Clown World Backs Down

There will be no Third Front in Africa, at least, not for the time being:

The West African regional bloc ECOWAS, which had threatened to use force against Niger in response to a recent coup, is now quietly demobilizing the standby forces that had been positioned for a proposed military intervention, according to French news outlet RFI.

A meeting of ECOWAS military commanders was scheduled to be held in Nigeria’s Sokoto State this week. However, this was reportedly canceled due to organizational issues. The military officers arrived in Abuja, the capital of Africa’s most populous nation and the headquarters of the regional bloc, but did not proceed to Sokoto, RFI reported on Friday.

The demobilization order was expected to be issued during the meeting but, following its cancellation, ECOWAS will now be “very discreet” in withdrawing the standby troops, a source told the French broadcaster. ECOWAS (the Economic Community of West African States) has two options, the source added: “Say nothing and let it be seen,” or “turn around.” The decision was made because “no one is opting for military intervention anymore,” RFI quoted a diplomat from one of the 15 ECOWAS member states as saying.

West African bloc ‘quietly’ withdraws forces deployed against Niger, 27 October 2023

It’s extremely informative to observe the way in which Clown World is reducing its support for Ukraine and refraining from attempting to claw back Niger, despite the African country’s importance to France, in light of what threatens to become the second major front in WWIII. This indicates that either a) Clown World has some sane and sober strategists involved in the decision-making process or b) Israel uber alles.

Either way, the more the US military gets itself enmeshed in the tar pit of the Middle East, the more likely it is that China will quietly go about its business of reunification with Taiwan and the faster the Kiev regime will fall.


Glowy McGlowerson

Apparently we’re supposed to believe these messages posted to Discord are the virtual “manifesto” of the latest wind-up toy therapized into shooting complete strangers for the purposes of pushing unconstitutional gun control laws.

[11:23 PM] RobertCard: I can’t stand these damn non whites ruining our country. They don’t deserve to live.
[11:25 PM] RobertCard: I’ve had enough of this political correctness bullshit. It’s time to take matters into my own hands.
[11:27 PM] RobertCard: I’ve been trained to kill and I’m damn good at it. These people will pay for what they’ve done to our country.
[11:30 PM] RobertCard: It’s time to make a statement. I’ll show them what a true American is capable of. They won’t know what hit them.
[11:33 PM] RobertCard: I’ve got my guns and plenty of ammo. Let’s make America great again by getting rid of these scum.
[11:37 PM] RobertCard: I won’t stop until every last one of them is gone. This is my duty as an American.
[11:40 PM] RobertCard: They can’t hide from me. I know their patterns, their hangouts. I’ll hunt them down and take them out one by one.
[11:43 PM] RobertCard: The army trained me to be a killer and I’ll use every tactic I learned to make sure these non whites regret ever stepping foot in our country.
[11:47 PM] RobertCard: No one will stop me. I have a mission and I’ll see it through until the end. God bless America.

The Maine Manifesto, Glowy McGlowerson, 25 October 23

Of all the fictional dialogue that was ever written, this may actually be the most obviously fictional. It’s not even AI-level fiction, it’s bad “I’ve read way too many Boomer memes” fiction. The funniest thing is the way that the federal employee who wrote it couldn’t even bring himself to use any of the printable slurs, much less any of the unprintable ones, and instead went with “non whites”. And he used it twice!

Also, if you’re going to try to pass off a mass shooting as the work of a true American white supremacist patriot, you probably shouldn’t choose one where white people are shot. In Maine, of all places.

This is so bad that I think it’s far more likely to be a /pol/ gag mocking the glowies than it is to have been written by anyone who ever shot anybody.


The Official Story is Always Fake

Despite all the outrage, the riots, and even the reported criminal convictions, as we always knew, the Minneapolis police didn’t kill George Floyd.

During her deposition, Sweasy also discussed a revealing conversation she said she had the day after Floyd’s death when she asked Hennepin County Medical Examiner Dr. Andrew Baker about the autopsy.

“I called Dr. Baker early that morning to tell him about the case and to ask him if he would perform the autopsy on Mr. Floyd,” she explained. “He called me later in the day on that Tuesday and he told me that there were no medical findings that showed any injury to the vital structures of Mr. Floyd’s neck. There were no medical indications of asphyxia or strangulation,” Sweasy said, according to the transcript.

“He said to me, ‘Amy, what happens when the actual evidence doesn’t match up with the public narrative that everyone’s already decided on?’ And then he said, ‘This is the kind of case that ends careers.’”

Minneapolis’s prosecutors always knew George Floyd died of natural causes, 21 October 2023

The extent to which the news media is corrupted, and to which the official stories they report should be distrusted, cannot be exaggerated. It is much, much safer to assume that everything they say, and every narrative that they sustain, is essentially false, than to take any of it at face value.

We see this again and again and again. Remember, Clown World is intrinsically inversive, so everything they say is closer to the opposite of the truth than to the truth itself.


Even Clownocrats Resist

You know Clown World has gone too far in its slavish obedience to the neoclowns in Washington when even EU bureaucrats are openly criticizing its unelected leadership’s overt hypocrisies with regards to Ukraine and Gaza.

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen is turning a blind eye to Israel’s “war crimes” in Gaza, hundreds of EU staffers wrote in a letter circulating within the bloc’s institutions, the Irish Times reported on Friday.

The European Commission is giving a “free hand to the acceleration and legitimacy of a war crime in the Gaza Strip,” the letter signed by 842 people states. It was reportedly circulated among diplomats and staffers at the Commission and other EU bodies.

While the missive opens with a condemnation of Hamas’ attack on Israel earlier this month, it follows with an “equally strong” condemnation of what the writers describe as “the disproportionate reaction by the Israeli government against 2.3 million Palestinian civilians trapped in the Gaza Strip,” accusing von der Leyen of a “double standard.”

The letter claims she “completely ignored” Israel’s blockade stopping water and fuel from reaching Gaza, while noting that she described an “identical act” by Russia as “terror.”

The recent observations by the Financial Times were dead-on, except it’s not just the Global South that is being lost by the USA. There are massive demonstrations in support of Palestine all across Europe, from the UK to Spain, and it isn’t just the Muslim migrants taking part either. Only the media and the fully-owned politicians are supporting Israel now, and Israel hasn’t even entered Gaza in force yet. EU staffers are the most genuinely true-believing of all the various clowns around the world, and yet the complete 180 that has been performed regarding their most strongly-held principles is proving too much even for them.

There is absolutely no support for the USA’s rush to war anywhere in Europe, and it won’t surprise me if the situation has a significant effect on the next round of elections. No one wants war in the Middle East, but if it comes, the Europeans will be heavily in favor of Iran and the Palestinians. So much so, in fact, that might even serve to effect a rapprochement with Russia.

One factor of which most Americans are unaware is that the Europeans will not break economic ties with China. They simply can’t afford to do so, and they know that following the USA’s lead on Russia has harmed their economies more than they ever imagined possible. So it appears various forces are gathering for a crisis in US-European relations.

Meanwhile, the Pentagon continues to plunge headlong into another neocon war for which it has no support beyond Ben Shapiro, Mark Levin, and the ADL, and which it is likely to lose in a catastrophic manner.

Following detailed discussions with President Biden on recent escalations by Iran and its proxy forces across the Middle East Region, today I directed a series of additional steps to further strengthen the Department of Defense posture in the region. These steps will bolster regional deterrence efforts, increase force protection for U.S. forces in the region, and assist in the defense of Israel.

First, I redirected the movement of the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower Carrier Strike Group to the Central Command area of responsibility. This carrier strike group is in addition to the USS Gerald R. Ford Carrier Strike Group, which is currently operating in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. It will further increase our force posture and strengthen our capabilities and ability to respond to a range of contingencies.

I have also activated the deployment of a Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) battery as well as additional Patriot battalions to locations throughout the region to increase force protection for U.S. forces.

Finally, I have placed an additional number of forces on prepare to deploy orders as part of prudent contingency planning, to increase their readiness and ability to quickly respond as required.

I will continue to assess our force posture requirements in the region and consider deploying additional capabilities as necessary.

U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III, 21 October 2023

This is just another reason why being forced out of the military for refusing to get vaxxed was the right move.


The Global South is Lost

One unanticipated outcome of the recent flareup in the Middle East is that it appears to have put the final nail in the coffin of the Clown World Order by making it clear that the so-called “rules-based order” does not actually have any genuine principles or rules, thereby ensuring widespread global preference for the sovereign nations of the Multipolarity over the Imperial USA and its occupied satrapies.

Attempts by the US and its allies to “paint Moscow as a global pariah” have been “poisoned” by the rush to support Israeli retaliation against Hamas in Gaza, the Financial Times reported on Wednesday, citing more than a dozen officials.

“We have definitely lost the battle in the Global South,” one senior G7 diplomat was quoted as saying. “All the work we have done with the Global South [over Ukraine] has been lost… Forget about rules, forget about world order. They won’t ever listen to us again.”

“What we said about Ukraine has to apply to Gaza. Otherwise we lose all our credibility,” the official added. “The Brazilians, the South Africans, the Indonesians: why should they ever believe what we say about human rights?”

West ‘lost’ Global South over Israel, Financial Times, 18 October 2023

Now, this is apparently shocking news to the inhabitants of Clown World as well as its rulers, but it was always inevitable. The “Israel exception” to decades of baseless assertions about democracy and human rights and respect for indigenous peoples was never going to survive the Internet anyhow, nor was “the plight of the poor, oppressed Jewish people who never did nothing bad to nobody” ever going to cut any ice with anyone but high-trust, soft-hearted ignoramuses with no sense of history.

And it’s a particularly bad look for Israel to be observed to be “defending itself” by continuously expanding its territory. Considering that a significant percentage of the Global South has historical experience with violent colonization of its ancestral lands, it should not be much of a surprise that there is a natural tendency for those nations to instinctively side with the Palestinians. Indeed, those who are old enough will recall how many US-resident Jews vehemently supported the blacks in South Africa on much flimsier historical claims than those presently possessed by the Palestinians.

But as the Financial Times points out, it is the juxtaposition of Clown World’s position on the Russia-Ukraine situation with it’s position on the Israel-Palestinian situation that has probably been the most harmful to its credibility in the eyes of the Global South. Ukraine’s crimes against the Russians in the Donbass, and the 9,900 Russians killed there between 2014 and 2022, were far in excess of the various crimes committed by Hamas in the same timeframe, and yet the global media has spent the last 19 months relentlessly decrying Russian actions that have been considerably more restrained, given Russia’s capabilities, than the total ethnic cleansing or even extermination of the Palestinians now being threatened all over social media in response to a single Hamas raid.

Clown World is deranged and dying. One hopes the Great Powers of the Multipolarity will use their power and influence in a more circumspect and generally beneficial manner once it is gone.

UPDATE: Clown World is going to try to succeed itself.

The current US-led world order has “sort of run out of steam,” but Washington will shape the system that replaces it, US President Joe Biden told supporters on Saturday.

No, it really won’t.


Ideology is Dead

Not even four decades of solid, relentless left-wing loyalty is enough to save a Guardian artist who violated the current Clown World Narrative on a single occasion.

Artist Steve Bell says he has been sacked by The Guardian over claims that a new cartoon linked to Israel was ‘anti-Semitic’. The cartoonist, who has worked for the Left-wing newspaper for more than 40 years, claims he has been told it is no longer willing to publish his work after he submitted a controversial image of Benjamin Netanyahu.

He added that it was becoming ‘pretty nigh impossible to draw this subject [Israel] for The Guardian now without being accused of deploying “antisemitic tropes”‘. A spokesman for The Guardian last night confirmed the newspaper would not be renewing his contract.

This disemployment of a lifelong leftist highlights why it was a massive mistake for Christendom to fall for the fraudulent “right to free speech” that was pushed by those seeking to undermine the Christian blasphemy laws. Now there are new blasphemy laws, albeit with people putting themselves in the place of God and Jesus Christ, and beyond all criticism.

It is also why it is pointless to refrain from speaking the truth for fear of the possible consequences. Because it’s not enough to simply hold one’s tongue, complete submission and a willingness to knowingly speak falsehood is required.

One has to almost feel sorry for the artist. Netanyahu has been a veritable punching bag for the Left for nearly 40 years. There are vast reams of cartoons lampooning and caricaturing him in a thousand different ways. How was the artist supposed to know that the long-time punching bag was officially off-limits now?

Ideology is dead. Identity dictates everything now.


YouTube Aims Left

The SJWs who have celebrated every demonetizing and deplatforming over the last nine years are suddenly beginning to realize that they will become targets when they fail to support the current Narrative too.

They thought it would never happen to them, but Reddit is just now waking up to the unbelievable censorship at YouTube that has been going on for the last 7 years.

The English-language Internet is being systematically erased by the Ringmasters of Clown World for the same reason that revolutionaries always declare Zero History. They don’t want to permit any evidence that contradicts or disproves their ever-changing Narrative to survive, and they couldn’t care less if the evidence that does so is of the Left or of the Right.

We live in a post-ideological age. Left and Right never made much sense anyhow, but now it is entirely irrelevant in the WWIII environment. It doesn’t matter what you call yourself, what matters is what you quite literally are. Nation matters. Religion matters.

And that’s about it, as Lee Kwan Yew had already informed us after decades of presiding over a multi-ethnic, multi-religious state.


Agreement Incapable

Iran discovers why neither Russia nor China are interested in talking substantively to the USA or making any deals with it anymore.

Washington has gone back on its promise to unblock $6 billion in frozen Iranian assets even after Tehran released five American citizens accused of espionage against the Islamic Republic.

Under the deal last month, the money was transferred from a South Korean bank to a bank in Qatar, where Tehran could access it under strict monitoring by the US Treasury Department to ensure that the cash is used only for humanitarian purposes.

However, on Thursday, the US and Qatar reportedly reached an “understanding” that Doha will ignore any withdrawal requests from Tehran, according to several officials who spoke to the media on condition of anonymity.

You know, the American Indians could have told them how pointless and self-defeating it is to make any deal with the USA. From 1772 to 1867, the US government signed 374 treaties with American Indian tribes. It broke nearly every single one.

The Russians are right. The USA is agreement-incapable, which is why it is incredibly stupid and short-sighted for any sovereign entity, be it friendly or inimical, to sign any agreement or come to any “understanding” with a representative of the US government.


Too Soon?

I think we can safely conclude that the USA will be abandoning Ukraine to its fate now that the media is reporting the horrific news that six million Israeli infants have been holocausted in their incubators by Hamas. The only real question is if it will be a false flag or a green flag that will be utilized in justifying a US attack on Iran.