Lessons for the Next War

Karl Denninger observes that while the Purebloods survived, they lost the war:

Purebloods learned a lot about human nature. The more cynical among us decided people are selfish enough to sell out the most vulnerable for the illusion of safety. We learned who had balls and who our real friends were. Sometimes we surprised ourselves with what we were willing to do. Or accept to get along. Sometimes enlightenment is empowering, and sometimes it’s humbling.

We learned people were either convinced by logical arguments or they weren’t. No amount of logic penetrated a feelings shield, yet many of us wasted breath trying to reach our loved ones. There was no perfect argument that made them understand.

We learned some people love clown world. They forget contradictory statements made a month apart. Maybe a goldfish memory allows them to function, but others cannot stand living in a land of liars and gas lighters.

The only successful peaceful protests involve withdrawing consent. Truckers blocking Ottawa received international attention, but only resulted in tiny changes. The People’s Convoy in America had absolutely no effect, but I heard it was a pretty good parade.

Vacationing in place either deliberately or due to fatigue is a more effective tactic because it costs the company money. I can’t wait to see the second quarter Productivity and Costs report from the Bureau of Lies and Scams. If your company bent you over take advantage of the lube shortage when returning the favor.

We are on our own. No one is coming to save us. As of yet, no widespread lawsuits have been filed against vaccine mandating companies. The whole “keep on waiting for it” really sounds familiar doesn’t it? We’ve all heard this one before: Just wait, two weeks to flatten the curve. Just wait, in two weeks there will be an explosion in coof cases. Just wait, in two weeks some lawyer will file a lawsuit. Maybe one will, maybe one won’t. Put not your hopes in men.

Don’t count on political leadership either. Remember what a huge disappointment Trump turned out to be? Years of Qanon bull**** and all we got was terrorism charges for the January 6th protesters. DeSantis is a scummy politician whose every statement is calculated towards his victory condition: President of the United States. The OSHA and CMS mandate hearings came too late for some. Even though the OSHA ruling was struck down, companies kept their vaccine mandates. So far this insult has not been redressed by the courts.

Where does this leave us for the next war? We don’t know how, we don’t know when, but life is a series of battles. Each of us fights our own.

Something I say time and time again is plan how you will react before you face a situation. First, you must identify the conflict and your line in the sand. How will you react when it is crossed? Will you bargain? Will you punch the problem in the face? Will you run? Each fight is different, making a decision now is less stressful than in the moment.

In order to win the next war, it is important to acknowledge why we lost this one.

The purebloods lost because we compromised with evil. As soon we did (and continued to do so), our defeat was certain. It simply took a while to arrive.

Many of us did not recognize our actions as compromises initially. That will not be an excuse the next time somebody pulls this bull****. It started early in the war. Closing businesses and schools were the first ones. Most of us believed that it would only last for two weeks before life returned to normal.

One lesson is if there is widespread compromise in the next skirmish and there is no leader, your job as a soldier is to inflict maximum damage on the way to defeat. With this mindset you are accepting that you have lost, so your goal is to run up the scoreboard. There are numerous nonviolent ways to achieve a high score. Make a list of tactics now so when the time comes you shall act on them.

The most important lesson is to recognize evil and refuse to compromise with it.

Those who refuse to recognize evil, or who cannot do so, will be defeated by it, no matter how smart or how Christian or how good they happen to be. As Sun Tzu observes, the way to ensure defeat is to neither know yourself nor your enemy.

And as we have all observed, much to our disappointment and discomfiture, the number of people who are willing and able to recognize evil and refuse to compromise with it are vanishingly small.


RIP Taylor Hawkins

Of course, we don’t KNOW it’s the vaxx… but it’s the vaxx.

The Foo Fighters longtime, charismatic drummer, Taylor Hawkins, has died at the age of 50.

Hawkins was found dead in a hotel room in the north of Bogota, Colombia where the band were due to play at a festival on Friday night. No cause of death was immediately announced.

Shortly after Hawkins’ death was announced, dozens of fans together with journalists and videographers began to gather outside the hotel where the band had been staying. Many appeared to be in complete shock at the news with some lighting candles.

Ambulances and police cars could be seen stationed outside of the property. Later on Friday night, Hawkins’ body was finally brought out of the hotel, placed into a coroner’s van and driven away.

The group had been scheduled to play at the Festival Estéreo Picnic in the Colombian capital where an announcement told concert-goers that the band would not be playing due to a ‘serious medical condition’.

I suspect there are going to be a lot of deaths attributed to overdoses and other factors that are actually the result of a heart weakened by the Covid vaccinations. Given the unreliability of the medical community, the only reliable statistic will be the sheer number of all-cause deaths, as that’s the one thing that can’t be easily hidden or redefined.


The Vaxx Kills More than Covid

A US military flight surgeon testifies that the Covid vaccines have killed more US soldiers than Covid did:

Dr. Theresa Long, a flight surgeon who holds a master’s degree in Public Health and is specially trained in the DMED, gave emotional testimony on March 10. She and two other flight surgeons reviewed DMED last year and made some stunning discoveries about the high incidence of apparent vaccine injuries among members of the military.

According to the whistleblowers, certain disorders spiked after the vaccine mandate went into effect, including miscarriages and cancers, and neurological problems which increased by 1000 percent.

Dr. Long testified that she was contacted by high level officer the night before the hearing, and told not to discuss her findings regarding the explosive military medical data in court. The whistleblower reportedly said she felt threatened after she tried to get her superiors to address the findings, “fearing for her life and for the safety of her children.”

Since the whistleblowers came forward with the DMED data, the DoD has thrown cold water on their conclusions, saying the increase in vaccine injuries was caused by a “glitch in the database.”

Politifact contacted Peter Graves, spokesperson for the Defense Health Agency’s Armed Forces Surveillance Division, who said the data for 2021 is correct, but for some reason, the data for the five years prior was inaccurate. Graves told PolitiFact by email that the division reviewed data in the DMED “and found that the data was incorrect for the years 2016-2020.”

In other words, for five straight years, the data was seriously corrupted and none of the DoD’s data analysts figured this out, and then it fixed itself on its own in 2021. The DoD has since put out new numbers showing more illnesses among the troops for the years prior to 2021….

Dr. Long also testified that the data shows that deaths of military members from the vaccines exceed deaths from COVID itself.

No government statistics can be believed anymore, because all of the statistical offices have been converged. That being said, it is sound logic to assume that the errors are biased in support of the Narrative; the “glitch in the database” defense is even more a priori absurd than the idea that it is safer for an otherwise-healthy individual to be repeatedly injected with spike proteins and other untested substances than endure a few days of fatigue from Covid.


Why There Are No Whistleblowers

Defenders of the vaxx regime sometimes ask where all the whistleblowers are if the vaxxines are as harmful and worthless as skeptics say they are. They’re either a) keeping their mouths shut or b) finding themselves fired and discredited, as the recent firing of a German insurance CEO and the scrubbing of his company’s website demonstrates:

The CEO of one of Germany’s largest health insurance companies was abruptly fired last month after he released data suggesting German health authorities are significantly underreporting COVID-19 vaccine injuries. The data, released by Andreas Schofbeck of BKK/ProVita, have since been scrubbed from the company’s website.

According to Schofbeck’s Feb. 21 letter to the PEI:

– Data from 10.9 million people were analyzed.
– According to physician billing data, 216,695 were treated for a vaccine adverse effect during the first 2.5 quarters of 2021.
– Figures extrapolated over an entire year for a population of 83 million people means that 2.5-3 million people likely received treatment for an adverse effect.
– 4-5% of vaccinated people received treatment for an adverse effect.
– In his letter, Schofbeck speculated on possible causes for underreporting, stating: “Our first assumption is that, since no compensation is paid for reporting vaccine adverse events, reporting to the Paul Ehrlich Institute is often not done because of the great expense involved. Physicians have reported to us that reporting a suspected vaccine adverse event takes about half an hour. This means that 3 million suspected cases of vaccine adverse events require about 1.5 million working hours of physicians.”

Schofbeck concluded the data present a “significant warning signal” and that “danger to human life cannot be ruled out.”

However, I don’t recommend attempting to provide this sort of information to friends and family who are vaccinated in order to convince them of anything. They have already proven – conclusively – that they are literally too stupid and/or gullible to survive the hostile programmed environment of the Promethean Panopticon. The general response to the Russo-Ukrainian conflict underlines this; there is a strong correlation between vaccination status and accepting the globalist Narrative on Ukraine.

And this behavior suggests they will dutifully comply with the culling, whenever and however that happens in the future. Given what evilogy suggests about the rules the wicked follow, it appears that one must either a) belong to the wicked or b) freely submit to their demands in order to be culled. So, it’s possible that the vaxx is merely the first in a series of tests that are intended to reduce the planet’s population to the desired level while eliminating those deemed inferior from the species.

I hold at your neck the gom jabbar. This one kills only animals.

Reverend Mother Gaius Helen Mohiam


We Don’t Know it’s the Vaxx

But it’s the vaxx:

Victorian Labor senator Kimberley Kitching dies suddenly in Melbourne aged 52

The ABC understands Senator Kitching, 52, died of a suspected heart attack this afternoon. Labor Leader Anthony Albanese says the party is “in shock” over the passing of their friend and colleague.

Victorian Labor senator Kimberley Kitching has died suddenly in the Melbourne suburb of Strathmore. She began feeling unwell while driving between two meetings and pulled over before calling her husband, Andrew Landeryou. An ambulance was called but she died of a suspected heart attack near to where her vehicle was parked.

Two weeks ago, one of my family members, double-vaxxed and boosted, died of a “pulmonary edema” at the age of 42.

I’m genuinely curious how many members of my extended social circle are going to die suddenly, unexpectedly, and at a relatively young age before everyone understands and is willing to admit that it is the vaccinations that are primarily responsible for those deaths. One is easily dismissed. Two is just an unfortunate coincidence. Three is just an agglomeration of people with unhealthy lifestyles. At four, I suspect those who have been vaccinated will start to get nervous and begin asking serious questions for the first time in two years.

But I anticipate that it will take at least five statistically-improbable deaths in an extended social circle before the idea that the Covid vaccines were responsible for them is accepted as the general consensus. Perhaps some unlikely health emergencies, such as a teenager’s stroke or heart attack, that don’t prove fatal, would also count as an input factor, but I think it will require five improbable events per social circle before the consensus changes, because it appears to take at least five undeniable dialectical narrative violations to penetrate the average individual’s rhetorical shield.

As one of my brothers recently noted, “dies suddenly” is not an actual cause of death.


We Don’t Know it’s the Vaxx

But it’s the vaxx. RIP Shane Warne.

Australian cricket hero and legendary leg-spinner, Shane Warne, has died, aged 52.

Warne’s management released a brief statement in the early hours of Saturday, that he passed away in Thailand of a suspected heart attack. He is believed to have been in Ko Samui at the time of his death.

‘Shane was found unresponsive in his villa and despite the best efforts of medical staff, he could not be revived,’ the statement reads.

To put it in perspective for American readers, Warne’s death is the Anglo-Australian equivalent of Kobe Bryant’s death. But his position on requiring the vaxx certainly hasn’t aged well.


One in Thirty

It’s almost certain that someone you know is going to die of the long-term adverse affects of the vaxx, if Karl Denninger’s calculations are anywhere close to the mark.

One in thirty. That’s my latest “best guess” when it comes to people who took the jabs for permanent and material impairment of their health.

One in thirty.

Incidentally that might be conservative; I would not be surprised if its worse than that.

My estimates in this regard keep going the “wrong” way; what was a couple months ago one in a couple hundred is now close to ten times worse than that.

This is yet another data set, this time from Israel and Pfizer which was intentionally suppressed and is still being intentionally suppressed.

1 in 30 is about 3% of all recipients. There will be a skew but exactly where it lands is not yet known. There is a furious attempt at present to deflect the most-obvious and outrageous examples of harm, specifically cardiac damage in young men, with the claim that “its transitory.”

That’s flat-out BS; heart damage is nearly always both cumulative and permanent.

What’s also in the data and extremely serious is this:

Roughly 24% of people with pre-existing autoimmune disorders, and 5%-10% of those with diabetes, hypertension, and lung and heart disease, also reported a worsening of their condition.

That’s not 1 in 30 — its anywhere from one in 20 to one in FOUR!

These are not transient problems folks; they’re disability-enhancing or even disability-causing health problems.

Nor is the one in ten women under 54 reporting menstrual changes. This is not normal and again is wildly greater than one in thirty.

This isn’t an abstract thing and it isn’t a joke. A member of my family – fully vaxxed and boosted – died at the age of 42 ten days ago of a pulmonary edema. And while the jury is still out concerning the official cause of death and we don’t actually know it was the vaxx… we all know it was the vaxx.

So, it’s important to be tranquil and mentally prepared about the transience of life, because the chances are pretty high that you know more than 30 people.

How admirable!
to see lightning and not think
life is fleeting.


They Know They’re Wrong

Karl Denninger notices that the vaxxers are already seeking to put their two-year tyranny behind them by seeking absolution for their little mistakes from those they have irretrievably harmed:

It’s starting.

It began with ClottAdams with his “well, if you were on the other side of this argument you didn’t know you were right either” nonsense, where he went cognitive-seizure on someone who commented on one of his podcasts, using all manner of nasty words to describe the women who called out his bull****.

The politicians aren’t offering any sort of apology, of course. Nor compensation. Nor personal consequences for the ruin they served up on you — whether you personally got hammered by their business closures or other bull****, you got ****ed and you see it every time you go to the grocery store or gas station, so save me the crap about how “oh it didn’t actually hurt me.” If you believe that you’re too stupid to be permitted to consume oxygen.

Now its all over so-called “social media” too, with pleas to “bury the hatchet” as restrictions are lifted and “forgive.”

Well, let me answer that request with just one word and if you don’t want the rest, stop reading here: NEVER….

Spare me the bull**** about “it would have been worse” without them; you have zero evidence to back that up and what you claimed was that you wouldn’t get the virus if you had the shot, which was a lie. Indeed, the FDA continues to maintain, as they did originally along with the manufacturers, that the jabs PREVENT Covid-19.

They do not, and that is conclusively proved at this point. Any claim otherwise is a lie and anyone coerced on that basis, which includes any claim of “protecting others”, was and is an open and outrageous fraud. Indeed the early data was that a very material percentage of people were already immune (e.g. Diamond Princess) so a reasonable hypothesis is that the shots in fact made it worse by destroying existing immunity to the virus. There’s plenty of evidence to back that up too, including the wildly high rate of people getting the virus again after having it and then getting jabbed while those who simply got the virus and refused jabs are not seeing the same thing happen to them (myself included.)

The fact is that all those people lied about the jabs. Knowingly, intentionally, maliciously and for that every one of them should burn in Hell. Indeed if they get sent there a bit early I’ll tip a glass, not in mourning but in celebration. Yeah, I hate every one of you ****ers that much.


Because your bull**** killed hundreds of thousands of people and will likely screw millions more with the side effects which are now showing up and they’re nasty, disabling and killing those who took your jabs. The immune system damage caused by these jabs is quite-likely to be permanent.

Never to forgive. Never to forget.