Social Media is MPAI in Action

I posted this on Gab:

War is not a sport. Fatalities are not points. You cannot tell which side is winning a war simply on the basis of comparative KIA. Remember, the Allies took 77 percent of the total casualties in WWII. And yet, the Axis lost the war.

I’m sure it will surprise precisely no one to discover that the Smart Boys policing the Internet couldn’t restrain themselves.

@voxday Did the “Axis” really lose? I concur with General George Patton: “Gentlemen, I’ve come to the inexcusable conclusion that we defeated the wrong enemy. We should have aligned with the Fascists to defeat the communists, not aligned with the Communists to defeat the Fascists.”

Yes, the Axis really fucking lost WWII. Under no possible interpretation can it be said that the Berlin-Toyko-Rome Axis, which is the full and proper name for the WWII military alliance collectively known as “the Axis”, did not lose the war. The signatures on the various surrender documents should suffice to prove this beyond any reasonable doubt.

The particularly stupid thing about this specific Smart Boy posturing is that regardless of whether he and General Patton were correct to conclude that the wrong enemy was defeated, the point is that it was, definitively, defeated.

@voxday 77%??? WTF??? ONLY if you count the Russian casualties as Allies!

The Soviet Union absolutely were among the WWII military alliance known as “the Allies” which were opposed to “the Axis”. Not only that, but the Soviet Union was easily the most important Ally, and almost certainly could have won the war by itself. Both the USA and the UK faced only a fraction of the Axis forces that the Soviet Union did, and fielded military forces that were only a fraction of the forces fielded by the Soviet Union.

The Soviet Union defeated the primary Axis element, Germany, with help from the USA and the UK, but it almost certainly would have defeated Germany, Italy, and Japan without any help if the two Anglo states had stayed out of the war.

The Lesson, As Always, Is This: More than 9 times out of 10, the average individual would be best served by remembering to shut the fuck up instead of offering one’s unsolicited opinion. And that goes double for the self-styled Smart Boys.


Thus Spake Spacebunny

An SG reader reads Gab:

This comment is the written equivalent of watching someone get thrown off a roof onto concrete. You can almost hear the crunch.

MILO: For all the times I had to read “YOUR JUST JEALUOS” and sit baffled wondering what exactly I was supposed to be envying. It has been so immensely satisfying to see the same mediocre midwit screen names sulkily and silently reappear on Telegram trying to forget Jordan Peterson ever happened

WILLIAM: I suspect it’s not so much that you cannot grasp the wisdom that Peterson brings to the table as it is being contrarian simply for the sake of eliciting a response. Perhaps not textbook trolling, but certainly in the same ballpark.

SB: Imagine still falling for Peterson’s drug-induced prattle this far in.

WILLIAM: So, I’ve got two “he’s a drug addict” and one “he’s a paid-for shill” responses. I’ve been reading Dostoevsky and Solzhenitsyn recently – one of which warned his people against what we’re entering into now, and the other who lived through it and fought back against it. Peterson frequently references them, and the way he talks demonstrates a deep understanding of the evil they were fighting against – something he is committed to fighting himself. So what’s the real problem? Is he just not snide and mean enough? Is it that he’s not telling you who to hate?

SB: Wanda: To call you stupid would be an insult to stupid people. I’ve known sheep who could outwit you. I’ve worn dresses with higher IQs, but you think you’re an intellectual, don’t you, ape?

Otto: Apes don’t read philosophy.

Wanda: Yes they do, Otto, they just don’t understand it.

Congratulations – you’re Otto.

Go here and start reading – there are pages of posts dedicated to explaining to idiots like you why Peterson is an evil fraud.

I just can’t imagine how she managed to get herself kicked off Elon’s bastion of free speech… again.


The Kagan Death Cult

A single family is providing the intellectual justification, such as it is, for the neocon wars on Russia, China, and Iran. Notice that despite the fact that their policies appear to be based on an ideological foundation, their ideology du jour changes from Trotskyite to Reaganite depending upon whatever the geopolitical environment happens to be:

Donald Kagan, the patriarch of Kaganism, followed a similar intellectual trajectory to his colleagues Irving Kristol and Norman Podhoretz: Marxist academics who transformed into rabid Reaganoid Cold Warriors in response to the Soviet Union’s support for Arab nationalism and anti-Zionism in the 1960s. Donald was quite clearly in the Republican camp, though his children have dropped some of the “right-wing” elements of the neo-conservative doctrine (previously used to mobilize Evangelical Christian voting blocs) and replaced it with a unified American state ideology that is as at home in the Democratic Party as it is in the GOP.

Donald’s sons, the American Enterprise Institute’s Frederick Kagan and the Brookings Institute’s Robert Kagan, were highly influential in the George W. Bush administration through think-tanks such as the Project For A New American Century and the Foreign Policy Initiative, though today they have largely distanced themselves from the GOP following the party’s alienation of Jewish elites through Trumpification.

At PNAC, the Kagans were primarily concerned with expanding Israeli power by using the United States to topple Saddam Hussein, Bashar Al-Assad and strangling Iran, but by 2006, they grew increasingly suspicious and hostile towards Russia and China for seeking more control in how they interface with Western (read: Jewish) financial institutions and cultural values, while simultaneously choosing to pursue their own foreign policy paths independent of Pax Americana. Over time, the fears of Kaganism have been vindicated, as Russia and China have evolved from wild card United Nations votes to outright revisionist powers ready to directly confront Washington interlopers in their backyards.

The Kaganists blame the rise of China, Russia and Iran on the war and free trade weary American people, who in 2016 even managed to pressure Hillary Clinton into tactically walking back her support for the Trans-Pacific Partnership (a move that enraged Kagan). For most Americans, the nation-wrecking trade deficits (which are in truth subsidies to buy subservience), trillion-dollar wars, and mountains of body bags required to oversee a world empire are neither necessary or worthwhile for the well-being of the geographically gifted and resource rich United States.

In 2019, current Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Robert Kagan, the husband Undersecretary of State Victoria Nuland, published an editorial excoriating the “America First” message embraced by segments of both parties and reiterated the minority Jewish-held internationalist elite consensus think-tanks have been churning out for decades. According to Blinken and Kagan, a world of realism, where countries are free of Jewish minders and American blood and treasure is exclusively reserved for the benefit of American people, is a “jungle” that allows budding Hitlers (Putin), Mussolinis (Iran) and Hirohitos (China) to spread “anti-democratic” revolution against “Anglo-American” (a term Kaganists use to identify their civilizational project even as they support demographic replacement of the European stock in English-speaking country) liberal-globalist hegemony.

The central domestic political theory of Kaganism purports that liberalism is in perpetual antagonism with “populism,” (which the Kagans view as a strain of Fascism), in other words, the will of the people. The Kaganists view the democratic accountability of political leaders, self-interested (at least in the case of Gentiles) trade-offs, and the free discussion of ideas as a distraction or minor inconvenience to suppress and push through, as shown in their latest book celebrating Franklin Delano Roosevelt for deceiving the American people into fighting a world war against Germany and Japan, two countries Kagan admits never posed a security threat to the United States but had to be lured into a confrontation anyway.

It’s really fascinating to read Donald Kagan’s books, and see how he constantly shifts his positions while never, ever, questioning his core assumptions. The sophistic rhetorical appeals to redefined words misrepresenting concepts is always interesting too, although it’s so transparent that the reader will find it astonishing that it actually works on the media and a substantive portion of the population.


Literally Thoughtless

NPCs genuinely don’t have a life of the mind. When you find yourself asking someone the question “what were you thinking?” keep in mind that one of the legitimate possibilities is “literally nothing”.

I think I’m very different from most people because of one main thing. I never thought with language. Ever. I moved to Canada when I was 2 from Asia, and have been basically been around English speakers my whole life. I’m in my twenties now and I can speak it relatively well, and can understand every single word. However, growing up, I never ever thought with language. Not once did I ever think something in my mind with words like “What are my friends doing right now?” to planning things like “I’m going to do my homework right after watching this show.” I went through elementary school like this, I went through Highschool like this, I went through University like this…and I couldnt help but feel something was off about me that I couldnt put my hand on. Just last year, I had a straight up revalation, ephiphany….and this is hard to explain…but the best way that I can put it is that…I figured out that I SHOULD be thinking in language. So all of a sudden, I made a conscious effort to think things through with language. I spent a years time refining this new “skill” and it has COMPLETELY, and utterly changed my perception, my mental capabilities, and to be frank, my life. I can suddenly describe my emotions which was so insanely confusing to me before…. Since I now have this new “skill” I can only describe my past life as ….”Mindless”…”empty”…..”soul-less”….

Sadly, it appears that he is very far from alone in this regard. Consider the anecdote where half the class genuinely refuses to believe the other half’s insistence that one can think in words. Or this anecdote, which explains why memes and movies are inordinately influential:

I almost never think in language unless I actively try to, like when reading or when prompted. The flip side is I have a very vivid imagination. I never need to think things out explicitly in words because I think in visual/spatial concepts. For many years I thought the idea that people have “internal monologues” was a literary device. I didn’t think anyone actually thought in words all the time, and frankly the idea still seems weird to me.

This may sound crazy, but both science and observation make it clear that unconscious brain activity precedes conscious thought. Even my martial arts sensei used to tell us to stop thinking and trust our muscle memory, because the process of observe-decide-act was much slower than the process of react-as-trained. Often, when I was sparring at my best, I had no idea what I or my opponent were doing at the time, and we’d have to reconstruct what had happened by discussing the round afterward.

The apparent connection between wordlessness and abstract visual/spatial thinking makes me wonder if my heightened ability to see the logical – or illogical – patterns in texts may stem in part from my severe limitations with regards to spatial relations. The multilingual aspect is also intriguing, as the ability to speak a language is said to correlate highly with the unconscious use of it in one’s internal monologue as well as in one’s dreams. My high school German teacher used to tell us that you knew you had reached a comfortable conversational level in a language once you began dreaming in it, and I have found that to be true.

For example, what was once a solid conversational ability in Japanese has degraded to virtually nothing after 34 years of not speaking or hearing it. And yet, not long after I started listening to Babymetal, I was surprised to occasionally find myself making mental observations with Japanese phrases I’d regularly utilized while living in Sagamihara. The mind is truly a strange and wonderful thing.

But regardless, the extent of this wordless interior life amongst the general population underlines the importance of rhetoric, particularly visual rhetoric, as well as the strict limitations on the utility of dialectic.


Why Women Shouldn’t Lead

The Premier of Estonia demonstrates, with her fascinating example of how to view geopolitics from the perspective of a junior high school girl’s approach to boys. That’ll show that him!

UPDATE: Exhibit 2 on the subject.

Finland has officially announced its intention of joining the NATO military alliance. During a cabinet meeting on Sunday, President Sauli Niinistö and ministers “agreed that Finland would apply for membership in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO),” a government statement read.

Finnish accession to the US-led bloc would require the unanimous approval of the existing 30 member states, including Turkey, which has suggested it could veto the move. A report on Finland’s planned membership will be submitted to the national parliament once it’s endorsed at a government plenary session, the statement went on to say.

Our decision is historic. The most important thing is the safety of Finland and our citizens. The decision strengthens security and cooperation between the Nordic countries,” Prime Minister Sanna Marin said.

Nothing like committing yourself to war with Russia on someone else’s say-so to strengthen your security. This also demonstrates that there is no contradiction between evil and stupidity; for this sort of thing, large quantities of both are required.


The Problem with Twitter

The problem with Twitter is not its management, its Trust & Safety Council, or its anti-free speech policy. The problem is that MPAI (Most People Are Idiots) and social media magnifies their idiocy. Consider the following exchange on Gab, after Andrew Torba reposted my comment about Jordan Peterson and other Pied Pipers of the Right.

Elon Musk is not, and will never be, one of “the good guys”. Neither is Joe Rogan, Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro, Glenn Beck, Dennis Prager, or any other figurehead elevated and propped up by the wicked corpocracy. When will morons on the right stop falling for the same charade?

@voxday I love it when people say stuff like this then offer zero examples to back up their reasoning. And then when someone says something contrary to the OP the response is “you’re retarded.” That doesn’t make anyone believe what you’ve said; even if @a reposts your vague statement.

@rurallifemurica @a First, I’ve published an entire book exposing Jordan Peterson, and written dozens of posts documenting political frauds from Bill O’Reilly to Ben Shapiro. Literally 3 seconds of effort on your part were required, but you couldn’t even manage that. Second, since you are observably incapable of having your mind changed by information, there is absolutely no point in providing you with more detailed information. Rhetoric is all you speak, so rhetoric is all you get. Third, you’re retarded.

The fact that most people are limited to rhetorical communication and lurch from one position to another on the basis of their emotional manipulation by external sources is why social media is ultimately just another societal management tool for the elite. A recent study that paid inveterate Fox News watchers to watch CNN for an extended of period of time demonstrated, contrary to the study’s hypothesis, that the views of those watchers changed considerably in response to what is, quite literally, the programming of their minds.

Any platform that wishes to remain functional on a dialectic level will find it necessary to limit access to it, or it will rapidly descend into precisely the same morass of moronics that engulfs every popular social media platform, regardless of its orientation and policies. This is why we harbor no desire to open up either SocialGalactic or comments on other platforms to the public.

As one SGer observed, “It’s not an echo chamber. It’s a high-pass IQ filter.”


Zero Sympathy

Of my six nuclear family members, one is dead and the other was in the ER this week. Unsurprisingly, those are two of the three members of the family who are vaxxed and boosted. I’m not asking for any condolences or whatever, I’m simply pointing it out so you understand that I’m not speaking as an individual with no personal experience of family casualties when I say something that will probably sound callous and cruel to many of you. Which is this:

None of you reprehensively stupid idiots who got vaccinated deserve one single iota of sympathy from anyone if you experience an adverse effect from your submission to experimental gene therapy forced upon the world by global population reductionists. This goes 3x for those who were dumb enough to get vaccinated twice, then boosted. Karl Denninger explains:

I will say this with utter certainty: I’ve never seen an obituary page with this sort of toll among young people and given the absence of older people, who die all the time of old age, of course, the magnitude of this wave of death is quite clear.

We all know good and n well why these younger people died. “Died suddenly”, absent a car crash (which would be listed) or OD (which is sometimes not since an obit is typically not intended to shame anyone) doesn’t happen in young people on a statistical basis. Yes, young people do die — they get cancer, they die of belief they are Superman (especially common in young males) and they also, in certain demographics, have a habit of getting shot, stabbed and similar — none of which is “died suddenly”.

If you want a calibration on exactly how ridiculous this pattern of death is you can have it quite-easily. You see, there are a few people who were young and killed the usual ways young people die. A couple of motorcycle accidents. Childhood cancer and another caused by asbestos. Misfortune in the backcountry. A man convicted of a crime who killed himself before sentencing. And a Covid-19 death, an illness that got the better of the person.

But what of the rest?

You know damn well why those people are dead and death on this scale among young people has never been seen before.

You let this happen, America.

You haven’t done one damn thing to the Mayors, Governors, CEOs, “Health Departments”, so-called “Public Health” organizations such as Vanderbilt and Johns Hopkins, colleges and others who mandated these jabs, expelling and firing those who refused.

I made clear that my expectation was that while there would be a big spike in the immediate fatality rate — and there was — it wouldn’t be over after that.

And it both wasn’t — and isn’t.

You did this America.

You let them do it.

And you still are.

Take a bow.

Your child, spouse, significant other, loved one — or you — may well be next and having done the stupid thing there’s not a damn thing you can do now to stop it; that option expired when you let the original acts take place without putting a stop to it as soon as the signals on safety showed up — which, I remind you, we knew about and I wrote about before the mass campaign began and thus every bit of this was completely avoidable.

It’s not a tragedy when consequences happen to people who do stupid things. It’s just inevitable. It doesn’t matter how anyone feels about it, for better or for worse, bad things are going to happen to people who did stupid things. As my pureblood brother says, “‘suddenly’ is not a cause of death”.

I did my mourning 18 months ago, when I had to watch the majority of my acquaintances, friends, and family members ignore my warnings in favor of following the advice of people who openly advocate reducing the number of humans on the planet. To be honest, I felt worse about their abject stupidity than I did about the increased probabilities that they would eventually experience some sort of negative consequences from their submission to the satanist program.

I still hope most of them will turn out to be all right; after all, what is an average reduced lifespan of five years or so when most people are living 15 years longer than their great-grandparents? Four score and ten is all we’re promised anyhow. I’m not looking to dance on anyone’s grave or tell anyone “I told you so.” However, I’m not going to feign any shock, sorrow, or surprise when those who have done obviously stupid things experience undesirable consequences.

Get used to saying politely: “I’m sorry to hear that.” And leave it at that. What’s done is done, and there is no point in saying anything else.


It Has Always Been The Flu

The Andrew Anglin committee very patiently spells everything out for even the most retarded.

If you’ve already understood this little game you can play with the media’s “different from the flu hoax,” then I apologize for talking to you like you’re a retard, but I hope it amused you. If you still don’t understand this and are still talking about how “covid is different from the flu because you lose your sense of smell,” after reading me explain this to you for two years, then you literally are retarded, and you deserve to be talked to like a retarded person.

None of the claims that I have made have been outrageous, none of them have been disproved, all of them probably qualify as self-evident.

What we appear to have here is another “midwit crisis.”

When I tell some guy working at the Sunoco, “this is all just a big hoax – they just renamed the flu,” the standard reply is “man, that’s what I been saying!”

Meanwhile, most intelligent people on the internet have completely given up on all of this bat soup and lab leak gibberish, and have come around to agree that the alleged coronavirus is a rebranding of the flu.

This is what I have said:

It didn’t come from bat soup
It didn’t come from a laboratory
The government is openly faking the numbers
Hospitals are openly being paid by the government to fake numbers
Hospitals are being paid to put people on ventilators that kill them
It is not more deadly than the normal flu (we have no way of knowing exact numbers because of all of the fakery, but none of you know anyone who died from it)
It does not have unique characteristics that have not been recorded in previous flus
The way it was allegedly isolated is absurd, and proves nothing
The PCR test is a joke
Antibody tests pick up antibodies for the common cold, which is also a coronavirus
The widely-distributed vaccine is now causing a disease indistinguishable from “covid-19”
And, most importantly:

If the media and government wouldn’t have mentioned the existence of a new disease, no one would have noticed a new disease. That includes hospitals.

There would have been back page news stories about a flu outbreak in Italy and a malaria outbreak in India, like there are back page articles about regional disease outbreaks every year. It’s possible that papers in medical journals would have been published about differences in the 2020 flu strand, but it’s unlikely, because there are no identifiably unique characteristics of “coronavirus” in comparison with the normal respiratory viruses we’ve always had. That’s all.

The “coronavirus pandemic” is a complete creation of the government/media, and of the lying medical industrial complex, with the obvious purpose of completely restructuring global human society at rocket-pace.

They want you to stop working, they want you on a digital currency UBI system, they want to cram you into high-rise tenements where you can watch Netflix and porn until you die.

He’s generally right. There was no effective bioweapon; it is the vaccine that is the bioweapon. While there have obviously been serial attempts to manufacture a gain-of-function, disease-based bioweapon for decades, the way this scenario has played out suggests that those efforts have continued to fail and the rebranding and replacement of the flu was the result of plan F being put into play.

Even though I coined the acronym MPAI, the expansive limits of human stupidity still manage to astonish me. The way in which a substantial portion of the population actually fell for the magical “disappearance of the flu in 2020” meme will forever mark the hard boundary between “functioning mind” and “non-functioning mind” for me.

It is interesting to see the way in which “midwit” has entered the language though. I’m glad to see that other observers of the human condition are finding it to be a useful concept.


Mailvox: More Funerals

A reader writes from New Brunswick:

In our town of about 2000 people there have been 10 deaths in the last three months. My wife asked the local priest about it, he said that normally the deaths were one every two months or so. Apparently there have been 10 funerals since July. My wife asked the priest about it and he said there were younger, healthier people than normal dying, and he was concerned, but he hadn’t made the connection to the vaccines yet.

Eventually, and probably sooner rather than later, even the average midwit who has been fully vaccinated is going to make the connection. It will be interesting to see what their reaction will be, but we can be confident that whatever it is, it will be driven by fear.


The Mark of the Retarded

What part of “get off the train while you still can” is hard to understand? Or better yet, don’t get on the cursed thing.

The CEO of pharmaceutical giant Moderna says that even younger people will have to get vaccine booster shots at least once every three years, meaning that a two-tier society which punishes the unvaccinated could remain in place indefinitely.

According to Stephane Bancel, the pandemic will continue for at least another year, at which point there will be enough vaccine doses “so that everyone on this Earth can be vaccinated.”

This includes jabs for infants and booster shots for those who require them.

“Those who don’t get vaccinated will immunize themselves naturally because the Delta variant is so contagious,” said Bancel, although he went on to assert that such people would still get ill.

“You can either get vaccinated and have a good winter. Or you don’t do it and risk getting sick and possibly even ending up in hospital,” said the Moderna CEO.

Bancel says life will return to normal “in a year,” but that this will be dependent on people continuing to receive regular COVID-19 booster jabs.

The CEO said older and vulnerable people would “undoubtedly” need refresher shots at least once a year, while even younger people who face an infinitesimal chance of dying from the virus will need booster shots every three years.

They’ll need the boosters to keep themselves from dying of the vaxxes. This isn’t the Mark of the Beast. It’s the Mark of the Retarded.