The Gun, She Smokes

Of all the words we recollect,
The most frightening are these:
Denninger was correct!

Project Veritas publishes DARPA papers that confirm what Karl Denninger has been repeatedly telling everyone about Covid-19 and the fraudulent vaccines since February 2020.

What I’ve maintained all along is in in official government-documented form:

The virus was man-made. Ecohealth tried to get funding through DARPA and was told to go to Hell because it violated the constraint on gain-of-function research. Fauci didn’t give a **** and his part of the NIH funded it.

There were people in both China and here in the US (along with presumably other nations) who were involved. They all knew damn well what happened and all of them have lied for the last 2+ years about it.

The governments involved all knew before the shots were released that they were dangerous and would become worthless. They knew that natural infection did not, in most cases, carry the same risk because the virus never gets into the bloodstream but there is no way to avoid that risk with an injection. We now know this factually from clinical experience (and in fact knew in the early part of 2020) — viremia does not happen in other than severe and fatal cases.

The governments also knew that Covid-19 itself was not dangerous most of the time to healthy individuals and they knew why. It was deliberately engineered that way in an attempt, this paper alleges, as an experiment to be inoculated intentionally into bats in an attempt to see whether doing so could cut off future zoonotic events. Whether the experiment went wrong by accident or intent is not known, but that it was taking place and both our government and China knew about it, along with knowing that it should not be very dangerous to most people is now established as fact. So why all the histrionics ginned up worldwide continuing to this day?

The experiment went bad and if you knew why it went bad and who was involved in it you might conclude there really is a valid reason to get rid of every single government agency and individual involved. Unlike “conspiracy theories” that are flat-out crap its not crazy to contemplate doing that either, especially given the death toll. It was evident within weeks that medically frail people were going to get buttraped by this thing and thus if the government told the truth the pitchforks might well come out since they actually created this ****ing monster and it wasn’t just China – it was also the United States Government that did it and several institutions within this nation were intimately involved as well.

Oh by the way the same documents also contain evidence that the Government knew both HCQ and Ivermectin were effective against the virus by April of 2020. How many people died that were denied access to safe drugs that our government had every reason to believe worked?

The propaganda machine hasn’t been shut down yet, but the Narrative is officially shattered.


The Vaxx Nazis Back Down

Germany “delays” its vaccine mandate:

Germany’s plans to impose nationwide compulsory vaccination against Covid-19 likely won’t come to fruition any time soon, not due to lack of will but because of bureaucratic hurdles, media reports suggest.

In November, then-designated chancellor Olaf Scholz told Germany’s ZDF broadcaster that he expected a nationwide vaccination mandate to be introduced by February or March. Now, however, the regulation might not be in force until May or even June, the Tagesspiegel daily reported.

The delay is not a sign that Scholz’s government is any less determined to see Germans vaccinated but is merely due to a series of bureaucratic hurdles, the paper said.

These vaccine mandates are not going to be imposed or enforced. Mostly, I suspect, because the politicians want to live. They push-push-pushed to discover where the hard red lines were drawn, and they have ascertained that there are hundreds of millions of people who will quite literally kill anyone who tries to forcibly vaccinate them. And they are right to take that position, as both bodily integrity and self-defense are basic human rights that any self-respecting human being will defend at any cost.

I think the people of Europe have shown remarkable restraint to date in not turning on their idiot leaders. But it’s not early 2020 anymore and now everyone with even half-a-brain recognizes that the vaxxes are unsafe, ineffective, and unnecessary.


They Simply Forgot

Of course, the BBC also forgot to warn its viewers and listeners about Vaccine Enhanced Infection.

BBC News “forgot” to tell you that official data shows the Triple/Double Vaccinated accounted for 4 in every 5 Covid-19 Deaths in December.

Imagine how bad that chart would look if it compared all-cause deaths between the two populations instead of just the Covid-19 deaths. Because as unsafe and ineffective as this chart proves the vaxxes to be, it leaves out the heavy toll that is being caused by their adverse affects.

Literally every argument for the Covid vaxxes has proven to be false. They don’t provide immunity. They are not safe. They don’t prevent hospitalization. And now it has been demonstrated that they now increase a Covid patient’s chance of dying.


Exponential Damage

Karl Denninger observes that the risk of myocarditis from the mRNA contained in the Pfizer and Moderna vaxxes appears to grow exponentially with the mRNA contained.

I noted that the original myocarditis data, which was claimed to be “rare”, contained what looked like an indicator of exponential damage. That is, the second jab was much more likely than the first to produce trouble in that regard.

Well, now it gets worse.

As is apparent from a very large study group in Britain, the data continues to show that series is valid but also has a much-more troubling aspect to it, in that it appears that the Moderna jabs are worse than the Pfizer ones. This is important because much more mRNA is in the Moderna jabs. Further, the exponential factor appears to be a doubling with each dose for the Pfizer shots, which means the risk is a power function and not linear, and the fact that now we have booster data and the series has continued means the risk does not bleed off back to baseline over time.

We don’t know with the Moderna jabs when it comes to boosters as there were not enough boosters given to get statistical power.

But the second shot showed sixteen times the risk from baseline instead of four for Pfizer.

The ugly news is that the Pfizer jabs are 30ug of mRNA each. Moderna’s are 100ug. So two Pfizers is 60ug total for a 4x increase, where two Modernas is 200ug total for a 16x increase. In other words for Pfizer its about 15ug/step, where for Moderna its 12.5ug/step.

That’s pretty close statistically and implies there is a direct dose-response relationship, the relationship is exponential rather than linear and the issue is not related to the process used by each manufacturer either, which means this isn’t manufacturer-specific.

Exponential is not a word you want to hear when health-related topics are being discussed. Don’t vaxx. Don’t boost. Live long, propagate, and prosper.

UPDATE: It’s not just the British scientists who are reaching worrisome conclusions about the relationship between the mRNA vaccines and myocarditis.

There is a significant increase in the risk of acute myocarditis/pericarditis following Comirnaty vaccination among Chinese male adolescents, especially after the second dose.


French Revolution 2.0

I feel like I finally understand the fury of the French revolutionaries. Emmanuel Macron makes Marie de Antoinette look like a beloved woman of the people by comparison.

Emmanuel Macron denounced France’s 5 million unvaccinated as “non-citizens” and vows: “I really want to piss them off. And so we will continue to do so, to the bitter end. That’s the strategy.” (Le Parisien)

UPDATE – President Macron doubles down on attack on France’s unjabbed: “I stand by my earlier comments,” he said as he hosted EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen.

First of all, there are more than 5 million unvaccinated French citizens in France. A LOT more. Second, his comments are particularly obnoxious given the way in which Africans, Arabs, and the literal flotsam of the Third World have been cheerfully welcomed to invade France at the expense of the French citizenry.

The French people hated Macron before the whole fake pandemic began. The Yellow Vest protests long preceded the Covid shutdowns and the vaccine mandates. Which is why I tend to doubt that Kazakhstan will be the only revolution to take place in 2022.


Trump DQs Himself

It was bad enough that he failed to cross the Rubicon and that he abandoned his supporters who marched to the capital at his urging, but it is his continued support for the vaccine fraud that has transformed the erstwhile God-Emperor into a squirming proto-sandworm:

During an appearance at a Bill O’Reilly ‘History Tour’ event in Dallas, the former president  claimed success in expediting the creation of Covid vaccines through Operation Warp Speed, a program he created that provided billions of dollars in government funding and cut the drug’s approval time down from the usual six or seven years to one.

“We did something that was historic,” Trump boasted before the crowd. “We got a vaccine done.” When he later admitted he had not only been vaccinated twice, but had got a booster, he was booed by some of his erstwhile supporters. 

While Trump tried to play down the booing as representing only a “very tiny number,” O’Reilly reported that the former president called him after the event, and needed consoling.

“I said ‘This is good for you, this is good that people see another side of you, not a political side,’” the former Fox News anchor said. “‘You told the truth, you believe in the vax, your administration did it, and you should take credit for it…’”

Then Trump gave a softball interview to Candace Owens, which he used to double down on his support for vaccines in what appeared to be an attempt to persuade his supporters to go along with him on the issue and credit him for the success of the immunization campaign. READ MORE: We Americans are now in a cold civil war

“The vaccine is one of the greatest achievements of mankind… I came up with a vaccine – with three vaccines – all are very, very good. The vaccines work,” he pleaded. “The ones that get very sick and go to the hospital are the ones that don’t take their vaccine… If you take the vaccine you’re protected. Look, the results of the vaccine are very good, and if you do get [Covid], it’s a very minor form. People aren’t dying when they take the vaccine.” 

Trump concluded by claiming, “I’m a big fan of the vaccine. I’m not going to give that up. That’s a great achievement… Millions and millions of lives I’ve saved.”

No, it’s not good for him. And he’s not going to give it up. Which is why we’ve finally had to give him up. He was a great President, genuinely the greatest U.S. President since Andrew Jackson, but his management skills, nepotism, and negotiator’s instincts failed him in the end.

That doesn’t mean he can’t win election in 2024, although the failure to successfully address the 2020 fraud may do so. For all we know, his continued support of the vaccine regime may be the price he is paying in order to return to the presidency. But if he does, it is unlikely that his second term will be as successful as his first.


Shoot Any Booster

The new Vaxx Trax track is going to do numbers. Listen to it here.

I will not fail nor falter I shall vaccine
My genetics are altered I do perceive
Science so strong now nothing shall cause me doubt
Firm injection perfection there’s no way out

I can shoot shoot shoot any booster
I can shoot shoot shoot any booster
I can shoot shoot shoot any booster

I jab so hard injecting I fly so high
DNA is evolving to amplify
I feel no fear to be here there is no pain
Burning brightly like acid inside my veins

Well you know that any vaxx is capable of boosting
Pfizer and the new generation are improving
You can be what you want to be
Shoot a one shoot a two then you boost a three
Whatever kind, we max the vaxx
Then take it all the way and wax the trax
With delivery smooth like clotter from a juicer
That’s why I can shoot any booster

I will not stop nor slow down I shall mutate
Transform into something beyond love or hate
Trusted science and now I’m no longer flawed
This is what it feels like to become a god

I can shoot shoot shoot any booster
I can shoot shoot shoot any booster
I can shoot shoot shoot any booster


The Narrative Shatters

Young women are beginning to lie and claim that they are NOT vaccinated for fear of losing out on higher status men:

Everyone was told that those who did not get the jab would regret it, but now it seems that the opposite is true. In a startling reversal, women who have had the COVID vaccine are being shunned in the dating scene by potential partners due to issues with possible birth defects and infertility.

Women in New York have started lying about their vaccination status because of widespread perception among men that they are infertile or will bear children with birth defects. One man, who wants to remain anonymous, said:

“In clubs, they claim they’re NOT vax’d. They say things like ‘Oh COVID is bullshit‘ or ‘I don’t want to try this new experimental shot‘. However, after going out with them several times, the women finally admit they took the vax . . . and watch as most potential husbands leave them almost on the spot.”

This isn’t even remotely surprising. Purebloods are are on average healthier and more attractive than the sort of people who are either paranoid about health issues or stupid enough to fall for mass media propaganda – look at how it was Gamma males who eagerly embraced their self-appointed status as Heroes of the Pandemic – and why would any self-respecting Pureblood man wish to risk the possibility of adverse birth effects on his progeny from the mutated and mutilated genetics of a vaccinated Mudblood whore?

This is why the dating and social media services are attempting to block vaccine-related segregation. They know it will underline the socio-sexual desirability of the unvaxxed.


Better Odds at Auschwitz

Karl Denninger points out that US hospitals are incredibly efficient at killing Covid patients:

Tennessee publishes Covid case, hospitalization and death data on a daily basis — by county.

Sevier County has one hospital, so there is exactly one place to aim your ire when it comes to their results vis-a-vis Covid-19. Since it is part of Covenant Health that entire corporate entity and every other medical edifice that is a part of same down to every affiliated physician office shares every bit of responsibility involved here.

On 7/1/2021 306 people had gone to said hospital for since it started and of them 186 had left in a box, for a total of 60.1% slaughtered. The deliberate refusal to offer any sort of early treatment is reasonably chargeable to these bastards, and all of the outcomes of the hospitalizations are, of course. This death percentage is wildly higher than that of other hospitals all over the country and it is highly unlikely that is a “mere coincidence.”

You see, as of 12/29/2021 Sevier County’s single hospital had recorded 465 people in the hospital with 332 leaving in a box, for a total slaughter percentage of 71.4% since this crap began. In other words their record has gotten worse over time with more than a year of experience in this disease, not better.

But it gets really nasty when one does a bit of subtraction and only considers those who got the Coof in the last six months of 2021. You see 159 souls on or since 7/1/2021 had stupidly not shoved a gun up the nose of their doctor immediately upon being diagnosed with -19 and demanded some form of early treatment such as, for example, IMASK+. Nope, they allowed said murderous ** to tell them to go home and eat chicken soup instead and some of them, arguably as a direct result in many cases, wound up in the hospital.

Of those 159 souls who failed to force their physician to actually practice medicine instead of being a money-grubbing ** 146 of them, or an astounding 91.8% left in a box.

Now perhaps you can explain how you can call a place a “medical facility” with this sort of record? And perhaps you can find some rational explanation for this outcome, given that essentially all the really old people who were most-susceptible either got Covid and died or got vaccinated and were allegedly “protected” prior to July 1st of 2021 for this outcome other than the corporate entities involved realizing that they got away with maximizing revenue which just happened to kill the patient and thus did a hell of a lot more of that in the back half of 2021.

If you can find such an explanation in a world where “vaccines are free” and are “both safe and effective” please let me know what it is. I’m waiting.

I’ll bet you had better odds of survival at Auschwitz!

And he’d win that bet. From

Of the 400 thousand prisoners registered in the camp, 200 thousand people died there. They included almost 100 thousand Jews, 64 thousand Poles, 21 thousand Roma, 14 thousand Soviet prisoners of war and more than 10 thousand prisoners of other nationalities.

And whether you buy into the current Holocaustian dogma or not, the easily verifiable fact is that there was a better chance of walking alive out of Auschwitz concentration camp than there is from some US hospitals if admitted there for Covid treatment.