Suddenly Live

It’s going to get harder and harder for the media to deny the deleterious effects of the vaxx when TV and radio hosts are literally dropping dead while live on the air:

A radio host died ‘while presenting his program’ this morning at a local station in Suffolk.

Tim Gough, 55, was presenting his breakfast show for GenX Radio Suffolk when the music stopped playing half way through a song, an hour into his slot.

The music resumed a few minutes later but Mr Gough, who had been speaking just moments earlier, did not return and later the station confirmed he had passed away.

Sure, we don’t KNOW it was the vaxx… but it was the vaxx.


Warning: 115 Average IQ At Work Ahead

Say what one will about Ben Shapiro, one can’t deny that he effectively demonstrates the intrinsic falsity of the myth that Jewish success in the USA is the natural result of an unusually high level of average intelligence.

Let’s use his numbers, just for the sake of argument. In order to reduce their success rate at combatting the virus by 4%, the vaccinated now face reduced life expectancies as well as elevated risks of stroke, heart attack, and cancer. Maybe you shouldn’t have listened to Ben Shapiro and taken his advice to get the vaccine, dopes.

Never forget who tried to sell you on the vaxx and who tried to save you from it.


Newsmax is Promethean

I’ve never believed, despite all their conservative pretensions, that Newsmax was on the side of the Good, the Beautiful, and the True, even before I had a very negative experience with their mediocre internet advertising service many years ago. But their decision to jettison Lara Logan for her forthright Christian denouncement of the global satanists clearly indicates in whose service they labor.

Newsmax TV has severed ties with Lara Logan after she said on the network the global elite “dine on the blood of children” and made other bizarre statements.

Logan interviewed with network host Eric Bolling Wednesday on The Balance about global elites and their embrace of socialism. She responded she is a “firm and solid and immovable believer in God.” She added those controlling the levers of power “want us eating insects,” and implied they “dine on the blood of children.”

The network issued a statement to the Daily Beast Thursday night.

“Newsmax condemns in the strongest terms the reprehensible statements made by Lara Logan and her views do not reflect our network,” someone from the network said. “We have no plans to interview her again.”

In her interview with Bolling, he asked her about her faith in connection to the country’s southern border.

She said:

God believes in sovereignty, and national identity, and the sanctity of family, and all the things that we’ve lived with from the beginning of time. And he knows that the open border is Satan’s way of taking control of the world through all of these people who are his stooges and his and his servants.

And they may think that they’re going to become gods. That’s what they tell us. you’ve all known [historian Yuval Noah] Harari and all the rest of them at the World Economic Forum. You know, the ones who want us eating insects, cockroaches, and that while they dine on the blood of children? Those are the people, right? They’re not gonna win. They’re not going to win.

Lara Logan knows what she’s talking about, as an elite reporter in the ABCNNBCBS medial cabal. And if there is one thing global satanists cannot bear besides the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, it is an open denunciation of their wicked practices. Observe the way in which Newsmax’s statement makes it perfectly clear, “in the strongest terms”, that they not only endorse both the evil practices and their practitioners, but are willing to defend them.

The line between Good and Evil are becoming more clear every day. The time for being lukewarm and attempting to sit on the fence is over. And be aware that some of those you formerly believed were good guys who were more or less on your side are not.

And speaking of Prometheans, be very wary of what appears to be a newly-anointed gatekeeper, Stew Peters. Yes, it’s another Daily Beast hit piece, but as a rule, the faster they blow up, the more likely it is that they are manufactured personas. And in the aftermath of the Jordan Peterson Experience, we know that faux attacks are integral to elevating the profile of the appointed gatekeepers.

This year, Peters emerged from obscurity as the face of “Red Voice Media,” an online video company based around promoting professionally produced “The Stew Peters Show.” The Minneapolis Star-Tribune dubbed him “​​Minnesota’s best-known bounty hunter.” Peters quickly became a leading voice on the far-right, especially after his early October attacks on Jordan.


Literally Retarded

You know, these retarded left-wing “news” sites really need to decide if they’re in the business of actually trying to report anything even remotely factual or just devote themselves to straight-up short-bus Orange Man Bad-level defamation.

The Rebel’s Run collapse stands as a cautionary tale for conservatives who dream of seeing their ideas turned into films, and comes as right-wing media outlets increasingly dabble in motion pictures. Commentator Ben Shapiro’s company has a streaming website that offers movies with a conservative tinge, including a thriller about a school shooting and a western starring “canceled” actress Gina Carano. Earlier this year, Breitbart News distributed a Hunter Biden biopic. But Rebel’s Run collapse stands as a cautionary tale for conservatives showing that the jump to movies isn’t a risk-free endeavor.

There was reason to think Beale and his fans could realize their dream of going from comic books to cinema, if only through sheer fanaticism. His devoted followers call him the “Supreme Dark Lord of the Evil Legion of Evil,” and describe themselves as his “minions.” Beale’s supporters, who frequently complain about supposed progressive “social justice warrior” influence creeping into fields like video games and science fiction, had already funded a handful of comic book issues and stirred up a controversy at science fiction’s premiere awards….

As Ohana’s promotional materials put it, according to prosecutors, the firm offered “banking [to] the unbankable.” On Nov. 5, 2020, Beale transferred the $1 million to Ohana to be held in escrow in advance of future film funding.

It’s a pity this didn’t run in the Swiss media, or Will Sommer would quickly find himself being dragged into a police station to face an interrogation. I never had any access to, nor did I transfer, “the $1 million” to anyone, nor have I ever had any contact whatsoever with James Wolfgramm, Ohana, or any of its employees, associates, or principals.

This literally retarded article firmly cements my policy of never talking to the media. Because even if you do, they either pay no attention to the information that doesn’t fit their narrative or they are simply too stupid to grasp what you’re telling them.

As for our future plans, we’re already breaking new ground in the field of animation. And while you wait for us to demonstrate our progress there, you can read the 68 episodes of Rebel and her compadres at Arktoons.


They Really Think You’re Stupid

After 24 hours of celebrating the US attack on the Crimean bridge, the shameless propagandists of the Occupied West are belatedly attempting to claim Russia bombed their own bridge:

A leading Ukrainian presidential aide claimed this morning the Kerch Strait crossing carnage may have been ordered by one of Vladimir Putin’s warring commanders. Mykhailo Podolyak alleged that Russia’s FSB secret service and the defence ministry are at loggerheads in a bitter dogfight over the botched war and are trying to undermine one another’s credibility. ‘Isn’t it obvious who made [the] explosion? Truck arrived from RF [Russian Federation],’ he said.

Meanwhile, a Western diplomatic source said the bridge attack could have been commissioned from inside the Russian establishment to fatally weaken Putin and trigger his toppling. ‘It might be the SBU [Ukrainian secret service] but it also could be the first major sign of a bid from within Russia to incapacitate the Kremlin tsar,’ the source said.

Sure. Just like the Russians shelled what is now their own nuclear plant, ineptly blew up three out of four of their own pipelines, and launched their own counteroffensive against themselves. Given the level of inversion and projection being demonstrated here, we can only assume the neocons are behind all of these attacks on Russia.

More importantly, the Russians know it. It will be interesting to see if their inevitable responses are limited to the territory of Ukraine or not.


Welcoming the New Russians

Novorussia is Russia again. The contrast between Putin’s actual speech and the way the Western media described it with over-the-top rhetoric while providing only “extracts” that nevertheless fail to make its case is really all you need to read to understand who the good guys are and who the satan-worshipping evil guys are.

Vladimir Putin has annexed four Ukrainian regions to Russia in a blistering Kremlin speech in which he vowed to ‘smash’ the West and liberate the world, raising fears he is gearing up to deploy Moscow’s huge nuclear arsenal.

The Russian despot, speaking in front of his cronies in Moscow, declared that ‘millions of people’ had ‘opted’ to become vassals of Russia in sham referendums – declaring them to be ‘are our people, forever,’ to a standing ovation in the Kremlin’s grand Georgian Hall.

He then turned on the West, delivering screed in which he recalled the horrors of both world wars, Korea, and Vietnam; made homophobic jibes, ranted about sex changes, and accused westerners of being ‘Satanists’; vowed ‘Western hegemony will be smashed’ and spoke of Russia’s ‘destiny’ to liberate the world.

He even suggested that the US had set a ‘precedent’ for using nuclear weapons in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, hinting that he could be considering his own atomic strike – either against Ukraine or its allies.

Reaction was swift. President Zelensky, who has vowed never to respect the annexation, declared that Ukraine will officially apply to join NATO and will never negotiate with Russia so long as Putin is in power. Prime Minister Liz Truss said Britain ‘will ensure [Putin] loses this illegal war. The EU said it ‘unequivocally condemns’ the annexation. Boris Johnson, former Prime Minister who became an iconic figure to Ukraine, branded Putin’s speech a ‘disgrace’ and vowed the UK will stand with Ukraine ‘without flinching until their country is whole and free.’

In other words, if these US lapdogs are to be taken seriously, Russia will end up ruling the entire European continent, plus Great Britain and Ireland. Fortunately, we all know these are not serious people; Ukraine will be conquered entirely if its neocon government does not surrender, Britain couldn’t defeat the Catholics in Northern Ireland much less the Russians, the EU had no problem with the annexation of Serbian territory, and Boris Johnson is a ticket-taking bozo who couldn’t keep his job despite being elected with a massive majority.

Remember, this is the same media that tells us Kiev is winning a war against Russia, which of course is why Zelensky is desperately attempting to speed up its application to NATO even though the USA has zero intention of committing any of its troops to the NATO-Russian war. Because, obviously, running screaming for help is what people who are winning do, right?

Now, read President Putin’s actual words. It’s hard to imagine any globalist leader of the so-called West being able to even quote him directly without bursting into flames.

In 1991 in Belovezhskaya Pushcha, representatives of the party elite of that time made a decision to terminate the Soviet Union, without asking ordinary citizens what they wanted, and people suddenly found themselves cut off from their homeland. This tore apart and dismembered our national community and triggered a national catastrophe. Just like the government quietly demarcated the borders of Soviet republics, acting behind the scenes after the 1917 revolution, the last leaders of the Soviet Union, contrary to the direct expression of the will of the majority of people in the referendum of 1991, destroyed our great country, and simply made the people in the former republics face this as an accomplished fact.

I can admit that they didn’t even know what they were doing and what consequences their actions would have in the end. But it doesn’t matter now. There is no Soviet Union anymore; we cannot return to the past. Actually, Russia no longer needs it today; this isn’t our ambition. But there is nothing stronger than the determination of millions of people who, by their culture, religion, traditions, and language, consider themselves part of Russia, whose ancestors lived in a single country for centuries. There is nothing stronger than their determination to return to their true historical homeland.

For eight long years, people in Donbass were subjected to genocide, shelling and blockades; in Kherson and Zaporozhye, a criminal policy was pursued to cultivate hatred for Russia, for everything Russian. Now too, during the referendums, the Kiev regime threatened schoolteachers, women who worked in election commissions with reprisals and death. Kiev threatened millions of people who came to express their will with repression. But the people of Donbass, Zaporozhye and Kherson weren’t broken, and they had their say.

I want the Kiev authorities and their true handlers in the West to hear me now, and I want everyone to remember this: the people living in Lugansk and Donetsk, in Kherson and Zaporozhye have become our citizens, forever….

Western countries have been insisting for centuries that they bear freedom and democracy for other nations. Everything is exactly the opposite: instead of democracy – suppression and exploitation; instead of freedom – enslavement and violence. The whole unipolar world order is inherently anti-democratic and not free, it is deceiving and hypocritical throughout.

The United States is the only country in the world that has used nuclear weapons twice, destroying the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan. And they created a precedent. Recall that during WWII the United States and Britain reduced Dresden, Hamburg, Cologne and many other German cities to rubble, without the least military necessity. It was done ostentatiously and, to repeat, without any military necessity. They had only one goal, as with the nuclear bombing of Japanese cities: to intimidate our country and the rest of the world.

The United States left a deep scar in the memory of the people of Korea and Vietnam with their carpet bombings and use of napalm and chemical weapons. It actually continues to occupy Germany, Japan, the Republic of Korea and other countries, which they cynically refer to as equals and allies. Look now, what kind of alliance is that? The whole world knows that the top officials in these countries are being spied on and that their offices and homes are bugged. It is a disgrace, a disgrace for those who do this and for those who, like slaves, silently and meekly swallow this arrogant behaviour.….

The current neocolonial model is ultimately doomed; this much is obvious. But I repeat that its real masters will cling to it to the end. They simply have nothing to offer the world except to maintain the same system of plundering and racketeering.

They do not give a damn about the natural right of billions of people, the majority of humanity, to freedom and justice, the right to determine their own future. They have already moved on to the radical denial of moral, religious, and family values.

Let’s answer some very simple questions for ourselves. Now I would like to return to what I said and want to address also all citizens of the country – not just the colleagues that are in the hall – but all citizens of Russia: do we want to have here, in our country, in Russia, “parent number one, parent number two and parent number three” (they have completely lost it!) instead of mother and father? Do we want our schools to impose on our children, from their earliest days in school, perversions that lead to degradation and extinction? Do we want to drum into their heads the ideas that certain other genders exist along with women and men and to offer them gender reassignment surgery? Is that what we want for our country and our children? This is all unacceptable to us. We have a different future of our own.

Let me repeat that the dictatorship of the Western elites targets all societies, including the citizens of Western countries themselves. This is a challenge to all. This complete renunciation of what it means to be human, the overthrow of faith and traditional values, and the suppression of freedom are coming to resemble a “religion in reverse” – pure Satanism. Exposing false messiahs, Jesus Christ said in the Sermon on the Mount: “By their fruits ye shall know them.” These poisonous fruits are already obvious to people, and not only in our country but also in all countries, including many people in the West itself.

Signing of treaties on accession of Donetsk and Lugansk people’s republics and Zaporozhye and Kherson regions to Russia, Vladimir Putin, 30 September 2022

It’s fascinating to observe that Vladimir Putin sees and calls out the inversion. It’s clear that he understands its significance too, with his reference to “a religion in reverse”. The wicked can fold, spindle, and mutilate the truth all they like, but eventually the truth leaks out. The current rulers of the Neo-West are pure Satanists. The USA did create a precedent with its unnecessary use of atomic weapons. And whether Neo-Western hegemony is smashed or it collapses under the weight of its own internal contradictions, it will come to an end sooner or later.

NATO cannot defeat Russia anymore than Germany could defeat the USA in WWII. And if the NATO-Russian war escalates into WWIII, it is the Sino-Russian alliance that will be the winners. The problem is that just as Hitler believed he could bluster and intimidate the Allies into surrender after a series of successful bluffs, the Neocons believe they can mediacate and magic-word their way to victory over Russia, China, Iran, India, Brazil, and the rest of the world on the basis of their past successes.

The fruits of past success produce the seeds of future failure.


A Non-Coup in China

Never pay any attention to all the ridiculous media stories about how Putin has leprosy or Xi has been replaced by a Google-powered robot. There was never any sort of coup in Beijing and Xi is fine. It was just the usual wordspellers engaged in their futile attempts to alter reality through magical thinking and mass propaganda.

Chinese communist leader Xi Jinping made his first public appearance in nearly two weeks, terminating an absence that fueled a storm of unsubstantiated rumors regarding his whereabouts. Xi, who leads China as general secretary of the Chinese Communist Party, visited an exhibition in Beijing on Sept. 27, according to Chinese state-owned media.

The event was Xi’s first public appearance since returning to China from a summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in Uzbekistan earlier in the month.

Xi had met with Russian President Vladimir Putin, an unofficial ally, during that summit. The two leaders reaffirmed their nations’ support for one another in the face of mounting resistance from the West regarding China’s plans for Taiwan and Russia’s war in Ukraine.

My assumption is that Xi has been occupied with overseeing the coordination of China’s next move with the coming Russian offensive. This would be an ideal time to open the second front, after Russia ties down US forces in Eastern Europe. Both Xi and Putin know that the USA is no longer equipped to fight two first-tier opponents at the same time, and I assume that Putin would not have proceeded with the four referendums without an assurance from Xi that China will enter the conflict in a meaningful manner.


Gavin McInnes Arrested

Or, at least, that appears to be the case, pending confirmation:

Former Fox News host Gavin McInnes was apparently arrested on Thursday night after law enforcement gained access to his New York studio while he broadcast his network’s Thursday night live stream.

Shortly after his “Get Off My Lawn” live show began, police officers believed by subscribers to be federal agents gained access to the studio. McInnes, who founded the web network after being canceled on social media, was heard on the live stream having a heated verbal exchange with officers before leaving the studio. McInnes’ stream was left unattended for over an hour before it ended.

McInnes, standing at his desk, told the off camera law enforcement officers, “Yeah. Alright, I’m happy to do that. I’ll get a lawyer, and we will sit down and have a conversation. We’ll schedule a meeting, and I’ll sit down with my lawyer.”

The officer’s response to McInnes was not within range of the microphone, but after he spoke McInnes replied, “I didn’t let you in.”

What appear to be chirping noises made by police radios can be heard in the video, but viewers reported only silence after McInnes left the frame until the stream was taken offline.

Prior to the Thursday night incident, McInnes told viewers of that he had reason to believe he was under some sort of surveillance.

My assumption is that this is probably not connected to anything McInnes said or did, but is related to the recent raid on President Trump’s residence in Florida, and the way in which the FBI is attempting to build a case to arrest the president on grounds related to January 6 and the Proud Boys. If they don’t have anything useful on Trump, they’ll need to be putting pressure on people who might be able to give them something they can use to conjure up an indictment.

Unless, of course, it was this public act of shameless and unequivocally transphobic hate speech that landed him in hot water with the federal thought police.

Brittany Griner is a dude.

Gavin McInnes, 8 August 2022

Needless to say, the media won’t react to this arrest in anything like the manner they would if a CNN or ABC News host was taken into custody live on air. So keep that in mind the next time you hear them yapping about “freedom of the press”.

UPDATE: Or maybe it’s just pathological attention-seeking….


Herd People

It doesn’t matter how smart you are if you are psychologically unable to analyze anything outside of what previously recognized authorities have told you to believe:

I recently talked to a friend of mine at a recent social event. We’ll call him Bob. He’s super smart about most things. But when it comes to the vaccine, he’s blind to the truth.

He was bragging about how he has been vaxxed 6 times with the COVID vax and he’s perfectly healthy. He can’t wait for SB 866 in California to pass so when his kids turn 12, they can decide to get the vaccine over their mother’s objections.

Bob thinks I’m a nut case, cherry picking data. He says I used to be respected, but after turning anti-vax, people have lost all respect for me. He said I have a religious belief about the vaccine and I’m not driven by data.

What he isn’t telling anyone is that he’s been losing his vision ever since he got his first COVID vaccine. He used to have 20/20 vision, but now he wears glasses and can’t drive at night. When I brought up the data showing the connection between the shots and vision loss, he changed the topic.

I showed him two papers showing the more you vaccinate, the sicker you get (see the two papers here). I asked, “Where are the papers that show the opposite?” He ignored my request.

He gets his belief system from the mainstream media. Full stop. He reasons that if I was correct, surely Bill Gates would agree with me and admit they goofed. It’s 100% deference to authority.

Bob will not look at the data himself and he doesn’t want to discuss it. He will not engage. He thinks that if I was right, there would be more than a handful of people speaking out. So he tallies the size of the support base on each side of an issue instead of looking at the data.

I pay literally zero attention to what Herd People say. They are easily identified, because their first concern is always optics. Furthermore, their defense of authorities is always motivational. If you point out that the evidence suggests that the government, or Bill Gates, or some other authority is lying, rather than consider the evidence, both damning and exculpatory, they will always ask why the observably dishonest party would choose to lie.

And, rather bizarrely, “because they are going to be rewarded with large sums of money” is never considered an acceptable explanation, even if the Herd Person is an economist and rational materialist who believes that all human action is derived from monetary interests.

Anyhow, if the Herd People are emotionally attached to an idea, that’s a pretty reliable indicator that the idea is false. And regardless, it would no more occur to me to take their programmed opinions into account than to consider what actual cows happen to think. There is literally nothing going on inside their heads that can be reasonably described as a “thought process”. It’s more of a “feelings process”.

UPDATE: Consider the Ukrainian response to Russian claims that a Ukrainian agent was responsible for the Darya Dugina assassination in light of this observation of Herd People behavior and the way in which they are programmed.

On the latest Russian reports, the bomb was attached to Dugin’s car inside his guarded compound. Ukraine focuses on military targets, unlike Russia, and there is no discernible gain in attacking one of Putin’s media puppets or allocating scarce operatives inside the Russian Federation to such a goal that is meaningless to the liberation of Ukraine.

The defense is motivational rather than factual. Ergo, we can reasonably conclude that those offering it are knowingly lying.


The Nonexistent Counter

You simply cannot believe one single thing that the US and European medias report about the Ukrainian war.

The Ukrainian military has not been able to pull off its promised counteroffensive, and Russian forces are now likely to take over the whole of Ukraine’s Black Sea coast, Colonel Douglas Macgregor, a former adviser to the secretary of defense in the Trump administration, has said.

Appearing on a livestream hosted by former US judge and columnist Andrew Napolitano last Tuesday, Macgregor dismissed as “utterly nonsensical” reports in some US media outlets that the Russian military has lost some 80,000 personnel in Ukraine so far. According to the decorated Gulf War veteran, “more accurate numbers are probably thirteen to fifteen thousand dead on the Russian side,” with Ukrainian forces having lost “sixty to eighty thousand.”

Commenting on these reports in late July, Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov described the alleged Russian casualty figures as “fake.” He also lamented that even established media outlets are publishing misleading reports these days.

The last time Russia’s Defense Ministry provided an update on the number of casualties was in late March, at which time the official death toll had reached 1,351, with 3,825 service members injured.

When asked to comment on the current state of affairs on the frontline, the former Pentagon official said that the majority of Russian personnel had been given rest, “refitted, reorganized,” to renew the offensive in August. Macgregor claimed that the first signs of that happening were already evident, “particularly down in the south.” He went on to predict that the Russian military would seize the key port city of Odessa, making Ukraine a “landlocked country.”

“Ukrainians have been unable to put together any sort of counteroffensive. So, I don’t see much evidence that the Ukrainians can stop this,” the former Pentagon adviser claimed. Moreover, Macgregor said that the activities of Russian forces south of Kharkov in the east of Ukraine seemed to him like preliminary “shaping operations” meant to pave the way for a major offensive later on.

He concluded that “first comes the operation in the south and then subsequently up in Kharkov,” pointing out once more that the Ukrainian army does not appear to be able to stop either one.

Macgregor added that he expected these offensives to be over by the “end of August-beginning of September.”

No one with any knowledge of military history believed for one single second that there was going to be a Ukrainian counteroffensive this summer. They don’t have the troops, they don’t have the artillery or the air support, they don’t have the supplies, they don’t have the transport, and they don’t have the command-and-control infrastructure. The pattern of false reporting is very clear. The globalist media reports periods of Russian rest and refit as glorious Ukrainian victories, then portrays every successful Russian offensive as Pyhrric victories akin to Stalingrad. Meanwhile, the Russian goal of assisting the Donbass militias to clear their land of the Ukrainian military is very nearly complete within six months of its onset.

Compare this, on the other hand, to the way in which Israel has been unable to demilitarize Gaza despite periodic invasions and bombings, and the way the US military was unable to demilitarize Iraq or Afghanistan.

The proxy war for the Donbass is ending. The question is if it will be followed by a direct war between NATO and Russia for Europe.