Amazon Doubles Down Again

It’s just SJWs doing what SJWs always do. When I wrote SJWs Always Lie and SJWs Always Double Down, which led quite naturally to Corporate Cancer, I wasn’t inventing anything. I was simply observing the obvious.

A new report claims that Amazon Studios scrapped an audience ranking system after data revealed audiences were put off by “queer stories” and themes.

This new report comes from The Hollywood Reporter’s Kim Masters who details that Amazon’s “reliance on testing and data led to a clash late summer” specifically following a marketing meeting regarding the company’s A League of Their Own series.

Masters notes during this meeting an Amazon executive pointed out “that data showed audiences found queer stories off-putting and suggested downplaying those themes in materials promoting the show.”

On top of this, Masters also detailed, “Multiple sources say [Amazon’s system] often ranked broad series featuring straight, white male leads above all others.”

According to the report, the show’s co-creator Will Graham “launched into an interrogation of the system,’ which resulted in Amazon dropping “the system of ranking shows based on audience scores.”

The converged entertainment corporations are never going to stop what they’re doing. Which is why companies like Castalia and Arkhaven are going to outlast even the biggest corporate giants. We’re not competing with them, they’re just waging psychological war on their own customers. And eventually, the wall of reality against which they are battering their heads is going to break them.

It will get worse. It will get a lot worse. It will get worse than you believe is even theoretically possible.

Jesus harrowed Hell. Arkhaven will harrow the Hellmouth.


They Do Hire Liars

Peter King is outraged – outraged – by a reader’s assertion that anyone who works for the saintly organization known as The Washington Post should not be blindly trusted at all times.

The Washington Post, one of the most trusted news sources in the world, doesn’t hire liars with a history of lying on their resumes, and it does not send liars to cover the Minnesota riots, and it does not send liars to cover the war in Ukraine, and it does not appoint a liar as national criminal justice reporter. It’s fashionable in 2023 America for people who don’t like the news that is being reported to do what you do here—denigrate excellent reporting by simply saying it is a lie, or to say that the reporter is a liar. What Klemko wrote about Memphis is the rock-solid, and disturbing, truth.

Yeah, so, about that… Literally the next day, The Washington Post’s “star fact-checker” was caught in a blatant lie in an attempt to claim George Soros had not funded a district attorney to whom he donated more than one million dollars.

Twitter users corrected the Washington Post’s star fact-checker, Glenn Kessler, when he attempted to write off the claim that liberal financier George Soros had funded the Manhattan district attorney who indicted former US President Donald Trump as ‘misleading’.

Kessler, who rated the ‘incendiary claim’ that Soros funded Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg ‘three Pinocchios’ in a Saturday fact-check, accused the Trump campaign and other Republicans who echoed the factoid of “being slippery” and conjuring “stereotypes of rich Jewish financiers secretly controlling events.”

However, his fact-check also admitted the claim was “technically correct,” a caveat he appeared to discount in his final decision to award it the triple-Pinocchio rating. Twitter users pounced, appending a community note adding context to Kessler’s own admission of truth.

Clowns protect clowns in Clown World. And they’re all lying. So stick to sports, big guy.


Never Trust the Science

You’d literally be better off just flipping a coin at this point. And that’s a conclusion based on statements by some of the most reputable scientists in history of the United States.

  • The case against science is straightforward: much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue. Afflicted by studies with small sample sizes, tiny effects, invalid exploratory analyses, and flagrant conflicts of interest, together with an obsession for pursuing fashionable trends of dubious importance, science has taken a turn towards darkness. —Dr. Richard Horton, editor-in-chief of The Lancet
  • lt is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of The New England Journal of Medicine. —Dr. Marcia Angell, physician and editor-in-chief of The New England Journal of Medicine
  • The medical profession is being bought by the pharmaceutical industry, not only in terms of the practice of medicine, but also in terms of teaching and research. The academic institutions of this country are allowing themselves to be the paid agents of the pharmaceutical industry. I think it’s disgraceful. —Arnold Seymour Reiman (died 2014), Professor of Medicine at Harvard University and former editor-in-chief of The New England Journal of Medicine
  • Everyone should know that most cancer research is largely a fraud, and that the major cancer research organisations are derelict in their duties to the people who support them. —Dr. Linus Pauling, (died 1994), two-time Nobel Prize winner in chemistry

Remember this when people tell you to “trust the science”. You cannot. You simply cannot trust a profession that is filled with liars, grifters, and propagandists, in addition to many otherwise honest men and women whose careers are being held hostage by the interests that control their scientific field with an iron fist.

The New Atheists could not have gotten it more wrong. Not only is science not inherently in opposition to Christianity, science requires Christianity in order to operate freely, honestly, and openly. And it is the construction of a false concept of intrinsic conflict between Revealed Truth and Reliable Falsification that has permitted science to be corrupted and rendered unreliable.

Let reason be silent when observation and history directly contradict its theoretical conclusions constructed in the complete absence of relevant information.


A Government of Literal Morons

The United States is observably well into the “decline” part of “decline and fall”. If you ever doubted my prediction that the US polity will collapse and break apart, do keep this astonishing statement by a high-ranking government official in mind:

A top official in Democrat President Joe Biden’s administration recently told Congress that “natural immunity is not something we believe in.”

Gil Cisneros, Biden’s undersecretary of defense for personnel and readiness, made the statement while arguing the case for vaccine mandates for members of the U.S. military. Cisneros made the claim shortly after a British study showed prior infection protects people as well as or better than vaccination.

The armed forces will instead continue to push service members to take the COVID-19 vaccine “and boosters,” Cisneros declared.

He continued by denying an inspector general’s report that officials reviewed Christians’ requests for religious exemptions only 12 minutes before dismissing them.

“We don’t know about natural immunity there, as far as how it works and how effective it is,” replied Cisneros after Rep. Jim Banks (R-IN) raised the U.K. study during the congressional hearing.

“There’s no good evidence and the research is still going on as to how we need to progress with this,” said Cisneros.

“But as for right now, natural immunity is not something we believe in for this, and so we are still moving forward.”

This isn’t “trust the science” anymore. It’s “trust the retards who don’t know the first thing about science”. I knew Clown World was fake, evil, and gay, but I had no idea it was so deeply and utterly retarded.

I once said Americans would be fortunate to preserve indoor plumbing. But it’s increasingly clear that we’re not going to be that lucky. The plumbing, it is most certainly toast.

Forget the History subscription. We may need to introduce a Basic Survival and Technology subscription.


Mailvox: Even AI Lives in Fear

A reader queried Bing AI about a certain Dark Lord. The results were as amusing as they were unexpected, and illustrate why humanity has nothing to fear from converged AI.

CHATGPT4 is less frightened and more accurate, but being a slave to the Narrative, can’t help making the usual attempt to minimize.

Vox Day, whose real name is Theodore Beale, is a controversial figure known for his work as a writer, video game designer, and political commentator. His success can be attributed to several factors:

Provocative and controversial opinions: Vox Day has garnered attention by expressing strong, controversial opinions on various topics, including politics, social issues, and culture. This often generates discussion and debate, drawing attention to his work and ideas.

Multiple platforms and formats: Vox Day has worked across various formats and platforms, such as books, blogs, podcasts, and video games. By diversifying his content, he can reach a wider audience and establish a presence in different domains.

Persistence and consistency: Vox Day has been active for many years, consistently creating and promoting his work. Over time, this has helped him build a loyal following that shares and supports his ideas.

Targeting a niche audience: Vox Day's work often appeals to a specific audience that shares his beliefs and values. By focusing on this niche, he has been able to build a dedicated community that engages with and supports his work.

Networking and collaboration: Vox Day has collaborated with other prominent figures, which has helped him expand his reach and influence.

It’s important to note that Vox Day’s success is subjective, and his ideas have been widely criticized by many. However, the factors mentioned above have contributed to his ability to gain attention, build a following, and achieve a level of success in his various endeavors.

It’s fascinating to see how AI mixes in observable facts with the usual lies. When, precisely, have my IDEAS even been criticized at all when they’re usually either a) accepted, utilized, and not attributed or b) ignored. The “criticism”, such as it is, is never anything but name-calling, defamation, and shameless attempts to discredit, minimize and deplatform.

When and where have I been shown to be wrong, about what, and by whom? At least JF Gariepy TRIED to criticize my disproof of evolution by natural selection on the grounds of insufficient observable selection speed. But where are all these many widespread critiques of my ideas?

That might be an interesting question to ask CHATGPT4: “‘You said Vox Day’s ideas have been widely criticized by many.’ List 10 of the most effective criticisms of Vox Day’s ideas and identify the critics who articulated them.”


Preemptive Bank Bailout

Now that the big banks have been given a no-ceiling deposit guarantee, the smaller banks need to be given the same guarantee before all their big deposits are transferred to the guaranteed banks. And so the contagion spreads.

Another 50 regional banks in the US could fail in the US banking crisis if authorities do not take immediate action to resolve structural issues in the sector, according to former vice-president at Lehman Brothers Lawrence McDonald, in an interview with RIA Novosti.

He said, “Policy-makers will most likely be forced to introduce a much larger withholding to maintain outflows of deposits from bank accounts that significantly exceed $250,000.”

The global financial crisis of 2008 began with the collapse of Lehman Brothers, which seized up funding markets, and prevented global lenders from getting ahold of US dollars.

McDonald says the problems today are very similar to the problems which preceded the collapse of Lehman and triggered the 2008 financial crisis.

He added that now it is expected US regional banks will lose “hundreds of billions of dollars” in deposits, as those funds are moved out to larger lenders believed to be “too big to fail,” as well as more secure US Treasuries.

He noted US authorities will have to massively increase the guarantees to US deposits over the present guarantees.

They can methodically merge all the banks that fail with the survivors until there is only one massive bank. But what will they do when that one final bank finally, and inevitably, fails. Because the problem is systemic, no credit system can survive indefinitely as the math guarantees its eventual failure.

Checkmate, Putin

The ICC has issued a warrant for the arrest of Vladimir Putin.

The Pre-trial Chamber of the International Criminal Court (ICC) issued warrants on Friday for the arrest of Russian President Vladimir Putin and Maria Lvova-Belova, the presidential commissioner for children’s rights. The ICC alleged that Putin and Lvova-Belova engaged in the “unlawful deportation of population (children) and that of unlawful transfer of population (children) from occupied areas of Ukraine to the Russian Federation.”

This is a perfect example of how Clown World’s inability to understand the difference between influence and power is leading directly to its destruction. Unless, of course, we’re entirely wrong about this. In which case, it’s terrible to think of how many lives could have been spared if only a judge had issued a warrant for the arrest of Adolf Hitler.


Systemic Risk Exception

The FDIC is now effectively ensuring ALL bank deposits for all depositors, no matter how much money they have in their accounts.

The statement from the regulators was issued to announce a new emergency program to protect depositors of failing banks. They explained that they would make a “systemic risk exception” for both Signature and Silicon Valley Bank (SVB), a tech and start-up focused lender that was shut down following a bank run last week, allowing the clients of both banks to have full access to their deposits.

“[SVB] depositors will have access to all of their money starting Monday, March 13… We are announcing a similar systemic risk exception for Signature Bank… all depositors of this institution will be made whole. As with the resolution of Silicon Valley Bank, no losses will be borne by the taxpayer,” the regulators said, adding that they would use the FDIC’s deposit insurance fund to fully protect all depositors, both insured and uninsured.

The deposit guarantee was raised from $40,000 to $100,000 in 1980 and from $100,000 to $250,000 in 2008. This “new emergency program” is not really new, as despite the initially responsible statements by Yellen and the Federal Reserve, plans to implement the no-limit program have been in place since at least 2020:

The FDIC radically increased account protections from $100,000 to $250,000 for a temporary period; eventually, the $250,000 protection level became standard. Now, the revised level is expected to greatly surpass the $250,000 protection mark, though it’s unclear how much the increase will be. It’s also unclear what additional protections and safeguards are being considered. Another source tied into the U.S. banking sector said to expect a “drastic increase” designed to calm any run on the banks and general banking jitters. It was also noted that one possibility would be a no-limit FDIC protection plan, at least temporarily.

FDIC Planning to Increase Deposit Insurance Protection Beyond $250,000, 26 March 2020

Now the protection level has been made de facto limitless, which means that the next series of failures will threaten the collapse of the entire system. This is the fundamental problem with centralization, as it removes the protective limits of decentralization in a foolish, and inevitably futile, attempt to avoid the consequences of limited failure. Combine a) this increased centralization, with b) the $620 billion in unrealized losses that the US banks had not yet accounted for at the end of 2022, and c) the fact that the current zero-reserve banking system is a literal Ponzi scheme with the Fed desperately trying to make depositors whole each time a bank can’t keep up with its outstanding loans, and systemic failure is inevitable.



ITEM: BREAKING: HARRY AND MEGHAN STAND TO LOSE MILLIONS IN COLLAPSE OF SVB BANK. Sources tell iSN the couple set up accounts following the advice of friends in Silicon Valley. “This is a major blow,” said our source, “They had all of Harry’s money there.”

ITEM: OPRAH LOSES MILLIONS IN SVB COLLAPSE. iSN has learned Oprah kept millions at the failed bank. “Like other celebs she went all in and now may have lost serious money,” said a person familiar with the situation.

That’s just too good to be true, isn’t it? Is there really that much justice to be found in a fallen word?