2024: The Year the Masks Came Off

Simplicius offers a cogent summary of the recently-concluded year.

2025 saw a remarkable and precipitous decline of the West into tyranny and illiberalism.

Given the bizarre coordinated nature of every Western nation’s mirrored crack downs on fundamental freedoms like freedom of speech, the total delegitimization of democracy and elections, the absolute spiteful disgust that our ruling elites have shown to the common man, the farmer, the blue collared laborer, the wage slave—given all these things, and how remarkably coordinated they have been across the governments of the West, 2025 has taught us that the entire Western order must necessarily be taking direction from a centralized node of governance somewhere. That somewhere may be in the backrooms of the WEF or Bilderberg or what have you, but the rule by fiat from above is now clearer than ever.

Quoting Mearsheimer, B writes: “Most horrifying though is the breakdown of humanitarian concepts the ‘west’ once claimed to hold high. Mearsheimer says it best when he decries the the moral bankruptcy of the West”:

Given the West’s presumed commitment to human rights and especially to preventing genocide, one would have expected countries like the United States, Britain, and Germany, to have stopped the Israeli genocide in its tracks.

Instead, the governments in those three countries, especially the United States, have supported Israel’s unimaginable behavior in Gaza at every turn. Indeed, those three countries are complicit in this genocide.

Moreover, almost all of the many human rights advocates in those countries, and in the West more generally, have stayed silent while Israel executed its genocide. The mainstream media has made hardly any effort to expose and challenge what Israel is doing to the Palestinians. Indeed some key outlets have staunchly supported Israel’s actions.

That’s right—2024 was the year of unvarnished genocide, and what’s more: it was the total white-washing of said genocide by the bought-and-paid-for corporate media.

More than anything else, I declare year 2024 as the death of mainstream media. Never before was their bias, their criminality and total hostility to truth more openly obvious, more flagrantly flaunted by them. Scandal after scandal marred the last few remnant crumbs of credibility that remained, from covering up Biden’s clear dementia, presidential incompetence, and family crimes, to covering for Israel’s genocide all year long, with ‘creative’ formatting and syntax tricks, as well as lack of any impartiality or ability to question the State Narrative. They have exposed themselves as nothing more than an antiquated soapbox of disinformation and narrative control. This year was truly the long-overdue—and much-earned—death of mainstream media as an institution.

Virtually everything of note, any newsworthy revelation or exposé, was broken on either Twitter, Substack, or associated ‘citizen journalist’ haven. People are tuning out more and more from corporate legacy programming in general, whether it’s MSM or Hollywood or even major sports—with recent headlines reporting NBA viewership down by 50%, for instance.

I proposed a couple articles ago how the world is now entering a period of strongman lawlessness due to the systemic breakdown of previous international institutions and guardrails which have held some semblance of ‘order’ across the globe. Now it’s becoming nearly passé to speak of, and actually carry out, illegal seizures of land, occupations, etc. From Israel’s demarche on Syrian territory, to Turkey’s brazen calls for revanchism, to Trump’s sudden and inexplicable rousts around the annexation of Greenland and Canada—the lack of international order, the lack of spine in ‘rule of law bastions’ has become nearly surreal.

The rule of law is observably dead in the USA and in Europe. The mainstream media narrative is observably fake and is not only run according to the ruling elite’s script, but is observably being played out by actors who are not even the individuals they pretend to be. The six Bidens and the three Trumps are only the most obvious indicators that all of the modern world is a stage.

Not even science can be relied upon anymore; in addition to the unreliability of modern peer-reviewed published studies, its very foundations, from evolution to physics, are being shown to be, not only erroneous, but manufactured and mathematically impossible.

2025 is going to be a difficult year, in many ways for many people around the world, but it also promises to be a year that offers genuine hope for Man to further free himself from the empire of lies that has been keeping him intellectually enslaved in a chain of comfortable falsehoods that date back to the increasingly misnamed Enlightenment. The entire basis for governance in the West is now known to be not only false, not merely illegitimate, but entirely artificial and manufactured, and as Simplicius notes, “the rule by fiat from above is now clearer than ever.”

This is something that, once seen, cannot be unseen, and everyone is seeing it now.

Happy New Year.


Immigration Kills 11 in Germany

Elon Musk is right. Only the AfD and massive repatriation can save Germany from Clown World:

Horror in Germany as ’11 people are killed and up to 80 injured’ as car ploughs into crowd of people at Christmas market

A car drove into a group of people at a Christmas market in the eastern German city of Magdeburg on Friday, leaving at least 11 dead and between 60 and 80 people injured.

The driver of the car, reported to be a dark BMW, was arrested following the crash which took place at 7:04pm today, according to unidentified government officials in the state of Saxony-Anhalt who spoke to the dpa news agency.

Bild reported that the car was driven ‘at least 400m (1,300ft) across the Christmas market’, per a police spokesperson. The alleged perpetrator is said to have been a man from Saudi Arabia who was born in 1974, per Welt. German broadcaster MDR reported that a suspected explosive device is currently sitting in the vehicle.

According to emergency services, who have set up tents to immediately treat victims, several people were ‘severely’ injured.

Video footage too graphic to share appears to show the dark car careening into the dense crowd, leaving dozens of people lying on the floor. Within seconds, countless revellers can be see fleeing for their lives in the wake of the crash. Separate footage showed children crying loudly as several small crowds of people formed over those injured in the crash, in apparent attempts to help them.

We see this every year. Every single year. Unless and until Europe returns to Christendom and the invaders are repatriated, the satanic slaughter will continue.

How is it even possible that the Bundeswehr just sits by and permits this to happen? How do the German politicians imagine they’re going to defend Ukraine from Russia when they can’t even defend their own people from foreign invaders?

Note that the mass murderer is an Arab doctor.


The Downward Spiral Continues

There will be more than one “Mysterious Big Thing” but only one of them is due in December and when it’s time you’ll know. Trust me. ❤️ NG’s troubles aren’t going away any time soon.

Neil Gaiman fans are bracing for the next round of disclosures concerning the Sandman author’s alleged shenanigans. In the meantime, the woman to whom the Gamma male glommed onto in a failed attempt to parley his moderate success and celebrity into a romantic relationship has finally spoken out and begun to publicly distance herself from him, although her actions fell well short of the complete condemnation and disavowal for which her fans, and Gaiman’s disaffected former fans, were hoping.

Tori Amos breaks silence on allegations against longtime friend Neil Gaiman

In July, writer Neil Gaiman found himself at the center of a legacy-tarnishing scandal when five women stepped forward to share their stories of alleged sexual abuse at the hand of “The Sandman” author.

In a recent interview with The Guardian, musician Tori Amos made a rare statement on the accusations against her longtime friend and collaborator, calling them “shocking,” and expressing a willingness to walk away from the friend she thought she knew if everything that’s being said about him by his alleged victims is true…

“And if the allegations are true, that’s not the Neil that I knew, that’s not the friend that I knew, nor a friend that I ever want to know. So in some ways it’s a heartbreaking grief. I never saw that side of Neil. Neither did my crew. And my crew has seen a lot. I haven’t publicly said anything because: what do I say? I didn’t hire the nannies. I wasn’t there. I’ve never met these people. And I’ve never received a letter – of the thousands of letters I’ve gotten in 33 years – I’ve never received anything that was about Neil, except praise for his work and how much his work meant to people. That’s all I ever knew.”

It’s not surprising that even such an outspoken advocate for rape victims would be hesitant to publicly condemn a longtime friend and benefactor. I understand the outrage of the few who genuinely expected better from her, but people are always people. Even those who feel most betrayed by Neil Gaiman will never give Jon Del Arroz and I any credit whatsoever for our early, public, and forthright condemnation of Neil Gaiman, nor will most of them criticize Tori Amos for taking four months to even address the panoply of very creditable allegations of rape and sexual assault.

The labels of people who are considered “good” and those who are considered “bad” will always dictate how people perceive their actions. From the perspective of the average Neil Gaiman fan, JDA and I are very bad indeed, and therefore our condemnations of an accused serial rapist and sexual assaulter are intrinsically suspect, and since Tori Amos is very good in their eyes, her reticence to do so is, for the most part, considered understandable, and perhaps even laudable.

But for those who are not emotionally invested, the facts are what they are. My opinion is perfectly clear. On the basis of the currently available evidence, Neil Gaiman is a mediocre literary talent who appears to have been systematically elevated due to his various connections, whose success appears to have been mostly manufactured, and, given the multiple accusations that have already been made public, appears to have abused his social position to take advantage of gullible and vulnerable women of various ages to assuage his own psychosexual desires.

And I simply don’t care what anyone happens to think about me or my motivations. That’s my opinion, and I fully expect events to eventually confirm it in due course.


The American Began to Hate

The mainstream media is shocked, shocked, to discover that Americans are massively unsympathetic to the corpocratic elite:

The brutal assassination of UnitedHealthcare executive Brian Thompson has triggered a wave of morbid criticism about the state of America’s health insurance companies – and cynical support for the attacker framed as a ‘man of the people’.

Mr Thompson, a 50-year-old father-of-two, was shot outside the Hilton Hotel in Manhattan on Wednesday morning by a masked assassin, whose motive remains unclear as he continues to evade police. Authorities found three live bullets and three spent casings at the scene, which they said had the words ‘depose’, ‘deny’ and ‘defend’ scrawled on them. This drew comparison to the similarly titled 2010 book ‘Delay, Deny, Defend’ – a scathing criticism of ‘why insurance companies don’t pay out and what you can do about it’ – and sparked wide speculation online.

As news of the cold-blooded killing spread, medical professionals took to social media to criticize the insurer’s alleged denial of coverage to dying Americans.

The moderators of the r/medicine forum had to close a Reddit thread after news of Mr Thompson’s death collected more than 500 replies, often critical of UnitedHealthcare. The top comment, from a nurse, was a lengthy parody of a template response denying pay-out for the victim.

‘We understand that you were actively “bleeding out,” but this does not exempt you from exploring lower-cost care pathways,’ the post coldly jibed.

UnitedHealthcare, the biggest health insurer by market share in America, was rocked by protests over the alleged systematic denial of pay-outs to patients earlier this year. An unlikely following of swooning commentators online soon followed, with the pictured suspect drawing comparisons to A-List celebrities including Timothée Chalamet and Jake Gyllenhaal for his ‘gorgeous’ good looks.

However, don’t get too excited. This almost certainly wasn’t an act of revenge, but rather, something more akin to the non-suicide of Jeffrey Epstein. It was much more likely just another case of Clown World silencing, or as Miles Mathis would have it, vanishing, one of its own for some esoteric reason related to enforced non-disclosure. And is it not an anomaly that the murder was a statistically-improbable one in which the victim was a Fortune 500 CEO who was not resident in New York City and in which the crime could not be categorized as anti-semitic?

It’s probably just more Narrative theater performed by the clowns for our edification.


An Adverse Effect?

We don’t know it was the vaxx… but I suspect there may be a connection between the murder of a CEO and the imposition of the vaxx by the medical community on tens of millions of insufficiently skeptical Americans.

The CEO of America’s largest health insurance company was shot and killed by a masked attacker outside Manhattan’s Hilton Hotel on Wednesday morning. UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson, 50, was gunned down around 6:45am in Midtown, hours before New Yorkers gather in the neighborhood for the annual Christmas tree lighting at Rockefeller Center.

Thompson was fatally shot in the chest in a targeted attack by a masked man, who then fled down 6th Avenue on a bicycle. The NYPD has launched a huge manhunt to catch the killer, who is believed to have escaped into Central Park.

Witnesses said the suspected gunman was seen waiting outside the hotel before the shooting, and knew which door Thompson was going to emerge from before shooting him at point-blank range. The CEO was rushed to Mount Sinai Hospital in critical condition, and was later pronounced dead.

There are any number of reasons that someone might have it in for a Fortune 500 CEO, but the health care angle does tend to point to an unfortunate medical outcome on the part of someone related to the killer.

Paging Chuck Dixon…


Martial Law in South Korea

The global supply of K-Pop may be in jeopardy now that President Yoon has declared emergency martial law in South Korea:

South Korea’s President Yoon Suk Yeol sensationally declared emergency martial law today, accusing his political opposition of subverting parliament and railing against ‘pro-North Korea, anti-state forces’ in his country. The shocking late-night address triggered chaos on the streets in Seoul where hordes of angry citizens clashed with riot cops and security forces outside the National Assembly.

South Korea’s military proclaimed that under martial law, parliament and other political gatherings that could cause ‘social confusion’ would be suspended and anyone found to violate the regulations could be arrested without a warrant.

In his address Yoon vowed ‘to protect the free Republic of Korea from the threat of North Korean communist forces, to eradicate the despicable pro-North Korean anti-state forces plundering the happiness of our people and to protect the constitutional order. With no regard for the livelihoods of the people, the opposition party has paralysed governance solely for the sake of impeachments, special investigations, and shielding their leader from justice… Through this martial law, I will rebuild and protect the free Republic of Korea, which is falling into the depths of national ruin,’ he said.

But the speech sparked an immediate outpouring of anger as disgruntled citizens marched on the capital’s parliament building.

Since taking office in 2022, Yoon had struggled to push his agendas against an opposition-controlled parliament, raising suspicions the sudden implementation of martial law was a political ploy to exercise greater power. His popularity has also declined as of late amid various scandals in his inner circle, with the opposition seeking to impeach cabinet members over failure to investigate Yoon’s wife on corruption and influence-peddling allegations.

I’m assuming that Yoon is a Clown World puppet, especially in light of how he is illegally ignoring the Parliament’s vote to override his declaration of martial law, but I don’t know enough about Korean politics to have any idea what’s going on there. That being said, it appears that North Korea is being used as a stalking horse to justify some sort of shenanigans in response to the recent election of President Trump.

The move comes as a complete shock in the Western-aligned Asian nation of more than 50 million which despite escalating tensions with its foe to the North is not fighting an active war and has not suffered attacks on its soil. 



Why the Polls Were So Off

538’s final forecast for the presidential race between Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump is officially out, and it’s a real nail-biter. Our model gives Harris a 50 out of 100 chance of winning the majority of Electoral College votes. Our model gives Trump a 49 out of 100 chance. The model shifted toward Harris slightly on Monday, Nov. 4, after high-quality polls released over the weekend showed her tied or ahead in the key northern battlegrounds of Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

Of course, Harris lost badly, including all three key northern battleground states in which she was supposedly “tied or ahead”. Donald Trump’s electoral college ranked #39 out of the 59 historical US presidential elections; it was not exactly the “real nail-biter” that 538 forecasted. And the Dark Herald knows why:

A while back, Disney subsidiary ESPN bought up Nate Silver’s 538 to help with their forecasting. It was actually a pretty smart idea. Then 538 gets transferred over to ABC News, which takes it away from Jason Pitaro and puts it under the control of… You guessed it! Dana Walden. Nate Silver “resigns” from the company he created and is replaced by G. Elliot Morris a 28-year-old flaming idealogue and journalist. This is when things started to go down hill fast for 538.

Rasmussen Polls were sent a few polite-ish requests for their procedures and some proprietary information. The boss of Rasmussen doesn’t like how this smells and refuses. Sure enough, it was the equivalent of “We are going to write this story about you and feel you should have a chance to tell your side of the story.” It was obviously a trap. Sure enough, Disney’s 538 sends Rasmussen a vicious letter accusing them of every kind of bias in their methodology and informing them they are now being dropped from 538’s aggregation.

538 also injected ABC News’ own polling into their aggregation which immediately biased things to the left. Basically they poll the same people over and over again and they are allegedly influenced by community managers.

That’s right. The Devil Mouse has now graduated from ruining news and entertainment to destroying the purpose of election polls. This is progress?


Israel-Iran Round 3

The IDF is now bombing Iran:

Explosions have been heard across Tehran as IDF forces announce they have launched retaliatory strikes in the region. The Israeli military has said it is conducting ‘precise strikes’ on military targets in Iran in response to what it called ‘the continuous attacks from the regime in Iran against Israel’. There have been reports of at least five explosions that have rocked the city of Tehran, as well as loud blasts heard in the Damascus countryside and central region.

Do Iran’s air defense systems not work very well or are they holding them in reserve? That’s just one of many questions that spring to mind.


Another Assassination Attempt

It appears Clown World isn’t confident it can execute another election steal:

Former President Trump narrowly survived yet another assassination attempt after a sniper with a scoped AK-47 rifle got within a few hundred yards of him as he played golf at his West Palm Beach, Florida club on Friday.

It is the second time a madman armed with an assault rifle has tried to kill the 45th president in two months.

Palm Beach County Sheriff Ric Bradshaw said the suspect had taken cover near a chain-link fence between 300-500 yards away from Trump, but conceded, “with a rifle and scope like that is not a long distance.”

Law enforcement sources told The Post that the suspect is 58-year-old Ryan Routh of Hawaii.

He had set up a GoPro camera on the fence with the apparent intent of recording the shooting.

A Secret Service agent first spotted the suspect as he stuck the barrel of his rifle through a chain link fence on the outskirts of Trump International Golf Course West Palm Beach South. The agent, who was a golf hole ahead of Trump, opened fire on the suspect — who then fled the scene, Bradshaw told reporters Sunday night.

It’s a very good thing it wasn’t the Secret Service detail from the last attempt on duty. At this point, why not lock it down? Trump doesn’t need to be out exposing himself to the public in order to win.


The Memes Must Flow

It’s going to be a busy day on r/neilgaimanmemes today, in light of the news that two more women have come forward to accuse Neil Gaiman of sexual assault, one in 1986 and the other in 2017. That makes five alleged victims over a period of 35 years, so the chances that there will be dozens more is astronomical. It’s a good thing Gaiman is a prolific storyteller, because he’s almost certainly going to have to be coming up with an awful lot of stories explaining away his historical behavior over the next few months.

Exclusive: Two more women accuse Neil Gaiman of sexual assault and abuse

The two new accounts — published today in a new episode of ‘Master: the allegations against Neil Gaiman’ — have been corroborated through documents, emails, and messages seen by Tortoise as well as through interviews with friends and family who the women confided in. Gaiman did not provide any on-the-record response to multiple detailed requests for comment on either set of allegations.

Caroline Wallner lived in a house on Gaiman’s property in Woodstock, New York between 2014 and 2021 with her three young daughters and, until 2017, her husband. Alongside her work as a ceramic artist in a studio in a barn on the property, Wallner and her husband worked for Gaiman and his then wife Amanda Palmer, including doing property maintenance, gardening, and grocery shopping. Gaiman had moved to the area to teach at Bard College.

Around the time Wallner’s marriage ended in 2017, which she said devastated her emotionally, Gaiman told her ex-husband that there was no more work for him on the property, which had provided the family’s main income. Wallner and her daughters were now dependent on Gaiman for work and housing. While she was in this situation, Wallner, then 55, said that Gaiman began pressuring her for sex.

Wallner said: “There were little hints of, ‘we’re going to need the house’. And I remember saying, let’s talk about it. Let’s figure it out. That’s when he would just come to my studio and make me give him a blowjob”. There is no suggestion of physical force, but rather of coercion in light of her housing and family situation. Wallner said: “And he can say it was consensual. But why would I do that? It was because I was scared of losing my place”, characterising Gaiman’s treatment of her as “sexual abuse.”

The UN defines sexual abuse as actual or threatened sexual contact by force or coercive conditions. The UN’s refugee agency, where Gaiman is a goodwill ambassador, has described the allegations against him published by Tortoise as “very serious”, adding that it is “assessing the detailed reporting”.

Gaiman settled with Wallner for $275,000 and a non-disclosure agreement less than two weeks later. The NDA “disputes and denies that Wallner has sustained any losses, damages, or injuries for which Gaiman is legally responsible.” Gaiman’s position is that he settled with her to avoid expensive and protracted litigation. The NDA prohibits Wallner from talking about Gaiman with “family members, friends, associates” and from filing, reporting, or prosecuting any action or proceeding in “any court, governmental agency, or before any tribunal whatsoever or wheresoever”. If Wallner is asked to make disclosures by a “valid legal process”, the NDA says she must give Gaiman 20 days notice and help him resist disclosure.

The 1986 woman is an OBE. It’s certainly going to be difficult for Gaiman to play his customary “who are you, you’re nobody” card.

“I’m a very wealthy man. You’re…”

“I’m an OBE. Her Majesty the Queen made me an Officer of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire. Who are you, Mr. Wealthy Man?”

One wonders what the Crown knew about Gaiman. Far less well-known, far less successful authors have been given honors by the Queen. I would think he must have come up at some point but then failed the vetting process.

In less than 24 hours, there are already 96 members of r/neilgaimanmemes and loads of memes with thousands of views. The media’s wall of silence will not stand!