It wasn’t the apple cider

Has anyone actually seen Jordan Peterson and Hunter Biden in the same room at the same time?

President Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden admitted during a CBS News interview that he smoked Parmesan cheese after mistaking it for crack cocaine during the height of his addiction.

Reporter Tracy Smith said, “You wake up some mornings — I shouldn’t even say some mornings because you slept 15 minutes at a time and be looking for crack and to smoke whatever was there?”

Biden said: “I spent more time on my hands and knees picking through rugs smoking anything that resembled crack cocaine. I probably smoked more Parmesan cheese than anyone – than anyone you know, Tracy.”

Smith said, “Because there would will be crumbs mixed in?”

Biden said, “Yeah, I went one time for 13 days without sleeping, and smoking crack, and drinking vodka exclusively throughout that entire time.

I wouldn’t have thought anyone could exceed the comedy potential of the Obama administration. But the fake Biden administration is clearing it effortlessly. 

Remember, you actually thought he was smart

Forget the fact that Jordan Peterson doesn’t listen to me. I certainly wouldn’t expect him to do so. But you would think that The Most Important Thinker in Human History would at least be capable of learning from experience. 

And you would be wrong:

Was I unforgivably careless in the trust I chose to show to the Times? Perhaps. I believed (as did my editors and publishers at Penguin Random House) that my story was invariably going to be told and that it was therefore appropriate to provide the details in as truthful and complete a manner possible to the most reliable and credible possible source. We all took the offer from the Sunday Times at face value and held that paper in high regard. Hence, our decision — which was considered over months.

Now, the situation is complicated by the fact that I have a new book coming out March 2 (described here). This means that the decision to participate in the Sunday Times interview was also motivated by a desire not so much to publicize the book as to clear the stage so that the book might be made the central topic of any other interviews I might give around its launch time (instead of issues such as my health). I certainly feel an obligation to work with and for my publishers so that the book’s existence is publicized, and there’s obviously an element of self-interest in that, as well. I want to act such that the book has the highest possible chance of success. I hope that people will find it as useful as they appear to have found my previous book, 12 Rules for Life.

So, what would a wise man do?

Learn my lesson, and avoid the press at all cost? But I don’t know how to distinguish that from turning my tail and hiding, and I think that would be worse for me, even in my currently compromised state, than continuing to engage as I have.

Only choose to make myself available to outlets that will produce positive coverage? First, how do I know which outlets are trustworthy. I could only talk to people with whom I have become friendly, such as David Rubin and Joe Rogan. But I don’t think it’s right to stay inside what risks becoming a mere echo chamber.

Was it a mistake for me to conduct the now-infamous Channel Four interview with Cathy Newman? Or the almost equally-viewed GQ interview with Helen Lewis? Both of those were markedly hostile. Were they failures, or successes? I don’t think it is unreasonable to note that they are markedly of our time, and perhaps indicate something important–whatever that might be–about our time. Both have garnered some 25 million views. There’s something of broad public interest about the tension that characterizes both conversations….

GQ, motivated by the success (?) of the Helen Lewis interview, plans to produce a profile on me in the near future. I have been asked to make myself available for an interview. Should I do it? I haven’t decided. If it goes badly, will I only have myself to blame? Should I therefore avoid it?

I hope to be judicious in my decisions about when and where to speak. I hope that I can stick to the truth when I do so, and believe that there is no better defense (and, indeed, no better offense) than that? Do I trust myself to tell the truth? Will my ego invariably get in the way? Has that already happened?

What part of NEVER TALK TO THE MEDIA is hard to understand? The amusing thing is that Jordy doesn’t realize that both Cathy Newman and Helen Lewis were giving him the Girlfriend Experience because it was their job to help build him up. Now he’s getting the sort of treatment that the media gives ordinary people.

He’d better learn to shut up and stop dancing for the media before he gets the genuinely adversarial treatment of the sort that Milo and I would receive if we were ever dumb enough to talk to the media, because I very much doubt his fragile psyche would survive it. 

PS – I’ll tell you right now that I am going to talk to certain specific media organizations in three months concerning Project Asteroid. Why? Because it’s Project Fucking Asteroid, it’s much bigger than me, and no one is going to care at all about me or anything I have ever said or done.

Schizo Peterson

The news that Jordan Peterson is suicidal and schizo will not exactly surprise anyone who read Jordanetics. Or, for that matter, Maps of Meaning.

Jordan Peterson in a new interview described his spiral into drug addition and suicidal thoughts, before being diagnosed with schizophrenia — and then undergoing a controversial Russian treatment that him placed into an induced coma for eight days.

The controversial Canadian psychology professor, who has spent much of his career railing against political correctness, spoke to the Sunday Times, along with his podcast host daughter, Mikhaila Peterson, about his downward spiral.

“I don’t remember anything. From Dec. 16 of 2019 to Feb. 5, 2020,” the self-help author said of period he was sent Russia for treatment. “I don’t remember anything at all,” Peterson told the British newspaper. 

Peterson gained international fame for blasting academic “safe spaces” and feminism, as well as his refusal to use transgender people’s preferred pronouns.

He penned the international bestseller, “12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos,” in 2018, but was struggling with an addiction to benzodiazepines prescribed to him after a violent reaction to a strict meat and greens diet.

To be honest, I don’t believe he’s schizophrenic. I think it’s considerably more likely that he’s demon-possessed and haunted by his historical relations with family members.

A new home beckons

There is a lot of uncertainty these days, but at least we now know one thing in the wake of the recent votes. Jordan Peterson will be moving to Oregon.

BREAKING: Oregon becomes first U.S. state to decriminalize possession of all drugs, including cocaine, heroin, and meth, for personal use.

But not, of course, for the meth. DEFINITELY not for the meth. I can’t help but wondering, though, if Oregon might be making a serious play for the movie business that is presently fleeing the Hellmouth. 

Investor: So, where are you thinking of filming?

Producer: We’ve looked at a few locations – SNIFF – Oregon looks really good, you know!

The serpent lurks

The conservative establishment’s favorite lunatic drug addict is at it again and now he’s explaining the existence of evil:

Why the Serpent Lurks Eternally in the Garden

The following is from a draft of 

Beyond Order: 12 More Rules for Life

The presence of the serpent in the garden also signifies something even deeper: the impossibility of the order suitable for human beings existing without some admixture of chaos. There is simply no way, even for God himself, to wall off some isolated portion of the greater surrounding reality and make everything permanently predictable and safe within it. Some of the reality that has been so carefully excluded will always sneak back in. A snake will therefore inevitably appear, no matter what care is taken. Even the most assiduous of modern parents will not be able to protect their children from internet porn, drugs, or alcohol, even if they lock them in the basement (in which case they only end up exposing them to the snakes they harbor within themselves). We might have learned such things by watching the great, degenerate totalitarian utopias of the 20th century. Leaders and citizens alike attempted, with ever-increasing desperation, to force everything that existed into a defined, comprehensible and too-perfect order. That merely ensured that chaos burst forth without reserve into their souls, and then into their societies.   

You see, you have to give into the chaos if you want not-too-perfect order. That’s why smoking meth is the best way to avoid becoming a drug addict. No one has thought this thought before while not-smoking not-meth.

Take your pills!

Crazier than you think

And possibly a little darker too. I refer, of course, to the Jordan Peterson family saga, which, among other things, now involves a Russian man possessed by a demon named Igor.

Mikhaila started “The Lion Diet” which consists of only eating Beef, Salt, & Water. Although this verges on an eating disorder, Mikhaila claimed that it cured many of her health problems. She even announced that she stopped taking her medications, including an anti-herpes drug. She then convinced her father to start her diet. Soon after starting, Jordan reported that he stopped taking his anti-depressants.

It was around this time that Peterson reported not being able to sleep for 25 days straight while experiencing an “overwhelming sense of impending doom” after drinking some apple cider.

I’m still amused that anyone ever thought Jordan Peterson had anything at all to offer anyone. I mean, didn’t any of you Peterson fans ever read anything he wrote? It took me about 30 seconds reading one blog post to know he was a liar, and less than one chapter of his first book to know he was a lunatic.

Jordan triples down

He totally did go without sleep for 25 days. Because studies. An interview with Jordan Peterson by Mikhaela Peterson:

JP: I couldn’t stand up without fainting. I couldn’t sleep. I don’t think I slept at all for for something on the in the order of three weeks.

MP: Yeah, people like you went on Joe Rogan and talked about this Sulfite reaction you had and how you didn’t sleep and people commented that, oh, it’s not possible to stay awake for that long. But if you actually look into sodium metabolic sulfide allergies, The symptoms that we experienced aren’t unheard of, there are papers.

JP: It’s also impossible to stay awake voluntarily that long. That’s not the same as not being able to sleep. Those are very, very different things, whatever. It’s possible that when I was laying there thinking I wasn’t sleeping, that now and then I drifted off and would wake up and not notice. I mean, I can’t eliminate that as a possibility. But I can certainly tell you that I slept little enough so that it was exceedingly unpleasant. It’s a very long time to stay awake.

Liars always resort to redefinitions as soon as they are caught and called out. And Jordan Peterson appears to be a seriously pathological liar. To this day, he still can’t admit that he was simply talking nonsense on Joe Rogan.

He just can’t do it.

And it definitely, definitely, wasn’t meth.

The terrible pressure of fame

It’s not Jordan Peterson’s fault. He’s not weak. He’s not psychologically broken. Sometimes, definitely not methamphetamine is the only way to cope with the terrible pressure of success and fame:

Fame can send people into a tailspin, and this kind of fame, especially so. Peterson has hundreds of thousands of fans around the world, and they have brought him wealth and renown. He also has hundreds of thousands of enemies, and many of them work in the media. The fans love him for what he says and writes, and for the conviction he adds to it. The enemies hate him for what he is. They put him ever on the defensive. He must prove his innocence, and he can’t. In their company, the issues aren’t salient; he must justify himself. Worse, he must justify himself to people who will never believe that he is justified.

It’s exhausting; it’s exasperating. The people who have challenged Peterson to explain himself, and who then mangle his explanations, seem altogether secure in their position. They have big institutions and left/liberal culture behind them. They will leave the interview unchanged. Peterson, meanwhile, walks away, irritated and uncertain.

I am not sure that these episodes played a large role in his collapse, along with the illnesses in his family and the fatigue of nonstop travel and the medications. But this set-up, crafted by an academia/media juggernaut that demands fealty to dogmas about patriarchy, racism, and gender fluidity, is a unique type of pain. It is dispiriting to sit down with someone for the first time and read in his eyes dislike. It’s singularly frustrating to realize that nothing you say will lift the cloud over your head. And then to maintain your politeness . . . well, Peterson deserves a rest.

It’s interesting to note that one never sees this sort of sympathy expressed for Milo, for Richard Spencer, or for any evil white racist sexist homophobe who is pilloried relentlessly by the media. In other words, they’re still trying to salvage Jordan Peterson, the Right Answer for Young Men, despite the fact that he is observably a trainwreck of an individual.

A narrow escape

Fortunately for humanity, its greatest thinker has survived to think more of the thoughts that no one has thought before. Mikhaela Peterson explains the recent silence of Jordan Peterson:

The last year has been extremely difficult for our family. Dad was put on a low dose of a benzodiazepine a few years ago for anxiety following an extremely severe autoimmune reaction to food. He took the medication as prescribed. Last April when my mom was diagnosed with terminal cancer, the dose of the medication was increased. It became apparent that he was suffering from both a physical dependency and a paradoxical reaction to the medication. A paradoxical reaction means the drugs do the opposite of what they’re supposed to. These reactions are rare but are not unheard of.

For the last 8 months he’s been in unbearable discomfort from this drug, made worse when trying to remove it, because of the addition of withdrawal symptoms, stemming from physical dependence. He experienced terrible akathisia, which is a condition where the person feels an incredible, endless, irresistible restlessness, bordering on panic, and an inability to sit still. The reaction made him suicidal.

After several failed treatment attempts in North American hospitals, including attempts at tapering and micro-tapering, we had to seek an emergency medical benzodiazepine detox, which we were only able to find in Russia. It was incredibly gruelling, and was further complicated by severe pneumonia which we’ve been told he developed in one of the previous hospitals. He’s had to spend 4 weeks in the ICU in terrible shape, but, with the help of some extremely competent and courageous doctors, he survived.  The decision to bring him to Russia was made in extreme desperation, when we couldn’t find any better option. The uncertainty around his recovery has been one of the most difficult and scary experiences we’ve ever had.

So: Finally Dad is on the mend, even though there’s a lot of physiological damage that he needs to recover from. He’s improving, and is off the horrible medication. His sense of humour is back. He’s smiling again for the first time in months, but he still has a long way to go to recover fully.

It’s more than a little strange, is it not, that a complete stranger could coincidentally happen to anticipate an emotional crisis of this magnitude prior to its occurrence? But setting aside the various possible causes of the crisis, let us simply observe that perhaps one would be, shall we say, unwise, to live one’s life according to the philosophy and precepts of a man who is clearly unwell on multiple levels, including the physical, the psychological, and the spiritual.