Calling Rome to Repentance

Last month, Archbishop Viganò wrote to the Roman Inquisition and demanded repentance for the Catholic Hierarchy’s support of the vaxx and a retraction of the Hierarchy’s Note on the morality of using some anti-Covid-19 vaccines:

The imposition of the experimental serum took place through a coordinated employment of methods that was unprecedented in recent history, using mass manipulation techniques that are well known to psychology experts. In this operation of media terrorism and the violation of the natural rights of individuals, accompanied by intolerable blackmail and discrimination, the Catholic Hierarchy chose to take sides with the system, making itself the promoter of “vaccines,” even reaching the point of recommending them as a “moral duty.” The media skillfully used the spiritual authority of the Roman Pontiff and his media influence to confirm the mainstream narrative, and this was an essential element in the success of the entire vaccination campaign, convincing many of the faithful to undergo inoculation because of the trust they have placed in the Pope and his global role. The vaccination obligations imposed on employees of the Holy See, following the lines of protocols imposed in other nations, have confirmed the Vatican’s absolute alignment with extremely careless and reckless positions that are completely void of any scientific validity. This has exposed the Vatican City State to possible liability on the part of its officials, with a further burden on its treasury; and the possibility should not be excluded that the faithful may bring collective lawsuits against their own Pastors, who have been converted into salesmen of dangerous medicines. After more than two years, the Church has not considered it necessary to make any statement to correct the Note, which in the light of new scientific evidence is now outdated and substantially contradicted by the harsh reality of the facts.

Limiting itself strictly to an evaluation of the morality of the use of the vaccines, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith has not taken account of the proportionality between the benefits of the gene serum – which have been completely absent – and the short- and long-term adverse side-effects which are now before everyone’s eyes. Since it is now evident that the drugs sold as vaccines do not give any significant benefit and on the contrary may cause a very high percentage of death or serious diseases even in people for whom Covid is not a serious threat, it is no longer possible to consider valid any attempt to demonstrate a proportionality between risks and benefits, thus eliminating one of the assumptions on which the Note was based: “The morality of vaccination depends not only on the duty to protect one’s own health, but also on the duty to pursue the common good. In the absence of other means to stop or even prevent the epidemic, the common good may recommend vaccination, especially to protect the weakest and most exposed”. We know well that there is no “absence of other means,” and that the serum neither stops nor prevents the epidemic: this makes the mRNA “vaccine” produced with aborted cell lines not only morally inacceptable but also absolutely dangerous for one’s health, and in the case of pregnant women also for the health of their children.

The Church, in expressing a moral evaluation of the vaccines, cannot fail to take into consideration the many elements that contribute to formulating an overall judgment. The Congregation cannot limit itself to the general theory of the moral lawfulness of the drug in itself – a lawfulness that is completely questionable given its ineffectiveness, the absence of tests of its genotoxicity and carcinogenicity, and the evidence of side-effects. Instead, the Congregation must speak out about this fact as soon as possible: Now that the complete uselessness of the serums “to stop or even prevent the epidemic” has been demonstrated, it can no longer be administered, and indeed there is a moral obligation for health authorities and drug companies to recall it as something dangerous and harmful, and for the individual faithful to refuse inoculation.

I further believe, Most Reverend Eminence, that the time has come for the Holy See to definitively distance itself from those private entities and multinational corporations that have believed that they can use the authority of the Catholic Church to endorse the neo-malthusian project of the United Nations’ Agenda2030 and the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset. It not tolerable that the voice of the Church of Christ continues to be complicit in a plan to reduce the global population based on the chronic pathologization of humanity and the induction of sterility; and this is even more necessary in the face of the scandalous conflict of interests to which the Holy See is exposed by accepting sponsorship and funding from the architects of these criminal plans.

To His Most Reverend Eminence Cardinal Luis Francisco Ladaria Ferrer, SJ Prefect of the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, 18 October 2022

He’s certainly calling them out, repeatedly and in copious detail. And in doing so, he’s making it pretty clear to observers what god it is they serve. Whatever it is, it certainly isn’t the Christian God.

Which is why the Catholic Church definitely needs to bring back the Inquisition and start mucking out the Augean Stables of the Vatican.


1918 Finally Ended

Eugyppius suggests an interesting hypothesis about the disappearance of the remnants of the Spanish Flu and the advent of a new seasonal flu virus based on Corona

The flu is gone. This is not an illusion. It’s not down to the wilful or mistaken misdiagnosis of Corona or anything like that. Most countries have long-standing influenza surveillance programs, entire offices of people whose job it is to find and track the flu. These programs are still running, and influenza tests are still widely administered across the world. Despite all of this searching, nobody can find anything but a few outliers. As a seasonal phenomenon in the northern and southern hemispheres, influenza has disappeared….

A lot of basic matters are poorly understood in the field of virology, and one of them is why waves of infection seem to spontaneously collapse, rather than continuing indefinitely until all susceptible have been taken ill. One reason seems to be that some viruses interfere with other viruses, such that the rise of one compels the decline of another. Plainly, not all pathogens are at odds with each other. Co-infections are common among the overlapping deep-winter viruses. Some viruses, however, definitely seem to exclude others, at least some of the time and in certain places. Influenza and Corona are two of these mutually exclusive viruses. Since it has killed the flu, Corona can operate both in the vacant flu season and in its own natively preferred dark winter months.

Some months ago, I suggested that Corona’s victory over influenza could well represent a permanent change in the order of respiratory viruses – a revolution, perhaps a very rare one. The only conceivable historical precedent would be the Spanish Flu of 1918. While we have historical reports of influenza-like illness going back centuries, we don’t have any sequenced viruses predating the second wave of this great 1918 pandemic. Before 1918, we can’t be sure that seasonal flu-like illnesses were caused by influenza viruses at all. For all we know, coronaviruses were the dominant scourge prior to 1918, and their centuries-long reign was interrupted by the anomalous and highly destructive avian influenza that entered humans in that year. Perhaps the ensuing century of influenza was an unstable equilibrium, an anomaly, and Corona has restored a prior, more ordinary world.

All that’s speculation, but we do know that the ensuing seasonal flus for decades afterwards were descended, directly or indirectly, from that first 1918 strain. What happened in 1918 was certainly a viral revolution, on the order of the upset Corona achieved in 2019. Much of virology, as a field, grew up in the shadow of 1918, as an attempt to understand the pandemic of that year and the obviously related seasonal infections to which it gave birth.

I thought the reports of the flu vanishing were total nonsense, nothing more than a propagandistic attempt to report flu cases as cases of Covid-19. But if it’s true that the seasonal flu as we’ve known it for the past 100 years didn’t even exist before the Spanish Flu, then it’s conceivable that the coronavirus of 2019 has simply replaced it as the seasonal flu virus.

In which case, the flu vaccines are even more worthless than before, and worse, those vaccinated against Covid-19, whose immune systems have been trained to permit variants of the coronavirus to enter and wreak havoc without meeting much resistance, will likely face regular periodic episodes of new flu without enjoying the benefit of the usual reduction in severity.


Never to Forgive, Never to Forget

There will be no “pandemic amnesty”. Those of us who weren’t stupid enough to fall for the obvious lies of the global depopulationists, the corrupt scientists, and the media are neither going to forgive nor forget the lies that were told, the incessant attacks on us, or the price that is still being paid by our friends and family members who refused to listen to us.

When the vaccines came out, we lacked definitive data on the relative efficacies of the Johnson & Johnson shot versus the mRNA options from Pfizer and Moderna. The mRNA vaccines have won out. But at the time, many people in public health were either neutral or expressed a J&J preference. This misstep wasn’t nefarious. It was the result of uncertainty….

Given the amount of uncertainty, almost every position was taken on every topic. And on every topic, someone was eventually proved right, and someone else was proved wrong. In some instances, the right people were right for the wrong reasons. In other instances, they had a prescient understanding of the available information.

The people who got it right, for whatever reason, may want to gloat. Those who got it wrong, for whatever reason, may feel defensive and retrench into a position that doesn’t accord with the facts. All of this gloating and defensiveness continues to gobble up a lot of social energy and to drive the culture wars, especially on the internet. These discussions are heated, unpleasant and, ultimately, unproductive. In the face of so much uncertainty, getting something right had a hefty element of luck. And, similarly, getting something wrong wasn’t a moral failing. Treating pandemic choices as a scorecard on which some people racked up more points than others is preventing us from moving forward.

We have to put these fights aside and declare a pandemic amnesty. We can leave out the willful purveyors of actual misinformation while forgiving the hard calls that people had no choice but to make with imperfect knowledge. Los Angeles County closed its beaches in summer 2020. Ex post facto, this makes no more sense than my family’s masked hiking trips. But we need to learn from our mistakes and then let them go. We need to forgive the attacks, too. Because I thought schools should reopen and argued that kids as a group were not at high risk, I was called a “teacher killer” and a “génocidaire.” It wasn’t pleasant, but feelings were high. And I certainly don’t need to dissect and rehash that time for the rest of my days.

Moving on is crucial now, because the pandemic created many problems that we still need to solve.

There is no forgiveness without repentance. Not only is there no repentance from the pro-vaccine side, many of their lies are still being told! And the gaslighting and backpedaling by the politicians, the corporations, and the pharmaceutical companies – we never said the vaccines would prevent the transmission of COVID or forced anyone to get vaccinated – is absolutely unrepentant and unconscionable.

As Spacebunny aptly quoted Cerno, “there is no reconciliation without restitution.”

The only way to learn from mistakes is to admit them, and virtually no one who got vaccinated and/or pushed the vaccination on others is even willing to admit they were mistaken, much less repent of their foolish and hateful words. All of them will pay a price for their decisions, both physically and in terms of the way in which their decision-making capabilities will be regarded in the future. It is a price that is not only inescapable, but entirely merited.

The ongoing problems will not be solved by the people who created and exacerbated them, especially not when those people are desperate to deny their responsibility for the problems.

Never ascribe to uncertainty or error that which can be explained by malicious and satanic evil.


The Rehabilitation of Ben Shapiro

Now that it is too late for the millions of conservative vaxx victims who were vaccinated with the active encouragement of Ben Shapiro, the conservative media is attempting to position him as one of the good guys worthy of trust again.

Ben Shapiro has long been a strong advocate for the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, believing that taking them was a socially responsible measure that might save someone’s grandma and even slow or prevent the spread of the virus. On Tuesday, Shapiro stated that, like many others, he had been deceived about the efficacy of the vaccines, particularly with regard to their ability to prevent viral transmission.

On Tuesday’s episode of “The Ben Shapiro Show,” Shapiro stated, “It is now perfectly clear that we were lied to. And we were lied to at a very high level and from very, very early on by both the vaccine companies, in terms of the ability of the vaccine to prevent transmission, and … by our politicians who apparently knew better.”

Shapiro’s admission and sense of betrayal comes, in part, after Pfizer executive Janine Small stated on Oct. 10 that the company did not know if the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine it had developed with BioNTech would prevent viral transmission before the drug went on the market.

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In addition to being enraged by Small’s admission, Shapiro took issue with the possibility that the Biden administration knew as much over a year ago, but had nevertheless stood by its original narrative. “It turns out the Biden White House knew this and promoted the lie anyway,” said Shapiro. “This is truly amazing stuff.”

On Aug. 2, 2021, he claimed, “Getting vaxxed essentially protects you from the virus. Remaining unvaxxed makes you vulnerable. Make your choice.”

On Sep. 2, 2021, he suggested that the “only people … [who are] worried, unfortunately, are people who are vaxxed and shouldn’t be worried; the unvaxxed are generally unworried, which is why they are unvaxxed.”

In February, he boasted, “Double-vaxxed. My wife is triple. My parents are triple.”

Knowing what he knows now, Shapiro, who is double-vaccinated, said he is not sure whether he would have taken the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine, but said, “maybe not.”

AC isn’t fooled by the attempted post-vaxx rehabilitation. Nor should anyone else be fooled.

So he is one of us again, and now we can follow him again, MAGA-Bros. Because he won’t be wrong about the next thing he will be wrong about. I love how none of these sites mention Vox Day, or this site, or any of the thousands of other people who were entirely right in telling people not to take the shot. Since they got the last thing right, and Shapiro got it entirely wrong, wouldn’t it make sense to not listen to Shapiro anymore, and listen, instead, to the people who got the last thing right?

Never, ever, pay any attention to The Manufactured Ones. Even when they belatedly say things that are true, they only do so in order to be able to mislead you again when their masters wish you to be led astray. No former vaxxine cheerleader who has turned against the vaxx should be trusted, for much the same reason that no converted liberal should be permitted to assume a position of leadership in a political or religious organization.


Suddenly Live

It’s going to get harder and harder for the media to deny the deleterious effects of the vaxx when TV and radio hosts are literally dropping dead while live on the air:

A radio host died ‘while presenting his program’ this morning at a local station in Suffolk.

Tim Gough, 55, was presenting his breakfast show for GenX Radio Suffolk when the music stopped playing half way through a song, an hour into his slot.

The music resumed a few minutes later but Mr Gough, who had been speaking just moments earlier, did not return and later the station confirmed he had passed away.

Sure, we don’t KNOW it was the vaxx… but it was the vaxx.


Warning: 115 Average IQ At Work Ahead

Say what one will about Ben Shapiro, one can’t deny that he effectively demonstrates the intrinsic falsity of the myth that Jewish success in the USA is the natural result of an unusually high level of average intelligence.

Let’s use his numbers, just for the sake of argument. In order to reduce their success rate at combatting the virus by 4%, the vaccinated now face reduced life expectancies as well as elevated risks of stroke, heart attack, and cancer. Maybe you shouldn’t have listened to Ben Shapiro and taken his advice to get the vaccine, dopes.

Never forget who tried to sell you on the vaxx and who tried to save you from it.


What The Actual…

I’m not sure this explanation of the consequences is correct, but regardless, the latest action by the CDC is a ghastly one in light of the fact that the Covid 19 vaccines are a) extremely unsafe, b) highly ineffective, and c) worse than worthless for children.

The CDC just now voted 15-0 to add the Covid 19 Vaxx to the childhood vax schedule. This means they are mandated the Covid 19 vaccine in order to attend public schools. This is the event that could spark an all-out civil war.

On the bright side, people who insist on sending their children to public school despite knowing better now have considerable motivation to contemplate the superior alternatives. And between the children fleeing the public schools and the inevitable cases of Suddenly, this should significantly reduce class sizes.

Silver linings aside, it should be entirely obvious now that the wicked governments of the West are attempting to depopulate the nations over which they so insidiously rule.


Vaxx = Cervical Malignancies

Dr. Kimberly Biss is an obstetrician-gynecologist in Saint Petersburg, Florida and is affiliated with Bayfront Health St. Petersburg. She received her medical degree from Tufts University School of Medicine and has been in practice for more than 20 years. She’s now gone on the record about what she’s observing in her practice post-vaxx:

I’m Kimberly Biss. I’m an OBGYN that practices in St. Pete’s, Florida. I can definitely say since the vaccine rollout started we have seen in our practice a decrease in new OB numbers, which would be infertility, by about 50 percent. We’ve also seen an increase in miscarriage rate by about 50 percent. And I would say there’s probably about a 25 percent increase in abnormal pap smears as well as cervical malignancies in our area.

Don’t forget that the government-medical complex pushed the HPV vaccine for girls to reduce a much smaller risk of cervical malignancies than is apparently being produced by the Covid vaxxes.

On a not-unrelated note, 80 Canadian doctors are now reported to be dead of “suddenly” and the pace appears to be increasing. So there is at least some justice in the world, because Satan despises his servants.