The Fall of the Fake Democracies

Simplicius rightly calls out the fake democratic imperialism of Clown World’s European slave-leaders and their woefully misnamed “rules-based order”:

A new speech by Georgian pretender Salome Zourabichvili to the EU Parliament is a must-see. It is the very apotheosis of the Rules Based Order’s terminal decline, on which we’ve enlarged at length here. As things get down to the wire and the European ruling elite squander their mandate from the people, they have no avenue left but to ratchet up totalitarian policies to stay in power—and to keep the system, that interconnected grid of elite deep state power in control. As that occurs, their anti-democratic calls become increasingly naked, as they’re forced to say the quiet parts aloud:

It is in the context of what recently happened in Romania and elsewhere that her speech is seen in its most egregious light. She essentially calls on European powers to intervene in her own country, to act against her own people and government, which she calls illegitimate; for the record she’s now called both the parliamentary and presidential elections illegitimate and has vowed to illegally stay past her deadline.

There are so many outright shockingly hypocritical and treasonous statements it would be too long to list them all. Right from the getgo she blames Russian “imperialistic tendencies” for wanting to influence Georgia, yet almost in the same breath declares that Georgia is a “strategic interest” for Europe, and that Europe should therefore move in to take control of it. Is that not imperialism by the same name?

She goes on along the tack of saying the unspoken by naming every strategic advantage that NATO and the EU would see with Georgia under their control, such as control of the Black Sea, Armenia, the Caucuses, amongst other things.

She hails the illegal nullification of the Romanian election, which is met with resounding applause by the corrupt unelected bureaucrats. And this shows the flagrant corruption of the system—a dying empire seeks only absolute power and expansion at all costs, nothing else matters. Laws, rules, democratic principles are mere frivolities to be used as bargaining chips or talking points as means to an end.

It has become abundantly clear that nothing the Enlightenment promised is real. Every single intellectual pillar upon which it rests, from biology and economics to physics and science, is entirely false. Not misleading or mistaken, entirely and consciously false.

These wicked people aren’t even the atheist materialists they pretend to be!

However, these are dangerous times, because every time The Empire That Never Ended is exposed and overthrown, it lashes out and attempts to do as much damage as it can on the way out. But this time, we have to do a better job of chronicling its evil, in order to avoid future historians crying about the methods required to both repress the evil and unleash positive human potential.

The demographic and economic consequences of the Black Death, which kept populations down and labour scarce well into the 1400s, exacerbated conflict. After about 1470, however, the balancee tilted across Europe. This can be seen most vividly in the consolidation of powerful new monarchies in France, Eland, and Spain… Political consolidation was accompanied by increasingly rigid social hierarchies and a new wave of repression directed against those who diverged from Christian ideals. At the same time, intellectual innovation beginning in Italy transformed education, religion, and eventually elite culture as a whole.
– A Concise History of Switzerland

We’ve seen the dreadful fruits resulting from the rule of an elite that diverged from Christian ideals. That pendulum has already reached its apex, and now it is swinging back toward new political consolidations, increasingly rigid hierarchies, and new waves of repression and intellectual innovation that will, taken in their entirey, have massively positive effects for humanity and the world.

The connection between social discipline and positive social advancement is no different than the one between personal discipline and positive personal improvement. The obese, drugged, immoral, dishonest, society in which we live is the direct result of the West’s abject failure to reject and repress The Empire That Never Ended and its wicked representatives like Salome Zourabichvili. It is the direct result of rejecting the truth and foolishly choosing to believe Clown World’s lies.


Russia’s Presidential Q&A 2024

The difference between the intelligence displayed by the leaders of the sovereign nations and the degenerate leaders of Clown World is underlined given the comparison between the Russian President and the literally senile President of the United States in the former’s annual question-and-answer session.

Alexandra Suvorova: You have cited Germany and Japan as examples. I wish to focus on Germany having a zero percent growth rate, which you mentioned as a case previously known for its economic expansion. Do you believe this is perhaps linked to politics and sovereignty? Not long ago, at the VTB Forum Russia Calling!, you reminisced about Gerhard Schroeder’s birthday celebration, remarking how all the songs were in English, with none performed in German.

Vladimir Putin: There were. It’s an interesting episode. Quite some time ago, it was Gerhard Schroeder’s birthday, he invited me and I attended. There was a small concert, and, as it happened, all the companies performed in English. I remarked at the time, “Even the Hannover girls’ choir sang in English.”

There was, however, one ensemble that performed in German: the Kuban Cossack Choir, which accompanied me. Moreover, this was entirely unexpected on my part. I inquired, “How did you come to know these songs?” They replied, “Out of respect for the Germans, our hosts, we learnt these songs en route and performed them in German, including those from the local region where we are now.” During the intermission, numerous attendees approached me (I recount this as it truly unfolded) and expressed, “We are embarrassed, truly, that only Russian Cossacks performed in German here.”

I recounted this to a colleague who was present at the event, which has now been recalled. You see, sovereignty is a crucial concept; it must reside within, in one’s heart. In the post-war era, I believe this sense – of homeland and sovereignty – has been somewhat eroded among the German people.

Who are the Europeans, after all? They are proud to be European, yet they are foremost French, German, Italian, Spanish, and then European. There is a tendency to smooth out things, to homogenise. Ultimately, this affects everything, including the economy.

I previously spoke about our economic growth – this is largely attributable to the reinforcement of sovereignty, which extends to the economic realm. Many foreign manufacturers have exited our market. What has been the consequence? Our entrepreneurs have started producing these goods domestically, necessitating further research and the engagement of institutions, including those focused on development. All of this – what we are discussing – is the enhancement of technological sovereignty.

Sovereignty manifests itself in various forms: defence, technology, science, education, culture. This is of paramount importance, especially for our nation, because should we lose sovereignty, we risk losing statehood. That is the crux.

Economic growth is also an effect of bolstered sovereignty.

Free trade, as Ian Fletcher and I have proven – not demonstrated, proven – is a lie. Comparative advantage as advertised doesn’t exist as it clearly doesn’t benefit both parties. The economic and political entwinement of nations being beneficial to those nations is also a lie, as it is nothing more than imperialism accruing to the benefit of the ruling imperial elite at the expense of those nations. Neither the occupied European nations nor the imperial USA are the good guys in this conflict. To the contrary, their elites represent, not the future to which they aspire, but the very worst aspects of humanity.

“I ain’t got no quarrel with them Viet Cong. No Viet Cong ever called me nigger. I’m not going 10,000 miles from home to help murder and burn another poor nation simply to continue the domination of white slave masters of the darker people the world over.”
– Muhammad Ali

Neither Americans nor Europeans have any quarrel with the Russians. It’s their white slave masters who do, and who are destroying their nations and countless Ukrainian lives, in a futile attempt to salvage their wicked empire that never ended.

UPDATE: Speaking of the contrast between the two presidents, blown cover as cover:

The terrifying scandal is that Biden was NEVER president.

Apparently the truth is going to come out sooner than we expected. But this isn’t an admission about Donald Trump winning the 2020 presidential election, which he did, but about Joe Biden’s incapacity from the start of his fake term. And they’re even hinting at the use of the six Bidens.

MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough, as recently as March, called this sham of a president ‘intellectually, analytically… the best Biden ever.’


Senile From Day One

Even before his fake term is up, they’re admitting that Joe Biden was senile and mentally incapable of serving as President. It won’t be long before they’ll be admitting that he was never elected at all.

White House Biden health cover-up blown wide open in bombshell report: Joe was senile from day one of presidency

A bombshell report details how President Joe Biden’s White House hid from the public his rapidly diminishing mental and physical condition for his entire presidency. Biden’s team hired a vocal coach, put other officials into roles usually occupied by the president and neglected to share with him negative news stories, according to an explosive report in The Wall Street Journal.

It exposed an extensive and thought-out cover-up that included the administration repeatedly gaslighting those who dared to claim the president was no longer the same man who had served as vice president.

But Biden’s decline was hard to overlook – especially after Special Counsel Robert Hur last year released a report in the classified documents case depicting a forgetful and frail then-81-year-old.

Hur decided not to charge Biden because he ‘would likely present himself to a jury, as he did during our interview of him, as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory’ and ‘it would be difficult to convince a jury that they should convict him.’

The WSJ notes how Biden couldn’t even repeat back to his staff lines they fed him while preparing for his interview with the special counsel. Biden would also cancel important national security meetings, with aides excusing him because he has ‘bad days and good days’.

From day one, I have never referred to anything but “the fake Biden administration”. I have never, ever, believed for even one second that any of the Six Bidens received more votes than Donald Trump, Hilary Clinton, or Barack Obama. And while I didn’t know he was legitimately senile back in 2016, it was obvious that he was not firing on all four cylinders.

This revelation ends any serious pretense to democratic legitimacy in the West. They might as readily have “elected” a chimpanzee or an AI influencer. Isn’t it intriguing and informative that the eventual revelations always tend to exceed the conspiracy theories upon which the mainstream media tries to cast doubt?


The Gatekeepers Coagulate

Now you can get all your piping hot cuckservative takes about how nationalism is evil, anti-anti-semitism laws are totally compatible with the 1st Amendment, and Israel ain’t never done nothin’ to nobody in one convenient place!

Tim Pool is reportedly selling his entire Timcast operation to The Daily Wire effective January 1, sources confirmed to Media Right News. One source told Media Right News that a Daily Wire employee has been questioning Timcast employees to determine whether they will be terminated, while a second said it is unclear which employees will retain their positions. Sources spoke on condition of anonymity due to concern of legal reprisals.

The Daily Wire also tried to buy Jordan Peterson, but they learned he had already sold his soul.


Clown World Hates Truthtellers

A senior NHS doctor in the UK had his license to practice medicine removed for “scaremongering”, or to put it more accurately, telling people the truth about the fake Covid-19 “vaccine” and the evil pharmaceutical corporations:

A senior NHS doctor who raised concerns about the safety of Covid vaccines has been struck off the medical register for misconduct after a tribunal described his comments as ‘scaremongering’. A hearing in Manchester concluded that Daniel Armstrong, a 35-year-old consultant psychiatrist, had undermined public health information and confidence in the medical profession after branding pharmaceutical companies ‘evil’.

The decision comes after concerns were raised about a film Armstrong, who was based at based at Northumbria specialist emergency care hospital in Cramlington, published on BitChute. In the footage the consultant identified himself as a doctor before questioning the safety and effectiveness of Covid vaccines, which he claimed were at the heart of a grand deception.

“I am using my doctor title, my registration under the GMC in the UK, to bring you this message about what the truth is, but also highlight the deception,’ Armstrong said in a near two-hour video entitled Navigating the Truth-Deception Reality. ‘We are being lied to on a cosmic scale, a global scale, and there is a huge agenda why they are lying to us. In essence, you know that you were lied to. Whether you took the jab or not, they lied to us all. They said it was safe and effective, and they couldn’t have known whether it was safe or effective. They couldn’t have known after three months. My message is clear to everyone: don’t take any more. You’ve a doctor here, he’s got his licence on the line – given it up. Don’t take any more of the injections. These guys are evil.”

It’s more than a bit late for this sort of thing, considering that others who were disemployed due to their opposition to the vaxx are already being compensated with millions in damages. I would bet that within five years, and quite possibly within two, this doctor is not only going to be reinstated, but is going to be handsomely compensated for his dedication to the truth, unlike the overwhelming majority of his less-courageous colleagues who had to know better, but kept their mouths shut to the detriment of their patients.


Burying the Fraud

John Plaice discovers that the evidence supporting Einstein’s theory of relativity has either gone missing or never existed in the first place.

The Principe team was led by Eddington, in his capacity as director of the Cambridge Observatory. Eddington’s role was largely personal. He understood the theory being tested and was experienced in the type of astrometry required to measure the predicted effect. But his observatory was not known for its expertise in eclipses, and the equipment he used was largely borrowed from the Oxford Observatory. He was accompanied not by one of his own staff but by Cottingham, who was familiar with the equipment to be used, as he counted both the Oxford and Cambridge Observatories among his clients. Cottingham’s role was largely to maintain the equipment in working order at the site. It is probable that Eddington alone handled the data analysis of the Principe expedition. We cannot determine how this was done because none of the data analysis sheets or photographic plates have survived. We do know that Eddington began the data analysis on Principe by himself, so it is almost certain that he continued on his own when back in England.

Wait, what? Neither Eddington’s data analysis sheets nor his photographic plates have survived?

The obscurity of Principe extended further than just the day itself. Eddington began his data reduction alone while still on the island. It is probable that he never enlisted anyone’s help after his return to Cambridge. If he kept any notes or records, they were later lost. Even the plates he took have long since disappeared. They may have been disposed of when the observatory was cleared out after the Second World War. Eddington had passed away, and the university was anxious to remove Winifred, his sister, from the premises in order to rehouse needy academics in the postwar housing shortage. A fellow astronomer called Chubby Stratton was sent in to go through Eddington’s papers and seems to have thrown out a great deal of material, judging by the relatively small amount deposited at the Trinity College Library. Apparently, no one thought the eclipse plates were worth keeping. No one now can examine what Stratton did and second-guess his methods and decisions. In this sense, it is not surprising that doubts have been expressed about Eddington’s results. Apart from what he published, we have nothing else to go on. To be fair, he published in some detail, but it would be nice to have the plates. Apart from the fabulous published images of the prominence, which show no stars because of the clouds, we have no record of the eclipse at Principe other than the data and tables of calculations given in the report.

This is for the observations that proved without a doubt that classical physics was wrong, and made Eddington a star and Einstein a superstar! So today we have no physical evidence that Eddington actually observed what he claimed to have observed.

Based on what we already know about the core falsehoods upon which Clown World has been constructed, I think it is fairly safe to conclude that the theory of relativity will eventually be shown to be not only intrinsically false, but completely impossible, given the way in which the evidence that originally supported it and helped it become established now cannot be produced or reproduced.

But I will defer to the physicists in the community rather than formulating an actual opinion on the subject, since on this topic I have not done the math and I know they have.


Paul Krugman is Done

After 24 years of leading opinions into intellectual dead ends, America’s leading cheerleader for neoconnery and Neo-Keynesian economics is ending his run as a New York Times columnist with an exhibition of the same sort of dishonest cluelessness that rendered him such a helpless punching bag for the entirety of that run.

It’s hard to convey just how good most Americans were feeling in 1999 and early 2000. Polls showed a level of satisfaction with the direction of the country that looks surreal by today’s standards. My sense of what happened in the 2000 election was that many Americans took peace and prosperity for granted, so they voted for the guy who seemed as if he’d be more fun to hang out with.

In Europe, too, things seemed to be going well. In particular, the introduction of the euro in 1999 was widely hailed as a step toward closer political as well as economic integration — toward a United States of Europe, if you like. Some of us ugly Americans had misgivings, but initially they weren’t widely shared.

Still, people were feeling pretty good about the future when I began writing for this paper.

Why did this optimism curdle? As I see it, we’ve had a collapse of trust in elites: The public no longer has faith that the people running things know what they’re doing, or that we can assume that they’re being honest… So is there a way out of the grim place we’re in? What I believe is that while resentment can put bad people in power, in the long run it can’t keep them there. At some point the public will realize that most politicians railing against elites actually are elites in every sense that matters and start to hold them accountable for their failure to deliver on their promises. And at that point the public may be willing to listen to people who don’t try to argue from authority, don’t make false promises, but do try to tell the truth as best they can.

We may never recover the kind of faith in our leaders — belief that people in power generally tell the truth and know what they’re doing — that we used to have. Nor should we. But if we stand up to the kakistocracy — rule by the worst — that’s emerging as we speak, we may eventually find our way back to a better world.

Even at the end of his very undistinguished career, Krugman cannot admit that he and his fellow ethnic elites completely blew the opportunity that their grandfathers and fathers so painstakingly prepared for them. They assumed near-complete control of the most powerful empire the world has ever seen at a time when the rest of the world was still digging itself out of the rubble of WWII, and instead of devoting themselves to the benefit of the American people, spent the last fifty years looting their host nation and abusing their power and their influence in a manner so obviously stupid and short-lived that it’s hard to even describe it as self-serving.

The reason people around the world have lost all faith in elites is the direct result of the complete failure by Krugman and his fellow elitists to govern reasonably, let alone responsibly. Their core assumptions were wrong, their objectives were insane, their policies were societally destructive, and their eventual failure was inevitable.

It’s not so much that Paul Krugman will not be missed. He will not even be remembered.


The Liberal World Order is Over

Viktor Orban is correct, although ironically, it’s the fall of Syria, not Ukraine, that marks the end of the so-called Neo-Liberal Rules-Based World Order:

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has claimed that his country’s refusal to conform to liberal ideology will yield considerable benefits in the future.

“The liberal world order is over,” he declared during a speech in Budapest on Tuesday. The conservative nationalist politician has been in power since 2010, winning successive elections on a platform of defying what he considers to be authoritarian rule by Brussels.

EU leaders have accused Orban of undermining democracy in Hungary and harming the economic bloc’s solidarity on the Ukraine conflict. He has argued that Brussels’ policies have been disastrous for EU member states.

“As the changes come, only those nations can be winners that can bring the most out of themselves,” Orban told a gathering of university students, as quoted by his office. “Those who assimilate, fall into line, are unable to show their own values or discover the strength inherent in their national character will soon become irrelevant.” 

The rapacity with which Israel and Turkey are seizing Syrian territory, and the shamelessness with which the USA refuses to condemn their actions demonstrates that even those countries which are favored by Clown World can’t be bothered to maintain the pretense of what previously passed for “international law” any longer.


Five Lessons for Russia

Simplicius contemplates the lessons to be learned from the collapse of Syria and cites five lessons that the Russians should take from it.


Doom and gloom are somewhat appropriate, but it is more important to think about the future now. What does the fall of Syria tell us?

  1. False Peace is Death. A bad faith ceasefire is a recipe for disaster and after Minsk and Astana should never be repeated. False peace is worse than war, because false peace means you still have to fight the war later, but at a disadvantage. No green busses or green corridors for the enemy, no deescalation zones, no freezing of any lines. The enemy has to be defeated completely: victory is a prerequisite for mercy. Until that is achieved, no ceasefires, only death under FABs.
  2. Collapse is always sudden. The Assad regime resisted NATO-Israeli aggression for 13 years. And then it fell in a week. Mistakes, systemic errors and structural attrition accumulate until a critical mass is reached, and at that point the smallest impact will bring down the entire house of cards. Likewise, our current enemy in the main theater will resist stubbornly, until he will not be able to anymore, and then we will see Big Arrows. All our efforts should be focused on damaging the enemy’s war-waging capabilities to reach that critical point.
  3. Infantry is King. A single full-sized, dependable Russian infantry brigade (or a Ukrainian one, for that matter) would have been able to defeat the Jihadi advance for good. They were completely overstretched and to a large degree their offensive was a bluff that only worked because the SAA didn’t even try to resist, they just ran. We had our own experience with a lack of infantry in the SMO — it led to the Kharkov oblast debacle in fall ’22. No matter what anyone says, no matter what technological advances there are, the infantry unit was and remains the central actor of history, upon which all else depends.
  4. Empire is secondary to the Nation. There was a loud public debate among patriotic circles in Russia when the intervention in Syria began in 2015. Personally, I was opposed to the intervention because it seemed absurd to me to send Russian men to die in a foreign desert while Russian people are suffering under the yoke of Banderite occupation just across the border. We were told by Kremlin propagandists that “Palmyra is a symbol for all mankind” and the Donbass is just, eh, the Donbass. Whatever. Now, Jihadi dogs will get to loot and destroy all that archaeological treasure of all mankind, and we have to fight for the Donbass, anyway. Was it worth it? I have always been staunchly pro-Assad, but a single square mile of Russian land in Novorossiya means more to me than the entire Middle East. A nation should have its priorities in order.
  5. You can’t change nature. Some peoples and countries are just unreliable. They will never have stable polities unless compelled by overwhelming force or foreign occupation. They will never build working institutions on their own. You can’t just offer them a comprehensive reform package and then shrug when they refuse to implement it. They will always be shitty client states if you work with them within a civilized framework. We know how to work around local particularities in other parts of the world, so we should let Middle East policy also be guided by this knowledge. They are not Warsaw Era-pact allies you can let do things on their own.

The most important lesson, of course, is to stop trusting to agreements with the agreement-incapable. The second-most important lesson is to recognize that every state and entity controlled by Clown World is agreement-incapable.


Burning the Village to Save the Village

Clown World is systematically destroying its own justifications for its right to govern the nations, as Simplicius observes in the aftermath of the fall of Syria and the failed presidential coup in South Korea:

The short-term obsessed West considers the various CIA-sponsored subversions of the democratic processes as “winning”: but have these people given any thought to what precedent they’re setting? They are burning their foundations, lighting their entire house on fire. In the hopes of smoking out a few ostensible ‘wasps’ they now stand to destroy their entire order within a generation.

The perception of the West’s miserable ‘Rules Based Order’ will never be repaired after this—the rest of the free world is watching and learning precisely how ‘Rule of Law’ hews to principle; the West will never regain their trust, and its institutions will forever carry the stench and stain of political interference and hidden hatred for true democracy—which has always been a token byword meant to excuse the Western order’s imperialistic overreach.

The Western order has turned into an odor, and the global south can’t pinch its nostrils hard enough.

Long concealed beneath the hypnotic glitz and glam of the hegemon’s ‘magic show’ was that the ‘indivisible’ idol of democracy has always been apportioned into ‘good’ and ‘bad’ forms, as necessity dictates. It was hidden well at one time, with Western leaders who at least made attempts at pretenses to maintain the fable. Now things have spiralled down the drain so quickly that desperate measures are required—with all precautions tossed out with the bath water, to reveal the ugly face of the Western political system kept buried in the ash of its conquests for so long.

In short: they don’t have the time to construct elaborate myths and schemes any longer, instead forced to merely act on instinct to save their foundering empire. But in doing so, they have hastened its decline by revealing just how illiberal and despotic it has been all this time.

It’s hardly news that the neo-liberal rules-based world order is neither liberal nor rules-based, but it is remarkable to see how “democracy” has been redefined to mean “whatever the ruling foreign elite demands” everywhere from Moldova to Ireland.

While this dropping of the democratic veil is a good sign that Clown World’s power and influence are on the wane, as the unexpected fall of the Assad regime in Syria shows, just because a beast is wounded does not mean that it is no longer dangerous.