Mickey Mouse no longer enjoys copyright protection. Stonetoss didn’t hesitate to take advantage of that fact, in his inimitable way. Simply brutal.
Tag: law
Disney is the New Enron
The Devil Mouse has been very, very, very naughty. But instead of getting coal in its stocking this Christmas season, it’s getting an audit of the Reedy Creek Improvement District by the State of Florida, and almost certainly, the IRS, as the Dark Herald explains how and why the wolves are circling CEO Bob Iger.
Reedy Creek owns some power plants, and these are taxpayer-supported. Although, they are primarily to be used as emergency backups. Please excuse this next bit because I’m going to have to say allegedly a LOT. Allegedly, it would take years to bring one of them online. The other has allegedly been turned into an air conditioning plant, but they both allegedly still collect subsidies. I mean why pay for something out of your pocket when you can get Uncle Sucker to buy it for you?
The auditors weren’t permitted entry into these plants because the employees that run these Reedy Creek government facilities DON’T WORK FOR REEDY CREEK.
They work for Disney.
Yeah, who’d have guessed? The chief auditor stated that Reedy Creek produces no electricity at all. This startled the hell out of a lot of us because Disney World has huge banks of solar panels. In fact, they’ve committed quite a bit of ecological damage to the local wildlife trails to build them. To say nothing of how badly those filthy things will poison the land when the inevitable hurricane blasts through and wrecks them.
Disney nonetheless ignored real-world environmental terrorism to pat itself on the back over a being phantom friend of the Earth. Disney World loudly and proudly proclaimed that these panels provide 40% of WDW’s power, cleanly!
Allegedly, all of the electricity provided by those solar panels is sold to a third-party utility. Disney World allegedly buys 100% of its power from Duke Energy and only 10% of that is allegedly provided by anything approaching “clean energy.”
And it just gets even better for the new Ken Lay, previously known as “Bob Iger”.
Bob Iger’s worst nightmare just became the last Bob. In American law, no NDA ever written can stop criminal testimony. Chapek is in a perfect position to rat out literally everyone who got him shitcanned out of the company in the most humiliating way possible.
We all knew that Disney was going downhill fast. It’s been impossible to miss the way that the convergence of the corporation has systematically reduced the value of its intellectual properties. But what we couldn’t have known is how it now appears increasingly plausible that fraud and criminal activity of a greater magnitude than anyone imagined could suffice to take down the entire edifice of corpocratic evil.
UPDATE: Better add another few verys in front of that “naughty”.
New bombshell incoming. Disney was acting as a licensed municipal securities dealer for Reedy Creek. Disney isn’t licensed to do any such thing.
Taxing Imaginary Money
Now, money is largely an illusion anyhow, so it’s not actually the stretch it might appear to be as the US Supreme Court contemplates giving the IRS the ability to tax theoretical gains that don’t actually exist yet.
If the Supreme Court rules in favor of the government, and allows it to redefine income to include any unrealized appreciation in any asset, then it will grant the Federal Government a new power to nationalize the entire asset stock of the nation. In hyperinflation, the only refuge people have is the ability to hold real assets and never sell them. But if the Federal Government can claim unrealized inflationary gains as being taxable income, then almost all Americans will be forced to sell their assets just to pay their tax liabilities. But with all assets up for sale at once, the most likely buyer will be the Federal Government itself, which will pay in near worthless paper. In one decision, the Supreme Court would have rendered the Constitution meaningless, effectively illuminated private property rights, and provided the Federal Government with the legal mechanism to pull off a communist revolution without having to fire a single shot.
This would be absolutely and utterly absurd, as well as rendering all taxation perfectly subjective, but then, so much of Clown World is that one can’t simply assume that the US Supreme Court will not find some emanation or penumbra that permits it to invent a new federal power.
I mean, why not simply allow people to book theoretical profits while they’re at it? Sure, you might have held on to the stock too long, but if we simply imagine that you had sold it when it was at its peak, then you’d have made a lot more money, which, if properly recognized, will permit you to stimulate the economy with your imputed profits.
Everybody wins!
It’s Official
House Democrats splintered on Tuesday over a resolution condemning the rise of antisemitism in the United States and around the world, with more than half of them declining to support a measure declaring that “anti-Zionism is antisemitism.” The resolution denouncing antisemitism, drafted by Republicans, passed by a vote of 311 to 14, drawing the support of all but one Republican. Ninety-two Democrats voted “present” — not taking a position for or against the measure — while 95 supported it.
— The New York Times
Next up for House Republicans: A resolution declaring that a refusal to discuss, or even mention in any way, Literally Where, is antisemitism.
The Disney Insurrection
What the Devil Mouse is now confirmed to have done was more illegal, more subversive, and a more substantial insurrection against the lawful government than anything the January 6th protesters are even accused of having done:
For decades, Disney had effectively seemingly controlled the board designed to oversee its own properties. Until DeSantis stepped in recently and put a stop to it. Now a new report from the replacement board has shown just how corrupt Disney’s arrangement was. And how both entities took advantage of taxpayers to foot the bill for their cozy relationship.
The report found that Disney had promised to build services including hospitals, schools and libraries as part of their obligations under their special governing arrangement. Sure enough, they built none of it. It also described what Disney had achieved as essentially an “absolute monarchy” over the Florida property.
“Disney had wholly outmaneuvered the legislature and pulled off an incredible act,” the report reads. “It had established an extra-constitutional governing authority – ‘an experimental absolute monarchy’ – within the borders of the State of Florida, and, accordingly, the United States – one that strikingly resembled, without exaggeration, a kingdom of yore.”
The Dark Herald, who has been covering this story for months on the Arkhaven blog, has more specific details, as is his wont.
For decades Reedy Creeky employees were treated as if they were Disney World cast members. The annual passes that are a standard benefit to Disney employees, were given to Reedy Creek employees and they were told it was a “gift from the Walt Disney Company.”
What Reedy Creek was actually doing was buying the passes with the tax money that had been collected from the Walt Disney Company. They were giving Disney’s tax money back to the company. Then they lied to their employees about the gift part. None of this was reported to the IRS.
A bigger problem is the 50% discount on Disney cruise lines. There is no getting around the fact that Reedy Creek and Disney broke Florida’s public disclosure laws. These benefits were never reported as taxable benefits, which they are.
Because of these things, these government employees felt their job was to prioritize the needs of The Walt Disney Company.
This is the tip of the iceberg stuff. There is a lot more in this report.
The Reedy Creek Audit, Dark Herald, 5 December 2023
The extent and the extended time frame of this crimes are such that it would be perfectly justified if the Disney corporation had its business charter pulled by the State of Florida, the Reedy Creek land was seized by the state, and its various operations were sold off to the highest bidder.
Due to the size and political influence of the Devil Mouse, that almost certainly won’t happen. But it is a good sign that the massive corruption of at least one giant of the corpocracy is being exposed to the public.
Copyright is Corporate Welfare
You won’t often hear a publisher or an author speak out against the manufactured government-monopoly granted legal right that is “copyright”. And I’m not doing so because there are some books by deceased authors that we would definitely publish if their copyright was expired, or because I believe that the extended copyright of life+70 years is both immoral and absurd even though I do. In most cases, we have absolutely no problem obtaining the necessary rights from the copyright holders.
What I’m addressing here instead is the reality of the situation that surrounds the issue, because nearly everyone who opines about it is doing so in complete ignorance and on the basis of some wildly false assumptions.
First and foremost, the idea that no one will write books if they are not “protected” by copyright that “gives them the opportunity” to sell and profit from them is absolutely and utterly false. It is such a ridiculously stupid statement that anyone who argues this should never, ever, express their opinion on anything ever again, because they are not only literally retarded, they are also historical null sets. I will never regard anyone who presents this argument as a cognitive adult, because it requires a complete absence of both thought and relevant information.
Copyright was invented in The British Statute of Anne 1710, full title “An Act for the Encouragement of Learning, by vesting the Copies of Printed Books in the Authors or purchasers of such Copies, during the Times therein mentioned”. Previous “copyrights” were simple royal monopolies granted on an individual basis, which should make plain the true foundation of the so-called “moral right”. Regardless, the fact is that all of the pre-1710 classics were written sans copyright, thereby exploding the ahistorical notion of copyright causality.
But one doesn’t need to know anything about history to realize that economic factors do not drive the impulse for human creativity. Consider the current numbers reported by the book publishing industry.
- 787,700,000: Total US print editions sold in 2022
- 526,000,000: Total US ebook editions sold in 2022
- $22,600,000,000: Total US print revenue in 2022
- $2,040,000,000: Total US ebook revenue in 2022
- $8,900,000,000: Big 4 publisher revenue in 2022 (Penguin Random House, Hachette, Harper Collins, Macmillan)
- 4,000,000: The number of new books published in 2022.
- 2,300,000: The number of self-published books published in 2022
- 600,000: The number of self-published books published in 2014
- 80: The percent of total book distribution controlled by Amazon.
- The average book sells 200 copies in its first year and 1,000 over its lifetime on Amazon
In other words, each print edition produced an average $28.69 in revenue while each ebook produced an average $3.88 in revenue. So the average book produces $27,182.80 lifetime revenue, with at most $17,668.82 going to the average self-published author and $997.30 to the average mainstream published author. Obviously, since Colleen Hoover sold more than 4,730,000 books in 2022, the median book lifetime revenue is considerably lower, but the averages are sufficiently informative to make it clear that absolutely no one is writing books in order to make less than $20,000 over the entire sales lifetime of the book.
Still less is copyright required to defend the interests of any heirs to that massive average windfall.
The fact is that copyright is nothing more than corporate welfare that primarily benefits five companies in the publishing industry and is defended by a very small number of corporate-favored authors who are the chosen beneficiaries of those five companies. Copyright is neither a moral right nor a property right, it is actually a violation of the economic rights of hundreds of millions of people for the benefit of a very, very small number of individuals connected to an insignificant number of corporations.
As for me, I would write even if absolutely no one ever read my books. I have written and published 27,435 blog posts and more than 500 opinion columns without ever getting paid for a single one of them. And not only am I very, very far from alone in that regard, I can count on one hand the number of writers I know who will not write if they don’t get paid for it.
You Never Were, Kemosabe
All of the fraudulent “dual-citizen” nonsense was fake and false from the moment of its invention by the Supreme Court in 1967. No matter how much Ben Shapiro swears up and down that he’s a real American and insists that he doesn’t even hold an Israeli passport, it’s been obvious and observable for literal decades that his sympathies and true allegiances lie elsewhere despite his citizenship papers.
For example, all it took to expose the true colors of Russian-Israeli citizens was the US sanctions regime imposed upon the European financial institutions:
Several leading Israeli banks have begun to segregate accounts belonging to Russian citizens or Russian tax residents, Forbes and RBK reported on Thursday, citing lawyers and financiers. According to Mark Oigman, founder of international financial company SmartGen, the measures stem from EU sanctions, in particular restrictions introduced against Russians by the Belgian-based depositary Euroclear.
“Israeli banks began verbally warning some of their clients – most likely many – about the risks of blocking last week. Many people last week sold everything they could sell to avoid segregation. According to my estimates, few securities were blocked, since a lot of work was done, and at least private banking clients, wealthy Russians, managed to sell assets subject to segregation,” Oigman told RBK.
According to Aleksey Kovalenko of Israel-based legal firm Kovalenko and Partners, Israeli banks are currently negotiating the details of asset segregations with Euroclear, as many account holders have duel Russian-Israeli citizenship, and permanently live in Israel.
“The Israeli side insists that those who have an Israeli passport are in fact Israelis and should not be subject to the restrictions that should affect Russians, even despite having a second Russian passport,” the lawyer stated.
Israeli banks blocking Russian assets, RUSSIA TODAY, 16 November 2023
It didn’t even take that much to expose the falsity of some paper Americans:
The ONLY people I care about are my people, Israel. I have my reasons. I have some thoughts. However unconnected they seem, they are, I am connecting the dots. October 7th, the day we will never forget. I cried, non-stop for a week. felt the shock and devastation of my people like I have never felt before. I am ashamed to have thought in the past, I’m an American first. An American Jew, raised Conservative, practicing, not practicing, and practicing again, the only comfort now is in the company of other Jews.
Lauren Herman, THE TIMES OF ISRAEL, 25 October 2023
Americans know this. We have always known. To paraphrase an imaginary American Indian: “who is this ‘we’, kemosabe?” The only thing that has changed is that some of the “dual-citizens” no longer find it in their interests to pretend anymore, and so they are finally admitting that they were never Americans, or Russians, or Frenchmen, at all.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with being proud of your people and putting the interests of your nation first. That’s precisely what Israelis should do, whether it is a time of war or not. But pretending to be Americans, or Russians, or anything else at the same time is not only wrong, it is insidious and it is intrinsically untruthful, which is why it required the usual 1960s-era emanations and penumbras to provide a judicially-contorted basis for the false foundation of dual-citizenry.
Pizzagate Was Always Real
Another elite media debunker is arrested for molesting children:
A mainstream journalist and close friend of John Podesta, who bragged about ‘debunking’ Pizzagate, has been arrested on a sickening slew of child rape charges. Slade Sohmer, editor-in-chief at The Recount and friend of former Hillary Clinton campaign chair John Podesta, was arrested last month for raping multiple toddlers and babies.
For those who missed the most the most explosive pedophilia exposé to-date, The People’s Voice broke the news back in 2016 that there was evidence of pedophile “code words” used in emails from John Podesta released by WikiLeaks. Numerous emails from the Chairman of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign incongruously referred to food items such as pasta, cheese pizza, and ice cream in ways the FBI warned are used as code-words by pedophiles.
Since then, despite the mainstream media attempting to downplay the story as a “conspiracy theory”, numerous mainstream journalists and figures connected to elite pedophiles have been arrested for the very crime they attempted to “debunk.”
At this point, any public claim that Pizzagate has been “debunked” should suffice to serve as prima facie cause to be arrested and have one’s digital devices searched. And in other news, another elite member of the (((corpocracy))) was just jettisoned from his position after his little sister publicly accused him of sexually abusing her from the age of four.
OpenAI, the company behind the viral chatbot ChatGPT, fired its CEO and founder, Sam Altman, on Friday. His stunning departure sent shockwaves through the budding AI industry.
We Have Always Not Mandate
OSHA is attempting to revise history in real-time by denying that there was ever a US Federal vaccine mandate:
A top federal official at the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) claims that his agency never told private companies to implement Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “vaccine” mandates after the Supreme Court rejected the mandate.
OSHA Assistant Secretary of Labor Douglas Parker claims that his agency’s COVID jab mandate was rescinded after the Supreme Court ruling, this after House Republicans during a September 27 hearing criticized OSHA for the emergency rule it implemented in late 2021.
Tens of millions of private sector workers were impacted by this ruling, which was overturned in early 2022 after the Supreme Court blocked OSHA from enforcing the mandate.
“The federal vaccine mandate, announced in the fall of 2021, had applied to all private-sector firms with 100 or more employees, including both part-time and full-time staff,” reports The Epoch Times. “There were estimates at the time that 84 million people – or two-thirds of the private-sector workforce – would be impacted.”
You may recall that employees who refused the shots during that time period were required to show a “negative” COVID test result every week in order to continue working. The White House referred to that OSHA rule as a “vaccination requirement,” adding that unvaccinated workers would be forced to “wear a face mask while in the workplace.”
Aside from the fact that millions of people were affected by the federal mandate, and quite clearly remember them, how does this gaslighting fed explain why the Supreme Court was reviewing the legality of the mandate if it never existed in the first place?
Can he cite any important Supreme Court rulings on unicorns?
Anyhow, remember this the next time a government or a corporation tries to force a mandate on you. Not only is it a huge mistake to submit to their demands, but they’re eventually going to pretend they never demanding anything from you in the first place. Never comply. If it wasn’t bad for you, they wouldn’t have to force you.
Defending the Narrative
Somehow, I doubt the UK police are going to arrest everyone who supports the Palestinians in the UK.
Thousands of pro-Palestine supporters are protesting across major UK cities, as police warned that anyone showing support for Hamas could face arrest.
Crowds holding placards demanding Israel ‘stop bombing Gaza’ have taken to the streets of London, Manchester, Liverpool, Bristol, Glasgow, Edinburgh and Newcastle.
The Met Police said they have deployed more than 1,000 officers to police the London demonstration amid fears of clashes.
There are far more people across the UK and Europe who support the Palestinians than support the Greater Israel project that requires either the ethnic cleansing or the genocide of millions of Arabs. It’s much more balanced in the US, of course, partly because Israeli citizens make up a significant proportion of the government and media there, but more because tens of millions of Christian Boomers believe they’ll be raptured straight to Heaven so long as they fly Israeli flags in their sanctuaries.
Anyhow, the IDF appears to be serious about beginning the ethnic cleansing of the northern part of Gaza and the US is engaging in a minor show of force in order to sufficiently intimidate Iran into staying out of the conflict. But there are so many narratives and so many possible outcomes involved here that it’s impossible at this point to say what is real and what is not, much less how the whole situation is going to play out over time.