Category Errors

It’s hilarious to see what happens when people jump in well after the fact and attempt to explain some of the ideas that they find intriguing. All too often, their need to delude themselves about reality in order to redefine themselves as winners inevitably causes them to get things significantly and observably wrong. For example, this guy’s attempt to describe Deltas in a way that would appear to indicate them having a lower social status than Gammas is particularly egregious.

What Is A Delta Male?

Delta males really don’t bring much to the table at all.

They are characterised for having no interest in achievement or self-improvement. Often, they are mentally and physically sloppy.

They’re insecure around women, because they’ve spent most of their life being rejected by them. That’s assuming they ever had the courage to speak to them at all.

Sadly, it’s widely agreed that the majority of men are delta males.

Delta males can be resentful of others, seeing as they don’t get a lot out of life, although this isn’t a staple part of their character.

The only two correct elements here are the Delta insecurity around women and the fact that they make up the majority of men. Literally everything else is not only wrong, but wildly wrong, to such an extent that it indicates the author doesn’t even understand why “Delta” was chosen to identify the particular behavioral pattern. Deltas not only bring a lot to the table, they are the bedrock of all civilization. They are literally the most necessary of all behavioral patterns, and society needs more of them, not less.

This miss on the Delta is a little strange, because the guy did a pretty good job addressing some of the other categories.

While I appreciate the high level of interest shown in the concepts of the socio-sexual hierarchy, and I’m glad so many people find them useful and intriguing, I find it amazing that some individuals keep attempting to change things and modify them in ways that can’t possibly help anyone utilize what is a fairly simple analytical tool and primarily serves to muddy the waters.

I really have to write the SSH book as soon as I’m done with A SEA OF SKULLS.

UPDATE: Oh, for crying out loud. The guy is even attempting to describe female patterns of behavior in terms of male patterns of behavior. This is beyond retarded. Attempting to apply the SSH to women is akin to trying to categorize them on the basis of their penis sizes. It’s a fundamental category error.


Gammastalking or Gangstalking?

In case you don’t understand why you should never, ever, permit Gamma males anywhere within 10 miles of your family, your social circle, or your organization, this account of a long-term, extensive harassment campaign of a young homesteading family should suffice to convince you. Gammas are delusional and psychologically disturbed low-status creatures who absolutely merit all of the contempt and disgust in which they are held by women and ordinary men… but some of them may be little more than puppets for something even worse.

The experience of this couple with a popular YouTube channel with 536k subscribers demonstrates that the behavior of the secret kings can be considerably worse than anything Owen or I have yet experienced, but this behavior differs primarily in the extent to which the Gammas responsible took it, because the pattern of harassment and stalking is almost exactly the same. It also demonstrates the importance of providing your local police with an extensive record of their behavior, both legal and criminal, complete with all of their posts, pictures, and identifications, both real and pseudonymous, to establish the pattern for when one of the more deranged among them eventually crosses an actionable line.

Seven years ago we moved to a rural property to learn how to become more self-sufficient and build a custom home our dream home by ourselves with our own two hands and try to become debt free. It felt right to document the journey and our hopes was that maybe we could do so in a way that would inspire other people to take action in their own lives.

Our channel shared a wholesome and positive story and rapidly grew. During the course of our home building projects as we were working on our home and our property busily, there were problems brewing underneath the surface. At first we experienced the typical mean comments, which are usually pretty benign and every creator deals with, and basic moderation tools take care of this. At some point a small but very cancerous group of people started watching our Channel and using the comments section of our latest videos to recruit viewers off of YouTube to their own private group using a story like we’re fake, we don’t live in our own house, our child died, we died, we sold our property, with a little Google research I was able to find their place now for sale, there was a rumor that they didn’t even live at their house, those types of things, and the only limit is your imagination.

These were the kinds of stories they came up with, and their own groups were a private place where they could control the narrative unmoderated. While we were actually busy building our property, our home, and creating, these people have seemingly bottomless time to stir up negativity. They did this across numerous platforms, trying to stalk us and harass us. At first digitally, next they began digging through all available public records. Let me read to you a few things that they started digging for, they started digging through our internet history, public records, family history, employment history, past friends, business associates, criminal records, family criminal records, and any other publicly available piece of information that they could find about us. And as if that’s not really creepy enough, then they took the time and energy to compile all of that information into a mega document that people could download and read pretty much our entire life story whether we wanted it shared or not.

This group of people escalated and they started trying to coordinate attacks on our channel, such as stealing and trying to monetize our content, they created 3D rendering videos of our house and of us, mocking us as people and they created look-alike accounts on numerous platforms impersonating us, trying to trick naive people into thinking that we’re engaged in some really nasty and questionable behavior. They were actively recruiting across numerous channels, numerous platforms, trying to get people to join their digital crusade.

The problem with nefarious people when there’s no consequences is they tend to get more bold and they escalate their behavior, especially when there’s neurotic people who are either coordinating or egging them on, but eventually the group activity could no longer just be constrained to the Internet, it had to move to real life. People suggested getting together to fly drones over our house, we received death threats, people were following us in real time to see where we go and what our activities are, family members were contacted to see if anyone would out us for being the frauds that we are, people threatened to vandalize their airplane as well as track its every movement in real time, next they started working very hard to make sure as many people as possible know exactly where we live even though we never made that information public. They placed a Google pin on our house so that anybody with normal curiosity could find out the exact location of our home.

It all sounds extraordinarily familiar, doesn’t it. The pattern is so consistent that it increasingly appears to be inorganic, at least in the more developed stages. At this point, it wouldn’t be at all surprising to eventually learn that certain individuals in groups like the Gamma Secret Kings on Reddit or this family’s YouTube channel stalkers are utilized, if not directly employed, by the Surveillance State, playing a role similar to the one Ray Epps did among the January 6th protesters. As with the Twitter-bot operators and the Hasbara propagandists, the reason some of these professional Gammas have “seemingly bottomless time to stir up negativity” is that they are quite literally paid to harass people online.

It’s hard to distinguish between the paid professional and the amateur obsessive due to the way in which the former mimics the latter, but regardless, there is observably a point at which what initially appears to be little more than a creepy Gamma obsession is transformed into full-blown professional gangstalking.

UPDATE: Even a hand-built log cabin deep in the middle of the woods can’t ensure one’s privacy or protection from the Stalkerstasi.

These people were targeting me specifically because of my YouTube channel. They were harassing me to the point that the police threatened them with criminal harassment if they did it again. They had recording equipment and some kind of audio recording equipment set up across from my driveway
recording my comings and goings, and that of my family. We don’t know what this person’s doing with this footage or this audio, and it’s very creepy and concerning.

Shawn James, 342k subscribers


The Least Shocking News Ever

Granted, most people probably haven’t even heard of him, but regardless, there isn’t a single person on the planet who is surprised by the dissolution of Neil Gaiman’s marriage.

Best-selling fantasy author Neil Gaiman and his singer wife Amanda Palmer have announced they are to divorce after their open marriage broke down.

The couple, married for 11 years, have been outspoken about their unusual set-up in the past, insisting that it works for them.

But in a joint statement published on their individual websites and social media, they said they have now made the ‘difficult decision’ to divorce.

If those two literally crazy godless freaks can’t make it, well, that says absolutely nothing about anyone else’s relationship. And no gamma, no matter how famous or successful, is ever going to retain the attention of a famewhore.

To be honest, I was under the impression they’d divorced years ago.


Scott Adams Death Watch

The countdown has begun. Scott Adams is giving himself just one more year to live after life punctured his Delusion Bubble:

So here’s what happened to me in the past years.

That matrix-like mask kind of fell off. And I lost my illusion for a while.

So being depressed is not about being in the wrong state of mind, which is the problem.

In my case, being depressed was being in the right state of mind. …

The part that made me depressed is when I saw things clearly.

And I worked since then to rebuild my illusions.

So when you ask me if I’m feeling better or depressed, I’m sort of in the process of rebuilding an illusion that I can live in without pain.

And I’m not quite there yet because I could still see too much ugly.

And I can’t live happily in a world with this much ugly around me.

I don’t mean physically ugly. I mean ugly ideas and thoughts.

And I’m trying as hard as I can to rebuild a protective, imaginary shield of “everything’s fine” when it isn’t. It definitely isn’t.

But you have to build up a little wall of imaginary protection.

So I’m building up a little wall of imaginary protection as efficiently as I can. But it’s hard work.

Then physically, I haven’t figured out how to fix my physical problem.

So, exercise — I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to exercise again.

Let me just give you an idea. It’s possible that I will never have another personal relationship for the rest of my life.

It’s possible that I’ll never exercise again for the rest of my life. Because that’s my current physical situation.

Now, it could be that I can work through those things and everything will be fine. I can do better by next week.

But the length of time it’s been, and the fact that I don’t even have a clue of what’s wrong — and I’m at that that certain age where things will fall apart — suggest that I could be at the end of my life.

And on top of that, [I’m] feeling physically that I’m literally at the end of my life.

But let me also tell you that I have a sort of at least a one-year minimum optimism buffer.

So my one year optimism about it works like this. If it looks impossible, I still give myself a year. That’s like a rule.

So the system —doesn’t matter what the problem is. Doesn’t matter how much it hurts. Doesn’t matter how much I want to stop.

I’ll give myself one year to just fix that thing.

What Scott actually needs is Jesus Christ, hope, and love, in that order. But unfortunately, he’s turning inward, toward himself, again, and relying upon the hope that he can reconstruct his Delusion Bubble in order to protect himself from the unpleasant realities of life.

And this is why it behooves us to help gammas grow out of their gammatude when they are willing to make the attempt, because their lives really are psychological hellscapes.


Gammas are Never Wrong

Scott Adams illustrates the principle beautifully:

The biggest illusion of 2022 is that if your marriage doesn’t work it is because you picked the wrong person.

It doesn’t matter who you pick. Marriage is a pre-Internet, pre-equality system that no longer fits the modern world.

I don’t have a better idea.

The one thing, the only thing, that Scott Adams knows is that no matter what happens, it’s not his fault. The Gamma lives a life entirely free of self-accountability, which is why he is entirely incapable of learning from his not-mistakes.


How to Trigger Trauma

It’s ever so much easier than you would tend to imagine.

High school is a difficult time for most kids. They’re becoming self aware. Exploring who they are, what their place in society is and what their interests are. If that’s not bad enough they also suddenly get raging hormones and have to learn how to deal with their sexuality.

High school is a period in which everyone feels insecure. Fitting in and being popular are very important. It is a place of navel gazing where everyone is constantly trying to see where they stand in the human hierarchy and where the opinion of others is super important.

In hindsight we know all of this is silly, but during high school we all feel the pressure. We’re placed in a lot of uncomfortable positions and we develop coping mechanisms to deal with them.

In hindsight we know all of this is silly, at least objectively we do. But humans aren’t really objective. They’re emotional. High school is a time of many emotions and most of us never process them. We never learnt healthy ways of processing things as kids so high school doesn’t get processed.

For many high school was not a good time. They weren’t a popular kid. They didn’t get the girl. Nobody looked up to them. Perhaps they even got bullied or excluded from the group (the worst thing that can happen to any 15 year old).

That’s a lot of repressed trauma/issues. So when I posted that photo of the stereotypical popular couple, it stinged for a lot of people. The couple on the photo represent the archetypical popular kids. They’re good looking, athletic, popular, probably from wealthy families, etc. They’re the kids everyone wishes they were. They seemingly had it all, and worst of all, it didn’t even seem to cost them any effort.

Which is why I tweeted that this photo invokes primal reactions in people. They are the couple everyone wishes they were in high school They represent the summun of popularity and success in high school. Those who fell short this ideal cannot help but feel the sting of envy. Even if they are way past their high school years.

Simply because they never dealt with their teenage emotions. Their self image took serious blows during their high school period and left wounds which never properly healed. My tweets resonated with their pain and it caused them to become very upset.

One of the things I’ve found fascinating about online culture is the way that damaged people not only don’t hesitate to expose their psychological scars to complete strangers, but more often than not, are completely unaware that they are doing so. As with the physical martial arts, it is very, very difficult to attempt a psychological attack on someone else without opening up and exposing your own psychology to them.

Hence my amusement when a self-appointed critic calls me “fat” or an “incel”, asserts that I’m insecure about my intelligence, or claims that Spacebunny doesn’t exist; the less an attack is focused on observable attributes or behaviors, the more likely it is that the attacker is engaging in psychological projection and revealing their own insecurities.

A psychologically healthy individual will tend to have a response to the image of a pretty cheerleader kissing her football-playing boyfriend that ranges from the positive to the indifferent. But a psychologically unhealthy individual will be readily traumatized by the mere sight of that which is good, that which is beautiful, or that which is true.

So, if you find yourself tending to react with negativity towards that which is positive, it would probably be a good idea to contemplate why that is, and what youthful trauma is troubling you.


Reflections on a Gamma Icon

A Gamma wonders if perhaps he might have done better to avoid patterning his behavior on an iconic Hollywood Gamma.

A generation of American male teenagers, me included, saw themselves in Duckie—charming, quirky and overlooked. Duckie belonged an elite gang of best friends “Pretty in Pink” screenwriter John Hughes made the beating heart of his ’80s teen filmography—Cameron Frye in “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off,” Farmer Ted in “Sixteen Candles” and Watts in “Some Kind of Wonderful”—characters who embodied the pain of being young and not yet able to be honest about your own desires.

Beyond Hughes’ other sidekicks, “Duckie” has become synonymous with “weird friend thrown over for safe, popular choice,” adolescent canon reinforced by a generation of boys who mimicked Duckie—in dress, manner and seduction—to joke and serenade their way into the hearts of their dream girls.

Disciples of Duckie, we had it all wrong.

No, you don’t get to be with the girl of your dreams just because you want to. No, you don’t get to avoid telling her how you feel and then resent her for showing interest in another guy. No, it’s not romantic, but rather a little sad that you can only express how you feel to her father and in charming but empty gestures like lip-synching Otis Redding’s “Try a Little Tenderness.” And no, you aren’t an unsung hero because your dream girl doesn’t dream of you. You’re a bad best friend for not respecting her decisions and thinking that means her love for you isn’t worth anything.

Re-watch “Pretty in Pink” and Duckie comes off not as a role model but as a cautionary tale about what we can destroy while growing up: The movie may end happily for everyone — even Duckie, who doesn’t win Andie’s heart but nobly tells her to forgive Blane for canceling on taking her to the prom. Before all that, Duckie comes dangerously close to losing Andie forever: Not 30 seconds after the Otis Redding serenade, Blane shows up to take Andie on their first date. Duckie, not knowing about the date, accuses Andie of disrespecting herself by going out with a rich guy, and then threatens to not be there (i.e., not be her friend) if she gets her heart broken.

Never mind that Duckie doesn’t know Blane and has no claim on Andie, and, since Andie is a smart, self-possessed, attractive young woman, she has probably received this kind of attention before. Since Andie and Duckie have been friends since childhood, Duckie having his world rocked when Andie goes on a date feels less like unfairness and more like Duckie ignoring an entire adolescence’s worth of evidence that Andie isn’t just his pal or his valentine, but a woman and a person in her own right.

“But Duckie’s pain was real!,” I just heard a squad of ex-Duckies cry. I used this excuse to not grieve my own teenage heartbreak but instead make it the heartbreaker’s fault. I wish had known better than to think my high school best friend/crush would fall for me after months of not letting on, and then getting mad when she fell for someone else, and in between trying to woo her with a lip-synch performance (mine was Mötley Crüe’s “Home Sweet Home.” Laugh all you want.).

It strikes me that the primary challenge of the Gamma is overcoming his intrinsic narcissism. Again and again, in fiction and in real life, we observe the Gamma’s total inability to grasp that everything is not about him.

The Alpha jock doesn’t hate you. He doesn’t think about you at all when you’re not actively annoying him or one of the women in his orbit. The hot cheerleader doesn’t despise you. In fact, she would be offended by the very idea that she had any opinion about you at all. The normal people don’t particularly dislike you, they just want you to shut up and leave them alone. The Girl of Your Dreams is not, and will never be, attracted by the strength of your desire for and/or your devotion to her.

And literally no one thinks you’re charming or roguish. Snark and sarcasm are not wit. Neither are movie quotes, however apt. Just stop it already.

The world isn’t out to get the Duckies of the world. It simply doesn’t like them very much because they’re weird and reliably annoying narcissists.

In sum, the Gamma’s emotional pain is no one else’s fault and no one else’s problem.


Mailvox: It’s All Nonsense

In which an email is received.

Are sigma males even more dangerous? and what are your thoughts on the ex gamma who are basically thought of sigmas? and I wanna specifically mention you about the “Wise thinker” youtube channel who seems to be fucking completely manipulating the sigma into a now normal man delta, or a neck beard gamma, and also the steve jabba site, that london pua, and the other false acclaimed gamma youtubers who seriously clim to be sigma and not living as one, suck pussies, though anyways, what is your entry of the sigma, I wanna know, and also make sure to look at these lil’ kids at YT

It’s all nonsense. Ignore all of them.

Before the concept of Sigma was introduced, every Gamma was convinced he was an Alpha. Now they’re all telling everyone how Sigma they are when they’re not redefining it to serve their own purposes.

It’s just further confirmation, as if any was needed, of a) how useful the concept is, and, b) how Gammas are going to gamma.


Why Women Shouldn’t Lead

The Premier of Estonia demonstrates, with her fascinating example of how to view geopolitics from the perspective of a junior high school girl’s approach to boys. That’ll show that him!

UPDATE: Exhibit 2 on the subject.

Finland has officially announced its intention of joining the NATO military alliance. During a cabinet meeting on Sunday, President Sauli Niinistö and ministers “agreed that Finland would apply for membership in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO),” a government statement read.

Finnish accession to the US-led bloc would require the unanimous approval of the existing 30 member states, including Turkey, which has suggested it could veto the move. A report on Finland’s planned membership will be submitted to the national parliament once it’s endorsed at a government plenary session, the statement went on to say.

Our decision is historic. The most important thing is the safety of Finland and our citizens. The decision strengthens security and cooperation between the Nordic countries,” Prime Minister Sanna Marin said.

Nothing like committing yourself to war with Russia on someone else’s say-so to strengthen your security. This also demonstrates that there is no contradiction between evil and stupidity; for this sort of thing, large quantities of both are required.