The Inorganic Critic

Atavisionary lists seven traits of the disinformation artist. Here are the three I found most important for distinguishing between the organic critic and the professional social media agent tasked with discrediting a target:

  • They never actually discuss issues head on or provide constructive input, generally avoiding citation of references or credentials. Rather, they merely imply this, that, and the other. Virtually everything about their presentation implies their authority and expert knowledge in the matter without any further justification for credibility.
  • An odd kind of “artificial” emotionalism and an unusually thick skin — an ability to persevere and persist even in the face of overwhelming criticism and unacceptance. This likely stems from intelligence community training that, no matter how condemning the evidence, deny everything, and never become emotionally involved or reactive. The net result for a disinfo artist is that emotions can seem artificial. Most people, if responding in anger, for instance, will express their animosity throughout their presentation. But disinfo types usually have trouble maintaining the “image” and are hot and cold with respect to emotions they pretend to have and the more calm or normal communications which are not emotional. It’s just a job, and they often seem unable to “act their role in type” as well in a communications medium as they might be able in a real face-to-face conversation/confrontation. You might have outright rage and indignation one moment, ho-hum the next, and more anger later — an emotional yo-yo. With respect to being thick-skinned, no amount of criticism will deter them from doing their job, and they will generally continue their old disinfo patterns without any adjustments to criticisms of how obvious it is that they play that game — where a more rational individual who truly cares what others think might seek to improve their communications style, substance, and so forth.
  • I have noted that often, they will simply cite contradictory information which neutralizes itself and the author. For instance, one such player claimed to be a Navy pilot, but blamed his poor communicating skills (spelling, grammar, incoherent style) on having only a grade-school education.

Another observable trait is that the hasbaran will usually take on the role of shepherd for the organic community even if he isn’t responsible for creating the platform in the first place. He’ll guide them back to the target again and again when they get sidetracked or become interested more in tangential topics. And despite his leadership position, he’s usually the person who reveals the least personal information about himself despite being one of the most frequent posters.

The “artificial emotionalism” observation is important, because the paid disinfo agent usually has a very calm demeanor that is entirely at odds with his professed motivation of outrage. He also gets extremely evasive whenever the community’s attention is directed at him, in stark contrast to organic leaders, who relish every opportunity to talk about themselves and love to make themselves the primary topic of discussion.


The Thumb on the Scale

While I stopped subscribing to NFL Game Pass and playing fantasy football after the NFL went woke, I still watch all the playoff games. But one thing that made it easier to invest considerably less time in the sport that I’ve followed since childhood was the observation I’d made around the same time, which is that the NFL Commissioner’s office appears to have gotten more aggressively involved in influencing the end results than in previous decades.

While there were a few plays over the years that struck me as highly questionable, for the most part they appeared to be sporadic and generally free of any larger pattern. (See: Drew Pearson a) catching the ball out of bounds, b) pushing off in the 1975 Minnesota – Dallas game, and c) the two non-holding calls on both plays.) The approach has definitely changed, because it’s now become regularly recognizable which team the league would prefer to win the game by the end of the first drive by each team. Note that I said “drive”, not “possession”, because it’s usually impossible to learn anything from an initial three-and-out.

A lot of this year’s playoff games were really good. And the NFL isn’t dictating or scripting the games, it appears to be content to simply put a thumb on the scale, giving the preferred team a small advantage that is worth somewhere between 3 and 7 points in the end. This is an advantage that can be overcome fairly easily by a superior or very well-coached team, but in contests in which the “game of inches” description is apt, it tends to make the crucial difference. The usual reason for assigning the advantage is to help the inferior team and keep the games close, except in those cases when the league has a larger narrative to protect.

For example, in the conference championship games, it was immediately clear that the refs were favoring Philadelphia and Kansas City. I didn’t initially understand why, since the “Andy Reid Bowl” story didn’t seem to justify it, until I read this line from Peter King’s regular Monday morning column.

Historic game: It’s the first of the 57 Super Bowls with two starting Black quarterbacks facing off. Mahomes plays in his third for Kansas City, Jalen Hurts in his first for Philadelphia

And there’s the missing piece. The narrative drives everything.

Philadelphia had absolutely no need of the assistance, as even an excellent 49ers team couldn’t hope to overcome the loss of both its quarterbacks to injury. (The NFL really should go back to 14 game regular seasons and 10 teams in the playoffs. They won’t, but they should in the interest of the quality of the games.) But Kansas City needed every bit of the thumb-on-the-scale in order to eke out a 23-20 win over Cincinnati; the Chiefs also required a failed two-minute drive by the Bengals offense plus an incredibly dumb but 100-percent legitimate penalty by a Bengals linebacker in order to kick the winning field goal in regular time.

As strange as it might sound, recognizing this pattern of subtle intervention tends to make the sport a little more interesting to me, not less. Now it all makes more sense, and I find myself particularly interested in the first two drives, just so I can work out which team is going to get the benefit of the dubious calls at the important moments. Because it’s also observable that the referees attempt to cover what I presume is their league-ordered bias by making a dubious call or two in favor of the disadvantaged team late in the game if that will help make the game closer. See: the ridiculous roughing-the-passer call against the Giants at the end of the Minnesota – New York game.

Now, I can understand if die-hard fans of the game find this hard to believe. But so far, the hypothesis has not been falsified.

UPDATE: These penalty statistics are interesting, especially the comparison with the two previous games between Cincinnati and Kansas City.

  • 4-30, 2-11
  • 6-55, 4-35
  • 9-71, 4-55

The statistics are similar for the NFC Championship game between San Francisco and Philadelphia.

  • 11-81, 4-34

These discrepancies are particularly intriguing given the fact that the Bengals were the 2nd least penalized team in terms of yardage whereas the 49ers were the 12th least penalized team. The Eagles were 8th and the Chiefs were 20th.


Pfizer’s Non-Denial

Robert Malone observes a few salient facts about the Project Veritas bust of a Pfizer director admitting gain-of-function research on the coronavirus.

1) Pfizer lawyers did not throw their Director of R&D Operations and Scientific Planning under the bus. 2) there is no denial of what he said. 3) No denial that he is Pfizer staff. 4) Swapping new spike sequences into original Wuhan-1 is technically gain of function research. The press release from Pfizer only addresses the company’s own actions and statements regarding gain of function and directed evolution research. It does not specifically mention any contractors or partners that the company may be working with.

We all knew they’d be doing it. And YouTube, Google, and every other tech/media company wouldn’t be aggressively attacking the Project Veritas expose if it wasn’t real.

First the responsible parties release the disease, then they release the actual bioweapon as a purported cure. That’s what villains do, and the global depopulationists do it because they are very wicked people who are genuine villains seeking to reduce the human population. This isn’t a movie, this is the sort of reality that movies are based upon.


Secret Stalker Society

There are no coincidences, crazy or otherwise. As AC surmises, digital cameras are unearthing evidence that individuals are being targeted for relationships in advance of them actually meeting the other individual involved.

In videos shared on TikTok, social media users look through their old photos — only to discover that their future partners, best friends, and roommates can be spotted in the background of the images. Several TikTok clips show people unwittingly crossing paths with their present boyfriend or husband in an old photo.

TikToker Isa reveals how she posed for a casual photo before boarding a plane. Eighteen months later, she unearthed the photograph and realized that her now-boyfriend could be seen in the background of the image.

In another clip, creator Hefzi stumbled upon a live iPhone photo that she took at her freshman orientation. Against the backdrop, her future boyfriend-of-one-year and his family casually walk across the shot.

In another viral video, TikToker Debs uncovered a selfie she took on holiday in Italy years before in which her sister’s future husband can be seen in the background.

It would be very difficult to analyze the statistical probabilities here due to the number of variables involved – after all, there is a small, but real possibility that one would at some point be in the same physical location as another individual one subsequently meets prior to the initial meeting, but based on what we know about the professional stalkerstasi, it is highly unlikely that all of these recorded pre-meeting encounters are organic and occurred solely by chance.

Especially because these “coincidences” only included the encounters that were actually caught on camera. When one considers the very small percentage of one’s daily life that is filmed or photographed, the actual number of “coincidental encounters” that were not caught on camera would necessarily be orders of magnitude higher. AC believes the phenomenon is more widespread than we can possibly imagine.

I think we are going to find out, in many, many cases, there will be many, many people who spent their lives, their most intimate relationships, just being completely betrayed say in and day out, by somebody they never even had the faintest understanding of, even as they had kids, and built their lives together.


Unconfirmed Reports

But absolutely hysterical if true.

Very unconfirmed reports stating that the deputy head of the President of Ukraine, Kyrylo Timoshenko, fled to Israel, taking with him more than 600 million dollars. Take this with caution but could also be why Zelensky signed this restrictions on travel.

Now why would a Ukrainian government official go to Israel?

And I’m not a military expert or anything, but I tend to suspect that this sort of thing doesn’t bode well for the current state of the Ukrainian war effort.

UPDATE: In the meantime, these related reports are confirmed.

Multiple senior Ukrainian officials were relieved of their duties by the country’s government on Tuesday. The ongoing reshuffle was announced by Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky in his daily video address and affects officials “on different levels, in ministries and other bodies of central and provincial authority, and law enforcement.”

The government has dismissed deputy defense minister Vyacheslav Shapovalov, deputy social policy minister Vitaly Muzychenko, as well as two deputies of the minister of regional development, Vyacheslav Negoda and Ivan Lukerya.

Shapovalov isn’t just the deputy defense minister, he is in charge of logistics for the Armed Forces of Ukraine. If the Ukrats in charge are beginning to take the cheese and run, this tends to imply that they know the Russians are going to launch a large-scale offensive soon.

UPDATE: The reports of Timoshenko’s flight to Israel are now partially confirmed.

Kirill Timoshenko has resigned as deputy head of Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky’s office, after the head of state pledged to shake up the government. The reshuffle, which the president announced in his daily video address on Tuesday morning, will affect officials “on different levels, in ministries and other bodies of central and provincial authority, and law enforcement.” Timoshenko is the most senior official whose removal from office has been confirmed so far.

UPDATE: The helicopter crash on January 18th is looking less and less like an accident.

The three main figures in Ukraine’s interior ministry have been killed in a helicopter crash beside a nursery in an eastern suburb of the capital Kyiv. Interior Minister Denys Monastyrsky, 42, died alongside his first deputy minister and state secretary.

UPDATE: Speaking of unconfirmed reports, this one is potentially very big and may explain why the Ukrainian kleptocrats are fleeing the country.

“According to Russian sources, in the next few days, Putin will make an extremely important announcement. Moscow is expected to officially declare the start of a New Patriotic War.”


Schroedinger’s Cornerback

Consider how the “revelation of the method” deception works. It’s a very Gamma technique and it works most effectively on Gammas, Deltas, and women. To utilize it, you admit what you are doing, but you do so in a sarcastic or snarky manner that is intended to leave the audience with the impression that you are denying what you are literally admitting. It’s perceived denial by admission.

In the case of the NFL cornerback who may or may not be alive, there is an additional element of reductio ad absurdum. No one, literally no one, believes that Damar Hamlin has been replaced by a genetic clone of his that was prepared more than two decades ago just in case he died of an adverse reaction to a mandated genetic therapy in front of tens of millions of viewers. What skeptics actually think is that the unfortunate Mr. Hamlin either died or is in very poor health, and he is presently being portrayed in public by a stand-in who is two inches shorter and about 15 pounds lighter, based on a comparison of the video evidence with his measurements at the NFL Combine as well as the fact that “he” resolutely avoids showing his face on camera or in public.

Now, the skeptics may be wrong. Perhaps Damar Hamlin is every bit as alive and healthy as Tiffany Dover, the nurse who we have been assured totally didn’t die after being publicly vaccinated and collapsing unconscious on camera. And if Damar Hamlin shows up and plays for the Buffalo Bills next year, it will be obvious that he did not die on the field or in the hospital that was inexplicably surrounded by federal agents on the night he went into cardiac arrest.

On the other hand, if he tragically dies in a boating accident this offseason after assiduously avoiding the cameras until then, we’ll have a very different sort of confirmation.


/pol/ is Always Right

I don’t know if it would have made any difference whatsoever if someone had noticed this back in the autumn of 2019, assuming that it is accurately dated and is not something created sometime around January 2022, which is the earliest date it was archived. To be honest, I simply can’t imagine this sort of “conspiracy theory from 4chan” having convinced any of the individuals I urged not to get vaxxed to desist from doing so.

But it is evidence that the vaxx was always designed to harm people from the beginning. And it’s worth noting that the objective of the magnitude appears to have been limited, according to the source, which would imply that the vaxx could be just a precursor of a more deadly medical treatment that will be similarly pushed and propagandized.

Anonymous ID:FoT86R5e Thu 05 Sep 2019 00:45:17 No.225498529
9-10 million Americans will be killed during 2020 > 2021 in some kind of major event. Don’t ask me how I know this.

Anonymous ID:FoT86R5e Thu 05 Sep 2019 00:50:37 No.225499031
Do not accept any vaccines that will be released for a deadly virus in the winter of 2020.

Anonymous ID:hS1VZyKV Thu 05 Sep 2019 00:51:13 No.225499094
Where will the virus first appear?

Anonymous ID:FoT86R5e Thu 05 Sep 2019 00:54:45 No.225499413
It will originate from a pharmaceutical company working with military op’s in a west coast state. It will be accurately planted in major cities and It will cause flue like symptoms and may be deadly to elders and babies but the media will report it as deadly for everyone but it’s a hoax, the vaccine will be the real killer packed with copious amounts of toxic metals.

Anonymous ID:FoT86R5e Thu 05 Sep 2019 01:02:56 No.225500111
I do not know any details on the actual genetics of the virus sorry. But I know they have tested it multiple times already but in different “brand” names.

Alternatively, it could be that the source was not aware of the more insidious way in which the vaxx systematically degrades the human immune system over time, and was therefore unaware that the objective is at least an order of magnitude higher.

The one thing that is evident is that the number of people now dying is significantly greater post-vaxx than it was during the so-called pandemic.


Pedos on the Police Force

Someone call Jordan Peterson! The Metropolitan Police need him to explain how any suggestion that the authorities are engaged in systematic child abuse and sex trafficking are just baseless conspiracy theories indicative of psychological imbalances. Again.

An investigation into a suspected paedophile ring within London’s Metropolitan Police force has taken a dark turn, with one of the suspects found dead the day he was due to be charged.

Chief Inspector Richard Watkinson was supposed to present himself at a police station to be charged with conspiracy to distribute or show indecent images of children, making indecent photos of a child, misconduct in public office, and voyeurism the day he was found dead in his home, The Telegraph reports.

“Chief Inspector Watkinson was facing extremely serious and concerning charges, as the result of a painstaking and thorough police investigation,” explained Commander Jon Savell, described as “Head of Profession” at the Met’s Directorate of Professional Standards.

“Before this matter came to light, we had no previous information about these allegations or to indicate the officer posed any risk to the public,” Commander Savell claimed.

“He had not faced any other criminal or conduct matters during his Met career. He had been suspended from duty since his arrest,” he said, adding: “Two other men were also arrested during the course of the investigation and have been charged, their matters will now progress through the courts.”

These men, a 63-year-old former Metropolitan Police firearms officer now based in Scotland, named as Jack Addis, and a 62-year-old former Metropolitan Police officer, named as Jeremy Laxton, are due to appear before Westminster Magistrates’ Court on February 9th, which will almost certainly refer their cases on to the Crown Court.

If you consider how many establishment, entertainment, and authority figures have been revealed to be pedos over the last four decades despite the entire weight of the government and judicial system in multiple countries being invoked to sweep it under the rug, the only rational conclusion is that every single rumor and conspiracy theory related to the subject is not only true, but is a conservative estimate.

And isn’t it remarkable how such a high percentage of individuals charged with pedo-related crimes manage to “commit suicide” or be “found dead” before they are forced to testify about their criminal connections?


A Portrait in Projection

The Kiev regime puppet is told to suggest Vladimir Putin is appearing in front of a green screen:

Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky claimed that he was not certain if Vladimir Putin actually holds the office of president of Russia, or is even alive. The Kremlin dismissed the remark as an expression of Zelensky’s wishful thinking.

Russia and Putin are “a big problem” for Zelensky, so it’s natural that he “would prefer that neither Russia nor Putin existed,” Dmitry Peskov, the Kremlin spokesman told journalists on Thursday.

He was reacting to a claim that Zelensky had made earlier in the day during his virtual appearance at the Ukrainian Breakfast, an event hosted on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum in Davos by the Victor Pinchuk Foundation.

“I am not certain that the president of Russia, who makes occasional appearances on TV in front of a chroma key is actually [Putin],” the Ukrainian leader said, using the term for a background replacement technique colloquially known as ‘green screen.’

This amounts to a confession by Zelensky concerning his own virtual appearances. They always project their own actions onto others.