The Kiev Regime is Done

And the European Union is officially irrelevant on the global level. It’s not even a genuine regional power. One by one, Clown World regimes are going to fall to the nationalist forces of the populist freedom that the satanic elite has deemed so “extreme” and “dangerous” to itself.

Few have expected the speed with which Zelensky’s regime has worn out its welcome. Now Zelensky has no choice but to cling to his final holdfast of the ever-narrowing and isolated European elite circle, that same Vampire ball which had just gathered in Paris days ago. The European tyrants who have squandered their citizens’ lives, destroying Europe’s future, turning a once bright-and-bustling civilization into a dystopian failed state overrun by migrants and skyrocketing prices—these elites have emerged as the scared, retreating figures now trying desperately to shield Zelensky beneath their skirt as the overwhelming concensus builds to loom deafeningly before them.

The remnants of their dying mass-media organs are stenographing their urgent pleas, trying any angle to save Zelensky from the wood chipper of history. For instance, Newsweek had the gall to pass this embarrassing bout of flatulence off as an ‘article’:

There are concerns that the Ukrainian president could be voted out of office if the country holds an election.

So, there are concerns that democracy could reign in a European country? Yes, we’ve come to learn this has become the gravest concern to this final globalist tyrant holdout of the rotting Brussels regime.

It’s absurd to deny Zelensky’s legitimacy after he literally forewent presidential elections, but it’s not absurd to openly deny the legitimacy of Romanian and Georgian elections with zero evidence of interference? The putrid Eurocrats have lofted to new heights of hypocrisy for all the world to see. Their increasingly shrinking coven becomes less and less relevant by the day, as they destroy the last crumbs of their credibility desperately shielding a blood-soaked despot.

More and more it begins to seem that Trump’s ‘sudden’ flare up against Zelensky has the note of premeditation in it. As I’ve previously posited, it’s possible that Trump has been setting up Ukraine for a fall, but he simply had to prep the ground first, by making reasonable overtures toward peace that he knew all along Zelensky would be incapable of agreeing to or honoring. Now the feigned indignation merely marks the transition to Phase Two of the planned demolition of the deep state’s Ukraine project.

There is a reason Vladimir Putin accurately described Clown World as “an Empire of Lies”. Nothing that the so-called “leaders” of the occupied West, from Germany, France, and the UK to the fake regime of the Six Bidens, ever said was even remotely true. They were, and are, the bad guys. They were the expansionary power with global aspirations. Not Russia. Not China. And now, not the United States.

The sooner Clown World is comprehensively driven back into the shadows, the sooner the American people and the European peoples can be freed from the evil that has oppressed them for the last sixty years.

UPDATE: Even the mainstream media reports that the clowns are in disarray. Imagine how panicked they’ll be when they finally realize Washington isn’t just abandoning the Kiev regime, but Clown World’s entire European project.

The Kremlin has said it ‘absolutely’ agrees with Donald Trump after the US president warned Volodymyr Zelensky to ‘move fast’ to end the conflict in Ukraine – as Europe has been left panicked at the prospect of Washington abandoning Kyiv.

UPDATE: NATO and the EU are dying, they just haven’t stopped thrashing about yet.

We are witnessing history. The post-World War II order with the US ruling the roost is coming unglued. I think this is the beginning of the end for NATO and for the European Union. But the collapse is not imminent. Political and economic chaos are likely to shake the major European countries and create internal pressures in the next two years that will lead the various nations to seek their own path for security outside the confines of NATO or the EU.


They’re Not Independent

Clown World’s propaganda organs in Ukraine and Russia are going under because the USAID money pipeline has been cut off:

The suspension of USAID has had a dramatic effect on both Ukrainian and Russian independent news outlets that relied on the grants to operate and produced work often critical of their governments.
The program that provides billions in U.S. assistance internationally is better known for its humanitarian and medical work, but the funding has also been used for democracy promotion as well as supporting journalism.

Ukraine’s independent media, a collection of small regional outlets, muckraking investigative websites and internet news platforms, have been reeling since the announcement, with some organizations saying that they are just weeks away from slashing staff or closing down entirely.

“We risk losing the achievements of three decades of work and increasing threats to Ukraine’s statehood, democratic values, and pro-Western orientation,” Detector Media, a journalism watchdog, said in a statement on its website last week.

In the immortal words of Chuck D from Public Enemy:

Shut ’em down. Shut ’em down. Shut ’em, shut ’em down.

Shut ’em down. Shut ’em down. Shut ’em, shut ’em down.


The Game was Always Fake

I’ve been telling everyone for decades that what passes for success in Clown World was fake. I knew it for an absolute fact because I saw nobodies, mediocrities, and charlatans becoming stars, celebrities, and millionaires by having one situation after another handed to them for no rational reason that anyone could explain, except occasionally by ethnic nepotism. But even that explanation didn’t, and couldn’t account for much of the fake success.

But now, with the tip of the iceberg that is USAID exposed, we know why and how these talentless mediocrities, from Neil Gaiman and John Scalzi to Jordan Peterson and Ben Shapiro, became “successful”, as /pol/ explains.

I think the biggest takeaway from all this should be for those who’ve been economically and emotionally struggling, particularly white men. The problem isn’t your skills, your looks, your charisma, etc., it’s that you’ve been “competing” in a completely fake illusion world where every enterprise from games to journalism to industry to art museums is getting unlimited money (stolen from you) from the government faucet. And it wasn’t even a faucet, it’s a firehose. Everything from video games to the decor at Pizza Hut was rigged.

Couldn’t find a job? Literally not your fault.
Couldn’t get into college? Literally not your fault.
Couldn’t get a business of the ground? Literally not your fault.
Couldn’t find a girl with values? Literally not your fault.
Couldn’t get a youtube channel to take off? Literally not your fault.

To all the anons reading this, it isn’t your fault. It really was everyone and everything else. You’re not crazy. You’re doing fine. The deck wasn’t just stacked against you, the whole game was fake.

The God-Emperor 2.0 is giving us the great gift of exposing the fraud, and in doing so, we may, for the first time in decades, have the opportunity of a more-or-less-level playing field. So it’s time for us to work even hard and up our games. Remember this? This was the actual site traffic comparison from 2009 to 2021 of one celebrity author upon whom media attention and million-dollar book contracts was lavished (red) and an author who was actively suppressed and deplatformed on every side (blue). And this is what it looks like when the competition is fair, and there isn’t a series of government-funded thumbs on the scale.

Buckle up and get down to business. The winning has barely started.


The End of USAid

It very much appears that one of the financial pipelines to the Globalist agencies around the world is being shut down hard.

All overseas missions for the U.S. Agency for International Development, or USAID, have been ordered to shut down and all staff will be recalled by Friday, multiple sources confirmed to CBS News.

The newly appointed deputy administrator for the agency, Pete Marocco, met with State Department leadership on Tuesday and instructed them to get every USAID employee out of their respective countries worldwide by Friday, according to two sources familiar with the matter. Marocco said that if the State Department did not, the staff would be evacuated by the U.S. military, the sources said.

The agency provides humanitarian aid to more than 100 countries, including disaster relief, health and medical aid, and emergency food programs.

When asked Tuesday whether he would wind down USAID, Trump told reporters, “It sounds like it.”

Very nice. Impressive! Now do the IRS…

In the meantime, those who are ignorantly crying that the President can’t shut down executive branch organizations, which he obviously can since it’s the branch for which he is responsible, also don’t know that USAid was created by Executive Order 10973, and can therefore be shut down by another executive order.


Deep State and Deep Church

Archbishop Vignano calls out two subversive Clown World entities serving Satan and seeking to destroy Mankind: the Deep State and the Deep Church:

Two Subversive Entities

Among the entities that support the globalist agenda for the profits they derive from it in terms of power and money is the deep state, made up of those apparatuses that have embedded themselves within the government and that determine its political action and choices, regardless of the color of the various alternating administrations, acting for their own interests against those of the citizens they claim to serve.

However, there is also what I myself have called the deep church, which is similarly composed of exponents of the Catholic Hierarchy, who after decades of progressive infiltration and occupation have come to take full control of the Catholic Church, along with Jorge Mario Bergoglio. These fifth columns of the globalist elite use their authority for the interests of third parties, in opposition to the glory of God, the honor of the Church, and the good of souls.

These two subversive entities – deep state and deep church, as I recalled in my first Open Letter to President Trump in 2020 (here) – are mirror images and complementary: their members are traitors in the service of illegitimate powers, which we have seen acting in a coordinated way during the pandemic farce, with “green fraud” and trafficking in illegal immigrants. American citizens and faithful Catholics have now understood that the serious social, economic, and religious crisis of the nation has been caused and prepared from afar by the coup of these forces subverting legitimate authority, one in the civil sphere and the other in the religious sphere. Americans have also come to understand that there is a huge difference between the refugee fleeing persecution and an organized mass of adult men of military age, transferred in a systematic way within national borders, who effectively constitute in a contingent of enemy soldiers and a potential threat to national security and the safety of citizens.

The Complicity of the Deep State with the Deep Church

The proof of the complicity between the deep state and the deep church is given not only by the fact that both support the programmatic points of Agenda 2030 because they derive an immediate advantage from them, but also by their mutual unwillingness to accept the reality that a legitimately elected President now desires to concretely implement the commitments he made during his electoral campaign. Their resistance is due to the fact that Trump’s initiatives seek to put an end to the network of interests and profits that they have fraudulently constructed in recent years. It is no mystery that the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) has never – and I repeat: never – raised a penny to fight abortion, but rather has funded with tens of millions of dollars associations that adhere to the Catholic Campaign for Human Development and promote abortion, contraception, and homosexuality. Nor does the USCCB have any qualms about receiving subsidies from the Department of the Treasury for its management of illegal immigration, as its budgets, which are public, prove. And it should be remembered that, in addition to government funds, the USCCB receives funding from institutions and private foundations for the same purposes.

If in fact, as some would have us believe, the Bergoglian Hierarchy truly had at heart the salvation of souls – of all souls, both the souls of US citizens and the souls of the migrants who arrive on US territory – it should be doing what the Catholic Church has already very successfully undertaken in the past: providing for the evangelization, conversion, and religious instruction of these souls. I am thinking, for example, of Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini, the foundress of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the first American citizen to be raised to the honors of the altar. Her work of assistance to immigrants (initially Italians) expanded to include all those in need. She built churches, kindergartens, schools, boarding schools for female students, orphanages, retirement homes for lay and religious women, hospitals, and colleges thanks to the generosity of Catholics. Her example of a true apostolic and missionary spirit has been renounced, and cancel culture, so much in vogue today in the Bergoglian Church, is almost ashamed of the charitable work undertaken by her and other Saints.

The Bergoglian Church is an Accomplice in Ethnic Replacement

In this context, it is dismaying to hear the words of Jorge Mario Bergoglio, who recently stated – referring to Italy but speaking about the entire Western world – that, in the face of demographic decline, the only workable solution is to import immigrants, thus concretizing the ethnic replacement theorized by Kalergi, the pan-European. This proposal is also widely reflected in similar requests from multinational corporations, who see the importation of immigrants as a way to drastically reduce the cost of labor to the detriment of native workers, further increasing their profits. As we can see, Authority is now completely subservient to the diktats of the elite, with the complicity of the mainstream media, even if this leads to a worsening of the social and working conditions of the population. Or rather, it is precisely for this reason, since, as I said, the ultimate goal of this lobby is the extermination of a sizeable portion of the human race.

Make no mistake, every accommodation of the Deep State and the Deep Church is an accommodation with satanry. The civic nationalism of the conservatives is every bit as subversive, and every bit as false, as the globalism of the socialists. Transnationalism is no more legitimate than transgenderism or transracialism.

Never forget the conclusion of the great Israeli historian Martin van Creveld: Immigration is War.


The Corruption Was Worse Than We Imagined

President Trump’s DOGE team discovers that Clown World had a siphon permanently attached to the US Treasury:

The @DOGE team discovered, among other things, that payment approval officers at Treasury were instructed always to approve payments, even to known fraudulent or terrorist groups.

They literally never denied a payment in their entire career.

Not even once.

This is clear and present grounds for declaring martial law. The fact that the Federal government is confirmed to have been paying out money to parties not explicitly authorized to be funded by Congress is far more serious than any border crisis or military invasion.

The Swamp is deeper, though no more evil, than we thought. Perhaps President Trump is capable of doing for America what Putin has done for Russia and Xi has done for China. Remember, China has been waging war against its own Deep State since 2012 and the launch of the anti-corruption campaign. The scale, both in China and the USA, is larger than you can probably conceive.

According to the National Commission of Supervision (NCS), as of last December, China has dealt with 768,000 cases of misconduct and corruption that directly affect people’s livelihoods since the 20th National Congress of the CPC in 2022, with a total of 628,000 people involved in these cases punished and 20,000 people transferred to procuratorial organs.

This is why the media is so panicked about Trump 2.0. The tariffs on Canada and Mexico are only the beginning.


An Intrinsically Uncompetitive Society

The cost of having your society run by nepotistic foreign socio-cultural parasites is the inevitable loss of competitiveness.

It is not surprising really. I am an innovative psychology. You can see how I synthesize stuff here, bringing together Google Streetview and surveillance camera footage, and reveal the surveillance in America as few could. Politics and biology, psychology, I come up with interesting stuff. And when I was just a young lad, I was identified by US Domestic intelligence’s grade school monitoring units as innovative, and their response was to supply me with massive amounts of pornography to try and make me a degenerate. When that was ineffective, they decided to flood in the kids of agents, acting as kid spies to try and beat me down. When that failed, they rolled out honeypots. And when I proved resistant to it all, I believe they rolled out an early version of the Havana Weapon to degrade my health physically.

I do not think I am unique in that regard. I even think there was another kid, maybe brighter than me, and certainly more disciplined and dedicated to academics, who they also beamed into chronic illness to try and clip his wings as well. I would assume that has been going on across the nation, with every young kid who showed an innovative potential, for the last thirty to forty years, as domestic intelligence has tried to make sure nobody could rise too high in society, and maybe oppose it. My guess is, given the granularity of the surveillance, if you ever have a child with real potential, the single biggest threat they will ever face in life will be US domestic intelligence, because the American Stasi will find them, it will view them as a threat, and it will try to destroy them using all the most advanced tools of the CIA. It is just how it works in America now.

As a result, at present, the only chance America has to compete lies with the rubes and imbeciles of the insecure surveillance, and there just are not enough innovators there to keep up with nations like China.

After six decades of fake science, fake literature, fake art, fake genuises, fake 115-average IQs, the financialization of the economy, and the moral and intellectual degradation of the workforce, it is absolutely no surprise that the USA is losing on every side to its global rivals in China and Russia. The fetishization of frauds from Charles Darwin, Albert Einstein, Saul Bellow, and Philip Roth to Jordan Peterson and Ben Shapiro, combined with the suppression and sidelining of the genuine American creative class, has been sufficient to render the USA a global also-ran.

Someone once asked: “Where is America’s Wang Hunin?” Wang, arguably the most observant individual of the 20th Century, rose from a complete nobody who wasn’t even a member of the Chinese Communist Party to the CCP’s chief ideologist solely on the basis of the merit of his prescient observations. Someone else answered: “Living in Europe making comic books.” And while I’m not the equal of Wang Hunin, who saw things 20 years before I did despite being only 13 years older than me, the difference between the way he was embraced and elevated by the Chinese political elite versus the way I was explicitly banished from even the editorial pages at the age of 23 by the US political elite is telling.

The irony is that I’ve been treated with far more respect by the Chinese and Russian state medias than by the ostensibly private medias in the USA and Europe. Pravda used to occasionally run the very syndicated Universal Press column that the newspapers in the USA refused to touch, back when I was warning everyone about the coming financial crisis in 2002. Note that I’m not at all bitter. I caught enough of a glimpse into the US political elite at a young age that I wanted nothing to do with it and I’m quite content with having been sidelined. I like what I’m doing and I harbor zero desire to get involved with The Great Game. But that doesn’t change the effect the sidelining of me and others more talented than me have inevitably had for the last six decades.

So now we have corrupt second-generation mediocrities like Donald Kagan and complete frauds like Elon Musk establishing US geopolitical strategies instead of anyone setting them in the national interests of the American people. As long as we do, China’s triumph is absolutely 100-percent certain no matter what economic or demographic vagaries it might be facing. It’s like seeing one NFL team building a historic staff with Ron Wolf at GM, Bill Belichick as head coach and Andy Reid as the offensive coordinator and the other being run by the historically awful combination of GM Matt Millen, head coach Marty Mornhinweg, and the immortal Brad Childress not calling plays as the offensive coordinator.

The truth always and inevitably wins out over time because the longer the parasitical pretenders have influence in a society, the further from objective reality their policies will reliably guide it. It’s not an accident that everything across the West from AI to zoology has become fake and gay, because convergence toward entropy is the objective. The latest iteration of The Empire That Never Ended will fall again, because it celebrates falsehood and worships evil.


The Deep State Purge

The purge of the Deep State appears to have begun :

President Donald Trump has removed all the White House National Security Council (NSC) detailees and ordered a full review of new incoming staff. Trump’s National Security Advisor Mike Waltz has fired 160 NSC staffers and is conducting a full review of new staff in a bid to retain those aligned with President Trump’s agenda. “National Security Advisor Mike Waltz promised and authorized a full review of NSC personnel,” NSC spokesman Brian Hughes said a statement to the Associated Press.

This also comes after President Trump on Tuesday pulled the security clearances of the 51 former intelligence officials who penned a letter in the days leading up to the 2020 presidential election falsely claiming the Hunter Biden laptop story was “Russian disinformation.”

The so-called intelligence agencies are one obvious manifestation of the enemy, so it’s good that the President is focusing on them. Personally, I think he’d do well to simply shut them down and begin again from scratch, as whatever institutional knowledge and expertise they possess is irretrievably corrupted. And other than the Department of Defense and the Department of the Treasury, there isn’t a single government department that is absolutely necessary for the functioning of the Federal government.

In related news, it’s fascinating to see the international media openly reporting on Operation Northwoods, the Pentagon-approved plan to stage a false flag involving shooting down passenger planes and blowing up a US Navy ship in order to garner support for a war on Cuba which JFK rejected in 1962.

Chilling Pentagon documents may reveal why the ‘Deep State’ has always feared the release of the John F. Kennedy assassination files.

A 12-page report, signed by the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) in 1962, details a secret plan to commit heinous acts against American citizens to justify war with Cuba in the 1960s.

Code-named Operation Northwoods, this top-secret plot proposed enacting terrorism on US cities in a what is known as a ‘false flag operation’, before blaming Cuba in order to fool the Americans into supporting war efforts to oust communist Fidel Castro.

‘We could develop a Communist Cuban terror campaign in the Miami area, in other Florida cities and even in Washington,’ the document states, among dozens of other violent ideas of how to incite American hostility against the island nation.

US officials even proposed killing their own soldiers, writing: ‘We could blow up a US ship in Guantanamo Bay and blame Cuba,’ and, ‘casualty lists in US newspapers would cause a helpful wave of national indignation.’

JFK rejected Operation Northwoods when it came across his desk and was shot. A conspiracy theory surrounding JFK’s assassination claims he was killed by Israel which allegedly controls the US ‘Deep State.’

I wonder when the media is going to stop calling the factual reporting of documented events “conspiracy theory”. At this point, it’s not conspiracy theory, it’s the historical Law of Conspiracy.

LAW OF CONSPIRACY: When there is a contradiction between the official story reported by the mainstream media that exculpates government officials, large corporations, and public figures and an alternative explanation for the same event, the alternative explanation is always and inevitably closer to the truth.


One Pertinent Question

The Band contemplates just how deep the socio-cultural reset of Clown World is going to go:

The question is how deep the conflict goes. The beast system is built on the false materialist dogmas of the post-Enlightenment West. And proven incapable of maintaining a moral sustainable socio-culture. The West was culturally healthy to the extent that social norms were based in traditional Christian and organic values. The atrocities – from apocalyptic wars to rapacious colonialism – were all products of “Enlightened” elites. Cultural degeneration took off when those elite !values seeped into the NPC base code via screens. The pattern reveals the problem. Entropy.

In a fallen world, things that are not actively maintained degenerate. Personal, moral, social, as well as physical. On the socio-cultural level, objective standards – religious and organic – are the active maintenance. Banishing those for subjective relativism because [a human self-actualization chimera that isn’t actually real] guarantees decline.

It’s why The Band is disinterested in historical resets. Without a change in basecode assumptions, it’s just a different spot on the curve to here.

The beast system is the institutional and logistical structure of the West. The House of Lies is the operating system. The vertically integrated cloud of nonsense promulgated through every systemic organ. We separate them for analytic reasons, but the boundary is not that clear in reality. For example, Clown World globalist ideology shapes the beast system by guiding or establishing new institutions and links. How deep the conflict goes refers to how much of this symbiotic knot is under attack.

Low depth is switching some Clown World superficialities without real consequence. The most egregious beclowning is replaced with superficial civnat bromides as veneer over the House of Lies. The beast system isn’t touched at all.

This is the option The Band considered most likely. Early returns indicate this was the wrong call.

Which, I suspect, is a good thing. Not necessarily, and not necessarily leading to a significantly more promising future for our grandchildren, but at least there is some room for optimism going forward.


The Decisive Front of WWIII

Nick Giambruno explains why he believes neither Ukraine nor Taiwan, but Iran, will be the decisive front in the world war that began in 2022.

I believe proxy warfare will likely determine who wins World War 3 and gets to shape the new world order. Proxy wars are a method by which major powers fight their battles indirectly, using smaller nations or groups as stand-ins rather than confronting each other directly. Major powers support, equip, and finance smaller groups or nations in a proxy war to fight against a common adversary. This support can include military training, weapons, funding, and other resources. The critical point is that the major powers do not engage directly in combat.

There are numerous ongoing proxy wars in World War 3.

However, the ones I believe will prove decisive will be in Taiwan, Ukraine, and the Middle East. The other proxy wars are peripheral in comparison. Unlike in Europe (Russia) or East Asia (China), there is no sophisticated nuclear power to deter NATO & Friends from more aggressive military action in the Middle East. Iran is, therefore, the weak link in the BRICS+ alliance to push for a multipolar world order. That’s why I expect NATO & Friends will make their last stand to scuttle the emergence of a multipolar world order and preserve the US-led world order in the Middle East…

Turkey and, by extension, NATO & Friends were popping champagne over Assad’s ouster. But the celebration may end soon as they realize they have bit off more than they can chew.

Turkey, the US, and Israel will be responsible for the chaos that comes out of Syria, which is likely to balkanize with unpredictable results.

In any case, I have little doubt that NATO & Friends will try to use growing Turkish influence as a way to reshape the geopolitical landscape in the Middle East in their favor as the arbitrary lines (imposed by the Sykes-Picot Agreement of a century ago) that define most modern Middle East nation states collapse.

In other words, NATO & Friends want an incipient Neo-Ottoman Empire to be the dominant power in the Middle East. BRICS+ wants Iran to be the dominant regional power. Nobody knows who will prevail in the Middle East and, by extension, WW3. The situation is fluid, volatile, and uncertain.

There is an excellent chance that NATO & Friends will lose in Ukraine and Taiwan. I think that means they will not be able to stop the emergence of a multipolar world order unless they subdue the Middle East. And they can’t do that unless they overthrow the government in Iran.

The fall of Assad is indeed a setback for BRICS+, but not a decisive defeat. If NATO & Friends want a decisive victory in the Middle East, they will need to take out the government in Iran. That’s why I think Iran will be the decisive battlefield of WW3.

It’s not an unreasonable analysis, but I’m not as confident that the Turks, with their desire for a neo-Ottoman empire, as as firmly allied with NATO & Friends as the anti-Syrian alliance made it appear. Turkey has, after all, applied to join BRICS+ and not necessarily as a trojan horse. I suspect that they will align with whichever side appears to be winning, and if both Ukraine and Taiwan are resolved before the Middle East – which one would assume will be the case – then there is a very good chance that Erdogan, or his successor, will take the opportunity to join the winning side and help put the final nail in the rules-based neoliberal world order.

I also think Japan and Korea will prove to be significant players, as I expect the Japanese to ultimately side with the Chinese in an attempt to escape their ongoing occupation by the US military. But the truth is that no one knows, no matter how persuasively they support their predictions.