Gender Discrepancy in Cancer

British women under 50 are around 70 per cent more likely to develop cancer than men of a similar age, worrying data has revealed. A similar pattern has emerged in the US, with women under 50 now 82 per cent higher than men of the same age — compared to a difference of 51 per cent two decades a go. The gender discrepancy comes amid a soaring rise in disease among young people on both sides of the atlantic, with global cases of cancer in the under 50s rising by 79 per cent since the 1990s.

It’s not a mystery.

  1. Women are more likely to have taken the Vaxx.
  2. Women are more likely to be overweight.
  3. Women take far more medications.

Not all cancers are caused by lifestyle, but an awful lot of them are caused by putting things in your body that you shouldn’t. If it’s not Vitamin C or Vitamin D, don’t put it in your body unless you absolutely have to do so.


95 Percent Vaccinated Deaths

They could lie to you, gaslight you, and coerce you. They could disemploy you, and threaten you, and turn your friends and family against you. They could do everything but hide the bodies.

Official data released by the UK government has exposed an alarming explosion of deaths that only impacted people who received Covid mRNA “vaccines.” The data shows that the vaccinated population suffered a huge surge in deaths compared to the unvaccinated.

In the UK, approximately 30 percent of the population has never received a dose of the Covid “vaccine.” According to the UKHSA’s figures, 63.4 million people were eligible for vaccination at that point. 34 percent were not double vaccinated, and 50 percent were not triple vaccinated.

However, the vaccinated population accounted for 95 percent of all COVID-19 deaths between January and May 2023.

The unvaccinated population, meanwhile, accounted for just five percent of Covid deaths.

The vast majority of the deaths are among those vaccinated four times. This quad-vaxxed population accounts for 80 percent of all COVID-19 deaths, and 83 percent of all Covid deaths among the vaccinated.


Clown World Hates Truthtellers

A senior NHS doctor in the UK had his license to practice medicine removed for “scaremongering”, or to put it more accurately, telling people the truth about the fake Covid-19 “vaccine” and the evil pharmaceutical corporations:

A senior NHS doctor who raised concerns about the safety of Covid vaccines has been struck off the medical register for misconduct after a tribunal described his comments as ‘scaremongering’. A hearing in Manchester concluded that Daniel Armstrong, a 35-year-old consultant psychiatrist, had undermined public health information and confidence in the medical profession after branding pharmaceutical companies ‘evil’.

The decision comes after concerns were raised about a film Armstrong, who was based at based at Northumbria specialist emergency care hospital in Cramlington, published on BitChute. In the footage the consultant identified himself as a doctor before questioning the safety and effectiveness of Covid vaccines, which he claimed were at the heart of a grand deception.

“I am using my doctor title, my registration under the GMC in the UK, to bring you this message about what the truth is, but also highlight the deception,’ Armstrong said in a near two-hour video entitled Navigating the Truth-Deception Reality. ‘We are being lied to on a cosmic scale, a global scale, and there is a huge agenda why they are lying to us. In essence, you know that you were lied to. Whether you took the jab or not, they lied to us all. They said it was safe and effective, and they couldn’t have known whether it was safe or effective. They couldn’t have known after three months. My message is clear to everyone: don’t take any more. You’ve a doctor here, he’s got his licence on the line – given it up. Don’t take any more of the injections. These guys are evil.”

It’s more than a bit late for this sort of thing, considering that others who were disemployed due to their opposition to the vaxx are already being compensated with millions in damages. I would bet that within five years, and quite possibly within two, this doctor is not only going to be reinstated, but is going to be handsomely compensated for his dedication to the truth, unlike the overwhelming majority of his less-courageous colleagues who had to know better, but kept their mouths shut to the detriment of their patients.


Three Deep Against Cancer

As a lifelong Vikings fan who will never forget the amazing 1998 season, it was good to see Jake Reed and Chris Carter leading the public support being shown by the entire Vikings organization and fan base for Randy Moss. To this day I’ve never seen a better three-WR set in all of football; even The Greatest Show on Turf had Marshall Faulk as its number three and he was a running back.

I’ve got a good friend who is battling cancer too, and although his prospects look good, it’s still a matter for concern. Everyone here knows what’s going on, but regardless of the cause, they are victims and it’s important to show them love, support, and information about ivermectin’s potential utility in fighting their disease.

“Sometimes it’s better to just be really good than have a good play call.”


Accountability is Unavoidable

The professional vaxxers are getting worried that their victims are going to hold them personally responsible for what they did:

I was chatting with a friend of mine the other day, from small town Saskatchewan, and he said their local public health nurse has resigned due to death threats. Her father warned her not give the COVID shots, because, he said, “You don’t know what’s in them.” But she was super pro vaccines, so she administered them left, right, and center, and contacted the seniors in her community to come in and “get vaccinated”. She was also somewhat infamous for administering immunizations at the school without parental consent. Well… since 2021, seniors in that small community have been dropping like flies and now, three years later, people are putting two and two together. And they are UPSET.

Then I heard later, of pastors getting death threats for pushing the shot on their congregations for the same reason, so many deaths and side effects. As a side note: if your church is registered under the Canada Corporations Act, it is possible that your pastor or deacon was offered money, by the government to get as many parishioners jabbed up as possible. (If your church issues receipts for charitable donations, it’s registered under the Canada Corporations Act, in case you’re a church going individual and are wondering if this applies to your particular church.)

And now the rats are jumping ship, as well. Health Canada is now saying they were “not aware” that there was DNA in the COVID vaccines. I have a grade nine education and I “was aware’ in 2020, already, that there was sketchy DNA in those shots. If I knew, they knew. And every day I hear of a fresh politician coming out and saying the whole COVID thing was handled wrong, and the vax pass was a bad idea, and they hadn’t supported it from the get-go, and blah, blah, blah. To be clear, they knew EXACTLY what they were doing. Nobody who was pushing this agenda, masks, vaccines, lockdowns, etc. was in the dark. I believe there were unsuspecting individuals who got the shots who didn’t know. But any health care professional, pastor, or politician who was pushing them, or any cop who was enforcing this crap, had been warned by somebody.

Us “anti-vaxxers” have said enough; it’s not our job to hold anybody accountable. But those of you who got it because of pressure from your doctor, your family member who is a nurse, your pastor, your boss, whoever. Hold those people accountable. This is a terrible, terrible thing that has been perpetrated on the world, and the spin off effects will go on for years. Never forget. I’m not saying don’t forgive, but we cannot forget, or it WILL happen again. It will take on a different face, but it will happen again.

I think it will be very difficult for the law to find much fault with the actual victims hounding those who victimized them and materially harmed them, whether their actions were based in fear, misplaced virtue-signaling, or greed. As time goes on, and it becomes ever more clear that the vaxxed have been seriously damaged by the various substances injected into them, I won’t blame any victim who seeks retribution beyond mere ostracism and disemployment.

We can’t be certain that all of the parties responsible for every step of the process were mass-murderers, although some of them at the top almost certainly knew exactly what they were doing and intended the lethal outcomes. But those who administrated the vaxx should confess that they committed mass-manslaughter, as they provably did lethal harm without malice aforethought.

The fundamental problem is that the governments are unlikely to be able to control any future vigilante justice because they have negative incentive to permit the victims to seek legal justice, being themselves among the guilty parties.


Fruits and Vegetables are Literally Poison

It’s exactly as I always suspected. Even as a child, I had grave suspicions that fruits and vegetables were an insidious plot to poison humanity.

Strawberries top a list of fruits and vegetables from UK supermarkets found to contain potentially dangerous pesticide toxins. The man-made substances, called PFAS, are known as ‘forever chemicals’ because they may never leave the body once they are consumed.

They are linked to serious health issues including cancer, high cholesterol, reduced kidney function, thyroid disease, low fertility, repressed immune system and low birth weight in babies. They are also feared to affect growth, learning, and behaviour development in infants and children.

A government testing programme checked fresh produce on sale in the UK, some of which had been imported from overseas. It found 95 per cent of strawberries contained PFAS. Other foods that contained the toxins included grapes (61 per cent), cherries (56 per cent), spinach (42 per cent), tomatoes (38 per cent) and peaches (38 per cent).

It’s very satisfying to learn, all these many years later, that my excellent physical health and superb intellectual development is due, at least in part, to my steadfast refusal to eat that inedible green stuff in my formative years. I also wonder if those who advocate the vegetarian, vegan, and fruitarian lifestyles have even begun to take the dire consequences of ingesting these forever chemicals on a daily basis.

I shall contemplate the implications over a lunch of dried jamon iberico, longanza pimienta, and emmental doux. One can’t be too careful, after all.


The Mystery Continues

Clown World’s media just can’t seem to solve the incredible conundrum as to why so many young people are having heart attacks after receiving the safe and effective Covid vaxx:

Why ARE so many young people having heart attacks? They had seemingly healthy lifestyles… but all these people suffered heart problems.

‘Between 10 to 20 per cent of my heart attack patients are now under the age of 40,’ says Dr Martin Lowe, a consultant cardiologist at St Bartholomew’s Hospital and The Portland Hospital, both in London. ‘In the US, data shows around one in five heart attack patients is under 40 and we’re catching up in the UK. When I was a junior doctor it was extremely rare to see young people — most patients were smokers in their 50s and 60s.’

Dr Joe Mills, a consultant cardiologist at Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital, adds: ‘We have really noticed the trend for younger people from mid-20s upwards having heart attacks in the past five years in particular. Now as a cardiologist, you wouldn’t even raise your eyebrows when seeing someone in their late 30s — it’s becoming fairly typical, which is frightening.’

So what’s causing the rise in heart attacks in younger people?

It’s really a true puzzler, a very sticky wicket indeed. I don’t think Sherlock Holmes, Hercule Poirot, Manabu Yukawa, and Jules Maigret combined could figure this one out. In related news, doctors from the World Health Organization are also mystified as to the reason behind the sudden deaths of thousands of children in Gaza over the last three months, but they believe climate change combined with poor dietary habits may be to blame.

“Whatever it is, we can assure you, it’s not the vaxx.”


Trannies are Literally Retarded

It’s becoming abundantly clear that not only is baphometizing minors a particularly evil form of child abuse on the part of the parents and medical professionals, but also a historic crime against humanity by Clown World that is even worse than anything the infamous Dr. Mengele ever conceived:

A world-renowned expert who found puberty-blockers can harm children’s IQ says woke academics initially dismissed her research as ‘biased’. University College London neuropsychologist Professor Sallie Baxendale published a review of the potential impact of the powerful drugs on teens who take them.

Her alarming study highlighted cases where young girls seemingly lost between 7 to 15 IQ points while taking the medications, which halt bodily changes in puberty.

But despite the concerning findings, Professor Baxendale initially struggled to find a publisher for her review. Three separate journals rejected her paper in which she called for ‘urgent’ research into the impact of the drugs on children’s brain functions.

Writing in the now-published article in the peer-reviewed Acta Paediatrica journal, she said: ‘What impact does any delay in cognitive development have on an individual’s educational trajectory and subsequent life opportunities given the critical educational window in which these treatments are typically prescribed? If cognitive development “catches up” following the discontinuation of puberty suppression, how long does this take and is the recovery complete?’

I wonder if virtue-signaling parents who think that their tranny child is a social benefit to them would rethink their wicked plans if they realized that they are not only sterilizing their child, but permanently lowering the child’s IQ by a whole standard deviation? To put it in perspective, that’s the difference between the average white American IQ and the average black American IQ.

Probably not, considering that deviation is their central motivation.


At Least They Didn’t Panic

An English doctor writes about what he calls “the covid booster cancer time bomb”.

I have previously reported on my concern about the rise in stable cancer relapses that I have witnessed in my melanoma clinic.

None of these patients of mine presented with the classic prodrome of relapse that I had always noticed previously, such as severe depression due to bereavement, divorce or bankruptcy. Indeed the only thing I found they had in common was to have had a recent booster mRNA covid vaccine. I phoned around my colleagues not only in the UK but also in Australia to check their experience. In no case did they deny such a link. Indeed, they were equally alarmed at the association between booster vaccines and relapse that they too were witnessing, as well an increase in new cancers, particularly in those below 50 years old. In addition to melanoma these colleagues were also very concerned about a sudden big increase in young patients with colorectal cancer.

Rather than instigating a proper inquiry to investigate this when we raised these concerns, the medical authorities told us all that what we were witnessing was a coincidence, that we had to prove it and above all, not to upset our patients.

Recently the American Cancer Society (ACS) has warned of a surge in new cancer cases in the US this last year of over 2 million, with many of these cases occurring in younger patients. Indeed, the chief scientific officer of the ACS, William Dahat, announced in addition that cancers were presenting with more aggressive disease and larger tumours at the time of diagnosis, especially in younger patients. Of further interest it noted a difference in the microbiome (the community of micro-organisms such as fungi, bacteria and viruses that exist in a different environment) between patients under 50 compared with those over 50.

This surge mirrors a report from Phinance Technologies of late last year which analysed in detail data from the UK Office for National Statistics (ONS) which showed that disability and deaths in 2021 and 2022 had increased dramatically in all age groups, but especially in the 15-44 age group.

The Lancet also published an article before Christmas reporting excess deaths post covid pandemic to be up by 11-15 per cent over than expected for under-25s and for between 25-49 year olds. This is in fact the pattern found in many countries that have looked at the data. Germany for example has reported excess deaths rising from 7 per cent in 2020 to 24 per cent in 2023.

What makes this all the more surprising is that negative deaths should be the norm after a pandemic as you cannot die twice!

The link between covid vaccines and myocarditis and early death particularly in the young, highlighted by Peter McCullough and colleagues as well as by Aseem Malhotra here in the UK, is incontestable. Now we have a confirmatory report from the CDC in the US, data that the authorities here have refused to act on so as not to alarm vaccinated patients!

The Covid Booster Cancer Time Bomb, 3 February 2024

The CDC has admitted that it didn’t tell the vaxxed about the obvious link between the vaxx and myocarditis because it didn’t want “to cause panic”. Which could, I suppose, be justified in theory if there is nothing that can be done about it, except to punish the parties responsible for injuring tens of millions of Americans. But the vaxx-inspired turbo cancers that are causing a significant percentage of the excess post-Covid deaths can be mitigated by early awareness, diagnosis, and treatment, which is why it is a moral imperative for the CDC and other medical organizations to come clean on the cancer risks that the vaxxed-and-boosted are now facing.

The situation is worse than it superficially looks, because while the excess deaths aren’t as high as had been feared, as the doctor points out, they should be negative. So, we can expect them to continue to rise over the next 2-3 years. And if you are boosted, or even if you’re only vaxxed, be sure to schedule regular checkups, particularly if you have ever been treated for any form of cancer.

UPDATE: In what is almost certainly related news, country music singer Toby Keith has died of cancer at the age of 62. And yes, he was vaxxed.

Country singer Toby Keith died Monday at the age of 62, his family wrote in a statement posted to his website and social media accounts early Tuesday. Keith revealed in June 2022 that he had been diagnosed with stomach cancer.

UPDATE: The Harrowing of the Elderly is real.

My wife works in a nursing home facility. Prior to the vaxx the facility averaged a death per week and the facility was at max capacity. Today it’s 7 deaths per week… sometimes as high as 10. And the facility is at half-capacity. She left during the vaxx mandate as she refused. They begged her to come back six months ago but she’s quitting again as the environment has become so sad and depressing.


A Mystery in Portugal

Portugal has the highest COVID-19 vaccination rate in the world.
September 2021

Portugal registers highest level of excess deaths in Europe
January 2024

We don’t know it’s the vaxx…

UPDATE: The English are similarly confused.

Why ARE strokes rising in young people?

Why indeed? Such a vexing mystery! But not to worry. The strokes are safe and effective.