He Never Did Nothing to Nobody

If only Scotland Yard had been able to conclusively confirm the identity of Jack the Ripper at the time, we might have had an English Anti-Defamation League decades sooner than we did in the USA.

Kosminski was born on September 11, 1865, making him 22 and 23 at the time of the murders. He grew up in Klodawa, near Warsaw, the youngest of seven children, with his father dying when he was aged just eight.

During the murders investigation, Dr Robert Anderson, head of the London Criminal Investigation Department, had designated Kosminski as key suspect as the killer. Previously confidential police reports, that were published in 1894 as the Macnaghten Memorandum, recorded that detectives believed he had a “great hatred of women, specially of the prostitute class, and had strong homicidal tendencies”.

But even then political correctness made them reluctant to accuse a Jew, due to the potential fallout of antiSemitism.

Every single time isn’t just a meme. “The Juwes are the men that will not be blamed for nothing.” Most people don’t understand the significance of that very literal statement. The religion is much older, and much more terrible, than many of its practitioners themselves realize. It’s absolutely not a coincidence that from the Irish Potato Famine to the Holodomor to the Great Leap Forward, there is always a man that will not be blamed for nothing to be found in the background.

This doesn’t bode well for either Argentina or Mexico. We’ve already seen what it’s done to Ukraine.


Satanists Confirmed

The evils of the Hellmouth are no secret to anyone who reads this site. But it’s remarkable to see individuals with direct and extensive experience of Hollywood confirming what everyone here already knows.

Hercules actor Kevin Sorbo dropped a massive bombshell Tuesday, claiming he left the entertainment industry because of a proliferation of pedophilia.

I didn’t get “blacklisted” from Hollywood, I left because they’re all pedos.
— Kevin Sorbo (@ksorbs) October 1, 2024

It was previously believed the Hercules: The Legendary Journeys actor had left or was pushed out of Hollywood over his conservative views and Christian beliefs; however, his new commentary sheds light on the real reasons he left the industry.

The Satanists of the Hellmouth hide behind the protection provided to them by Holocaustianity. They are not evil because they are of any particular genetic heritage – to the best of our current understanding, anyhow – they are evil because they quite literally worship Satan and are consciously at war with God Almighty, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and heritage America. Deviant sexual practices are a significant element of their wicked rites, which includes the systematic sexual abuse of children.

Ben Hirsch, the cofounder of Survivors for Justice, an organization that advocates for victims of sexual abuse in Orthodox communities, suggested that the rate of abuse could exceed 50 percent for boys within Hasidic enclaves.

As the growing P. Diddy scandal shows, it’s not about race or nationality, but religion. Specifically, about the secret satanic religion behind Clown World that promises earthly success in lieu of eternal salvation. While the authorities are no doubt doing their utmost to contain the damage being caused by the Sean Combs revelations, the truth is gradually being exposed, drop by drop. And it is good, in fact, it is declared, that we will hate the wicked, just as they hate us. We are fortunate that they make it so very easy for us to do so by their abominable practices. The only “god” by whom they are chosen is the god of this world.

The just abhor the wicked man: and the wicked loathe them that are in the right way.
— Proverbs 29:27


The Fear of All Conspiracies

James Delingpole explains how experience, and the determination to search for the truth, will inevitably lead a man to dismiss a priori the Official History of Clown World as it is represented by the mainstream Narrative:

I am now in my late fifties and for most of my life there were various things I believed with absolute certainty: that man had landed (several times) on the moon; that JFK was assassinated by a lone gunman called Lee Harvey Oswald; that the Titanic was sunk by an iceberg; and so on.

More recently, I have to come to realise that the official narrative on all these events has holes in it even bigger than an iceberg through a reinforced steel hull.

I achieved this new understanding by the simple process of looking at the evidence. It was hard won knowledge, as knowledge which contradicts the official version of events invariably is. You’re up against a vast, intricate, well-funded system of organised deception. You are not, for example, just going to be able to type into Google ‘Did man really land on the moon?’ because the algorithms are going to be weighted in favour of telling you that man did. So is the publishing industry. So is the entertainment industry – ‘Giant steps are what you take…walking on the moon’, etc. So are all the ‘respectable’ academics and other ‘expert’ talking heads. Yet, put in the hours and you’ll get there in the end because, as the Earl of Oxford and his scriptorium once so famously put it, the truth will out.

No matter how great the obstacles which have been erected, by conspiratorial design, to prevent you attaining that truth, there’s really only one guaranteed to prevent you from succeeding. That obstacle is the little voice in your head that says: “No, I’m not going to go there. I already know what I know. I don’t need any pesky new evidence which might shake my belief system to its foundations. I’m happy where I am, thank you very much.”

This is how Normies think. They are unwilling to take the first step on to what Neil Kramer calls the ‘Staircase of Disbelief’ because they understand, if even only on a subconscious level, that once they have done so they can never turn back. It’s not outlandish conspiracy theories they fear. It’s ALL conspiracies – for they understand instinctively that this is a zero sum game.

He’s right. Never attribute to accident, coincidence, or stupidity that which is reasonably explained by the malice of Man’s satanic would-be rulers. I have often observed that the one and only thing we can be absolutely certain did not occur is whatever the Official Story declares to be the case. As a natural follow-on to his rational skepticism about the Official Clown World Mythology, he goes on to contemplate the bizarre world of what he calls Elite Gender Inversion:

That goes some way to answering the question “But why would They do it?” They do it for the same reasons They do all the other stuff They do: because they hate us, because they like tormenting us, because it’s a way of confusing us, of manipulating us, and because it’s yet another way to discourage us from reproducing.

But there’s another reason too and this is maybe the most important one of all: because it’s part of Their religion.

This is why I keep saying that if you don’t understand the spiritual dimension of what’s happening in the world right now (and has been since forever) then you cannot call yourself truly Awake. I say this not because I’m a Christian (as is, not so surprisingly, Mr E) but because until you realise that everything goes back to age old struggle between the God of the Bible and the Fallen Angels who inspired the Babylonian Mystery Religions you’ll be missing the intellectual, philosophical and religious framework that makes it all make sense.

All these Hollywood stars pretending to be the opposite sex – and raising their girl children as boys and their boy children as girls; all those US presidents like Obama (and, according to Mr E, every other male president from George Washington onwards – and including Trump) who marry men in drag; they don’t do this crazy stuff just for the shits and giggles, you realise. They do it for the same reasons Christians take communion and try to be more like Christ: because their religion demands it.

I don’t pretend to know who is, and who isn’t, what they purport to be. Is Joe Rogan actually Jo Rogan? Sure, he is extraordinarily short for a man, but what about that male pattern baldness. And I will always think Sandra Bullock is adorable, though I will admit it was a little strange that they had her wearing a little sarong in Miss Congeniality when all the other candidates were in bikinis. I have also thought that Taylor Swift looked weird from the start, and she’s only looking stranger and stranger as time goes on.

But who is what is not really the point, and Delingpole points us to the salient fact: this is a satanic pagan religion. These elite baphomets are neither male nor female, they are pure non-binary evil. Know that they are wicked, and they are part of the supernatural plan to dethrone God and enslave Man in his sin forever. And they will be successful to a sufficient extent that when the White Rider returns, this time with a sword, he will ride through rivers of blood.

Our job is to resist them until the divine cavalry arrives. So speak the truth, as best you understand it, and do not fear them or their wicked masters. Because if they were not afraid of us and our King, they would not need to hide in plain sight.


Elegy for European Civilization

An Australian laments the end of what used to be his country:

Each day I wake up to a country I don’t recognise.

Everyone’s a foreigner and I get called a bigot if I notice that.

I used to be friends with all my neighbours.

But they moved out and the new ones don’t speak English.

We don’t make eye contact when we walk past each other and that makes me feel strange.

On weekends I used to leave my car unlocked when I went down to the beach.

Yesterday there was a knife attack there. I don’t think I’ll go to the beach again.

There are no Christmas decorations in the stores anymore.

But sometimes I notice there’s decorations for Diwali. I don’t know what that is.

Most days I just sit inside and watch TV.

The TV tells me I need to respect other cultures.

For some reason that means no more Easter eggs or Australia Day or Christmas.

Sometimes I wonder what would happen if I migrated to Pakistan and told them to change their whole country just to make me feel comfortable.

I don’t think they’d like that but I don’t want to assume.

And sometimes it feels like my culture’s being squeezed out existence.

Suffocated by all these new people being poured on top of it.

I don’t really know why they moved here.

The streets don’t look the same anymore.

There’s no sense of community.

We’re all just strangers who live close to each other by some strange chance.

No doubt the American Indians similarly came to lament the foolish decision of their forebears to welcome the refugees from Europe, just as their successors are now learning to regret the decision of their ancestors to welcome “the poor and huddled masses” that have now demolished what was the most powerful nation in human history, and Europeans are beginning to grasp the terrible price of their magnanimous embrace of “the right of free movement”.

Some civilizations are conquered. Others are destroyed by their own internal contradictions. But in this case, it was the subversion and intellectual subjugation by a satanic foreign elite, combined with the widespread abandonment of the Christian culture that made Europe uniquely great, that has led to the decline and coming fall of the nations of what was once Christendom.

The truth always matters. And the sons of the fallen West are paying a very steep price for swallowing the inversion that satanists are “our elder brothers in the faith”. Those who are not willing to literally fight to preserve their culture will inevitably lose their culture in the end.


WWIII and the Élefsiton

Andrei Martyanov corrects some comments by Jeffrey Sachs:

  1. We ARE NOT on the path to WW III, we are already in WW III and the West already lost it. NATO has neither troops nor resources to introduce anything in 404. Russia’s tactical nuclear drills was a message to European chihuahuas, primarily UK, after showing UK ambassador in Moscow the list of British targets Russia will strike OUTSIDE 404 if London continues with terrorism. Russia is not afraid of Article 5.
  2. US is NOT a republic anymore–it is a corrupt uniparty oligarchy sliding towards totalitarianism. Its foreign policy and media are controlled by the state of Israel and Zionist lobby inside the US, which is based on a broad foundation of Christian Zionist population in the US.
  3. US higher education as related to humanities is over. It has been over for some time. Eventually, all remnants of a free thought and facts-based academic study will be purged.

Martyanov is entirely correct. WW3 technically began back in 2014, but will probably be recognized as starting in 2022, just as WWII began in 1931 with the Japanese invasion of Manchuria, not the 1939 German invasion of Poland. It’s not over yet, obviously, but the eventual outcome is no more in doubt than it was in December 1941, and for the same reason: industrial capacity.

The USA hasn’t been a republic since 1865. The most recent change is the foreign seizure of control over the imperial US government, which can be best illustrated by AIPAC’s most recent bragging about how 48 out of 48 Democratic candidates who were funded and endorsed by the organization won their primary races.

And it’s not as if the Republicans are any better, as in addition to criminalizing insufficient personal enthusiasm as well as refraining from economic engagement with Israel, two Republican Senators are now attempting to prevent anyone criticizing Israel from access to air travel.

Sens. Roger Marshall (R-KS) and Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) have introduced a bill that would designate student protesters “Terrorists” and add them to the “No Fly List” for protesting Israel.

It may strike you as counterintuitive, but this point, the US government actions are so obviously intended to generate white-hot hate carefully directed against a very small percentage of the population that it is clear there are only three rational explanations for them:

  1. AIPAC and other political organizations are so stupid that they don’t realize the probable outcome of their attempt to impose a religious totalitarian state on millions of well-armed Americans. Very highly unlikely. It’s just barely possible that they’re legitimately that blinded by arrogance and past success, and certainly there are some individuals who are that clueless and historically ignorant, but I very much doubt that any of the leaders believe they can openly retain control of an increasingly hostile population numbering in the hundred millions for very long. In fact, we know from the 2004 Wye conference that they don’t believe that.
  2. An esoteric mass sacrifice is being prepared in yet another attempt to summon the long-awaited messiah and immanentize the Élefsiton. Just as military generals don’t hesitate to sacrifice hundreds of thousands of their countrymen’s lives in war, the esoteric elite are perfectly willing to sacrifice the ritualistic millions of their own they believe are required to bring about their global rule. Keep in mind there are only two places that Holocaust 2.0 can happen, Israel and the USA.
  3. Because life in the USA among Americans was too easy and risked eventual destruction through integration, it was deemed necessary to increase US anti-semitism to the point that US-resident Jews become sufficiently afraid to make aliyah. Given the growing intensity of the attempt to complete the ethnic cleansing of Palestine and its direct connection to these new anti-semitism laws, as well as open talk of sending the Palestinians to the USA and Canada, this appears to be the most likely motivation. I tend to doubt it is a coincidence that there are a similar number of Jews in the USA and Palestinians in Israel, 6.3 million vs 5.3 million.

Of course, it’s entirely possible for all three motivations to be in effect among the rival elite factions, since the secular faction doesn’t believe in (2) except as a useful justification for (3), while the esoteric faction would support (2) as being entirely in line with its long-term objectives.

Regardless, WWIII is very far from over, and the map of political geography that it creates is probably going to look rather different than today’s map.


Bad Literature as Predictive Model

We know that movies and television shows have been used as a revelation of the method by the wicked in order to avoid occult karma for their actions by openly confessing them in a plausibly deniable manner that the public will not believe. But six decades after it was written, this section from the dreary, Gamma-infested slog that is A CONFEDERACY OF DUNCES, written by an author who was posthumously awarded the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction 11 years after his suicide, tends to strike the modern reader as ominously predictive of the current state of affairs in the increasingly degenerate nations ruled by the evil inverts of Clown World.

Dear Reader,

Nature has sometimes made a fool; but a coxcomb is always of man’s own making. —Addison

As I was wearing the soles of my desert boots down to a mere sliver of crepe rubber on the old flagstone banquettes of the French Quarter in my fevered attempt to wrest a living from an unthinking and uncaring society, I was hailed by a cherished old acquaintance (deviate). After a few minutes of conversation in which I established most easily my moral superiority over this degenerate, I found myself pondering once more the crises of our times. My mentality, uncontrollable and wanton as always, whispered to me a scheme so magnificent and daring that I shrank from the very thought of what I was hearing.

“Stop!” I cried imploringly to my god-like mind. “This is madness.” But still I listened to the counsel of my brain. It was offering me the opportunity to Save the World Through Degeneracy.

There on the worn stones of the Quarter I enlisted the aid of this wilted flower of a human in gathering his associates in foppery together behind a banner of brotherhood. Our first step will be to elect one of their number to some very high office—the presidency, if Fortuna spins us kindly. .Then they will infiltrate the military. As soldiers, they will all be so continually busy in fraternizing with one another, tailoring their uniforms to fit like sausage skins, inventing new and varied battle dress, giving cocktail parties, etc., that they will never have time for battle. The one whom we finally make Chief of Staff will want only to attend to his fashionable wardrobe, a wardrobe which, alternately, will permit him to be either Chief of Staff or debutante, as the desire strikes him. In seeing the success of their unified fellows here, perverts around the world will also band together to capture the military in their respective countries. In those reactionary countries in which the deviates seem to be having some trouble in gaining control, we will send aid to them as rebels to help them in toppling their governments.

When we have at last overthrown all existing governments, the world will enjoy not war but global orgies conducted with the utmost protocol and the most truly international spirit, for these people do transcend simple national differences. Their minds are on one goal; they are truly united; they think as one. None of the pederasts in power, of course, will be practical enough to know about such devices as bombs; these nuclear weapons would lie rotting in their vaults somewhere. From time to time the Chief of Staff, the President, and so on, dressed in sequins and feathers, will entertain the leaders, i.e., the perverts, of all the other countries at balls and parties. Quarrels of any sort could easily be straightened out in the men’s room of the redecorated United Nations. Ballets and Broadway musicals and entertainments of that sort will flourish everywhere and will probably make the common folk happier than did the grim, hostile, fascistic pronouncements of their former leaders.

Almost everyone else has had an opportunity to run the world. I cannot see why these people should not be given their chance. They have certainly been the underdog long enough. Their movement into power will be, in a sense, only a part of the global movement toward opportunity, justice, and equality for all. (For example, can you name one good, practicing transvestite in the Senate? No! These people have been without representation long enough. Their plight is a national, a global disgrace.)

Degeneracy, rather than signaling the downfall of a society, as it once did, will now signal peace for a troubled world. We must have new solutions to new problems. I shall act as a sort of mentor and guide for the movement, my not inconsiderable knowledge of world history, economics, religion, and political strategy acting as a reservoir, as it were, from which these people can draw rules of operational procedure.

Boethius himself played a somewhat similar role in degenerate Rome. As Chesterton has said of Boethius, “Thus he truly served as a guide, philosopher, and friend to many Christians; precisely because, while his own times were corrupt, his own culture was complete.”


Anti-Christian and Anti-American

The corrupt creatures in Congress are making your choice very clear and unmistakable. Jesus Christ and the First Amendment or Holocaustianity and Hate Speech Laws.

The United States House of Representatives has passed H.R. 6090, a bill that criminalizes basic Biblical Truth. This alarming legislation seeks to weaponize the Civil Rights Act for the enforcement of federal anti-discrimination laws, thus having a chilling effect on the free speech of Christians across the nation.

The bill adopts the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s definition of “antisemitism” which includes the basic Biblical Truth that the Jews killed Jesus Christ as “classic antisemitism.” The bill has raised serious concerns among Christians who believe that their First Amendment rights are being threatened. For example H.R. 6090 could potentially make it a crime for pastors to preach sermons that adhere to Biblical passages, of which there are many, which explicitly state that the Jews killed Jesus.

As a result, churches may become targets for Civil Rights Act discrimination lawsuits, leading to a wave of anti-Christian sentiment and the stifling of religious expression. This legislation follows just a few weeks after we learned, during Holy Week of all times, that saying “Christ is King” is “antisemitic” from many of the gatekeeping establishment voices on the right. It also follows a slew of similar “hate speech” legislation at the state level that is being passed by Republican governors in red states, including Ron DeSantis who flew to Israel to sign his….

Unfortunately, many pastors have chosen to ignore the implications of bills like H.R. 6090, allowing the bill to pass without raising their voices in opposition. This silence is not only a disservice to their congregations and the Church itself, but also a missed opportunity to defend the Biblical truths that have guided Christians for centuries. Even worse are the pastors who are supporting legislation like this because of their twisted and heretical theology that makes an idol out of the modern antichrist nation state of Israel and the antichrist Jews.

The Devil certainly knows his own. Those who choose to believe the lies will suffer the consequences, even as they stupidly and smugly believe that they are being blessed for “blessing Israel” by participating in the attempted murder of America/Amalek. You would think that when resisting satanry is criminalized and denounced as “anti-semitic”, they would be able to put two and two together to make four.

I say “attempted murder” because I am entirely certain that they will fail. They always do. And they always will.


Ben Shapiro is “a Sneaky Rat”

It’s not exactly news that the Littlest Chickenhawk is absolutely terrified of anyone who isn’t a college student, and therefore, is capable of unmasking what a mediocre little midwit he is. Lauren Witzke broke the news of the Daily Wire’s secret gag order that Little Benny managed to have imposed on Candace Owens in order to avoid the public debate he claims to have wanted:

“But the debate was never going to happen. That is because the Daily Wire — in secret and unbeknownst to its readers — sought a gag order to be placed on Owens after she had called for a debate. They did this under the cover of secrecy, before a private arbitrator, at exactly the same time that they were claiming in public that they wanted this debate and were even negotiating the terms with her. To this date, the Daily Wire has not informed its readers, seeking to understand why the much-anticipated debate had not yet happened, that they had sought and obtained a gag order against Owens.

When seeking a gag order to be imposed on Owens, the Daily Wire accused her of violating the non-disparagement clause of her agreement with the company. To substantiate this accusation, the company specifically cited Owens’ initial tweet requesting a debate with Shapiro as proof of this disparagement, along with concerns she voiced that Shapiro appeared to be violating the confidentiality agreement between them by publicly maligning Owens’s views to explain her departure from the company. While the company claimed before the arbitrator that it did not object in principle to a “healthy debate,” it urged the imposition of gag order on Owens by claiming that the way she requested the debate constituted disparagement of Shapiro and the site.

To justify the gag order it wanted, the company also cited various criticisms of the Daily Wire and Shapiro on X that Owens had “liked.” This proceeding took place as part of an exchange of legal threats between the parties after the public agreement to debate about Israel was solidified. Those threats arose from the fact that various Daily Wire executives and hosts, in both public and private, were castigating Owens as an anti-Semite. On March 22, Daily Wire host Andrew Klaven published a one-hour video that hurled multiple accusations, including anti-Semitism, at Owens. The Daily Wire cited Owens’ response to that video — her defense of herself from those multiple accusations — as further proof that she needed to be gagged.”

“After the prior restraint hearing sought by the Daily Wire and Shapiro, the arbitrator sided with them and against Owens. The arbitrator agreed with the Daily Wire that Owens’ call to debate Shapiro, and her follow-up negotiations of the debate, constituted “disparagement” of the company and Shapiro. The company argued that any further attempt by Owens to debate, as well her suggesting that the debate would expose the Daily Wire’s real “priorities,” constituted criticisms of the site and of Shapiro, criticisms that the arbitrator concluded Owens was barred from expressing under her contract with the company.

The arbitrator thus imposed a gag order of prior restraint on Owens. Among other things, the order banned Owens from saying or doing anything in the future which could tarnish or harm the reputation of the Daily Wire and/or Ben Shapiro. Given that the Daily Wire had argued, and the arbitrator agreed, that Owens’ offers to debate Shapiro about Israel and anti-semitism were themselves “disparaging,” the Daily Wire has ensured that the debate with Owens that they publicly claimed to want could not, in fact, take place. Any such debate would be in conflict with the gag order they obtained on Owens from expressing any criticisms of the site or of Shapiro.”

The ironic thing is that Shapiro will never understand how much his cowardice and “cleverness” is the cause of all the hatred directed toward him. No one envies his manufactured “success”. He’s a miserable little midwit, eaten up by his certain knowledge that he’s an imposter. I know this, because I was there when he was a young man deciding between making his own way and taking the ticket. And against my advice, he chose the latter.

Now he has learned that there is no amount of money that can compensate a man for selling his soul.

More details from Glenn Greenwald. And the New York Post.

Daily Wire obtains gag order against Candace Owens despite Ben Shapiro wanting debate


No, God is Not Going to Bless You

The last fifty years have definitely proven the Boomer theologians were conclusively wrong:

And while religious Judaism has a decidedly negative view towards all non-Jews, Christianity in particular is regarded as a total abomination, which must be wiped from the face of the earth.

Whereas pious Muslims consider Jesus as the holy prophet of God and Muhammed’s immediate predecessor, according to the Jewish Talmud, Jesus is perhaps the vilest being who ever lived, condemned to spend eternity in the bottommost pit of Hell, immersed in a boiling vat of excrement. Religious Jews regard the Muslim Quran as just another book, though a totally mistaken one, but the Christian Bible represents purest evil, and if circumstances permit, burning Bibles is a very praiseworthy act. Pious Jews are also enjoined to always spit three times at any cross or church they encounter, and direct a curse at all Christian cemeteries. Indeed, many deeply religious Jews utter a prayer each and every day for the immediate extermination of all Christians.

Over the years prominent Israeli rabbis have sometimes publicly debated whether Jewish power has now become sufficiently great that all the Christian churches of Jerusalem, Bethlehem, and other nearby areas can finally be destroyed, and the entire Holy Land completely cleansed of all traces of its Christian contamination. Some have taken this position, but most have urged prudence, arguing that Jews needed to gain some additional strength before they should take such a risky step. These days, many tens of millions of zealous Christians and especially Christian Zionists are enthusiastic advocates for Jews, Judaism, and Israel, and I strongly suspect that at least some of that enthusiasm is based upon ignorance.

It’s really remarkable how the misapplication of a single verse can be twisted, contorted, and ultimately inverted to successfully deceive Christians. I can remember, back in the early 80s, one Boomer woman telling her fellow Boomers that she didn’t know exactly when the world was going to end, but she knew it was going to be in her lifetime.

As it turns out, she was wrong, just like every previous generation of Christians who couldn’t imagine the world continuing without them.

It’s always fascinating to see how these verses are inverted to produce conclusions that are obviously and observably wicked. From the Galatians verse that can be more readily used to justify transgenderism than anti-racism and immigration to the various promises of blessings that have literally zero application to any modern political entity in the Middle East, Christians have been deceived by inversions and thereby found themselves endorsing pure and unmitigated evil.

The invasion and occupation of Gaza was not a response to the October 7th attacks. The destruction of the Christian churches and hospitals taking place there is not collateral damage. To the contrary, the green flag was planned and permitted by the Netanyahu administration – which funded Hamas to the tune of billions for over a decade – in order to provide an excuse to destroy the last remnants of Christianity in the Holy Lands.

The pagan religion practiced by those who would be more accurately named Canaanites is not at all what most modern Christians think it is. It never was, and it appears to be an aspect of the very Great Deceit that is described in the Bible as being capable of deceiving believers. And it is even darker and more destructive than most of its own adherents imagine; they endorse its Luciferian and Ahrimanic elements without understand that the Sorathic aspect of the Unholy Trinity is the dominant one that guides its ultimate end game.

For some reason, the servants of the Black Rider never believe he will reject them and throw them from his high horse… even though he always does. I have never been able to understand that phenomenon.

In any event, while I am no theologian, nor is Tucker Carlson, but I think he is correct. If you think God is going to bless you for standing with those who are murdering women and children, and for blessing the destruction of beautiful places of worship that have been dedicated to His Son for centuries, either you worship a very different god or you are flat-out wrong. For where there is inversion, there is deceit, falsehood, and wickedness.

The last twenty years have seen the veil pulled back from many Enlightenment lies. Now we are beginning to see the true face of the false theology of American Churchianity. And it is a very ugly one indeed.

Given the growing divide between secular Israelis and the pagan Canaanites, and the way that the political compromise between the two represented by Netanyahu appears to be turning the entire world against the state of Israel, it would not be surprising if the heightened tensions that are currently threatening to break up the polities of the EU and the USA in the next decade also play out in a similar fashion in Israel.