A Dire Situation

The head of the Swiss gas industry, André Dosé, warns about the dangerous energy and electricity situation facing Europe in the aftermath of the self-destructive decision on the part of the European governments to go to war with Russia and China on the orders of the US-based neocons. Of course, if the Swiss had maintained their historical neutrality, they could simply ask the Russians for help, but instead they’re being retaught the painful lesson of a) taking sides and b) aligning with the losers.

How dire is the situation?

We have a huge problem. There are currently increasing signs that no more gas will flow from Russia to Europe via Nord Stream 1 after the maintenance in July. The gas shortage in Germany could be declared in the next few days. Coal-fired power plants are now being used in Germany to produce electricity. At the same time, 40 to 45 percent of the nuclear power plants in France are out of operation. And the world’s largest gas supplier, Uniper, has asked the state for stabilization measures because of liquidity problems. Under these conditions, it takes very little for energy to run out in winter.

Does that also apply to Switzerland?

Yes. We depend on year-round gas imports and electricity imports in winter. This crisis in Switzerland is largely self-inflicted. The Energy Strategy 2050 is built on sand. It was assumed that there was no population growth, the population reduced electricity consumption. Likewise, electromobility was not included in the scenarios when voting. It was a dream that would never have worked one way or the other. The Ukraine war is now forcing us to rethink dramatically.

What must Switzerland do now?

There is no short-term solution. The expansion of photovoltaics is all right and good – but it won’t get us through the winter. Switzerland lags behind other countries in Europe. In addition, we do not have an electricity agreement with the EU, which does not improve our situation.

The “Perfect Storm”.

Yes, unfortunately. And I don’t have the impression that people in this country are aware of how dangerous the situation is. If the population is now called upon to take a shower instead of a bath, then the scope of our problems is fundamentally misunderstood.

André Dosé zur Energiekrise: «Man ist sich in der Schweiz nicht bewusst, wie gefährlich die Situation ist», NZZ, 6 July 2022

The situation is economically catalysmic, and may even prove to be societally cataclysmic. Three years ago, a megawatt hour of gas cost EUR 7. The price is now EUR 175, and is expected to rise to at least 250.

Spot electricity and gas markets are blowing up. But, less noticed, so are 2023 and 2024 gas prices.

Germany’s gas situation is dire. They are issuing official warnings about rationing. Lots of manufacturing will get turned off. People who hedged forward will face massive margin calls. Industry experts are predicting governments will have to do bailouts.

I do not think Europe will sustain its current position on UKR/Russia through this winter. And Putin can squeeze much harder. European voters will not support large hits to their living standards to fund turnign UKR into rubble and fighting between people screaming in Russian at each other.

The media and much of academia has cheered for the war so it’s very hard for them to cover this story…

The war against Russia was always and obviously going to be a complete disaster, without even taking China and the other BRICSIA nations into account. The European countries absolutely need to surrender now, before the weather turns cold and their need for heat and electricity rises. But as with the defeated Ukrainian military forces, it is unlikely that their globalist masters will permit them to do so. After all, the globalist elite doesn’t care about freezing Poles, Germans, or Swiss any more than they do about their starving Ukrainian cannon fodder.

What a pity the Swiss media didn’t seek to interview me about relevant topics like this instead of seeking to dig up material for the 473rd failed hit piece about me.

UPDATE: Today’s NZZ is discussing the possibility that Switzerland will lose 30 to 40 percent of its power this winter. It seems to me that the wisest approach to the incipient crisis would be a) declaring permanent neutrality, b) unfreezing and restoring all Russian assets, and c) sending a delegation to Moscow to apologize to the Russian people and request assistance.

UPDATE: French authorities are preparing for a complete suspension of gas supplies from Russia, according to the country’s Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire, who sees such a full shutdown as the “most likely scenario.”


The Dutch Farmer Rebellion

It’s not just a protest, if this summary of the reason for the recent Dutch agricultural uprising is even remotely accurate.

The basic gestalt:

EU and WEF promote Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), aka Agenda 2030.

Part of the SDGs is the reduction of agricultural impact on climate change by means of nitrogendioxide (NO2) restrictions.

Dutch gouvernment signs contracts promising to execute this agenda and proceeds implementing new laws restricting NO2 emissions from farms

Dutch farms however barely produce any such gases, even the Dutch government statistics indicate 90% of the measured NO2 comes from Germany. NO2 is also a frail and unstable molecule that doesn’t actually impact the local environment.

Independent digital soldiers discover the TriState City project in their efforts to find out why the Dutch gouvernment does this. TriState City is scheduled to be the complete bulldozing and rebuilding of the entire Benelux as one giant smart city, akin to the 90s movie Judge Dredd.

TriState City is supposed to become the capital of the globo-homogenised One World Government (OWG).

This OWG needs all that Dutch farmland to build ghettos.

The NO2 law is just a tool being used to completely decimate the Netherlands, Dutch culture and the Dutch way of life.

Farmers share this information and quietly decline this law.

Dutch government publicly threatens land appropriation by force if the farmers don’t comply.

Farmers organise tractor rallies and block highways.

Farmers surround the home of the minister of agriculture.

Farmers collaborate with other branches of the economy to organise a general strike and shutdown for Monday the 4th of July.

Dutch government debates on the potential strike and say on public record that military violence may be used on the farmers if they attempt to shut down Schiphol. ln so doing the Dutch government quietly declared itself enemy of the People and became strictly illegal under admiralty law for it violated its corporate contract with the citizens of this nation.

Dutch media reports nothing but angsty inconveniences.

Make no mistake, the neo-liberal rules-based world order is definitely not “the good guys” by any definition. They are evil far beyond anything of which their incessant “Nazi Putin, Commie Xi, Everyone is the Next Hitler” rhetoric warns.

World War III is not only here, it is the better option for humanity. Submission is not an option and will avail those who do literally nothing. Even the proverbial Rider on the Red Horse is preferable to global enslavement to the very worst and most wicked members of the human race and their spiritual masters.



SHOT: French demand for Russian natural gas has been on the rise for the last four years. The upward trend continues in the current year as well. From January 1 through June 5, 2019, Gazprom’s gas supplies to France totaled 5.8 billion cubic meters, an increase of 5.6 per cent from the same period of 2018. In 2018, Gazprom supplied to France 12.9 billion cubic meters of gas, an increase of 5.4 per cent against 2017 (12.3 billion cubic meters).

CHASER: Russian natural gas flows to France via pipeline from Germany have ceased. Russia’s Gazprom will reduce gas supply to Italy by 50 percent today, says the energy company Eni.

I wonder how the politicians in Finland, Switzerland, and Sweden who threw away their nations’ neutrality in order to participate in those stunningly self-destructive sanctions are feeling now? The presumably unintended consequences have boomeranged so horrifically on the neoliberal economies that they could not unreasonably be charged with being Russian agents.


France Votes for Self-Extinction

It’s hard to feel much sympathy for the people of France, as after five years of disastrous rule by Emmanuel Macron, the French re-elected him.

Mr Macron, the 44-year-old centrist, won with a 58.5% share of the vote – beating the far-Right Ms Le Pen, 53, on 41.5%, according to exit polls.

In an ambitious victory speech, Mr Macron said: ‘From now on I am no longer the candidate for a party. I’m everyone’s President!’

He conceded that France was ‘full of anger and division’, but pledged: ‘Nobody will be left by the wayside.’

Mr Macron arrived at a rally on the Champ de Mars, underneath the Eiffel Tower, an hour-and-a-half after the result was called.

To rapturous cheers and applause, he held hands with his wife, Brigitte Macron, as Beethoven’s Ode to Joy – the European Union anthem – blasted out of speakers.

Making his way up to stage with giant screen behind it, he said: ‘Thankyou!

‘Thank you, dear friends, fellow citizens, here tonight in Paris, and everywhere in France and our overseas territories and abroad, before anything else let me say thank you.

‘After five years of difficult but happy transformation and exception challenged this date – 24 april 2024 – a majority amongst us chose me to pilot the Republic for the next five years.’

Wearing his trademark blue suit and tie, he continued: ‘Together we can make France more independent and Europe stronger. By freeing our creativity, we can make France a great, green nation.

‘I know a lot of people voted for me tonight, not because of my ideals, but to block the far-Right. I have been entrusted with their sense of duty for the next five years.’

Nobody will be left by the wayside. Except, of course, the native people of France, who are expected to suffer their ongoing invasion in humble silence.


French Colonies Reject Macron

Arrivano i risultati delle Presidenziali Francia 2022 nei territori oltre oceano.
Probabilmente qui ha pesato l’opposizione locale al Green Pass.

Guyane : Le Pen 60,7 % – Macron 39,3 %
Guadeloupe : Le Pen 69,6 % – Macron 30,4 %
Martinique : Le Pen 60,87 % – Macron 39,13%

If France proper rejects Macron this overwhelmingly, we can be certain that the long-anticipated rise of the European nations has begun. The Italian interpretation is that this is due to the public’s hatred of the Covid passes imposed by Macron’s administration.

Europe Waves the White Flag

The EU member-states now have permission to pay for oil and natural gas in rubles:

The European Commission said Friday that EU companies may be able to comply with Russia’s proposed gas payment system, without running afoul of sanctions against Moscow.

Considering that democracy no longer means democracy and free trade no longer means free trade, there’s no reason why sanctions should actually mean sanctions.


East Europe Rejects Globohomo

Elections in Serbia and Hungary support pro-Russian, anti-globalist governments by large margins:

The president of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, on Saturday depicted the Hungarian leader as out of touch with the rest of Europe, which has united to condemn Putin, support sanctions against Russia and send aid including weapons to Ukraine.

‘He is virtually the only one in Europe to openly support Mr. Putin,’ Zelenskyy said.

Preliminary election results with about 98% of national party list votes counted showed Orban’s Fidesz party leading with 53.1% of votes versus 35% for Marki-Zay’s opposition alliance. Fidesz was also winning 88 of 106 single-member constituencies.

Based on preliminary results, the National Election Office said Fidesz would have 135 seats, a two-thirds majority, and the opposition alliance would have 56 seats. A far-right party called Our Homeland would also make it into parliament, winning 7 seats.

His comfortable victory could embolden Orban, 58, in his policy agenda which critics say amounts to a subversion of democratic norms, media freedom and the rights of minorities, particularly gay and lesbian people.

I note that none of the slavish puppet regimes have won any elections since falling in line with the globalists’ demands for anti-Russian sanctions. But the pro-Russian parties are outperforming the media’s pre-election predictions as the pro-globalist parties significantly underperform theirs.

Serbia’s incumbent President Aleksandar Vucic is set to win the presidential vote on Sunday with 59.8% of the votes, according to a projection by pollsters Ipsos and CeSID, based on a sample of the partial polling station count.

Zdravko Ponos, a retired army general representing the pro-European and centrist Alliance for Victory coalition, is set to come second with 17.1% of the votes.

In the parliamentary vote Vucic’s Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) is set to come first with 43.6% of votes, Ipsos and CeSID projections showed.


ALT★HERO as Spoiler Alert

Art predicts reality again. First the Yellow Vest battles in France, and now social media thought crime round-ups in Germany.

Germany Conducts Mass Raids Over Online ‘Insults’ Against Elected Officials

The German government has begun prosecuting its citizens for thought crimes, raiding the homes of hundreds of Germans who have allegedly leveled insults against politicians online. In an effort to prosecute”criminal content” contained in over 600 statements posted on the internet, Federal Criminal police raided scores of apartments and houses for incriminating evidence on Tuesday and interrogated 100 people across 13 German states for allegedly posting hateful remarks against elected officials and question the results of the 2021 federal election, the German news publication Der Spiegel reports.

Without Warning image number 15

To stay well ahead of the news, read ALT★HERO on Arktoons.


Epic Stupidity in Switzerland

The Swiss government just sacrificed the historic neutrality of Switzerland on the altar of globohomo:

Switzerland’s historic neutrality is no longer: moments ago Reuters reported that the Swiss government had joined the EU in adopting sanctions on Russia, freezing assets of targeted companies and people effective immediately:

Swiss President Ignazio Cassis said that adopting the EU sanctions against Russia was a unique, difficult step that required careful consideration. Previously, on Sunday, he said that Switzerland’s neutrality must be preserved and it stood ready to offer its good offices for diplomacy if talks between Ukrainian and Russian officials on the Belarusian border do not succeed, for example by reaching an armistice.

This is an unbelievably stupid act that will have negative consequences that last decades. The Swiss people will need to respond strongly to this by passing a referendum forbidding the government from further violating their neutrality in the future.

But it’s not a surprise. The globalists in the Swiss government have been working toward this moment for years, constantly chipping away at the commitment to neutrality through signing up for various NATO, EU, and UN programs that could be defended as not actually taking a side. However, this action, in taking sides at the behest of one belligerent party against another, is a clear and obvious violation of their historic neutrality.

Having abandoned both banking privacy and neutrality, one wonders what the Swiss government will turn against next. Cheese? Chocolate?

This is a massive mistake and there can be little doubt that the Swiss will come to regret it. With one idiotic move, the Swiss just removed themselves from any future involvement on the world stage. That being said, the fact that the globalists are rapidly pulling out all the stops, including some that have never before been pulled out, tends to underline their desperation as well as their impotence.

Information is not power. Influence is not power. Money is not power. Power is power.

UPDATE: The UK is attempting to surpass the Swiss stupidity. Their idiotic bellicosity is such that one can’t rule out the Boris Johnson government declaring war on Russia.

Toppling Russia’s President Vladimir Putin is the goal of the new wave of international sanctions introduced in response to Moscow’s offensive in Ukraine, a spokesman for Britain’s Prime Minister Boris Johnson told reporters on Monday. “The measures we are introducing, that large parts of the world are introducing, are to bring down the Putin regime,” the unnamed official said.

Downing Street later clarified that the spokesperson had “misspoken”.

UPDATE: The Swiss are already discovering that taking sides means making enemies, even if you try to cover yourself with the ridiculous claim that you haven’t stopped being neutral while striking at one side at the demand of the other.

Moscow has closed its airspace to Swiss planes, mirroring Bern’s decision on Monday to prohibit Russian aircraft from flying over the Alpine country. Russia’s aviation authority released a statement on Tuesday saying that “in keeping with international law and as a retaliatory measure” in the wake of the ban Switzerland had imposed on Russian aircraft, Moscow was “restricting flights by civil aircraft” belonging to or registered in Switzerland.

Not only that, but Switzerland has already lost all of the considerable revenues it would have made from the Nordstream 2 pipeline that will deliver Russian gas to Germany, as the Russian-owned Swiss company just fired all of its 150+ employees, presumably in preparation for being shut down.


Why Russia Would Roll On

The US Secretary of State suggests that Russia might press past Ukraine into NATO territory:

Vladimir Putin may not stop once he has taken Ukraine, U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken has warned, as satellite images show Russia assembling troops, armor and artillery along Belarus’s border with Poland. The massive buildup was spotted in the Belarus city of Brest, just 10 miles east of the the Polish border.

‘Russia has assembled troops, armor, artillery, and more than 50 heavy equipment transporters at a training area in Brest, the Polish border. Russia has also added more equipment at a nearby railyard in Belarus,’ said reporter Jack Detsch, a Pentagon and national security correspondent at Foreign Policy magazine.

Blinken was asked by ABC News on Thursday night whether he felt the Russian president would recall his forces once Ukraine was conquered.

‘Is it a possibility that Putin goes beyond Ukraine? Sure, it’s a possibility,’ Blinken told host David Muir.

But he stressed that progressing beyond Ukraine into neighboring Poland, Slovakia, Hungary or Romania would mean invading a NATO member country, and would automatically draw in the US, UK, France, Canada and the other nations that form the 30-country alliance.

‘There is something very powerful standing in the way of that, and it’s something we call Article Five,’ said Blinken.

In theory, sure. But Article Five is precisely why Russia is highly incentivized to attack any of the four countries concerned. Vladimir Putin now has a low-risk, low-cost opportunity to shatter NATO once and for all, and he would be remiss if he did not seriously contemplate taking advantage of the opportunity that now presents itself. This is so obvious that even the dementia-addled Fake Biden Administration is aware of it.

It’s clear that the USA, let alone the larger European states, have no desire whatsoever to go to war with the highly formidable Russian military. Even their ability to do so has to be in question given the way in which the larger Ukrainian military has melted before the Russian quantzkrieg, especially given the fact that the third-largest European military – Germany’s – is considered to be roughly comparable to the now-defeated Ukrainian forces.

So Putin now has the chance to prove to the various NATO member states that their precious treaty, including Article Five, is as worthless as the Anglo-French security guarantees given to Poland prior to World War II. In light of the strategic brilliance exhibited thus far by the Russian strategists, I cannot imagine that this thought has not occurred to Putin or any of his generals. They know there is no need to sweep across Eastern Europe to shatter NATO and render all of its promises null and void. A simple incursion in force that destroys a few NATO bases would almost certainly suffice to accomplish their objectives without risking World War III.

Words are often no more than just that, words. And history demonstrates that the average military treaty is worth less than the paper on which it was signed. NATO is a literally paper tiger, and it is in the Russian interest to demonstrate that to its members.