Can Confirm

Max Blumenthal points out something I’d told everyone about 17 years ago, to little avail.

Neocon child actor Ben Shapiro has had his career astroturfed by corporate GOP powerbrokers, granting him notoriety and affluence while he trades on bogus antisemitism victimhood narratives.

He perfectly embodies the phenomenon I described and runs the same hustle as the ADL.

Max Blumenthal, 5 November 2022

Shapiro has never done anything more than read someone else’s talking points, and he’s been doing it since he was in junior high. He’s even more of a fraud than Jordan Peterson.


That Pretty Much Sums It Up

We covered this on the Darkstream last night. There was never any reason whatsoever to believe that Elon Musk – a ticket-taker par excellence – had any intention of standing up against the Prometheans and their determination to control the mainstream media Narrative, which now includes Twitter, Google and Facebook as well as the older organizations like ABCNNBCBS, the NYT, and the wire services.

But the speed with which Musk bowed down before those he serves was a little startling, even for those of us who had zero faith in his intentions. Considering how bad his public behavior is, one hesitates to even try to imagine what the information harvesters must have on him concerning his private conduct.

That being said, it’s still nice to see there are some positive consequences of his takeover of Twitter.

Twitter’s new owner Elon Musk plans to lay off about half of the social media company’s employees in an effort to cut costs, Bloomberg reported on Wednesday, citing sources. According to the report, the cuts will affect about 3,700 of Twitter’s 7,500 staff. Employees being let go will reportedly be informed of the decision this Friday.


On Returning to Twitter

I don’t see any reason to do so. SocialGalactic is my primary social media, and for public social media I have more followers on Gab than I did on Twitter – 34.5k vs 33k. I see Musk’s antics as just another exercise in gatekeeping, since Parler, Gettr, and TruthSocial have all abysmally failed.. As evidence, consider the way in which those who were never banned or censored are pushing the “come back in, the water’s safe now” narrative in the wake of Musk’s purchase.

The ticket-takers always support the gatekeepers. The charlatans back the frauds.

Caveat: I won’t criticize businesses that utilize every possible channel to reach their customers. Especially in this age of dysfunctional email, any means of communication should be utilized. Arkhaven and Castalia have had Twitter accounts all along, so we’ll probably make use of them again at some point.


Signs of a Winter Offensive

Col. Douglas Macgregor observes an ongoing buildup of Russian forces that suggests a winter offensive is planned.

The stupefying air of self-righteousness the Biden administration assumes when it attacks erstwhile strategic partners such as Saudi Arabia or delivers moralizing lectures to Beijing’s leadership, or when its media surrogates express contempt for the Russian state, is downright dangerous. Political figures in Washington are ready to indulge any transgression if it is committed in the name of destroying Russia. They do not view U.S. foreign policy in the context of a larger strategy, nor do they comprehend Russia’s capacity to hurt the United States, a bizarre judgment of Russia’s actual military and economic potential.

The ongoing buildup of 700,000 Russian forces with modern equipment in Western Russia, Eastern Ukraine and Belorussia is a direct consequence of Moscow’s decision to adopt an elastic, strategic defense of the territories it seized in the opening months of the war. It was a wise, though politically unpopular choice in Russia. Yet, the strategy has succeeded. Ukrainian losses have been catastrophic and by November, Russian Forces will be in a position to strike a knockout blow.

Today, there are rumors in the media that Kiev may be under pressure to launch more counterattacks against Russian defenses in Kherson (Southern Ukraine) before the midterm elections in November. At this point, expending what little remains of Ukraine’s life blood to expel Russian forces from Ukraine is hardly synonymous with the preservation of the Ukrainian state. It’s also doubtful that further sacrifices by Ukrainians will assist the Biden administration in the midterm elections.

The truth is Moscow’s redline concerning Ukrainian entry into NATO was always real. Eastern Ukraine and Crimea were always predominantly Russian in language, culture, history, and political orientation. Europe’s descent into economic oblivion this winter is also real, as is support for Russia’s cause in China and India and Moscow’s rising military strength.

Remember, the globalist media operates in terms of a) daily and b) weekly news cycles. As such, they are completely incapable of correctly analyzing events that take months to unfold. While its “Ukraine is Winning” Narrative is obviously false and openly mocked, the full extent to which it is untrue will not be understood until the winter offensive is well underway.


Suddenly Live

It’s going to get harder and harder for the media to deny the deleterious effects of the vaxx when TV and radio hosts are literally dropping dead while live on the air:

A radio host died ‘while presenting his program’ this morning at a local station in Suffolk.

Tim Gough, 55, was presenting his breakfast show for GenX Radio Suffolk when the music stopped playing half way through a song, an hour into his slot.

The music resumed a few minutes later but Mr Gough, who had been speaking just moments earlier, did not return and later the station confirmed he had passed away.

Sure, we don’t KNOW it was the vaxx… but it was the vaxx.


Warning: 115 Average IQ At Work Ahead

Say what one will about Ben Shapiro, one can’t deny that he effectively demonstrates the intrinsic falsity of the myth that Jewish success in the USA is the natural result of an unusually high level of average intelligence.

Let’s use his numbers, just for the sake of argument. In order to reduce their success rate at combatting the virus by 4%, the vaccinated now face reduced life expectancies as well as elevated risks of stroke, heart attack, and cancer. Maybe you shouldn’t have listened to Ben Shapiro and taken his advice to get the vaccine, dopes.

Never forget who tried to sell you on the vaxx and who tried to save you from it.


Newsmax is Promethean

I’ve never believed, despite all their conservative pretensions, that Newsmax was on the side of the Good, the Beautiful, and the True, even before I had a very negative experience with their mediocre internet advertising service many years ago. But their decision to jettison Lara Logan for her forthright Christian denouncement of the global satanists clearly indicates in whose service they labor.

Newsmax TV has severed ties with Lara Logan after she said on the network the global elite “dine on the blood of children” and made other bizarre statements.

Logan interviewed with network host Eric Bolling Wednesday on The Balance about global elites and their embrace of socialism. She responded she is a “firm and solid and immovable believer in God.” She added those controlling the levers of power “want us eating insects,” and implied they “dine on the blood of children.”

The network issued a statement to the Daily Beast Thursday night.

“Newsmax condemns in the strongest terms the reprehensible statements made by Lara Logan and her views do not reflect our network,” someone from the network said. “We have no plans to interview her again.”

In her interview with Bolling, he asked her about her faith in connection to the country’s southern border.

She said:

God believes in sovereignty, and national identity, and the sanctity of family, and all the things that we’ve lived with from the beginning of time. And he knows that the open border is Satan’s way of taking control of the world through all of these people who are his stooges and his and his servants.

And they may think that they’re going to become gods. That’s what they tell us. you’ve all known [historian Yuval Noah] Harari and all the rest of them at the World Economic Forum. You know, the ones who want us eating insects, cockroaches, and that while they dine on the blood of children? Those are the people, right? They’re not gonna win. They’re not going to win.

Lara Logan knows what she’s talking about, as an elite reporter in the ABCNNBCBS medial cabal. And if there is one thing global satanists cannot bear besides the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, it is an open denunciation of their wicked practices. Observe the way in which Newsmax’s statement makes it perfectly clear, “in the strongest terms”, that they not only endorse both the evil practices and their practitioners, but are willing to defend them.

The line between Good and Evil are becoming more clear every day. The time for being lukewarm and attempting to sit on the fence is over. And be aware that some of those you formerly believed were good guys who were more or less on your side are not.

And speaking of Prometheans, be very wary of what appears to be a newly-anointed gatekeeper, Stew Peters. Yes, it’s another Daily Beast hit piece, but as a rule, the faster they blow up, the more likely it is that they are manufactured personas. And in the aftermath of the Jordan Peterson Experience, we know that faux attacks are integral to elevating the profile of the appointed gatekeepers.

This year, Peters emerged from obscurity as the face of “Red Voice Media,” an online video company based around promoting professionally produced “The Stew Peters Show.” The Minneapolis Star-Tribune dubbed him “​​Minnesota’s best-known bounty hunter.” Peters quickly became a leading voice on the far-right, especially after his early October attacks on Jordan.