What Makes Boomers Special

It’s true that not ALL Boomers are like that. So let’s content ourselves with saying that a sufficient quantity of them are to safely predict what will be the average Boomer’s response to any and all subjects. Such as, for example, financial responsibility and debt relief, as Neon Revolt discovered recently when a Boomer explained to him why Boomers are special and nothing is ever their fault.

NEON REVOLT: Live feed of conservative voters voooting hardeeeeer, to make sure no one ever escapes student debt.

BOOMER: I’ve admired your research and papers, but am now a little confused about the attacks today. Are you comparing gambling seniors who have earned a living for 60 or more years with the student population having a right to free student loan payoffs? Boomers did pay off their student debt because we learned the values of responsibility and accountability. Granted, I don’t think enough people have woken up to the horrors that we will face in the near future, but I do know that even in my state, the turn out was beyond what anyone imagined. Boomers are well aware of the negative “social culture” that is being pushed today and are flabbergasted to say the least. Conservative boomers were hoodwinked into voting for the malevolent types like the Bushes. Thanks to people like you, we have done our research and learned many more truths. What makes boomers special is that we grew up in an age to be open to new ideas and to think for ourselves.

VP READER WHO IS PROBABLY GEN-X: I highly recommend doing a “boomer” keyword search of @voxday ‘s blog and reading the results voraciously. Your response, “Boomers did pay off their student debt because we learned the values of responsibility and accountability” is utterly clueless as is all too typical of the boomer mindset.

To be clear, not that it is at all relevant, but I have no student loans. I didn’t pursue some grievance-studies degree. I went to a fourth-tier university because it was affordable. I have no direct dog in this fight. So no ad-homs about me trying to get free gibs or some such nonsense.

To suggest that those who need debt relief somehow lack responsibility and accountability as you insinuate is asinine. The entire system is corrupt from top to bottom and bears little resemblance to the system in which you participated. 18-year olds from broken boomer families were bombarded with pro-college propaganda their entire lives to the point that they were led to believe any tuition cost is worth the benefit of a college “education”.

And this is even more absurd: “What makes boomers special is that we grew up in an age to be open to new ideas and to think for ourselves.” You’ve got to be kidding. What you interpret as thinking for yourself is more akin to discarding tried and true social and moral frameworks because psy-ops told you not to trust anyone over 30. Boomers as a cohort more think about themselves rather than for themselves.

Indeed, look at your comment in which you talk about how special you are as boomers for your openness to new ideas and how you learned responsibility and accountability. Boomers can’t help talking about themselves. I’ll never forget, for example, finding a very special book in a friends-of-the-library sale titled “Hipper Than Our Kids: A Rock and Roll Journal of the Baby Boom Generation”. Good parents don’t measure themselves against their kids; they measure their kids against themselves and strive mightily to raise people who are better, not “hipper” than themselves.

Prove me wrong about boomer self-absorption. Knee-jerk NAXALT responses are inelligible. Every boomer craps their pants when someone suggests ending the Social Security Ponzi scheme because “I paid into it, dammit!” Yeah, you paid into a fraudulent, generational Ponzi scheme, so muster up that legendary boomer accountability and responsibility and accept your losses and sunk costs instead of continuing to siphon from younger workers today.

Boomers shut down the economy and tried to force the clot-shot on everyone in order to protect themselves. Your job, boomers, was to make the necessary personal sacrifices to let the young live their lives and muster again that legendary boomer accountability and responsibility and take the extra precautions yourselves. Even the boomer President Orange Warp-Speed was in on the clot-shot hysteria.

Think for yourselves? If you’d done that, you wouldn’t have mass clot-shotted yourselves and cut yourselves off from supposed loved ones if they were unvaxxed. Responsibility and accountability? You would have quarantined yourselves to let the young get on with their lives.

Look, you’re probably a personable enough guy if we met one-on-one. You probably feel like you want to do the right thing. But that doesn’t negate the absurdities I just pointed out. Seriously, your generation is special in a bad way, not a good way. Just leave it at that, move on, and do your best to make restitution any way you can to the younger generations you let down.


Boosted and Triggered

Boomers respond to Friday’s Hypergamouse.

  • Sorry to burst your bubble, but, these boomers refused to get vaccinated even when our companies threatened to fire us, even when our doctor threatened to not see us anymore, even when we were told we couldn’t enter stores or travel…. We still refused…. but one of our adult sons went out and got vaccinated even though we begged him not to… In fact, most of our Boomer friends refused to get vaccinated, but all of their kids and grandkids went out and got “Fully Boosted”
  • stop generalizing…I see tons of young idiots still wearing masks…
  • you are a idiot, most so called boomers i know did not take it so stfu little boy.
  • Jewish tactics to divide us. My boomer sisters and their kids had the same attitude on the vax.
  • you’re such a whiney little punk.
  • You sound like the left with White men. Your criticism of boomers highlights your own failures. May I recommend a crying room?
  • We are normal and most of you have been fucked over by the CIA and fed poison to reduce your T levels. It is painfully obvious to outsiders. Theodore’s blog is an echo chamber, however. And all of his little calamities rush to his rescue to gain his approval. I would be embarrassed to complain about my parents the way you little pussies do. BTW, Boomers didn’t have mudsharking, crying rooms, heteroflexibility or any of the pathologies younger generations have exhibited in large numbers. My father would have kicked me out of the house on my ass if i snivelled as Theodores boys all do. Maybe your parents decided all of you were hopeless failures and decided there was no point to leaving you a legacy. You homos need to man up and quit crying about daddy not buying you a BMW for your birthday. That’s essentially the sum total of your criticisms. None of you have ever done a hard day’s manual labor in your lives. You blame boomers to deflect your own culpability. Theodore uses you to feel popular and powerful. I’m trying to show how men think, which none of you are. If you don’t man up, the coons will eat your lunch when goings go South. They already fuck your women.

It’s always amusing how so many Boomers simply cannot help a) identifying with their g-g-generation and b) defending the actions of their g-g-generation while c) explaining that they are special and different every time anyone criticizes their collective actions.

It also demonstrates that Boomers don’t understand statistics. According to the CDC, as of 10 October 2022, 95 percent of the 65+ age group is vaccinated, the highest percentage of any age group. Furthermore, Boomers also had the smallest drop-off from one dose to a complete series as 92.8 percent of all 65+ US citizens have been vaccinated and boosted.

The younger generations obviously see things very differently.

  • This hits the nail on the head. Boomers were/are so selfish. The best of everything for themselves, never a bit of effort for anyone else, even their own families. They had career jobs where they literally just showed up with a resume and a handshake, first class pension plans, 8 hour work days, first class health and dental plans, 4 weeks vacation and paid days off… and they still had minimal involvement with their children and almost no helping with the grandkids. They shut off the career jobs, the pensions and health plans, the vacations, as soon as the last boomer got in. They laugh about spending money that could have been used to help their grandkids live in a good school district, but they need the second cruise every year and the vacation condo.
  • This cuts very close to home for me. I imagine once the old bastard dies, the assets will be on the negative side as he’s led a pampered lifestyle and given very little to help others.
  • It’s sad that the vax was urged on kids to protect their grandparents, even though it now turns out there’s no evidence being vaxed protects from passing the virus on. Now our governor has just ordered all kids in California to be vaccinated, even tho there’s no evidence kids are harmed by catching COVID-19.
  • The graph you posted a couple weeks ago from Pew, showing that Gen X parents spend a lot more time with their kids than Boomer parents, very informative. If I’m perceiving this correctly, Gen X’s strategy was more to drop out of the Boomer’s world and being the best parents possible, while my generation, Millennials, is more about directly confronting and destroying the Boomer World Order. And I’m just fine with that arrangement!
  • Boomers really can’t help themselves. One little suggestion that their generation isn’t perfect and they flock in to tell you how great they are. The boomers were the whiniest generation, then proceeded to raise their children terribly. Almost all the issues with millennials can be laid at the feet of the boomers. We do hate you. You all abandoned us for sex and hedonism, tanked our economy, destroyed the moral foundation and abandoned Christ.
  • Captures the attitude of some boomers perfectly.
  • Too funny. NO matter how many times it’s said, some Boomers just can’t bear to have the slightest criticism aimed at them, even if it doesn’t apply to them personally. And look at how some of them respond, childish insults and crass sexual innuendo. Like a bunch of perpetual children.
  • What kills me is the look of resignation on the face of this cartoon female mouse. The artist captured it well. I have to accept that some people just can’t be reached. This display of Boomer ignorance, narcissism, and selfishness isn’t just a cartoon. It’s frustratingly real. Imagine self-righteously demanding that we medically experiment on the young, in order to protect the old. That level of selfishness is nearly beyond belief.


Boomers, Unvarnished

I posted this on Gab, with a link to the full four-panel comic, which inspired a few fascinating, and all-too-telling, responses from Boomers there. As one reader put it:

The reactions to this are simply amazing to behold… they won’t read the whole thing, and even if they do, they completely miss the point.

  • That’s what i learned from my depression era grandparents. i learned to do the yard work and other chores to earn my own way.
  • Yeah God forbid you teach a kid they have to work for what they want in life. That nothing comes free. This is why kids today are spoiled rotten cry babies that think they should get their way just because they want it without having to work for it. That Boomer didn’t have to give this kid shit and made him work anyway. Nothing wrong with teaching a kid the benefits of hard work period.
  • Ignore the weasels crying about “not being given anything”. The entire strip makes no sense. That grandpa would let his grandson do the work if the kid was interested. He obviously has someone doing the lawn because his family members are spoiled brats. Hell, I’ve got a 22 year old son who I can’t get to take out the garbage his entire life, let alone mow the lawn. He’s pretty worthless when it comes to being self motivated. And yes, I mowed some lawns in my day as a kid. I had a paper route for several years from age 10 -17 and paid for my first car with that money. I was given a lot because my parents thought it was the way to love me, but I also learned to earn. This thought process has gone the way of the dodo bird, and you can tell by the whiners lamenting boomers’ supposed easy life. Here’s a reality check for you; nobody owes you a damn thing.
  • Most if put in their position would do the same thing. Direct your contempt at the people who deserve it, not the generation that was the first victimized and exploited by cultural Marxism.
  • One of the whiniest generations bitching about one of the toughest generations. You are full of shit and a POS picking on older people while you yourself has contributed nothing to society.

It’s informative to be told repeatedly by Boomers that a) they did nothing wrong, b) if they did, it wasn’t their fault, and c) if you’d had the opportunity, you would have done the same thing.


The Apple Eaters

This is part of what apparently is supposed to pass for a Boomer’s attempted defense of his generation on Gab:

You don’t like other groups of people because you’ve been trained that way. You are a wage slave, because you were trained to be one. You are broke because you rely on monsters to provide for you. You are ignorant, because someone told you you’re way way way smarter than everyone else. You are weak, because you think that your potty mouth and ability to repeat memes makes you strong. You take your notions of “strength” from films about cartoon characters.

Boomers were never trained to hate and disrespect our elders. They tried, but we didn’t buy it. We are the last generation to respect and honor our elders, and view them as the treasures that humanity has always valued them as. We were mind controlled, but not as badly as you are, and we know things and can tell you things. That’s why you’re trained to dismiss us at best, hate us at worst. Most go all in.

Hating on old people is the hobby of the new and improved Non Boomer generations. It’s a known strategy for a strong society. Very smart, extremely cool, and adorably trendy!!

I know, I know, I know. But the CEO of Based immediately addressed that.

You guys were the first generation to be Mass mind controlled yet you think the hippy movement was organic and you still celebrate it. That was the CIA getting you to bite the apple of temptation which you all did universally. It’s astonishing how easy it was. They laugh about it.

Didn’t grow up to hate your elders? You stuffed them in nursing homes and fought with your brothers and sisters over the inheritance. Almost universally. Destroying families. None of you people got along or let go of sibling grudges and are the number one reason families are so shattered. Do you remember big family gatherings? Birthday parties with your cousins? Graduation parties where the entire extended family would gather? I sure as fuck do, but that all stopped when the greatest generation (my grandparents) died off because you selfish, arrogant boomers couldn’t fucking get along. Almost universally. You failed to pass ANYTHING on. Universally.

Even with the internet you guys can’t see that you were psy oppd into oblivion. The things you guys blindly went along with is actually horrific. You still watch tv and are the only demographic that keeps COMCAST/NBC etc alive. You people still pay a lot of money every month to brainwash yourselves and you think my generation is crazy for not doing so. Talk about not having a leg to stand on? You people literally can’t stop watching tv.

Nobody is “blaming” you necessarily for all these things but the fact you guys universally deny it and hate your own children for snapping out of the brainwashing is incredible. Your entire generation universally cheered at the flooding of our country with hostile invaders so you could have cheap labor, and economically replaced your own children for stonks. It’s long past time for you people to at least stfu and get out of our way so we can fix this hellish mess you guys created.

Idgaf that you didn’t have the internet back then. Just look at people like Madeline Albright, Bush 1, Kissinger etc. How tf did you guys look at these people and hear their words and not see total evil? You guys went along with all of it and you think it’s a great American value to do so. Something very dark happened to your generation and it shows more and more everyday.

Exactly. We understand why the Boomers became so awful, we understand that they were under assault from their teenage years on, we’re just not interested in listening to them anymore. It’s not just that we don’t want to listen to their constant attempts to excuse themselves and their inadvertent demolition of American society, we don’t want to hear them yammering on and on about anything.

Boomer, it’s time to go. Or at the very least, be quiet and follow obediently. Your day is done. You changed the world. And now we have to fix it.

He who cannot admit the evils of the past will never be able to confront the evils of the present. And anyone who defends the evils of the present, for any reason, is not on the side of the Good, the Beautiful, and the True.


Beyond Cringe

Whenever anyone, most probably though not necessarily a Boomer, waxes on about how cool the literary mediocrities known as the Beat Generation were, note that this is what passed for the epitome of cool to their twisted little minds. It’s apparently the most exciting and most dramatic moment of ON THE ROAD by Jack Kerouac, which is to say, Neal Cassady’s big night out on Folsom Street in San Francisco.

«Come on, Galatea, Marie, let’s go hit the jazz joints and forget it. Dean will be dead someday.
Then what can you say to him?»

«The sooner he’s dead the better,» said Galatea, and she spoke officially for almost everyone in the room.

«Very well, then,» I said, «but now he’s alive and I’ll bet you want to know what he does next and that’s because he’s got the secret that we’re all busting to find and it’s splitting his head wide open and if he goes mad don’t worry, it won’t be your fault but the fault of God.» They objected to this; they said I really didn’t know Dean; they said he was the worst scoundrel that ever lived and I’d find out someday to my regret. I was amused to hear them protest so much.

Roy Johnson rose to the defense of the ladies and said he knew Dean better than anybody, and all Dean was, was just a very interesting and even amusing con-man. I went out to find Dean and we had a brief talk about it. «Ah, man, don’t worry, everything is perfect and fine.» He was rubbing his belly and licking his lips.

The girls came down and we started out on our big night, once more pushing the car down the street. «Wheeoo! let’s go!» cried Dean, and we jumped in the back seat and clanked to the little Harlem on Folsom Street.

Out we jumped in the warm, mad night, hearing a wild tenorman bawling horn across the way, going «EE-YAH! EE-YAH! EE-YAH!» and hands clapping to the beat and folks yelling, «Go, go, go!» Dean was already racing across the street with his thumb in the air, yelling, «Blow, man, blow!» A bunch of colored men in Saturday-night suits were whooping it up in front. It was a sawdust saloon with a small bandstand on which the fellows huddled with their hats on, blowing over people’s heads, a crazy place; crazy floppy sponren wandered around sometimes in their bathrobes, bottles clanked in alleys. In back of the joint in a dark corridor beyond the splattered toilets scores of men and women stood against the wall drinking wine-spodiodi and spitting at the stars – wine and whisky.

The behatted tenorman was blowing at the peak of a wonderfully satisfactory free idea, a rising and falling riff that went from «EE-yah!» to a crazier «EE-de-lee-yah!» and blasted along to the rolling crash of butt-scarred drums hammered by a big brutal Negro with a bullneck who didn’t give a damn about anything but punishing his busted tubs, crash, rattle-ti-boom, crash. Uproars of music and the tenorman had it and everybody knew he had it. Dean was clutching his head in the crowd, and it was a mad crowd. They were all urging that tenorman to hold it and keep it with cries and wild eyes, and he was raising himself from a crouch and going down again with his horn, looping it up in a clear cry above the furor. A six-foot skinny Negro woman was rolling her bones at the man’s hornbell, and he just jabbed it at her, «Ee! ee! ee!»

Everybody was rocking and roaring. Galatea and Marie with beer in their hands were standing on their chairs, shaking and jumping. Groups of colored guys stumbled in from the street, falling over one another to get there. «Stay with it, man!» roared a man with a foghorn voice, and let out a big groan that must have been heard clear out in Sacramento, ah-haa! «Whoo!» said Dean. He was rubbing his chest, his belly; the sweat splashed from his face. Boom, kick, that drummer was kicking his drums down the cellar and rolling the beat upstairs with his murderous sticks, rattlety-boom! A big fat man was jumping on the platform, making it sag and creak. «Yoo!» The pianist was only pounding the keys with spread-eagled fingers, chords, at intervals when the great tenorman was drawing breath for another blast – Chinese chords, shuddering the piano in every timber, chink, and wire, boing! The tenorman jumped down from the platform and stood in the crowd, blowing around; his hat was over his eyes; somebody pushed it back for him. He just hauled back and stamped his foot and blew down a hoarse, laughing blast, and drew breath, and raised the horn and blew high, wide, and screaming in the air. Dean was directly in front of him with his face lowered to the bell of the horn, clapping his hands, pouring sweat on the man’s keys, and the man noticed and laughed in his horn a long quivering crazy laugh, and everybody else laughed and they rocked and rocked; and finally the tenorman decided to blow his top and crouched down and held a note in high C for a long time as everything else crashed along and the cries increased and I thought the cops would come swarming from the nearest precinct. Dean was in a trance. The tenorman’s eyes were fixed straight on him; he had a madman who not only understood but cared and wanted to understand more and much more than there was, and they began dueling for this; everything came out of the horn, no more phrases, just cries, cries, «Baugh» and down to «Beep!» and up to «EEEEE!» and down to clinkers and over to sideways-echoing horn-sounds. He tried everything, up, down, sideways, upside down, horizontal, thirty degrees, forty degrees, and finally he fell back in somebody’s arms and gave up and everybody pushed around and yelled, «Yes! Yes! He blowed that one!» Dean wiped himself with his handkerchief.

How very incredibly exciting. Note that the intrepid duo followed up this fascinating public performance by abandoning the girls and running off with the black saxophonist, then getting picked up and spending the night in a hotel room with “a tall, thin fag who was on his way home to Kansas.”

Anyone who praises the work of the Beat Generation is either a) lying or b) hasn’t ever actually read any of it. It doesn’t even rise to the level of mediocre, it’s downright awful in terms of style, story, and characters, and that’s without even getting into the degeneracy and malignant narcissism of the subjects. There is nothing of the Good, the Beautiful, or the True in it. Their works are considerably closer to case studies in mental illness than anything approaching either fiction or biography.

And let’s not get started on the gay Jewish pedophile who tried to pass off his juvenile odes to mental illness and degeneracy as poetry. The self-styled greatest minds of his generation sure look a lot more like Dumb and Dumber, don’t you think? From an artistic perspective, Ginsberg was nothing more than the male Lena Dunham of his day, although we are fortunate that, unlike Dunham, he did not have access to Hollywood budgets or video production equipment in his youth.

I’m not a big fan of the Generation Z habit of labeling everything “cringe”, but if the concept applies to anything on this planet, it applies to the fake, gay Beats and the Boomers who idolized them.

UPDATE: I think this very positive review of Kerouac’s book sums up both its quality and its appeal very well.

One The Road is the best book i have ever read.



No Unity with the Devil

Perhaps the most irritating Boomercon blather is their constant bleating about “unity” and how calling out material evil is “divisive”. Neon Revolt has no patience for it either.

All you are doing is helping the globalist agenda with this division. If you don’t think this is part of their plan, you are more confused than you already seem.

muh division
muh divided by age
muh they want u divided

Boomers, you divided an entire generation out of reasonably priced housing with the banking schemes your generation gleefully went along with. Now, when two entire generations are now being turned into rent-peasants by the likes of Blackrock, all you’re capable of doing is berating those you collectively excluded from the very benefits and opportunities you enjoyed. It’s the classic Boomer move of pulling up the ladder behind you while yelling “pick yourselves up by your bootstraps” to everyone below you.

Basically, you want “unity” so long as it never costs you anything.

Which is really just another way of saying you want a pat on the back for maintaining globohomo’s status quo.

There can be no unity with the wicked, their servants, or their slaves. No unity with the Devil and no sympathy for the Boomers.


A Eulogy for Boomers

A lot of Boomers think I’m too harsh on them. They have absolutely no idea how history is going to regard them. Or how many members of the succeeding generations consider me to be a squishy moderate on the subject. But this summation by Ivan Throne should give them a clue.

It seems the sole and total purpose of Boomers was to groom the entire Western world into solipsistic death with its ankles in the air on a mattress stained with bloody andrenochrome and the flopsweat of Klaus Schwab.

What a filthy generation.

It shat on a thousand years of heritage and damned its descendants to slavery under the most grotesque, befouled, and hideous collapse imaginable.

Is it fair? Not entirely. But since when was recorded history ever fair? And no generational description can ever address the behavior of a single individual. Nevertheless, if one is concerned about one’s legacy, then perhaps one should live with an eye to how those who will be judging it are likely to regard it.

After all, there is no spin coming from the grave.



The latest Boomer Patrol masterpiece is now available for your listening pleasure.

Imagine there’s no Boomers
It’s easy if you try
No grit or bootstraps
Or tales of getting high
Imagine all the Boomers
Going far away

Imagine there’s no Boomers
It isn’t hard to do
No more talk of Woodstock
Or going to the Moon
Imagine all the Boomers
Finally at peace

You may say I’m a dreamer
But I’m not the only one
I hope someday you’ll join us
And the Boomers will be done

Imagine all the pillows
So soft and fluffery
A gentle hand of mercy
That sets the nations free
Imagine all the Boomers
Resting in their graves

You may say I’m a dreamer
But I’m not the only one
I hope someday you’ll join us
And the Boomers will be done