Why I am confident

/pol/ wants to know why I’m confident that Trump, and not Biden or Harris, will be the President of the United States for the next four years.

I‘ve pretty much accepted that Trump is not going to be President in 2021. Why is Vox 100{e61d147451bc60549e96d95b5c07be35845e0345eab7ed5d54cc3d49f812ab5c} certain that Trump is going to cross the Rubicon? I respect Vox but I just don’t see it. What does he know /pol?

This guy gets it.

Basically, Trump’s EO shows he knew the voter fraud was coming, and he was getting ready to catch it. If you can accept he knew it was coming, and had Mil Intel at his disposal, it is very unlikely you aren’t looking at Trump’s plan.

People today have no idea how surveillance tech has advanced, because it has all been blacked out from back when you needed to get in a room to bug it if you wanted to listen. Now, they are listening to people breath in another building, without ever going near it.

With that kind of intel, and knowing what was coming, it is unlikely Trump will lose. Plus, given he was thinking about it, my bet would be he viewed it as a problem which needed a shocking, long-term solution. It was not just a speed bump he had to get over. Remember Trump has to live in the US after his Presidency. If he left the vote fraud in place, and Cabal just took over after he left, he and his family would get Kennedy’d fast as a message to others.

If you look at the whole thing, the only way all the pieces fit together is Trump was ready for this, and he will end up in office. 

Moreover, the God-Emperor Donald I is not acting like a man who believes he lost. Nor is Creepy Joe acting like a man who believes he won. And the media’s behavior, to say nothing of the behavior of the corrupt Republicans, is entirely consistent with the Trump Wins scenario. At the end of the day, you are faced with two choices. One is what President Trump has been consistently telling you. The other is what the mainstream media has been incessantly shrieking at you. And the one thing we know, beyond any shadow of a doubt, is that the only scenario we can be absolutely certain is false is the one that the mainstream media is pushing, because the Official Story is never true.

Now, the mere existence of a plan does not mean that it will be successful. The enemy always gets a vote and no plan, no matter how well gamed-out it is, can be reasonably expected to perfectly anticipate all of the enemy’s moves. But the elements of the plan that have been exposed to our view to date do not indicate an inept or mediocre planner whose efforts are likely to fail behind it. To the contrary, they show signs of a strategic mind that may even rival some of history’s greats. 

There are clear and unmistakable indications of a great political double-envelopment in action. It may or it may not succeed; Hannibal could have failed at Cannae if the Roman infantry had been able to break the Carthaginian center after the massive trap was sprung upon them. Or one of his subordinate commanders could have lost his nerve and failed to give the necessary orders to close the trap at the right time. But at this point, it is hard to imagine any of the primary players losing their nerve when the plan is playing out, the traps have all been laid, the enemy has dutifully entered them en masse, and the end game is in sight.

At the end of the day, it’s just pattern recognition. Because no matter how confusing or inexplicable the various pieces of the puzzle may appear to be, they are neither random nor are they unrelated. They all – well, those that are real, anyhow – they all have to fit together somehow. Here is one pattern that looks familiar in the current context.

Mailvox: Google censoring text messages

A reader writes of his recent discovery concerning Google’s apparent interference with Android text messaging.

I’m a longtime lurker and a never-poster. I came across something very interesting on Sunday, December 13th. Perhaps you’re already aware of this, but I figured I’d pass it along in case you are not. 

A friend and I were texting on Sunday. He has an android phone and I have an iPhone. I texted him a link to “thedonald.win,” a website I’ve been reading for election info. It took quite a bit of back-and-forth, including us each taking screenshots of our phones, but eventually we figured out that his android phone was censoring texts that included the url for the website above. I’ve since tested it with several other friends who have android devices, with the same result. iPhone-to-iPhone transmission appears to be fine. 

This was a bit of a redpill moment for us. I’m certainly a believer in the Plan, but was still pretty shocked to see such conspicuous actions being taken. I figured (stupidly) that text messages would be a bit more sacrosanct than twitter or YouTube have proven to be. 

Anyway, you are of course free to pass this along to your readers if you want. I promptly bought a protonmail account and am trying to divest myself of all google devices. This is not an easy thing for many of us. Perhaps a comprehensive list of non-converged platforms would be in order. 

They’re getting very desperate indeed. It’s a good time to move from Gmail to ProtonMail or another mail service that respects user privacy.

Mailvox: their best and brightest

As this reader’s email demonstrates, Trump’s actions will almost certainly take the Swamp by surprise no matter how clearly he signals it.

Laurence Tribe just tweeted about Trump’s EO, which he claims he just learned about, and it frightens him/

Note that Tribe is one of the left-wing legal “heavyweights” who gave the intellectual credibility and push to the impeachment coup. A long-time, “well-respected”  Harvard law professor and a Vyshinsky for his masters. He was the law professor who, when Obama was at Harvard Law, claimed Obama helped him to write the much-mocked, crackpot legal article “The Curvature of Constitutional Space” , which I can confirm is nonsense and argle-barge even by the standards of law review articles. 

Anyway, the fact that Tribe just today sounded the alarm means I think a shift in The Narrative is coming by in the next few days. Now they will screech about Trump being a banana dictator and how the military should remove him before January 6th—you know, for the sake of “democracy.”  

Here’s an alarming Trump Executive Order dated 9/12/18 that I somehow missed until now. 

It’s EO 13848

The more people are aware of it, the less likely it will be that Trump can use it to pull off a sneak attack on our liberties before leaving office.

You will observe, of course, what an advantage is conveyed by possessing that vaunted 115 IQ with an advanced degree….

A little hagiography

As you know, I’m sufficiently arrogant to find praise from others mildly distasteful, which is why I post very positive mailvoxes. However, this hagiographic effort was both sincere enough and serious enough about the reader’s lessons learned here to justify a link.

How many times in your life do you get to interact with someone who’s truly infamous?

And we’re not talking about a little notoriety here. We’re talking about so unspeakably abominable that his enemies tremble at the sound of his name.

I’m not even kidding.

The adversaries for the man we’ll be talking about today often refuse to print his name. It’s as if they fear it might conjure him up like some monstrosity from the deepest bowels of the internet.

Behold, a colossal miscreation from the void, some sci-fi horror experiment gone completely wrong, the most hideous behemoth of the digital deep! And it demands to feast on the flesh of its enemies!

It’s a good start, right? And now we have official confirmation from no less than Google itself that I am dangerous as well as notorious. Anyhow, to the lessons:

After a decade of curiously watching Mr. Day chisel at the marble, I’ve learned a thing or two. Best of all and as always, what I’ve learned, in business, leadership, and life, has been tested out in the field, in real life.

Building a Business

The experts make a lot of mistakes to capitalize on

The Patreon fiasco mentioned above is a huge mistake. And a huge opportunity for those willing to take advantage of it. And as we saw this week, corporations are serving up an endless buffet of entrepreneurial opportunities at the moment. But whether it’s your mortal enemies or your business competition, you’ve got viable possibilities for hitting back or building an alternative.

There’s strategy, and then there’s logistics

If I had a dime for every strategy meeting I’ve been asked to attend, I’d be an international bank. What became of most of those strategic plans? Nothing, absolutely nothing. The corporations and consulting firms love cooking up useless strategy plans. But Vox Day taught me that deploying your plans, taking stock of the real means you’ll do it, is just as critical as your scheming. It’s the only way to rise above mere bullshitting.

Marketing, including SEO, isn’t all it’s cracked up to be

Once upon a time, slick, well-financed, and professional won the race. But those days are gone. What’s most interesting about Mr. Day’s website is that he admittedly knows nothing about SEO. Or advanced website metrics. In fact, he seems unaware of large swaths of the marketing industry. But with his kind of site traffic, you can see that the marketing industry is clearly jerking itself off.

Business is war by other means

Although I suspect Vox Day may disagree, business organizations are just as much political organizations as anything else. Corporate espionage, protection racketeering, dark intelligence services. What separates governments from private enterprise is more paper-thin than you might imagine.

And if you’re going into business today, you may want to study up on military history as much as business models. His career shows that it’s not always business as usual. And in this way, you can have a better real-world understanding of power and might.

It’s particularly interesting that he picked up the link between business, politics, and war before I read, much less posted, anything about Unrestricted Warfare. The part about strategy and logistics is even reminiscent of what the Chinese authors of the book believe to be one of the essential principles of that 5GW.

When setting objectives, give full consideration to the feasibility of accomplishing them. Do not pursue objectives which are unrestricted in time and space…. Every objective which is achievable is limited. No matter what the reason, setting objectives which exceed allowable limits of the measures available will only lead to disastrous consequences.

Il professore doubles down

 There is no jackass like an academic jackass. Assuming, of course, that his “degree” isn’t self-awarded.

I am Italian and I have several degrees, one of which is in Italian language. I am still translating and speaking in 5 languages and I know Latin to the core. IF YOU HAD ANY IDEA OF WHAT LATIN AND ITALIAN ARE, YOU WOULD REALISE HOW IDIOTIC AND CONCEITED YOU ARE. APOLOGISE AND LEARN!!! IN IGALIAN IS “LA VOCE DEL POPOLO” AND KIN LATIN” VOX POPULI”.

Yes, this is the moron from the previous post. He has several degrees of stupidity, anyhow. 

Why I hate midwits

Example 34,567. This was the entirety of the email, in the subject.

VOX POPULI (not popoli)

To which I responded with all my customary grace and deference for the gentle reader.

Italian, not Latin, moron.

Let this be a lesson to you: don’t ever try to correct your intellectual superiors again.

I don’t think anyone truly understands how much I despise – truly despise, not just mere antipathy – the sort of midwit who believes he has the solemn right and responsibility to correct everyone and everything he believes, rightly or wrongly, to be mistaken.

I’m not always correct. But the fact is that if you think I’m wrong, the probabilities are very seldom in your favor. And if it’s something that obviously appears to be wrong, then you can safely assume that you simply don’t understand what is going on.

It’s almost – not quite, but almost – amusing that it doesn’t even cross the minds of these would-be reference police that in the Internet Age utilizing a unique spelling is much more important than demonstrating you know how to spell a common phrase.

Time is not of the essence

 A new reader wonders about the timing of any potential Rubicon-crossing.

Vox, do you believe that this whole process needs to be finished before 14th December when the Electors meet and vote? If Joe Biden gets 270 electors but received electoral votes that are illegitimate, where would that lead the process? Does Donald Trump need to make his move and Cross the Rubicon before they vote on 14th December?

The very nature of the questions betrays a very different perspective than my own. My view, which may or may not be correct, is that President Trump is in full control of the situation and can choose to make his move at any time. And given my suspicions that he may be an elite strategist, I would expect him to do so after forcing everyone else to show their cards.

Now, just as there were probably Carthaginian officers who wanted to know why Hannibal didn’t order his cavalry to attack the Roman flanks after driving off the Roman cavalry, and who panicked when the Carthaginian center was driven back, there have been people demanding to know why, if he was able, the God-Emperor didn’t take action in 2016, in 2018, or before November 3rd this year.

But Hannibal knew, as I suspect President Trump knows, that if you’re going to successfully destroy an entire army, you have to look as if you’re being defeated and be extraordinarily patient in order to convince the enemy to enter the trap in its entirety. And if President Trump manages to accomplish what it very much looks like he is planning to do, he will rank with Hannibal, Caesar, and Napoleon among the all-time historical greats.

 So, in answer to the questions:

  1. No, this whole process does not need to be finished before 14 December. The election is not even potentially lost unless and until Joe Biden – or at this point, it would be more likely to be Kamala Harris – is sworn in on 20 January 2021.
  2. The process is all but irrelevant. The only thing the process will determine is who is standing by the Constitution and who is not. There are three paths to victory, and only the first two involve the process.
  3. No. In fact, he is unlikely to make any such move before then because he will want to see who has sold out and who has not.

Mailvox: stick and carrot

 A reader has a theory:

I’ve had this theory for a while and I figure I should put it out there on record in case it turns out to be right. My theory is that you two are attempting to take over the script. I don’t know if you are doing it consciously or subconsciously.  Either way you get equal credit because you are following your true inner beliefs/instincts in terms of what you believe needs to be said/heard. 

Vox is the good cop providing hope, morale, and a path to victory for Trump. Owen is the bad cop who is mocking and shaming Trump relentlessly into action. Vox is using the carrot. Owen is using the stick. It doesn’t matter if the masses hear either of you, it only matters if Trump does. If he believes in your collective ability to predict the future then he will put a lot of stock into the two roads that you are showing him are in front of him.

You aren’t writing the script, you are guiding the script. If this has openly been your plan from the  beginning then that is pretty incredible. If you don’t realize this is what you are doing then perhaps it is worth considering.

For my part, I don’t think the God-Emperor pays any attention whatsoever to anything that Owen or I do, say, write, or think. Sure, there are people on Team Trump who are aware of my thoughts and incorporate them into their analyses, but if there is one thing we know about Donald Trump, it is that he is his own man and he answers to no one but Jesus Christ.

I don’t play a role. What you see here is not the totality of me, but for better or for worse, it is an accurate representation. As for Big Bear, I think he is even less prone to playing a part than I am; personalities aside, I have considerably more control over my public output than he does by virtue of our preferred media. 

Mailvox: when gammas gamma

Gammas are going to gamma, especially when you don’t show due reverence for their Very Important Opinions. After being told to take a hike yesterday, this is an excerpt – yes, an excerpt – from the totally unexpected wall of text that inevitably came in response.

I don’t have, and never had, any “mistaken impressions”, one way or t’other, especially RE  some innocuous blog and blogger I don’t know, don’t give a s/h/i/t about, is one of a billion bloggers in cyberspace, is both arrogant and narcississtic, and fancies himself some sort of author, publisher, blogger, and musician.  I don’t even know what the hell you meant by that. 

 … augh … no matter.  

Ya wanna talk music?  I’ve been on Atlantic Records … twice.  Your labels … I had to look up.  

Ya wanna talk Stoogle?  I’m an ~36+ year IT veteran, have travelled the world, and built some of the largest networks YOU access.  I’ve had offers from Stoogle, MicroSoft, amazon, Cisco, and many of the other big tech deep state sellouts.  I’ve worked for IBM, RockWell, HoneyWell, Johnson Controls, Johnson Wax, and a s/h/i/tload of other world class heavyweights.  Besides a full-time music career AND a full-time IT career, ie, leading a f/u/c/king double life since ~23 that has allowed me only a max of ~4 hours sleep a night since ~17 year old, I have clawed my way up to Director status at any number of the enterprises I’ve worked at.  Musically, I’ve performed with major symphonies, been on grand stages, been on television, music-bedded movies, and even have been asked to sit in and tour and play the same stages with major groups like The Temptations, Kansas, BadFinger, and others.  

Point is, I’ve EXPERIENCED private sector corporate deep state FROM THE INSIDE.  I know what the f/u/c/k I’m talking about, from the inside.  

I work hard, just like it appears you do, and my time is extremely valuable, just like yours’.  If I visit your blog, I deem it worthy enough to spend a little of my time at.  It amazes me how any businessman with your attitude can keep blog readers, sell books, or sell music or video games.  Even if you were Dickens, Twain, or Shakespeare, I wouldn’t buy your s/h/i/t knowing the attitude behind it, ie, in the end, you really could care less about your readership, listeners, customers, etc.  Your F/U/C/K OFF to me proves that.  

… and, to be frank, some of your s/h/i/t looks pretty interesting.  It’s just that attitude that spoils it for me …  

You fancy yourself some kind of author and publisher and musician and blogger and want to sell product.  Yet you tell me to F/U/C/K OFF.  Great PR.  

Most of what you’ve penned over the years I’ve agreed with, for the most part, although you ARE a narcississtic arrogant cuss … which I’m not quite sure where I stand on that topic simply because I, myself, am arrogant, but do not cross over to narcississm.  Just the opposite.  Many times I’ve been praised for work that I never thought was good enough.  

All I’m penning is that, thematically, philosophically, et al, you appear anti-deep-state-anti-globalist, and then tighten indirect censoring, just like “they” tighten direct censoring.  

I don’t give a s/h/i/t either if I COMMENT or not at your or any other web site no more than I give a s/h/i/t if your site gets shut down or not.  What you don’t get is I’m half on your side, you j/a/c/k/a/s/s.  Your f/u/c/king arrogance could be bottled.  Lose the attitude, s/h/i/t.  It is blinding and deafening to you.  Like Ann Barnhardt … good intentions, off-putting presentation.  

How the hell are you not part of the problem when you talk out of two sides of your f/u/c/king mouth is beyond me, ie, you are philosophically conservative and yet capitulate to deep state s/h/i/t like Stoogle.  I’ll bet you even use Google docs and other apps as well.  Rail against deep state surveillance and then put yourself exactly in the position to be surveilled.  I mean, wow … just wow.  

You have enough sycophants COMMENTing, I’ve noticed, praising you up and down, to pad and satisfy that massive ego of yours’.  Becoming euphemistically dumb, fat, happy, and complacent with the status quo when there is work to do, more than just words, is just wrong.  If I’m not making myself clear enough, YOU NEED TO PRIVATIZE YOUR BLOG.  “Not fixin’ what ain’t broken” is a lazy man’s excuse out.  Unless you, like ZeroHedge, are a sellout to clickbait, or have some alternative agenda.  I don’t know.  You are correct in your #1 … I DON’T know your business.  Don’t care.  But if you pen to me that it is none of my business, there is probably more there than meets the eye.  What IS my business is what deep state and its tech complicitors are doing to me and mine in my country.  That IS my business.  And one is either part of the problem or part of the solution.  It IS that black and white.  As Christ said, ” … you’re either with Me or against Me … “.  It IS that simple and that black and white.  

You know d/a/m/n well, just like I do, you can download WordPress open source and locally host your own blog, answering to NO ONE but yourself, on your own hardware, software, and static IP(s), infrastructured to encrypt through any ISP so they cannot know anything about your traffic flowing through them, traffic that YOU pay for and is none of their f/u/c/king business although they illegally and unConstitutionally make it their business.  Even CONSERVATIVE TREEHOUSE, as you probably know, just got booted off web-based WordPress and are in the process of switching to another web-based “platform” (their words), ie, blog hoster (“platform” is the WRONG nomenclature, “platform”s in IT refer to base configurations hosting other configurations, ie, porting from a UNIX “platform” to a non-POSIX-based “platform”, et al).  IOW, CONSERVATIVE TREEHOUSE is just “kicking the can down the road”, “jumping from the frying pan into the fire”.  I mean, don’t they know, based upon their vociferous content, it’s just a matter of time and it’s just gonna happen to them again?!  You people shake your fist at your demanding Father but, in the end, go out and mow the lawn anyways.  You fix a symptom and fail to kill the disease.  

FYI, I am so far to the right, I’m off the cliff.  So if you think I’m some kind of deep state troll, SJW, or liberal wack … like I penned before, I’m half on your side.  I just cannot stand your attitude … and never could.  Lose it.  

You ain’t the legend in your own time (or even your own mind) you think you are.  

And lemme tell you somethin’ else … you SHOULD give a s/h/i/t whether I or anyone else DOES COMMENT.  So should I.  If you don’t give a damn, what’s the point?!  Sycophants are easy, cheap, painless, and worthless.  It’s people like me you really need to listen to, if you can get past your arrogance and narcississm to realize that.

I tend to doubt my succinct reply to this textbook gammalogue will surprise any regular reader here.

What part of “fuck off” was hard for you to understand? 

Mailvox: just go away

A would-be commenter completely fails to understand that I don’t give a fraction of an ioto of an airborne rodent’s posterior if he comments here or not.

Can you tell me why the hell you now demand COMMENTs be filtered through a Google, ie, .gov/CIA/NSA Stoogle, sign-in?  What the hell is up with that?  Stoogle, FaceCrook, et al, are all .gov/CIA/NSA creations via In-Q-Tel. 

 Where the hell do you REALLY stand? Are you controlled opposition? 

 Or are YOU being forced because BlogSpot = Stoogle?  Did Google force you to comply, like ZeroHedge, at the risk of shutting you down, like WordPress did to Conservative TreeHouse, or, like ZeroHedge, pulling all ad revenue?  Hedge is now massively censoring COMMENTs and only leaves COMMENTs available for reading ~48 hours, then the COMMENTs disappear forever.  If one doesn’t locally store such info, all is lost forever.  These are just SOME of the capitulations Hedge betrayed to keep the Stoogle ad revenue flowing.  I mean, REALLY?!  I guess cash is king, even above patriotism, loyalty, and allegiance.  But look who I’m writing at, a guy who ran away to Italy.  Believe me, BELIEVE ME, I sympathize with what they did to your Father, and they SHOULD PAY, but running away to live in a different Country is NOT the answer.  Just like ZeroHedge sellling out was not the answer, although those sellout doofuses are not of original USofA to begin with so, like most transplant imports, they just came to the US to exploit all they could get from her, just like the H1B hadji curry-munchers. 

 I cannot COMMENT unless I open a and log in via a Stoogle account?! 

C’mon, Vox, gimme an answer … and you’re f/u/c/king better than that … at least you appear to be, anyways.  But how the hell do I know, any more. Nothing is as it appears any more. TRUST has left the building.

My response:

  1. It’s none of your business. You appear to be under the very mistaken impression that I answer to you.
  2. Because this blog has been on Blogger since 2003. If it’s not broken, I don’t fix it.
  3. I used to allow fully anonymous comments. Trolls and spam made that impossible. This is how we ensure the comment section is functional.
  4. I don’t care if you comment or not.
  5. Fuck off.

The idea that I am “controlled opposition” or that I am concerned about protecting my nonexistent ad revenue is risible. Sundar Pichai, in particular, would find it amusing. I am, as was revealed in the James D’Amour v. Google lawsuit, one of the very few individuals who is specifically banned by name from setting foot on Google’s Mountain View campus, and quite possibly from their other offices as well. Pichai himself cancelled a company-wide meeting out of the very reasonable fear that I would pull a James O’Keefe on him.

Which, of course, is precisely what would have happened. I know exactly what Google knows about me and they know I don’t care at all. And they also know that I know an awful lot about their organization. So, if they want to make me ridiculously wealthy by giving me an excuse to sue them in a European court, the Legal Legion is more than ready to take on legal geniuses like their former Chief Legal Officer, David Drummond.

This blog will be here until either a) I stop blogging altogether, b) Google decides to roll the dice, or c) Google offers me sufficient monetary incentive to move it elsewhere. And if you don’t like that, I truly don’t care.