Addressing ethno-nationalism

Owen Benjamin is getting increasingly fed up with globalist critics who are attempting to discredit me and other nationalists with spurious charges of hate, racism, and other supposed evils:

Here’s the thing that Indians know that a lot of whites don’t: how the whites destroyed their nations. The way the liberals paint the picture is not reality. It’s not like: “the white people came in, they destroyed everyone and raped and killed everyone, and everyone had smallpox from blankets!”

No. What they did, they took their gods, they took their languages, they outbred them, they took everything that made them a nation. And now, as when someone recently said to me, “well, Vox doesn’t even look like an American Indian.” He’s a member of a tribe! That’s my whole point!

Those dudes get it. So when they say ethno-nationalist, they’re not saying “kick out black people.” Black people built America with white people and all kinds of people. It’s this new flood that is breeding out our nation. People that think there is Magic Dirt, that if you come to America, welcome, it’s great, it is the land of immigration and diversity is our strength, no! There is no Magic Dirt. Do you know who else believed in Magic Dirt? Adolf Hitler!

When Adolf Hitler invaded Russia with Barbarossa, they were such mystic, occult weirdos – that’s one of the reasons I hate associating with Nazis at all, although Ben Shapiro annoys me endlessly, I try not to attack him TOO much because I don’t want Nazis to think I’m one of their guys because they were all occult weirdos – they would ship dirt from Russia back to Germany because they thought there was something magical about the dirt. There’s nothing magical about the dirt!

A nation is its people. Its blood, its traditions, its heritage, all that stuff. That’s all 100 percent true. And I’m starting to get a little offended. I don’t get offended very easily, but people implying that I am motivated in any way by hate or racial purity. My grandmother is Jewish, I’m married to a woman whose father was a brown Mexican, one of my best friends and opener, Eric Nimmer, is black, and none of that was my plan. I wanted to keep it in the family. Obviously, I found love with a half-Prairie N-word, Nimmer’s the funniest, most loyal guy I know, and my grandmother happened to have sex with my grandfather.

But people that are trying to imply that me, or Vox, or one of these people are motivated by racial hate… it’s starting to get offensive. My son is one-quarter Hispanic? Do you think I hate my son? I’ll put you in the dirt! I’ll dig a hole, a deep hole, not a shallow one where people will find you, and I’ll kill you and put you in the hole if you keep talking that shit.

All Vox’s point is, and all American Indians get it, because that’s how they were destroyed by us palefaces. They bred them out of existence so you don’t even know what an American Indian looks like half the time, and they took their gods, they gave them alcohol, sugar, welfare, put them in a little area and said, “good luck”.

Does that sound familiar? They’re currently doing it to white Americans! Take these pills, watch this shit, watch this porn, take this free shit, have no God, have no tradition, have no family unit, broken, broken, broken.

My response is a little more etymological. All genuine nationalism is ethno-nationalism. Just look up the root of the word “natus”. Also, “white” is not a nation. Neither is “black” or “red” or even “Arab”. No attempt at transnational empires have ever survived, from Nasser to the European Union.

Civic nationalism is fake nationalism. It substitutes the state for the nation; it is literally a statist construction in the same way that Gross Domestic Product was substituted for Gross National Product in the 1990s. It’s all a form of globalism, and they’re now using the same “Sweden is a nation of immigrants” and “Britain is a nation of immigrants” rhetoric that they first introduced in the USA in order to adulterate it. But if all nations are just immigrants, there are no nations, and we know from the Bible precisely who it is that is seeking to destroy the nations.

And we also know that he will fail.

Speaking of etymology, I found one Vietnamese nickname for the USA to be of interest:

One of the Vietnamese names for the United States is Hiệp Chủng Quốc, Nation of Many Race

Or in other words, nation that is not a nation.

The return of nationalism

You may recall that this trend was not only predictable, it was, in fact, predicted:

A return of national sovereignty across Europe is no longer coming.  I think it’s here.  This can no longer be stage-managed as a relief valve of the massive discontent at neoliberal policies rammed down Europeans’ throats as it has in the past.

Something far more significant is here.  They can’t cordon off this movement in France and use it to demonize the leadership and, by extension, the people.

It’s jumped borders.  It’s part of the zeitgeist now.

No matter how many times rags like The Guardian, Der Spiegel and Politico call these people ‘far-right’ or ‘alt-right’ and link them to Nazism it doesn’t stop them because the protestors don’t see themselves that way.

And well they shouldn’t because they aren’t.

Macron made numerous mistakes in handling this protests.  But the biggest one was opening up his conversation with the French people with the same, tired insults used in the past to smear them and sow division.

Have they learned nothing in the past three years?

Brexit was not a fluke.

Trump was not a fluke. 

Salvini isn’t a fluke. 

Orban isn’t a fluke.  

France is not a fluke.

These elections represent gut level revulsion to the path the political and economic discourse is on.  And crying Nazi wolf too many times eventually gets you eaten.

These people are sick of the corruption and demand results, not words.  Not campaign speeches, but results.

And if these men don’t deliver quickly they will be on a short leash.  A very short one in Macron’s case.  Because it isn’t like 35{51060298616648a432127aa487592f15c981010bc8b0ce296b7f79f7f5f50574} of France wasn’t willing to turn hard away from the status quo last year and vote for Marine Le Pen.

Macron was sold as the outsider, the reformer, who wasn’t in office a week before he began betraying the people who voted for him.  And now he’s stuck.

The media turned against him quickly because they know he is done.  Their job now will be to prep the narrative to puff up his replacement.

Kicking the can down the road means replacing the old boss with a new boss who is also just another globalist, neoliberal shill.

This is all a good thing, a very good thing. Because if the nationalists fail in restoring sovereignty to their nations and prioritizing their various national interests, that does not mean the globalists will succeed. It means that the ultras and imperialists will come to the fore.

Seeking their inner vikings

The Yellow Vest protests may spread to Sweden soon:

Around 1000 people participated in the 3-hour-long event outside the Swedish Parliament on Sunday.

Several speakers participated, including Sweden’s most active and well-known journalist and freedom fighter Katerina Janouch, Reader in Business Administration Jan Tullberg, and lecturer and writer Lennart Matikainen.

Janouch stated that Sweden has gone from being a model country to a country that doesn’t care about its own citizens.

“The billions flow and no one is held accountable. Sweden is run by a bunch of imposters who abuse their power and don’t care about our well-being.”

“Criticism of mass migration may be silenced by the agreement. We must stand up for free speech. It is time to bring out our inner Vikings, to ignore political correctness and become even braver and clearer in how we speak and express ourselves”, she said.

No Swedish mainstream media has reported the event.

Meanwhile, in France, the fourth weekend of the protests are underway. I imagine it won’t be long before a national strike is declared. Shut down the entire country and don’t lift a finger to work until the Macron government resigns.

French police fired the first batches of tear gas on Saturday as massive crowds of Yellow Vest protesters swarmed into the heart of the capital on the 4th weekend of unrest. Hundreds were detained prior to and at the rally. The figure was announced by Prime Minister Edouard Philippe. According to him, 481 people were detained by police and 211 remain in custody.

Considering that 4,000 were arrested all last weekend, it appears the protests are picking up speed. It would be significant if the police to switch sides and join the protesters. And in addition to Sweden, the protests are spreading to other European countries.

As the yellow vests movement is spreading through Europe protests have been announced in Brussels (Belgium), Amsterdam and Rotterdam (The Netherlands), Stockholm (Sweden), Paris and several German cities.

Let us hope that these Winter Revolutions are a prelude to a genuine European Spring in the place of the fake neocon-driven, Soros-funded, color-coded imperialist offensives.

Dare to hope

The Deep State is NOT happy.

Former CIA director John Brennan blasted President Donald Trump’s press conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin as ‘nothing short of treasonous.’

He also accused the president of being ‘wholly in the pocket of Putin.’

‘Donald Trump’s press conference performance in Helsinki rises to & exceeds the threshold of ‘high crimes & misdemeanors.’ It was nothing short of treasonous. Not only were Trump’s comments imbecilic, he is wholly in the pocket of Putin. Republican Patriots: Where are you???,’ tweeted Brennan, who served as the nation’s intelligence chief from March 2013 to January 2017 under then-President Barack Obama.

The Patriots are on your six, silly evil lizard man.

The sustainability of nationalism

More from The Seneca Effect by Ugo Bardi.

Japan escaped the boom and bust cycles of many other pre-modern human civilizations and managed to create a stable and relatively prosperous society. Of course, that doesn’t mean that Edo Japan was Paradise on Earth. It was a tightly regulated society where individual freedom and individual rights were unknown concepts. Social inequality was also very pronounced and political power was concentrated in the hands of a small number of wealthy landlords.

Still, we can learn a lot from ancient Japan on how to create a society that doesn’t overexploit its resources and maintains the natural wealth of its territory. The Japanese interpretation of the concept of sustainability made it possible for them to develop a remarkably sophisticated society. The skills of the Japanese craftsmen are still legendary today, while Japan attained achievements in poetry and figurative art that are a cultural heritage of all humankind: from Hokusai’s prints to Basho’s sophisticated poetry. In comparison, it is truly heartbreaking to note how the cultural treasures that Ireland had produced during its long history were destroyed by the greed and the carelessness of the foreign rulers of Ireland.

So, how could the Japanese attain sustainability whereas Ireland couldn’t? It is, of course, a complex question, but I can list here the main factors that differentiated Japan and Ireland during the ninetieth century.

  1. Japan had a strong national government. Ireland was governed by a different country.
  2. Japan had a well-developed commercial system and a national currency. Ireland had neither.
  3. Japan was isolated, practicing no commerce with other countries. Ireland was integrated with the British worldwide commercial system.
  4. Japan is a country of steep mountain ranges and low coastline. Ireland is mainly flat, with high coastlines.

What can we reasonably conclude from this in light of the current situation? Among other things, this: the neo-liberal world order, which increasingly depends upon globalization, international migration, and multiculturalism, is unsustainable, unstable, and intrinsically fragile. Nationalism is the solution, which is why both progressivism and conservatism are irrelevant and the Alt-Right is inevitable over time.

Christian nationalism is the one and only way to preserve Western civilization, as well as the many fruits of the West such as science, human liberty, and inside plumbing. You may not wish to accept that reality for one reason or another, but your excuses and your alternatives are rapidly vanishing.

Evil globalist fights nationalism

George Soros is spending big to try to overturn Brexit:

Billionaire George Soros has handed £400,000 to a campaign fighting to stop Brexit, it was revealed today. The investment mogul is one of the biggest donors behind the Best For Britain group launched by Gina Miller.

The scale of the financial backing will raise alarm among Brexiteers, with fears running high that the process of leaving the EU could be watered down or even halted altogether.

Former Ukip leader Nigel Farage said people were starting to ‘wake up’ to the danger of the referendum vote being reversed.  Mr Soros previously said it was possible that the UK would apply to rejoin the European Union soon after Brexit.

Hungary has it right. Any organization that Soros funds or controls should be outlawed. These evil people are straight out of 1984, attempting to subvert the clearly expressed will of the people in the name of “democracy” and “the open society”.

I note that the Fake Right opposes Brexit and nationalism too. It’s just a coincidence, right?

Meanwhile, nationalism is rising again in Ireland.

Luke O’Connor applauded and cheered with gusto and occasionally leapt to his feet during speeches at the Irexit conference for those opposed to Ireland’s membership of the European Union. The 21-year-old Kilkenny student warmed to the praise lavished by former Ukip leader Nigel Farage on US president Donald Trump and the Brexit-like political earthquake he unleashed in 2016. O’Connor wore a Trump-campaign “Make America Great Again” red baseball cap to the Saturday conference at the RDS in Dublin.

“I honestly get a great reaction. I would wear it on nights out,” he told The Irish Times. “I am hoping something comes of this, if not a party that we can get candidates to run in the European elections, that we even have a voice.”

The DCU student was typical of most attendees at the event, organised by Hermann Kelly, spokesman for the Ukip-led Europe of Freedom and Direct Democracy group in the EU Parliament. O’Connor is young, male and felt like his was a voice not heard in Irish politics or the media.

Their time will come. Their great-grandfathers fought to be free from Great Britain. They will fight and their children will be free of the European Union. I expect Irexit to take place within 10 years, assuming that the European Union hasn’t collapsed by then.

Ye cats….

Steve Sailer observes that the civic nationalists really are as dumb as they appear.

They Really Do Believe Emma Lazarus’s Poem Is “The Foundational Principle of Our Country”

Well, you certainly can’t claim that the country doesn’t deserve its fate. Especially the country that was founded in 1883. I don’t think you have to be pig-ignorant to be a civic nationalist, but it observably helps.

The collapse of the American nation

Selwyn Duke addresses the way in which the very concept of nation has been erased from American minds:

When hearing about invaders streaming across our border, often with a sense of entitlement, we should be filled with righteous anger motivating us to robustly defend the homeland. We’re not. Or not enough of us are. In fact, a good percentage of the country works against the common good, passionate about the wrong things and acting as traitors would. Too many of the rest are comfortably numb.

This is why invasion has been tolerated (and often encouraged), why we talk about amnesty for people who should be unceremoniously shipped south, and why there isn’t yet funding for a border wall despite a record Republican House majority.

The reason for this, sadly, is that we’re not a nation — properly understood. A nation is an extension of the tribe, which itself is an extension of the family; it’s defined by blood, faith, language and culture. For example, the Sioux Nation wasn’t a “country” or “state”; it was a very large family sharing the aforementioned elements.

This truth was once recognized and emphasized. It was mentioned among the Founding Fathers that we enjoyed the benefit of “consanguinity,” meaning, a relationship based on having the same remote ancestors. This became less of a reality after the waves of 19th-century immigration, yet emphasis was still placed on maintaining nationhood. For example, President Teddy Roosevelt said in 1907 that treating people with “equality” was not a given, but was “predicated upon the person’s becoming in every facet an American, and nothing but an American.”

He went on to say, “Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn’t an American at all.” Now consider how many people will describe themselves as a/an _________-American or, worse still, will say “I’m _________” (fill in, Polish, Irish, Greek, Italian, etc.). They may not be bad people; they may mean well. But they’re unwittingly strengthening the all-too-prevalent internationalist mentality and are acting contrary to the cause of nationhood.

Nationhood was defended legislatively in 1921 with the Emergency Quota Act and in 1924 with the enactment of the National Origins Act, which used immigration quotas to maintain our country’s demographic balance. This is called “racist” today, even though some Europeans had greater quotas than other Europeans (and they’re the same race), but demographic upheaval is precisely how you destroy a nation. Ask the Tibetans, American Indians or the Ainu in Japan (if you can find any) about that.

It is the conflation of “state” with “nation”, combined with the “proposition nation” nonsense that was created to sell “the melting pot” that has resulted in this state. Only aggressive and fairly ruthless nationalism has any chance of saving the American nation now, and the more time that passes, the less likely it becomes.

It’s understandable why Americans embraced civic nationalism after the horrors of the Civil War. But that doesn’t change the fact that they were wrong to do so, and that it has had consequences that have destroyed the Union far more thoroughly than the Confederacy ever could.

The Fake Right exposed again

Even The Weekly Standard and The Nation have figured out that the Fake Right doesn’t actually have anything to do with genuine right-wing ideology:

Writer Donna Minkowitz describes a secret meeting organized by alt-right figure Richard Spencer that she crashed in mid-November at an organic winery in Maryland. Upon arrival, Minkowitz writes that she was surprised to find that the discussion centered not only on the usual brown-shirt Jew-hating you might expect from neo-Nazis, but also on what she says is a “new emphasis on economic issues” that she found “seductive.”

Why seductive? Because the white supremacists’ views on economic issues sound a lot like, well, like views espoused by the Nation and Democratic party progressives. In what could pass for Bernie Sanders campaign literature, she quotes Spencer saying “I support national health care” and railing against “the trillions spent in insane wars.” Minkowitz also quotes Spencer blasting the GOP tax plan as “stupid .  .  . Reaganite nostalgia” and supporting a universal basic income. Another speaker decried that everything is seemingly becoming “corporatized and capitalized.” Wait—is this a white supremacist conference or a New York Times editorial board meeting?

She quotes another speaker exclaiming that “2018 is going to be the year of leftists joining the white-nationalist movement!”

As I’ve pointed out before, “white nationalism” is not nationalism, it is actually anti-nationalist imperialism. And just like every other previous pan-ethnic attempt, from Hitler’s pan-Germanism to Nasser’s pan-Arabism and Henry Sylvester Williams’s pan-Africanism, Richard Spencer’s left-wing, imperial pan-Caucasianism will go absolutely nowhere and will continue to fail to appeal to nearly all white people.

Imperial pan-ethnicism is nothing new. Pan-Africanism has been around since 1900 and yet the various African nations and tribes remain entirely distinct. Pan-Arabism was a little more successful, as the United Arab Emirates is still around and the United Arab Republic of Iraq, Syria, and Egypt lasted three whole years from 1958 to 1961.

Nations persist for a reason. Multinational empires fall for the same reason. And the manifold evils of the European Union are just a few of the many reasons that imperial pan-ethnic empires always fail, usually sooner rather than later.

The Alt-Right is inevitable because the waves of history are now strongly trending towards nationalism. The Fake Right will be an empty shell within four years; the only reason it even survives now is because it is a useful bogeyman for the mainstream media in the mode of David Duke and the Westboro Baptist Church.