Testimonials to the Power

The Socio-Sexual Hierarchy is such a powerful predictive model that casual observers are sometimes tempted to suspect they’re being put on. From the comments at Sigma Game, When the Secret King Wins Again:

  • This is so textbook it appears to be fake. But that’s the amazing thing about gammas, their mindset is so distorted that they parody themselves. One almost feels sorry for him, almost.
  • If it was any blogger other than Vox, you’d swear that they’d set up an alternate account in order to make the most QED reply of all time.
  • You are what you are and your basic underlying framework cannot be changed. As pointed out quite well by other commenters, this person displayed the predicted SSH behavior of the Gamma so well that it almost beggars belief. Again, I tip my hat to Vox for recognizing these behavior patterns. They’re so obvious yet they completely eluded modern psychiatry all these years.
  • Not a single clue, not even a fragment of a clue. One of my sons is a gamma and gets all kinds of feedback from his siblings (and me, and his dad) about his egregious behaviour. The other kids call it “resetting to factory defaults”. Whatever feedback he receives, if it doesn’t align with his delusion bubble he flushes it, resets and then carries on gamma-ing. It is painfully hard for him to learn anything productive that might help him.
  • SSH proves to be one of the greatest predictor of behaviour ever devised. In the future in addition to the usual IQ and personality testing, an SSH test will be a mandatory routine practice in the hiring process.

It’s a strong testimonial to the predictive power of the SSH that when one observes it in action, the repetition of the behavioral patterns is often so precise and so reliable that one is tempted to suspect that the anticipated behavior is somehow scripted or faked. But behavioral patterns exist for a reason; they persist because it is very, very difficult and requires a high level of self-discipline to surmount the emotional channels and instinctive reactions that are carved into one’s psyche during the formative years.

At any rate, no matter what happens, no matter what you think you saw, no matter how many iron-clad refutations and mathematical proofs you observed being provided, there can only ever be one result in the end. The Secret King will win again!

He did it again! And everyone applauded…


No. Just No.

President Trump still just doesn’t get it. He never will.

Former President Donald Trump praised the parent company of Bud Light in a Tuesday post on Truth Social, saying it “deserves a second chance.”

“The Bud Light ad was a mistake of epic proportions, and for that a very big price was paid, but Anheuser-Busch is not a Woke company, but I can give you plenty that are, am building a list, and might just release it for the World to see,” Trump posted. “Why not, the Radical Left does it viciously to well run, Conservative companies – and people! Very nasty, but it’s the way they play the game!”

“On the other hand, Anheuser-Busch spends $700 Million a year with our GREAT Farmers, employ 65 thousand Americans, of which 1,500 are Veterans, and is a Founding Corporate Partner of Folds of Honor, which provides Scholarships for families of fallen Servicemen & Women,” Trump continued. “They’ve raised over $30,000,000 and given 44,000 Scholarships. Anheuser-Busch is a Great American Brand that perhaps deserves a Second Chance? What do you think? Perhaps, instead, we should be going after those companies that are looking to DESTROY AMERICA!”

I think we can safely rule out the President from having learned anything at all from being repeatedly stabbed in the back by his advisors, allies, and appointees. It’s not that he wasn’t a great president, because he was one of the best we ever had. But the USA needs a ruthless Putin or a Xi, with the willingness to wield the full power of the office to take on the oligarchs and the corrupt government officials, whereas Trump believes everyone just needs a good talking-to to set them right.

Alphas make for the best leaders the vast majority of the time. But when the ship is heading straight for the rocks, that’s when you want a Sigma who couldn’t care less what anyone thinks about him, the lighthouse, the maintenance schedule, the planned course, the evening menu, the map, the compass, or anything else, and is perfectly willing to throw overboard anyone who tries to get in his way.

Once converged, always converged. You can’t fix a zombie.


Attack of the Cat Ladies

That was fast. The feminists have clearly sent out the cat signal in reaction to Sigma Game.

Imagine how they’re going to react to the SSH book itself. Last Friday, I answered a woman’s question about female solipsism.

Female solipsism can therefore be described thusly: the female tendency to perceive all things solely as they relate to and affect her.

1st Man: Did you hear that Russia has invaded Ukraine!
2nd Man: Oh, wow, I wonder if they’re going to go for Kiev or Odessa first?
Woman: I had a Ukrainian hairdresser once. She took off way too much so I didn’t tip her.

This female tendency toward self-centric perception is readily observable in casual conversation, so you can easily test it for yourself. Throw in a new topic at random at any point and see how fast the woman being addressed is able to discover a tangent and utilize it in a manner that allows them to turn the conversation back to themselves.

1st Man: Is there a female version of the Socio-Sexual Hierarchy?
2nd Man: Maybe. I don’t know.
Woman: There definitely is! This one time, at band camp, a popular girl was mean to me! I used to play the clarinet. I just love music!

Among other things, this led to a long and unprofitable descent into the philosophical navel-gazing of what some would like to be able to call a “Female SSH”, but that’s neither here nor there. What’s more interesting is the fact that some women from outside the community, clearly sensing the danger inherent to perceptive men accurately discussing their observable behavior in a manner that might inspire other men to knock them off their pedestals, have already leaped into incompetent, and even oxymoronic, action.

This was easily the most amusing attempt at an ad hominem critique, as it revealed the way in which the would-be critic doesn’t even understand the concept she’s trying to criticize, much less the way that concept renders her repeated attempt to attack the author impossible. She was so impressed with her discovery of the concept of “projection” that she underlined her own oxymoronics by repeating it three different times in three different comments.

KAT HIGHSMITH: He’s engaging in pure projection. Males have been projecting their bullshit on women for years. Everything they’ve been saying about us is actually about them because they’re self-obsessed and lack the ability to be embarrassed at their stupid behavior (“trans” is the epitome of this male behavior). Men are crazy, and they’re about to start WWIII as they insist how rational they are.

VD: It struck a little too close to home, obviously. And since you’re too retarded to grasp the obvious, I’ll spell it out for you: One cannot project solipsism, by definition. You are far too short for this intellectual ride.

You’d think people would stop trying to use rhetoric, especially inept and oxymoronic rhetoric, on the individual who wrote what presently passes for the modern book on the subject. But you’d be wrong.


Castalia Library on Substack

In the aftermath of the extremely successful launch of the Sigma Game substack, I brought up the idea of a substack devoted to Castalia Library with the idea that it might help those who somehow miss out on a) blog posts, b) the monthly emails, c) Gab and SocialGalactic announcements, and d) LibraryThing posts keep tabs on the current state of things with the various Castalia Library books, including Library, Libraria, History, the Junior Classics, and the various one-off editions.

The response was overwhelmingly positive, and since Castalia Library is nothing if not responsive to its subscribers, I duly set up a Castalia Library substack. Those who sign up for a free subscription will be kept up to date on the latest production schedules with regular emails, and it should even be possible to allow new subscribers to sign up through the paid subscription option at some point.

It should be noted that this substack is absolutely not a substitute for anything else or any other platform. Rather, it is an attempt to cast a wider net, as the primary challenge facing Castalia Library at the moment is that the vast majority of book collectors, and therefore, the vast majority of its potential subscribers and customers, have never heard of it. So even if you’re on the mailing lists and receiving the monthly emails, it’s probably not a bad idea to widen your net before you get caught in a bounce and your email is scrubbed by the mail service.

And speaking of the Sigma Game substack, I would be remiss if I neglected to mention today’s post on my thoughts concerning a female SSH and the various attempts to construct it. No offense intended to the various men and women who have thus far attempted to formulate one, but the fact is that most of those who do appear to be more interested in relating various anecdotes about their personal experiences than in an objective analysis of the complexities of female social interaction.

Not that it’s my concern or my interest, but I would point out that anyone who fails to take into account either the fat factor or the sexual availability and experience factor in what purports to be a “socio-sexual” hierarchy can’t reasonably be considered to be serious about the task. And due to the female discomfort in honestly addressing both of those issues, to say nothing of the male ignorance, and inability to grasp the details, of female competition, I find it difficult to believe that anyone will succeed in describing a functional female SSH any time soon.


A Team of Leaders

A team of leaders is not a team. And throwing in the occasional Sigma doesn’t help. I explore the possibility that an application of SSH may help explain the difficulties in group cooperation historically evidenced by the ideological Right at Sigma Game.

It always struck me as strange that the opinion leaders of the ideological Right have never, for many decades, ever been able to successfully cooperate the way the apparent leaders of other groups, many of whom are considerably less intelligent, are observably able to work together, despite the obvious advantages that accrue to those who do. Instead, they’ve usually been more inclined to engage in internecine conflict on the rare occasions that they’re not simply ignoring each other and going about their own respective activities...

I suspect the answer to this lies in the cold realities of the socio-sexual hierarchy. If you look at the New Atheists, their demi-successors in the Intellectual Dark Web, or the endless continuum of post-Tupac rappers, it is very clear that none of these groups are comprised of high-status men. They might be rich, they might be famous, but their situational roles notwithstanding, their behavioral profiles tend to be in the lower range. And their success, almost to a man, is far more dependent upon their ability to kowtow before the ticket-makers than upon any genuine talent or intellectual abilities.

UPDATE: 104k views in only 14 days! Sigma Game is clearly off to a good start; hopefully it will provide a strong launching pad for the forthcoming SSH book. Thanks to everyone who has subscribed to it and joined the discussion there.


Science Sans SSH

The scientific evidence for the IQ Communications Gap is very nearly as thin as the scientific evidence for high average Jewish IQ. And, in fact, combining the material evidence concerning the success of the two relevant populations will tend to lead the observer to tangential conclusions which have nothing to do with the linked Sigma Game post, and which I will leave to the SocialGalacticians to elucidate for themselves. And yes, this is precisely the sort of thing I consider to be too obvious to even bother articulating, much less attempting to convince anyone else, let alone argue about.

As for the linked post, I should first mention that Kirkegaard did an excellent job of tracing the scientific history, scanty as it proved to be. However, the point is not whether one can talk to another individual across the IQ Communications Gap, much less whether one can genuinely enjoy their company, but rather if one can expect to be substantially understood on a regular basis. Psychological and personal elements such as enjoyment, satisfaction, social isolation, and loneliness are not really relevant to the topic.

I happen to prefer speaking with cheerful people of below average intelligence than midwits with something to prove or morose high-IQ individuals who live for the chance to provide pedantic criticism. Sure, the conversation will be limited to sports and the activities of mutual acquaintances, and while the latter can be tedious to the point of pain, it’s still vastly preferable to inept interpretations of theology or incorrect “corrections” of evolutionary mathematics.

But your mileage may vary, which is why I don’t regard it as being relevant in a scientific sense.


SSH and Geopolitics

While it’s not my intention to link the daily Sigma Game post here on a regular basis, I suspect this particular SSH application will be of some interest here even to those readers who usually prefer to ignore discussions of the socio-sexual hierarchy.

Please note that I am absolutely, 100-percent, not saying that modern geopolitical analysis is not insane, retarded, and reliably wrong, only that a sound grasp of the SSH will prove beneficial to anyone who is forced to pay attention to or otherwise utilize those analyses.


The Science of Female Competition

I wasn’t planning to post more than once a week on Sigma Game, but given the high level of interest demonstrated combined with my Cernovichian philosophy which dictates reinforcing success and starving failure, I’ve had to rethink my plans. So, today Sigma Game reviews an old Alpha Game post from 2011 in light of two recently published scientific studies about female competition. It’s fascinating to note the way in which both logic and science line up perfectly with observed female experience.

Due to an inept stylist over-processing part of my hair, it was breaking on one side and not the other, I had to continually cut it to even it out. It was shorter than I’ve ever been comfortable with. Now that it’s growing again I hear from women “oh, I just loved your hair shorter.” I don’t believe it. They also try to convince me to go back to my natural color (dark “dirty dishwater” blonde) instead of the color my husband prefers (platinum). Again, a suggestion I think is insincere and catty. Of course not all men prefer blondes but mine does, and women should not be taken seriously when suggesting hair styles to each other, unless they are trying to prevent the Good Idea Fairy from convincing them to “chop” their hair.

The conclusions of the two studies are highly amusing in light of the vociferous protests that greeted the historical post in defense of a woman’s right to chop her hair off, for any reason, without being forced to endure the painful knowledge that most men will find her less attractive. But I suppose that we have already been reliably informed that science is intrinsically misogynistic due to its inherent failure to prioritize feelings over empirical data.


Sigma Game on Substack

I’ve been working on the much-requested Socio-Sexual Hierarchy book and it’s going very well. Assuming we can get both AH:Q and the first Midnight’s War omnibus out to backers in the next few weeks, which we should be able to do, the crowdfund for the SSH book and the Hypergamous book will probably take place sometime in March, which is also when I anticipate finishing what was originally planned to be a 60k-word book, but will probably end up clocking in closer to 90k.

However, due to the growing mainstream interest in the SSH, particularly in the Sigma and Gamma profiles, I decided it would be a) necessary to have a central site for discussing the concepts that was absolutely not here and b) more immediately accessible to the new readers coming from outside the broader community who aren’t interested in economics, politics, fiction, games, history, or my copious media baggage.

So, I set up a Sigma Game substack. It will last as long as it lasts; no doubt it will come under relentless attack from Gammas and other anklebiters, which should serve to make certain SSH-related concepts readily apparent in a way that no amount of books, posts, and articles written by me ever could. It’s always nice when antifragility is built right into the foundation. It’s a pity that Substack comments can’t be limited to free subscribers, rather than just to paid subscribers, though.

The first post is an analysis of a 2012 Alpha Game post in which I supported Dr. Helen’s contention that shame was not an effective tool for encouraging single men to marry. And a review of the recent data would appear to strongly confirm that contention.

Twelve years later, as anticipated, shame has entirely failed as a strategy to encourage more young men to get married. To the contrary, men have even begun to demonstrate less interest in pursuing sex as well as marriage. And the marriage rate has fallen another 8.6 percent in the interlude, from 16.3 per 1,000 in 2011 to 14.9 per 1,000 in 2021.

Higher Education and the Decline of Marriage, SIGMA GAME, 17 January 2024

I don’t intend to post more than once or twice a week on Sigma Game, but otherwise it can be reasonably considered a revival of the Alpha Game blog. How long I will actively maintain it, I do not know; if the book proves popular enough, I might even transfer it to its own site on one of the UATV servers. But, in any event, it’s there now, so feel free to check it out and subscribe to it if you are so inclined.

UPDATE: Okay, that was fast. Thanks to everyone who checked it out, especially those who have already subscribed.

UPDATE: Given the surprisingly high level of interest there, I may have to contemplate doing a daily Sigma Game post.

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