Mailvox: a theory about golf

 A reader has an idea about the decline of golf:

The reason golf is dying is that it no longer offers the benefit that used to make it popular.

For a generation and more, a golf course was a place a man could go to get away from his wife. Oh yes, and family, and work, but mainly wife. A place beyond her reach. A peaceful, green sanctuary.

The mobile phone changed that. Golf is never coming back. Perhaps weekend spiritual retreats – where you check your phone in at the door – might.

I’m dubious. First, it’s not that hard to turn your phone off, or simply not bring it with you in the first place. Second, if it’s harming their business, golf courses should simply ban mobile phones on the links. 

I think golf is in decline – to the extent that it actually is in decline, I don’t pay enough attention to it to actually know – is that golf is essentially a Boomer activity. Generation X and the younger generations grew up playing video games alone and with each other rather than activities with their parents, and as with so many other Boomer failures to pass things on, Boomers failed to instill a love of golf into their children.

A few of my friends back in the States golf, but none of them are anywhere nearly as serious about it as I remember my best friend’s father being. So, I suspect that as the Boomers continue to age into decrepitude, there will be fewer and fewer men on the golf courses.

Mailvox: why you can’t buy houses

Apparently the banks are buying them all with Federal money:

Around 6 months ago someone on 4chan who claimed to be working in some sort of finical institution was claiming that banks or hedge funds were using the insane of amount of money that the fed gov was granting to them to buy single family homes. 

While reading the comments on unz today, I came across this. Comment number 41 on “Coordination and Decomposition” by Gregory Hood.

I wrote a few months ago about the bizarre disappearance of affordable, middle class homes in white rural neighborhoods.

A house would appear on the MLS, and within 8 hours…it was Under Contract.

This was happening in West Virginia- a stalwart of white values and no BLM criminality would be tolerated. I wrote that something was afoot and it was frightening.

It is Black Rock.

Black Rock is buying up homes by the thousands. The average earner cannot compete as they are paying cash, and 20{3549d4179a0cbfd35266a886b325f66920645bb4445f165578a9e086cbc22d08} over the asking price.

This is a HUGE story, with catastrophic consequences, aside from making home ownership completely unattainable for most white working class.

What is Black Rock going to do with these homes?

Complete the destruction of the white middle class, apparently, and turn everyone into renters. 

Mailvox: don’t trust the experts

 An expert poses a conundrum by questioning the wisdom of other experts in other fields:

I wanted to thank you for posting that stuff about rethinking the RICE protocol for injuries. It’s amazing how easily something like that becomes “wisdom,” when it doesn’t make sense from a practical Christian perspective, or even an evolutionary one. Why would the human body in all its glorious design require such strange interventions to function well? What did injured people do before they had easy access to ice and had the luxury of staying off their feet for extended periods of time? It makes no sense.

Anyway, not long after you posted the RICE thing, I tweaked my back pretty hard after a heavy deadlift session. I found that fifteen minutes of applied heat, followed by 30 minutes on the stationary bike and some stretching has made the pain totally manageable. Today it’s all but gone. And, amazingly, I didn’t have to give up any of my weight training over the last week. I think about all the people I’ve known who’ve had injuries like that go on and on and on after following RICE, and it was probably avoidable.

This whole thing reminds me of other ludicrous and destructive ideas endorsed by some authority, like the low-fat / high-carb nonsense that directly led to the obesity epidemic. As an “expert” myself, I find that if something that contradicts thousands of years of common sense is endorsed by an expert, I’m even less likely to trust it.

At this point, there is less than a 50 percent chance that any “expert knowledge” is correct. Your best bet is to ignore “the scientific consensus”. 

Mailvox: the southern front

 An observer reports on the Chinese destruction of the Monroe Doctrine:

I recently returned to the U.S. from a tour in Latin America. I dealt a lot with the Chinese “offensive” while there. The USG likes to talk about “whole of government” approach… while that is a joke… The Chinese definitely have a “whole of society” approach. I was dealing mainly with Chinese organized crime (which is at least influenced and cooperative with parts of the Chinese government) effort of their offensive, but I worked on the periphery of their economic effort and all of this is combined with the intelligence effort. It all builds.

As an example… first, the Chinese immigrated to the country I was assigned. Over time, this built a small base of support to operate. Then the “businessmen”, criminals, and intel started operating. Chinese organized crime had the country divided into operating sectors. Human trafficking, theft, smuggling, indentured servitude, probably drugs were some of their operations. One tactic they used was to buy small “mom and pop” shops. Then use those shops to sell the stolen merchandise (food, household goods, etc…) they were using local proxies to steal from warehouses and trucks, profits fund their operations. These stores are in almost every small town/city and were used as little intel hubs…

Also, “businessmen” would attempt to sell a variety of products and services, our concern was for things like energy production/infrastructure, road networks, shipping infrastructure/support, camera (surveillance) networks, etc… Areas that it would be handy for the Chinese or sympathizers to control. They did the usual with bribes to ensure they won the bids.

“American” companies didn’t want to bid on many of the projects, because it wasn’t “profitable” enough. We (USG) got to the point of just trying to get anyone BUT China to bid on projects. The Chinese businesses are not solely focused on huge profits, or any profit. They go and work where the Chinese government tells them to go…

We worked hard to combat it, but that was under Trump (who got it), Pompeo, and an Ambassador that was also focused on countering the Chinese. Now… we know that isn’t going to happen.

Kerry said the Monroe Doctrine was dead in 2013… well he and Obama and their handlers got their wish.

I have many other examples from overseas and in the U.S., but in summary, the Chinese are absolutely at war with the U.S. and West and are soundly defeating us.

It’s fascinating to see that the USA has already lost its monopoly over the hemisphere while being driven out of the South China Sea, and yet neither the imperial government nor the people realize yet that they are not only at war, they are being systematically defeated.

4GW involves the use of tactics and strategies by non-state actors that conventional 2GW and 3GW militaries can’t utilize. 5GW fights on fronts that conventional 3GW doesn’t even recognize.

Mailvox: embracing the conflict

Those who were previously just bystanders are beginning to find it invigorating:

I used to just listen to people talking about what’s happening, but once you said “conflict is in the air we breath,” as well as once I heard Owen talk about crushing, creating…I just started focusing on building a community vs fear-porn watching and being paralyzed by the temptations from Satan and the material world.  Now I’ve got more friends than I have ever had before, who have homesteads, growing food, and truly care about the future of our community. Going from sterile sodomite land to where I’m at now… it’s awesome.

Get in the game. It’s the only way to make it to the next level. Start small, by leaving a review of a book on Amazon or buying an ebook from an author you haven’t read before. Later, perhaps you’ll start subscribing to UATV or starting a garden or getting on SG. Before long, you’ll be backing new projects, learning about the law, collecting leatherbound tomes for your future grandchildren, and making a material impact on the world around you. 

One step. One breath. One dive into the waters of conflict. That’s all it takes to begin the transformation. That’s all it takes to belatedly discover that you weren’t created to be a penguin waddling about the sterile ice in squawking confusion, you were created to be a killer whale, roving the seas as part of a fearsome pack.

Mailvox: the HoloJoe isn’t real

It was interesting to read this in my inbox not long after concluding last night’s Darkstream devoted to President Greenscreen:

People are saying that there is something wrong with the latest Biden presser outside the White House. They draw attention to the white fluffy microphone, but I think there is a much more damning bit of evidence that may fall through the cracks – which is why I’m writing this e-mail.
Long story short, check out the recent video where Biden’s hand obscures the boom microphone and look at the leftmost black mic on the left screen. Compare it with the video on the right side of the screen. Since the video loops back and forth, it’s easy to see that they’ve made a major mistake. They have confused the two black mics.
In the video on the left, Biden’s hand is to the right of that black mic. In the video on the right, Biden’s hand is to the left of that black mic.
If the images were consistent, Biden’s hand would be obscured by that black mic in the video on the right. Instead, he is the one obscuring it with his hand.
That’s because they screwed up and focused on the wrong black mic. It’s not surprising since it’s hard to spot this inconsistency without repeated watching and looping of the footage. Notice the sudden jerky movement of one of the black mics in the video on the left that confirms which black mic is which.
The HoloJoe isn’t real.

It’s genuinely hard to find competent help these days. Even, apparently, for the Deep State.

Mailvox: the worst mortal sin

A Boomer confesses the greatest sin of his g-g-generation. I tend to agree, although I think their grandparenting may be even worse than their parenting. I mean, they may have created latchkey children, but at least they were usually resident in the same STATE at the time.

I enjoy your posts, etc. very much. You could not be more correct about my g-g-generation. I am a 1954 baby. Hunter S. Thompson, may God rest his soul, wrote a book later in his life entitled “Generation of Vipers” Could there be a more apt description of my ‘peeps’?  Yes, great accomplishments accompanied them on their march to the grave, but those pale in comparison to the almost incalculable damage done by the generation of vipers.  I could list them, but you already have the litany memorized. Nor am I innocent. I have been by turns selfish, greedy, self-indulgent, shallow, and that’s the good part. Heck, I could make you feel like you are in the receiving end of a confessional here. I may not be on the level of a Hunter Biden, but I was a scoundrel, nonetheless.

Good news is that I have grown. My political epiphany happened in 1979. The last time I voted for a Democrat was Jimmy Carter in 1976.  Thereafter I have voted Republican even though I knew that at least 50{3549d4179a0cbfd35266a886b325f66920645bb4445f165578a9e086cbc22d08} of them were no better than their openly demonic opponents.  Recent events have only reinforced my conviction that R’s versus D’s is all kabuki theater intended to fool the rubes. I absolutely relish President Donald Trump, our true president. DJT was the only president since Calvin Coolidge who truly worked for the good of our people 24/7/365. He remains the stone rejected by the mason which may yet become the cornerstone of the new temple.

My religious epiphany came in 1996 when I returned to my Christian roots as a mature, informed, experienced sinner working day by day on his own personal reformation….

So, here’s the punchline. In my opinion the worst mortal sin of all the many shortcomings and transgressions of my g-g-generation, is their parenting. We are now seeing the grandchildren born of the children raised by my generation. There are MANY young folks who despite the downward flow of inter-generational excrement have matured into responsible citizens. That having been stipulated, there is a great mass of poor wretches who bear the burden of two generations of varying degrees of pathetic, apathetic and/or downright pernicious parenting. 

They may not be entirely blameless; however, many have become vicious, confused, illiterate, innumerate, sexually perverted morons. They are the victims of varying degrees of child-abuse at the hands of the generation of vipers or their sons and daughters. If a dog bites because he has been beaten by a sadist, how can we blame the dog? For this sin alone the Boomers doom is foretold and is unavoidable. To paraphrase my Lord and Savior, “woe unto he who leads the young ones away from the light”. Of all the punishments that the Boomers so richly deserve, this will be the harshest by far. Truly, it will have been better for them that they were never born.

It is good to hate the Boomer

I don’t hate old people. I hate Boomers. I hate literally everything about Boomerdom. There is not one single thing I like about it. I hate their music, I hate their clothes. I hate their stupid hair and their stupid civnattery. I hate their materialism. I hate their horrible 70s fabrics and colors. But most of all, I hate their juvenile and terminally dyscivilizational self-obsession. This is not a recent phenomenon. I have hated everything about them since the late 1970s, when I first began to become aware that things had not always been so ugly and myopic and awful.

These idiots are proud of hating on a targeted group, the old.

This is ageist nonsense. If you like being insulted by children go to Vox to be insulted; you may have invented personal computers, the internet, and gone to the moon. You could be Tim Berners-Lee, It won’t matter. Vox is a bigot against anyone who has been around longer than himself. If you don’t like it he will ban you.

He must hates his parents so he takes it out any one who is older than himself.

How much do you love that he actually worked the Moon in there. The point is that if you self-identify as a Boomer, if you are offended when younger generations exhibit their contempt for Boomers, then you are accepting culpability for all the many sins of your g-g-generation. I don’t hate or despise old people. To the contrary, I have always respected and sought to learn from my elders. I harbor no contempt for pre-Boomers, or with people born between 1946 and 1964 who repudiate Boomerism. It’s not when one was born that matters, but rather, one’s identity and values.

Boomers don’t understand this because they never respected their elders and identified themselves by their long-distant youth. That’s why they always say, incorrectly, that our children and grandchildren will despise us the way theirs despise them, and the way they despised their parents and grandparents. But that is not true, because we loved our grandparents, we love our children, and we will love our grandchildren. And we don’t merely love them, we prioritize them. We sacrifice for them and we do so gladly.

The best description of the Boomer I have ever heard is this: the Boomer criticizes his grandchildren for failing to plant the acorns of the nonexistent oaks under which he cannot sit.

I have consciously hated Boomers since they were declaring that 40 is the new 20 and I always will. The Day of the Pillow is coming for all of them. And the best thing is that we are literally writing their history, because none of those self-obsessed losers had enough interest in anything outside of their g-g-generation to be able to put it in historical context.

God hates the wicked. That is why it is good to hate the Boomer.

Mailvox: the left hand doesn’t know

What the right hand is doing. This email from a former opponent provided a small measure of amusement this morning.

It’s been a while since you’ve visited Indiegogo. We are a platform that helps you raise money for your ideas — whether entrepreneurial, creative, or cause-related.

NO APPLICATION PROCESS: Start your campaign whenever you’re ready!

GLOBAL: Receive contributions from around the world.

CUSTOMER HAPPINESS: Get fast answers to your questions from real people.

Over the last 90 days we have had thousands of people contribute to campaigns on our site. You could be raising money right now to turn your dream into reality.

Start your campaign here.

Yeah… no. We will be doing a major campaign in April. It will almost certainly not be on Indiegogo. However, there are still worthy campaigns to be found on Indiegogo, such as Jon Del Arroz’s new comic, DEUS VULT, which has a very John Carter vibe to it.

By all means, remember

 A commenter at AC erroneously imagines that I’m attempting to sweep my past statements under the rug and hoping people will forget anything that I’ve said:

AC… will [n]ever fully admit he got taken for a ride…

They bought into a cult of personality built around Trump, and no matter how many mistakes or obvious errors in judgement Trump made, they continued to believe in the “plan”.

Right now, Governor DeSantis is hitting Big Tech where it hurts, to the best of his limited ability.

Ask yourself, why didn’t Trump do that, and more, back in 2017?

Because he was trying to draw out his enemies, or some other esoteric excuse for Trump’s bad decision making abilities?

AC is still willing to wait months, maybe years, for the impossible day when Trump retakes the throne and the bad guys all go to jail.

Vox has simply stopped talking about it altogether, as if he wasn’t obsessed with Q for 3 years running. Vox hopes no one will remember any of his former positions in 6 months.

AC still has to decompress and get over the shock of Q’s failure.

Yes, nothing adds up about the current admin, and the inauguration did not follow the standard ritual requirements.

Vox happens to be exceedingly busy with Project Asteroid and annual Castalia royalties and other things. Moreover, nothing is happening right now, and nothing has happened except that President Trump did not make his move prior to January 20, as I had assumed he would.

I haven’t conceded one single damn thing I’ve said about Q or anything else, nor will I anytime soon. And everyone, critics, skeptics, or fans, are more than welcome to quote me on everything I’ve written on this blog or in my books. I don’t have any “former position” on this matter.

I’m simply done talking to morons about it. They can go ahead and buy the mainstream Narrative if they like. I didn’t, I don’t, and I won’t. If you don’t grasp that Joe Biden is no more calling the shots today than you, me, or the dog you see playing in your neighbor’s yard outside, there is absolutely no point in my attempting to shout across the IQ communications gap at you.

Furthermore, as I have repeatedly pointed out for many months now, Q was about morale. Q was not only a resounding success, it was one of the greatest examples of successful marketing since Coke taught the world to sing in perfect harmony. The point of Q was never to be an oracle predicting future events, but to destroy trust in the media Narrative. How anyone can fail to recognize that, I simply do not understand.

Meanwhile, in totally unrelated news, Jeff Bezos just happened to resign from Amazon….