Six Months? Make That FIVE

I’m telling you, ya gotta BOOST! If you aren’t BOOSTING, you aren’t serious about vaxxing:

President Biden on Friday said he and Dr. Anthony Fauci discussed requiring COVID-19 booster shots every five months rather than every eight as previously anticipated.

The shorter timeframe would increase the number of vaccine doses that the US will need to set aside for booster shots — as poorer nations clamor for more US donations.

“The question raised is should it be shorter than eight months? Should it be as little as five months? That’s being discussed. I spoke with Dr. Fauci this morning about that,” Biden said in the Oval Office during a visit from Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett.

Biden said Friday that booster shots for Americans “will start here on Sept. 20 pending approval of the FDA and the CDC committee of outside experts.”

The president did not say what Fauci, the government’s top infectious disease expert, recommended regarding booster shot timing.

Personally, I think they should just go right to vaxx-maxxing and promising superpower mutations. Start off with a little J&J before breakfast, a little post-prandial Pfizer in the afternoon, Moderna with dinner, then finish the day off with a “shooter’s choice” of either AstroZeneca or Sputnik before bedtime.


Boost, Dammit, Boost!

Remember when those who predicted the inevitable need for fake vaccine boosters were called “conspiracy theorists”?

U.S. health regulators could approve a third COVID-19 shot for adults beginning at least six months after full vaccination, instead of the previously announced eight-month gap, the Wall Street Journal reported on Wednesday. Approval of boosters for three COVID-19 shots being administered in the United States — those manufactured by Pfizer Inc (PFE.N) and partner BioNTech SE (22UAy.DE), Moderna Inc (MRNA.O) and Johnson & Johnson (JNJ.N) — is expected in mid-September, the report said, citing a person familiar with the plans.

The “fully-vaccinated” goalpost just keeps moving. Get boosted, or you’re a selfish anti-vaxxer who murders Boomers and hates science!

Seriously, just how dumb do you have to be to KEEP falling for this complete nonsense? And isn’t it fascinating how the vaccine skeptics keep accurately predicting what the vaccine pushers vehemently deny? TWO WEEKS TO FLATTEN THE CURVE!

This is why the only reasonable response to the question “are you vaccinated?” is “no, I’m not retarded.”


The Science Lied

The medical authorities can easily hide the cause of death, but it’s a lot harder to hide the fact of the deaths themselves. And the data clearly indicates that the vaccines are killing more people than Covid ever did:

A very worrying trend in the UK

Since the beginning of July, all-cause deaths have risen 12% over 2020 and 9% over the 2015-2019 average:

59,877 (2021)
53,435 (2020)
54,716 (2015-19 average)

And the gap is widening. For the newest available week (Aug. 13) it was 16% over 2020.

Observe that despite the terrible, very bad, almost-the-Black-Death Covid pandemic, 2.3 percent fewer people died in the UK in 2020 than was the annual average. And now, thanks in greater part to the miraculous fake vaccines, 12 percent more people will die in 2021 than died in 2020.

They told you to “trust the science” and the science lied.

UPDATE: A doctor has serious doubts about the fake vaccines:

Educated in the sciences, chemistry, pathology and board certified. There is something very wrong with the vaccines and what is going on with the vaccinated folks. Vaccines are usually designed to show the immune system the threat without the disease. Lymphocytes are the work horses of the immune system and they have life-time memory. Passing that memory and immunity on to each successive next generation of lymphocytes. While some lymphocytes only live weeks most live months and some live years. The loss of immunity to Covid in what appears to be six months is extremely troubling and raises the questions about exactly what is in these vaccines. Remember, these pharm had to get the Covid virus from the government to culture and make the vaccines. Very troubling.


At Least 16 Percent of Moderna Vaccines Contaminated

Japan has seized 1.6 million doses of contaminated Moderna vaccines:

Around 1.6 million doses of Moderna’s Covid-19 vaccine are being pulled from circulation in Japan as a precaution after foreign material was discovered in some vials. An investigation was launched into the incident. The Health Ministry said on Thursday that it has withdrawn doses manufactured at the same production line following consultations with drug maker Takeda, which is in charge of sales and distribution of the vaccine in the country.

Takeda asked Moderna to conduct an urgent investigation after foreign substances were found in 39 unused vials. The material in question is believed to be a few millimeters in size, though its elements are yet to be determined, Japanese media reported, citing Takeda and the ministry.

In a statement to the media, Moderna confirmed the findings and said it was investigating the case. “To date, no safety or efficacy issues have been identified,” the US-based company said, adding that so far it cannot comment on how exactly some of its vials were contaminated.

The Health Ministry said it believes the risk is not significant, but sees the suspension as a cautionary measure, according to Kyodo News.

The presence of foreign material was confirmed since August 16 at eight vaccination sites in the Tokyo, Ibaraki, Saitama, Gifu, and Aichi prefectures. Takeda notified the ministry of the issue on Wednesday.

The ministry reported that the doses came from a factory in Spain and have already been sent to 863 vaccination sites across Japan. Officials will alert each site, and also revealed three production lot numbers – 3004667, 3004734, and 3004956 – so people can check if they received a potentially contaminated dose.

On the plus side, for all we know, the contaminating substances could be safer than the stuff designed to burn modifications into your RNA.


Vaccinated 5x More Likely to Die

Hard evidence is coming in from the United Kingdom, and it conclusively establishes that the vaccines are NOT reducing the likelihood of a Covid-infected person dying.

The UK government just reported the following data, tucked away in their report on variants of concern:

Less than a third of delta variant deaths are in the unvaccinated.

Let me say that another way – two-thirds of Delta deaths in the UK are in the jabbed.

To be specific: From the 1st of February to the 2nd of August, the UK recorded 742 Delta deaths. Out of the 742 deaths, 402 were fully vaccinated. 79 had received one shot. Only 253 were unvaccinated.

Look at the bottom line: 402 deaths out of 47,008 cases in vaccinated; 253 deaths out of 151,054 cases in unvaccinated. If you get covid having been vaccinated, according to this data, you are much more likely to die than if you were not vaccinated!

Do the math. An unvaccinated individual in the UK who contracts COVID has a 1 in 597 chance of dying. A fully-vaccinated individual has a 1 in 117 chance of dying, which is 5.1 times greater.

The vaccines are clearly not effective, as they actually increase one’s risk of dying of Covid. And that doesn’t even account for the mounting evidence of serious adverse effects.


It’s a Mystery

It’s like watching a super-detective team of Hercule Poirot, Miss Marple, and Sherlock Holmes in action:

A New York resident died on Sunday morning shortly after receiving the COVID vaccine, but state health officials maintain that “the vaccine is safe,” the New York Post reported.

The elderly man, who was in his 70s, collapsed about 25 minutes after being administered the COVID vaccine as he left the Jacob Javits Convention Center vaccination site in Manhattan, Dr. Howard Zucker, the New York state health commissioner, said in a statement obtained by the Post.

The statement from Zucker also suggested “the man did not have any allergic reaction to the vaccine,” as no adverse effects or signs of distress were observed during the 15-minute observation period following his inoculation.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention maintains that severe adverse reactions to the COVID vaccine occur “rarely,” saying the chance of this happening is 10 cases in over 4 million first doses of the drug.

Zucker said in the statement to the New York Post that first responders assisted the man “within seconds,” but he later died at a nearby hospital. The cause of death has not yet been determined.

In related news, 85 people in Chicago were shot last weekend. 24 of those people died of unknown causes that have not yet been determined.

FDA Approves Pfake Vaccine

Comortality, or rather, Comirnaty, as the Pfizer fake vaccine has been formally dubbed after being approved by the US Food and Drug Administration, is now ready for the next propaganda push:

Today, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved the first COVID-19 vaccine. The vaccine has been known as the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine, and will now be marketed as Comirnaty (koe-mir’-na-tee), for the prevention of COVID-19 disease in individuals 16 years of age and older. The vaccine also continues to be available under emergency use authorization (EUA), including for individuals 12 through 15 years of age and for the administration of a third dose in certain immunocompromised individuals.

“The FDA’s approval of this vaccine is a milestone as we continue to battle the COVID-19 pandemic. While this and other vaccines have met the FDA’s rigorous, scientific standards for emergency use authorization, as the first FDA-approved COVID-19 vaccine, the public can be very confident that this vaccine meets the high standards for safety, effectiveness, and manufacturing quality the FDA requires of an approved product,” said Acting FDA Commissioner Janet Woodcock, M.D. “While millions of people have already safely received COVID-19 vaccines, we recognize that for some, the FDA approval of a vaccine may now instill additional confidence to get vaccinated. Today’s milestone puts us one step closer to altering the course of this pandemic in the U.S.”

I wonder what the odds are on Comirnaty being “voluntarily withdrawn” by Pfizer faster than Vioxx was withdrawn by Merck five years and four months after being FDA-approved? At least 2-1, I’d think.

Now that Comirnaty has been formally declared to meet the US government’s high standards for safety and effectiveness, there is obviously no need for Pfizer to be provided any more immunity from legal liability, right?

UPDATE: Karl Denninger notes that the FDA broke the law with this approval, and furthermore, has rendered the administration of both the Moderna and Johnson & Johnson vaccines illegal.

So the FDA has “fully approved” the Pfizer jab for Covid.

In doing so standing alone they have broken the law and thus have irrevocably destroyed their authority and any reason for anyone to ever do anything based on them ever again.

Let me explain.

Under black letter law an EUA is illegal if there is an alternative that is considered safe, effective and available. This was the reason the FDA did not (for 18 months!) run the studies and evaluate them on other early-intervention drugs for Covid-19. We all know what they are. I’m living proof they work too, as are millions of others worldwide.

But, more-importantly, this “full approval” voids all other vaccine EUAs for Covid-19. That is, under the law the Moderna and J&J instantly became illegal to offer or use within the United States.

The makers can apply for full authorization, of course, but the EUAs are void as of this morning and under black letter law cannot be administered to anyone in the United States as they are now unlicensed and unlawful products in human beings until and unless they are given full approval themselves. No medical provider can offer or administer any other than the Pfizer Covid-19 shot in the United States as of the moment of that approval.

You can bet the law will be ignored; note MRNAs stock price this morning. It should have instantly been cut in half.

In addition the FDA broke the law itself when it issued the “approval.” The law requires a full hearing and the data from the full set of trials; the trials are not capable of being completed until early 2022 by the original submissions and they deliberately did not hold the hearing. This is a black letter violation of the law as well, but nobody cares.


Why the Hospitals are “Full”

A nurse explains on the Market Ticker:

You are thinking the hospital is filled to capacity due to a flood of COVID cases. That might not be the case at all. There is an another explanation that will make sense as soon as it is suggested.

The beds may be closed because the hospital does not have the staff to take care of the patients who could possibly fill those beds. The hospital could be closed and there may be a multitude of empty beds in those hospitals.

Short staffing is one thing. Critically short staffing is something totally different. A hospital might push a double ratio for care. But do you think they are going to risk triple or quadruple?

Can we spell medical malpractice attorney dream for slam dunk litigation and can we spell massive hospital liability risk? Of course we can.

Nurses along with all the other health care professionals are burnt out and exhausted. Add to that dynamic the vaxx mandates. Hospital staff are beyond fed up. These folks have worked over the last 20 months using just personal protective equipment and standard infectious disease precautions. That approach was just fine for nearly two years, but now these same health care workers must be vaxxed or they can’t work? These front line health care workers have seen with their own lying eyes the COVID vaccine injury fall out. Do you think they want to roll the dice for themselves?

I am getting offers for up to $55,000 from hospital systems across the country. That’s sign on bonus, relocation expenses and so forth. Salary and benefits are not part of that dollar amount and I am sure there is plenty of time print along with those recruitment offers. The health care organizations are usually hidden by the recruiting outfit. You don’t know where you are applying to until you apply, but I could guess. So I could go work in Texas, Virginia, Indiana – you name it – anywhere across the country.

I have a question. Would you take a revolver with three chambers loaded (jabb numbet one, jabb number two and booster shot) … Put it in your mouth and pull the trigger three times? For $55,000? For $100,000? For $500,000? For $1,000,000? Well would you?

My answer is hell no. The “wise ones” who run these health care systems have now set up a situation where they will not be able to hire staff/ recruit at any price.


A League of Boomers

It’s so not a surprise that the league devoted to the signature Boomer sport would set the most asinine policy possible on vaccinations.

National Championships Vaccination Statement, USA Pickleball

Not surprisingly, we have been receiving a great deal of feedback, both positive and negative, about the requirement that all participants in this year’s National Championships be vaccinated to enter the Indian Wells Tennis Garden (IWTG). While many people have applauded the decision, others are troubled by it because they are not and will not get vaccinated. Accordingly, I would like to give you some background on the situation and respond to the statements, questions and suggestions we have seen on social media and received via email over the past 3 days.

First, it needs to be reinforced that the decision to require vaccinations to enter the venue was made solely by IWTG ownership and management and it applies to all events. Second, we did not have any input in the conversation and were not informed of the decision until last week. Any claims being made on social media or elsewhere that we have known of this situation for a long time and withheld this information are totally false.

We realize that this decision will prevent some of our members from participating in this year’s Nationals, not only as players but perhaps as fans, volunteers, and referees. We understand that many of you have made plans to attend which will need to be changed. This is certainly troubling to us but we fully respect IWTG’s right to establish the rules and protocols for their venue. They have been a good partner to us, and we know this decision was difficult for them. Keep in mind that the vaccination requirement goes well beyond just our National Championships as it pertains to all events at the facility, including the BNP Paribas Open tennis tournament in October, an event much larger in every aspect than ours. We know that IWTG management, along with its health advisors, feels it is doing the right thing to protect the people at the venue, particularly given concerns about the Delta variant of COVID 19 that is starting to emerge in California. It is hard to argue against protecting public safety.

Provided below are responses to some of the questions and suggestions we have received.

We have received an inquiry about refunds on membership dues. Decisions regarding the IWTG vaccine policy are not associated with USA Pickleball membership, and as posted over the years, we do have a no refund policy. Please remember that membership supports the sport of Pickleball for everyone, be it recreational or tournament players, including all programs, governance, and related rules and standards.

The inevitable next statement, in which they lament the financial problems caused by all of the missing players, fans, volunteers, and referees, should be amusing.

Spacebunny and I were hit with a similarly stupid “no-refund” policy from our former gym. First they shut down for a few months, then they told us that we couldn’t work out there if we wouldn’t wear masks while we were working out. Then they sent us bills for our “overdue” membership payments.

I paid them for the last time and bought an Olympic bar, a bench, and got the exercise bike out of storage; I’m now in better shape than I’ve been in years. Based on what I’ve heard from the people who still work out there, we’re far from the only former members who have left, so it won’t be even a little bit surprising when the location is suddenly closed.


Delta Tips the ADE Scales

An article in the Journal of Infection indicates that the Antibody Dependent Enhancement scenario is in effect courtesy of the Delta variant.

Current Covid-19 vaccines (either mRNA or viral vectors) are based on the original Wuhan spike sequence. Inasmuch as neutralizing antibodies overwhelm facilitating antibodies, ADE is not a concern. However, the emergence of SARS-CoV-2 variants may tip the scales in favor of infection enhancement. Our structural and modeling data suggest that it might be indeed the case for Delta variants.

In conclusion, ADE may occur in people receiving vaccines based on the original Wuhan strain spike sequence (either mRNA or viral vectors) and then exposed to a Delta variant. Although this potential risk has been cleverly anticipated before the massive use of Covid-19 vaccines, the ability of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies to mediate infection enhancement in vivo has never been formally demonstrated. However, although the results obtained so far have been rather reassuring, to the best of our knowledge ADE of Delta variants has not been specifically assessed. Since our data indicate that Delta variants are especially well-recognized by infection enhancing antibodies targeting the NTD, the possibility of ADE should be further investigated as it may represent a potential risk for mass vaccination during the current Delta variant pandemic.

Infection-enhancing anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies recognize both the original Wuhan/D614G strain and Delta variants. A potential risk for mass vaccination? August 16, 2021

However, the reader who sent me the study notes: This got through peer review. Case Nighmare Kitty highly unlikely. Delta is not that lethal.

And that’s pretty much what we’re seeing in the international data. Although most of the deaths are of the vaccinated, indicating ADE, there just aren’t very many of them due to the lower lethality of the Delta variant.