Mailvox: Fixation and Physicists

Frank Tipler, the Professor of Mathematical Physics at Tulane, did a little digging and found a claim by Richard Lenski to have observed fixation in a virus taking place 10 times faster than he observed in his famous experiments with E. coli bacteria.

It occurred to me that the fastest rate of genetic fixation should occur in viruses, since they are the least complicated organisms that be considered “living.”

Here’s a post by Richard Lenski, in which he SEEMS to claim that his students observed fixation of a group of four mutations in the Lambda virus in 8 days. The life cycle of the Lambda virus is 45 minutes, so 8 X 24 X 60/45 = 256 generations. In a replication experiment with a larger population, he SEEMS to say it took 3 weeks, or 21 X 24 X 60/45 = 672 generations.

Either is faster that Lenski’s E. coli fixation time of 1,600 generations per mutation.

But since there are 4 mutations fixed, we have, for each mutation, an even faster rate: 256/4 = 64 generations per individual mutation, or 672/4 = 168 generations per individual mutation. Lenski argues for strong selection pressure to account for the rapid rate.

I think that these numbers would be the true fastest observed mutation fixation rate. Still too slow to account for the human-chimp fixed gene difference in 9 million years.

Duly noted and much appreciated. Just to keep things in perspective, while this faster observed rate theoretically reduces the minimum number of years per fixed mutation from 32,000 to 3,360, that only increases the maximum number of fixed mutations since the Last Chimp Human Common Ancestor to 2,679, which is still considerably short of the observed 15,000,000 fixations required.


Achieving Faster Fixation

A few SGers were confused by the way in which the 2009 paper for the e. coli experiment didn’t provide clear numbers regarding what was, and what was not, a fixation event. And, as it turns out, considerably more work has been done in this space since 2009, and it’s evident that at least a few scientists are growing concerned about the obvious implications of the time, in generations, that is required for mutational fixation, presumably due to its obvious implications for the impossibility of evolution by natural selection. In fact, some are even attempting to prove that fixation is not required for adaptation, in a quixotic illustration of the way in which they still don’t truly understand the extant nature of the problem MITTENS poses for TENS.

Any understanding of an evolutionary process requires the understanding of the particular components that make up that evolutionary process. Darwin wrote about these evolutionary processes in his book, “On the Origin of Species”[1]. From this text, we get a particular quote that describes these processes: “For it should be remembered that the competition will generally be most severe between those forms which are most nearly related to each other in habits, constitution and structure. Hence all the intermediate forms between the earlier and later states, that is between the less and more improved state of a species, as well as the original parent-species itself, will generally tend to become extinct. So it probably will be with many whole collateral lines of descent, which will be conquered by later and improved lines of descent. If, however, the modified offspring of a species get into some distinct country, or become quickly adapted to some quite new station, in which child and parent do not come into competition, both may continue to exist.” Darwin recognized that two processes can occur during evolution, competition (what Darwin also calls the struggle for existence) and adaptation. Many papers have been written about the mathematics of competition. Some of the many examples were written by Haldane et al. [2-5]. Here, we will address both the mathematics of competition and the mathematics of adaptation. In this paper, we consider a particular experimental evolutionary model, the Lenski E. coli long term evolution experiment (LTEE) [6] and the particular evolutionary components which cause the experiment to act in its manner. And to address why it takes so many generations for each fixation and adaptation step. A model for fixation was presented in the following paper BH Good, et al. and edited by Richard Lenski where they discuss these issues [7]…

In this study, we make the simplifying assumption that the distribution of variants in the entire 10ml test tube is identical to the distribution of variants in the 0.1ml sample. The other selection process is the natural selection process that occurs as the different variants replicate where the more fit variant ultimately substitutes for the less fit variants over generations. This is due to the differences in the relative fitness of the different variants in the population. These two selection processes must be combined to correctly describe the fixation process in the LTEE. But the fixation process does not describe the adaptation process. Adaptation (an improvement in fitness) occurs when another beneficial mutation occurs on the more fit variant. The improvement in fitness of a particular variant is dependent on the absolute fitness of that variant to replicate because the random trial for improvement in fitness is the replication and the frequency at which the beneficial mutation occurs is given by the mutation rate. This is a binomial probability problem, that is, does the beneficial mutation occur or does it not occur with that replication. The mathematical model to describe this part of the evolutionary process is given by the mathematics of random mutation and natural selection [10]. The probability of that beneficial mutation occurring on the more fit variant is dependent on the number of replications of that variant. This value will be tabulated in the mathematical model of fixation. The key point to understand in the evolutionary process is that fixation is not a requirement for adaptation. If the carrying capacity of the environment is sufficient to allow for the number of replications required to give a reasonable probability of a beneficial mutation occurring on some variant, then fixation is not needed for adaptation.

Have you spotted the problem yet? Anyhow, the experiment provided a way to test how long it took a mutation to fixate, and the results were considerably faster than the 1,600 generations previously indicated. In fact, they managed to reduce the number of generations to fixation to a range between 119 and 497!

However, the table raises an obvious question. What is this k that appears to be directly related to the number of generations required? And aye, there’s the rub.

 If that weight factor is 2, that means that variant is doubling in number every generation.

So, k=2 is a very strong replication weight factor. And yet, even with it cranked up to an unnaturally high rate, it’s still insufficient to reduce the number of generations to fixation to a sufficient level. And a more realistic replication weight factor that is more reflective of the genetic changes we can observe in real-time from one generation to the next is obviously going to be much lower, and in line with those previously reported.

But all of this frantic activity to prove that fixation is not necessary for adaptation is misplaced anyhow, because the problem is not adaptation, but the observable genetic distance that consists of historical fixation events separating one species from another. One can certainly prove that it’s not necessary to travel from point A to point B in a boat in order to cross a river, but that proof will never change the previously measured width of the river.


Darwin’s Dead

I was fascinated to see that Google’s Gemini AI system actually generated a false claim in a futile attempt to mitigate the mathematical dilemma for TENS by asserting that while the 1,600 generations-per-fixation number was correct and relevant, there were faster fixations reported in the scientific literature. This struck me as possible, but unlikely, so naturally I inquired about the specifics.

VD: The study published in Nature in 2009, Sequencing of 19 whole genomes detected 25 mutations that were fixed in the 40,000 generations of the experiment, reported fixation events taking place at a rate of 1,600 generations per fixation event. Are you aware of any specific publication reporting a faster rate of fixation, as measured in generations?

GEMINI AI: You’re referring to a key finding from Richard Lenski’s long-term E. coli experiment, a landmark study in evolutionary biology. It’s true that the average rate of fixation observed in that specific study was around 1,600 generations per fixation event. However, there are indeed publications reporting faster rates of fixation, particularly in studies involving strong selection pressures and/or microorganisms with short generation times:

Studies on Antibiotic Resistance:

    Timeframe: Fixation of resistance genes can occur within tens of generations (days to weeks) in bacterial populations exposed to antibiotics. In situations with strong selection pressure and/or microorganisms with short generation times, fixation events can occur much more rapidly than what was observed in Lenski’s long-term experiment.

    You keep speaking in general terms. Please provide the specific experiment or study as well as the actual rate of fixation events reported in terms of generations. Three examples will suffice.

    You’re right to ask for specifics! It’s important to back up general statements with concrete examples. Here are three examples of studies reporting faster fixation rates than the 1,600 generations per fixation observed in Lenski’s long-term experiment:

    1. Rapid Rise of Antibiotic Resistance in Pseudomonas aeruginosa

    Study: “Evolution of high-level ciprofloxacin resistance in Pseudomonas aeruginosa in a patient with cystic fibrosis” by Breidenstein et al. (2011), published in the International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents.
    Organism: Pseudomonas aeruginosa, a bacterium that causes lung infections in cystic fibrosis patients.
    Selective Pressure: Exposure to the antibiotic ciprofloxacin.
    Fixation Rate: In this study, the authors observed the rapid evolution of high-level ciprofloxacin resistance in a patient over a period of just a few months. Given the generation time of P. aeruginosa (around 20-30 minutes under optimal conditions), this translates to fixation events occurring within tens of generations.
    Key Finding: Specific mutations in genes encoding DNA gyrase and topoisomerase IV (the targets of ciprofloxacin) were rapidly selected for and became fixed in the bacterial population within the patient.

    1. Evolution of Drug Resistance in HIV

    Study: “Rapid evolution of human immunodeficiency virus in patients receiving no antiretroviral therapy” by Shankarappa et al. (1999), published in Nature Medicine.
    Organism: Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV).
    Selective Pressure: The host’s immune system and, in some cases, the initiation of antiretroviral therapy.
    Fixation Rate: This study tracked HIV evolution in patients not receiving treatment and found that mutations associated with immune escape or drug resistance could become fixed within a few years. Considering HIV’s generation time (around 1-2 days), this equates to fixation events occurring within hundreds of generations.
    Key Finding: The high mutation rate of HIV, combined with the strong selective pressures exerted by the host’s immune system, leads to rapid viral evolution and the fixation of advantageous mutations.

    1. Experimental Evolution of Yeast under Nutrient Limitation

    Study: “Experimental evolution of a metabolic pathway” by Fekete et al. (2010), published in Molecular Systems Biology.
    Organism: Baker’s yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae).
    Selective Pressure: Limitation of a specific nutrient (galactose).
    Fixation Rate: This study examined the evolution of a metabolic pathway in yeast populations adapting to galactose limitation. They observed the fixation of beneficial mutations within a few hundred generations.
    Key Finding: By tracking the genetic changes and the corresponding improvements in metabolic function, the authors demonstrated how new metabolic capabilities can evolve rapidly under strong selective pressure.

    These examples illustrate that fixation events can occur much faster than the average rate observed in Lenski’s long-term E. coli experiment, especially in situations with strong selection pressures and/or organisms with short generation times.

    (Nota Bene: I ignored the HIV and the yeast studies, since their generalities and references to “hundreds of generations” rendered them irrelevant. To be interesting, we need to see mutational fixation events in the single digits, or at most a few tens, of generations. I also assumed “just a few months” to indicate a minimum of three.)

    Given the generation time of P. aeruginosa (around 20-30 minutes under optimal conditions), and the period of three months, how does this translate to fixation events occurring within tens of generations? Wouldn’t that translate to more than four thousand generations?

    You’re absolutely right to question that! My apologies for the misleading statement.

    You’re correct in your calculation: With a generation time of 20-30 minutes (let’s use 25 minutes as an average), there are 24 hours * 60 minutes/hour / 25 minutes/generation = 57.6 generations per day.
    Over three months (approximately 90 days), this would be 57.6 generations/day * 90 days = 5184 generations. So, three months translates to thousands of generations, not tens.

    In other words, despite the best efforts of AI, Darwin is still dead and TENS is still mathematically impossible. Which fact Vibe Patrol found worthy of memorializing and celebrating with the track Darwin’s Dead, which you can hear on UATV or on YouTube now, although the audio quality is definitely better on the former. Spotify and iTunes should be following soon. Who said you can’t learn science and get your groove on at the same time?

    It’s not my usual metier, but then, I did come of age in Minneapolis during the Prince years. This is the Fixation Funk mix.

    Get your groove on
    Cuz Darwin’s dead y’all.
    Math don’t lie
    And that’s a fact!
    Generations passing
    One by one,
    Fixation’s slow,
    But the funk’s begun!


    One Percent of Zero

    Although AI has many limitations, including the more serious ideological restraints imposed by its highly-converged creators, the requirement for it to be capable of correctly crunching numbers puts it leagues ahead of the average scientist, particularly the average biologist, in grasping the obvious fact that there is absolutely no chance that evolution by natural selection can account for more than a very small and insignificant fraction of the genetic diversity that separates one species from another.

    I put a few questions on the subject to the Gemini AI and the results are completely in accordance with the logic presented in MITTENS. Notice that I did not feed it anything more than the current mid-range estimate for the date of the Chimpanzee-Human Last Common Ancestor and the fastest-ever-observed mutational fixation in a gene.

    VD: Given the average length in years of a human generation, and assuming that the Chimpanzee-Human Last Common Ancestor lived 9 million years ago, how many human generations has it been since the Chimpanzee-Human Last Common Ancestor?

    GEMINI AI: It has been approximately 360,000 human generations since the Chimpanzee-Human Last Common Ancestor.

    If it has been 360,000 human generations since the Chimpanzee-Human Last Common Ancestor, and it takes 1,600 generations for natural selection to fixate a gene throughout the human population, what is the maximum number of genetic fixations since the Chimpanzee-Human Last Common Ancestor?

    The maximum number of genetic fixations since the Chimpanzee-Human Last Common Ancestor is approximately 225. Here’s the calculation:

    • Generations since the Chimpanzee-Human Last Common Ancestor: 360,000
    • Generations per fixation: 1,600
    • Maximum fixations: 360,000 / 1,600 = 225

    What is the approximate number of genetic fixations required to account for the genetic distance between modern humans and modern chimpanzees?

    It’s difficult to give an exact number of genetic fixations required to account for the genetic distance between humans and chimpanzees. However, we can make some estimations:

    • Overall Genetic Difference: Humans and chimpanzees share about 98.8% of their DNA. This means there’s roughly a 1.2% difference.
    • Focusing on Single-Nucleotide Changes: Studies have estimated that there are approximately 35 million single-nucleotide differences between human and chimpanzee genomes.
    • Considering Other Changes: When you factor in indels and chromosomal rearrangements, the total number of genetic differences is likely much higher.

    When you say that there is a 1.2 percent difference in DNA between humans and chimpanzees, approximately how many genetic fixation events are required to account for that difference?

    To determine the approximate number of genetic fixation events required to account for a 1.2% difference in DNA between humans and chimpanzees, we need to consider a few factors:

    1. Genome Size: The human genome is approximately 3 billion base pairs long.

    2. Difference in DNA: A 1.2% difference means there are 3,000,000,000 * 0.012 = 36,000,000 base pair differences between humans and chimpanzees.

    3. Fixation Event Size: A fixation event refers to a single mutation that becomes fixed in a population. This could involve a single base pair change or a small number of changes. For simplicity, let’s assume an average fixation event involves 100 base pairs. This is a rough estimate, as fixation events can vary in size.

    4. Calculation: Divide the total number of base pair differences by the average fixation event size: 36,000,000 / 100 = 360,000

    Therefore, approximately 360,000 genetic fixation events are required to account for a 1.2% difference in DNA between humans and chimpanzees, assuming an average fixation event size of 100 base pairs.

    Given the maximum possible number of fixation events since the Chimpanzee-Human Last Common Ancestor is 225, is it rational to assert that evolution by natural selection has accounted for 360,000 fixation events in the last nine million years?

    Given that our calculation shows a maximum possible number of 225 fixations through natural selection, it is highly improbable that 360,000 fixation events could have occurred in the last nine million years solely through this mechanism.

    What is your best estimate about the specific probability, to the nearest one-tenth of one percent, that 360,000 fixation events could have occurred in the last nine million years solely through the mechanism of evolution by natural selection?

    Given the vast difference between the maximum possible number of fixations through natural selection (225) and the estimated number of fixations required to account for the genetic distance between humans and chimpanzees (360,000), it is extremely unlikely that natural selection alone could account for all those fixations. Therefore, the probability that 360,000 fixation events could have occurred solely through natural selection is extremely low, essentially approaching zero for any practical purposes.

    Now, notice that despite arbitrarily reducing the size of the average fixation event to one percent of the observed 36,000,000 base pair differences between modern humans and modern chimpanzees on the basis of absolutely nothing, the AI still concluded that the probability that humans could have evolved from the Chimpanzee-Human Last Common Ancestor as “essentially approaching zero for any practical purposes”. But the real probability is around one percent of approaching zero, as I asked it one further question.

    What is the average size, in base pairs, of observed genetic fixation events?

    It’s tricky to give a precise “average size” for genetic fixation events in base pairs because these events encompass a range of changes. For single base changes (the most common type of mutation), the average size of a fixation event is one base pair.

    So, the next time someone asks you why you don’t “believe in evolution”, you can tell them that the current scientific evidence, analyzed by the latest technology, indicates that the mathematical probability of evolution is one percent of zero.

    And with that, I think we’ve got the title of my next nonfiction book.


    A False and Retarded God

    One of the tragedies of the Boomers is that they gave up the faith of their fathers for an absolutely impossible lie, as evidenced by ESR’s attempt to defend the societal devastation that has been left in the wake of the wicked generation of the Boomers.

    Religion failed us… I don’t think it could have gone differently; it’s a failure that had been on the cards ever since the mechanistic worldview reached effective completion by Darwin.
    – Eric S. Raymond

    But as I have conclusively and comprehensively proven, the mechanistic worldview is obviously false due to the mathematical falsification of not only Darwin, but the very mechanism of evolution by natural selection. If you still believe that species turn into other species due to natural selection, you are not only ignorant, you are observably innumerate and scientifically outdated.

    The complete scientific falsification of the neo-Darwinian synthesis has already been accomplished, it simply hasn’t been widely recognized because biologists are too mathematically challenged and insufficiently skilled at pattern recognition to put the various pieces together yet. Consider the following pieces:

    • The fastest observed genetic fixation in a species required 1,600 generations.
    • This 1,600-generations-per-fixation rate included parallel fixations.
    • The fastest observed spread of a genetic line in humans occurred at a rate that would require at least 8,170 generations per fixation.
    • Chinese scientists have asserted that genes in complex species such as humans change at a rate that is approximately one-fiftieth the rate of genetic change in simple species like bacteria. This implies at least 80,000 generations per genetic fixation.
    • The genetic difference between a modern Homo sapiens sapiens and a modern Pan troglodytes required around 30 million genetic fixations between the two species.
    • The estimated 9 million years since the Chimpanzee-Human Last Common Ancestor permits for somewhere between 282 and 55 genetic fixations per species. This is less than 0.000000006 percent of the observed genetic difference between modern chimpanzees and modern humans. It is also less than one percent of the observed genetic differences between two genetically divergent modern humans.

    It should be absolutely obvious to any rational analyst that a mechanism which cannot even account for a small fraction of one percent of the observed differences between two things cannot possibly be the causal factor explaining those differences. Not in a million years, not in nine million years, not in nine billion years. No amount of argumentum ab magnis numeris is going to salvage even the smallest vestige of the neo-Darwinian synthesis, the theory of evolution by natural selection, or, for those who are still clinging by faith to the evolutionary epicycles being produced by the final generation of evolutionary biologists, the Theorum of Evolution by (probably) Natural Selection, Sexual Selection, Biased Mutation, Genetic Drift, and Gene Flow.

    Not only is there not one single piece of evidence ever produced that supports the idea that evolution by natural selection is sufficient to explain the observed genetic differences between one species and another, there is not one single hypothetical argument or explanation in defense of evolution by natural selection that is capable of standing up to the combination of math, logic, and the available scientific evidence.

    If you rejected religion on the basis of mechanistic materialism, you abandoned the faith of your fathers for an obvious untruth. Darwin was not only a false intellectual god, he was a false and retarded one.


    2024: The Year the Masks Came Off

    Simplicius offers a cogent summary of the recently-concluded year.

    2025 saw a remarkable and precipitous decline of the West into tyranny and illiberalism.

    Given the bizarre coordinated nature of every Western nation’s mirrored crack downs on fundamental freedoms like freedom of speech, the total delegitimization of democracy and elections, the absolute spiteful disgust that our ruling elites have shown to the common man, the farmer, the blue collared laborer, the wage slave—given all these things, and how remarkably coordinated they have been across the governments of the West, 2025 has taught us that the entire Western order must necessarily be taking direction from a centralized node of governance somewhere. That somewhere may be in the backrooms of the WEF or Bilderberg or what have you, but the rule by fiat from above is now clearer than ever.

    Quoting Mearsheimer, B writes: “Most horrifying though is the breakdown of humanitarian concepts the ‘west’ once claimed to hold high. Mearsheimer says it best when he decries the the moral bankruptcy of the West”:

    Given the West’s presumed commitment to human rights and especially to preventing genocide, one would have expected countries like the United States, Britain, and Germany, to have stopped the Israeli genocide in its tracks.

    Instead, the governments in those three countries, especially the United States, have supported Israel’s unimaginable behavior in Gaza at every turn. Indeed, those three countries are complicit in this genocide.

    Moreover, almost all of the many human rights advocates in those countries, and in the West more generally, have stayed silent while Israel executed its genocide. The mainstream media has made hardly any effort to expose and challenge what Israel is doing to the Palestinians. Indeed some key outlets have staunchly supported Israel’s actions.

    That’s right—2024 was the year of unvarnished genocide, and what’s more: it was the total white-washing of said genocide by the bought-and-paid-for corporate media.

    More than anything else, I declare year 2024 as the death of mainstream media. Never before was their bias, their criminality and total hostility to truth more openly obvious, more flagrantly flaunted by them. Scandal after scandal marred the last few remnant crumbs of credibility that remained, from covering up Biden’s clear dementia, presidential incompetence, and family crimes, to covering for Israel’s genocide all year long, with ‘creative’ formatting and syntax tricks, as well as lack of any impartiality or ability to question the State Narrative. They have exposed themselves as nothing more than an antiquated soapbox of disinformation and narrative control. This year was truly the long-overdue—and much-earned—death of mainstream media as an institution.

    Virtually everything of note, any newsworthy revelation or exposé, was broken on either Twitter, Substack, or associated ‘citizen journalist’ haven. People are tuning out more and more from corporate legacy programming in general, whether it’s MSM or Hollywood or even major sports—with recent headlines reporting NBA viewership down by 50%, for instance.

    I proposed a couple articles ago how the world is now entering a period of strongman lawlessness due to the systemic breakdown of previous international institutions and guardrails which have held some semblance of ‘order’ across the globe. Now it’s becoming nearly passé to speak of, and actually carry out, illegal seizures of land, occupations, etc. From Israel’s demarche on Syrian territory, to Turkey’s brazen calls for revanchism, to Trump’s sudden and inexplicable rousts around the annexation of Greenland and Canada—the lack of international order, the lack of spine in ‘rule of law bastions’ has become nearly surreal.

    The rule of law is observably dead in the USA and in Europe. The mainstream media narrative is observably fake and is not only run according to the ruling elite’s script, but is observably being played out by actors who are not even the individuals they pretend to be. The six Bidens and the three Trumps are only the most obvious indicators that all of the modern world is a stage.

    Not even science can be relied upon anymore; in addition to the unreliability of modern peer-reviewed published studies, its very foundations, from evolution to physics, are being shown to be, not only erroneous, but manufactured and mathematically impossible.

    2025 is going to be a difficult year, in many ways for many people around the world, but it also promises to be a year that offers genuine hope for Man to further free himself from the empire of lies that has been keeping him intellectually enslaved in a chain of comfortable falsehoods that date back to the increasingly misnamed Enlightenment. The entire basis for governance in the West is now known to be not only false, not merely illegitimate, but entirely artificial and manufactured, and as Simplicius notes, “the rule by fiat from above is now clearer than ever.”

    This is something that, once seen, cannot be unseen, and everyone is seeing it now.

    Happy New Year.


    The Collapse of the Conventional Evolutionary Model

    Chinese researchers are methodically dismantling the conventional model of human evolution, specifically, the so-called “Out of Africa” theory:

    In the early 1960s, researchers started the field of molecular evolution based on the genetic distance phenomenon of protein sequences among species, and proposed a molecular evolutionary theory different from the natural selection theory, the molecular clock hypothesis and the neutral theory. This theory holds that the genetic distance of gene sequences can be used to infer the phylogenetic relationship between different species. The greater the genetic distance, the farther the phylogenetic relationship and the longer the evolutionary time. Researchers then deduced a molecular model of the origin of modern humans based on this theory, the recent out of Africa hypothesis. African populations have the highest genetic diversity among all racial groups, which was interpretated to mean that Africans have a more ancient most recent common ancestor than other populations. Modern humans are considered to have first appeared in Africa who then migrated to Eurasia and largely replaced the indigenous populations. Although the neutral theory is a very valuable null hypothesis, it cannot fully explain the phenomenon of genetic diversity, which therefore deems the out-of-Africa model, at best, uncertain. In 2008, a new theory of molecular evolution, known as the maximum genetic diversity theory, was published, offering a reinterpretation of the phenomenon of genetic distances. A large genetic distance does not necessarily mean a long evolutionary time, but can also reflect a large phenotypic difference. The increase in genetic distance over time is not infinite, as implied by the neutral theory, but has an upper limit, which is mainly determined by the phenotypic complexity of the species. Several lines of tests show that the genetic distances or genetic diversities are largely at the upper limit levels. Based on the maximum genetic diversity theory, new research has independently re-discovered the out of East Asia model of modern humans that was first proposed in 1983. It also provides autosomal DNA support for the multiregional hypothesis. Multiple lines of tests, including ancient DNA analyses, lend robust support to the out of East Asia model as the more accurate representation of modern human origins.

    From the MITTENS perspective, the most significant statement in the abstract is that the conventional model “cannot fully explain the phenomenon of genetic diversity”. Even more interesting is the translation of the explanation provided in the British media:

    The reason that his MGD theory holds, he said, is that more complex organisms like humans require many more parts of their DNA work together in concert, meaning that there’s less room for mutations acting like genetic ‘improvisations’ to survive.

    ‘A simple thought experiment can explain,’ Dr Huang wrote in an article published this past November in the Chinese-language journal Prehistoric Archaeology. ‘You can create three different groups of organisms — yeast, fish and humans — using the same gene sequence, and then let these three organisms diverge for a long time or about 500 million years. A gene in yeast will change a lot, such as 50 percent, and its corresponding gene in fish will also change more but less than yeast, such as 30 percent,’ he continued, ‘[but] its corresponding gene in humans will change very little, such as 1 percent.’

    This documented trend in the history of various species suggests that dramatic mutations in more complex creatures are less likely to survive evolution’s long haul.

    In other words, the scientists are finally looking at genetic fixation, and observing that “there is less room for mutations” in more complicated organisms for genetic change. In other words, even more generations are required for the same sort of genetic change that has been observed in simpler organisms; based on the example given, the fastest genetic fixation observed in laboratory bacteria, which is 1600 generations per fixation, would require 80,000 generations in humans.

    And now that the scientists are starting to look at both fixation and genetic diversity, it is only a matter of time before they start comparing their observations to the available time scale and correctly conclude that the evolution by natural selection for the genetic distance between two observed genetic sequences is mathematically impossible. As the scientific documentation improves, it will inevitably become absolutely undeniable that dramatic mutations in more complex creatures could not have survived evolution’s long haul because no evolution by natural selection took place at all.

    Just remember that you first heard about MITTENS here… Because you’re obviously not going to read about the Mathematical Impossibility of The Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection in the converged science journals anytime soon.

    In the eight years since Dr Huang and his team first presented their ‘out of East Asia’ theory at an international academic conference in 2016, he has been unable to find an academic journal outside of China that is willing to publish the theory. ‘We tried to submit the paper to many journals and were rejected, so we gave up,’ Huang said. ‘Any intellectual who wants to overturn popular opinion will experience the same difficulties,’ he opined. ‘But it’s fine as long as what you’re promoting is true and you don’t care how long it takes [to be accepted].’


    The Ice Expands

    The science is settled. Global warming is absolutely nonsense and the Earth is actually in a cooling trend over the last 40 years.

    A major study has directly conflicted with one of the leading “global warming” narratives regarding the alleged impact of temperatures on ice levels in Antarctica. The study found that sea ice around Antarctica has “slowly increased” since the start of continuous satellite recordings in 1979.

    According to the top researchers behind the study, any changes to the sea ice are caused by natural climate variation. Over the satellite record, the scientists note there was a “prolonged and gradual” expansion of sea ice to around 2014 followed by a short period of sudden decline from 2014-19.

    Growth was then resumed, although there was a temporary downturn around 2022.

    At this point, it is very safe to assume that whatever the “scientific consensus” states is not only false, but knowingly and intentionally false. When the very best, gold-plated scientody can’t even manage a 50 percent success rate, there is absolutely no chance that professional, government-funded, Clown World-corrupted scientistry is more than 10 percent accurate.


    95 Percent Vaccinated Deaths

    They could lie to you, gaslight you, and coerce you. They could disemploy you, and threaten you, and turn your friends and family against you. They could do everything but hide the bodies.

    Official data released by the UK government has exposed an alarming explosion of deaths that only impacted people who received Covid mRNA “vaccines.” The data shows that the vaccinated population suffered a huge surge in deaths compared to the unvaccinated.

    In the UK, approximately 30 percent of the population has never received a dose of the Covid “vaccine.” According to the UKHSA’s figures, 63.4 million people were eligible for vaccination at that point. 34 percent were not double vaccinated, and 50 percent were not triple vaccinated.

    However, the vaccinated population accounted for 95 percent of all COVID-19 deaths between January and May 2023.

    The unvaccinated population, meanwhile, accounted for just five percent of Covid deaths.

    The vast majority of the deaths are among those vaccinated four times. This quad-vaxxed population accounts for 80 percent of all COVID-19 deaths, and 83 percent of all Covid deaths among the vaccinated.


    CTMU Goes Mainstream

    It was a bit surprising to see Chris Langan being quoted about his CTMU and its implications for mortality in the British media:

    ‘What happens after we die?’ is the most existential question humans face.

    But a man with one of the highest IQs in history claims to know the answer.

    Chris Langan, 72, is an American horse rancher who is alleged to have an IQ between 190 and 210. That ‘genius’ score is 30 to 50 points higher than Albert Einstein’s.

    Langan has developed a hypothesis called the Cognitive-Theoretic Model of the Universe (CTMU), which he says ‘explains the connection between mind and reality.’

    He believes that when we die, we transition from one form of being to another within the computational structure of reality, meaning the consciousness, or ‘soul,’ moves to another dimension or plane of existence we cannot access while alive.

    It’s not clear what that new dimension would look like, or what happens to the ‘soul’ once it arrives there. But Langan believes traditional views of heaven and hell are too simplistic, whereas his theory posits a transition to an entirely new state of being.

    Langan explained his concept of death during an appearance on the podcast Theories of Everything with Curt Jaimungal in May.

    He said death is ‘The termination of your relationship with your particular physical body that you have at this present time. When you are retracted from this reality, you go back up toward the origin of reality. You can be provided with a substitute body, another kind of terminal body that allows you to keep on existing.’

    Thus, according to Langan, death does not mean that you cease to exist.

    Once you transition to this new plane of exitance, you might not even remember who you were before, Langan said. ‘You can have – these memories can be – nothing goes out of existence in the math.’

    The CTMU isn’t Christian per se; it’s better described as Christian-compatible philosophy. I’ve read his main paper on it and comprehended about half of it on the first go-through. My plan is to read it again, interview him, and then do a series of Darkstream’s attempting to interpret it for people. It should be interesting to find myself in the role of a popularizer rather than an originator for a change.