Just Stay Home

Austria has imposed the most draconian lockdown yet. Several Italian governors are calling for the same. The Czech Republic and Germany are reported to be considering similar measures. Other countries may do the same in their desperation to force the vaccine-proof to submit to the insanity.

So what?

This is a sign of weakness on the part of the wicked authorities, not of strength. It is an exercise in complete futility. Nothing can be easier than outlasting the authoritarian absurdities. The coronavirus will continue to rage among the vaccinated, as they stroke out, suffer heart attacks, and die of vaccine-destroyed immune systems.

Just stay home.

You’re not going to starve. You’re not going to be unable to work. Go to the store, stock up, and lay in a good supply of books, movies, and DIY projects. Watch a Darkstream. Read Arktoons. Enjoy an afternoon coffee. Declare an early wine o’clock.

This is the easiest persecution anyone has ever suffered in human history.

Make the most of it.


The Vaccines are the Vector

This is why all of the lockdowns will inevitably fail. Although, to the extent the lockdowns protect anyone, they will protect the unvaccinated who are being locked down, because it is the vaccinated who are now the most susceptible to the virus.

This study is a bit dense — but has been peer-reviewed, and makes clear that indeed, what I hypothesized was true — and had to be, given the circumstances with Diamond Princess and elsewhere, in fact validates by scientific fact.

In summary, RTC regions like polymerase, expressed in the first stage of the viral life cycle, are highly conserved among HCoV and are preferentially targeted by T-cells in pre-pandemic and SN-HCW samples. A subset of T-cells from donors able to abort infection could cross-recognise SARS-CoV-2 and HCoV sequences at individual RTC epitopes, pointing to prior infection with HCoV as one source of pre-existing cross-reactive T-cells.

“SN-HCW” are health-care workers who were repeatedly exposed and while they did not get sick or seroconvert “(SeroNegative)” showed very rapid response to Covid-19 from cross-reaction as a result of other coronavirus exposures.

Remember that Diamond Princess only had about 20% of the population on board that got sick despite all of them being confined together over an extended period, and even more-telling, there were multiple instances where one member of a cabin pair (husband and wife, usually) got seriously ill while the other did not only not get ill they did not test positive either. This also occurred among a couple I know early in the pandemic; one (the husband) was killed by the virus, the other (the wife) never got sick.

What’s even more damning is that by May of this year about 20% of the population, according to a NEJM study that I wrote on, had seroconverted. This strongly implies that statistically everyone who could get Covid-19 and have a serious problem with already had done so.

So how is that we had a “surge” this summer and continue to see infections this fall?

It can’t happen if there are no susceptible people.

But it is.

So there are susceptible people.

How did they become susceptible when they weren’t before in any material size?

We jabbed them.

Natural herd immunity should have been reached by now. Instead, it is the vaccinated whose short-term protection has worn off that are now vulnerable to the virus. This is why it is so important to a) refuse the vaccines if you are unvaccinated, and b) refuse the boosters if you have been vaccinated.

At this point, only the people in the (b) category bear much risk from covid, but their natural immunity will gradually rebuild over time. Taking the booster will provide them with 2-4 months of short term protection, but at the cost of further reducing the strength of their immune systems plus destroying whatever remnants of natural immunity to covid they have built up.


Not At This Rate

A logical citation of the massive statistical evidence demonstrating the extreme danger presented by the Covid vaccines:

You’ll see people say that “these events happen all the time.” True, they do. For example, this death of Piermario Morosini that happened in 2012.

But they don’t happen at this rate. No way. That’s the thing nobody can explain. The vaccine advocates find this super-irritating. They have no rational excuse on this. They can’t use ad hominem attacks. They can’t use goofball hand waving arguments. Nothing.

All of these cases have been properly reported and are documented. No mentions (except one case) of vaccinations since the press doesn’t want to create vaccine hesitancy. But the numbers speak for themselves.

It shows that there have been more “events” over a recent 4-month period than in over 20 years, which is more than a 60-fold increase in event rate.

All of these are in full public view so there is no “reporting bias” involved. And the numbers are big enough that nobody can say “oh, that’s just statistical noise.” Not a chance.

We have a very clear mechanism of action and we have overwhelming confirmation from the VAERS data that these vaccines are super dangerous and cause cardiovascular and neurological severe adverse events at a very high rate. Nothing else can compare to the vaccines when we talk about heart damage. So if you believe these events really did happen (they are in plain sight after all), then you must ascribe them to the vaccine since there is nothing else all these people have in common that could causes such an extreme elevation of events.

Midwits love to say “correlation is not causation” because they think it makes them sound smart. But correlation is the first indication of causation. And a 6,428 percent increase in something after a specific input is a very, very, very strong indicator of a causal connection, especially in the absence of any other rational explanation for the increase. It isn’t conclusive proof, but it is very highly reliable evidence that the conclusive proof will be there when the matter is scrutinized.

It is also evidence that the truth is in the process of breaking through the media barrier to the public. This is why the parties responsible are desperate to start a war, any war, with pretty much anyone willing to fight the militaries under their influence, in order to change the subject.


We’re Not Locked Out By You

You’re locked out by us:

A majority of vaccinated Americans do not want unvaccinated relatives attending their holiday parties, and almost half have cut off family members over their vaccination status, according to a new poll. According to a survey of 2,000 Americans conducted by OnePoll this month, 63% of those vaccinated against Covid-19 “don’t feel comfortable” allowing their unvaccinated relatives to attend their holiday parties, while 58% have completely broken contact with family members who refuse the jab.

Around two-thirds of Americans said they felt unwelcome at family parties unless they got vaccinated first, however only 22% of unvaxxed reported being excluded from an event so far.

Almost a half of unvaccinated respondents had cut off communication with their vaccinated relatives for not respecting their decision not to get jabbed. Despite the risks of perpetual family alienation, 14% of those polled said they would never get a Covid-19 vaccine.

First, let me point out that this is ridiculous. I have no problem with any guest in my home being either vaccinated or unvaccinated, although I’d prefer to not be in too close contact with the vaccinated in the first week after their vaccination due to the known issue of shedding. While I haven’t personally experienced that particular problem, I do know one individual who has; it is a genuine problem and one that is best avoided if possible.

That being said, if a vaccinated family member cuts you off or disinvites you because you refused to sacrifice your health to the vaccine regime, don’t permit them to reestablish contact once their absurdity of their position finally becomes apparent to them. They have demonstrated what their priorities are and the true nature of their character… and you are much better off without people like that in your life.

I have never had any cause to regret cutting contact with former friends and family members after they revealed themselves to possess unacceptably flawed characters. To the contrary, life is considerably more enjoyable when one no longer feels obliged to endure the constant stream of nonsense that inevitably flows from the deceitful, the depthless, and the deranged.


Pfizer Faked the Trials Too

It wasn’t just Moderna faking the clinical trials. A group of Swedish scientists points out that the Pfizer clinical trials did not produce reliable results concerning the genetic therapy’s safety.

A Pfizer subcontractor is being accused of falsifying data, unblinding patients, hiring inadequately trained vaccinators, and failing to follow up on reported adverse reactions during the company’s Covid-19 vaccine trials.

These shocking revelations were reported in a paper published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ), revealing that the company, called Ventavia Research Group, heavily manipulated the phase III study for Pfizer’s covid vaccine during the autumn of 2020, just months before it was rushed into production and distribution.

This incriminating information was sent to the BMJ by a company whistle-blower, which in turn prompted a group of 16 Swedish doctors and researchers to circulate a petition calling on the Pfizer vaccine to no longer be administered in the Nordic country.

Sputnik News reported: “The staff who performed quality checks were reportedly overwhelmed by the amount of problems they discovered. The BMJ (study) concluded that the trial raised questions about data integrity and regulatory oversight.”

The 16 signatories of the petition called the revelations “extremely serious,” adding that the adverse reactions associated with Pfizer’s jabs are “gigantic.”

“For instance, in Sweden alone during the ten months that vaccination has taken place wholly 83,744 suspected side effects have been reported – which is more than ten times more than all side effects reported for all drugs and vaccines per year in the immediately preceding years, for a total of about 25,000 substances, the authors emphasised,” Sputnik explained.

The 16 Swedish researchers say that it is clear that Pfizer’s phase III clinical trial was “not performed in a scientifically acceptable manner.” This also means that its results “cannot be considered reliable:

We knew from the very start that the safety data would be faked and that the unsafe, ineffective gene therapies would be approved by complicit government agencies. But now the hard data is coming in to conclusively prove that was exactly what happened.

The so-called “Covid vaccines” are the biggest fraud since global warming carbon credits were invented. And isn’t it fascinating, and entirely predictable, to see how the “trust the science” crowd refuses to believe anything actual scientists doing actual science say about the gene therapies these days?

And speaking of the Swedes and trusting science, a large scientific study there has determined AZ and Pfizer !vaxxes lose their effectiveness after 2 months and have none at all after 4 months (AZ) and 7 months (Pf).


The Mystery Continues

A very health-conscious chef dies “suddenly” for no reason at all:

A celebrity chef who claimed to have invented the ‘world’s healthiest meal’ has died of a heart attack, aged 45.

Gurpareet Bains, whose fans included Hollywood star Gwyneth Paltrow, penned several superfood cookbooks.

The co-founder of Vedge Snacks, who lived in Enfield, London, was hospitalised following a heart attack last Thursday, his management have confirmed.

While he regained consciousness a day later, his kidneys failed to restart and he passed away earlier this week as a result of heart and kidney complications, his spokesman confirmed.

We don’t know for certain that it’s the vaxx… but it’s the vaxx.

UPDATE: And a 35-year-old female pop-wannabe too. Because it’s so common for women in their thirties to have heart attacks.

X Factor’s Katie Waissel, 35, in hospital after suspected heart attack


Why They Didn’t Stop the Trials

A science insider reveals how the Moderna vaccine managed to pass the human trials despite serious adverse reactions that exceeded the limit required to shut them down by a factor of more than THREE.

Last week I caught up with a friend who worked on some of the first Moderna vaccine human trials in the US. He revealed to me that it is indeed as bad as we thought it was. He had worked at a research center 6 years testing various drugs and was in charge of describing and filing reports for serious adverse reactions (SAEs). SAE’s include anything from getting hit by a bus to having an anaphylactic reaction to the drug at the center (basically any serious health event has to be recorded and investigated for any link to the clinical trial for the duration of the trial.) For a normal week, he’d have 1 or 2 SAEs to file and report. When they started the Moderna trial, within a week he was having to come in early and stay late to get through stacks of SAEs.

The normal acceptable threshold for SAEs is 5%. Once you cross that threshold, and more than 5% of your patients are reporting SAEs, you have to stop the trial and investigate for cause. Well, they had a rate of at least 16% after a few weeks. So, confused as to why the trial had not been flagged and halted, they looked into their SAE database and found that the majority of the ones they had reported to the agency responsible (I think FDA) were missing.
They called said agency and were told that there were a high volume of SAEs being reported from multiple centers, so they were going through and removing the “irrelevant ones.” They claimed that the state of the pandemic warranted an unconventional approach to research. Obviously this is insane, even to the trusting individuals my friend worked with so the head of his clinic called a conference of the other 20 or so sites in that region and they all were having the same experience. In other words, this wasn’t a fluke.

Things eventually got so bad that my friends’ boss told the company he was contracted with that he was going to discontinue the trial because people were having so many SAEs including seizures, clots, myocarditis, death, etc. The contracting company told him that he was obliged to finish the trial, from what I gather because the official number of SAEs was below the 5% threshold. Friend’s boss said “go take a hike, I quit.” Walked away from his head job at the research center where he made millions.

There is obviously conclusive documentary and testimonial evidence that pharmaceutical executives knew from the start that the substances they were producing were going to be injuring and killing people. And it’s quite clear that all of the relevant government agencies involved in the approval process must have known it too, or they wouldn’t have actively participated in disappearing the documentation that proved the vaccines were incredibly unsafe.

Of course, the mere fact that these genetic therapies were being aggressively pushed on the public by global depopulationists who want to reduce the human population by as much as 90 percent should have been your first clue to reject them.

UPDATE: This is an example of an SAE that was almost certainly deemed “irrelevant” during the Pfizer trials.

Safe and Effective… for global depopulation!

Did You Get a Hot Shot?

An explanation of how the vaccinated can see if the vaccine lot from which they received their shot was one of the hot ones or not. This is important, because ALL of the reported Pfizer deaths come from just 5 percent of the lots.

1) Go to: wonder.cdc.gov/vaers.html
2) Read the disclaimer and click “I agree” at the bottom of the page.
3) Click on “VAERS Data Search”
4) Scroll down to section 3. Enter in your vaccine lot number. For instance, a friend got ER8727 which left him sick for over a week. Click “Send” on one of the section divider bars.

The author recommends looking this up before you get vaccinated against Covid. Even better, don’t get vaccinated at all.

Perhaps God Will Show Them Mercy

Because I doubt the people who have been victimized by the vaccinators will:

The unprecedented numbers of babies that he and other morticians are dealing with are matched only by the excessive number of younger people in their 30s and 40s who have been dying since the Covid injection rolled out, he says.

When the pandemic first began the mortuaries saw a flurry of deaths which, in a few months, calmed down, even though media continued to hype Covid deaths. There was an uptick in suicides in the summer of 2020 in mostly younger men, but when autumn 2020 came, everything was rather quiet.

And then, he said, “Come January [2021] the numbers were going through the roof … and that’s since people were being vaccinated.” Now he’s having the most funerals he’s ever seen in a period of two weeks, and in younger people, he’s averaging about 12 “in one go,” when before the Covid injection he would see only “four or five funerals going, not 12, and not all in that age group.”

And now, he says, what he’s seeing is a lot of new-born babies … “really high, about 30” when he’s used to seeing only three or four. In other words, about 10 times the number of new born babies are dying than he normally would see — so many they’re having to keep them in the adult section, where there’s more room. “Obviously they’re either miscarried or full-term births, but not a lot is being said about it,” he says.

We’ll know the end of the pandemic and the vaccine craze is approaching when the first doctor or scientist or pharma executive is murdered by a family member of one of their victims. People are already beginning to ask questions. And although they’re being put off with one evasion after another, they’re not going to be very happy when they finally get the truthful answers.

Because trying to blame all the vaccine deaths on an increasingly less-lethal Covid virus to which most people now have a natural immunity isn’t going to hold up much longer despite the media’s best efforts to preserve the Narrative.

The morgue at Bucharest’s University Emergency Hospital in Romania’s capital is struggling to cope with an additional number of bodies that need processing amid a rapid, deadly surge of COVID-19 cases which has all but crippled the country’s ailing health care system.

Morgues in Romania struggle with pandemic dead, 9 November 2021