Elon Musk is a Midwit

He’s just an actor who is playing the part of what the average man believes a brilliant and successful man to be. But it’s not real. It has never, ever, been real or even remotely convincing. Anyone who reads here regularly knows that I have denigrated his obvious lack of intelligence all along.

Attorney, journalist, and Elon Musk biographer Seth Abramson eviscerated both Elon Musk and his “fanboys” who have attempted to use the billionaire’s IQ as an indication of his intellectual prowess in a series of messages shared on X Thursday evening and into Friday. “You are in a cult,” he wrote in one before he later noted Musk “has zero personal intellectual achievements.”

“As an Elon Musk biographer, I would peg his IQ as between 100 and 110,” Abramson tweeted Thursday afternoon. “There’s zero evidence in his biography of anything higher. And I want to repeat that now, lest you think it a typo. There’s zero evidence, from his life history, of Musk having anything higher than a 110 IQ.”

Elon Musk, like Albert Einstein, Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro, Steven Gould, and Richard Dawkins, is a fake intellectual. There are many men whose aphorisms and utterances I have observed to contain sparks of brilliance, insight, and wisdom. Umberto Eco. Thomas Aquinas. Jerry Pournelle. Martin van Creveld. William S. Lind. Christopher Hallpike. John C. Wright. Nassim Nicholas Taleb. Nicholas Machiavelli. GK Chesterton. JRR Tolkien. Above all, Aristotle.

Elon Musk is not, and has never been, one of them.

This is not to say that I am opposed to what Elon Musk, or Elon Mask, as the case may be, is achieving with DOGE. I’m all for it. Long may the act continue. But it is an act, nothing more.

That’s the trouble with propping up midwits and pretending that they possess brilliant minds. Those who know what the real thing is can always see right through it.

That being said, give credit where credit is due. Even a midwit is capable of seeing through the Patriot FBI Front.


Right From Day One

Someone on Twitter declares that it might have been a good idea to take my criticism of Jordan Peterson seriously six years ago:

Watching Jordan Peterson – it’s hard not to conclude that Vox Day had it right from day one. Mentally unwell people can provide the stray insight that is unique, worth hearing. But they are not role models or gurus. It’s always a mistake to take a strange person and create a cult around him. This is basically also the problem of feminism – a handful of angry lesbians convincing healthy young women to live against their instincts.

The thing that was so frustrating for me about the general enthusiasm for Peterson was that it was based upon virtually nothing, and all of the contrary evidence was right out there on display. Literally all you had to do to know he was an evil, vainglorious nutbag was read either of his two books.

Stop looking for heroes. Stop looking for people to give you answers. Stop reading the Cliff’s Notes or paying any attention at all to the Next Great Conservative Hope. Because he will be a gatekeeper, and at best, a grifter. At worst, he’ll be a Federal honey trap, like good ol’ Ray Epps.

I don’t believe in taking advice from anyone who hasn’t been dead for at least 100 years. If their advice still holds up a century after their demise, then it’s probably worthwhile.


Guess Who’s Back on the Not-Meth?

Jordan Peterstein: Hey New Nazi troll rats

Anonymously trumpeting your anti-semitism doesn’t rescue you from your mother’s basement Or from the demon of resentment

Or make you more attractive to the women who take one look at you and shudder

And rightly bloody so
You are despicable bottom-rung cowards
Using GazaGazaGazaHamasHamas As camouflage for your detestable Cluster B psychopathy, narcissism, Machiavellianism and of course Sadism
I’ve got your number you pathetic tantrum-toddlers
You don’t even have the courage of genuine bullies
You Cheeto-dust covered sweat stained white T-shirted hide-behind-your-mommy’s skirts scum

Andrew Torba: They call us every name in the book, but they never call us liars.

Jordan Peterstein: There are no bigger liars

Than those who believe their own lies
I don’t think you do believe your own lies @BasedTorba

Even though you are obviously a liar

And a despicable liar

I think instead that you are voluntarily irredeemable

Apparently Mr. Definitely Not Meth is back on the Not-Meth and projecting hard. He’s observably off his gourd again. I very much doubt he’s going to recover from his next meltdown. Once he realizes that he’s condemned himself forever by his full-throated endorsement of the Gazacaust, and that the greater part of the world views him as nothing more than a shameless apologist for Clown World, he’s not going to be able to live with himself.


A Profile in Cowardice

Jordan Peterson continues to demonstrate why no young man should have ever listened to a single word he said, much less one he wrote, as he explains why the January 6 political prisoners should not be pardoned by Donald Trump when he publicly reassumes the US presidency next year.

I mean, look, obviously many of those people convicted were doing what they believed in their heart of hearts to be right, and maybe there is some truth to their qualms about the Democratic process. But here’s something to consider, if you’re serious about unifying the country, don’t do the one thing that would piss your opponent off to the point where they felt they had nothing to lose. I mean, look, the left really believes these are ‘far-right insurrectionist Nazi terrorists’, whether that’s true or not is irrelevant. Pardoning them will only engender the undirected rage of paranoid Radical Leftists in such a way that compromise becomes impossible.

If you thought the summer of 2020 was bad, you ain’t seen nothing yet. For peace, I mean, I think they have to be a sacrifice. If the January 6 prisoners knew that they had to remain in prison for the sake of comforting the other half the country, and finding commonality, I think they, well I hope… would be ok with that.

Jordan Peterson is the textbook coward who dies a thousand deaths. No wonder he got addicted to not-meth. It must be literal Hell on Earth to live in constant fear the way he does. If, at this point, you ever recommended Jordan Peterson to anyone, you owe them an apology. And you really need to contemplate how it was possible for you to fall for such an obvious charlatan.


Thus Spake Spacebunny

An SG reader reads Gab:

This comment is the written equivalent of watching someone get thrown off a roof onto concrete. You can almost hear the crunch.

MILO: For all the times I had to read “YOUR JUST JEALUOS” and sit baffled wondering what exactly I was supposed to be envying. It has been so immensely satisfying to see the same mediocre midwit screen names sulkily and silently reappear on Telegram trying to forget Jordan Peterson ever happened

WILLIAM: I suspect it’s not so much that you cannot grasp the wisdom that Peterson brings to the table as it is being contrarian simply for the sake of eliciting a response. Perhaps not textbook trolling, but certainly in the same ballpark.

SB: Imagine still falling for Peterson’s drug-induced prattle this far in.

WILLIAM: So, I’ve got two “he’s a drug addict” and one “he’s a paid-for shill” responses. I’ve been reading Dostoevsky and Solzhenitsyn recently – one of which warned his people against what we’re entering into now, and the other who lived through it and fought back against it. Peterson frequently references them, and the way he talks demonstrates a deep understanding of the evil they were fighting against – something he is committed to fighting himself. So what’s the real problem? Is he just not snide and mean enough? Is it that he’s not telling you who to hate?

SB: Wanda: To call you stupid would be an insult to stupid people. I’ve known sheep who could outwit you. I’ve worn dresses with higher IQs, but you think you’re an intellectual, don’t you, ape?

Otto: Apes don’t read philosophy.

Wanda: Yes they do, Otto, they just don’t understand it.

Congratulations – you’re Otto.

Go here https://voxday.net/?s=peterson and start reading – there are pages of posts dedicated to explaining to idiots like you why Peterson is an evil fraud.

I just can’t imagine how she managed to get herself kicked off Elon’s bastion of free speech… again.


An Amusing Exchange

A commenter attempted to introduce a noted theologian to Nick Krauser. It did not go well.

bowler hat
might wanna watch jordan peterson’s lectures on the bible, nick 😉

He hasn’t even read the Bible.

bowler hat
that’s an ignorant comment, nick. misguided at best

No. You’re on JBP’s nuts. He treats the Bible like its just archtype stories and is theologically ignorant. He’s a fake and you’ve been had.

bowler hat
sigh. you’re such a voxday fanboy, nick. he’s your guru

You’re posturing. Latest is that JBP just got exposed for lying about his IQ.

There are few things sadder than anyone who is dumb enough to still believe that Jordan Peterson is a serious public intellectual.


No, Harry, No!

Prince Harry has left readers wincing with his account of applying Elizabeth Arden cream used by his late mother to his frostbitten penis in 2011. The moment appears in his explosive memoir Spare, with a clip from the audiobook narrated by the Duke of Sussex himself making the rounds on social media, where horrified readers have called it a ‘Freudian nightmare.’ In the passage, Harry recalls that his late mother Princess Diana used to apply the cream to her lips, and says the smell of the product made him feel like his mother ‘was right there in the room’ before he applied the cream to his penis.

We’ve officially reached the point where satanic humiliation ritual may be the most optimistic explanation for Harry Markle’s behavior. Who ghostwrote this for him, Jordan Peterson?


When Jordan Took the Ticket

A Twitter user wonders why Jordan Peterson is so insistent on blaming the victims of sexual abuse and claiming that it is nothing more than a figment of their imaginations.

Jordan Peterson (for some reason) frantically explaining how “satanic pedophile rings” are simply the product of the minds of schizophrenic mothers and confused children. This video appears to have been completely scrubbed from the Internet. 🤔 Curious.

It’s not very well-known that one of Jordan Peterson’s early appearances in the media was an attempt to explain away a Canadian pedophile ring that went back to the 1960s. I didn’t address it in Jordanetics because there wasn’t really anything to say about it at the time other than the weirdness of Peterson inserting himself into the investigation. And yet, this sort of thing appears to surround him on a regular basis.

Toronto police have reportedly spoken with Jordan Peterson, the controversial Canadian academic and author, as part of an ongoing investigation in Northern Ireland into the “bizarre” disappearance and death of a 14-year-old boy.

It’s no wonder that Jordan Peterson hates himself and needs to drugs himself into oblivion just to get through the dark nights. He’s probably too sensitive to the evil that, if Maps of Meaning is any guide, has surrounded him since he was a child, and too aware of what appears to be his complicity in it.

TORONTO – It’s been more than 10 years since allegations that a pedophile ring operated in eastern Ontario first made national headlines.

And long after the dust has settled from the tome that is the Cornwall inquiry report some will continue to believe in a conspiracy to cover-up the truth, experts and observers say.

Commissioner G. Normand Glaude concluded Tuesday that children were sexually abused by people in positions of authority and that public institutions failed victims by mishandling complaints dating back to the 1960s.

But many were looking to him to lay to rest a more sinister explanation for those events, that it was the work of a pedophile ring and a cover-up that reached all the way to the Attorney General’s office was at play.

He did not, saying in his 1600-page report that he would not make an unequivocal statement about the theory either way.

For some, it may not have mattered.

An explanation that to some appears to debunk a conspiracy theory just further confirms others’ suspicions, said University of Toronto psychology professor Jordan B. Peterson.

“It’s very difficult to disprove a conspiracy theory, because every bit of disproving evidence can be just written off as additional evidence that these conspirators are particularly intelligent and sneaky,” he said.

Conspiracy theories are usually started by people who are very untrusting and it gathers steam among others who are somewhat untrusting, Peterson said.

They’re psychologically compelling because they neatly tie together troubling facts or assertions, he said. When things go badly there are often many explanations, and an orchestrated conspiracy “should be pretty low on your list of plausible hypotheses,” Peterson said.

“A good rule of thumb is: Don’t presume malevolence where stupidity is sufficient explanation,” he said. “Organizations can act badly and things can fall apart without any group of people driving that.”

Pedophile Ring Theory in Cornwall, Ont., Will Likely Continue to Swirl, Allison Jones, Winnipeg Free Press , December 17, 2009

That reads so much differently in the post-Epstein and Saville era than it did before we had conclusive evidence that there are persistent pedophile rings operating among the government and bureaucratic elites across the West, doesn’t it?

And here is a much more reliable rule of thumb: anyone who tries to blame obviously wicked actions on stupidity and incompetence instead of evil is probably complicit in that evil and is attempting to cover for it. Because there is no inherent contradiction between evil and stupidity.

UPDATE: It could get worse. A lot worse.

Before Tammy Peterson devoted her time to supporting her husband as an advisor, she worked professionally as a massage therapist. Tammy has also been an avid foster parent since she was 30, housing many children from orphanages in and around Canada.

She just loves kids, apparently. Such an amazing devotion to children.