TikTok On the Clock

We’re going to owe an apology to the dead generals of WWI, whose famously idiotic refusal to reconsider their preferred strategies and tactics led to massive quantities of unnecessary bloodshed suddenly looks like military genius compared to the European generals of Clown World.

TikTokers and YouTubers could help the EU drive a wedge between the Russian government and the people, Germany and France have reportedly told other members of the bloc.

Ideas on how its members could influence Russian citizens were formulated in a document circulated ahead of this week’s high-level EU meeting in Prague, Bloomberg reported on Monday. The plan is meant for discussion behind closed doors, but the news agency said it had studied the document.

Berlin and Paris suggested enrolling popular video bloggers on platforms including YouTube, Facebook, TikTok, Telegram, and VK to help disseminate EU-funded teaching courses on “media literacy,” according to Bloomberg. The courses will supposedly explain to Russians why they should dismiss “Russian propaganda” and trust “independent information” that counters what the Russian government says.

This is a vivid demonstration of how those who possess the ability to influence others confuse it with the possession of actual power over others. It also underlines the complete helplessness of the European elite in the face of Russian economic and military power, to say nothing of their failure to grasp the comprehensive collapse of their neo-liberal ideology.

At this point, who can possibly take these lunatics seriously? How is every single government in the European Union not getting voted out of office in the next election?

“We’ve sent in the Redditors! We’ve provided our proxy troops with more money, weapons, and supplies than the US Marines ever had in the South Pacific! Nothing is working! What else can we do?”

“What about the Americans?”

“What about them? They want us to send in our troops before they’ll commit any of their own forces.”

“The sum total of our combined militaries couldn’t stand up to the Chechens, forget the Russian regulars!”

“Well, who else is there?”

“Guys, guys, you’re going about this all wrong! See, this is an INFORMATION war. We don’t need soldiers and artillery and ammunition. What we need is EDUCATION! Education and choreographed dance routines!”

“O. M. G. You are SO right!”


“You don’t… you don’t mean – “

“I do indeed. Send in the TikTokers!”

“Checkmate, Putin!”


Definitely Fake, Probably Gay

You can safely ignore any concerns about the so-called “arrest” of Gavin McInnes. It’s just a “hilarious” attention-seeking stunt by a pathological narcissist. We can all return to our previous state of completely ignoring him.

Of course, it would actually be funny if he is ever arrested at some point in the future and no one bothered to pay any attention to him because everyone assumed it was just another “hilarious” prank.


Doubling Down on Ukraine

The US military is now reportedly disarming its own forces in order to continue arming its proxy forces in Ukraine:

  • I’m getting word from team guys that they’re being forced to turn in their Carl Gs to send to Ukraine. This removes a very important item out of an operator’s kit.
  • Have your bravos prep your Carl Gs for turn in. I’ve fought back on it as long as I can. Grp CDR said tough shit. SECDEF is sending them to Ukraine.
  • Not just SF you didn’t hear it from me, but HIMARs systems slated for my regiment were sent there along with most of the ammo allotted to the regiment for training this year for both Tubes and Rockets. Apparently it’s also happened to the other Marine Corps Artillery Regiments.

On the down side, this is an abjectly stupid policy that cannot possibly end well. It will accomplish nothing but render the US military unable to perform its responsibilities. On the plus side, it looks like Russia will soon be in a position to force reasonable terms that the rest of the world can live with without ever having to invade Europe or engage directly with any NATO forces. This is an unusual form of attrition warfare that appears to be remarkably effective.


Trust the Fiction

Canadians were told to “trust the science” of vaccine passports. What “science” was that? There was neither science nor any scientists involved in the entire process.

There was no scientific basis for Canada’s discriminatory, offensive vaccine passport system that helped launch massive countrywide protests.

Among many issues, the report details that no one in the “COVID Recovery unit,” which was responsible for enacting the policy, had any training in epidemiology or public health, instead, the director-general has a degree in literature:

“No one in the COVID Recovery unit, including Jennifer Little, the director-general, had any formal education in epidemiology, medicine or public health.

“Little, who has an undergraduate degree in literature from the University of Toronto, testified that there were 20 people in the unit. When Presvelos asked her whether anyone in the unit had any professional experience in public health, she said there was one person, Monique St.-Laurent. According to St.-Laurent’s LinkedIn profile, she appears to be a civil servant who briefly worked for the Public Health Agency of Canada. St.-Laurent is not a doctor, Little said. (Reached on the phone, St.-Laurent confirmed that she was a member of COVID Recovery. She referred other questions to a government spokesperson.)”

The worldwide response to Covid was not merely a crime against humanity, it was literally fiction invented by literature majors, failed actors, and corrupt bureaucrats funded by evil billionaires devoted to global depopulation.

All of those gullible victims who got themselves and their children vaccinated against Covid and thereby reduced their fertility and expected lifespans did so on the basis of a series of fairy tales told by wicked halfwits. This may have been the single stupidest collective action by a large group of people since the Children’s Crusade of 1212.


Scott Adams Comes Clean

Yeah, no one thought it was herpes, Scott.

Now, before we start, let me call attention to this gigantic sore on my lip. I know, I know. You’re going to say: is that giant herpes? No, nope. I burned myself on soup. I twice microwaved the same soup – I microwaved it, it got cold, and I microwaved it again – I overmicrowaved it. And when I took a sip, I quickly spit it out because it was scalding, but there was a little piece of spinach that was part of the soup that wrapped around my lip and wouldn’t let go.


And so I didn’t realize how bad it was until it actually blistered. I know what people are going to say in the comments. It’s monkeypox, right? Go ahead, just say it, say it. It’s monkeypox. It was NOT monkeypox, it was from hot soup.

Now, in the interest of proper context, at the time I was eating the soup, I was also f—— a monkey. But I don’t think that has anything to do with this. It was probably the soup. And I’m not gay, but the monkey was. The monkey was very gay. And I don’t think that gives you any risk, because I’ve read that you both have to be gay. But I was not gay, I was just a man having sex with a monkey who happened to be male, and there’s nothing wrong with that.

Forget the monkey and the possible monkeypox. I’d say we now have a pretty good idea why his wife left him. What woman can be expected to tolerate a man who still hasn’t figured out how to eat soup by the time he reaches the age of 50?


Excess Death in Australia

As I said even before the mass vaccinations began, the one thing the statisticians can’t hide is the bodies.

Key statistics
– In 2022, there were 59,147 deaths that occurred by 30 April and were registered by 30 June, which is 8,513 (16.8%) more than the historical average.
– In April there were 14,492 deaths, 1,580 (12.2%) above the historical average.

Baseline comparisons
Throughout this report, counts of deaths are compared to an average number of deaths for previous years. In this report, data for 2021 is compared to an average number of deaths recorded over the 5 years from 2015-2019 as was the case in previous publications. Data for 2022 is compared to a baseline comprising the years 2017-2019 and 2021. 2020 is not included in the baseline for 2022 data because it included periods where numbers of deaths were significantly lower than expected. Counts of deaths for 2015-2021 are included in the baseline datacubes of the data downloads section of this report.

These average or baseline counts serve as a proxy for the expected number of deaths, so comparisons against baseline counts can provide an indication of whether mortality is higher or lower than expected in a given year. The minimum and maximum counts are also included to provide an indication of the range of previous counts. Minimums and maximums for any given week can be from any of the years included in the baseline.

Provisional Mortality Statistics Jan-Apr 2022, Australia Bureau of Statistics, 29 July 2022

In other words, now that 96 percent of the Australian adult population has been vaxxed, about 10 percent more people are dying than normal. I would anticipate that when the Australian birth rate information for 2022 is released, it will show a decline of around 20 percent against the average.

At this rate of depopulation, Australia will be peacefully absorbed into China before 2040.


General Bozo

It is suggested that the great buffoon of Great Britain, Boris Johnson, will become the next NATO Secretary-General.

Boris Johnson tipped to become next secretary general of Nato.

Ukrainian and Tory MPs support idea of PM being a possible candidate, though sceptics suggest he would likely be greeted with a French veto.

However, there was concern among the top brass, with Lord Dannatt, former head of the British Army, saying that he could not support Mr Johnson because of his character.

The peer told The Telegraph: “Undoubtedly he has done a lot of good things and our full square support for Ukraine is fantastic. But I am afraid it is the personal stuff, the lack of integrity, the lack of trust. Frankly, we don’t want to expose Boris Johnson on the international stage for more ridicule. He is a national embarrassment.”

A senior Ministry of Defence figure also expressed doubts, given there was a likelihood that Emmanuel Macron, the French President, would veto him.

One source told The Telegraph: “The reality is that Nato sec gens are appointed by unanimous decision. Any country can veto. Do you think President Macron would nominate Boris Johnson to be the sec gen of Nato? It is a challenge for a Brit full stop. You need the United States to support you and the French to say ‘yes’.”

The next head of Nato was due to be appointed this September but was delayed by a year due to the crisis in Ukraine.

If nothing else, the news must have given Vladimir Putin a good chuckle today. If Boris Johnson becomes the head of NATO, there is a very good chance that Britain will find itself accidentally surrendering to Moldova within weeks.


That’s Not a Course Correction

CNN continues on its road to oblivion:

Licht has attempted to course correct what he sees as problems for the network’s credibility after his predecessor Jeff Zucker was ousted. He has ordered staff to stop using the phrase ‘the big lie’ to describe Donald Trump’s 2020 election fraud claims, as it’s a Democrat slogan.

The wording is a popular one for the network. According to Mediaite, the phrase has been said 168 times in the first half of June alone. Hosts like Reliable Sources’ Brian Stelter are often fond of the phrase to the point where they use it prominently in graphic packages and chyrons.

But Licht has ordered Stelter and other journalists to stop, and has suggested ‘Trump’s election lie’ or ‘election lie’ as possible replacements.

It’s really remarkable how these clowns go about trying to turn things around. No one watches this low-IQ liberal, so let’s offer them two DIFFERENT low-IQ liberals! No one likes the way you are attacking President Trump, so let’s try attacking President Trump from a different angle.

How about instead of changing the way you describe the lie, you consider the possibility that your assumption about the statement being false is incorrect and that no lie of any type has been told?

Nah, that’s just crazy talk that only the vast majority of the American people happen to believe…


Change the World by Being Yourself

Marvel’s self-immolation becomes increasingly more Dadaesque, with its introduction of a team of transgendered “superheroes“:

“The story introduces readers to four new trans characters, all of whom are equipped with their own unique set of skills. The group includes Pity Girl/Nora (she/her), who has the ability to hypnotize people with sad stories; Aphelion/Reed (they/them), who has freezing powers; Good Arson/Rex Ridley (he/him), who can ignite objects with his mind; and Faceshopper/Soph (she/her), who can shapeshift into items she deems “cool.”

Before long, the support group is interrupted when Spider-Man comes crashing through a wall followed by the Sinister Syndicate. The four heroes and D-Man quickly jump into action and apprehend the villains while Spider-Man takes a moment to recover and catch his breath.”

It’s terribly, terribly tempting to write a parody of this that ends in one detransition, two suicides, and a death by Monkeypox. But the debacle probably won’t last long enough to even get the parody started.

Pity Girl, in particular, sounds hilarious. She’s like the villain whose dark power is lethal monologues that inevitably end in the audience’s suicide.


You Don’t Say

The vaxx trials for children have not gone well. This didn’t stop the CDC from recommending it. It appears the monsters are seeking to find another way to sacrifice children to their evil god now that abortion “rights” are no more.

ITEM: There were no cases of severe COVID illness in either the vaccine or placebo group.

ITEM: There were more overall hospitalizations (unspecified) in the vaccine group. Out of a total of 7 children requiring hospitalization, 6 were in the vaccine group and 1 was in the placebo group.

ITEM: The vaxxes were associated with a 370% increased risk of getting COVID-19.

ITEM: CDC Director Rochelle Walensky announced a new recommendation to vaccinate all 20 million children 6 months to 5 years of age.

Both vaxxes are unsafe, inversely effective, and unnecessary, so naturally the CDC is endorsing it.