48 Facts Against the Vaxx

The list of the damning facts that comprehensively destroy the Covid vaccine narrative established by the government-media-science complex is growing. Read the whole list there.

Here is my list of over 40 indicators that the “safe and effective” narrative is falling apart.

It is a devastating list.

And for some reason, nobody wants to fact check me on it.

1. The vaccine deaths are now simply too massive to keep hiding/explaining them away:

Non-Covid excess deaths: why are they rising? Experts call for probe as mortality rates in England and Wales climb despite drop in coronavirus deaths

Excess deaths are on the rise – but not because of Covid

Office for National Statistics data leads health experts to call for urgent investigation into what is causing the excess mortality

England: Excess Deaths on the Rise But NOT because of COVID – Experts Call for Investigation

There is a 163% rise in life insurance claims at Lincoln National. They are the fifth largest insurance company in the US. The increase is huge. That’s not a 63% increase. It’s 163% increase, almost a tripling of the death rate. That isn’t COVID. COVID doesn’t kill anywhere close to that number of people. We are looking at the biggest killer in history and nobody can figure out what it is! Watch this video. You will never see a story on this on mainstream media; they ignore it. Note, part of the claims increase is due to premium increases (adding new clients).

Life insurance companies in countries all over the world are reporting record numbers of excess deaths. These are not “statistical fluctuations.” The deaths are all caused by a huge intervention that is affecting the health of millions of people. And it’s all new. Nothing like this ever happened before 2021. Nothing of this magnitude has EVER happened in their history (which goes back over 100 years).

2. Even John Campbell, who is pro-vaccine, admits that a troubling number of unexplained excess deaths are not just happening in the UK:

They are happening worldwide. Just listen to the first 30 seconds of this video. Of course, the CDC isn’t investigating anything even though American life insurance companies are reporting deaths that are off-the-charts. The CDC is NEVER going to investigate this. It’s bigger than COVID and they know full well what it is. That’s why they are NOT going to investigate and The NY Times is NEVER going to fault them for this. After all, it’s only the biggest medical cause of death in our history.

3. The overall shift in the cause of death from respiratory to cardiac is impossible to ignore and can’t be explained if the vaccines are “safe and effective.”

A friend of mine who lives in Massachusetts noticed this after he made a FOIA request for the death records in Massachusetts. He looked at the ICD-10 coded causes of deaths and noticed that the causes of deaths shifted from primarily “J codes” (respiratory due to COVID) to “I codes” (circulatory due to the vaccine). Now we learn that the exact same thing happened in the UK in 2021 according to official UK government numbers. This is a huge effect and there must be a cause, but the health authorities are simply baffled and cannot explain it (because they are not permitted to blame the vaccine since that would make everyone look bad). It’s safe to say that such a shift has never happened before in history. Clearly, something new happened starting in 2021 that affected massive numbers of people worldwide. I wonder what that might have been? Health authorities simply cannot come up with a single thing that was new in 2021.


Seriously, if you got vaxxed, you’re retarded.

Look, I’m sorry that you did it, I’m even sorry if that offends you, but the increasingly obvious fact is that you permanently damaged your health because you were stupid enough to take the word of a) a bunch of confirmed liars (aka the media), b) a profession whose track record is literally worse than a coin flip (aka the scientists), and c) elite global depopulationists who want to reduce the human population by 93.75 percent (aka Bill Gates and the Society of People You REALLY Don’t Want Babysitting Your Children.)

And if you encouraged your children to get vaxxed, you’re retarded squared. Cubed if they were pre-pubescent and under absolutely zero risk from Covid in the first place. Furthermore, you’ve probably pretty much guaranteed that they’re going to hate you for the rest of your reduced lifespan once they realize what you did to them in your retardery.

Maybe there is a way to reduce or undo the circulatory damage done by the vaxx. I certainly hope there is, for everyone’s sake. But in the meantime, for the love of everything that is good and beautiful and true in your life, STOP MAKING IT WORSE!


Human Fertility Fall

The continued decline in births on Taiwan island continue to indicate the probability that the vaxx has significantly reduced human fertility.

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote an article based on the shocking news that Taiwan’s birth rate in May 2022 fell by 23.34% compared to May 2021. This is a continuation of my post from yesterday about a massive 13% decline in births in Germany. Such a decline is a nine-sigma event, meaning that it is so unlikely to occur by chance, that it would naturally happen as rarely as an asteroid striking the Earth…

I explained that in terms of statistics, the change in Taiwan is an unthinkable 26-sigma event of enormous magnitude. Like most people would, I was hoping, despite evidence from other countries, that this is a data fluke. Well, it is not, and the data for June was just released in Taiwan. I am very upset.

The birth rate in Jun 2022 is down by -27.66%. This is far worse than the previous month (May) drop of -23.34% and indicates a worsening birth rate trend.

It’s not an accident that so many pregnant women are miscarrying, that the number of still births have increased, or that the number of infants dying soon after birth is on the rise. While the connection of declining human fertility to the vaxx is still correlative rather than definitively causal, the correlation is now strong enough that it must be reasonably assumed to be causal, at least until we begin to see even a modicum of evidence to the contrary.

The lesson, as always, is this: never inject or ingest a substance that is advocated by global depopulationists.


Post-Western Humanity

ITEM: Up to one-in-five female vaxxed may be sterile.

What’s worse is that if it is persistent the damage is obviously long-lasting and might be permanent — catastrophically so for those who took the shots. One in five, roughly, is nasty beyond anyone’s worst imagination. Indeed, over the space of a decade or two it will collapse entire societies and governments by very-effectively destroying enough of the next generation that earnings, tax collections and thus government funding will all be ruined with no hope of redemption or reversal for 20+ years — a generation.

ITEM: There is a 3.7% rate of myocarditis in our latest survey of vaccinated Americans.

That’s a rate that is 536 times higher than the highest value the CDC told us. They assured us that there was just a “slightly elevated risk” of myocarditis from the vaccine. They never told us that we’re seriously injuring 3.7% of the people being vaccinated. This new number explains why hospitals are seeing so many cases of myocarditis.

Even if the neoliberal world order wasn’t collapsing under the pressure of the Sino-Russian alliance, the various nations of the West are not going to be demographically strong enough, or healthy enough, to maintain their historic global dominance.


Another Convenient Death

One of the men responsible for permitting the January 6 theater has died a very timely death of Suddenly.

The man in charge of protecting the Senate during the Capitol riot has died just a day before the Committee investigating the attack was set to reveal new evidence in a surprise session.

Michael Stenger, 71, was the Sergeant at Arms of the Senate on the day of the attempted insurrection. He resigned amid criticism he had failed to react effectively to the building being overrun. His sudden death on Monday came the same day an unexpected additional hearing of the committee investigating the riot was announced.

The surprise meeting will ‘present recently obtained evidence and receive witness testimony.’

In February 2021, Stenger told the Senate Homeland Security Committee that the role of ‘professional agitators’ needed to be investigated.

He said: ‘There is an opportunity to learn lessons from the events of January 6.

‘Investigations should be considered as to funding and travel of what appears to be professional agitators.

In other words, the globalists are still trying to prop up their false “insurrection” narrative and they’re not about to permit those who know everything about the FBI involvement in it to tell the truth about it. This is why taking the ticket is such a short-sighted and foolish thing to do. The ticket masters won’t even hesitate to sacrifice their servants in order to protect their lies and their projects.

What this sudden death helps further confirm for us, by the veriphysical principle of Informative Coincidence, is the probability that the January 6 Insurrection was staged for reasons that we do not yet know.

There is an additional benefit of the vaxx that should be noted here. Now literally any Covid-vaccinated individual can be terminated in a variety of ways and no one will dare to ask any questions about the actual cause of death.


Depopulation: Vaccine Edition

The vaxx has led directly to a 10 percent drop in the number of live births in Germany. Expect similar declines in every other Globalist satrapy, including the United States. And if the effects on fertility are as negative as some scientists have speculated, the number of live births will continue to decline.

UPDATE: Similar 10-12 percent declines have been observed in the UK, North Dakota, and Switzerland. But the worst case observed to date is in Taiwan, where the government announced “the birth rate dropped by 23.24% in May 2022, compared to May 2021.”


The Inversion Identifier

As I’ve observed in the past, you can accurately identify the wicked by their inevitable inversions. Even more usefully, you can reliably identify the evil position that the wicked have taken, and thereby make better decisions with regards to related matters, in light of those inversions. Consider Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s two contradictory positions on bodily autonomy.

Vaccines are the best way to finish the fight against COVID-19. That’s why we will make vaccines mandatory for anyone boarding a plane or train, or any federally-regulated worker. This is how we will keep everyone, including our kids, safe and healthy.

  • Justin Trudeau, 27 August 2021

No government, politician, or many should tell a woman what she can or cannot do with her body. I want women in Canada to know that we will always stand up for your right to choose.

  • Justin Trudeau, 24 June 2022

The “My Body, My Choice” rhetoric in support of a nonexistent right to abortion has always been nonsensical. In most legal jurisdictions, a woman has no right to put certain substances inside her body, drive with certain quantities of legal substances inside her body, place her body in certain specified locations, or charge other individuals for hourly access to her body. This has been true for decades, if not centuries, and with the occasional exception of the latter example, no one seriously attempts to dispute these laws on the grounds of bodily autonomy.

But the obvious contrast with the vaccine mandates is simply too recent and too stark for the pro-choice advocates to get any traction at all with a resort to their historical rhetoric. I suspect that’s why we’re mostly hearing it from female entertainers and a few low-wattage politicians like Trudeau rather than the narrative-reinforcing propaganda corps, because the massive government invasion of bodily autonomy inherent in the vaccine mandates has had the unintended effect of auto-neutralizing the abortion rhetoric.

As Ian Miller notes on Outkick:

It’s nothing new for politicians and public health authorities to be hypocritical. But their ability to blatantly disregard the principles of bodily autonomy and personal control over health decisions just a few months ago means it’s impossible to take them seriously now.


You Don’t Say

The vaxx trials for children have not gone well. This didn’t stop the CDC from recommending it. It appears the monsters are seeking to find another way to sacrifice children to their evil god now that abortion “rights” are no more.

ITEM: There were no cases of severe COVID illness in either the vaccine or placebo group.

ITEM: There were more overall hospitalizations (unspecified) in the vaccine group. Out of a total of 7 children requiring hospitalization, 6 were in the vaccine group and 1 was in the placebo group.

ITEM: The vaxxes were associated with a 370% increased risk of getting COVID-19.

ITEM: CDC Director Rochelle Walensky announced a new recommendation to vaccinate all 20 million children 6 months to 5 years of age.

Both vaxxes are unsafe, inversely effective, and unnecessary, so naturally the CDC is endorsing it.


A World That Hates Truth

Dr. Vernon Coleman explains what is in store for everyone who dares to publicly refute the Narrative:

My early books such as ‘The Medicine Men’ and ‘Paper Doctors’, (both published in the 1970s) were widely praised in the national press. The Guardian newspaper bought serial rights for the first and published a huge extract. The BBC made a programme about it.

During the 1970s and early 1980s, while working as a GP, I worked a good deal for both broadsheet and tabloid newspapers and for national TV stations. I wrote numerous columns and made several thousand TV and radio programmes. And I wrote a host of books which were mostly very well received and reviewed – appearing in the best-seller lists around the world. I was sued and served with injunctions and so on but probably no more than most authors.

My medical career came to an end in the 1980s when I was fined by the NHS because I refused to put diagnoses on sick notes. I felt that maintaining patient confidentiality was important. I resigned as a GP, though my protest resulted in a change in the regulations.

But then, at the end of the 1980s, there was a not very subtle change in the way the establishment treated original thinking: anyone who questioned the ‘official’ line was either actively suppressed or attacked. Any questioning of vaccination or vivisection, for example, drew violent attacks from the medical establishment and, in particular, from the pharmaceutical industry…

Privately and professionally, sharing the truth in 2020 was the worst thing I ever did. It has brought me and my beloved, hard-working and constantly loyal wife nothing but personal and professional pain. It has taken up nearly every minute of my life for two years.

The aim of the attacks was not, simply to destroy me – it was to stop people listening to anything I said, or reading anything I wrote. Before March 2020 I had many millions of readers around the world. I wonder how many I have left now. Precious few, I suspect. How do people know that the word ‘discredited’, plucked out of thin air and applied to my name by Google, is just a libel and not a fact? How many know that the ASA which is quoted is a private organisation funded by advertisers?

I was expelled from the Royal Society of Arts because ‘of my views and my recent involvement in the BBC Panorama programme’. That’s what they said. This seemed to me to be a bit like arresting someone because they’d been mugged. (I was never invited to appear on the programme they mentioned. The BBC boasts that it won’t ever give airtime to those questioning vaccination ‘whether they’re right or wrong’.)

The abuse on social media grew and grew. It isn’t normal, unpleasant social media abuse. It is a campaign of suppression and oppression, decorated with malicious lies, and threats (including death threats) invented to help keep the truth suppressed.

If my videos or articles are put on sites such as YouTube by other people they are taken down within minutes.

Someone watches everything I do. In May 2022, a publisher working outside the UK and the US finally produced an English language paperback version of my thrice banned book Covid-19: The Greatest Hoax in History. I mentioned the book’s publication on my website. Within hours the publisher’s PayPal account was closed making it difficult for him to sell books by mail order. He then opened another payment account with a different company and, almost immediately, that account was also closed…

I tell you all this to show just how bad things have become, how the truth is suppressed and how whistle-blowers and truth-tellers are mercilessly and ruthlessly demonised.

Satan and his servants absolutely hate the truth as well as those who tell it. This is because they hate and fear the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and even those who don’t consciously and willingly serve Jesus Christ are doing so every single time they refute one of the myriad of satanic lies that presently engulf our fallen world.

But this demonization of truth-tellers is little more than psychological projection of a false narrative constructed by those who are literally oppressed by demons, whose minds are clouded and whose eyes are blinded by the very forces they serve, knowingly or not. And while there is someone watching everything that everyone does – there are actually two levels of surveillance, the material Panopticon of which Charles Stross and AC write as well as the spiritual witnesses described by Epictetus and Jesus Christ- there is One who is much greater watching the watchers, who will judge them for their crimes against good men like Dr. Coleman.

So don’t cry and curse your fate when evils great and small target you for harassment or attempt to harm you and make your life more difficult. It’s an honor, a distinction, and a testimony that you have been effective in your service of the Creator of the Good, the Beautiful, and the True. Even if history doesn’t remember that, one can reasonably hope that God will.


Are You Really THAT Stupid?

Karl Denninger appears to have finally run out of patience with the “safe and effective” crowd.

I get it. Nobody wants to admit they were full of crap, especially when it might mean something really bad is coming. Like what happened to both Justin Bieber and his wife. What are the odds two young people both get fucked by “rare” side effects that are in fact linked to the jabs and its not the jab that’s responsible? If the odds of a “random” hit from such events are 1 in 100,000 for someone of these ages in a given year for both of them to get hit in the same year by said “random” events has roughly a one in a billion chance — in other words you’re more likely to win the Powerball and not by a little either.

Surrrrrrre that was random.

The Biebers are not the only ones. The multiple re-infection list is so long among politicians and celebrities you can’t even count it anymore. Never mind the young people dropping like flies of things that almost never get young people. Sure, it does happen that young people “thud” from time to time; I knew someone who fell over from a congenital heart defect he didn’t know he had in his early 30s, and he was the jock’s jock too. But when that happens, at least historically, they always go look for the cause at autopsy and in basically every case find it too.

That’s not being done now, is it? Nope.

Let me know when you wake the fuck up.

Until then you can fuck off, especially if you’re one of the assholes who did, or still is, pushing this crap on people. If you formerly were but recant and accept just punishment for every person harmed as a result of your “advice” or worse, fine — but not until. The evidence is that this crap not only doesn’t work it’s dangerous besides. I mean c’mon man — not everyone who uses fentanyl dies, right? Does that mean you should use some today? The NY Health Department claims “safe” fentanyl use is “empowering”, I remind you and they’re the same group of fuckfaces who has been pushing these shots on everyone, including children.

You really are that stupid, aren’t you?

You really will let them kill you — and your kids — won’t you?

The massive increase in “overdose” deaths is no more a mystery than all of the Suddenly deaths. The vaxx weakened the recipients hearts, and now people are dying of drug doses and exercise strains that previously would not have killed them. You’d have to be statistically ignorant to fail to note the obvious strong correlations.

Literally everyone was warned, repeatedly, before the vaccines were even made available to the public, and was told that it would be foolish, pointless, and potentially deadly to take them. And although it never made any sense whatsoever to inject one single child with the vaxx, now the stupidity of the fathers and mothers will be visited on millions of those unfortunate children.

I wonder how the children of the Vaxxed are going to feel about their parents? I expect it will make the Boomer hate of Gen/X and the Millennials look rather tame by comparison.


The Tragedy of Suddenly

Not even the families of national politicians are safe from Suddenly. It appears at least one daughter of one Congressman (D-IL) didn’t get the saline:

Democratic U.S. Rep. Sean Casten’s 17-year-old daughter, Gwen, died Monday morning at the family’s Downers Grove home, his office and police announced.

Downers Grove police went to the Casten home about 6:50 a.m. Monday after receiving a call about an unresponsive teen, the department said in a news release. Gwen was dead, first responders determined, and the DuPage County coroner’s office was called. Her death is under investigation.

Casten’s office released a brief statement Monday night. “The Casten family requests privacy, and we will be issuing no further comment during this heartbreaking time,” the statement said, in part. A spokesman for Casten, who serves the 6th District and is seeking reelection this year, declined to comment further.

A recent Downers Grove North High School graduate, Gwen Casten was an honor roll student and an Illinois State Scholar. She was active with the Downers Grove North Empowerment Club and the student newspaper, the Omega.

Last year, she and her father wrote about the Jan. 6, 2021, riot at the U.S. Capitol for the Omega.

Gwen also was a leader with the student-led March For Our Lives gun control group.

As always, while we don’t know it was the vaxx, it was the vaxx.

And we’ve now reached the point at which, instead of mocking purebloods, wishing death upon us, and dismissing our observations and logic as groundless conspiracy theory, the vaxxed are both afraid of Suddenly and furious at us for daring to regard them as foolish and stupid people who are now reaping the obvious consequences of their decision to collectively submit to the coercion of the global depopulationists.

It shouldn’t be too terribly long before the focus of their ire shifts from those who never did anything to them except try to save them to those who lied to them, harmed them, killed their family members, and are presently gaslighting them about how no one literally forced them to get vaxxed.