The Tide is Turning

The increased desperation on the part of the pro-vaccine governments and the vaccine propagandists in the media isn’t your imagination. Even though the uncorrupted medical and scientific experts are still afraid to speak out, they already know the truth of what the so-called conspiracy theorists have been predicting all along:

Recently, I received news that top researchers at multiple highly respected institutions (including Harvard) who had earlier been publicly promoting the vaccine have now changed their minds and are privately refusing to get the booster.

How is that possible? Did we finally convince them with the data? Most of my truthteller friends have been censored and/or deplatformed. So what is causing these people to shift their views so quickly?

The credit for the attitude shift goes our best convincer: the vaccine itself.

These researchers are seeing first hand how dangerous the vaccine is because they are involved in studies in hospitalized and/or outpatients and they see the numbers first hand.

Of course, they can’t say anything officially since they would be fired or have their funding taken away.

This isn’t the end, but it is the beginning of the end. Stay strong. Stay clean. Ride it out.


Fearmongering Fiction

The reason we know there is nothing to fear from omicron, and little from Covid in general, is because the so-called experts have already proven that they cannot be trusted. Never trust the Fake Science.

Just for the record, the current prediction for the UK.:

This weekend, under their most gloomy appraisal, LSHTM forecasters suggested the country could be hit by 492,000 hospitalisations and around 75,000 deaths by the end of April. This was based on the Omicron virus having ‘high immune escape’ – ie evading existing immunity to earlier Covid-19 variants – and a lower effectiveness of boosters. Under their most favourable estimate, there will 175,000 hospitalisations and 24,700 deaths.

Doomsters’ prediction of 75,000 Omicron deaths by May, Daily Mail, 12 December 2021

The previous prediction for the summer of 2021:

When making similar estimates in April as to how the country might suffer when lockdown restrictions were lifted in the summer, the school was the most negative forecaster in the UK, only to be proven wrong. They warned against lifting restrictions and predicted there would be ‘a resurgence in admissions and deaths comparable to the magnitude of the second wave in January’, when there were more than 1,000 deaths a day. As Freedom Day in July neared, the LSHTM significantly scaled back their forecast as more accurate data became available. Then, under their more ‘realistic scenario’, they predicted 1,000 hospital admissions and fewer than 200 deaths per day. On July 19 when lockdown was finally lifted, deaths numbered just 71 in England.

So, they predicted 110,000 deaths, then revised the prediction by reducing it 80 percent, and they were STILL off by 99.68 percent. Their original calculation predicted 1,549.3 deaths for every one that actually occurred. If the pattern holds, there will be 48 Covid-related deaths in the UK by the end of April. Is trying to prevent 48 deaths of sick, old people who are going to die anyhow actually worth trying to force more vaccinations on unwilling Brits and collapsing the British economy?

Bruce Charlton observes that the charade is global.

The (supposed) Global Birdemic had zero detectable effect on the number of deaths in the world. Not just a small effect… but no detectable effect At All on the number of people who died.

Never, ever, believe anything that the globalists and their pet propagandists tell you. It’s always a lie.

I watched the latest Boris Johnson Omicron speech with amazement. While I never hated Boris personally, the stupidity of this speech while on the precipice of a real life nightmare, can be understood but cannot be understated.

Boris Johnson’s Biggest Blunder


Imagine My Surprise

They’re going to have to change the name from “conspiracy theory” to “conspiracy news-breaking”.

I’m afraid it is now clear that two doses of vaccine are simply not enough to give the level of protection we all need.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson, 12 December 2021

So there is going to be a third dose after all. The scientists were wrong, again. And the conspiracy theorists were correct, again.

Guess what? There will also be a fourth dose, and a fifth dose, and they are never going to stop until all the retards, all the gullible, and all the fearful stop allowing themselves to get injected.


Any Age, No Reason

So many people are stroking out from the vaccines that the corrupt medico-media complex is having to resort to increasingly absurd explanations:

What triggers a stroke? The answer has been elusive, but a new study offers clues about what many survivors experienced soon before their stroke happened.

Anger or emotional upset was common in the hour before the onset of symptoms and was associated with all types of stroke, researchers wrote this month in the European Heart Journal.

Heavy physical exertion in the same time period was linked with increased odds of one type of stroke — intracerebral hemorrhage, or bleeding into the brain tissue.

“We believe that these triggering events may increase the heart rate, increase blood pressure and lead to hormonal changes that alter blood flows in vascular beds, such as the brain, which may increase the risk of stroke,” Andrew Smyth, lead author and professor of clinical epidemiology at the National University of Ireland, Galway, told TODAY.

“That being said, not every episode of anger or emotional upset or heavy physical exertion leads to a stroke.

Interestingly enough, they still haven’t added “Covid vaccination” to the list of risk factors, even though that is now the leading one.

Note that Interview with the Vampire author Anne Rice just died of “complications from an earlier stroke” suffered in the aftermath of her March 2021 vaccination.


Broncos WR Dead at 33

A flurry of rumors and reports on Thursday night has resulted in official confirmation from the family of former NFL receiver Demaryius Thomas to Mike Klis of that Thomas has passed away. He was 33.

According to, police in Roswell, Georgia say that Thomas was found dead in his home on Thursday night. Foul plays was not suspected; initial signs point to a medical issue.

A first-round pick in 2010, Thomas spent most of his career with the Denver Broncos. Thomas, a four-time Pro Bowler, was a member of Denver’s Super Bowl 50 championship team.

Thomas was a very good wide receiver in his prime and he was a pretty serious physical specimen. If the vaxx can kill him, it is more than capable of killing anyone.

UPDATE: “Cardiac arrest in shower.”

Don’t Trust Doctors

Seriously. They’re the auto mechanics of the human body. They tend to possess a highly-specific knowledge base which includes literally nothing about science, politics, economics, statistics, or logic. Yes, you can trust them to identify a problematic mole, tell you to lose weight, patch up the damage, and cut out things that shouldn’t be there, but that doesn’t mean they know anything at all about epidemiology, adverse vaccine effects, or the financialization of science.


Parties for Me, Not for Thee

The Conservative Party elite knew the whole coronavirus thing is total BS all along, as they repeatedly threw large parties in the Prime Minister’s residence at the very same time that family Christmas gatherings were banned in the United Kingdom.

Were there SIX parties in Downing Street and Whitehall? Claims of a festive quiz, Friday wine sessions and a bash to celebrate Dominic Cummings’ exit put even more pressure on under-fire Boris Johnson

As many as 40 people attended the ‘unofficial’ Christmas bash with some wearing festive jumpers, it is claimed. Sources said most of those present were civil servants drawn from the press office and events teams, but special advisers – the PM’s political appointees – were also invited. According to one of those asked to go, staff were told to bring in Secret Santa presents.

As the night went on, officials from other parts of the building came down to join. But the Prime Minister’s press secretary yesterday insisted Mr Johnson was not one of them.

‘He was working all evening,’ she told reporters.

The event took place two days after London was placed into what was the highest tier of coronavirus restrictions at the time, meaning people were not allowed to mix indoors with anyone outside their household or support bubble.

At that time, the Government website stated: ‘Although there are exemptions for work purposes, you must not have a work Christmas lunch or party, where that is a primarily social activity and is not otherwise permitted by the rules in your tier.’

Since news of the gathering broke last week, Mr Johnson and his ministers had steadfastly insisted that no party had taken place and no rules had been broken. But by yesterday the denials had become impossible to reconcile with the mounting evidence, after footage emerged of Allegra Stratton joking about what had happened.

This is why you should never, ever, believe ONE SINGLE THING that the government tells you. The official story is always the one and only thing that you can be certain is not true. These charlatans were the same people who spent literally months going on camera, gravely issuing pronouncements about how a moderately contagious flu virus was the modern equivalent of the Black Plague, shutting down the economy and interfering with the entire country’s personal lives, then behind the scenes were living it up in the knowledge that there was never anything to worry about.

Those in power are literally laughing at us all for being stupid enough to follow the rules they don’t actually think are necessary.

Dan Wootton, The Daily Mail

The whole “pandemic” is a fraud. It’s a one giant play that was designed to frighten everyone and convince them to submit to an endless series of injections. And the behavior of the people who knew it from the start proves that beyond any reasonable shadow of a doubt.


The Push for Forced Vaccinations

The informative thing here isn’t that the British public is massively against forced vaccinations, although that’s certainly useful to know. What’s more significant about this is the way that the British media pulled the poll from its primary morning TV show as soon as it saw how vehemently the public opinion is against the thought balloon that was clearly being floated. And note the implicit assumption that there can ever be an appropriate time “to make vaccines mandatory”.

Remember, the vaccines don’t actually have anything to do with Covid, so the harmless nature of Omicron is irrelevant as far as the media is concerned. The media is pushing vaccines at the behest of its owners because vaccines are a primary weapon in the depopulationist arsenal.

It’s not an accident or a coincidence that children’s deaths are up 62 percent in the UK in the aftermath of the vaccine rollout for them there.

Following the government’s vaccine rollout, the UK’s Office of National Statistics shows that the number of deaths between week 38 and week 41 of 2021 among children aged 10-14 were 62% higher than the five-year average for the number of deaths in this age group during the same period. Furthermore, the increase in deaths began when children started receiving the experimental “vaccine.”

This indicates that the push for forced vaccinations is coming worldwide, even though there is absolutely no reasonable justification for them. It is imperative for antivaxxers to start pressing their representatives to pass laws, even constitutional amendments, specifically outlawing all forced vaccinations with absolutely no exceptions under any circumstances, including national emergencies.


VEI Confirmed in Israel

Karl Denninger runs the numbers and reaches a firm conclusion about the statistical results. Keep in mind that this does not take any adverse effects into account, it’s merely about the relationship between the vaccines and Covid itself:

If you were infected and recovered your risk of a severe outcome, if you got infected, was 0.18% under 39, 1.1% if 40-59 and 7.8% if you were over 60. This doesn’t sound very good for the old people, does it?

Ah, but if you were vaccinated and boosted (best case, right?) what were the odds if you got infected?

0.1% if under 39 (too few events for good statistical power; there was only one), 0.6% if 40-59 (looks pretty good) but 6.2% if over 60. In other words even if boosted the infection rate that went sour on you if you’re old means the jabs are basically worthless compared against prior infection.

And if just vaccinated but not boosted? Comparatively you’re ****ed, right? Or are you?

Uh, for 16-39 your risk there was 0.05% (!!!), for 40-59 it was 0.6% (!!) and for 60+ it was 8.1%.

In other words among infections that matter being boosted had negative or no efficiency when it comes to severe outcomes for everyone under 60!

What if you got jabbed after being infected? This is data I’ve been looking for, and while the data points are thin and thus I’m not happy with the lack of statistical power, well, read it for yourself. Under 40 the risk of severe reinfection was 0.2%, from 40-59 it was 2.4% and for 60+ it was a stunning 10%.


For the other way around, where you got jabbed and then got infected, there were too few events except in one cohort, 60+, to draw good conclusions as there were lots of zeros — but small infection counts. However, the news there isn’t good either in that in the 60+ cohort the severe risk if you got infected was 12.5% (!!!)

Ok, ok you say, but being vaccinated drops the infection risk. Indeed. But it drops it less, except in the 0-2 months since jabbed, than being recovered does. Indeed the loss of immunity from vaccination is nearly linear while for those infected the loss appears to taper significantly after the first six months and residual protection may be of very long duration or even permanent.

Indeed, someone who has been infected (but not jabbed) has a lower person-day risk of reinfection by more than half at one year post-event than someone who has been vaccinated has at four to six months.

The bad news does not end here. While being jabbed after recovery is claimed to produce “superior” results (“hybrid immunity”) the data says that’s flat-out bull****. At 4-6 and 6-8 months the error bands for vaccination after recovery and pure recovery without it cross; there is no statistical evidence that being jabbed after recovery helps and evidence it HARMS BY AS MUCH AS A DOUBLE in terms of the risk of severe outcome.

The other way around is even worse; the evidence is that if you get infected after being jabbed you do not get the same protection as natural infection in that your immunity wanes faster; at 6-8 months you have a LOWER risk of infection if you were not vaccinated before the infection as opposed to being vaccinated and then infected.

In other words this data provides direct evidence of VEI.

It’s official. A study with a sample size much larger than any of the pre-approval studies has clearly demonstrated that the Covid vaccines are officially worse than useless. True, it’s not a proper double-blind study, but then, neither were the pre-approval studies that were tainted by the vaccination of the control group.


They’re Getting Desperate

Those aren’t adverse effects of the vaccine you’re feeling, it’s actually Early Double Secret Covid symptoms that are getting to the recently vaccinated:

Early Covid-19 symptoms mirror vaccine side effects, according to a recent study that warns people who suffer headaches, fatigue, or fever after being jabbed to assume they have been infected, get tested, and isolate themselves.
The findings, published last week in the eClinical Medicine journal, show there is no way to tell if the symptoms are from the disease or an adverse reaction to the shot unless a screening test is taken. Researchers at King’s College London have raised concerns that the recently vaccinated could be inadvertently spreading the virus, thinking their symptoms were from the jab.

According to the UK’s Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), more than one in 10 people can suffer minor adverse reactions to the vaccines – and the researchers found that 1% of the 362,770 people who reported symptoms in the week following the jab actually had Covid-19.

The study was based on data from those vaccinated with the Pfizer and AstraZeneca vaccines between December 2020 and May 2021.

The findings come amid a rise in cases and ahead of a high-profile booster vaccination drive for all adults in the UK, as officials worry about the potential impact of the virus’ Omicron variant.

Not only desperate, but obvious. Key phrase: “ahead of a high-profile booster vaccination drive”.

UPDATE: FFS, Early Double Secret Covid was a JOKE, you morons!

Scientists say they have identified a stealth version of Omicron which cannot be distinguished from other variants using the PCR tests that public health officials deploy to gain a quick picture of its spread around the world.