Simplicius rightly calls out the fake democratic imperialism of Clown World’s European slave-leaders and their woefully misnamed “rules-based order”:
A new speech by Georgian pretender Salome Zourabichvili to the EU Parliament is a must-see. It is the very apotheosis of the Rules Based Order’s terminal decline, on which we’ve enlarged at length here. As things get down to the wire and the European ruling elite squander their mandate from the people, they have no avenue left but to ratchet up totalitarian policies to stay in power—and to keep the system, that interconnected grid of elite deep state power in control. As that occurs, their anti-democratic calls become increasingly naked, as they’re forced to say the quiet parts aloud:
It is in the context of what recently happened in Romania and elsewhere that her speech is seen in its most egregious light. She essentially calls on European powers to intervene in her own country, to act against her own people and government, which she calls illegitimate; for the record she’s now called both the parliamentary and presidential elections illegitimate and has vowed to illegally stay past her deadline.
There are so many outright shockingly hypocritical and treasonous statements it would be too long to list them all. Right from the getgo she blames Russian “imperialistic tendencies” for wanting to influence Georgia, yet almost in the same breath declares that Georgia is a “strategic interest” for Europe, and that Europe should therefore move in to take control of it. Is that not imperialism by the same name?
She goes on along the tack of saying the unspoken by naming every strategic advantage that NATO and the EU would see with Georgia under their control, such as control of the Black Sea, Armenia, the Caucuses, amongst other things.
She hails the illegal nullification of the Romanian election, which is met with resounding applause by the corrupt unelected bureaucrats. And this shows the flagrant corruption of the system—a dying empire seeks only absolute power and expansion at all costs, nothing else matters. Laws, rules, democratic principles are mere frivolities to be used as bargaining chips or talking points as means to an end.
It has become abundantly clear that nothing the Enlightenment promised is real. Every single intellectual pillar upon which it rests, from biology and economics to physics and science, is entirely false. Not misleading or mistaken, entirely and consciously false.
These wicked people aren’t even the atheist materialists they pretend to be!
However, these are dangerous times, because every time The Empire That Never Ended is exposed and overthrown, it lashes out and attempts to do as much damage as it can on the way out. But this time, we have to do a better job of chronicling its evil, in order to avoid future historians crying about the methods required to both repress the evil and unleash positive human potential.
The demographic and economic consequences of the Black Death, which kept populations down and labour scarce well into the 1400s, exacerbated conflict. After about 1470, however, the balancee tilted across Europe. This can be seen most vividly in the consolidation of powerful new monarchies in France, Eland, and Spain… Political consolidation was accompanied by increasingly rigid social hierarchies and a new wave of repression directed against those who diverged from Christian ideals. At the same time, intellectual innovation beginning in Italy transformed education, religion, and eventually elite culture as a whole.
– A Concise History of Switzerland
We’ve seen the dreadful fruits resulting from the rule of an elite that diverged from Christian ideals. That pendulum has already reached its apex, and now it is swinging back toward new political consolidations, increasingly rigid hierarchies, and new waves of repression and intellectual innovation that will, taken in their entirey, have massively positive effects for humanity and the world.
The connection between social discipline and positive social advancement is no different than the one between personal discipline and positive personal improvement. The obese, drugged, immoral, dishonest, society in which we live is the direct result of the West’s abject failure to reject and repress The Empire That Never Ended and its wicked representatives like Salome Zourabichvili. It is the direct result of rejecting the truth and foolishly choosing to believe Clown World’s lies.