Beat the Heat

And take at least two cold showers per day. This is yet another reason you should never take general advice from a doctor. Remember, they’re not particularly intelligent and they’re not scientists, much less engineers, so their reasoning skills are rudimentary at best and their experimental knowledge is nil.

Doctor Explains Why You Shouldn’t Take A Cold Shower To Keep Cool During The Heatwave

In what feels like day 200 of this month’s heatwave, we’re ready to try just about anything in a bid to cool down. And taking a cold shower seems like a good option, doesn’t it? Well, according to a doctor, it’s something you want to avoid.

It’s believed taking a cold shower in hot weather is actually counter productive. This is because when our body is subjected to extreme cold, it tries to regulate our core temperature. One of the ways it does this is by controlling blood flow to the skin. When it is reduced, heat is retained within the body, meaning although initially a cold shower might make you feel cooler for a short period, you’ll actually feel hotter than you did before after a few minutes.

Think about it. Do they also tell you not to go swimming in pools and lakes because you’ll just feel hotter afterwards? How is cold water magically transformed by its journey through the shower tubes in such a manner that it actually has an anti-cooling effect?

I took a cold shower one hour ago. Not only do I still feel much cooler than I did prior to taking it, but I’m not even sweating now.

First of all, if you’re feeling hotter than you did before after a few minutes, then you didn’t take a cold shower, but a lukewarm one at most. A cold shower is a shock to your system that leaves you shivering when you get out. Don’t dry yourself off either, as letting the water evaporate will prolong the cool period.

Second, while you’re still wet, get settled where a fan is blowing on you. This will make the evaporation process even cooler, as will drinking ice water while you are still cool. The colder you get, the longer it lasts.

Third, the longer you can avoid physical activity after you’ve brought your body temperature down, the longer it will take before you being heating up enough to start sweating again.

I take two cold showers a day during heat waves, once in the afternoon and once in the late evening, and I’m quite comfortable even when it’s over 100 degrees. And I strongly suspect that if I were to measure my core temperature over the course of a day, I could easily falsify the doctor’s hypothesis that blood flow to the skin renders cold showers counterproductive.



They Can’t Hide the Bodies

The proof has always been, not in the pudding, but in the “inexplicable” excess deaths that began with the mass Covid-19 vaccination campaigns. And while the initial set of adverse reactions were not as widespread or as fatal as we’d feared, it appears that the insidious long-term and/or ongoing damage being caused by the mRNA technology is still being revealed by the number of deaths above baseline averages, particularly in the younger, healthier populations.

This is where the conclusive and irrefutable evidence of the injurious nature of the vaxx is going to be provided, as no amount of denial and groundless theories about global warming and gaslighting about how there have always been excess deaths – one of the most retarded and oxymoronic arguments ever articulated, by the way – will be able to handwave it away. But the facts about excess deaths across every vaxxed population are beginning to appear in the mainstream news.

In the U.S., 76 percent of Covid-19 deaths occurred among people 65 and up. But now, excess deaths are flat for seniors, while they are soaring for the able-bodied young and employed, a cohort that has traditionally been the healthiest in society.

In the last quarter of 2022, deaths among 35-to-44 year-olds were 34 percent above the 2017-to-2019 baseline normal; they were 23 percent above baseline in workers a decade younger and older.

In the dry parlance of an actuarial report, “The working-age population continues to see the highest A/E (actual-to-expected) ratios.” Tragically, deaths were 8 percent above normal among 0-to-24 year-olds.

There are other anomalies depicted in the Society of Actuaries report.

Throughout the pandemic and into 2022, white collar workers, in public administration and educational services for example, died at rates 19 percent above normal, while blue collar workers, curiously, suffered less, with 14 percent more deaths than expected. What made these highly-vaccinated workers, many by mandate, more vulnerable?

As concerning were momentous shifts in worker mortality in the third quarter of 2021. White collar deaths reached 39 percent above normal. Deaths for all employees were 34 percent higher than baseline. Mortality among 35-to-44 year-olds reached a stunning 101 percent above–or double–the three-year pre-pandemic baseline. In a seeming contradiction, U.S. Covid deaths during that period were 40 percent lower than the previous wave in 2021. This suggests other factors at play.

These deaths should cause alarms to go off. They occurred in a population—those with life insurance—whose education, income, and access to healthcare suggest that they, of all people, should have gone back to their pre-pandemic lives. Consider the fate of less entitled groups.

In England, a searchable government database tells wrenching stories of excess death, like the 42 people, from birth to 24 years old, who died in a two-week period in May—children perhaps, adolescents and young adults who might be alive but for a pandemic.

Playing a huge role in England’s excess deaths is cardiovascular disease, which claimed 1,300 more people over normal in the four weeks this spring. Is this a remnant of Covid or of something else? Officials need to study also why a consistently greater share of these excess deaths occur at home, rather than in hospitals, care homes and hospice.

The executive of a large Indiana life insurance company was clearly troubled by what he said was a 40% increase in the third quarter of 2021 in those ages 18-64.

“We are seeing, right now, the highest death rates we have seen in the history of this business – not just at OneAmerica,” CEO Scott Davison said during an online news conference in January 2022. “The data is consistent across every player in that business.”


None of this is news to any of the readers here, except that an excerpt of this article was published in USA Today. Which may indicate, as the authors suggest, that the mainstream’s wall of silence is beginning to crack. Soon, one hopes, we won’t even be able to say “we don’t know it’s the vaxx, but…” because we, and everyone else, will know it’s the vaxx.

A second article by the same doctor shows the latest actuarial data through the end of 2022. Notice that that the rate of excess deaths are higher for everyone from 25 to 64 in the second half of 2021 (vaxx) than they are for the 65+ group in the second half of 2020 (Covid).

Note that previous Society of Actuaries reports show that all-cause excess deaths began to rise in March 2020 and did not reach 120 percent for any age group prior to Q3 2020, so the chart above displays the full extent of the pandemic’s effect on mortality.

The statistics prove that the cure was literally worse than the disease. This is why you and your friends and family shouldn’t take the next vaccine they attempt to push on everyone either. Because you know they’re going to sell it with the line that while they might have gotten it wrong last time with Covid-19, this time it’s totally safe and effective.


The Unaccountable

The FDA not only overstepped its legal authority and lied about the inefficacy and dangers of Ivermectin, but is attempting to claim that no one has any standing to hold it legally accountable for its illegal actions:

The plaintiffs are Drs. Paul Marik, Mary Bowden, and Robert Apter. They say they were professionally harmed by the FDA’s statements, including being terminated over efforts to prescribe ivermectin to patients.

Dr. Marik has noted that a number of studies support using ivermectin against COVID-19, as the FDA itself has acknowledged. Some other studies show little to no effect.

Federal law enables the FDA to provide information, such as reports of adverse reactions to drugs, but not medical advice, Mr. Kelson said. “This is something the FDA has never been able to do. And it’s a bright line,” he told the court, adding later: “The clearest examples of where they have gone over the line are when they say things like, ‘You are not a horse, you are not a cow. Seriously, y’all. Stop it.’

Judges indicated they agree that the FDA lacks the power to give medical advice; Judge Clement said, “You’re not authorized to give medical advice.”

But Ms. Honold said the government “isn’t conceding that in this case.” She also argued that Congress has empowered the FDA to protect public health and make sure regulated products are safe and effective, giving it the “inherent authority to further its mission by communicating information to the public about safe uses of drugs.” A ruling in favor of the doctors would prevent the FDA from reporting on consumers suffering after cooking chicken with NyQuil or that opioid addiction is a problem, she claimed.

Mr. Kelson said that wasn’t accurate. “It’s when they step beyond that [and] start telling people how they should or should not be using approved drugs,” he said.

Ms. Honold also said that the courts can’t hold agencies accountable when they provide false or misleading information: “The FDA is politically accountable, just like all other executive agencies.”

The idea that an unelected agency is “politically accountable” is risible on its face. One might as reasonably argue that executive branch agents are permitted to steal and kill without facing any legal consequences, because the President to whom they ultimately report is elected. It’s a breathtakingly ridiculous argument, and the only way it could possibly be accepted by the courts is if they are not only entirely corrupt, but entirely willing to be seen as such by the public.

It’s also interesting that when the media was pushing “trust the science” and “it’s FDA-approved”, it never saw fit to mention that the FDA is not authorized to give medical advice such as telling people to get vaccinated or to not take Ivermectin.


College is for Morons

It’s not just you. You’re not imagining things. College graduates are rapidly getting measurably dumber on average.

In a longitudinal sample of 2593 individuals from Minnesota, we investigated whether individuals with IQs ≤ 90 who completed college experienced the same social and economic benefits higher-IQ college graduates did. Although most individuals with IQs ≤ 90 did not have a college degree, the rate at which they completed college had increased approximately 6-fold in men and 10-fold in women relative to rates in the previous generation.

The benefits of a college education among individuals with low levels of general cognitive ability, INTELLIGENCE, May-June 2022

Now that they’ve successfully eliminated the SATs, it won’t be long before the majority of college graduates have sub-90 IQs. Because the smart people of the sort who used to be college attendees will have figured out that there is no piece of paper that is worth being saddled with more than $100,000 in debt.

Unless it’s a winning lottery ticket, of course. And we used to call playing the lottery “the stupid tax”.


One Race, the Canine Race

No wonder social justice warriors don’t want to contemplate the mathematics of genetic populations any more than the evolutionists do. Because the more numerate you are, the more it is clear that genetic science has not only demolished the myth of evolution by natural selection, but also the myth of human equality.

Now, whether the charts are correct or not – and the jury is still out on that – the unarguable and easily verifiable fact is that Sub-Saharan Africans are not even entirely the same species as Europeans and other humans. Indeed, one can quite reasonably argue that Sub-Saharan Africans are the only true humans, as they are unadulterated Homo sapiens sapiens whereas other human races are a mix of Homo sapiens with other species and/or subspecies, depending upon how Homo denisova, Homo neanderthalensis, and other homids that contributed to the modern human gene pool are most correctly categorized.

Of course scientists are alarmed by the fact that the more we learn about genetics, the more the defense of one’s own genetics, culture, and language – aka “racism” – is grounded in strong scientific justification. So, some of them are already expending considerable effort in the usual word magick in order to deny the unavoidably observable. It’s not just because this long paper, Human Races Are Not Like Dog Breeds: Refuting a Racist Analogy, was authored by five female scientists that it doesn’t include any math or statistical analysis.

It’s never a good sign when a published scientific paper fails what would be an easy question on the pre-1990 SAT. African is to European as a) Grey Wolf is to Red Wolf, b) Grey Wolf is to Coyote, c) Grey Wolf is to Malamute, d) Grey Wolf is to Chihuahua.


Racial Destruction Goes Awry

At first glance, the Kalergi plan from the early 20th century to politically unify Europe and destroy the European race through admixture with “the lesser races” might appear to be working as designed, as one Hapa’s lament for the product of White Male Asian Female couplings tends to indicate:

One passage that really stuck out for me in Amy Chua’s book, was her digression on yellow fever. She acknowledges there are a lot of skeevy WMAF couples out there, and makes a point to say that her white husband has never dated an Asian woman before. It was revealing for me to see a supposedly academic intellectual professor from Yale, writing like some Asian teen girl blogger. With the old my white guy doesn’t have yellow fever line. WMAF has become self-aware about just how low status their coupling is, and so they often make the point of saying “my asian girl has dated Asian guys before”, “my white guy has dated white girls before”. Asian women don’t want to be part of any white country club that would let Asians in. Just by dating an Asian girl, white guys make themselves less attractive to future Asian girls. Asian girls are social poison.

They recognize that WMAF is overflowing with bad apples. Amy Chua would not have wanted to date a white man who dates Asian women. And yet she still wants to date a white man. To this extent she has “ruined” her future husband for future Amy Chuas. Now he wont be able to say, he has never dated an Asian woman before. WMAF is based on the opposite of the categorical imperative. Every WMAF wants to be the one exception. Yes, all other WMAFs are scum, but our WMAF is barely a WMAF. John Derbyshire is a white nationalist with a Chinese wife. And he says he would hate to live in a multicult society, in which many white men married Asians. But since he is part of a small minority, it is ok for him. WMAF is quite loudly and proudly based on hypocrisy.

Asian women are low status. The same Columbia speed dating study that rated Asian men the least attractive, also rated Asian women the least attractive by all races of men. What? I thought Asian women were exotic and desirable, how can they also be sexual failures? If you believe EvoPsych, men and women have different sexual goals, and thus different ways to fail. A female sexual failure will not be a virgin, but she will only attract low status males. And Asian women have become legendary as the woman of choice for loser white males. This is the ultimate definition of female sexual failure, becoming the easy partner of choice for the males of lowest value. Scandinavian women are the highest status women in the world, and so they can price themselves high with radical feminism. East Asian women are the lowest status women in the world, and so to market themselves to loser white men, they have to advertise themselves as the least feminist. Sexual Coolies serving as strikebreakers against White Feminism. By being so openly desperate for the lowest white men, Asian women have destroyed their own bargaining position in the sexual market. It is impossible to drive a hard bargain when you are so obviously desperate for whiteness. Athletes are the Alpha Males of American society. And it is impossible to name a single athlete married to an Asian women. They have become the Geisha goddesses of white male losers.

Asian women have crashed their own sexual market value, 6 March 2015

It’s true, there is a saying among Hapas that if you want to know if a hapa boy’s father is Asian or White, all you have to do is throw a football at him. Loser white fathers don’t tend to produce boys who can catch. A suboptimal result of the sort the author is describing is not a surprise when low-quality WMAF pairs get together. But what about when WMAF pairs of high-quality get together?

Remember, Kalergi concocted his long-term plan of genetic undermining at a time when it was assumed that Asians were weak, and the Chinese were an old and degenerate nation. Now that the Chinese have shown themselves to be both a) more strategic-minded than the Jews, and, b) martially competitive with the most powerful European militaries, what is the likely result when the most common interracial mixes are White male with Asian female instead of the intended Black male with White female?

Meanwhile, continuously siphoning off the low-quality Europeans by encouraging them to trade in their children’s genetic heritage for additional sexual market value is only going to increase the average quality of the pure Europeans who remain. I also think that the author has forgotten that one reason Scandinavian women are valued so high is that there are very few of them. There are orders of magnitude more Asian women; just as there are 10x more 150+ IQs among Christians than atheists, there are almost certainly more Asian 10s than Scandinavian 10s, even though the average Scandinavian woman is more attractive than the average Asian woman.

So, we can reasonably anticipate that one of the inevitable results of the Kalergi Plan, mass immigration, and the endless marketing of mudsharking provided by the media will be the production of two new genetic elites, one of higher-quality Europeans, and a second that is a super-subset of very high quality Eurasians that could turn out to have some of the highest-performance genetics ever produced by Man.

Which would be fittingly ironic, as Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi was himself a high-quality Hapa.

Oft evil intent will evil mar.


Science is Observably Unreliable

Despite the best efforts of midwits like Richard Dawkins and Sam Harris to square the circle by declaring science a method of determining truth, science is not only philosophically incapable of being a truth-metric, science is practically and observably unreliable, as evidenced by the untrustworthiness of even its highest practitioners in academia:

Stanford President Marc Tessier-Lavigne will resign effective Aug. 31, according to communications released by the University Wednesday morning. He will also retract or issue lengthy corrections to five widely cited papers for which he was principal author after a Stanford-sponsored investigation found “manipulation of research data.”

According to Jerry Yang, chair of the Stanford Board of Trustees, Tessier-Lavigne will step down “in light of the report and its impact on his ability to lead Stanford.” Former Dean of Humanities Richard Saller will serve as interim president. In a separate statement, Tessier-Lavigne defended his reputation but acknowledged that issues with his research, first raised in a Daily investigation last autumn, meant that Stanford requires a president “whose leadership is not hampered by such discussions.”

“At various times when concerns with Dr. Tessier-Lavigne’s papers emerged—in 2001, the early 2010s, 2015-2016, and March 2021—Dr. Tessier-Lavigne failed to decisively and forthrightly correct mistakes in the scientific record,” Stanford’s report said, identifying a number of apparent manipulations in Tessier-Lavigne’s neuroscientific research.

The report concluded that the fudging of results under Tessier-Lavigne’s purview “spanned labs at three separate institutions.”

We’re not talking about a minor scientist here. We’re talking about the corruption of the top scientist at the third-best university in the world. This is absolute and conclusive proof of the intrinsic unreliability of science and shows that the reproducibility crisis affects science at every level.

UPDATE: Those who still subscribe to the myth of scientific self-correction should note that even the investigations of scientific corruption are themselves liable to corruption.

The investigation took eight months, with one member stepping off after The Daily revealed that he maintained an $18 million investment in a biotech company Tessier-Lavigne cofounded.


Long Covid is Long Vaxx

Science finally admits what has been entirely obvious from the start. So-called “Long COVID” is nothing more than a long-term adverse effect of the COVID vaxxes.

Mainstream publications and regulatory agencies have buckled to public pressure to admit the COVID-19 vaccine can cause injuries such as myocarditis and pericarditis—but until recently, they’ve published little or nothing about the substantial number of people suffering from autoimmune disease after vaccination.
However, on July 3, the journal Science published an article confirming that COVID-19 vaccines are linked to autoimmune disorders, such as small fiber neuropathy and postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS).

After Long Silence on ‘Long Vax,’ Science Magazine Links Autoimmune Disorders to COVID Shots, 19 July 2023

The fact that the unvaxxed who had Covid don’t suffer from “Long Covid” should have been sufficient evidence to reach the logical conclusion. But modern science is not only less accurate than a coin flip, it’s wilfully retarded.


They’re Going to Need an Older Universe

They tell you to trust the science. But remember, science is observably less reliable than a coin flip.

Our universe could be twice as old as current estimates, according to a new study that challenges the dominant cosmological model and sheds new light on the so-called “impossible early galaxy problem.”

The work is published in the journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.

“Our newly-devised model stretches the galaxy formation time by a several billion years, making the universe 26.7 billion years old, and not 13.7 as previously estimated,” says author Rajendra Gupta, adjunct professor of physics in the Faculty of Science at the University of Ottawa.

For years, astronomers and physicists have calculated the age of our universe by measuring the time elapsed since the Big Bang and by studying the oldest stars based on the redshift of light coming from distant galaxies. In 2021, thanks to new techniques and advances in technology, the age of our universe was thus estimated at 13.797 billion years using the Lambda-CDM concordance model.

However, many scientists have been puzzled by the existence of stars like the Methuselah that appear to be older than the estimated age of our universe and by the discovery of early galaxies in an advanced state of evolution made possible by the James Webb Space Telescope. These galaxies, existing a mere 300 million years or so after the Big Bang, appear to have a level of maturity and mass typically associated with billions of years of cosmic evolution. Furthermore, they’re surprisingly small in size, adding another layer of mystery to the equation.

Zwicky’s tired light theory proposes that the redshift of light from distant galaxies is due to the gradual loss of energy by photons over vast cosmic distances. However, it was seen to conflict with observations. Yet Gupta found that “by allowing this theory to coexist with the expanding universe, it becomes possible to reinterpret the redshift as a hybrid phenomenon, rather than purely due to expansion.”

In addition to Zwicky’s tired light theory, Gupta introduces the idea of evolving “coupling constants,” as hypothesized by Paul Dirac. Coupling constants are fundamental physical constants that govern the interactions between particles. According to Dirac, these constants might have varied over time. By allowing them to evolve, the timeframe for the formation of early galaxies observed by the Webb telescope at high redshifts can be extended from a few hundred million years to several billion years. This provides a more feasible explanation for the advanced level of development and mass observed in these ancient galaxies.

“Evolving constants”. Isn’t that what the creationists were mocked for when they suggested that carbon dating might be unreliable due to variable half-lives? It reminds me of the veriphysical principle that any theory which is not abandoned when falsified by the observable data, but is instead adorned with theoretical epicycles, is fundamentally false.

What amuses me about this is the idea that a few biologists, being innumerate as most biologists are, will undoubtedly have the bright idea of postulating that an older universe implies an older Earth, which therefore will provide enough time to account for the observed genetic fixations that have hitherto rendered the theory of evolution by natural selection mathematically impossible.

What they don’t realize, being innumerate as most biologists are, is that the mere doubling of a number is insufficient to make up for multiple orders of magnitude.

We shall await, with no little amusement, the additional epicycles to come.