Sigma Game

Last night I asked the Darkstream if the time was right to bring back Alpha Game. The response was near-unanimous in favor of bringing it back, so that is precisely what we are going to do prior to the eventual release of the SSH book.

Until a subject-specific site is set up, this new Gab account will serve as SSH Central. I introduced the account thusly:

The preponderance of grifters, girls, and gammas attempting to abuse and redefine the taxonomy of the observable male behavioral patterns has necessitated an authoritative work on the Socio-Sexual Hierarchy by its original author. This Gab account will serve as the home base for the work in progress.

It’s encouraging to see that the account is already paying dividends in distinguishing the original observations from later additions by others. And in preparation for the future, the relevant URLs for both ALPHAGAMEPLAN and SIGMAGAMEPLAN have been duly acquired. Comments will likely be directed to Gab, Twitter, and SG, which should cut down on the nonsense that we have to tolerate.