We are the Ghost Dancers

The realization that Americans are the Indians now is gradually dawning on more and more people now that the influence of the Boomers and their memories of the 1950s and 1960s are fading away:

At best, at best, we might hope to plant seeds, that our children, and more likely our grandchildren or great-grandchildren, may once again live in a thriving and functional society that does not hate them. We ourselves, we who are live now, are the lost children of history, abandoned and betrayed by our feckless elders, stripped of our patrimony, cursed to have lived to see the last dying embers of the golden age that has now passed, fated from now to know only a darkness that will just become deeper and colder as we live out the rest of our lives. We are Spengler’s Roman soldier, guarding his outpost in Pompeii’s threatening shadow.

I do not say that is what the future holds, only that this is the prevailing sense: things suck, and the suck will only suck harder from here on out. We train and read and pray, not because we think we can roll back the suck, but only to have the strength to endure it, and maybe to carry some small fragments through that will be worth passing on to whoever comes next. We gather to the old symbols because they remind us of who we are, provide some anchor to our identities as the whirling maelstrom seeks to dissolve us into posthuman madness. We practice clean living – insofar as we do practice it, which I think is not very far, let’s be honest – because we know we are under attack, and the drugs and the poisoned food are one of the enemy’s primary weapons.

Irrational hope is a dangerous thing, but to abandon all hope is more dangerous still. The zombie junkies dying in our streets are where the abandonment of all hope leads. Things are unlikely to improve for we Westmen in the near future, or even perhaps in our own lifetimes. Too much is arrayed against us, most especially including our worst enemy: ourselves. Yet the examples of the Ghost Dancers, the Boxers, and the Zealots need not lead to despair. The Amerindian has not regained his lands, but he is far from extinct, and in Canada at least is growing rapidly in numbers, wealth, and political influence. The Han most certainly did regain their country, and while they endured a century and a half of massacre and madness, they have once again taken their place as one of the world’s great peoples. And as for the Jews, say what you will of them, but the destruction of the Temple was certainly not the end of their story, either.

So be it. If we dance, then at least we’ve got some killer beats and grooves to fuel us. But there is no reason to give up hope, however irrational it might seem. The Chinese persisted and got their country back after centuries of foreign rule. The Spanish endured five centuries of foreign rule before expelling all the Muslims and Jews from their country.

We have nothing to complain about except the foolishness of our recent forebears and the innocent stupidity of our youth. Others have faced far more difficult challenges. So start laying the foundation for the next round of Reconquistas. Greatness awaits!


The Mysterious Omission

Ron Unz delves into the French Revolution and discovers a very interesting omission from Simon Schama’s popular history of that revolution:

Given its great length, Schama’s account provided an enormous amount of detail on the French society of that era and the course of the revolution that suddenly upended it. But his narrative very conspicuously lacked any direct explanation of why that colossal upheaval occurred, instead suggesting the French Revolution resulted from a combination of unforeseen, contingent factors and events. Two years of bad harvests had driven up the price of bread and the blunders of the king and some of his ministers provoked the spontaneous political combustion that brought down their thousand-year monarchy, while further mistakes gradually moved the revolution in an increasingly radical and bloody direction.

This constituted the major contrast with Webster’s account, which instead presented a very different interpretation of roughly the same historical facts. She portrayed the French Revolution in strictly conspiratorial terms as the deliberately planned outcome of particular political plots.

Some of her theories seemed quite unlikely. Her book was written during the height of the anti-German propaganda of the First World War. Therefore, on the basis of extremely thin evidence, she suggested that prior to his death in 1786, Frederick the Great of Prussia had sought to weaken the French monarchy and its Austrian alliance by promoting Masonic propaganda against Queen Marie Antoinette, the daughter of Austrian Empress Marie Theresa, who for decades had been his foremost geopolitical adversary.

But the main conspiracy that Webster described was hardly an implausible one, with neither the motive nor the means being outlandish, and she drew heavily upon contemporaneous sources for her analysis. The individual whom she fingered as the primary orchestrator of the French Revolution had also been discussed by Schama but only given glancing coverage.

As I had mentioned earlier, Philippe, the enormously wealthy Duc d’Orléans, was the king’s cousin and a close heir to the throne, ranked just behind the youngest brother of Louis XVI. Yet rather remarkably, he became one of the major early patrons of the revolutionary movement, even officially renaming himself “Égalité” as a sign of his support.

Among his large personal holdings was the Palais-Royal estate in Paris. Both Schama and Webster emphasized that he allowed it to be used as a hotbed and staging area for revolutionary activism, its private grounds being off limits to the French police authorities. Schama treated this as merely due to his liberal, open-minded tendencies, but according to Webster it was only one of the many actions he took deliberately aimed at destabilizing the ruling monarchy and then replacing his cousin on its throne. Whether or not her analysis was correct, the important role of the Palais-Royal in the early stages of the revolution appeared on dozens of pages of Schama’s text, and indeed many members of the National Assembly later described it as the “birthplace of the Revolution.”

One of the earliest cases of mass urban violence in Paris was a major riot at a wallpaper factory, leading to more than two dozen deaths, and this important story was covered at length by both Schama and Webster. Philippe visited the scene during that incident and threw small bags of money to the cheering rioters. Their attack on the factory was initially blocked by government troops, but after the latter were forced to open their lines to allow the carriage of Philippe’s wife to pass, the rioters poured through that gap and destroyed both the factory and the home of its influential owner. Both authors reported all these same facts, but only Webster treated them highly suspicious.

According to Webster, this was only one of many such examples. She argued that Philippe deployed his vast wealth to recruit thousands of violent brigands, who launched attacks against government facilities and civilian infrastructure, all aimed at fostering the spread of lawlessness, violent unrest, and the resulting wild rumors that would weaken the hold of the king and provoke an uprising. In fact, at one point Schama freely admitted that “later generations of royalist historians” had claimed that many of these incidents were orchestrated by Philippe and his fellow plotters in order to undermine government authority and allow him to seize the throne. But the author then made no effort to either explore or refute those accusations.

A couple of months after that first large riot, Philippe played a crucial role in leading the political revolt of most of the traditional French parliament against monarchical authority, and these members soon formed the new National Assembly in its place.

Later that same year, a mob of Parisian protesters led by women marched on Versailles and violently stormed the residence of the king and queen, who narrowly escaped with their lives. Philippe was later accused of having planned their murder by funding those rioters, who allegedly chanted his name as their new king. Once again, Webster heavily emphasized these facts, while Schama minimized them.

Webster also noted that the colors adopted early on by the revolutionary forces—white, blue, and red—happened to exactly match the colors of Philippe’s Orléans family. Perhaps this was mere coincidence, but perhaps not.

Given her future areas of historical interest, Webster also naturally emphasized that Philippe served as the Grand Master of French Freemasonry, presumably giving him a great web of hidden influence over the elite elements of his society, something obviously very helpful in overthrowing a regime. Schama entirely omitted that potentially important fact, and instead explicitly dismissed all such conspiratorial notions in just a few sentences:

To counter-revolutionary writers, looking back on the disaster of 1789, the proliferation of seditious and libelous material seemed even more sinister, evidence of a conspiracy hatched between godless followers of Voltaire and Rousseau, Freemasons, and the Duc d’Orléans. Was not the Palais-Royal after all one of the most notorious dens of iniquity, where even the police were forbidden from pouncing on peddlers of literary trash? Understandably, modern historians have steered clear of anything that could be construed as subscribing to the literary conspiracy theory of the French Revolution.

Wikipedia is notorious for representing the establishmentarian perspective on historical events and shying away from any questionable conspiratorial claims. But although the page on Phillipe makes no mention of Webster, the factual account it provided seemed closer to her analysis than that of Schama.

We should also not entirely ignore an interesting historical echo that came decades later. After the final defeat of Napoleon, the Bourbon monarchy was restored in France, and two of Louis XVI’s younger brothers then successively held the throne. But in the Second French Revolution of 1830, Charles X was overthrown and replaced by his cousin Louis Philippe d’Orléans, Philippe’s surviving son, who thus finally achieved the goal that his late father had allegedly sought.

Judging Webster’s work and weighing her conclusions against those of Schama is obviously difficult for a non-specialist such as myself, but I can certainly understand why her book was so highly regarded by at least some scholars when it appeared in 1919. Her main historical analysis seemed solidly based upon reliable sources of that era, many of which were only available in French, and she made an effort to weigh these against each other and evaluate their credibility. Her text included well over 1,000 footnotes to such crucial source material, while Schama’s provided none at all, instead merely listing the main works he drew upon for each individual chapter. So to some extent, Webster’s book represented new academic research, while Schama had produced what amounted to a very hefty synthesis and presentation of preexisting material.

All of this raises the interesting question of why Schama’s massive volume so casually dismissed and ignored the conspiratorial analysis that had been advanced by Webster more than three generations earlier.

The answer, of course, is that in order to get published and become the primary English language reference on the French Revolution, it was vital for Schama to conceal the involvement of The Empire That Never Ended.

I’ve read Schama’s work twice. I’ve never read anything by Webster. But I have absolutely no doubt that Webster’s work is more historically accurate and reliable, simply because Schama had to omit what has been, over the course of recorded human history, one of the most important actors and drivers of events, which is the intersection of supernatural and material evil that Philip K. Dick identified as The Empire That Never Ended, that AC calls Cabal, that Vladimir Putin calls The Empire of Lies, and which we label Clown World.

The Romans called it Carthage, demanded its defeat, and sowed its grounds with salt. The Conquistadors called it the Aztec Empire and did their best to eradicate it forever. The Crusaders were corrupted by it. The Inquisitors did their best to root it out of Christendom and have been slandered for their efforts ever since. But regardless of what it is called, it will never die because it is not of human origins and the fallen rulers of this world will always find corrupt human spirits who are willing to serve them in return for the false immortality they are offered.

It’s not hard to understand why the wicked are so slavishly committed to the will of their evil masters. They fear death, as they well should, and they will do literally anything in their futile attempts to avoid their inevitable Divine judgment.


Batting 1.000

Big Bear was right again. This time about John F. Kennedy. The F… well, let’s just say it didn’t stand for “Fitzgerald”.

In September 1953, she and Jack wed in a lavish ceremony in Rhode Island. By 1960, they were in the White House — and so was Lem, with his own bedroom in the private residence. Jackie confessed to Senator George Smathers, one of JFK’s closest allies, that she could barely stand it.

‘Just one weekend in my life,’ she said, ‘I’d like to have my husband to myself. But Lem is always there, bathing and massaging him, even putting on his shoes and socks.’

Whispers about JFK and Lem’s ‘special relationship’ flew through DC, the press corps, the FBI and CIA — the latter agency worrying that Russia and other enemy states could blackmail the president with such information.

Jackie understood. Her own father, ‘Black Jack’ Bouvier, was a womanizing bisexual. Very little shocked her, and she came to appreciate Lem’s loyalty and discretion, the ‘stress relief’, as Lem often put it, that he provided for Jack.

However, I don’t think this was the big release of the files related to JFK for which everyone was waiting.

UPDATE: I would be remiss if I did not provide a link to Big Bear presenting evidence to a Boomer concerning what the “F” in John F. Kennedy stood for.


The Glorious History of GG

Grummz praises the OGGers and the consequences of #GamerGate.

It’s time to take credit.

Gamergate really did change the world.

It was the first time normies (like I and others used to be), woke up to how corrupt our journalism was.

We fought back so hard that social media spent millions developing censorship tools to stop us, which were then weaponized against the mass populace.

There IS a gamergate playbook and it is this: TRUTH. We used TRUTH and social media to spread the word, through epic meme battles and more.

We gave rise to the Right media. So many pundits on the Right came from GG and got HUGE.

We helped get Trump elected the first term, because Trump called the media “fake” and that was the GG banner. We wanted it fixed.

We crushed AAA gaming last year and forced Ubisoft to their knees.

We may not be called Gamergate anymore, we may have been smeared and pushed into a corner for years as social media banned us all, but we are the keyboard warriors of truth and we have won the long game.

Now let’s keep going!

Indeed. As it happens, the final track on the SOULSIGMA album is THE RIDE NEVER ENDS, a tribute to GamerGate and all of its leaders, of whom, of course, I am one.


Freedom Isn’t Real

The Zoomers can see what the previous generations were unable to see at a similar age: the professed ideals of society are completely fraudulent. Democracy doesn’t express the will of the people, free trade doesn’t make the society any wealthier, and the free movement of people is just another name for invasion and occupation.

To our parents and grandparents, steeped in the baggage of the Second World War, ‘freedom’ is the ultimate democratic right. 

But many in Generation Z can see that our ‘free’ society has degenerated into instability and uncertainty. 

If ‘freedom’ means being unable to afford a home, to live in overcrowded and overpriced rented accommodation, to work soulless jobs in order to pay sky-high taxes, and to have no sense of belonging or identity, perhaps freedom is not what we need.

So it’s no shock to read that a recent survey commissioned by Channel 4 found that 52 per cent of Britons aged 13 to 27 have lost faith in democracy and would welcome a dictator – a strong leader ‘who does not have to bother with parliament and elections’. 

A third of my generation believe ‘the UK would be a better place if the Army was in charge’. 

Other polls have found that many of us are likely to back the death penalty, while a Mail on Sunday survey this week found that two-thirds of us favour castrating sex offenders.

These reports have caused much alarm among liberal commentators – for whom democracy and the social contract are sacrosanct. 

They don’t want to face the brutal truth that the social contract has been ripped up by a political class that has long refused to put the interests of ordinary British people first, or to deliver on our repeatedly expressed wishes at the ballot box – on immigration, crime, tax and much else.

Drug use, shoplifting and defrauding the state go unpunished. Millions of economically burdensome migrants from places and cultures vastly different from our own are invited in, housed and fed at our expense – and we are attacked and slurred as bigots if we complain.

The so-called “social contract” never existed. I never signed any social contract and neither did you. Moreover, the morals and mores of society have been subverted, and in many cases, even inverted. Modern society, in the UK, in Europe, and in the USA alike, has conclusively falsified the ideals of the Enlightenment, which were always aimed at the destruction of Christianity, one of the three pillars of Western civilization.

And now that Christendom has been weakened, the other two pillars, the European nations and the Greco-Roman legal and philosophical construct, are crumbling as well. What we have now is rule by deceptive foreign oligarchy, it is neither democracy nor freedom. Every and all appeals to those outdated, falsified ideals are false on their face, and the young men and women who see this are entirely correct to reject them as lies.

Even Francis Fukuyama admits that he was wrong. History never ended and so-called “liberal democracy” is not the only legitimate form of government.


The New R-Word

In the aftermath of Team Trump beginning to cut off the massive funding to Clown World’s operations in Europe, the leaders of the European Right are beginning to find their backbone and actually say the R-word out loud. That’s right… they’re openly calling for RECONQUISTA and remigration.

Right-wing leaders from across Europe have called for a new “Reconquista” to defend the continent’s traditional values and cultural identity while criticizing the EU’s migration policies. On Saturday, the Patriots for Europe group, the third-largest political bloc in the EU parliament, gathered in Madrid for its first high-profile rally since the summer elections. Attendees included Santiago Abascal, the leader of Spain’s conservative Vox party; Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban; Marine Le Pen of France’s National Rally party; and other high-profile conservative and right-wing leaders.

The event was held under the slogan “Make Europe Great Again,” an explicit nod to US President Donald Trump’s campaign motto. The conference centered on the theme of battling Islam, EU bureaucracy, globalism and left-wing “woke policies” and diversity.

The term “Reconquista” echoed throughout the event, with Abascal comparing today’s political struggles to the centuries-long campaign by Christian kingdoms to free the territory of modern Spain from Muslim rule in the Middle Ages.

“We Spaniards are proud to be known for that extraordinary feat of our ancestors. We are ready to be that again,” Abascal noted. “We are ready to be that wall of Europe once again in the face of Islamist advance,” he said, vowing to fight against “global dictatorship,” including the one imposed from Brussels.

The idea of Reconquista was also mentioned by Martin Helme, the leader of Estonia’s Conservative People’s Party. “For Europe to be great again, we need to have a new Reconquista,” he said while accusing globalist elites of trying to “damage our Christian civilization and replace it with their sick satanic utopia.”

Do Europeans want Reconquista, remigration, and a return to Christendom or do they want to continue their sick satanic servitude that has seen hundreds of millions of them slaughtered in the last 111 years in the name of the Enlightenment, Liberalism, and Democracy? Because ELD is the foundation of Diversity, Inclusion, and Equality, which we already know is societal and civilizational suicide.


The Case of the Gold Buddhas

This is the first I’ve ever heard about any of this. Don’t ask me if it’s legitimate or the plot of Chuck Dixon’s next action movie.

Now that we’re finally allowed to talk about conspiracies and USAID—can we talk about the CIA moving gold on ships?

Can we talk about how, before WWII, nearly every village in China had a gold Buddha filled with gems, serving as the local bank?

Can we talk about how the Japanese looted them all and launched a massive sealift operation to stash them in the Philippines?

Or how a farmer found ONE of these Buddhas—only for Ferdinand Marcos to steal it?

Or how a U.S. court valued that SINGLE Buddha at $22 BILLION in 1998?

Or how, if that one Buddha had been invested in the S&P 500, the farmer would be richer than

Can we talk about how Google raided libraries and archives, scanning every book to track it down?

Can we talk about how certain tech firms used this knowledge to leverage the US Government and CIA to work for them?

Or how most of that gold is STILL buried in the Philippines—
And how Taiwan is a distraction while China builds a massive Navy to take it back?

Or how at least one of the CIA’s secret ship registries was accidentally exposed in the USAID data dump?

Or how the CIA funded a History Channel program about all this—to paint anyone searching for the truth as a nutcase?

Or how the co-founder of Jeff Bezos’ starship company wrote a bestselling “fiction” book about this gold becoming the world’s Bitcoin reserve—nine years before Satoshi Nakamoto launched Bitcoin?

It does tend to strike me as an awful lot of interest in a barbarous relic. But how can one single gold Buddha be worth anything close to that much?


The Game was Always Fake

I’ve been telling everyone for decades that what passes for success in Clown World was fake. I knew it for an absolute fact because I saw nobodies, mediocrities, and charlatans becoming stars, celebrities, and millionaires by having one situation after another handed to them for no rational reason that anyone could explain, except occasionally by ethnic nepotism. But even that explanation didn’t, and couldn’t account for much of the fake success.

But now, with the tip of the iceberg that is USAID exposed, we know why and how these talentless mediocrities, from Neil Gaiman and John Scalzi to Jordan Peterson and Ben Shapiro, became “successful”, as /pol/ explains.

I think the biggest takeaway from all this should be for those who’ve been economically and emotionally struggling, particularly white men. The problem isn’t your skills, your looks, your charisma, etc., it’s that you’ve been “competing” in a completely fake illusion world where every enterprise from games to journalism to industry to art museums is getting unlimited money (stolen from you) from the government faucet. And it wasn’t even a faucet, it’s a firehose. Everything from video games to the decor at Pizza Hut was rigged.

Couldn’t find a job? Literally not your fault.
Couldn’t get into college? Literally not your fault.
Couldn’t get a business of the ground? Literally not your fault.
Couldn’t find a girl with values? Literally not your fault.
Couldn’t get a youtube channel to take off? Literally not your fault.

To all the anons reading this, it isn’t your fault. It really was everyone and everything else. You’re not crazy. You’re doing fine. The deck wasn’t just stacked against you, the whole game was fake.

The God-Emperor 2.0 is giving us the great gift of exposing the fraud, and in doing so, we may, for the first time in decades, have the opportunity of a more-or-less-level playing field. So it’s time for us to work even hard and up our games. Remember this? This was the actual site traffic comparison from 2009 to 2021 of one celebrity author upon whom media attention and million-dollar book contracts was lavished (red) and an author who was actively suppressed and deplatformed on every side (blue). And this is what it looks like when the competition is fair, and there isn’t a series of government-funded thumbs on the scale.

Buckle up and get down to business. The winning has barely started.


Did No One Take Econ 101?

The Danish Prime Minister stupidly threatens to hit back at the coming US tariffs on the European Union. What we’re seeing here is the fundamental retardery and complete lack of a most basic education possessed by the mediocrities purportedly running Clown World.

The EU will be forced into a“robust response” if the US imposes tariffs on the bloc’s exports, Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen warned on Monday.

US President Donald Trump has threatened to impose tariffs on the EU unless the bloc reduces its trade deficit with the US by significantly increasing purchases of American oil and gas. On Friday, Trump reiterated his threat, saying he “absolutely” plans to levy tariffs on the EU and claiming that the bloc “has treated [the US] terribly” with its trade practices. He has not yet provided specific details regarding the targeted goods or the exact tariff rates, however.

Speaking to reporters ahead of an informal meeting of EU leaders in Brussels, Frederiksen warned that Trump’s insistence on placing levies on the bloc’s goods could trigger a trade war.

“I am not in favor of a trade war. I am actually in favor of the opposite, that we trade with each other… but it is clear that if there is very strong American pressure on the European market, we simply cannot do anything but respond harshly,” she stated.

Again, a trade war is MATERIALLY BENEFICIAL to any country with a negative balance of trade. So what the Danish Prime Minister is threatening the USA with is the net BENEFIT of transferring EUR 4.7 billion to the USA.

Now, most people don’t know anything about economics, particularly journalists and politicians. They know even less about economic history, which is why you’re going to see a few people attempting to look knowledgeable by referencing the Smoot-Hawley tariff, on which the stupid and the uninformed blame the Great Depression. Of course, I addressed this in my 2009 book on The Return of the Great Depression:

For many years, it was supposed that the Smoot-Hawley tariff of 1930 played a major role in the economic contraction of the Great Depression. As more economists are gradually coming to realize, this was unlikely the case for several reasons. First, the 15.5 percent annual decline in exports from 1929 to 1933 was less precipitous than the pre-tariff 18.3 percent decline from 1920 to 1922. Second, because the amount of imports also fell, the net effect of the $328 million reduction in the balance of trade on the economy amounted to only 0.3 percent of 1929 GDP. Third, the balance of trade turned negative and by 1940 had increased to nearly ten times the size of the 1929 positive balance while the economy was growing.

The Pomp Letter has begun educating himself on tariffs and economic history, and has concluded that the mainstream hysteria is based on a foundation of ignorance.

Trump implemented a 25% tariff on steel imports in March 2018. His reasoning was related to national security, along with a desire to get US steel mills operating at 80% capacity or higher.

Naturally, the critics of tariffs would argue that steel prices should have increased by 25% or more post-tariff, but as you can see in this chart — steel prices increased through the summer (steel prices had already been skyrocketing pre-tariff too) and then began falling substantially. US steel prices eventually fell to price levels much lower than pre-tariff prices.

Why did the price of US steel decrease? Domestic manufacturing of steel increased by nearly 10% for the 2 years post-tariffs.

“The USGS data show that Trump’s tariffs may have helped goose domestic steel production in the first few years after they were implemented. Production rose to 86.6 million metric tons in 2018 and 87.8 million metric tons in 2019, before cratering in 2020 as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Production bounced back in 2021, as American steel mills produced 85.8 million metric tons of raw steel that year.”

This means the 2018 tariffs worked — US manufacturing of steel increased and US steel prices dropped lower.

Obviously, the pandemic created significant issues for manufacturing and industrial companies, but US steel prices still sit right now at nearly the same level as they were pre-tariff. Most importantly, steel prices have not kept up with consumer inflation since 2018.

So now you have three concrete examples from the 2018 tariffs that show the critics were wrong. The tariffs led to lower prices, increased American manufacturing, more government revenue, and the creation of American jobs. Also, US inflation (CPI) fell from 2.1% in January 2018 to 1.6% in January 2019, so the tariffs didn’t lead to higher inflation either.

The USA will win any tariff war because it has been losing the free trade war for decades. America has literally nothing to lose in this regard.


JFK Declassified

President Trump made good on his 2016 promise to declassify the Federal files concerning the JFK and RFK assassinations:

President Donald Trump signed an executive order at the White House on Thursday to declassify government records related to the assassinations of President John Kennedy, Sen. Robert F. Kennedy and the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. Trump’s order could put an end to some long-standing questions surrounding the assassinations, all of which occurred more than a half-century ago. The official conclusions that all three assassinations were carried out by lone gunmen have been challenged by a raft of conspiracy theories. The fact that some records about the investigations of the murders have remained classified for so long played a role in fueling those theories.

This should be interesting. I hope this will also reveal who was responsible for pushing the nonsensical “lone gunman” theories too.