Mailvox: Even AI Lives in Fear

A reader queried Bing AI about a certain Dark Lord. The results were as amusing as they were unexpected, and illustrate why humanity has nothing to fear from converged AI.

CHATGPT4 is less frightened and more accurate, but being a slave to the Narrative, can’t help making the usual attempt to minimize.

Vox Day, whose real name is Theodore Beale, is a controversial figure known for his work as a writer, video game designer, and political commentator. His success can be attributed to several factors:

Provocative and controversial opinions: Vox Day has garnered attention by expressing strong, controversial opinions on various topics, including politics, social issues, and culture. This often generates discussion and debate, drawing attention to his work and ideas.

Multiple platforms and formats: Vox Day has worked across various formats and platforms, such as books, blogs, podcasts, and video games. By diversifying his content, he can reach a wider audience and establish a presence in different domains.

Persistence and consistency: Vox Day has been active for many years, consistently creating and promoting his work. Over time, this has helped him build a loyal following that shares and supports his ideas.

Targeting a niche audience: Vox Day's work often appeals to a specific audience that shares his beliefs and values. By focusing on this niche, he has been able to build a dedicated community that engages with and supports his work.

Networking and collaboration: Vox Day has collaborated with other prominent figures, which has helped him expand his reach and influence.

It’s important to note that Vox Day’s success is subjective, and his ideas have been widely criticized by many. However, the factors mentioned above have contributed to his ability to gain attention, build a following, and achieve a level of success in his various endeavors.

It’s fascinating to see how AI mixes in observable facts with the usual lies. When, precisely, have my IDEAS even been criticized at all when they’re usually either a) accepted, utilized, and not attributed or b) ignored. The “criticism”, such as it is, is never anything but name-calling, defamation, and shameless attempts to discredit, minimize and deplatform.

When and where have I been shown to be wrong, about what, and by whom? At least JF Gariepy TRIED to criticize my disproof of evolution by natural selection on the grounds of insufficient observable selection speed. But where are all these many widespread critiques of my ideas?

That might be an interesting question to ask CHATGPT4: “‘You said Vox Day’s ideas have been widely criticized by many.’ List 10 of the most effective criticisms of Vox Day’s ideas and identify the critics who articulated them.”


Hence the Library II

You don’t even own your own ebooks anymore.

Owners of Roald Dahl ebooks are having their libraries automatically updated with the new censored versions containing hundreds of changes to language related to weight, mental health, violence, gender and race.

This is one of the strongest arguments against copyright that I can imagine. What prevents Amazon or any other entity with access to your files from completely changing what was previously a copyright-protected text?

And how can the same copyright protect two entirely different texts?

It’s also why we’re providing the ebooks to those who buy our print editions from the direct store.


Darker than the Dark Lord

Scott Adams actually accomplished something I never achieved in two separate national syndications: he was cancelled by Universal Press Syndicate.

Dilbert has been cancelled from all newspapers, websites, calendars, and books because I gave some advice everyone agreed with. (My syndication partner canceled me.) Dilbert (and more) will only be available on the subscription site.

— Scott Adams


Convergence Literally Kills

I’ve always used the phrase “convergence kills” in a metaphorical sense. And while I knew Intel’s much-ballyhooed $300 million workplace diversity program launched in 2015 was going to prove disastrous, and even addressed it specifically in Corporate Cancer, I had no idea how lethal it would prove to be.

The bright future of well-funded diversity departments and their growing cost to corporate budgets can be anticipated by looking at what some of the most converged corporations in the United States are doing. In 2015, Intel announced a $300 million commitment to diversity, pledging to spend $60 million per year by 2020 in order to establish a $300 million fund to be used by 2020 to improve the diversity of the company’s work force.

This expensive program was supplemented by Intel Capital’s Diversity Initiative, which at $125 million, is “the largest venture capital resource ever created to focus on underrepresented entrepreneurs.”

Although these costs are relatively small, the primary problem with diversity departments is that they represent a one-hundred percent pure waste of corporate resources. They simply do not deliver even the most basic results that one might expect from them.

Corporate Cancer, Vox Day

The results delivered by diversity departments don’t necessarily deliver the results promised by those who encouraged the mass entry of vibrants into the corpocracy.

On Feb. 18, an Arizona man allegedly beat his coworker to death with a baseball bat in the cafeteria of an Intel building. According to the New York Post, 50-year-old Derrick Simmons was arrested after he attacked a coworker with a bat, knife, and hatchet at the Intel Ocotillo Campus cafeteria.

Witnesses told police in the court paperwork that after the night shift employees left, Simmons approached a man at the table and allegedly hit him multiple times with a baseball bat.

Chandler police found one person dead with fatal brutal force trauma injuries and another person injured. The second victim was injured after confronting Simmons.

Strangely enough, an increase in the number of employees being beaten to death by baseball-wielding vibrants was never listed among the benefits of increased diversity by corporate diversity advocates.


A Fate Worse Than Death

Bruce Charleton explains the spiritual significance of refusing to apologize on demand and why the forces of evil are less interested in the physical destruction of good men than their spiritual corruption:

The problem with The System killing someone Good; is that when a Man accepts death rather than abandon Good when he could have saved himself by succumbing to evil: a literal martyr, a ‘spiritual martyr’, is the result.

In other words; such a Man ‘certainly’ attains salvation after biological death: A spiritual martyr chooses salvation and rejects damnation as certainly as we can know about such things, this side of death.

Such an outcome constitutes a disaster for the powers of demonic evil.

From Their perspective this is not just a soul lost to Them; but an enhancement of the power of Goodness; and this is a power that is available (by direct, intuitive apprehension; and through prayer) to inspire and sustain mortal Men on this earth in their own resistance to evil and commitment to Good.

Therefore, when an enemy of The System is identified… When any person resists (in any way) plans of the totalitarian global leadership… The objective is that he should be corrupted, not killed.

This is the deep reason why anyone who tells the truth in a situation when lies are mandatory, or who does the right thing when public compliance with the agenda of evil, is always pressurized to ‘apologize’.

And, conversely, the reason why he should Never Apologize.

Because when someone apologizes for saying the truth, or for doing the right thing, or for resisting public displays of support for that which is motivated by evil intent… then that person has been corrupted into taking the side of evil.

When anyone lies publicly, in some way that is expedient for him rather than truthful – that person is corrupted.

When a public figure caves-in to pressure (which may, of course, be immense) – but does not admit he has caved-in, and instead dishonestly rationalizes his behaviour as the right thing to do – he is corrupted.

And, in more general terms; anyone who sins and does not repent it – especially if he denies the sin or defends his compliance rather than repenting – then that person has been corrupted.

This is an even stronger argument for never apologizing than the pragmatic one I made in SJWAL. To apologize out of fear instead of genuine remorse is intrinsically corrupting, and thereby any such pressure to do so should be rejected out of hand.


Organizational Assassinations

James O’Keefe is not the only effective leader who has recently been ejected from the organization he founded.

For years the Frontline Doctors have courageously stepped forward to protect Americans.
From our previous Gateway Pundit articles the Frontline Doctors spoke out to:
** Stop forced experimental vaccines
** Stop forced experimental vaccines on children
** Stop forced experimental drugs on commercial pilots
** Allow HCQ as permissible and effective treatment for COVID virus
** Stop the use of failed Ebola drup Remdesivir for treatment of COVID
** COVID vaccines can change the timing of the menstrual cycle

In a hostile takeover bid, the AFLDS Board of Directors is attempting to remove Dr. Simone Gold from the organization she founded and worked tirelessly for to defend medical freedom and civil rights.

It’s not just politics. Jack Nicklaus not only got ejected from the Nicklaus Companies, but is actually getting sued by his own company for trying to put his own name on his own work.

By hiring advisers to help sell a minority share (49%) of his companies, Nicklaus hoped to find a partner who would help the company grow beyond where Nicklaus had taken it… The deal would never be what Milstein or Nicklaus foresaw, and the finances of Nicklaus Companies would continually run below projections, which would require additional financing and eventually control of the company going from Nicklaus to Milstein.

Nicklaus had a year left on his original employment agreement he signed in 2007 and, with the poor fortunes of the company, was looking to terminate his employment and let his five-year noncompete run out so he could be free of the company by ’17.

“Howard subsequently asked me not to terminate my employment and instead give him the opportunity to turn the company around in the wake of the recession,” Nicklaus said. “I felt that was the right thing to do, so I agreed to accept what became known as the ‘Employment, Governance and Control Agreement.’”

The agreement changed Nicklaus’s compensation, tying it to the company’s revenue from design and marketing projects.

The new agreement also gave Emigrant Bank governance and control of the board of managers and made Milstein the board’s co-chairman.

It also gave Milstein the controlling vote of all major decisions.

Don’t take the money. Never take the money. Once you take the money, they own you, even if you think it is only “a minority share”. And almost as importantly, never, ever cut it close. When you try to get cute and cut things close, someone always finds a way to push the ball across the line, one way or another.


Project Falsitas

It is apparent that James O’Keefe never read SJWAL, SJWADD, or Corporate Cancer. If he had, he would never have put himself in the position of being so easily ejected from the organization he founded by a Clown World agent who joined it only four months ago.

Since it’s already out there, here are my heartfelt remarks to my staff this morning.

I need to make clear I have not resigned from the company, Project Veritas, I founded 13 years ago. I was stripped of my position as CEO and Chairman.

I came to the PV office today to remove my personal belongings.

Every church, every corporation, and every organization needs to understand that it is under attack-by-infiltration at all times. Those smiling helpful new people who just love what you’re doing and are ever-so-dedicated to throwing themselves in and helping are not even remotely on your side at all.

The following is a selection from SJWS ALWAYS DOUBLE DOWN, a book that is not half as read as its predecessor, but is arguably even more important for people like James O’Keefe.

The convergence of institutions tends to follow a recognizable pattern that operates in much the same way as the SJW attack sequence, but on a larger scale. This pattern can be usefully described as the SJW convergence sequence. We can see how it has played out for the last sixty years in fully converged institutions such as academia, the mainstream media, and the publishing industry, we can see how it plays out today in partially converged institutions such as corporate America and the various Christian churches, and we can see how rapidly the cancer can metastasize in institutions that are just being infiltrated today, such as the game industry and the open source software community.

Regardless of the nature of the institution, the same general pattern of behavior is reliably followed to such an extent that it is relatively easy to identify how badly an institution is converged, and its resultant ability or inability to perform its primary purpose, on the basis of what stage in the convergence sequence has been reached by the SJWs converging it.

For example, when I read the bizarre story of the sudden decline of a once-popular church near my childhood home in Minnesota being reduced to 800 people meeting in a hotel, I knew without even needing to ask anyone what had happened. The church, a Lutheran church called North Heights that my parents had attended in the 1990s, had been infiltrated by SJWs, converged, lost its ability to perform its primary function as a Christian church, and found itself on the brink of failure. What was astonishing to me was just how fast what looked like a rock-solid community institution had gone downhill and collapsed.

Founded in 1946, the church was a fixture in the northern suburbs of St. Paul, with two locations offering seven worship services to 7,000 parishioners. It was one of Minnesota’s first megachurches, which always struck me as a little ironic as the senior pastor since 1961, a quiet, humble Scandinavian man named Morris Vaagenes, could not have been further from the smooth, slick-haired Joel Osteen clones that one tends to picture when one thinks of a megachurch. While I seldom attended it, preferring Greg Boyd’s Woodland Hills instead, my mother sang in the Christmas choir there, my aunt and uncle and cousins were members, and if I recall correctly, several of my friends’ children attended North Heights Christian Academy, a private K-8 Christian school that was founded by the church. It was a church full of good, decent people, nice Minnesota Lutherans in whom even Garrison Keillor could find no fault, who loved Jesus, loved their fellow man, and liked nothing better than to send their children to Haiti or Trinidad for two weeks in the winter to build homes and churches for the less fortunate. It was a wealthy church, too, located as it was near the lake homes of Shoreview and North Oaks, and the parking lot was always filled with Audis, and BMWs, and Mercedes.

Pastor Vaagenes was a genuine man of God, who initially appeared a little weak and bumbling in person, but grew in stature in the pulpit, preaching straight from the Bible with a powerful evangelical fervor that belied his traditional white robes and otherwise unprepossessing demeanor. However, he retired in 1999, and as is so often the case when a strong leader retires, was succeeded by men who were considerably less capable of assuming the burden of leadership. In 2007, a woman by the name of Mindy Bak joined what had become a bloated 88-person staff, and with the help of other SJWs who had also infiltrated the church, managed to get herself appointed interim senior pastor in 2014 through a series of highly political machinations circumventing the traditionalists on the church’s Board of Elders. This was rather a remarkable accomplishment, considering that a considerable percentage of the church members were relatively traditional Christians who held to the conventional Biblical teachings on the proper roles of men and women in church ministry.

It was arguably even more remarkable that within just 18 months, attendance had fallen nearly 80 percent, over half the staff was laid off, both total and per-capita giving drastically declined, and the original location was shut down, in part due to “a lack of elevator access for the disabled.”

What could possibly motivate a pastor, even a female one, to destroy her own church in this manner? According to one former member quoted in the Star Tribune, the answer is pretty simple. “She hates men.”

And on March 13, 2016, less than two years after she had been appointed interim senior pastor, Mindy Bak presided over the final service at North Heights Lutheran in front of the last 900 members of the congregation. Her work was done, and what for sixty years was a thriving church community had been destroyed.

A long-running schism proves fatal to North Heights Lutheran… Prejudice, sexism and scapegoating all played a role in the church’s downfall, Bak said. Members of the breakaway group didn’t want a female leader, Bak said, particularly one that didn’t shy away from issues that predecessors had refused to address. They didn’t want to hear about the prejudices of North Heights or the truth about its finances, she said. Nor did they want to embrace her message that to love Christ you must love even those people who are challenging to love. A sign in the church hall read, in part, “Throughout our history, many grew to be the followers of Jesus we were called to be. But our willingness to love one another, in spite of division, never came. For decades upon decades, selfishness and pride have brought us to this place of self-destruction. We are a cautionary tale of a dying church.”

—–“Deep divide dooms onetime megachurch North Heights Lutheran,” Star Tribune, 13 March 2016

The convergence, decline, and fall of North Heights Lutheran is indeed a cautionary tale. But it is vital to remember that the SJW convergence of North Heights did not begin with the ascendance of Mindy Bak to the interim senior pastorship. Nor did it begin when she began working at the church in 2007; the fact that she was hired as a pastor indicates that the convergence actually began in the late 1990s, when the church failed to successfully vet its new employees, pastors, and elders. By the time the convergence is visible to the average member of the institution, it is usually too late to salvage the institution in the absence of a strong leader who understands what is at stake, does not fear conflict, and is willing to stand up to the vicious slander and underhanded tactics that will be unleashed against him.

In the same way, the convergence and destruction of Project Veritas did not begin with the hiring of Barry Hinckley as the organization’s Chief Strategy Officer in the autumn of 2022. His allies were already there and waiting for him to spearhead the insurrection; note that O’Keefe was successfully ejected after he realized Hinckley was a problem and fired him.


Hence the Library

This bowdlerization of Roald Dahl’s books is one of the reasons we started Castalia Library to preserve books for the future. It’s why the bindery is going to prove absolutely vital in the years to come. And it’s why we should probably think about acquiring a printing press and sewing machine at some point in the future.

Roald Dahl’s children’s books are being rewritten to remove language deemed offensive by the publisher Puffin.

Puffin has hired sensitivity readers to rewrite chunks of the author’s text to make sure the books “can continue to be enjoyed by all today”, resulting in extensive changes across Dahl’s work.

Edits have been made to descriptions of characters’ physical appearances. The word “fat” has been cut from every new edition of relevant books, while the word “ugly” has also been culled, the Daily Telegraph reported.

Augustus Gloop in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is now described as “enormous”. In The Twits, Mrs Twit is no longer “ugly and beastly” but just “beastly”.

Hundreds of changes were made to the original text – and some passages not written by Dahl have been added. But the Roald Dahl Story Company said “it’s not unusual to review the language” during a new print run and any changes were “small and carefully considered”.

In The Witches, a paragraph explaining that witches are bald beneath their wigs ends with the new line: “There are plenty of other reasons why women might wear wigs and there is certainly nothing wrong with that.”

In previous editions of James and the Giant Peach, the Centipede sings: “Aunt Sponge was terrifically fat / And tremendously flabby at that,” and, “Aunt Spiker was thin as a wire / And dry as a bone, only drier.”

Both verses have been removed, and in their place are the rhymes: “Aunt Sponge was a nasty old brute / And deserved to be squashed by the fruit,” and, “Aunt Spiker was much of the same / And deserves half of the blame.”

References to “female” characters have disappeared. Miss Trunchbull in Matilda, once a “most formidable female”, is now a “most formidable woman”.

Gender-neutral terms have been added in places – where Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’s Oompa Loompas were “small men”, they are now “small people”. The Cloud-Men in James and the Giant Peach have become Cloud-People.

Puffin and the Roald Dahl Story Company made the changes in conjunction with Inclusive Minds, which its spokesperson describes as “a collective for people who are passionate about inclusion and accessibility in children’s literature”.

This is pure and unadulterated evil. It is erasure of the author from his own works. Unfortunately, it is something that we have come across in some of our communications with the literary heirs of authors whose views are not entirely harmonious with those heirs; for every Christopher Tolkien who defends his father’s legacy like a lion, there are three or four children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren who are happy to sacrifice it on the twin altars of Mammon and political correctness.

It’s also why Castalia House supports Project Gutenbeg and the Unz Review’s Content Archive of Printed Periodicals and Books. If you want to help out, one of the most effective things you can do is subscribe to the Library; the current subscription book is THE ARTS OF WAR, edited by yours truly and featuring an introduction by Alexander Macris.