush Republicans, lacking any significant Neocon ties, and the same was true for all the other top administration figures such as Colin Powell, Condeleeza Rice, and Paul O’Neil. Indeed, the only Neoconservative offered a Cabinet spot was Linda Chavez, and not only was the Labor Department always regarded as something of a boobie prize in a GOP Administration, but she was ultimately forced to withdraw her nomination due to her “nanny problems.” The highest-ranking Neocon serving under Bush was Rumsfeld Deputy Paul Wolfowitz, whose seemingly inconsequential appointment had passed without any notice.

Most of the Neocons themselves certainly seemed to recognize the catastrophic loss they had suffered in the 2000 election. Back in those days, I was on very friendly terms with Bill Kristol, and when I stopped by his office at the Weekly Standard for a chat in the spring of 2001, he seemed in a remarkably depressed state of mind. I remember that at one point, he took his head in his hands and wondered aloud whether it was time for him to just abandon the political battle, resigning his editorship and taking up a quiet post at a DC thinktank. Yet just eight or ten months later, he and his close allies were on their way to gaining overwhelming influence in our government. In an eerie parallel to the story told in Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s Lenin in Zurich, the totally fortuitous 9/11 attacks and the outbreak of war had suddenly allowed a small but determined ideological faction to seize control of a gigantic country.

In the aftermath of the 9/11 Attacks, the Neocons had solidified their control of nearly all existing conservative media outlets, prompting Pat Buchanan and a couple of partners to found The American Conservative in 2002. The following year, he used that platform for a blistering attack on Bush’s Iraq War foreign policy, which he denounced as a Neocon project. David Frum, a former Bush speechwriter and one of his targets, launched a near-simultaneous broadside in National Review against Buchanan and other critics, whom he condemned as “unpatriotic conservatives.” Taken together, the two lengthy pieces provide a good overview of the key figures on both sides of that bitter ideological battle.

Many moderates and liberals were equally appalled by the Iraq War as it unfolded, but unlike Buchanan they were often quite gun-shy in highlighting the obvious pro-Israel roots and motives of the leading Neocon backers…

Despite the unprecedented strategic disaster of the Iraq War, the Neocons fully retained their hold on the Republican Party’s foreign policy, while their Democratic counterparts achieved the same success across the political aisle. Thus, when the manifest failures of the Bush Administration led to the overwhelming victory of Barack Obama in 2008, Bush Neocons were merely replaced by Obama Neocons. Donald Trump’s unexpected triumph in 2016 brought to power the Trump Neocons such as Mike Pompeo and John Bolton, who were then succeeded in 2020 by Biden Neocons Antony Blinken and Victoria Nuland.

As I recently explained:

One difficulty is that the very term “Neocon” used here has actually become much less meaningful than it once was. After having controlled American foreign policy for more than three decades, promoting their allies and protégés and purging their opponents, the adherents of that world view now constitute nearly the entire political establishment, including control of the leading thinktanks and publications. By now, I doubt there are many prominent figures in either party who follow a sharply different line. Furthermore, over the last two decades, the national security-focused Neocons have largely merged with the economically-focused neoliberals, forming a unified ideological block that represents the political worldview of the elites running both American parties.

Our nation’s two most recent Secretaries of State have been Mike Pompeo and Antony Blinken, and I’m not whether either of them even considers himself a Neocon, given that their foreign policy views are almost universal within their political circle. Do fish think that water is wet?

But consider the reality of today’s American foreign policy. In 1992 Neocon Paul Wolfowitz had drafted a Defense document advocating measures to ensure our permanent global military dominance but when it leaked the proposal was immediately repudiated by our Republican President and top military leaders, let alone the Democrats; however a decade later this “Wolfowitz Doctrine” had became our policy under Bush and today it enjoys complete bipartisan support.

Or consider the 28 standing ovations received by the Israeli prime minister when he spoke before a joint session of Congress in 2015, including the Stalinesque touch that some of our elected officials were denounced for applauding with insufficient enthusiasm. Given such a political environment, the strong pressure once exerted upon the Jewish State by such varied American Presidents as Carter, Reagan, Bush, and Clinton would be unthinkable today.

From the moment the Ukraine war began, our entire media and political establishments have been in absolute lock-step, with scarcely a trace of doubt or dissent. There has been no willingness to recognize the role of NATO expansion in provoking the conflict nor to ask questions about a possible American role in the explosions that destroyed Europe’s Nord Stream energy pipelines.

The Neocons and Their Rise to Power, Ron Unz, 1 May 2023

Totally fortuitous indeed. There are a lot of “fortuitous” things that seem to happen around the world whenever the neoclowns are involved in some way, shape, or form. But as Robert Kagan’s last three books have chronicled, events are no longer trending in their favor because their fundamental axioms are false, thereby ensuring their ultimate failure even in areas – especially in areas – where they have been successful in the past.

It’s an excellent primer on neoconnery, although I reject the claim that the neoclowns are not Trotskyite world revolutionaries, which should be painfully obvious given the number of color revolutions they have attempted to launch around the world since the turn of the century. I highly recommend reading the whole thing because one cannot even begin to understand Clown World without knowing who the neoclowns are, from whence they came, and what their global imperialist objectives are.