A Purge, Long Overdue

They have a long way to go, but the Southern Baptists have finally begun to take their professed faith seriously and clean their house.

The letter in October came as a shock to Linda Barnes Popham, who had been the pastor of Fern Creek Baptist Church in Louisville, Ky., for 30 years, the first woman to lead her congregation. She had served in ministry even longer, since she started as a pianist at age 16.

But now, she read in the letter, officials of the Southern Baptist Convention had received a complaint about her church being led by a woman. The denomination was investigating, it said.

She replied at length, listing her qualifications and her church’s interpretation of the Bible that affirmed her eligibility to lead. Church deacons, including men, rallied to her defense.

Convention officials decided to expel her church anyway, along with four other congregations that have female pastors, including one of the most prominent in the country, Saddleback Church, based in Southern California.

“I never believed this would happen,” Ms. Barnes Popham said of the move to expel her church, as she prepared to appeal the expulsion on Tuesday afternoon before thousands of delegates at the annual S.B.C. convention in New Orleans. “Why would you want to silence the voices of the faithful churches? Why?”

However the delegates vote on her appeal, the larger message is clear: There is a movement in the Southern Baptist Convention, a denomination that is often a bellwether for evangelical America, to purge women from its leadership.

The right wing of the Southern Baptists, the largest Protestant denomination in America, is now — like conservatives more broadly — cracking down on what it sees as dangerous liberal drift.

UPDATE: Members of the Southern Baptist Convention upheld the decision of the Executive Committee to boot Fern Creek Baptist Church from the organization, on a 9,700-806 vote.

It’s about time. The answer to the woman’s question is very straightforward. “Why would you want to silence the voices of the faithful churches?” Because no Christian church led by a woman is faithful. Those voices are satanic.

If women want to start their own equalitarian Goddess-centered pagan religion, they currently have the right to do so in most countries throughout the West. What they don’t have the right to do, what they will never have the right to do no matter what the law asserts, is to elevate their own sensibilities above the Bible or violate the tenets of the Christian faith and still call themselves “Christian”.

These false female pastors should be grateful. If events proceed the way history suggests they will, within 50 years they won’t just be expelled, they’ll be burned at the stake.


Why the Media Hated the Pick-Up Artists

Because, as it turns out, pick-up artistry proved to be an effective means of penetrating morass of lies in which every young man has been enmeshed for the entirety of his life. Krauser reviews Mere Christianity:

Having followed atheism for a few decades and lived a highly individualist and pleasure-seeking life I became aware of what Christian moral philosophers have warned for hundreds of years: atheism is a dead end. It ends in nihilism. I experienced such nihilism in 2016 and by 2017 I was looking for a better way. So far there’s only been one barrier to my converting to Christianity: my lack of belief in God. Aside from that small obstacle, I agree with the thesis that Christianity is one of the three pillars of Western Civilisation (white nations and the Greco-Roman legacy being the other two) and by removing Christianity from the West we have set ourselves into a rapid decline into nihilism and paganism. It’s a shit show.

Anyway, I give this preamble to explain why I decided to read Mere Christianity. I realised that every single time that I am an expert on a topic and I compare my knowledge to the media’s, I realise the media isn’t simply wrong. They are deceitfully wrong. They are deliberately hiding the truth in order to advance a false narrative. Whether the topic is global finance, mixed martial arts, Game, or anything else the lesson is the same: the media are liars. So, knowing that the media is virulently anti-Christian, I asked myself the obvious question:

Does the media tell the truth about Christianity?

The chances aren’t high, are they? I don’t mean that the media is atheist and therefore do they support Christianity, but rather can they be trusted to speak accurately of what Christianity actually is, of what Christians actually believe?

The logic is impeccable. And his conclusion is correct:

There is no logical inconsistency at all between the God of the Bible, salvation, and the existence of Evil.

I’m rather annoyed that I had to wait until I was 43 years old before learning that. I feel like I’ve been seriously lied to. It would’ve been nice if all those Philosophy Of Religion courses had laid out the arguments and let me make my own mind up.

He was lied to. All of us were lied to, repeatedly. The observable existence of Evil is not a disproof of God or Christianity, for what should be the obvious reason that Evil is a necessary element in Christian theology. This pathway from hedonistic truth to spiritual truth may explain why a commenter at AC’s place observes a surprisingly common pattern.

Manosphere –> Krauser / Heartise / Roosh –> Vox –> AC –> Cabal and Evil Aware –> God right down to the mentions in passing that blown the door open to the next stage could be a common pattern. Might explain why there was a never a hit piece on the likes of Krauser. And now Roosh is Christian I doubt they’d even whisper his name.

Remember, the truth always leads, eventually, to the Truth. And just as liars fear the truth, their masters fear the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

John 14:6.


The Great Coincidence of Clown World

An anonymous reader at an anonymous site asks the most pertinent obvious question facing humanity today:

“How is it they all seem to be reading the exact same script?”

Any study of human nature will show that on pretty much every topic under the sun, a sizable minority of people will not follow the herd – and I mean a sizable minority. Look at elections for Chief Bossman in any not-terminally-corrupt democracy, including the USA til about 1991. No matter how beloved the Winner Bossman is, no matter how much free shit he promises to the masses, it’s very rare for him to get more than 67% of popular vote. VERY rare. The biggest popular landslide in US history was LBJ in 1964, and he “only” got 64%. The biggest US electoral landslides were Nixon ’72 or Reagan ’84, depending on who you ask, and those guys still only got right around 60% of the pop vote. 1 in 3, 4 in 10 people stayed off those big-ass bandwagons. Why? Because that’s how human nature works. And that is a LOT OF people doing that.

Except when it comes to modern politicians and modern bureaucrats and modern general/flag officers and modern extremely rich guys. THEN, they’re ALL – 99%++ – on the same page, 100% of the time. This is a direct contradiction of basic human nature, and as such…. it’s impossible.

I, too, have pondered this very question. Compounding the mystery is the fact that not only does every politician, journalist, corporation, executive, and celebrity read from the same script, but they also shift their positions when the narrative demands it in almost perfect lockstep. They were all against gay marriage until they had always been for it. They were all deeply and abidingly concerned about Covid until one day, suddenly, when they weren’t.

Now they are celebrating Gay Kwanzaa with more public enthusiasm than they’ve shown for any genuine holiday since they were children awaiting Santa’s imminent arrival.

The anonymous questioner suggests two possible explanations: demons or aliens with future tech. Needless to say, there is considerably more evidence in support of the former. And, as we have been reliably informed, there are no coincidences.


Spirits Accessing the Material World

Bruce Charlton ponders how demons might utilize Man’s technology for satanic purposes.

1. The spiritual is primary, and the material is a sub-set of the spiritual. 

2. The spiritual world exists as Beings – (is ‘organized’ as Beings) which are living, conscious, purposive entities. 

3. A Being can form part of a larger Being, and often includes smaller Beings. 

Putting together the above three assumptions, we can see that the agenda of evil might be administered overall by a Being such as Satan, who is analogous to a general directing lower ranks towards a particular strategy. These lower ranks might include demons participating in a hierarchy of organized and specialized functions; the lower ranks also include Men – and other Beings and parts-of-beings such computers, programs, the internet…

While demons are supposed to be wholly committed to evil by their natures; the Men who participate in the System of evil are only partially being used for that purpose.

So a Man might regard his job as ‘just’ digging holes and building walls, or collecting and summarizing data in an office; and this activity might be integrated into an evil-orientated agenda… or a Good and Godly one; and to varying degrees.

Yet the situation is not static, and evil operates purposively to increase itself and corrupt other Beings; so the Man in an evil-aiming organization who digs holes, or the one that deals with ‘information’ – might be confronted-with links between his activity, and its aims and consequences.

So that he will become aware of his participation in evil, and then needs consciously to decide whether to endorse or repent this participation – each of which will have different consequences for how much of himself participates in the System.

If demons can hurl furniture around and turn lights on and off, then there is no reason to believe they cannot interact in a more sophisticated manner with more complicated material objects. While I’m not particularly concerned about AI qua AI, I can imagine how what purports to be AI might be something else merely pretending to be AI and operating in its guise.

This is not a new idea. In THAT HIDEOUS STRENGTH, CS Lewis presented a similar use of the material for interdimensional communication.


Even Christians Boom

The Boomers have learned absolutely nothing from their past mistakes. They are incapable of learning anything. The sooner the myopic, self-absorbed narcissists die off, the better chance Western civilization will have to survive in some form.

We had a church meeting to discuss the issue of the school growing beyond what our facilities can handle, and the mostly boomer congregation decided the best use of our 1.3m of funds would be to build a senior living center on church property. It’s beyond over

The Me generation lived solely for the Now. Instead of planting trees for future generations, they cut down the trees their predecessors had planted and destroyed the society they were given. And whether it is Covid vaccines or church schools, they continue to prioritize themselves instead of their grandchildren, which comes as little surprise to the children they similarly neglected in favor of their rapacious lotus-eating.

The best thing Generation X and the subsequent generations can do is learn from their catastrophic collective failure as a wicked generation and focus on the future rather than on the past or the present.


Clown World’s Fake King

King Charles has a crown, but he has absolutely no power at all.

I noticed (because I share his view) that the new King did not even manage to get the Archbishop to use his beloved 1662 Book of Common Prayer for the Communion Service. Charles actually belongs to a society dedicated to the continuing use of the 1662 book, but even as King he can’t preserve it in his own Coronation. Instead he was forced to endure the sapless, diminished pastiche adopted by the Church of England in 2000.

The only way the coronation could have gone well is if Charles had accepted the crown, then personally executed that satanic Archbishop of Canterbury, whose pretense to Christian authority has been openly rejected by the greater part of the global Anglican Church, with the Sword of State. After which, he would have declared English sovereignty and ordered the deportation of Rishi Sunak and all the other fake English grandees present.

Now it is obvious why King Arthur’s return is necessary if England is to be saved. It’s more than a bit ironic that Susan Cooper wrote so well about the Dark, but she never understood its insidious nature or how it would truly rise.


The Economy of Evil

It has become completely obvious that Pizzagate was merely a glimpse of the tip of the iceberg, and that the liberal world order rests upon an evil economy of abuse, blackmail, sex trafficking, and worse.

In 2014, current CIA director William Burns had three meetings with Jeffrey Epstein when Burns was Obama’s deputy secretary of state, and after Epstein had been convicted of child sex exploitation, the Wall Street Journal reports. Burns and Epstein first met in Washington prior to Burns visiting Epstein and his Manhattan townhouse, according to a trove of leaked documents that include Epstein’s schedules which were not contained in Epstein’s “black book” of contacts or flight logs.

Mr. Burns, 67 years old, a career diplomat and former ambassador to Russia, had meetings with Epstein in 2014 when Mr. Burns was deputy secretary of state. A lunch was planned that August at the office of law firm Steptoe & Johnson in Washington. Epstein scheduled two evening appointments that September with Mr. Burns at his townhouse, the documents show. After one of the scheduled meetings, Epstein planned for his driver to take Mr. Burns to the airport.

One month after meeting with Epstein, in October 2014, Burns stepped down from this role at the State Department to serve as president of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, a think tank. He ran it until he was nominated by Biden to serve as CIA director in early 2021.

Epstein also had dozens of meetings with then-Obama White House attorney Kathryn Ruemmler, who went on to become Goldman Sachs’ top lawyer in 2020. Epstein also planned for her to join him in 2015 on a trip to Paris, and in 2017 to visit his private island in the Caribbean.

Kathryn Ruemmler had dozens of meetings with Epstein in the years after her White House service and before she became a top lawyer at Goldman Sachs. Within weeks of Ruemmler’s 2014 departure from the Obama White House, Epstein planned an August lunch at his townhouse, followed by a series of meetings to introduce her to his acquaintances.

The two first met when Epstein called her to ask if she would be interested in representing the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation – a relationship which never panned out. Epstein also connected Ruemmler with Ariane de Rothschild, current CEO of the Swiss private bank Edmond de Rothschild Group. Ruemmler’s law firm was hired by the bank to help them with US regulatory matters, according to the bank and the Goldman spokesman.

Every single member of the international elite is a part of this wicked system, to a greater or lesser extent. Every politician, every high-level bureaucrat, every celebrity, and every corporate executive. Those who refuse to take the ticket are automatically sidelined, with obstacles systematically placed in their pathways to success of any kind. Forget Marxism, forget capitalism, forget every secular attempt to explain what cannot be explained by purely materialist paradigms. This is the way the world actually works.

These ticket-takers trade in information, flesh, and souls. The liberal world order is a rules-based regime in which the devil sets the rules that are enforced by demons, which is why both the Christians in Russia and the secularists in China are determined to see it destroyed.

In an inverted world, freedom is slavery and success is damnation.


Neither Archbishop nor King

Anglican Christians from around the world have formally rejected the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Church of England due to their convergence with Clown World.

We have no confidence that the Archbishop of Canterbury nor the other Instruments of Communion led by him (the Lambeth Conference, the Anglican Consultative Council, and the Primates’ Meetings) are able to provide a godly way forward that will be acceptable to those who are committed to the truthfulness, clarity, sufficiency, and authority of Scripture. The Instruments of Communion have failed to maintain true communion based on the Word of God and shared faith in Christ.

Successive Archbishops of Canterbury have failed to guard the faith by inviting bishops to Lambeth who have embraced or promoted practices contrary to Scripture. This failure of church discipline has been compounded by the current Archbishop of Canterbury who has himself welcomed the provision of liturgical resources to bless these practices contrary to Scripture. This renders his leadership role in the Anglican Communion entirely indefensible.

Despite 25 years of persistent warnings by most Anglican Primates, repeated departures from the authority of God’s Word have torn the fabric of the Communion. These warnings were blatantly and deliberately disregarded and now without repentance this tear cannot be mended.

In view of the current crisis, we reiterate our support for those who are unable to remain in the Church of England because of the failure of its leadership. We rejoice in the growth of the Anglican Network in Europe and other Gafcon-aligned networks. We also continue to stand with and pray for those faithful Anglicans who remain within the Church of England. We support their efforts to uphold biblical orthodoxy and to resist breaches of [Lambeth 1998] Resolution I.10.

The primary rhetorical weapon used by the converged is an appeal to “unity”. But the Bible repeatedly addresses this false argument in 2 Corinthians 6:14-15.

Bear not the yoke with unbelievers. For what participation hath justice with injustice? Or what fellowship hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? Or what part hath the faithful with the unbeliever?

There can be no unity with Clown World or its demonic clowns. If anyone attempts to converge your organization, kick them out without hesitation or remorse. And if your organization is converged, don’t hesitate to leave it without delay or explanation.


Jesus Christ Is Risen

Now I make known unto you, brethren, the gospel which I preached to you, which also you have received, and wherein you stand; By which also you are saved, if you hold fast after what manner I preached unto you, unless you have believed in vain.

For I delivered unto you first of all, which I also received: how that Christ died for our sins, according to the scriptures: And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day, according to the scriptures: And that he was seen by Cephas; and after that by the eleven. Then he was seen by more than five hundred brethren at once: of whom many remain until this present, and some are fallen asleep.

After that, he was seen by James, then by all the apostles. And last of all, he was seen also by me, as by one born out of due time.

— 1 Corinthians 15: 1-8

Happy Easter, everyone.


The Crucifixion of Jesus

It was nine in the morning when they crucified him. The written notice of the charge against him read: the king of the jews.

They crucified two rebels with him, one on his right and one on his left. Those who passed by hurled insults at him, shaking their heads and saying, “So! You who are going to destroy the temple and build it in three days, come down from the cross and save yourself!” In the same way the chief priests and the teachers of the law mocked him among themselves. “He saved others,” they said, “but he can’t save himself! Let this Messiah, this king of Israel, come down now from the cross, that we may see and believe.” Those crucified with him also heaped insults on him.

At noon, darkness came over the whole land until three in the afternoon. And at three in the afternoon Jesus cried out in a loud voice, “Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani?” (which means “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”).

When some of those standing near heard this, they said, “Listen, he’s calling Elijah.”

Someone ran, filled a sponge with wine vinegar, put it on a staff, and offered it to Jesus to drink. “Now leave him alone. Let’s see if Elijah comes to take him down,” he said.

With a loud cry, Jesus breathed his last.

The curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. And when the centurion, who stood there in front of Jesus, saw how he died, he said, “Surely this man was the Son of God!”

— Mark 15: 25-39