Boris is Back for Britain

I expect the return of Boris Johnson to the British premiership is going to go worse than putting the corpse of Queen Elizabeth II back on the throne.

Tory MPs are waiting for news this morning after leadership rivals Boris Johnson and Rishi Sunak held three-hour talks late last night over a possible power-sharing pact. The pair met at 8pm last night, where Mr Johnson argued that if he re-entered No10 with Mr Sunak in a senior role it would avoid a divisive battle.

But Mr Sunak’s campaign received a major boost this morning when prominent Brexiteer Steve Baker gave his support to the former Chancellor and warned Tory MPs against putting Mr Johnson back in Downing Street. The Northern Ireland minister, who backed Liz Truss over Mr Sunak in this summer’s leadership contest, claimed a Boris comeback would be a ‘guaranteed disaster’.

Sadly for the Tories, about the only thing capable of going worse for them than Boris’s return would be the foreign corruption of the Indian dwarf Fishy Rishy. So naturally, it makes sense that they’ll offer a two-for-one in a futile attempt to delay the inevitable General Election that will drive them from power.

At this point, the best hope for Britain may be an unsuccessful war against the Sino-Russian alliance.

UPDATE: No deal. The Empire wants unvarnished foreign rule, not Le Cirque du Boris 2.0.

Rishi Sunak officially launches bid to be PM after three-hour peace talks between him and Boris end ‘with NO deal’


Deep State UK’s Auto-Coup

The Deep State is hurling one wicked servant after another from the high horse because all of them are increasingly stupid and dangerous to the Deep State’s survival:

Make no mistake about one thing – Truss’s departure was nothing short of a Deep State coup. As manifestly unqualified, stupid, ill-informed, and incompetent as she clearly was, the fact remains that the reason why first Kwarteng and then Truss were YEETED so quickly, is because the Deep State bureaucracy that rules over Whitehall and Westminster, wanted them both gone.

Why? It’s not like either of them were any real threat to the system, after all. Truss and Kwarteng are both committed globalists who believe fervently in this ridiculous “rules-based international order” that the neoclowns and neolibs keep banging on about. They are not merely friendly to the Deep State – they ARE the Deep State.

In my view, the answer lies in the sheer incompetence of the British political class at the moment, which the Deep State increasingly understands to be a severe threat to its own survival.

Truss and people like her – Boris Johnson, Rishi Sunak, Keir Starmer, the whole lot of them – are all cut from the same cloth. Not ONE of them has any good ideas. Not ONE has the first clue how to run an actual economy, because every single one of these people is stupid, uneducated, unqualified, and incompetent – all at the same time.

Such incompetence and fecklessness is tolerable and permissible when times are good, and all you need is some dumb schmuck who can spout good lines and look good on camera – Tony Blair, for example. There is no threat to the Deep State’s survival in such a situation.

However, when inflation is running at 10.1% officially – and in reality is closer to 25% for the average person – and when ordinary people are muttering rebelliously about protesting in the streets, refusing to pay their energy bills, and shutting down businesses… then that is an entirely different story.

At that point, the survival of the Deep State becomes a real problem. And when the Deep State gets desperate, it does things which, to any sane outsider, look genuinely crazy – but which make sense to the Deep Statists at the time.

Just as one can only tell so many lies until one becomes incapable of even recognizing the truth, a society can only reject so many realities before it becomes unable to function.


Human Handgrenade Confirmed

The British Prime Minister is more than living up to her billing:

Liz Truss is less popular with the public than any of her immediate Tory predecessors ever were, new figures reveal today. The Prime Minister has an approval rating of -51, the lowest of any modern premier at this stage of their term in office.

Two thirds (67 per cent) of Brits told Ipsos they were dissatisfied with her performance, up 38 points in a month. And just 16 per cent were satisfied, a fall of 11 points as the public discover more about her.

Her net score is worse than the lowest scores ever achieved by Boris Johnson (-46), Theresa May (-44), David Cameron (-38) and Tony Blair (-44).

It equals Gordon Brown’s unpopularity in July 2008 during the financial crisis (-51), whilst John Major (-59) and Margaret Thatcher (-56) both slipped lower during their own economic crises in the 1980s and 1990s.

However, no PM has reached this low so quickly in their tenure.

Dominick Cummings certainly called this one correctly. It should be fascinating to see if Keir Starmer is as interested in “standing up to Putin” as Boris Johnson and Liz Truss were, and if Labour is going to be more amenable to letting Scotland end the union of the two kingdoms.


What Comes Next

Pepe Escobar observes that the British Intelligence service IM6 appears to have some idea what is being decided in Moscow:

The Brits had warned Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and the General Staff that the Russians would be launching a “warning strike” this Monday.

What happened was no “warning strike,” but a massive offensive of over 100 cruise missiles launched “from the air, sea and land,” as Putin noted, against Ukrainian “energy, military command and communications facilities.”

MI6 also noted “the next step” will be the complete destruction of Ukraine’s energy infrastructure. That’s not a “next step:” it’s already happening. Power supply is completely gone in five regions, including Lviv and Kharkov, and there are serious interruptions in other five, including Kiev.

Over 60 percent of Ukrainian power grids are already knocked out. Over 75 percent of internet traffic is gone. Elon Musk’s Starlink netcentric warfare has been “disconnected” by the Ministry of Defense.

Shock’n Awe will likely progress in three stages.

First: Overload of the Ukrainian air defense system (already on).

Second: Plunging Ukraine into the Dark Ages (already in progress).

Third: Destruction of all major military installations (the next wave).

We shall wait and see how events proceed before placing any confidence in the predictions. But they were certainly correct about the “warning strike” on Monday. And we now know that the air defenses in Ukraine are completely unable to offer a significant defense against Russian air strikes, even when warned they are coming.


Elizabeth the Catastrophic

Ann Barnhardt’s indictment of the late Queen Elizabeth II is as savage, and as accurate, as one might expect.

Queen Elizabeth II, already being called “Elizabeth the Great”, presided as monarch over the most rapid and profound societal, cultural, religious and imperial collapse in human history, it seems to me. Any historians that would like to chime in on this question, please email me. I truly can’t think of another example in history that was as severe and as rapid as what has happened in Battenburgian Britain. Consider what the both the British Empire AND the British culture were in ARSH 1952, and what they are today. When Elizabeth took the throne, it was literally true that “the sun never set” on the British Empire. They had already lost India just five years earlier in ARSH 1947, but in ARSH 1952 the U.K. had real, legitimate control of massive swaths of Africa, a huge presence in SE Asia, Hong Kong, the entirety of Oceania and the South Pacific, the Falklands, a large presence in the West Indies and the Caribbean, and, of course, nearly half of North America. Today, almost every colony and territory has declared total independence, and the so-called “Commonwealth” nations are IN NAME ONLY. The United Kingdom has ZERO authority in say, Canada. Or Australia. Or New Zealand. None. And everyone knows it. And the only thing keeping Argentina from invading and taking the Falklands is the fact that Argentina is such a broke, incompetent kakistocracy that they can’t. But the Royal Navy today could NOT defend the Falklands, and everyone knows it.

But more importantly, as “Head of State and Head of Nation”, Queen Elizabeth signed off on the largest race-replacement scheme in human history. Today, the city of London IS LESS THAN HALF WHITE – not merely “British”, but WHITE. It was in the high 90 percentile BRITISH when she took the throne. The City of Leicester is a fully-conquered territory of the Caliphate. Non-musloids basically can’t walk the streets of Leicester without risking their lives. Many cities in the U.K. have surpassed the percentage musloid from which only hot war can reclaim the territory. Queen Elizabeth SIGNED OFF ON ALL OF THIS.

Queen Elizabeth bestowed countless honors and knighthoods on the most open, disgusting sodomites and moral monstrosities, and British culture went from what we see depicted in “All Creatures Great and Small” to the totally degenerate, revolting Brit culture we see today ON HER WATCH. So when I saw people immediately beating the drum that Queen Elizabeth “reigned over the greatest advancement in British culture in history”, I just sat there shaking my head thinking, “How is it possible to be so utterly detached from reality?” Her reign was the most catastrophic civilizational collapse perhaps in human history.

The point is not that the queen was in full control of events, or that she was the primary architect of “the most castastrophic civilizational collapse,” which is still very far from complete. The point is that she was in a powerful position to resist the collapse of her realm and her society, but instead of living up to her duty to do so, chose to embrace it instead.

Far from being the glorious figure of history that some would paint her, she will instead be remembered as a sad and ineffectual creature who presided over the precipitous decline of the United Kingdom. And, of course, given the inversion being presented here, we know perfectly well precisely what is behind this attempted lionization.


A Comprehensive Failure

This quote from Gab effectively summarized my opinion on the second Elizabethan era:

“The worst Queen of England in history. The day she took the throne England was 99.7% White English. She leaves this world with White English a minority of the population in London.”

Queen Elizabeth II cannot be blamed for the winding-up of the British Empire, as that was already inevitable and well underway at the time she succeeded to the throne. But she can, and she should, be held responsible for her embrace of the Commonwealth, which proved to be the locus of the invasion of Great Britain by its former subjects.

In addition to her failure to protect her nation from invasion and loss of sovereignty, she also presided over the feminization and homosexualization of the Anglican Church, of which she was the head.

Of her three primary responsibilities, she completely failed two of them. She left both her nation and her Church worse off than she found them, and in dire straits. But she did succeed in a queen’s most important task; she secured the succession and has secured it for at least two more generations to come. Therefore, she cannot be described as a complete failure, merely a comprehensive one.

The decline of England on her watch wasn’t all her fault, of course. She was a constitutional monarch, not an absolute one. But it must be noted that not only did she do nothing to stop the decline, the very little that she did do made matters worse, such as when she intervened to convince a reluctant Margaret Thatcher to have Britain join the anti-apartheid sanctions regime against her own Commonwealth subjects in South Africa.

As a national figurehead, she did her duty remarkably well. Her personal comportment was admirable and she carried the weight of her public role with incredible grace and dignity. Her work ethic was unparalleled. But, as the new British Prime Minister said, “she was the rock on which modern Britain was founded,” and that is damning praise indeed.


The Queen of England, RIP

It is the end of an era. And it’s official. The only Queen of England most of us have ever known is dead at the age of 96:

Queen Elizabeth II has died today aged 96.

Her son Charles, the former Prince of Wales, is now King. He will address the shocked nation imminently, as the world grieves Britain’s longest-reigning monarch.

All her children had rushed to Balmoral after doctors became ‘concerned’ for her health. Hours later she died, surrounded by her family.

At 6.30pm her death was confirmed. A Buckingham Palace spokesman said: ‘The Queen died peacefully at Balmoral this afternoon. The King and The Queen Consort will remain at Balmoral this evening and will return to London tomorrow’.

The Queen’s death will see Britain and her Commonwealth realms enter into a ten-day period of mourning as millions of her subjects in the UK and abroad come to terms with her passing.

And as her son accedes to the throne, there will also be a celebration of her historic 70-year reign that saw her reach her Platinum Jubilee this year – a landmark unlikely to be reached again by a British monarch.

I have a few thoughts on her reign and the British monarchy itself, but I shall save them for another time. In the meantime, my condolences to her former subjects.


Filthbloods Die Faster

As I said back when the vaccines were first announced, watch the mortality rates. Because the one thing they can’t easily hide are the bodies.

An official report published by the UK Government confirms the mortality rates per 100,000 are the lowest among the unvaccinated population in every single age group in England. And the data reveals the gap between the unvaccinated and vaccinated population in terms of mortality rates is widening by the month.

This has resulted in the partly vaccinated, double vaccinated, and triple vaccinated populations being more likely to die of any single cause than the unvaccinated population among all age groups in England as of May 2022, the most recent month with data made available by the UK Government.

It’s going to get harder and harder for the pro-vaxx forces to defend, distract, and deny the observable facts. It will take years, more likely decades, to assess precisely how badly the vaxxed have had their lifespans shortened and their fertility reduced, but the statistics already indicate that they are considerably less healthy and will die much sooner than the average Pureblood.